• 24.03.2023


    Bruxelles – Poursuite à Bruxelles d’une réunion de deux jours des leaders européens, avec à l’agenda des problèmes énergétiques et la stimulation de la compétitivité des économies européennes. La Roumanie a réussi à obtenir à ce sommet davantage de fonds pour aider les agriculteurs touchés par les importations de céréales à bas prix d’Ukraine. Hier, le président Klaus Iohannis a déploré cette situation et a reçu la permission de la Commission d’augmenter les fonds accordés initialement à la Roumanie. Au début de la semaine dernière, dans le cadre du conseil Agrifish, à Bruxelles, la Pologne, la Roumanie et la Bulgarie se verraient accorder les premiers fonds pour les fermiers touchés. Conformément à la formule de calcul appliquée la Pologne recevait 30 millions d’euros, la Bulgarie 16 et la Roumanie seulement 10 millions. Bucarest avait demandé initialement quelque 25 millions d’euros.

    Enseignement – Vendredi le gouvernement de Bucarest a approuvé le projet de loi relatif à la participation de la Roumanie au Programme d’évaluation internationale des élèves PISA 2025. Selon les représentants de l’Exécutif, la participation de la Roumanie à ce programme vise « de corréler l’enseignement en Roumanie avec les systèmes d’éducation performants au niveau international et, par conséquent, d’améliorer ses performances par rapport aux autres pays participants. » Les initiateurs affirment que cette participation est importante étant donné le statut de la Roumanie de membre de l’Union européenne, d’observateur et de futur membre de l’OCDE. Les tests PISA indiquent le niveau de formation des élèves pour faire face aux défis de la société actuelle et mesure les compétences de base des enfants de 15 ans, dans des domaines tels la lecture, les mathématiques et les sciences.

    Premier ministre – Le premier ministre roumain, Nicolae Ciuca a réitéré à Chisinau l’appui de la Roumanie aux aspirations européennes de la République de Moldova voisine. Lors d’un entretien avec son homologue moldave, Dorin Recean, M Ciuca a annoncé la construction de nouveaux ponts traversant la rivière Prut qui sépare les deux pays et la création de nouveaux postes-frontière. Pour sa part, le premier ministre Recean a annoncé que très prochainement, la République de Moldova utilisera 25 millions d’euros d’un financement non remboursable de 100 millions offert par la Roumanie pour le développement des écoles et de l’infrastructure rurale.

    Automobile – Les programmes de renouvellement du parc automobile national ont été relancés ce vendredi en Roumanie. Ils visent à remplacer les voitures vieilles de plus de 15 ans par des voitures nouvelles, aux émissions réduites, voire zéro. Les primes à la casse payées par le gouvernement peuvent dépasser même les 10 000 euros dans le cas de l’achat d’une voiture purement électrique. Pourtant, le gouvernement de Bucarest a imposé une limite supérieure de 75 000 euros du prix de catalogue d’un véhicule électrique dont l’achat est subventionné via le programme de renouvellement du parc automobile national.

    Pensions de retraite – Le syndicats des cadres militaires à la retraite et le syndicat national des policiers organisent ce vendredi à Bucarest une protestation et une marche de protestation. Les sollicitations des protestataires – policiers, réservistes et civils – visent principalement l’application immédiate de la Loi des salaires au niveau de toutes les structures du système de défense, ordre public et sécurité nationale, mais aussi pour toutes les catégories professionnelles civiles. Les syndicalistes du domaine demandent également l’application immédiate de la Loi des pensions de retraite militaires d’Etat, l’exclusion des réservistes tant du Plan national de relance et de résilience que du Projet des Lois des pensions de service, afin de permettre une majoration des pensions civiles jusqu’à 9,4% du PIB et le respect des statuts des militaires, des policiers, des cheminots et des autres catégories socio-professionnelles et de l’intégralité des droits et des bénéfices obtenus jusqu’ici.

    Tennis – La joueuse roumaine de tennis Sorana Cîrstea affronte aujourd’hui Caroline Garcia de France, 4e mondiale, dans le deuxième tour du tournoi WTA 1 000 à Miami. La Roumaine a battu la semaine dernière la sportive française en trois sets, à Indian Wells, en Californie. Cîrstea est l’unique sportive roumaine présente à l’Open de Floride, après l’élimination jeudi d’Irina Begu.

