Tag: 3SI

  • August 1, 2023 UPDATE

    August 1, 2023 UPDATE

    FOODSTUFFS The markup for 14 categories of
    foodstuffs is curbed for a limited period of three months under a
    government order passed in late June. Prices for dairy products, meat,
    vegetable and fruit are therefore expected to go down. Farmers will not have to
    set a cap on prices, government officials say. Failure to observe the new
    legislation will incur fines up to EUR 400,000.

    VEHICLES The local segment of the car
    scrapping programme Rablaˮ started in Romania, in an effort to get
    heavily polluting vehicles out of circulation. Apart from the funds provided by
    the Environment Ministry, local authorities contribute 20% of the vouchers
    granted to citizens who de-register cars older than 15 years. In a first stage
    in April, town halls enrolled in this programme, and between August 1 and 31
    citizens may apply for the funds available in the programme. The number of
    beneficiaries for each administrative unit was set according to its population.
    The programme was originally scheduled for 2022, but it was postponed several

    3SI Bucharest will host a new summit of the
    Three Seas Initiative (3SI) on September 6, held under the high patronage of
    president Klaus Iohannis. The summit will be followed by a 3SI Business Forum.
    Attending will be Senate Speaker Nicolae Ciucă and Prime Minister Marcel
    Ciolacu. The 3SI brings together 12 EU member states from the Baltic, Black and
    Adriatic Seas – Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia,
    Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia. Political
    and economic support for Ukraine will rank high on the summit’s agenda.

    FORESTS The surface areas in Romania where forest
    clearing is banned will be increased approx. 10 fold, to nearly half of
    Romania’s forests, the environment minister Mircea Fechet announced at a press
    conference releasing the new draft Forestry Code for public consultation. The
    document will enable the government to take over the task of reforesting land
    that has been cleared and subsequently abandoned by its owners. Concurrently,
    the Criminal Code will also be amended, to include penalties of up to 5 years
    of imprisonment for false statements concerning the transport of wood. Vehicles
    that carry wood illegally will also be seized. An updated Forestry Code is
    necessary given the infringement procedure initiated by the European Commission
    against Romania for failure to meet its environment protection obligations. Critics
    warn however that the bill might have the exact opposite effect to the desired

    TENNIS Romania currently has 4 athletes among
    the WTA top 100 players. Sorana Cîrstea stays on the 32nd position
    and Irina Begu on 41st. Ana Bogdan has lost 8 places and currently
    ranks 47th. Simona Halep, who was provisionally suspended after
    testing positive for a prohibited substance at the US Open in 2022, dropped 2
    places, to 56. In the doubles ranking, Gabriela Ruse and Monica Niculescu keep
    their positions as 39th and 48th players in the world,
    respectively. (AMP)

  • Semnal editorial: În așteptarea Summitului din 2023 al Inițiativei celor Trei Mări

    Semnal editorial: În așteptarea Summitului din 2023 al Inițiativei celor Trei Mări

    Institutul European din România este încântat să
    anunțe publicarea unui nou material colectiv în cadrul colecției sale de
    microstudii, cu titlul:
    În așteptarea Summitului din 2023 al
    Inițiativei celor Trei Mări, organizat la București. Avansarea agendei comune
    Acest demers științific se bazează pe faptul că România va fi primul stat
    membru al 3SI care va găzdui pentru a doua oară un Summit, precum și Forumul de
    Afaceri al acestui format, în luna septembrie a acestui an.

    Structurat în trei părți, documentul oferă
    cititorilor posibilitatea de se a informa cu privire la: modul în care analiști
    din statele membre văd această inițiativă, evaluarea inițiativei de către posibilii
    parteneri, respectiv care sunt perspectivele acestui demers conform unor
    experți români. În cadrul studiului se regăsesc contribuțiile unui număr de 25
    de experți din Austria, Bulgaria, Cehia,
    Croația, Letonia, Lituania, Polonia, Slovacia, Ungaria, Georgia, Grecia,
    Republica Moldova, Ucraina și România.

    Vă invităm să accesați textul integral al
    studiului aici.

