Tag: Alexander Vershbow

  • Rumanía y la OTAN

    Rumanía y la OTAN

    Los aviones de combate más avanzados del mundo, considerados imbatibles en luchas aéreas, han aterrizado por primera vez en el sudeste de Europa, en Rumanía, en la base aérea Mihail Kogalniceanu de Constanza en el marco de la operación “Atlantic Resolve”. Dicha operación fue creada en EE. UU. tras el inicio del conflicto de Ucrania en 2014 para proteger a los países de la zona oriental de la OTAN.

    Los aviones F22 Raptor son aviones de quinta generación, invisibles a los radares, que alcanzan una velocidad dos veces mayor que la del sonido. Este avión con un radio de acción de 3.000 km cuesta 143 millones de dólares y tiene la capacidad de luchar incluso contra los sistemas de defensa antiaérea.

    El jefe de las Fuerzas Aéreas Rumanas, el general Laurian Anastasof, ha declarado que la presencia en Rumanía de los dos aviones demuestran la solidaridad de EE. UU. con Rumanía. Anastasof ha explicado que hubo situaciones en las que los pilotos rumanos se vieron obligados a despegar de emergencia debido a unos vuelos efectuados por aviones rusos. Escuchemos la declaración de Laurian Anastasof :

    “Hubo situaciones en las que cerca del espacio aéreo nacional identificamos vuelos de la Federación Rusa. Las distancias entre estos vuelos superan en general los 100 km. Si un avión ruso despega de una base de Crimea en este momento y se encuentra a una distancia de 100 km de la orilla de Crimea, se convierte en un vuelo que puede generar preocupación por parte de la Alianza. El procedimiento de la OTAN nos obliga a realizar despegues. Esto ha sucedido cuatro veces este año.”

    En su visita a Bucarest para reunirse con el presidente Klaus Iohannis y con el ministro de Defensa, Mihnea Motoc, el secretario general adjunto de la OTAN, Alexander Vershbow, ha apreciado el papel activo de Rumanía en el marco de la Alianza y ha mencionado la participación significativa de las fuerzas armadas en los esfuerzos de prevención y combate de los riesgos y retos de seguridad.

    Alexander Vershbow:

    “Es muy importante intensificar la capacidad de defensa y desaliento de la Alianza contra todas las amenazas a las que nos enfrentamos. Hay muchos retos y amenazas tanto en la zona oriental, donde Rusia intenta establecer y cambiar fronteras ya existentes, así como en la zona del sur donde nos enfrentamos al terrorismo y extremismo.”

    El mismo día que aterrizaron los dos aviones estadounidenses F22 en Rumanía, el presidente Barack Obama insistía en Hannover en la necesidad de que los países miembros de la OTAN apoyen a “los aliados de primera línea”, es decir a Rumanía, Polonia y a los países bálticos, los Estados más expuestos a las tensiones de Rusia.

  • Rumanía y la OTAN

    Rumanía y la OTAN

    Los aviones de combate más avanzados del mundo, considerados imbatibles en luchas aéreas, han aterrizado por primera vez en el sudeste de Europa, en Rumanía, en la base aérea Mihail Kogalniceanu de Constanza en el marco de la operación “Atlantic Resolve”. Dicha operación fue creada en EE. UU. tras el inicio del conflicto de Ucrania en 2014 para proteger a los países de la zona oriental de la OTAN.

    Los aviones F22 Raptor son aviones de quinta generación, invisibles a los radares, que alcanzan una velocidad dos veces mayor que la del sonido. Este avión con un radio de acción de 3.000 km cuesta 143 millones de dólares y tiene la capacidad de luchar incluso contra los sistemas de defensa antiaérea.

