Tag: aftermath

  • Romania’s troubled history in the early 19th century

    Romania’s troubled history in the early 19th century

    Revolution led by Tudor Vladimirescu was held in the first part of the year
    1821, actually over February and May. It led up to the end of the Phanariot
    reigns in Wallachia and Moldavia. Its leader, later on, gained the status of a
    mythical character, thanks to the revolution he led. Tudor Vladmirescu is
    oftentimes mentioned in history textbooks; he has been immortalized through
    statues and paintings. However, the real character is less well-known by the
    lay public, at once being an interesting, even controversial character. The
    Revolution led by Tudor Vladimirescu in Wallachia was intertwined with the
    Greek revolution of liberation from the Ottoman Empire. Vladimirescu’s
    connection to the Eteria, the secret society that actually started the Greek
    revolution, eventually led to his assassination. Born into a family of freeholders, mosneni,
    in Romanian, in Gorj County, through his skill and adaptation capacity, Tudor
    Vladmirescu gained the status of an estate agent; in turn, he was a merchant
    and a purveyor of the Tsarist army, a rank similar to that of officer, a rank he
    gained during the Russian occupation of 1806 and 1812. The reasons underlying
    the outbreak of the unrest also included personal ambitions as well as the need
    of several political changes. His activity depended on the collaboration with
    the Eteria, but also on the hope of a military assistance provided by the Russians, which,
    even though it had not been promised, it was also expected by the Greeks. The
    historian Tudor Dinu, in his recently launched work titled The Greek
    revolution of 1821 on the territory of Moldavia and Wallachia, provided a
    detailed account of the personality of Vladimirescu and of the underlying
    reason of his collaboration with the Eteria revolutionaries led by Alexandru Ypsilanti. Also, the book highlights the purpose for which Tudor Vladimirescu
    started his revolt.

    Here is the historian Tudor Dinu himself, with details on
    all that.

    Tudor played a key part in the Eteria fighters’ plans. As early as 1820,
    when the Eteria revolutionary warriors convened in the town of Ismail to set up
    the general plan of the revolution, they said that in Wallachia, the revolution
    was to be started by a one Tudor Vladmirescu, whom they deemed as the
    commander of the armed men in Craiova.

    Eteria revolutionaries sponsored Tudor Vladimirescu and thought he could be a
    manageable tool in their hands. But they couldn’t have been more wrong, just as
    the great boyars got it all wrong, who wanted to wind him round their little
    finger. He could be, in my opinion, the most impressive example of a self-made
    man in our history: a commoner, who believed in his star, trying to overcome
    his condition in a brilliant manner, going at all lengths for his career, first
    worming himself into the boyars’ favor, then going into trading very
    successfully, first, on behalf of this and that boyar, later, for himself,
    getting a position in administration, all that culminating with a military
    career. Gaining acceptance to the Russian consul’s entourage, collaborating
    with the Eteria, he went as far as hoping to obtain the reign in a new system,
    he even hoped for the toppling of the social order in the Principalities, which
    could have been made possible though the liberation brought by the Russians.
    The Greek sources provide many new things, in this respect, stating that the
    Eteria revolutionaries promised Tudor they would get him seated on Decebalus’ s

    irrespective of the reasons, Tudor Vladimirescu and his army succeeded to
    destabilize the Phanariot order, also gaining the support of a relevant part of
    the domestic boyars’ class, reaching as far as the princely court in Bucharest.
    Meanwhile, the Eteria revolutionary warriors led by Alexandru Ypsilanti had
    penetrated Moldavia. There they were trying to muster an army made of locals,
    hoping the population in the Romanian principalities would rise up, on a large
    scale, against the Ottomans. Part from the political changes did the
    revolutionaries consider social changes as well?

    Historian Tudor Dinu:

    The most radical, to that effect, socially but also
    politically, was Alexandru Ypsilanti. In his political program, Alexandru
    Ypsilanti stipulated, for instance, the existence of indigenous rulers, but
    also some sort of constitutional monarchy, with the rulers’ incomes being
    checked by an early parliament of the Romanian Principalities. As for Tudor, he
    also had important proposal in the social field meant to improve the lives of
    commoners, yet they were not as radical as they were presented to us. For instance,
    he proposed, among other things, that certain taxes be reintroduced. It goes
    without saying he also had some very interesting suggestions. The most
    important one, for the development of commerce, was the dismantling of domestic
    customs, by means of which products brought from another city were very
    expensive. Also, Tudor proposed the equal decrease in revenues for bakers and
    butchers, so that bread, but also meat, could be affordable. There also was
    another proposal, perhaps the most radical one, but impossible to implement:
    the merit-based ascription of high-office dignities, something that could not
    be implemented, and as for the system of corruption, it could not disappear,
    given that Tudor himself pleaded for the income reduction in the case of
    high-office dignitaries.

    the long-term intentions, the situation on the ground was not a happy one. The
    Eteria Army’s crossing of the Romanian territories wreaked havoc and meant
    plundering and unrest carried by the local population. Moreover, the looming Ottoman
    invasion ran the risk of yet again turning the Principalities into a war
    theater, what with the fact that the eagerly-awaited Russian assistance failed
    to appear. Under the circumstances, Tudor Vladimirescu initiated a risky
    diplomatic action, meant to protect the country, but also his past success; he
    tried to negotiate with the Sublime Porte in Istanbul. However, Alexandru Ypsilanti
    learned about those attempts and considered Tudor a traitor.