    (Mihaela-Adriana Pădureanu, expert, Serviciul Studii Europene)

  • Hăbări ditu bana românească şi internaţională

    Hăbări ditu bana românească şi internaţională

    3SI — Prezidentul ali României, Klaus Iohannis, llia parti adză la atea di a VII-a ediție a Three Seas Initiative Summit și la a IV-a ediție a Three Seas Initiative Business Forum, dauli cu nicukiru tru Riga, Letonia. Lidirllii a statelor participante la 3SI va s’facă isapi ti abordările actualului cadru di securitate ditu Europa tru contextul polimlui dituUcraina. Participanțăllii va să zburască, tutunăoară, ti contribuția Inițiativei Trei Amări prin implementarea proiectelor strateghiti di interconectare tru ateali trei sectoare clleaie ale 3SI: transport, energie și infrastructură digitală. Uidisitu cu prezidinţillea ali Românie, prezidintul Klaus Iohannis năpoi adusi aminti ti agiutorlu ali Românie tră Ucraina em la nivel bilateral, em la nivel multilateral. Tutunăoară, Klaus Iohannis va cundilleadză importanța mutrinda darea agiutorlui ti Republicii Moldova, Georgiei și Ucrainei tru gaereţllor di adirare la Uniunea Europeană. Inițiativa Trei Amări easti ună platformă politică cari adună 12 state membre ale UE ţi suntu anamisa di Amarea Adriatică, Amarea Baltică și Amarea Lae.

    ANDAMASEA – Miniștrilli di externe ali UE s’andămusescu adză Luxemburg tră să zburască turliili mutrinda scutearea milioane di tonuri di yiptu ditu Ucraina. Tru aestu kiro, Ucraina nu poate s’exporta yiptul a llei di itia a blocadăllei arusești ditu Amarea Lae. Ucraina easti unu di tu nai mărlli exportatori di yiptu ditu lume. Pisti 20 di milioane di tonuri di yiptu sunt stocate tru aestu kiro tru silozuri di itoa a invaziillei aruse. Moscova neagă iţi responsabilitate tră criza alimentară și spuni că sancțiunile occidintale suntu responsabile tră creaștirea a păhadzloru la alimente la nivel global și tră dificitlu di alimente tru țările sumdizvoltate cari au la thimelliu importurile di yipturi.

    ARIFUGAT — Inspectoratlu Polițiillei di Frontieră a dimăndă că 9.231 di cetățeni ucraineni intrară dumănică tru România, tru scădiare cu 15% andicra di dzua di ma ninti. Aproximativ 1,2 miliuñî di arifugaţ ucraineni intrară tru România di la ahuhrita a polimlui ditu Ucraina, pi 24 di şcurtu. Tru un mesaj di marcari a Zilei Mondiale a Arifugaţloru ditu 20 di cirişaru, premierlu Nicolae Ciucă aduţi aminti că România spusi solidaritate cu arifugațllii ucraineni și va lă ndreagă ma largu tuti condiţiile ţi suntu ananghi tră asigurarea integrarillei a lor sociale şi economice. Premierul nica spusi că, ditu numirlu total di arifugați ucraineni cari intrară tru România, 80.000 aleapsiră s’armână, optânda tră protecția și securitatea pi cari România u da.

    BACALAUREAT – Probili scrise a examenlui di Bacalaureat suntu programate stămâna aesta. Pisti 126 di ñilli di absolvență di liceu s-ngrăpsiră la examen, nai ma ñîcu numiru raportat di la revoluția anticomunistă ditu1989. Elevllii ţănură adză proba di limba și literatura română. Mâni va s’da examenlu di specialitate, iara miercuri va s’da examenul la ună materie la alidzeari. Gioi, elevii aparținânda a minorităților naționale va s’da testul di limba maternă.

    ALEIDZERLI DITU FRANTA – Suţata Alianței Prezidințiale centru-liberale! kiru majoritatea absolută tru Assemblée Nationale, dupu doilu tur di scrutin di dumănică a alidzerloru legislative. Coaliția al Emmanuel Macron amintă 245 di locuri, cu 40 di locuri până la amintarea a majoritatillei absoluti. Ansamblu! Va s’ampulisească cu dauă forțe di opoziție: alianța di stânga NUPES, adrată ditu partidile comunist, veardi și socialist, cari amintară 135 di locuri, și partidlu di extremă dreapta Miting Național condus di Marine Le Pen, cari amintă ca ti ciudie 89 di locuri. Neise, Ansamblu! ari dauă opțiuni: s’adară un guvern minoritar ică ună coaliție guvernamentală cu dreapta tradițională, cari amintă 61 di locuri. Cara niţi ună di tu cearei nu funcționeadză, criza politică cari vini poati s-lu facă pi prezidintu s’dizolvă Parlamentul și să organizeadză alidzeri ninti di kiro.

