Tag: Airbus helicopters

  • Investissements étrangers en Roumanie

    Investissements étrangers en Roumanie

    Aux termes du contrat conclu, IAR devient partenaire exclusif dAirbus pour la fabrication en Roumanie de lhélicoptère bimoteur multirôle H215M. IAR est également contractant principal pour toute future commande de la part du ministère de la Défense censée rajeunir la flotte aérienne.

    Créé sur la base de lexpérience de Puma, lhélicoptère bimoteur multirôle H215M bénéficie dune avionique moderne. Il est équipé dun cockpit tout écran et dun pilote automatique à 4 axes. Par ailleurs, cet hélicoptère, qui est la variante militaire du H215, se fait remarquer par sa robustesse, ses coûts dexploitation et dentretien compétitifs et la possibilité dêtre armé pour des attaques au sol et des missions de soutien. Il est également doté de réservoirs à combustible auto – étanches. Pour le pilote et le copilote, il existe des sièges résistants à limpact, en cas de crash ou datterrissage forcé. Le H215M peut transporter jusquà 24 militaires avec leur équipement de combat, 6 blessés sur des civières ou 10 blessés accompagnés du personnel médical.

    Une coopération historique voit le jour entre Airbus et IAR, a déclaré le directeur général de IAR, Neculai Banea, lors de la signature du contrat définitif de collaboration exclusive. A son tour, Olivier Michalon, Senior vice-président dAirbus Helicopters, responsable des opérations du groupe en Europe, a évoqué le partenariat de longue date entre les deux compagnies. Et lui dajouter que, pendant près de 50 ans, Airbus a appuyé la Roumanie non seulement par les activités dassemblage et de maintenance des hélicoptères, mais aussi par des investissements continus et des programmes uniques de formation pour les métiers de lindustrie aéronautique destinés aux jeunes.

    Une autre bonne nouvelle vient de Craiova, du sud de la Roumanie. Pour la production de son nouveau véhicule, le constructeur automobile américain Ford envisage dembaucher 1.700 personnes, en renfort du personnel existant. Les nouveaux collaborateurs bénéficieront de cours de perfectionnement dans le pays et à létranger. Il y a un an, Ford a proposé 1.700 nouveaux emplois dans ses usines de Craiova pour la production de lEcoSport.

    (Trad. Mariana Tudose)

  • Investiţii străine în România

    Investiţii străine în România

    Companiile europeană Airbus, lider mondial în aeronautică şi servicii în domeniul
    spaţial, și românească IAR Ghimbav, unul din liderii naţionali în
    domeniul aeronautic, au semnat un contract definitiv de colaborare exclusivă pe
    15 ani
    . În baza documentului, IAR devine partenerul exclusiv al Airbus pentru
    fabricarea în România a elicopterului multirol bimotor IAR-H215M.

    IAR este şi
    contractor principal pentru orice comandă viitoare din partea Ministerului
    Apărării, având ca scop înlocuirea flotei îmbătrânite. Aparat versatil,
    dezvoltat pe baza experienţei Puma, H215M beneficiază de avionică de ultimă
    generaţie, pilot automat în 4 axe şi cockpit de sticlă integral, este potrivit
    pentru misiuni utilitare în medii extreme, precum şi pe câmpul de luptă. De
    asemenea, H215M, varianta militară a lui H215, se remarcă prin robusteţe,
    costuri competitive de operare şi mentenanţă, precum şi prin abilitatea de a fi
    dotat, în funcţie de preferinţe, cu sisteme pentru atac la sol şi pentru
    misiuni de sprijin aerian. Este dotat cu rezervoare de combustibil cu
    auto-etanșare, prezintă rezistență la lovire şi protecţie blindată. O atenţie
    sporită este acordată pilotului şi copilotului, care beneficiază de scaune
    rezistente la impact, în caz de prăbuşire sau aterizare forţată. Nu în ultimul
    rând, H215M poate transporta până la 24 de militari echipaţi de luptă, 6 răniţi
    pe targă sau 10 răniţi, alături de personal medical

    Între Airbus şi IAR se
    naşte o cooperare istorică
    – a declarat cu nedisimulată satisfacţie directorul general
    al IAR, Neculai Banea, cu ocazia semnării contractului definitiv de colaborare
    exclusivă. La rândul său, Olivier Michalon, Senior Vice President pentru Europa
    al Airbus Helicopters, a ţinut să amintească că parteneriatul companiei
    europene cu românii de la IAR nu este de ieri, de azi. Timp de aproape 50 de
    – a punctat el – Airbus a sprijinit România nu doar prin activități de
    asamblare și mentenanță a elicopterelor, ci și investind continuu și
    contribuind la modelarea industriei aeronautice prin programe educaționale
    unice pentru tânăra generație. Este momentul, acum, ca cele două companii, să privească spre
    viitor prin acest nou parteneriat pentru construcţia elicopterului H215M.

