Tag: Ana Ciontea

  • Kino: Auswahl der in Cannes ausgezeichneten Filme in Rumänien gezeigt

    Kino: Auswahl der in Cannes ausgezeichneten Filme in Rumänien gezeigt

    Eine Auswahl von zehn Filmen, die mit dem Palme d’Or in Cannes ausgezeichnet wurden, wurde auf dem 10. Festival Les Films de Cannes à Bucarest“ zwischen dem 18. Und dem 27. Oktober gezeigt. Auf dem Programm standen acht Premieren rumänischer Produktionen sowie Gespräche zwischen dem Publikum und den Filmemachern. Cătălin Mitulescu wurde für den Kurzfilm Trafic“ mit dem Palme d’Or ausgezeichnet und Dorotheea Petre erhielt im Streifen Wie ich den Weltuntergang verbrachte“ desselben Regisseurs den speziellen Jurypreis des Programmteils Un Certain Regard“ für die beste Darstellerin in einer Hauptrolle. Der jüngste Spielfilm von Mitulescu, Heidi“, trat neulich im Wettbewerb der Filmfestspiele in Sarajevo an.

    Die Dokumentation Der Mensch, der frei sein wollte“, in der Regie von Mihai Mincan und George Chiper-Lillemark, erzählt die Geschichte eines Rebellen, der im kommunistischen Rumänien frei leben will. Das Tagebuch der Familie Escu“ von Şerban Georgescu schlägt in Form einer Dokumentation einen Überblick über kleine und gro‎ße Ereignisse der Geschichte aus persönlicher Sicht vor.

    Ivana die Schreckliche“, eine Produktion, die beim Filmfestival in Locarno mit dem speziellen Jurypreis ausgezeichnet wurde, ist eine mit Humor erzählte unkonventionelle Geschichte über Menschen und Orte, über Zugehörigkeitsgefühl und Heimweh. Im Mittelpunkt der Handlung der rumänisch-serbischen Koproduktion steht eine Frau, die auf keinem der Donauufer, weder in Rumänien noch in Serbien, ihr Zuhause finden kann. Die Regisseurin und Darstellerin Ivana Mladenović kommt zu Wort mit Einzelheiten:

    Mein vorheriger Film, »Soldaten. Eine Geschichte aus dem Bukarester Viertel Ferentari«, ist die Verfilmung des Buches von Adrian Schiop, der auch die Hauptrolle spielt. In »Ivana die Schreckliche« habe ich meine eigene Erfahrung verfilmt, meine eigene Geschichte wird jetzt zur Fiktion, aber meine Familie und Freunde verkörpern im Film ihre eigenen Rollen. Es handelt sich um eine Komödie, in der sich jeder von uns entblö‎ßt, denn in Wirklichkeit neigen wir dazu, uns selber zu ernst zu nehmen. »Ivana die Schreckliche« ist jedoch kein einfacher Film, und es war auch für mich nicht einfach, ihn zu machen, denn er basiert auf meiner Erfahrung, einschlie‎ßlich Sachen, die nicht angenehm sind. Der Film befasst sich mit einem Krisenmoment, einem Generationskonflikt, der Beziehung zwischen zwei Ländern und erzählt die Geschichte einer Frau, die Serbien verlässt, um sich in Rumänien niederzulassen.“

    Der Schauspieler Vlad Ivanov und der Filmemacher Adi Voicu sind zwei der Vertreter Rumäniens bei dem diesjährigen Filmfestival in Cannes. Die letzte Reise ans Meer“ wurde dieses Jahr für die Sektion La Semaine de la Critique“ ausgewählt. Die Handlung spielt sich in einem Zug ab, der in Richtung Meer fährt. Die sechs Reisegäste kommen miteinander ins Gespräch, aber wegen eines Verdachts gerät die Situation au‎ßer Kontrolle. Die Rollen werden von Angela Marcovici, Ana Ciontea, Cristina Juncu, Silviu Debu, Salih Yildirim, Alina Vior verkörpert. Ana Ciontea und Silviu Debu erzählen über ihre Zusammenarbeit mit dem Filmemacher Adi Voicu. Ana Ciontea:

    Das Drehbuch hat mich vom ersten Moment an überzeugt, selbst wenn es später ein wenig geändert wurde. Auch die gro‎ße Rücksicht des Regisseurs auf Details hat mich erobert. Sehr wichtig fand ich auch das Vertrauen, das uns der Regisseur schenkte.“

    Darsteller Silviu Debu fand die soziale Dynamik spannend:

    Der Streifen befasst sich mit der Welt, in der wir leben. In einem Zug kommen sechs Menschen im verschiedenen Alter, die verschiedenen Religionen und sozialen Gruppen angehören, ins Gespräch zusammen. Für eine der Figuren ist diese Zugfahrt leider die letzte Reise seines Lebens. Es handelt sich eigentlich um eine schöne Metapher für die Welt, in der wir leben. Das hat mir besonders gefallen, dass der Film unsere Welt irgendwie zusammenfasst. Ich habe die Rolle beim ersten Treffen mit dem Regisseur ohne zu zögern akzeptiert.“

    Der Film Maria, Königin Rumäniens“ von Alexis Sweet Cahill wurde mit dem Preis des Publikums bei dem zehnten Filmfestival Les Films de Cannes à Bucarest“ ausgezeichnet. Der Streifen basiert auf einer wahren Begebenheit und ist in die rumänischen Kinos am 8. November gekommen.