    El jefe de las Fuerzas Aéreas Rumanas, el general Laurian Anastasof, ha declarado que la presencia en Rumanía de los dos aviones demuestran la solidaridad de EE. UU. con Rumanía. Anastasof ha explicado que hubo situaciones en las que los pilotos rumanos se vieron obligados a despegar de emergencia debido a unos vuelos efectuados por aviones rusos. Escuchemos la declaración de Laurian Anastasof :

    “Hubo situaciones en las que cerca del espacio aéreo nacional identificamos vuelos de la Federación Rusa. Las distancias entre estos vuelos superan en general los 100 km. Si un avión ruso despega de una base de Crimea en este momento y se encuentra a una distancia de 100 km de la orilla de Crimea, se convierte en un vuelo que puede generar preocupación por parte de la Alianza. El procedimiento de la OTAN nos obliga a realizar despegues. Esto ha sucedido cuatro veces este año.”

    En su visita a Bucarest para reunirse con el presidente Klaus Iohannis y con el ministro de Defensa, Mihnea Motoc, el secretario general adjunto de la OTAN, Alexander Vershbow, ha apreciado el papel activo de Rumanía en el marco de la Alianza y ha mencionado la participación significativa de las fuerzas armadas en los esfuerzos de prevención y combate de los riesgos y retos de seguridad.

    Alexander Vershbow:

    “Es muy importante intensificar la capacidad de defensa y desaliento de la Alianza contra todas las amenazas a las que nos enfrentamos. Hay muchos retos y amenazas tanto en la zona oriental, donde Rusia intenta establecer y cambiar fronteras ya existentes, así como en la zona del sur donde nos enfrentamos al terrorismo y extremismo.”

    El mismo día que aterrizaron los dos aviones estadounidenses F22 en Rumanía, el presidente Barack Obama insistía en Hannover en la necesidad de que los países miembros de la OTAN apoyen a “los aliados de primera línea”, es decir a Rumanía, Polonia y a los países bálticos, los Estados más expuestos a las tensiones de Rusia.

  • Rumanía y la OTAN

    Rumanía y la OTAN

    Los aviones de combate más avanzados del mundo, considerados imbatibles en luchas aéreas, han aterrizado por primera vez en el sudeste de Europa, en Rumanía, en la base aérea Mihail Kogalniceanu de Constanza en el marco de la operación “Atlantic Resolve”. Dicha operación fue creada en EE. UU. tras el inicio del conflicto de Ucrania en 2014 para proteger a los países de la zona oriental de la OTAN.

    Los aviones F22 Raptor son aviones de quinta generación, invisibles a los radares, que alcanzan una velocidad dos veces mayor que la del sonido. Este avión con un radio de acción de 3.000 km cuesta 143 millones de dólares y tiene la capacidad de luchar incluso contra los sistemas de defensa antiaérea.

    El jefe de las Fuerzas Aéreas Rumanas, el general Laurian Anastasof, ha declarado que la presencia en Rumanía de los dos aviones demuestran la solidaridad de EE. UU. con Rumanía. Anastasof ha explicado que hubo situaciones en las que los pilotos rumanos se vieron obligados a despegar de emergencia debido a unos vuelos efectuados por aviones rusos. Escuchemos la declaración de Laurian Anastasof :

    “Hubo situaciones en las que cerca del espacio aéreo nacional identificamos vuelos de la Federación Rusa. Las distancias entre estos vuelos superan en general los 100 km. Si un avión ruso despega de una base de Crimea en este momento y se encuentra a una distancia de 100 km de la orilla de Crimea, se convierte en un vuelo que puede generar preocupación por parte de la Alianza. El procedimiento de la OTAN nos obliga a realizar despegues. Esto ha sucedido cuatro veces este año.”

    En su visita a Bucarest para reunirse con el presidente Klaus Iohannis y con el ministro de Defensa, Mihnea Motoc, el secretario general adjunto de la OTAN, Alexander Vershbow, ha apreciado el papel activo de Rumanía en el marco de la Alianza y ha mencionado la participación significativa de las fuerzas armadas en los esfuerzos de prevención y combate de los riesgos y retos de seguridad.

