Tag: American Jewish Committee

  • January 20, 2018 UPDATE

    January 20, 2018 UPDATE

    PROTEST – Dozens of thousands of people protested again in Bucharest and other cities across Romania on Saturday evening against the changes brought to the justice laws and the recent fiscal measures adopted by the government formed by the Social Democratic Party and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats. The protest in Bucharest was attended by people from all over the country. The traffic in the area was disturbed and incidents were reported involving protesters and gendarmes. The protesters are accusing the ruling coalition in Romania of trying to subordinate the judiciary, by amending the legislation in the field. In December, several NGOs called on the Government to inform the Venice Commission about the justice laws and the changes in the criminal codes. Recently, the embassies in Bucharest of Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Holland and Sweden have called, in a joint letter, on all the parties involved in the reform of the judiciary to avoid any action that would weaken the independence of the justice system and the fight against corruption.

    AJC– Romanias President Klaus Iohannis has received in Bucharest a delegation of the American Jewish Committee (AJC), headed by President David Harris, on which occasion he stated that Bucharest authorities will continue to be extremely open to the Jewish community. In turn, David Harris has appreciated the way in which Romania acted while holding the presidency of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, between March 2016 and March 2017, stressing in particular the remarkable results obtained in the field of Holocaust education and research. During the meeting, the two parties also discussed the Strategic Partnership between Romania and the US and the privileged ties between Romania and Israel, to the strengthening of which AJC would like to keep contributing. David Harris has also met with the Romanian interim prime-minister Mihai Fifor, who has stressed Romanias strategic role in the Black Sea area and the countrys firm commitment as a NATO member. Established in 1906, the American Jewish Committee is one of the oldest Jewish organisations in the USA, fighting against antisemitism at global level and promoting the observance of human rights.

    AIR POLLUTION– The European Commission has announced that on January 30th it will hold a ministerial meeting, involving the participation of nine member states, including Romania. The meeting will focus on the infringement procedure regarding failure to observe the agreed air pollution limits. The other member states, besides Romania, facing infringement are the Czech Republic, Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Hungary, Slovakia and the UK. In 2008, a directive was issued establishing the air quality limits that cannot be exceeded anywhere in the EU, obliging the Member States to limit the exposure of citizens to harmful air pollutants. According to the Commission, despite this directive, these limits are still being exceeded in more than 130 cities across Europe.

    BULGARIA – The German Chancellor Angela Merkel paid a visit to Sofia on Saturday, for talks with her Bulgarian counterpart Boiko Borisov on the priorities of the Bulgarian presidency of the EU. The talks focused on Bulgarias joining the Schengen agreement, the EU accession of the countries in the Western Balkans, the migration crisis and the relations with Turkey. Merkel hailed the way in which Bulgaria ensured the security of the EU borders, in particular the one with Turkey. She also appreciated the Bulgarian Prime Ministers initiative to organize an EU-Turkey summit, which would openly address all the important issues. The German chancellor has announced that Bulgarias accession to the Schengen area might start soon with air transportation.

    FARMING – Romania owns 33% of the total number of farms in the EU, but, as regards the area of land used in agriculture, the country is outranked by countries such as France or Spain, according to data made public by the National Statistics Institute. According to the institute, Romanias main problem is the fragmentation of agricultural land, which does not help farmers capitalize enough on their production. The study made by the NSI has also revealed that, in 2016, the number of farms dropped by 6% as compared to 2013, when the previous study was conducted.

    ATTACK – On Saturday, the Turkish army confirmed it launched a ground and air offensive against the YPG Kurdish militia in the Afrin region in northern Syria. To Ankara, YPG, Peoples Protection Units, is a terrorist organisation. The operation is regarded with concern by Washington, given that YPG is an ally to the US in the fight against the Islamic State. Ankara accuses YPG of being the Syrian branch of the PKK, which has been carrying out a rebellion in south-eastern Turkey for more than 30 years and is considered by Ankara and its western allies a terrorist organisation.

