Tag: 95

  • Radio Romania Awards Gala

    Radio Romania Awards Gala

    On November 1, Radio Romania celebrated 95 years since
    its first live broadcast. It happened in 1928, at 5 pm, when the announcement Hello,
    this is Radio Bucharest made by the then president of the Radio Telephonic
    Broadcasting Corporation, the physicist Dragomir Hurmuzescu, was first aired.

    This Wednesday, the moment of the first broadcast by
    the public radio was symbolically honoured at 5 pm in the first Radio Romania
    Gala, which awarded excellence in 12 fields, ranging from arts and culture,
    innovation and science, education, to multiculturalism and healthcare.

    In the categories Environment and Local Initiatives,
    the awards went to the foundation set up by the late great athlete Ivan
    Patzaichin. Coming on stage to receive the trophies was his daughter, Ivona

    Ivona Patzaichin: This is a project started by my
    father, and called Pathfinders of the Waters. We have recently won a Europa
    Nostra award for the same project. It is one of our dearest projects, and we
    aim to teach children to use what they studied in school in building
    traditional canoes.

    In the Romania’s Ambassadors section, the winner was
    the conductor Cristian Măcelaru, while in the Arts and Culture section the
    award went to Constantin Chiriac, the director of the Sibiu International
    Theatre Festival:

    Constantin Chiriac: This is what Radio Romania
    has been doing for 95 years: saying good morning, good day, good night to all
    Romanians and all our friends in the world. Happy birthday, Radio Romania!

    The award for Innovation and Science went to Sergiu
    Paşca, a psychiatry and behavioural sciences professor at Stanford University,
    in the US. Tăşuleasa Association was honoured with an award in the
    Multiculturalism section, for its project Via Transilvanica.Another association, Dăruieşte Viaţă, was awarded
    twice for its efforts to build the first major child oncology hospital in
    Romania, financed exclusively from private funds and donations. And in the
    sports category, Radio Romania honoured David Popovici, the first Romanian
    swimmer to win a world title in the 100m freestyle event, and representing a
    new generation of Romanian swimming achievers.

    At the end of the gala, the president and director
    general of the Romanian Radio Broadcasting Corporation Răzvan Ioan Dincă introduced
    the Radio Romania app:

    Răzvan Ioan Dincă: Today we have launched the Radio
    Romania app, and I am told by those who created it, Radio Romania’s Digital
    Media team, that it has already been downloaded by over 1,000 people. So check
    out the app!

    The Radio Romania Gala also featured popular Romanian
    artists who performed music pieces rearranged especially for this event by the
    Radio Big Band. (AMP)

  • Le Gala Radio Romanie, 95ème anniversaire de la première diffusion en directe

    Le Gala Radio Romanie, 95ème anniversaire de la première diffusion en directe

    Le 1er novembre, Radio Roumanie a célébré les
    95 ans de sa première transmission en direct. Cet événement s’est produit en
    1928, à 17h00, lorsque l’annonce « Bonjour, ici Radio Bucarest » a
    été entendue sur les ondes, prononcée par le président de la Société de
    diffusion radiotéléphonique de l’époque, le physicien Dragomir Hurmuzescu. Mercredi
    dernier, ce moment de première transmission de la Radio Publique a été honoré,
    commençant – symboliquement ! – à 17h00, dans le cadre du premier Gala de
    Radio Roumanie, qui récompense l’excellence. Le Gala a regroupé 60 nominations
    exceptionnelles dans 12 domaines d’activité. La culture et les arts,
    l’éducation, l’innovation et la science, le multiculturalisme et la santé -
    voilà les ingrédients de cet événement historique.

