Tag: amman

  • April 30, 2018 UPDATE

    April 30, 2018 UPDATE

    Kabul — 8 Romanian soldiers were wounded on Monday in Afghanistan in a suicide bomb attack during a patrolling mission in the province of Kandahar in the south. They were taken to hospital but their condition is stable. President Klaus Iohannis and PM Viorica Dancila wished the wounded soldiers to get well soon. According to the Afghan police, 11 children were killed in the suicide attack perpetrated near a mosque by an alleged Taliban kamikaze. According to a communiqué of the Romanian Defense Ministry in 2018 the Romanian Army sent 625 soldiers to participate in the NATO Resolute Support mission in Afghanistan. Another 300 soldiers have been deployed to other regions, under the command of NATO, the EU, the UN and the OSCE.

    Suicide attacks — At least 25 people, among whom several journalists, were killed in two coordinated bombings claimed by the Islamic State group, that occurred on Monday in the center of Afghanistan’s capital, Kabul. The double attack took place near the headquarters of the Afghan intelligence service and of a ministry. The suicide bombings take place only one week after 60 people were killed in a bombing in Kabul at a voter registration center.

    Amman — The Romanian defense minister Mihai Fifor continues his visit to Jordan that will end on Wednesday. On Monday he met with the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Jordanian Armed Forces, Lieutenant-General Mahmoud Freihat. They discussed the developments of the international security environment and the main challenges and threats at regional and global level. The two officials tackled issues of common interest related to bilateral military relations, with focus on the joint training of Romanian and Jordanian soldiers, and the possibility of cooperation in the defense industry field. Also minister Fifor visited the Jordanian Counter terrorism Center, an institution inaugurated last year in Zarka.

    Brussels — Only 0.3% of the Romanian employees worked from home in 2017, this being the lowest percentage reported within the EU, according to data made public on Monday by Eurostat. On 1st position in this classification is Luxembourg with 10% employees working from home. Also the percentage of employees on a temporary employment contract in the EU varied, in 2017, from 1% of the total number of employees in Romania to 27% in Spain. The Eurostat study on the labor force market in the community space was published on the occasion of the anniversary of the International Worker’s Day marked on May 1. (news translated and updated by Lacramioara Simion)

  • April 29, 2018

    April 29, 2018

    Veterans Day — April 29 marks the National Veterans’ Day, which has been celebrated in Romania since 2008 following a government decision. The title of war veteran was first recognized on April 29, 1902 through a decree issued by King Carol I. The Romanian President Klaus Iohannis took the opportunity to thank the Romanian war veterans for what they did to serve their country. In the message conveyed on the Veterans’ Day President Iohannis highlighted the sacrifice of the Romanian Army to help the coming generations. In the year celebrating the Great Union Centennial, the president went on to say, the Romanian Army needs to be appreciated and praised for the efforts made to continue the glorious heritage of the previous generations of brave soldiers. The Romanian Defense Ministry organized, for 4 days, in all garrisons across Romania, manifestations devoted to the War Veterans Day. Manifestations included military and religious ceremonies, wreath laying ceremonies, solemn meetings of the associations of war veterans, shows and exhibitions. Similar manifestations devoted to the memory of the Romanian soldiers were held at commemorative monuments in the Czech Republic, the Republic of Moldova, Russia, Slovakia and Hungary.

    Amman — The Romanian defense minister Mihai Fifor is on a visit to Jordan until May 2 to participate in the Aqaba Process meeting. According to a Defense ministry communiqué, minister Fifor will be received by King Abdullah II of Jordan and will have a meeting with the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Jordanian Armed Forces, Lieutenant-General Mahmoud Freihat. The Aqaba Process is a platform for strategic dialogue launched in 2015, which is meant to coordinate the actions of the international community against terrorism and extremism. So far 4 trans-regional meetings have been held, the participant countries sharing the same concerns related to the consolidation of stability and security, irrespective of the geopolitical and geo-strategic context of the region they belong to. oldiers were held at commemorative monuments in the Czech Republic, the Republic of Moldova, Russia, Slovakia and Hungary.