    AUSTRALIAN OPEN– The Romanian tennis player Simona Halep, number one in the WTA rankings, has today qualified for the next round of the Australian Open, the first Grand Slam tournament of the year, after defeating the American Lauren Davis. The match against Davis was the most dramatic in her career and also the longest, as it lasted three hours and 45 minutes. In the fourth round, Simona Halep will take on the Japanese Naomi Osaka, no. 72 in the WTA classification. Also today, the pair made up of the Romanian Sorana Carstea and the Brazilian Beatriz Haddad Maia has qualified for the last 16 of the womens doubles. Next they will play against the fourth seed Lucie Safarova and Barbora Strycova, of the Czech Republic. In the mens doubles, the Romanian Horia Tecau and the Dutch Jean-Julien Rojer were defeated by the Australian Sam Groth/ Lleyton Hewitt. Another Romanian player, Ana Bogdan, was eliminated in the third round by the American Madison Keys.

    (translated by Mihaela Ignatescu)

  • Nachrichten 20.01.2017

    Nachrichten 20.01.2017

    Zigtausende Menschen aus ganz Rumänien sind am Samstag abend in Bukarest zusammengekommen, um gegen die von der Regierung geplante Änderung der Justizgesetze und der Strafgesetzbücher zu protestieren. Auch in anderen Gro‎ßstädten Rumäniens und im Ausland protestierten Tausende Rumänen gegen die Änderung der Justizgesetze. Die protestierenden Bürger beschuldigen die Koalitionsregierung bestehend aus der Sozialdemokratischen Partei und der Allianz der Liberalen und Demokraten (PSD-ALDE), mit der Änderung der Gesetzgebung sich die Justiz unterordnen zu wollen. Mehrere Nichtregierungsorganisationen haben die Exekutive aufgefordert, einen Ersuch an die Venedig-Kommission in Bezug auf die Änderung der Justizgesetze und der Strafgesetzbücher einzureichen. Weiter fordern die NGOs die Aufschiebung der Umsetzung besagter Gesetze durch eine Eilverordnung. Neulich hatten die Botschaften Belgiens, Dänemarks, Finnlands, Frankreichs, Deutschlands, Schwedens und der Niederlande in Bukarest in einem gemeinsamen Schreiben an an alle an der Justizreform beteiligte Parteien appelliert, jede Aktion zu vermeiden, die die Unabhängigkeit der Justiz und die Bekämpfung der Korruption untergraben könnten.

    Der rumänische Staatspräsident, Klaus Iohannis, hat am Samstag in Bukarest eine Delegation des American Jewish Committee, geleitet vom Vorsitzenden David Harris, empfangen. Dabei sagte Iohannis, die Bukarester Behörden blieben weiterhin vollkommen offen gegenüber der jüdischen Gemeinde in Rumänien. Seinerseits würdigte David Harris die Art und Weise wie Rumänien die Präsidentschaft der International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) in der Zeit März 2016-März 2017 ausgeübt hätte. Dabei hob Harris die Resultate in den Bereichen Bildung und Forschung zum Thema Holocaust hervor. Bei dem Treffen gab es auch einen Meinungsaustausch in Bezug auf die Strategische Partnerschaft zwischen Rumänien und den USA, und auf die privilegierten Beziehungen zwichen Rumänien und Israel. Der Vorsitzende des American Jewish Committee ist auch mit Interims-Ministerpräsident Mihai Fifor zusammengekommen. Fifor betonte die strategische Rolle Rumäniens im Schwarzmeerraum, das feste Engagements unseres Landes als NATO-Mitglied und die sehr guten Beziehungen zu Israel. Das American Jewish Committee ist eine 1906 gegründete US-amerikanische Nichtregierungsorganisation. Sie engagiert sich für die weltweite Bekämpfung des Antisemitismus und für die Förderung der Menschenrechte.

    Die rumänische Tennisspielerin Simona Halep (Platz 1 WTA) hat sich am Samstag in Melbourne fur das Achtelfinale des Australian Open qualifiziert. In einem dramatischen Spiel, das 3 Stunden und 45 Minuten gedauert hat, besiegte Simona Halep die US-Amerikanerin Lauren Davis (Platz 76 WTA) in drei Sätzen, mit 4-6, 6-4, 15-13. Im Achtelfinale wird Halep gegen die Japanerin Naomi Osaka (Platz 72 WTA) antreten. Ebenfalls am Samstag besiegten die Rumänin Sorana Cîrstea und die Brasilianerin Beatriz Haddad Maia ihre Gegnerinnen Alicja Rosolska (Polen) und Abigail Spears (USA), und qualifizierten sich für das Achtefinale im Damendoppel. Sorana Cîrstea und Beatriz Haddad Maia werden im Achtelfinale gegen die Tschechinnen Lucie Safarova und Barbora Strycova kämpfen. Im Herren-Doppel wurden Horia Tecău (Rumänien) und Jean-Julien Rojer (Niederlande) von den Australiern Sam Groth und Lleyton Hewitt in der zweiten Runde eliminiert.