    Alexander Vershbow:

    “Es muy importante intensificar la capacidad de defensa y desaliento de la Alianza contra todas las amenazas a las que nos enfrentamos. Hay muchos retos y amenazas tanto en la zona oriental, donde Rusia intenta establecer y cambiar fronteras ya existentes, así como en la zona del sur donde nos enfrentamos al terrorismo y extremismo.”

    El mismo día que aterrizaron los dos aviones estadounidenses F22 en Rumanía, el presidente Barack Obama insistía en Hannover en la necesidad de que los países miembros de la OTAN apoyen a “los aliados de primera línea”, es decir a Rumanía, Polonia y a los países bálticos, los Estados más expuestos a las tensiones de Rusia.

  • 25.04.2016 (mise à jour)

    25.04.2016 (mise à jour)

    Entretien — Le président Klaus Iohannis a reçu, ce lundi, à Bucarest, le secrétaire général adjoint de l’Alliance Atlantique, Alexander Vershbow, actuellement en visite en Roumanie. L’entretien a porté sur le sommet de l’Alliance qui aura lieu à Varsovie, en juillet, et sur les évolutions dans les voisinages oriental et méridional de l’OTAN. Alexander Vershbow a apprécié le rôle actif de la Roumanie, notamment au plan militaire, soulignant la participation significative de l’armée roumaine aux efforts de prévention et de lutte contre les risques et défis de sécurité auxquels se confronte l’Alliance Atlantique.

    Militaire — Deux avions F-22 Raptor de l’aviation américaine se sont posés ce lundi sur la Base aérienne Mihail Kogălniceanu, dans le sud-est de la Roumanie, dans le cadre de l’exercice militaire « Atlantic Resolve ». Ce type d’appareil monoplace, un des plus performants au monde, est un avion de chasse furtif. Le général américain Timothy M. Ray, commandant de la 3e Armée de l’air des Etats Unis, a déclaré que cette première présence des deux chasseurs en Roumanie était une garantie de l’engagement assumé par Washington en faveur de ses alliés de l’OTAN, ainsi qu’une preuve de la forte relation bilatérale roumano-américaine. L’ambassadeur des Etats Unis à Bucarest, Hans Klemm, a rappelé le partenariat étroit de Washington et Bucarest sur des théâtres d’opérations étrangers, tels le Kosovo et la Bosnie dans le passé, ou l’Afghanistan à présent.

    Berlin — En visite en Allemagne, le président américain, Barack Obama, a prononcé un discours à Hanovre, dans lequel il a demandé aux membres de l’OTAN à appuyer les alliés est-européens — la Pologne, la Roumanie et les pays baltes. Il leur a aussi demandé d’augmenter le budget alloué à la défense et de répondre aux menaces sur le flanc sud. Chaque Etat membre de l’OTAN devrait apporter son entière contribution à notre sécurité commune, avec un budget défense de 2% du PIB. Or, cela n’arrive pas toujours — a insisté Barack Obama. Il a souligné son intention de remettre ce message au sommet de l’Alliance de Varsovie.

    Négociations — Le ministère du travail et les syndicats du secteur public de Roumanie ont ouvert ce lundi des négociations sur l’adoption d’un nouveau décret d’urgence sur les salaires des personnels du secteur. Le nouveau ministre Dragos Pâslaru a fait savoir que les parties examinaient plusieurs variantes du document dont le principe fondamental est d’éliminer les déséquilibres du système. Le gouvernement souhaite majorer uniquement les salaires les plus bas, alors que les grandes confédérations syndicales demandent des majorations salariales pour toutes les catégories de personnel et menacent de protester, si leur revendication n’est pas satisfaite.

    Tennis – Dans la finale de simple du tournoi de tennis BRD Năstase – Ţiriac Trophy de Bucarest, l’Espagnol Fernando Verdasco s’est imposé devant le Français Lucas Pouille, en deux sets 6-3 6-2. C’est la dernière édition du tournoi, créé en 1993.