    Tudor Dinu:

    Maybe the most important
    accusation count is a letter Tudor sent and which fell into the Sultan’s hands.
    In that letter he expressed his wish to wage war against Ypsilanti the
    traitor, provided the High Porte gave him some assistance. But that was not
    possible. The High Porte could not offer military assistance to a mutinous
    Christian. It may very well be that Tudor was extremely clever, in his bid to
    maintain good relations with the Turks, refraining from going against
    Ypsilanti. Also, Tudor kept a last-ditch hope alive that the Russian army might
    come. He
    had been given assurance, via numerous channels, that is why he was slowing things
    down a little bit. But from the viewpoint of the Eteria revolutionaries, that
    was treason.

    of treason, Tudor Vladimirescu stood trial according to Eteria’s Criminal Code.
    He was sentenced on the grounds that he went against Eteria’s motherland,
    Greece, even though Tudor’s motherland was definitely Wallachia. That is why
    his trial and subsequent execution are, even to this day, rated as inequities,
    by the Romanian historical research and public opinion. For the Romanian Principalities,
    the revolution would come to an end once with Tudor Vladimirescu’s death on May
    28, 1821. As for the Eteria revolutionaries, they would continue their fight
    against the Ottomans on the territory of Wallachia, until their defeat in
    Dragasani in early June. Here is historian Tudor Dinu once again, this time
    speaking about the effects of the 1821 revolutionary year on Wallachia and

    Tudor Dinu:

    For the Romanian Principalities, the Greek revolution was catastrophic, because, in the wake of the
    Greek revolution, the Romanian principalities were completely devastated. The
    Romanians’ sacrifice was an exemplary one. One or two decades were needed for
    the Romanian Principalities to recover from such a devastation. Then a
    Russian-Turkish war followed. In another move, the role the 1821 Revolution
    played was fundamental, since it marked the Romanian principalities
    definitively falling within the West’s orbit, even though the process had begun
    in 1812. It took shape and was to be completed at the level of the elites, and
    not at the level of the Romanian peasant, who, in the 19th century,
    still lived according to ancestral rhythms. Such a sacrifice was necessary, so that Romania could find its place on
    the map pf Europe, and not on that of the Ottoman Empire. (EN)

  • The war in Ukraine and its most serious economic consequences at world level

    The war in Ukraine and its most serious economic consequences at world level

    The war in Ukraine this year will have its negative influence on economic growth worldwide, but also on inflation, with the process being extended next year as well, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development has warned. In its most recent report on world economic prospects, the organisation did not rule out an aggravation of the situation, or the occurrence of other shocks capable of creating even more confusion as far as the present economic order is concerned.

    OECD, which brings together 38 developed countries whose economy is expanding, worldwide, postponed its annual economic forecast report, usually published in March, because of Russia’s aggression on Ukraine which began on February 24, the reason behind the postponement being the uncertainty as regards the conflict’s evolution and economic aftermath.

    OECD has predicted a 3 % economic growth at world level, as against the previous forecast, standing at 4.5 %. Next year, the economic growth is set to become even slower, standing at 2.8 % as compared to the initial 3.2 % forecast. Concurrently, inflation will definitely take its toll on economies and on the population’s purchase power, because worldwide, inflation is expected to stand at 8.5%, twice as much as compared to previous predictions. We’re witnessing the humanitarian crisis unfolding, a crisis leaving behind thousands of dead people, forcing millions of refugees to leave their homes and posing a serious threat to the economic recovery we have all been expecting after two years of pandemic, the report also shows. Russia and Ukraine’s major influence on world economy is provided by the two countries’ role as a supplier of raw material for several markets. All told, the two countries supply almost 30% of the export of wheat at world level, 15% of corn, 20% of fertilizers, minerals and natural gas, 11% of the export of oil. Then the supply chains at world level hugely depend on the Russian and Ukrainian export of rare metals and gas. The prices of all those raw materials have gone up after the war begun, all that with serious consequences on the economies of many countries. The sheer blocking of wheat exports could have as its aftermath a serious food crisis capable of causing real humanitarian catastrophes in some of the developing countries. Furthermore, the crisis of farm cultivations fertilizers will cause a poor farm yield, which will enhance the food crisis.

    Hugely dependent on massive energy imports from Russia, the European Union will be the most affected by the consequences of the conflict at its borders. According to the OECD report, the Euro zone will have a 2.6 % growth this year, and of 1.6 % in 2023, as previously the OECD forecast pointed to a more than double economic growth.

    A sudden prospective blocking of Russian gas deliveries to Europe, a constant growth of energy prices or the disturbance of supply chains could have devastating effects on European economies. The inflation skyrocketing could cause a sudden increase in interest rates to the central banks, posing an even more serious threat to the already feeble economic recovery, the report also shows.