    May 1 holiday — More than 50 thousand Romanians chose to spend the May 1 mini-holiday on the Black Sea Coast. In the resorts of Vama Veche, Constanta, Mamaia and Navodari the beaches were prepared to offer proper conditions for relaxation and sunbathing and most hotels are fully booked. To ensure the tourists’ safety the Interior Ministry has mobilized as many as 700 policemen and gendarmes. Another 10 thousand Romanians chose to spend the mini-holiday in the Danube Delta while others went to the mountain resorts on the Prahova Valley. The Romanian Railway Authority has increased the number of train carriages for the most sought-after destinations.

    Justice Laws — The special committee for the justice laws in the Romanian Parliament will start on May 2 to debate the proposals regarding the modification of the Criminal Code, the Criminal Procedure and Civil Procedure Codes. They aim at harmonizing the three laws with the decisions of the Constitutional Court, of the European Court of Human Rights and the European Directive in the field. In winter the Romanian Parliament passed a number of modifications to the justice laws, the statute of magistrates, judicial organization and the functioning of the Superior Council of Magistracy. Some of these modifications generated large-scale street protests.

    Chisinau — Almost 1 million and half citizens of the Republic of Moldova have benefited from the visa waiver operated by the EU, which came into force 4 years ago. Thus, as of April 28, 2014, the Moldovan citizens who held a biometric passport could travel for 90 days to the Schengen space, but for no more than 180 days per year. According to Radio Chisinau which quotes the Border Police, the number of departures to the EU has increased by the year, from 300 thousand in 2014 to more than 1.5 million in 2017. The Republic of Moldova was the first state in the EU’s Eastern Partnership that obtained a visa waiver. (news translated by Lacramioara Simion)

  • November 17, 2016

    November 17, 2016

    SEARCHES Prosecutors with the Bucharest’s Sector One Court are carrying out searches at the head offices of the Romanian Radio Broadcasting Corporation, taking up files from several offices. According to legal sources, searches are conducted in connection to some contracts granted to companies belonging to members of the corporation’s managing board or to some of their associates. The prejudice has been estimated at 90 thousand euros.

    INCOME Incomes in Romania have seen a 13% rise in the past 12 months, while consumption has increased by 10% against the latest cuts in taxes and prices, shows a balance sheet presented by the country’s technocratic Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos after one year in power. By and large, the economy’s growth pace has increased from 3.8% in 2015 to over 4% in 2016. Pundits have pointed out to the fact that pay rises have caused an unprecedented increase in demand for goods and services, which, in turn, has triggered an almost 7% rise in imports. Because exports went on to a much slower pace of only 4.3%, the trade deficit soared and that might lead to a generalized imbalance in macroeconomic indicators.

    EURO In order to join the Eurozone, Romania might need a yearly economic growth of 5% by 2024 — shows a survey carried out by the European Institute. With such a sustained growth, Romania might reach 75 percentages of the EU average in terms of the GDP per capita. According to the survey, the development gap between the states using euros and the others does not recommend it for accession yet. Because Romania’s economic structure is very different from those in the Eurozone, the country would have more to lose if it gave up its independent monetary policy, the report says. We recall the initial term set by the authorities in Bucharest for adopting the single currency was 2015.

    VISIT Romanian Foreign Minister Lazar Comanescu on Tuesday and Wednesday paid an official visit to Jordan. During the talks with his Jordanian counterpart Nasser Judeh and with the spokesman for the Senate, Faisal Al-Fayez several issues were tackled including bilateral cooperation and the latest Middle East developments. Both sides voiced interest in raising trade exchanges by developing new projects in sectors such as IT, communication, health, agriculture, energy, education and tourism. The head of the diplomacy in Bucharest and officials in Amman also talked about the Israeli-Palestinian peace process and the crises in Syria and Iraq. In another development, Comanescu conveyed an invitation from Romanian president Klaus Iohannis to the Jordanian sovereign, Abdullah ll to pay a visit to Bucharest.