    Météo — Dans les prochaines 24h, le temps restera perturbé en Roumanie, avec un ciel variable sur l’ouest et le sud-ouest et plutôt couvert sur le reste du territoire. Des pluies sont attendues dans la moitié est du pays et localement dans le nord-ouest et le centre. Il neigera en montagne. Mardi, les températures de la mi-journée iront de 7 à 15°.

  • April 24, 2016 UPDATE

    April 24, 2016 UPDATE

    NATO – The deputy Secretary General of NATO, Alexander Vershbow, will be received on Monday by President Klaus Iohannis, and will also have a meeting with the Romanian Defence Minister, Mihnea Motoc. According to the Defence Ministry, the NATO official is in Romania between April 24 and 26 to take part in a meeting of of political leaders in the defence ministries of NATO member states. Meanwhile, the US President, Barack Obama, who is to have a meeting on Monday with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, will call on Germany to get more involved in the defence of eastern NATO member countries. German governmental sources quoted by Der Spiegel magazine said additional NATO troops might be deployed to Romania, Poland and the Baltic States. An official decision on increasing the NATO military presence in the east is to be made at the Alliance Summit due in Warsaw. The Pentagon has already announced in late March that the US will send more troops to Eastern Europe, Romania included, as of 2017, as part of the measures to guarantee security against the backdrop of Russias recent actions.

    LEGISLATION – The Romanian Labour Ministry will initiate on Monday talks with its social partners on a new emergency order aimed at doing away with inequities in public sector salaries. The new legislation is scheduled to be finalised within three weeks. In an interview to Radio Romania, the Finance Minister Anca Dragu said the Government intended to increase the lower salaries in the public administration, because the budget resources were limited. She also explained that according to data available to the Finance Ministry, in the first months of the year revenues to the state budget were higher than estimated.

    COLECTIV – The Office of the Prosecutor General has finalised its investigation into the Colectiv nightclub fire which killed 64 people and injured over 150. Several people, including the nightclub owners, will be sent to Court. The three owners are accused, among other things, of manslaughter and breach of relevant safety and security regulations. The tragedy took place last autumn, during a rock concert in which several hundreds of people took part. The fire was caused by fireworks, but overcrowding and the lack of multiple access ways contributed to the increased death toll. The Colectiv fire had a huge impact and was followed by large-scale street protests, further to which PM Victor Ponta resigned.

    PALM SUNDAY – Romanian Orthodox and Greek-Catholic Christians celebrated Palm Sunday, which is a commemoration of Jesus Christs entry in Jerusalem before his crucifixion. The previous day, thousands of believers and hundreds of priests took part in processions, in the country and abroad, in a symbolic reconstruction of Christs journey to Jerusalem. Palm Sunday opened the last week of Lent, also known as Passion Week, which commemorates the most dramatic days in the life of Jesus Christ. On Palm Sunday, nearly 1.4 million Romanians named after flower names celebrated their name day.

    PROTESTS – Thousands of people took part on Sunday in Chisinau, the capital city of the Rep. of Moldova, in an anti-government protest organised by the Dignity and Truth Platform. The protesters demanded the resignation of the Filip Cabinet and early parliamentary elections, and announced that they resumed around-the-clock protests against the current government. According to them, the Cabinet failed to meet the demands they had made previously, and only goes through the motions of implementing reforms. Several pro-European parties in opposition, including the Liberal Democratic Party and the Liberal Reformist Party, have joined the protest organised by the Dignity and Truth Platform.

  • April 24, 2016

    April 24, 2016

    LEGISLATION – The Romanian Labour Ministry will initiate tomorrow talks with its social partners on a new emergency order aimed at doing away with inequities in public sector salaries. The new legislation is scheduled to be finalised within three weeks. In an interview to Radio Romania, the Finance Minister Anca Dragu said the Government intended to increase the lower salaries in the public administration, because the budget resources were limited. She also explained that according to data available to the Finance Ministry, in the first months of the year revenues to the state budget were higher than estimated.