    Veşti bune vin, însă, nu
    doar de la Ghimbav, ci şi de la Craiova, din partea companiei americane
    Ford producătoare de maşini! În perioada următoare, aceasta va recruta 1.700 de persoane care să
    lucreze la următorul model pe care îl va produce uzina
    . Nu se ştiu, deocamdată,
    detalii despre noul autoturism sau despre data de la care va începe producţia
    lui. Se ştie, în schimb, că noii angajaţi, recrutaţi pe o rază de 35 de
    kilometri, vor beneficia de cursuri de perfecţionare în ţară şi în străinătate.
    Ultima dată, Ford a angajat 1.700 de persoane înainte de a demara producţia la Ford

  • A la Une de la presse roumaine 29.05.2018

    A la Une de la presse roumaine 29.05.2018

    Le mécontentement exprimé
    par le nouveau chef d’Airbus Helicopters au sujet de la coopération de son
    entreprise avec la Roumanie et les tourbillons qui se manifestent sur la scène
    politique roumaine sont les principaux sujets abordés par la presse en ligne de
    ce mardi.

  • March 30, 2017

    March 30, 2017

    EPP SUMMIT – Romanias President, Klaus Iohannis, is today attending the Summit of the European Peoples Party, EPP, in La Valletta, Malta, a country which is holding the half yearly rotating presidency of the European Union since January 1st 2017. According to the Presidential Administration, attending the summit are some 1,500 officials, among whom EU heads of state and government as well as presidents of European institutions. The Romanian President will also attend the EPP Summit in enlarged format, with such issues as the Western Balkans and Brexit being high on the agenda of the talks. On the sidelines of the summit, President Iohannis will have a meeting with Maltese PM Joseph Muscat, the talks covering issues of topical interest on the agenda of the European Union, Brexit and Romanian-Maltese bilateral relations. In another move, the talks with the Ukrainian President, Petro Poroshenko, will mainly focus on Ukraines European path.

    PRINCE CHARLES – On the second day of his official visit to Bucharest, the Crown Prince Charles of Great Britain is due to meet PM Sorin Grindeanu and members of the Royal Family of Romania. Yesterday, President Klaus Iohannis awarded Prince Charles the “Star of Romania National Order in Rank of Grand Cross, in token of appreciation for promoting Romanias image abroad. The British Crown Prince has said everything he has done in the past 20 years since he started visited Romania was to help the Romanians remember how special and unique their country is, their architectural heritage and above all, the potential they have in todays world. Klaus Iohannis and Prince Charles have discussed, among others, ways to boost and deepen the bilateral Strategic Partnership, also in the field of security, the evolution of bilateral relations following the launch of Brexit talks, laying emphasis on the situation of the Romanian community in Great Britain. This is the second official visit by British Crown Prince to Romania in the past 19 years.

    HELICOPTER MANUFACTURING – The European company Airbus Helicopters and the Romanian firm IAR Ghimbav (in the centre) are today signing a contract for the manufacturing of the H 215 type of helicopters in Ghimbav. At present this model is assembled in France, but the European company intends to transfer the whole production line to Ghimbav. The investment in the Ghimbav factory exceeds 50 million Euros and will create 350 jobs. If working at maximum capacity, the factory will assemble some 15 helicopters per year. Also today, representatives of the European company, who want Romania to buy the first such helicopters, are today meeting PM Sorin Grindeanu and the economy minister. Attending the talks will also be Olivier Michalon, Senior Vice President and Head of Europe Region at Airbus Helicopters. Yesterday, the Romanian Prime Minister and the economy minister also held talks with representatives of the big American companies Bell Helicopters and Boeing, which also take interest in the Romanian aeronautical market and are willing to make new investments.