    La Fondation créée par le regretté sportif de renom Ivan
    Patzaichin a remporté le prix de la catégorie Environnement et Initiative
    locale. La fille du sportif, Ivona Patzaichin, est montée sur scène pour
    recevoir les trophées de Radio Roumanie :

    « « Les
    guides des eaux », « Călăuzele Apelor » en roumain, est un
    projet lancé par mon père. Je viens de remporter le prix « Europa Nostra »,
    pour ce projet. C’est notre projet bien aimé. Nous souhaitons encourager les
    enfants à mettre en pratique ce qu’ils apprennent à l’école en construisant des
    « canotci », (note de la rédaction, soit l’invention d’Ivan
    Patzaichin, une combinaison d’un canoë et d’un canot). »

    Le chef d’orchestre Cristian Măcelaru a été nommé lauréat
    de la section des Ambassadeurs de Roumanie. Quant à la section Culture et Arts,
    c’est Constantin Chiriac, directeur du Festival international de théâtre de
    Sibiu (dans le centre du pays) qui a remporté le prix :

    « C’est
    ce que la Radio Roumaine fait depuis 95 ans : elle dit bonjour, bon
    après-midi, bonsoir à tous les Roumains et aux chers peuples du monde. Joyeux
    anniversaire, Radio Roumanie ! »

    L’Association « Tăşuleasa » a eu l’honneur de
    remporter le prix de la section Multiculturalité pour le projet « Via
    Transilvanica ». Sergiu Paşca, enseignant en psychiatrie et sciences du
    comportement à l’Université Stanford des Etats-Unis a remporté le prix de l’Innovation
    et Science.

    L’Association « Offre de la Vie » (Dăruieşte
    Viaţă) a remporté un double prix pour ses efforts de construire le premier
    grand hôpital de Roumanie d’oncologie pédiatrique, financé exclusivement par
    des fonds privés et des dons.

    Quant à la catégorie Sport, David Popovici, le premier nageur
    roumain à avoir remporté le championnat du monde à l’épreuve de 100 m nage
    libre, a été récompensé du prix Radio Romanie.

    A la fin du Gala, le Président directeur général de la
    Société Roumanie de Radiodiffusion, Răzvan Ioan Dincă, a présenté en avant première
    l’application Radio Roumanie.

    « Aujourd’hui
    nous avons lancé l’application Radio Roumanie et je viens d’apprendre de
    l’équipe qui l’a créé, Digital Media Radio Roumanie, qu’elle a déjà été
    téléchargée par plus d’un millier d’utilisateurs. Alors, regardez cette
    application »

    Des artistes appréciés sont aussi montés sur la scène
    du Gala Radio Roumanie. Ils ont interprété des chansons réorchestrés
    spécialement pour l’événement par le Big Band de la Radio.

  • November 1, 2023 UPDATE

    November 1, 2023 UPDATE

    TAXATION Some of the new fiscal measures aimed
    at reducing the budget deficit in Romania came into force on Wednesday. Under
    the law for which the Government has assumed responsibility in Parliament, personnel
    in the IT sector will pay an income tax for amounts exceeding EUR 2,000 per month. Local
    public institutions and authorities cannot use public funds for the organisation
    of community events, such as festivals, concerts, local competitions or other
    themed celebrations. Other fiscal measures, such as the introduction of new
    taxes for SMEs and the payment of health insurance contributions for the value
    of meal vouchers, will take effect on January 1, 2024. The measures run counter
    to many entrepreneurs’ interests. At a conference on this topic, organised by
    the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania, the participants argued that in
    order to contain the budget deficit, top priority measures should include combating
    tax evasion, improving revenue collection and improving the work of the Tax
    Office. The President of the Chamber, Mihai Daraban, said that the government
    now has more options available before attacking the business community.

    PENSIONS In Romania, a draft pensions law has been posted for public
    review on the Labour Ministry’s website. The document was approved by the
    ruling coalition, and the government is seeking to have it endorsed under an
    emergency procedure by the end of this month. Under the new legislation, all
    pension benefits will be adjusted to the annual inflation rate, and will be
    re-calculated based on a new formula. No benefits will be lower than they are
    at present, the PM Marcel Ciolacu promised after a meeting of the ruling
    coalition. The minimum contribution period will be 15 years, and the maximum
    period 35 years, with bonuses given for workplace stability. According to the
    Prime Minister, pensions will be raised in 2 stages next year, on January 1 and
    on September 1, respectively.