    DIPLOMACY – The Romanian Foreign Ministry hails the celebration, on April 24, of 85 years since diplomatic relations were established between Romania and Argentina. According to a news release, these relations are expressed in a constant political dialogue, including as members of international organisations, as well as in mutual economic and trade interests. Grassroots contacts, the old Romanian community in Argentina and the Latin origin of the two languages are also key elements that define bilateral relations. The first official contacts between Romania and Argentina were reported in 1880. Diplomatic relations were established on April 24, 1931, at legation level, and on March 29, 1964, the diplomatic offices were upgraded to embassy.

    NATO – The deputy Secretary General of NATO, Alexander Vershbow, will be received on Monday by President Klaus Iohannis, and will also have a meeting with the Romanian Defence Minister, Mihnea Motoc. According to the Defence Ministry, the NATO official is in Romania between April 24 and 26 to take part in a meeting of of political leaders in the defence ministries of NATO member states. Meanwhile, the US President, Barack Obama, who is to have a meeting tomorrow with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, will call on Germany to get more involved in the defence of eastern NATO member countries. German governmental sources quoted by Der Spiegel magazine said additional NATO troops might be deployed to Romania, Poland and the Baltic States. An official decision on increasing the NATO military presence in the east is to be made at the Alliance Summit due in Warsaw. The Pentagon has already announced in late March that the US will send more troops to Eastern Europe, Romania included, as of 2017, as part of the measures to guarantee security against the backdrop of Russias recent actions.

    PALM SUNDAY – Romanian Orthodox and Greek-Catholic Christians celebrate Palm Sunday today, which is a commemoration of Jesus Christs entry in Jerusalem before his crucifixion. The previous day, thousands of believers and hundreds of priests took part in processions, in the country and abroad, in a symbolic reconstruction of Christs journey to Jerusalem. Palm Sunday opens the last week of Lent, also known as Passion Week, which commemorates the most dramatic days in the life of Jesus Christ. On Palm Sunday, nearly 1.4 million Romanians named after flower names celebrate their name day.

    FESTIVALS – The feature film “Soy Nero, directed by the Iranian Rafi Pitts, last night won the Grand Prize of the 12th Bucharest International Film Festival (BIFF). “Soy Nero tells the story of a Mexican who gets deported and returns to the US illegally in search of his own identity. The award for the best director went to Mia Hansen-Love (France) for “L’avenir. “Death in Sarajevo by Danis Tranovic won the award for best script. Meanwhile, in the southern Romanian city of Craiova, the 10th Shakespeare International Theatre Festival came to an end last night. This latest edition commemorated 400 years since the death of the great British playwright.

    TENNIS – The Romanians Florin Mergea and Horia Tecău are playing today, in the doubles final of the BRD Năstase – Ţiriac Trophy in Bucharest, with 460,000 Euros in prize money, against Chris Guccione (Australia) and Andre Sa (Brazil). Yesterday, in the semi-finals, the Romanians outplayed the Dutch Wesley Koolhof and Matwe Middelkoop, 3-6, 6-2, 10-8. Meanwhile, the Romanian Andreea Mitu and Turkeys Ipek Soylu, are playing today in the doubles final of the Istanbul tournament, against Xenia Knoll (Switzerland)/Danka Kovinic (Montenegro).

  • April 15, 2016 UPDATE

    April 15, 2016 UPDATE

    GLOBSEC –In the current security climate, there is no alternative to a strong Europe, with tightened security on the external borders and a consolidated Schengen area, Romanian foreign minister Lazar Comanescu said in Bratislava on Friday. During a meeting he had with his Slovakian counterpart, Miroslav Lajcak, organised on the sidelines of the Global Security Summit, GLOBSEC, Comanescu made public Romania’s stand on a series of topical issues on the European agenda, particularly the migration crisis as well as the political and security developments in the Eastern Neighbourhood. He laid emphasis on the situation in the former Soviet Republic of Moldova, with a predominantly Romanian speaking population and in Ukraine, which are both neighbouring Romania. In turn, Lajcak hailed the fact that the Romanian Foreign Ministry will send an expert to join the Slovakian team during Bratislava’s holding the EU Council Presidency, in the second half of the year. An event boasting a tradition spanning over a decade, GLOBSEC has become an important foreign policy and security platform, bringing together high-ranking officials and renowned experts from Europe and North America.