    BREXIT – The British government is today offering details on the pieces of legislation meant to put an end to the supremacy of community laws over the British ones, also by taking the UK out of the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice. Yesterday, Theresa May officially launched the start of Brexit talks, that is of the process of leaving the European Union, at the end of a 44 year membership during which it enjoyed a privileged status within the community. In order to avoid a “legislative vacuum, the new norms should come into force on the day when the UK actually leaves the Union. According to pundits, this is a very difficult measure, because of a high volume of laws and the short time span during which Brexit negotiations will be unfolding, that is by October 2018. In turn, the President of the Europeran Council, Donald Tusk, has announced that tomorrow he will make a proposal containing the main lines of the negotiation process. He has said the negotiation team will do everything possible to reduce the costs produced by Brexit for European citizens and firms as well as for the member states.

    TENNIS– Romanias number one woman tennis player, Simona Halep (no. 5 WTA) got eliminated in the quarterfinals of the WTA tennis tournament in Miami, Florida, with 6.9 million dollars in prize money up for grabs. She was defeated on Wednesday by the British player Johanna Konta, 3-6, 7-6, 6-2. The two tennis players had earlier met only once, in 2015, in the eights finals of the Wuhan Tournament in China, when the victory was secured by Konta, too. Simona Halep was the last Romanian woman tennis player performing in this edition of the Miami Tournament. (Translated by D. Vijeu)

  • September 11, 2016 UPDATE

    September 11, 2016 UPDATE

    REMEMBERING 9/11 – Romanian foreign minister, Lazar Comanescu, has sent a message to US Secretary of State, John Kerry, to honour the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks. The Romanian foreign minister reiterated, in his message, solidarity with the victims of the attacks, their families and with all those affected by the tragic events of 2001. Ceremonies started in the US to commemorate 15 years since the attacks of September 11, 2001, when some 3,000 people lost their lives and thousands others got injured. 75,000 people are still coping with psychological and physical effects of the 9/11 attacks, including members of the emergency teams, who breathed in toxic dust, in an effort to save lives. Many of those directly affected are monitored for lung diseases and cancers. The authorities have organised a march to the monument erected on the site of the twin towers in New York, reduced to rubble by the terrorists. Hundreds of people took part in this memorial walk. In his weekly address on the national public radio, President Barack Obama launched an appeal for upholding democratic values and avoiding simplistic answers to the challenge of terrorism. In response to the attacks 15 years ago, the US started a global war on terrorism, which continues as we speak. An exhibition entitled Rendering the Unthinkable: Artists Respond to 9/11 will be opened on Monday at the National 9/11 Memorial and Museum in New York. The exhibition is a collection of artwork by 13 artists and their reactions to the terror attacks, “ranging in media from paintings and sculpture to works on paper and video. Some of the artists have incorporated in their works ashes found at Ground Zero, on the site of the twin towers destroyed by terrorists.

    ROMANIAN-FRENCH TIES – French President, François Hollande, will pay a two-day official visit to Romania as of Monday, alongside a delegation of ministers, businesspeople and MPs. The visiting French President is also due to meet his Romanian counterpart, Klaus Iohannis, together with whom he will approach, among other issues, the future of the EU, ahead of the Bratislava Summit, due on September 16. During the visit, President Francois Hollande will attend together with Romanian PM Dacian Ciolos the inauguration of the Airbus helicopter factory in Ghimbav, near Brasov (central Romania). The investment stands at 40 million Euro, and the first civil helicopter will get out in the field in 2017, whereas the first military one is due in 2018. We recall that Klaus Iohannis paid his first bilateral visit abroad, in his capacity as Romanias president, to France, in February 2015.

    A NEW SCHOOL YEAR – In Romania, over 3 million pupils will start a new school year on Monday. The 2016-2017 school year includes 35 weeks of classes, divided into two semesters: September 12, 2016 – February 3, 2017, and February 13, 2017 – June 16, 2017, respectively. One of the novelties of the new school year is that pupils will have their own statute. The pupils’ rights fall into 5 categories: educational rights, association and expression rights, social rights, rewards and other rights. Also, the Education Ministry has decided a change in the grading system for high school admission: the GPA obtained by a pupil, from the fifth to the eight form, will account for 20% of the final high school admission average, and not for 25% as has been the case so far. In another move, high school admission will be a one stage computerised process, followed by an analysis of special cases and will come to a close in July. At present, high school admission is a three-stage process which comes to a close in September.