    DECEASED The Romanian football world is in mourning as 44 year old former international Daniel Prodan died of a heart attack on Thursday. A five years champion with the Romanian football side Steaua Bucharest, Prodan also played with Atletico Madrid in Spain and with Scottish side Glasgow Rangers. A member of the so-called Golden Generation of the Romanian football, Prodan, who was described by the sport press as an ‘iron fullback’, won 54 caps for the national football side and participated in the World Cup 1994 and the European Championship of 1996.

    GAUDEAMUS The Gaudeamus International Book fair currently underway in Bucharest will today be seeing numerous book launches, including the bilingual (Romanian-English) anthology of Romanian post-war prose “10.000 de semne/10,000 characters”, launched at the Romanian Cultural Institute’s stand. Until Sunday the fair will have been attended by hundreds of publishing houses, and have seen over 850 events. The largest stand allotted to a participant country is that of China, an honorary guest to the present edition. Gaudeamus Book Fair has been staged by Radio Romania, the world’s single radio station to have initiated and carried such a large-scale project in support of written culture.

  • Nachrichten 04.10.2015

    Nachrichten 04.10.2015

    Amman: Rumäniens Ministerpräsident Victor Ponta ist am Sonntag in Amman von dem König Jordaniens Abdullah II empfangen worden. An dem Treffen beteiligte sich auch der rumänische Außenminister Bogdan Aurescu. Victor Ponta hat auf Einladung seines Gegenübers Abdullah Ensour einen offiziellen Jordanienbesuch unternommen. Der rumänische Regierungschef ist mit hohen jordanischen Würdenträgern zusammengekommen, um über die Lage der bilateralen Beziehungen und die Flüchtingskrise zu sprechen. Victor Ponta begrüßte die Anstrengungen Jordaniens für den menschlichen Umgang mit den Flüchtlingen. Jordanien hat rund 1 Million Flüchtlinge aus Syrien empfangen. Rumänien will die politische und wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit mit Jordanien intensivieren, sowie an den Friedensprozess im Nahen Osten durch die Vermittlung der Beziehungen zwischen den Israelis und Palestinensern teilzunehmen.

    Chisinau: In der moldauischen Hauptstadt Chisinau findet weiterhin eine Protestaktion der bürgerlichen Plattform Würde und Wahrheit statt. Die Demonstranten protestieren gegen staatliche Korruption und Kriminalität. Sie fordern den Rücktritt der Regierung und vorverlegte Wahlen. Die moldauische prowestliche Regierung behauptete, derartige Forderungen können die Republik Moldau in eine tiefe politische und wirtschaftliche Krise führen. Die sozialistische und populistische Opposition trat den Demonstranten bei und blockierte das Stadtzentrum. Der liberale Bürgermeister Dorin Chirtoaca richtete sich deshalb an die Justiz.

    Bukarest: Der Leichtathlet aus Kenya Patrick Kimeli hat am Sonntg die Marathon Raiffeisen Bank Bucharest gewonnen. Er lief die klassische Streckenlänge von 42,195km in 2h13min15sec. Als zweiter erreichte Bonja Gonza aus Äthiopien Cosmas Kigan ebenfalls aus Kenya belegte den dritten Platz. Das Frauenrennen gewann Warjik Zeritu aus Äthiopien in 2h48min5 sec gefolgt von Shewye Deebelu ebenfalls aus Äthiopien. Gladys Otero aus Kenya erreichte die dritte das Ziel. Die Marathon in Bukarest war ebenfalls Anlass zum Fondssammeln für Nichtregierungsorganisationen, die in Bereichen wie Gesundheit und Naturschutz tätig sind.

    Moskau: Die rumänische Tischtennisspielerin Eliza Samara hat am Sonntag bei den Tischtennis-EM im russischen Jekaterinburg das Einzel-Finale gewonnen. Eliza Samara besiegte die niederländische Spielerin Jie Li mit 4-3 (11-6, 9-11, 3-11, 11-7, 12-14, 11-4, 11-4). Ebenfalls am Sonntag hatte das Damen-Doppel gebildet aus der Rumänin Elizabeta Samara und der ungarischen Tischtennispielerin Georgina Pota den Silber erzielt. Sie verloren im Finale gegen Melek Hu (Türkei)/Yanfei Shen (Spanien). Samara hatte zuvor mit dem rumänischen Team die Silbermedaille gewonnen.