    ROMANIAN CITIZENSHIP — Every tenth citizen of the Republic of Moldova (a former Soviet state, with a predominantly Romanian speaking population) is also holding Romanian citizenship, official data issued by the Bucharest-based National Citizenship Bureau show. In 2002, Romania started to grant citizenship to some 385,000 inhabitants of the Republic of Moldova, which account for 10% of that country’s population. A couple of years ago, the Romanian government launched a special program which simplified the process of granting Romanian citizenship to Moldovans, whose country was set up on some of the Romanian eastern territories, annexed by the Soviet Union in 1940, following an ultimatum. Recent opinion polls show the idea of the two countries’ reunification is supported by some 70% of the Romanians and by over 20% of the citizens of the Republic of Moldova.

    AWARD – Romania’s President, Klaus Iohannis, has signed the decree awarding the Deputy Secretary General of NATO, ambassador Alexander Vershbow, the “Star of Romania” National Order, in rank of Grand Officer, “in token of high appreciation for the constant support provided to Romania, for his vision in developing and achieving Euro-Atlantic security, for promoting cooperation at international level, in an effort to successfully face the challenges of the new millennium”, the Romanian Presidential Administration writes in a communiqué. Romania became a NATO member in 2004.

    TERRORISM — Romania reiterates its firm commitment to actively contribute to international efforts to combat terrorism, Romania’s Permanent Representative at the UN Ion Jinga said during a debate of the UN Security Council. The Romanian official added that terrorism is a permanent threat against humanity and that no country is safe from this scourge. The UN is making special efforts to build a universal coalition against terrorism, Jinga went on to say.

    RESIGNATION — Romanian Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos has announced the Government will next week continue talks with civil society with respect to the salaries of public sector employees, so as to come up with a commonly accepted, feasible and legal solution. On Thursday Dacian Ciolos accepted the resignation of Labour Minister Ana Costea, and is expected to make a nomination for this office over the coming period.

    DACIA — The sales of the Romanian carmaker Dacia, owned by the French group Renault, reported a 4.9% hike in March at European level, with a market share of 2.3%, according to data made public by the European Carmakers Association on Friday. Registrations of Dacia makes in Europe stood at 41,000 units, up as compared to March 2015. Renault took over Dacia in 1999. Re-branded in 2004 with the release of the Logan make, Dacia has become a major player on the European car market.

    POPE FRANCIS — Pope Francis on Saturday is paying a symbolic visit to Lesbos Island in Greece, to express solidarity with all migrants, the Vatican has announced. The visit is also an ecumenical effort, as Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople will also be present in Lesbos. Over 4,000 migrants were rescued last week in the Mediterranean. EU officials are worried Europe might face a new migration wave in the coming months. This time migrants are expected to arrive via Africa, mainly Libya, after the Balkan gateway into Europe was blocked earlier this year. Under these circumstances, Pope Francis says the situation of the refugees in Greece remains dramatic.

    TENNIS — Romania’s Fed Cup team on Saturday and Sunday is taking on Germany, in the Romanian City of Cluj, in the World Group playoffs. In the first match on Saturday, Irina Begu (WTA’s no 35) will meet Angelique Kerber (WTA’s no. 3), whereas in the second simple tennis match, Simona Halep (WTA’s no 6) will face Andrea Petkovic (WTA’s no.30). On Sunday, Halep is due to meet Kerber, and the last simple tennis match will be played by Begu and Petkovic. In the doubles, the pair Alexandra Dulgheru/Monica Niculescu will meet Annika Beck/Julia Goerges. In February, in the first round of the competition, Romania lost to the Czech Republic, the defending champion, 2-3, and Germany was defeated by Switzerland, with the same score. Germany ranks fourth and Romania ninth in the FED Cup classification.

    (Translated by Vlad Palcu and Diana Vijeu)