    Autoru: Udălu a hăbărloru

    Armânipsearea: Taşcu Lala

  • June 18, 2022

    June 18, 2022

    3SI – Romania’s president, Klaus Iohannis, will attend the 7th
    edition of the Three Seas Initiative Summit and the 4th edition of
    the Three Seas Initiative Business Forum, both hosted by Riga, Latvia on
    Monday. Leaders of 3SI participant states will look at approaches to the
    current security framework in Europe in the context of the war in Ukraine.
    Participants will also discuss the contribution of the Three Seas Initiative by
    implementing strategic interconnection projects in the three key sectors of 3SI:
    transport, energy and digital infrastructure. According to the Romanian
    presidency, president Klaus Iohannis will reiterate Romania’s support for
    Ukraine at both bilateral and multilateral levels. At the same time, Klaus
    Iohannis will highlight the importance of providing the Republic of Moldova,
    Georgia and Ukraine with support in their efforts to join the European Union.
    The Three Seas Initiative is a political platform bringing together 12 EU
    Member States located between the Adriatic, Baltic and Black Seas.

    REFUGEES – The Police General Inspectorate announced that 9,147
    Ukrainian citizens entered Romania on Friday, down by 6% compared to the
    previous day. Since the start of the war in neighboring Ukraine on February 24,
    some 1.2 million refugees have entered the country. On the other hand,
    Bucharest has joined European cities hosting charity concerts designed to raise
    funds to provide medical equipment to hospitals in Ukraine and support artists
    in this country. The main squares in capitals or cities in Poland, the Czech
    Republic, Austria, Germany, Italy or Spain were redesigned to host cultural
    events. In Bucharest, a stage was set up in George Enescu square on Saturday to
    host a concert.

    MOLDOVA – A joint session of the Romanian and Moldovan Parliaments
    was held on Saturday in Chișinău.
    This is the first time such an event takes place. Romanian and Moldovan MPs
    conveyed a joint message in support of Moldova being granted EU candidate
    status. Attending the meeting was Moldova’s president, Maia Sandu, who
    expressed hope Moldova should be granted EU candidate status. In response to
    Friday’s recommendation issued by the European Commission, president Sandu says
    the candidate status will represent a long-expected result, and that Chișinău will rely on Bucharest’s
    support while moving forward. The future of the Republic of Moldova is in the
    great European family, and Romania is and will be Moldova’s most trusted
    partner, the speaker of the Romanian Senate, Florin Cîțu, said in turn. The
    speaker of the Romanian Chamber of Deputies, Marcel Ciolacu, also said Romania
    and the Republic of Moldova must work together to ensure better living
    standards for their citizens.

    FRANCE – This weekend will see the second round of legislative elections
    taking place in France. On Saturday, French citizens in overseas territories
    and living abroad will be able to cast their votes, while citizens in
    continental France will hit polling stations on Saturday. The vote will
    determine the balance of power in the Assemblée Nationale, between the presidential
    coalition Ensemble! and the left-wing alliance NUPES. None of the two
    election blocs managed to secure absolute majority in the French Parliament,
    thus extending uncertainty over the future government. Led by Jean-Luc
    Mélenchon, NUPES grabbed good scores in the first round, as did Marine Le Pen’s
    National Rally. The two parties hope to prevent Emmanuel Macron from securing a
    Parliament majority that would help him implement his agenda.

    TIFF – The city of Cluj-Napoca in northwestern Romania is hosting
    the Transylvania International Film Festival (TIFF). This year’s edition
    started with a special screening of one of the most anticipated films of the
    year, The Janes, a story about a few
    courageous women who changed the world. Late on Friday night, pop vocalist
    Corina Chiriac gave a concert. Running until June 26, TIFF will consist of 350
    screenings in Cluj, which UNESCO designated City of Film. Dozens of Romanian
    and foreign guests from the world of cinematography are expected to attend the
    2022 edition.

    – 12 athletes are representing Romania in the World Aerobic Gymnastics
    Championships hosted by Guimarães,
    Portugal over June 16-18. On Friday, Romania won silver in the team event. Also
    on Friday, in the trio event, the team made up of Gabriel Bocşer, Miruna
    Iordache and Daniel Ţavoc
    ranked fourth, while the team made up of Claudia Gheorghe, Leonard Manta and
    Antonio Surdu finished in 7th place.