  • January 20, 2018

    January 20, 2018

    AJC – Romania’s President Klaus Iohannis has received in
    Bucharest a delegation of the American Jewish Committee (AJC), headed by President
    David Harris, on which occasion he stated that Bucharest authorities will continue
    to be extremely open to the Jewish community. In turn, David Harris has
    appreciated the way in which Romania acted while holding the presidency of the
    International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance between March 2016 and March 2017,
    stressing in particular the remarkable results obtained in the field of Holocaust education
    and research. During the meeting, the two parties also discussed the
    Strategic Partnership between Romania and the US and the privileged ties
    between Romania and Israel, to the strengthening of which AJC would like to keep
    contributing. David Harris has also met with the Romanian interim
    prime-minister Mihai Fifor, who has stressed Romania’s strategic role in the
    Black Sea area and the country’s firm commitment as a NATO member. Established
    in 1906, the American Jewish Committee is one of the oldest Jewish
    organisations in the USA, fighting against antisemitism at global level and
    promoting the observance of human rights.

    AIR POLLUTION – The European Commission has announced
    that on January 30th it will hold a ministerial meeting, involving
    the participation of nine member states, including Romania. The meeting will
    focus on the infringement procedure regarding failure to observe the agreed air
    pollution limits. The other member states, besides Romania, facing infringement are the Czech Republic,
    Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Hungary, Slovakia and the UK. In 2008, a
    directive was issued establishing the air quality limits that cannot be
    exceeded anywhere in the EU, obliging the Member States to limit the exposure
    of citizens to harmful air pollutants. According to the Commission, despite
    this directive, these limits are still being exceeded in more than 130 cities
    across Europe.

    – Romania owns 33% of the total number of farms in the EU, but, as regards the
    area of land used in agriculture, the country is outranked by countries such as
    France or Spain, according to data made public by the National Statistics
    Institute. According to the institute, Romania’s main problem is the
    fragmentation of agricultural land, which does not help farmers capitalize
    enough on their production. The study made by the NSI has also revealed that, in
    2016, the number of farms dropped by 6% as compared to 2013, when the previous
    study was conducted.

    Romanian tennis player Simona Halep, number one in the WTA rankings, has today
    qualified for the next round of the Australian Open, the first Grand Slam
    tournament of the year, after defeating the American Lauren Davis. The match
    against Davis was the most dramatic in her career and also the longest, as it
    lasted three hours and 45 minutes. In the fourth round, Simona Halep will take
    on the Japanese Naomi Osaka, no. 72 in the WTA classification. Also today, the
    pair made up of the Romanian Sorana Carstea and the Brazilian Beatriz Haddad
    Maia has qualified for the last 16 of the women’s doubles. Next they will play
    against the fourth seed Lucie Safarova and Barbora Strycova, of the Czech
    Republic. In the men’s doubles, the Romanian Horia Tecau and the Dutch
    Jean-Julien Rojer were defeated by the Australian Sam Groth/ Lleyton Hewitt.
    Another Romanian player, Ana Bogdan, was eliminated in the third round by the
    American Madison Keys.

    (translated by Mihaela Ignatescu)

  • President Iohannis in Washington

    President Iohannis in Washington

    The President of
    Romania Klaus Iohannis is in Washington on a five-day formal visit, the central
    element of which will be a meeting with his US counterpart Donald Trump on June
    9. Iohannis is the first Central and Eastern European head of state to be
    received by the new US President since inauguration.