    Foot – La sélection nationale de foot de Roumanie affronte samedi l’Andorre dans le premier match des préliminaires de l’Euro 2024, tournée accueillie par l’Allemagne. Le 28 mars, la Roumanie affrontera le Belarus à Bucarest. Les deux premières équipes des 10 groupes préliminaires sont automatiquement qualifiées, alors que les trois places suivantes se décideront en mars 2024 après une phase des play-offs de la Ligue des nations.

    Météo – Météo particulièrement douce pour cette fin mars en Roumanie avec des maxima allant de 17 à 23 degrés. Le ciel est variable, plutôt dégagé. Une météo superbe à Bucarest, où le soleil brille. 20 degrés dans la Capitale.

  • January 30, 2023 UPDATE

    January 30, 2023 UPDATE

    ARREST – Former national football team headcoach Victor Pițurcă has been arrested by
    anti-corruption prosecutors in an investigation into the acquisition of
    non-compliant medical products for military hospitals during the pandemic,
    judicial sources say. As a footballer, Victor Pițurcă won
    the European Champions’ Cup with Steaua Bucharest in 1986. He later coached Steaua
    Bucharest, FC U Craiova, Romania’s Under-21 team, FCSB, Romania’s senior team
    (twice, over 2004-2009 and 2011-2014), Universitatea Craiova and Al-Ittihad
    (Saudi Arabia). The head of Romania’s top military manufacturer and exporter,
    Romarm, Gabriel Țuțu, was also detained.

    FORESTS – The European Union will grant Romania €1 billion under the
    National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), of which €800 million will be
    earmarked to a forestation program targeting 55 thousand hectares. The
    remaining €200 million will be spent on digitizing surveillance and control
    systems designed to combat illegal logging. Cristian Ghinea, the former
    coordinator of Romania’s PNRR and a former USR Minister for Investment and
    European Projects, warned that, to be able to meet forest protection targets,
    the National Forest Authority – ROMSILVA must be reformed and digitized.

    AGRIFISH – Romania’s Agriculture Minister, Petre Daea, on Monday said in
    Brussels that Romania is a major exporter of farm animals to third countries,
    and expressed support for legislative changes designed to increase the
    well-being of animals, although any change should not rule out certain types of
    transport. Minister Daea pointed out that Bucharest will not accept a ban on
    live animal transport over long distances. The Romanian official also said that
    Romania opposes the cap on 150 UVM on animal transports as well as the application
    of this criterion to cattle transports. According to a European Parliament
    press release, the Committee of Inquiry on the Protection of Animals during
    Transport found systematic failures to enforce the existing rules on the
    protection of animals during transport and made recommendations for the
    revision of the rules, which is expected in 2023. Minister Petre Daea is
    attending the Agrifish (Agriculture and Fishing) Council meeting in Brussels.
    High on the agenda are the situation of food markets, bioeconomy, honey
    labeling, the industrial emission directive and animal transport.

    HEALTH – Health Minister Alexandru
    Rafila has told a private television station that the number of flu and viral
    infection cases is decreasing in Romania. According to the minister, the flu
    epidemic will end in approximately two to three weeks. Alexandru Rafila said
    that in the last week alone, the number of cases reported was by 25% lower
    compared to the previous week, standing at some 100,000 new infections. He also
    stressed that there were no problems with the stocks of medicines used in viral
    respiratory infections, even if their consumption has increased more than

    SESSION – Romanian senators and
    deputies return, this week, to Parliament, for the first parliamentary session
    of the year. Among the priorities on the agenda are sensitive bills, such as
    the one on public service pensions, which should no longer exceed the salary
    from the active period, or the proposals to amend the education laws, on which
    the parties in the government coalition have so far failed to reach consensus.

    ICR – The Romanian Cultural Institute (ICR)
    announced the relaunch of the Cantemir Cultural Partnerships and Financing
    Program, intended for international projects. The main aim of the program is to
    connect culture operators from Romania with partners from abroad. Through the
    Cantemir Program, previously run between 2006 – 2012 and resumed in 2023 with
    some changes, ICR will grant non-refundable funding for cultural initiatives in
    the fields of visual arts – fine arts, decorative arts, science/research and
    architecture, design, new media, photography, performance and performing arts -
    theater, music and dance. (LS & VP)

  • July 19, 2021

    July 19, 2021

    WEATHER Yellow and orange-code alerts for heavy rainfall are in place in Romania, with unstable weather expected until at least midweek. Thunderstorms will first hit the south-west, west, centre and north of the country, and spread to the south and south-east beginning on Tuesday. The extreme weather has caused major damages in the west of the country over the past few days, with several parts of Alba County affected by flash floods.