    TENNIS -
    Romanian tennis players Sorana Cîrstea and Simona Halep are today competing in
    the semi-finals of the WTA 250 tournament in Birmingham, totaling some 250
    thousand dollars in prizes. In the first semi-final, Cîrstea will take on Shuai Zhang of China, the
    competition’s eighth seed. In the second semi-final, Simona Halep will
    go up against Beatriz Haddad Maia of Brazil. (VP)

  • July 9, 2021

    July 9, 2021

    COVID-19 ROMANIA – The Government has extended the state of alert for another
    30 days, starting July 12. Pre-emptive and control measures remain in place,
    with a few modifications, the most important of which is the extension from 90
    to 180 days of the period of exemption from these measures for those people
    who’ve had the disease. On the other hand, the head of the vaccination
    campaign, medical doctor Valeriu Gheorghiţă, warned that, starting next month,
    Romania could face a resurge in the number of COVID infections due to the new
    Delta strain, calling again on the population to get the jab. Since the start
    of the vaccination campaign, nearly 4.8 million people have received the COVID
    vaccine, of whom 4.6 million have completed the full vaccination scheme. In the
    last 24 hours, 54 new infections have been reported in addition to 1 related death.
    58 patients are in intensive care.

    3SI – Romania remains firmly
    committed in the Three Seas Initiative by means of pragmatic actions,
    supporting clear-cut solutions to curb delays and consolidating resilience in
    the region, president Klaus Iohannis said on the sidelines of the Three Seas
    Initiative (3SI) summit in Bulgaria, bringing together 12 EU Member States from
    the Baltic, Adriatic and Black seas. The president referred to the special
    attention Romania pays to the Rail-2-Sea and Via Carpathia projects,
    describing them as concrete initiatives of major economic consequence and real
    strategic value for the region. Developing the parliamentary, local and
    regional components of 3SI, in addition to inter-government cooperation, is
    most welcome. The ultimate goal of all these efforts remains the thorough implementation
    of interconnection projects of strategic priority in three key areas -
    transport, energy and digitization, president Iohannis said. The Romanian head
    of state also recalled the inauguration on May 31 of the Euro-Atlantic
    Resilience Center in Bucharest, which will help fulfill the strategic goal of
    building resilience. Against this backdrop, the growing interest of an
    increasing number of states in the trans-Atlantic community for the
    Initiative’s activities comes as no surprise, and Romania welcomes and supports
    it, president Iohannis went on to say.

    EXPLOSION – The blast at AzoMureş Chemical Plant in Târgu Mureş, which slightly
    injured one person, could not be prevented, according to a preliminary report
    of the investigation. A mixed commission is investigating the circumstances of
    the incident. The authorities gave assurances that the blast did not put the
    population in danger, as air quality measurements have detected no ammoniac
    emissions. According to preliminary reports, a crack in one of the gas pipes
    triggered the explosion and the ensuing fire. The last technical checkup was
    performed in 2013, and the pipe was due to undergo an inspection in 2022.

    REAGENTS – A large number of lab tests carried out in
    recent years in Romania could be inaccurate, after state and privately-run
    pathology labs used non-compliant reagents. The Prosecutor’s Office with the
    Bucharest Tribunal has launched an investigation, which has so far revealed
    that, starting 2017, representatives of a company trading reagents and medical
    equipment deliberately misinformed its trade partners over the quality of its
    products. The company owned, produced and sold toxic products and chemicals
    used in the medical sector, without being licensed to carry out such
    activities. Nearly 20 searches were made in Bucharest and three counties as
    part of the investigation. The company faces possible charges of racketeering
    and illegal use of toxic chemicals for medical use.

    FITS – The International Theatre Festival in Sibiu (FITS),
    one of the most acclaimed festivals in the world devoted to performing arts,
    will take place over August 20-29. Over 600 events organized by artists from 37
    countries across all continents will be presented to the public as part of the
    most complex edition held so far, organizers say. Themed Building hope
    together, this year’s festival will unfold with physical attendance, in hybrid
    format and online. Organizers have prepared theatre plays, dance performances,
    circus shows, film screenings, musicals, opera concerts, book launches,
    conferences, exhibitions, music concerts and street performances. Israel Galván Company, Charlotte
    Rampling, Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre, Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company, María
    Pagés Compańía are but some of the big names and foreign companies taking parts
    in FITS 2021.

    OLYMPICS – Postponed a year ago
    due to the COVID pandemic, the 2020 Tokyo Olympics in Japan will go down in
    history as the first Olympic competition to take place without crowd
    attendance. The measure follows after the Japanese Government declared a state
    of emergency until August 22. The Olympic Games start on July 23 and end on
    August 8. A little over 15% of Japan’s population has been immunized so far,
    although experts fear the Delta strain might trigger a new wave that could add
    further strain on hospitals. The Olympic torch arrived today in Tokyo as part
    of a restricted ceremony hosted on an empty stadium, and was handed over to the
    Governor of Tokyo, Yuriko Koike. (VP)