Tag: Afrojack

  • UNTOLD 2017

    UNTOLD 2017

    Untold, Romania’s largest music festival comes back to Cluj Napoca with its third edition due over August the 3rd and 6th. In spite of being only at its third edition, Untold has quickly managed to turn into an international phenomenon and one of Europe’s most desired musical events.

    At its very first edition in 2015 Untold was declared the best music festival in Europe and in 2016 it became a real success with over 300,000 participants from Romania and abroad. This year too, tens of thousands of spectators in various age brackets are expected to attend the prestigious event, which brings together the world’s best DJs, such as Armin van Buuren, Afrojack, Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike.

    Roughly 200 artists will be performing on the festival’s ten stages, whose organizers promise almost 100 hours of hot music as well as many new experiences. The main stage, which has been dubbed ‘The Dragon’s Nest’, is the largest in Romania, being 100 meters in width and over 35 meters in height.

    Among the surprises prepared by the organizers there is ‘The Dragon’s Eye’, which is a Ferris Wheel 40 meters high which offers the participants a better view of the Untold realm. The festival is taking place in the centre of Cluj Napoca, a city in northwestern Romania, in its Central Park, the Cluj Arena Stadium and in the city’s Polyvalent Hall.

    The participants have this year been offered the chance of getting a glimpse of Transylvania with Transylvania All Inclusive where they can discover traditional motifs, admire traditional costumes and taste local cuisine. The festival also has spaces allotted to fantasy and creativity such as tattoo workshops and accessory stands, which enable the participants to become part of the story. The Romanian fashion designers are also ready to show off their collections during the festival and so are the local make-up artists and hair-stylists.

    The festival atmosphere is completed by stilt walkers, clowns and magicians. And because the weathermen have forecast hot days during the festival, several trucks loaded with water bottles and tons of ice have been made available for the participants. Over 12 hundred gendarme troops, riot police, doctors and pilots of the local special aviation unit have been deployed to supervise the good functioning of the festival. Furthermore 650 security guards are also to contribute to the festival’s protection and security until its end on Monday morning.

  • UNTOLD 2017

    UNTOLD 2017

    Untold, Romania’s largest music festival comes back to Cluj Napoca with its third edition due over August the 3rd and 6th. In spite of being only at its third edition, Untold has quickly managed to turn into an international phenomenon and one of Europe’s most desired musical events.

    At its very first edition in 2015 Untold was declared the best music festival in Europe and in 2016 it became a real success with over 300,000 participants from Romania and abroad. This year too, tens of thousands of spectators in various age brackets are expected to attend the prestigious event, which brings together the world’s best DJs, such as Armin van Buuren, Afrojack, Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike.

    Roughly 200 artists will be performing on the festival’s ten stages, whose organizers promise almost 100 hours of hot music as well as many new experiences. The main stage, which has been dubbed ‘The Dragon’s Nest’, is the largest in Romania, being 100 meters in width and over 35 meters in height.

    Among the surprises prepared by the organizers there is ‘The Dragon’s Eye’, which is a Ferris Wheel 40 meters high which offers the participants a better view of the Untold realm. The festival is taking place in the centre of Cluj Napoca, a city in northwestern Romania, in its Central Park, the Cluj Arena Stadium and in the city’s Polyvalent Hall.

    The participants have this year been offered the chance of getting a glimpse of Transylvania with Transylvania All Inclusive where they can discover traditional motifs, admire traditional costumes and taste local cuisine. The festival also has spaces allotted to fantasy and creativity such as tattoo workshops and accessory stands, which enable the participants to become part of the story. The Romanian fashion designers are also ready to show off their collections during the festival and so are the local make-up artists and hair-stylists.

    The festival atmosphere is completed by stilt walkers, clowns and magicians. And because the weathermen have forecast hot days during the festival, several trucks loaded with water bottles and tons of ice have been made available for the participants. Over 12 hundred gendarme troops, riot police, doctors and pilots of the local special aviation unit have been deployed to supervise the good functioning of the festival. Furthermore 650 security guards are also to contribute to the festival’s protection and security until its end on Monday morning.

  • Muzică la malul Mării Negre

    Muzică la malul Mării Negre

    Pe litoralul românesc al Mării Negre, la sfârşitul săptămânii trecute, s-a scris o poveste pe care organizatorii o doresc de succes mulţi ani de acum încolo: timp de trei zile şi trei nopţi, pe plaja de la Constanţa, circa 150 de mii de persoane au cântat şi dansat pe ritmuri de muzică electronică la prima ediţie a festivalului NeverSea. A fost cel mai mare desfăşurat, vreodată, în România, la mare, dar şi unicul festival european de pe o plajă. Iubitorii distracţiei cu mulţi decibeli au rezonat la unison cu cei 150 de artişti internaţionali de top care au concertat la NeverSea.

    Cu spectacole şi scenografii unice, starurile au făcut show-uri memorabile. Cele şapte scene amplasate pe nisip, la o aruncătură de băţ de valurile Mării Negre, precum şi zonele de divertisment şi de animaţie au fost locurile unde festivalierii au petrecut până în zorii fiecărei zile a evenimentului. “Super tare, sincer!”; “Super, super, atmosfera, melodiile, tot! “Senzaţional! Minunat! E foarte frumos! Muzică bună.”; “E un pic de varietate şi ne orientăm, ne mutăm dintr-o parte în alta.”

    Scenele celui mai mare maraton muzical organizat vreodată la Constanţa s-au deschis vineri, în jurul prânzului. Mii de tineri au ajuns în oraşul de la malul Mării Negre încă de dimineaţa, cu biletele deja cumpărate, ceea ce a dovedit interesul lor foarte mare faţă de festival. De altfel, artiştii care au concertat în prima seară s-au arătat impresionaţi de numărul mare de fani. Sam Feldt, DJ-ul cu cea mai vizualizată piesă a verii, “Summer On You”, legendarul Tiesto şi Rita Ora au fost doar câţiva dintre cei care au adunat mii de spectatori în prima noapte de petrecere. În a doua, au evoluat Afrojack, Fatboy Slim sau Years&Years, pentru ca, în a treia, cel mai aşteptat de public să urce pe scena principală a fost Jason Derulo, artistul cu 11 single-uri de platină care s-au vândut în peste 50 de milioane de exemplare. La doar 27 de ani, Jason Derulo este în toate topurile momentului şi are un succes incredibil cu fiecare melodie pe care o lansează. În afară de el, duminică seara au mai concertat Dua Lipa, Nicky Romero sau Benny Benassi.

    Într-un cuvânt, festivalul NeverSea a aşezat Constanţa pe harta mondială a evenimentelor muzicale de marcă, aşa cum s-a întâmplat, încă de acum doi ani, cu festivalul Untold, care a făcut oraşul Cluj, aflat în nord-vestul României, celebru şi peste hotare. De altfel, organizatorii – aceiaşi atât la Constanţa, cât şi la Cluj – par că deţin reţeta succesului! Anul acesta, la a treia ediţie a Untold, care se va desfăşura în perioada 3-6 august, şi-au confirmat, deja, prezenţa Armin van Buuren, Dimitri Vegas&Like Mike, Hardwell, Martin Garrix sau Steve Aoki. Untold a fost desemnat Best Major Festival în cadrul European Festival Awards 2015.