    FLOODING The death toll of the disastrous flooding in Western Europe is over 190, as many missing people are found dead. Germany reports the largest number of victims. Chancellor Angela Merkel visited some of the worst hit regions, and promised immediate aid from the federal government for reconstruction works, while also pledging more efforts will be made to fight climate change. The EU has announced it would provide aid both to Germany and to the other countries affected by floods, such as Belgium and the Netherlands. In Belgium, more than 30 people are dead and others are missing. Italy also sees heavy rainfalls causing floods in the northern and southern parts of the country.

    COVID-19 The Romanian health minister Ioana Mihăilă said the 4th wave of the Covid-19 pandemic will affect unvaccinated people, and said less than 1% of those who have got the vaccine caught the disease. Ioana Mihăilă urged even those who recovered from the disease to get the vaccine, arguing that this would prevent a severe form of the Covid-19, even when the Delta variant is involved. In spite of continuing public campaigns promoting vaccination, the target of 5 million fully vaccinated Romanians is yet to be reached, over one and a half months after the deadline set by authorities. Meanwhile, 44 new infection cases were reported on Sunday in Romania, out of close to 19,000 tests. One new COVID-related death has also been reported, and 30 patients are in intensive care out of the 255 currently in hospital.

    GALA The UNITER Awards Gala, rewarding the best Romanian theatre performances, is hosted by the National Theatre in Bucharest tonight. This is the 29th edition of the event, held annually since 1991. A jury makes the nominations for each category, while a separate jury votes the winner of each award.

    FESTIVAL Tickets for the 25th George Enescu International Festival are available as of today. The festival, scheduled to take place between 28 August and 26 September, brings to Bucharest 3,500 Romanian and foreign artists. Healthcare measures will be in place this year, to protect the public, the artists, the organisers and journalists. Some of the worlds most celebrated orchestras, including the London Symphony Orchestra, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Academy of St Martin in the Fields, the National Orchestra of France conducted by the Romanian Cristian Măcelaru, and the Munich Philharmonic conducted by Valery Gergiev, will take part in this years festival, alongside world-famous soloists like violinists Maxim Vengerov, Patricia Kopatchinskaja, Joshua Bell, cellist Alisa Weilerstein and pianists Denis Matsuev, Jean Yves Thibaudet and Kirill Gerstein.

    AGRICULTURE The Romanian agriculture minister Adrian Oros takes part today in the first meeting of the Agriculture and Fisheries Council held under Slovenian presidency. One of the main topics on the agenda is the action plan for the development of organic agriculture. The European Commissions “Farm to Fork Strategy presented in 2020 aims at earmarking at least 25% of the blocs farmland for organic agriculture by 2030.

    PANDEMIC Greece reintroduces COVID-19 restrictions in spite of the tourist season being in full swing. According to Radio Romanias correspondent in Athens, several Greek islands deemed free of COVID-19 are introducing night curfews and banning the access of unvaccinated people in restaurants and clubs. The Greek government will also make vaccination compulsory for several categories of employees. France tightens access restrictions for travelers from certain countries, including the UK, Spain, Greece and the Netherlands, who will be required to get tested 24 hours prior to arriving in the country. On the other hand, England lifted all restrictions today, in spite of alarming increases in the number of Delta variant infections. London argues that containment measures cannot be kept in place forever, and the vaccines provide protection. (tr. A.M. Popescu)

  • Reforma PAC în dezbaterea Agrifish

    Reforma PAC în dezbaterea Agrifish

    La ultima reuniune a Consiliului pentru Agricultură și Pescuit-Agrifish, președinția germană a Consiului și-a prezentat prioritățile pentru următoarele șase luni, cum ar fi: reforma PAC, Strategia De la fermă la consumator, bunăstarea animalelor, etichetarea produselor alimentare, Fondul european pentru pescuit și afaceri maritime și posibilitățile de pescuit pentru 2021.