  • October 4, 2015

    October 4, 2015

    The Romanian prime minister is having talks on Sunday in Amman with King Abdullah II of Jordan. On Saturday the Romanian official had talks with other Jordanian high officials about the stage of bilateral relations and the refugee crisis in the region. The Romanian PM hailed the efforts made by Jordan for managing the crisis, a country which hosts almost 1 million refugees from Syria. Romania wants to intensify cooperation with Jordan and also to contribute to the peace efforts in the Middle East by mediating the contacts between Israelis and Palestinians.

    A new protest was held in Chisinau on Sunday by civil society against the high level corruption cases in the Republic of Moldova. The protesters want the corrupt leaders of the country to resign and to hold early elections. However the current power says early elections would push the Republic of Modova into a deep political and economic crisis. The protests have been held for about a month, after the three-party government coalition, that claimed to have a pro-western orientation, was seriously discredited by the disappearance from the country’s banking system of one billion dollars, which accounted for about 15% of the GDP. The pro-Moscow socialist and populist opposition has lately joined the protests that blocked traffic in the center of Chisinau.

    The Portuguese president, Anibal Cavaco Silva, said Portugal was at a crossroads of its history and called on the citizens with the right to vote to go to the polls in great numbers in Sunday’s parliamentary election. According to opinion surveys, the center-right government coalition is ahead of the opposition Socialists but they still need more votes to be able to form a parliamentary majority. Sunday’s vote takes places 4 years after the centre-right coalition implemented various austerity measures such as cuts in expenses and tax increases, imposed by the aid agreement concluded with the Euro Zone states.

    For a month, 36 thousand soldiers from the NATO member states, Romania included, will participate in the Alliance’s largest drill held in the past 13 years. The exercises will take place simultaneously in areas in Italy, Portugal, Spain, the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea, Canada, Norway, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands. Through this exercise NATO wants to prove and extend its capabilities to respond to current and future threats. The drill is taking place against the backdrop of tension between NATO and Russia regarding the conflicts in Ukraine and Syria and of the refugee crisis.

  • Nachrichten 3.10.2015

    Nachrichten 3.10.2015

    Berlin: Der rumänische Staatschef Klaus Iohannis hat am Samstag dem deutschen Volk zum Einheitstag gratuliert. “Rumänien und Deutschland sind Freunde und Partnerstaaten. Wir wünschen uns einen gemeinsamen Weg neben diesem Hauptspieler der globaler Ebene zugunsten beider Länder, der europäischen Konstruktion und besonders für unsere Bürger – schrieb Iohannis per Facebook. Am 3. Oktober 2015 wurde der 25. Jahrestag der deutschen Wiedervereinigung gefeiert.

    Amman: Rumäniens Ministerpräsident Victor Ponta unternimmt auf Einladung seines Gegenübers in Amman Abdallah Ensour einen zweitägigen offiziellen Jordanienbesuch. Laut einer Mitteilung der Bukarester Exekutive sei der Zweck des Besuches, die Wiederbestätigung der sehr guten politisch-diplomatischen Beziehungen zwischen Rumänien und Jordanien und die Entwicklung der wirtschaftlichen Beziehungen. Der rumänische Ministerpräsident, der von einer Regierungsdelegation begleitet wird, wird mit den höchsten Würdenträgern des Landes zusammenkommen. Victor Ponta wird ebenfalls mit Vertretern der jordanischen Handelskammer zusammentreffen, sowie mit irakischen Geschäftsleuten, deren Unternehmen in Jordanien und Irak tätig sind. Die Gespräche in Amman werden Themen wie die Intensivierung der wirschaftlichen Kooperierung besonders in Bereichen wie Landwirtschaft, Energie, Tourismus und Gesundheit angehen. Ein weiteres Thema ist die Flüchtlingskrise. Rumänien soll an Jordanien humanitäre Hilfe von rund 250000 Euro gewähren und dadurch die lokalen Gemeinschaften in Jordanien, wo sich die meisten syrischen Flüchtlinge aufhalten, unterstützen.