    PLANNED NATIONWIDE CEASEFIRE IN SYRIA – In the Syrian capital city of Damascus, the government has expressed support for the envisaged agreement between the US and Russia, which is designed to ensure a nationwide ceasefire in Syria. A spokesperson for the Syrian opposition has said the plan offers room for hope, but underlined that more details are necessary on the way this agreement will be implemented. Washington and Moscow have announced the agreement is meant to re-launch the peace process in Syria and includes a nationwide ceasefire, as of Monday evening, improved humanitarian access and joint military actions against Islamist groups, that is the Islamic State and the former Al-Nusrah Front, affiliated to Al Qaida. The ceasefire should be used by the Syrian government and opposition to reach a political agreement, to put an end to the civil war that has already entered its sixth year. Over 250,000 people lost their lives so far, and millions of Syrian nationals were forced into fleeing their homes. The EU has hailed the agreement and called on the UNO to make ready negotiation proposals for political transition in Syria.

    BLACK SEA TALL SHIPS REGATTA – The second edition of an international regatta of large sailboats began in the Romanian port of Constanta. 13 tall ships from six different countries will be racing up to Novorossiysk, in Russia. Afterwards, they will be heading for Sochi and then for Varna, in Bulgaria. During the race, the sailboats will be powered exclusively by wind. The use of engines is allowed only in emergency situations. (Translated by Diana Vijeu)

  • September 11, 2016

    September 11, 2016

    9/11 COMMEMORATIONS – Romanian foreign minister, Lazar Comanescu, has sent a message to US Secretary of State, John Kerry, to honour the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks. The Romanian foreign minister reiterated, in his message, solidarity with the victims of the attacks, their families and with all those affected by the tragic events of 2001. Ceremonies started in the US to commemorate 15 years since the attacks of September 11, 2001, when some 3,000 people lost their lives and thousands others got injured. 75,000 people are still coping with psychological and physical effects of the 9/11 attacks, including members of the emergency teams, who breathed in toxic dust, in an effort to save lives. Many of those directly affected are monitored for lung diseases and cancers. The authorities have organised a march to the monument erected on the site of the twin towers in New York, reduced to rubble by the terrorists. Hundreds of people took part in this memorial walk. In his weekly address on the national public radio, President Barack Obama launched an appeal for upholding democratic values and avoiding simplistic answers to the challenge of terrorism. In response to the attacks 15 years ago, the US started a global war on terrorism, which continues as we speak. An exhibition entitled Rendering the Unthinkable: Artists Respond to 9/11 will be opened on Monday at the National 9/11 Memorial and Museum in New York. The exhibition is a collection of artwork by 13 artists and their reactions to the terror attacks, “ranging in media from paintings and sculpture to works on paper and video. Some of the artists have incorporated in their works ashes found at Ground Zero, on the site of the twin towers destroyed by terrorists.

    VISIT – French President, François Hollande, will pay a two-day official visit to Romania as of Monday, alongside a delegation of ministers, businesspeople and MPs. The visiting French President is also due to meet his Romanian counterpart, Klaus Iohannis, together with whom he will approach, among other issues, the future of the EU, ahead of the Bratislava Summit, due on September 16. During the visit, President Francois Hollande will attend together with Romanian PM Dacian Ciolos the inauguration of the Airbus helicopter factory in Ghimbav, near Brasov (central Romania). The investment stands at 40 million Euro, and the first civil helicopter will get out in the field in 2017, whereas the first military one is due in 2018. We recall that Klaus Iohannis paid his first bilateral visit abroad, in his capacity as Romanias president, to France, in February 2015.

    SYRIA – In the Syrian capital city of Damascus, the government has expressed support for the envisaged agreement between the US and Russia, which is designed to ensure a nationwide ceasefire in Syria. A spokesperson for the Syrian opposition has said the plan offers room for hope, but underlined that more details are necessary on the way this agreement will be implemented. Washington and Moscow have announced the agreement is meant to re-launch the peace process in Syria and includes a nationwide ceasefire, as of Monday evening, improved humanitarian access and joint military actions against Islamist groups, that is the Islamic State and the former Al-Nusrah Front, affiliated to Al Qaida. The ceasefire should be used by the Syrian government and opposition to reach a political agreement, to put an end to the civil war that has already entered its sixth year. Over 250,000 people lost their lives so far, and millions of Syrian nationals were forced into fleeing their homes. The EU has hailed the agreement and called on the UNO to make ready negotiation proposals for political transition in Syria.

    BLACK SEA TALL SHIPS REGATTA – The second edition of an international regatta of large sailboats began in the Romanian port of Constanta. 13 tall ships from six different countries will be racing up to Novorossiysk, in Russia. Afterwards, they will be heading for Sochi and then for Varna, in Bulgaria. During the race, the sailboats will be powered exclusively by wind. The use of engines is allowed only in emergency situations. (Translated by Diana Vijeu)