    On the first day
    of his visit, President Iohannis was the guest of honour of the Global Forum of
    the American Jewish Committee. On this occasion, he received the prestigious
    organisation’s highest award, Light Unto the Nations, granted to heads of state
    and government in recognition of their important international impact on peace,
    security, democracy and human rights. President Iohannis dedicated the award to
    Romania and its citizens. In his address at the Forum, Iohannis said that
    strengthening the rule of law, the independence of the judiciary and the fight
    against corruption were his top priorities. He emphasized, on the other hand,
    that denying the Holocaust and anti-Semitism endanger the health of democracies,
    and mentioned Romania’s work as president of the International Holocaust
    Remembrance Alliance (IHRA).

    Klaus Iohnnis: I dare say Romania is a strong country, and its
    strength is not given by geography or circumstances, but rather by the values
    it promotes and by its constant resolve to play a distinct role in safeguarding
    regional and transatlantic security, the President of Romania said. At a time
    when extremism, xenophobia and radicalism are dangerously rising in Europe and
    in the world, Romania has fully assumed its past and acts as a promoter of
    tolerance, diversity and non-discrimination, Iohannis went on to say. On the
    other hand, he added, Bucharest will remain one of the most reliable supporters
    of transatlantic relations within the European Union. He warned that the US
    needed the EU as a strategic partner, and that the security of the Union and of
    Europe as a whole was relevant to the security of the US.

    Iohannis also
    discussed the strong ties between Romania and the USA, which in 2017 celebrate
    20 years since the signature of the Strategic Partnership. I am looking
    forward to meeting President Donald Trump at the end of this week and to
    working together to make this partnership even stronger, deeper, broader and
    more meaningful for both our nations, Iohannis said, highlighting the
    excellent cooperation in the military field, the economic opportunities in
    Romania, as well as fields such as education and research as areas of great
    importance for the common future of the two countries.

  • Vizita preşedintelui României, Klaus Iohanis, în SUA

    Vizita preşedintelui României, Klaus Iohanis, în SUA

    Președintele României, Klaus Iohannis, efectuează în perioada 4-9 iunie, o vizită în Statele Unite ale Americii. El va avea o întrevedere oficială cu Președintele Statelor Unite ale Americii, Donald Trump. Cei doi înalți oficiali vor discuta perspectivele de aprofundare și extindere a Parteneriatului Strategic dintre România și SUA, pe toate palierele relevante, inclusiv în contextul în care în acest an se împlinesc 20 de ani de la lansarea acestuia. Klaus Iohannis va aborda prioritățile de acțiune în cadrul relației bilaterale și va reconfirma angajamentul ferm al României de a rămâne un aliat predictibil, stabil și de încredere al Statelor Unite.

    Președintele României va participa, în calitate de invitat de onoare, la Forumul Global al organizației American Jewish Committee (AJC), care are peste 110 ani de existență. Cu acest prilej, domnia sa va primi Light Unto the Nations, cea mai înaltă distincție a organizației care se decernează unor șefi de stat sau de guvern în semn de recunoaștere pentru impactul internațional important în domeniul păcii, securității, democrației, promovării valorilor umane. AJC a evidențiat faptul că a hotărât onorarea Președintelui Klaus Iohannis pentru acțiunea sa de lider dedicat întăririi democrației și a statului de drept în România, (…) pentru eforturile sale de a combate anti-semitismul și pentru a aprofunda legăturile dintre România și SUA, precum și între România și Israel.

    Acordarea acestei distincții a mai avut în vedere rolul țării noastre în cadrul Uniunii Europene și al dialogului transatlantic, în menținerea securității regionale și globale, dar și realizările recent încheiatei președinții-în-exercițiu române a Alianței Internaționale pentru Memoria Holocaustului (IHRA).

    Distincția va fi prezentată în cadrul Forumului Global, World Leaders Plenary, care se desfășoară în perioada 4-6 iunie, şi la care vor lua parte peste 2.500 de participanți din 70 de țări. Light Unto the Nations a mai fost acordată unor lideri marcanți, cum ar fi Cancelarul german Angela Merkel, Președintele Franței Nicolas Sarkozy, Președintele Statelor Unite ale Americii Bill Clinton, precum și altor șefi de stat din Europa și America Latină.

    Cu ocazia vizitei sale la Washington, președintele Iohannis se va întâlni şi cu reprezentanții comunității de români din SUA.

    sursa: presidency.ro