    DONATION The first F16 fighter jets that the
    Netherlands will donate to Ukraine will arrive at a training center set up in
    Romania in two weeks, the Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte announced. He emphasised
    that the current situation in the Middle East should not and will not be able
    to distract the Netherlands from the fight of the Ukrainians against the
    Russian aggression. Denmark, Norway and Belgium have also announced that they
    will supply Ukraine with F16 aircraft.

    FOOTBALL The match between the national
    football teams of Israel and Romania, in the EURO 2024 Qualifying Group I, will
    take place in Hungary, the Romanian football federation announced. The game
    will be played on November 18, in Felcsut, approximately 50 kilometers from
    Budapest. UEFA stated that the presence of spectators will be
    allowed. Previously, the organisation had decided to suspend all matches scheduled
    in Israel, because of the armed conflict there. After the match against Israel,
    Romania is to meet Switzerland, on November 21, in Bucharest. After eight
    games, Romania is undefeated and ranks first in the group, with 16 points.
    Switzerland (15 points) and Israel (11 points) have played one match and two
    matches less, respectively. The two top-ranking teams go to the final
    tournament in Germany. Romania has not reached a European championship final
    tournament since 2016, and a World Cup since 1998.

    RADIO Radio Romania celebrated 95 years of uninterrupted broadcasting.
    In recognition of the critical role that Radio Romania has in Romania’s
    history, in December 2019 Parliament decided to establish November 1 as the
    National Radio Day. Over three million people listen to Radio Romania every
    day. Public institutions, NGOs, major personalities in Romania’s arts and
    cultural scene have congratulated Radio Romania on the occasion. PM Marcel Ciolacu pointed
    out that for 95 years, the public radio broadcaster has been a source of
    information and education for generations of listeners, while the Senate
    speaker Nicolae Ciucă said that Radio Romania has been promoting Romanian
    traditions and values for nearly a century and deserves recognition for its
    efforts in this respect. The president of the Romanian Academy Ioan-Aurel Pop
    also congratulated the Romanian Radio Broadcasting Corporation, which, he said,
    has been a witness to all the milestones in Romanian history. In Timişoara,
    this year’s European Capital of Culture, the Gaudeamus Radio Romania Book Fair takes
    place until November 5. On Friday, November 3, an anniversary concert of the
    National Radio Orchestra is scheduled, and between November 22 and 26, a new
    edition of the Gaudeamus Radio Romania Book Fair, the longest-running project
    of its kind in the country, will be organised at the Romexpo exhibition centre
    in Bucharest. (AMP)

  • Desde Rumanía hacia el mundo: La Radio rumana cumple 95 años

    Desde Rumanía hacia el mundo: La Radio rumana cumple 95 años

    Radio Rumanía celebra su 95 aniversario.Y lo hará con un evento excepcional:

    La Gala de Radio Rumanía representa un homenaje a la actuación individual y colectiva en la construcción de nuestra identidad y presenta 60 nominaciones destacadas en 12 campos de actividad. Desde Cultura y Artes, Educación, Innovación y Ciencias, Multiculturalismo, Salud, Medio Ambiente, hasta Campañas Sociales, Iniciativas Locales, Tradiciones y Folclore, Emprendimiento, Deportes y Embajadores rumanos, cada categoría honrará las importantes contribuciones realizadas en ese campo.

    En los 95 años transcurridos desde su creación, Radio Rumanía ha sido testigo de transformaciones políticas, históricas que experimentó nuestro país.Ha atravesado la época de la realeza, la Segunda Guerra Mundial, el régimen totalitario comunista – y sobre todo el periodo cuando Rumania supo, y tuvo la fuerza para recuperar los valores democráticos, integrándose a las instituciones europeas y la OTAN.