    Bukarest: Der sozialdemokratische Regierungschef Victor Ponta hat erneut hervorgehoben, er werde nicht zurücktreten, so lange er sich der Unterstützung der Regierungskoalition gebildet aus der Sozialdemokratischen Partei, der Nationalen Union für den Fortschritt Rumäniens und der Allianz der Liberalen und Demokraten erfreue. Ponta hat per Facebook bekanntgegeben, seine Prioritäten seien das Gehaltsgesetz, der Haushaltsentwurf für das Jahr 2016, sowie das neue Gesetz zur Vergabe öffentlicher Aufträge. Die Antikorruptionsstaatsanwälte haben den Ministerpräsident Victor Ponta wegen Urkundenfälschung, Beihilfe zur Steuerhinterziehung und Geldwäsche angeklagt. Die liberale Opposition scheiterte am Dienstag mit dem Misstrauensantrag gegen Ponta. Die National-Liberale Partei ist der Meinung, dass Victor Ponta nicht mehr das Recht hätte, Rechtsnormen zu unterzeichnen oder den Landeshaushalt zu billigen. Außerdem beeinträchtige die Strafverfolgung des Ministerpräsidenten stark das Vertrauen an Rumänien.

    Washington: Daniel Ioniţă, Staatssekretär für strategische Angelegenheiten im rumänischen Außenministerium, hat in Washington für die Verstärkung der Kooperation und Koordinierung zwischen der NATO und der EU plädiert. Daniel Ioniţă beteiligt sich an dem Forum für transatlantische Sicherheit. Der rumänische Diplomat schätzte, die Verstärkung der Kooperierung und Koordinierung zwischen den zwei Organisationen könnte die Antwort auf die langfristigen Sicherheitsbedrohungen sein. Ioniţă erwähnte die Entwicklungen an der östlichen Nato-Grenze, sowie die nationale politische Einigung in Bukarest für den Anstieg der Verteidigungsausgaben um 2 % des BIP bis 2017.

    XXX: Die Nordatlantische Allianz führt ab Samstag die bedeutendste militärische Übung der letzten 13 Jahre durch. 36.000 Soldaten, 60 Schiffe und 200 Flugzeuge der NATO Staaten werden ein Monat lang daran teilnehmen. Die Manöver finden simultan in Italien, Portugal, Spanien, im Atlantischen Ozean, Mittelmeer, Kanada, Norwegen, Deutschland, Belgien und den Niederlanden statt. Die Nato will durch die militärische Übung ihre Reaktionsfähigkeit auf die heutigen und künftigen Problemen testen.

  • TAROM: Cursa Bucrești-Amman redirecționată

    Cursa Bucureşti – Amman efectuată de TAROM, duminică, 18 ianuarie, a fost redirecționată pe un alt aeroport din statul arab. Din această cauză cei 38 de pasageri români ce aveau bilet pentru retur nu s-au putut întoarce acasă cu aeronava TAROM. Într-um comunicat emis de compania aeriană se specifică următoarele:

    “Cursa TAROM RO187 Bucureşti – Amman, de astăzi 18.01.2015, a fost redirectionată catre un alt aeroport, Marka International Airport, din cauza conditiilor meteo nefavorabile de pe aeroportul Queen Alia, Amman.

    Cei 38 de pasageri care trebuiau sa se întoarcă la București […] au fost informați de către agentul de vânzări care reprezintă TAROM pe piața din Iordania de această situație. Având în vedere timpul de transfer al pasagerilor de la un aeroport la celalalt, precum și procedurile de securitate anvoioase, echipajul TAROM de pe cursa RO 188 a depașit timpul legal de odihnă. Din acest motiv, aeronava s-a reîntors la București fără pasageri la bord.

    Agentul de vanzari de pe piața locală cu care TAROM are un contract comercial se ocupa să redirecționeze pasagerii către Bucuresti, pe alte zboruri ale altor companii. Regretăm situaţia creată, însă prioritatea companiei TAROM este de a oferi pasagerilor săi călătorii sigure.”