  • Les Films de Cannes a Bucarest

    Les Films de Cannes a Bucarest

    The 10th edition of the Les Films de Cannes a Bucarest festival brought the most eagerly-awaited productions to Bucharest, shortlisted for the Cannes Film festival. But apart from that, this year, Romanian films were premiered as part of the festival, while other Romanian productions were previewed. The festival also made possible encounters with some of the filmmakers as well as master-classes.

    A gala preview was staged for no less than eight Romanian productions. Catalin Mitulescu is a Palme D’Or Laureate for the best short reel ‘Traffic’. Mitulescu’s feature film “How I spent the end of the world” scooped the jury’s Un Certain Regard Special prize. For the same production, Dorotheea Petre won the Best Actress Award in the aforementioned category. Catalin Mitulescu has returned to the world of filmmaking with his new production, “Heidi”, which has been recently screened as part of the competition at the Sarajevo Film Festival. “The man who wanted to be free” is a documentary directed by Mihai Mincan and George Chiper — Lillemark. It tells the tale of a young rebel who decided to live a freeman’s live during the communist years, in a country torn by poverty and terror. Serban Georgescu’s “The Diary of the Escu Family”, is another documentary that comes up with an emphatically personal account of individual, apparently trifling episodes actually heralding the great events we have all been part of, in the 100 years since the Great Union has been sealed, in 1918. Ivana Mladenovic is the director and performer of the lead part in her documentary “Ivana the terrible”. Ivana Mladenovic also co-authored the screenplay for her production that scooped the Jury’s Special prize in the Locarno Festival’s Cineasti del Presente section. The film is an unconventional account of people and places, it speaks about the sense of belonging and that strong feeling of longing. It is a tale told in humour and tenderness.

    Ivana Mladenovic :

    ”In ‘Soldiers. A tale from Ferentari’ I turned Adrian Schiop’s book into a film, I also picked Adrian Schiop to play the lead part. In ‘Ivana the Terrible’ I decided to go a little bit further in that I have used my own experience for the film, my own story, obviously fictionalizing it, but choosing to have friends and people in my family play their own parts. I opted for that formula which somehow turns the film into a comedy, a formula which at once compels you to come out in the open as oftentimes, it seems to me we tend to take ourselves way too seriously. ‘Ivana the Terrible’ was difficult to make, since it is a film which starts off from my own experience, it starts off from episodes that occurred in reality and which were not quite pleasant. To put it briefly, it is about a moment of crisis which occurred two years ago, the film speaks about staying healthy, mentally as well as physically, it speaks about the relationship between two countries, about a girl who chose to leave for Romania and ended up returning to Serbia, it speaks about generation clash. Making a film about all that, it is not so simple, it is not easy to put all that into a film.”

    Actor Vlad Ivanov and filmmaker Adi Voicu were Romania’s representatives at this year’s edition of the Cannes Film Festival. They also travelled around the country attending several editions of the Les Film des Cannes a Bucarest Festival. Adi Voicu travelled to Cluj, Brasov and Suceava with his short feature film, The Last Journey to the Sea, which this year was shortlisted for Festival’s La Semaine de la Critique section. ‘The Last Journey to the sea’ is Adi Voicu’s second short feature film, after The Mist, a production that scooped awards in Angers and Sankt Petersburg. The plot is set in a compartment of a train rolling towards the seaside. The seven passengers strike up a conversation, but a moment comes when some sort of suspicion causes things to get out of hand. Members of the cast for the short fiction film, ‘The Last Journey to the sea’ are the well-known poet Angela Marcovici (Marinescu), Ana Ciontea, Cristina Juncu, Silviu Debu, Turkish actor Salih Yildirim, Alina Vior. Two of the actors on the cast, Ana Ciontea and Silviu Debu, spoke about their work with director Adi Voicu.

    Ana Ciontea:

    ”Being on the cast for ‘The Last Journey to the Sea’ was a very pleasant experience, for me, the screenplay really got me, even though Adi made lots of changes along the way. Adi was so very particular about details and that’s what also got me, from the very beginning. And, as we were rehearsing, that persuaded me it would be a very good movie. That’s what moved me and also helped me a lot.”

    Silviu Debu:

    ”The movie somehow depicts the world we live in. In a train compartment, six people meet, they are of various ages, religious persuasions and social categories. Unfortunately, for one of the characters, it really is the last journey. It somehow is a beautiful metaphor, covering the world we live in. That’s what I liked a lot about it, the fact that the film captures our world; furthermore, from the very first sessions we had with Adi Voicu I noticed he was a director who knew what he was doing, and that fuelled a great deal of confidence, so for me, it was an outright yes when I was asked if I accepted the part.”

    “Marie, Queen of Romania”, a film by Alexis Sweet Cahill, scooped the public’s award at the end of the 10th edition of the Les Film de Cannes a Bucarest Festival. Based on a true story, the film places Queen Marie center-stage and will be in theaters beginning November 8, 2019.

    (Translated by Eugen Nasta)

  • Les Films de Cannes a Bucarest

    Les Films de Cannes a Bucarest

    The 10th edition of the Les Films de Cannes a Bucarest festival brought the most eagerly-awaited productions to Bucharest, shortlisted for the Cannes Film festival. But apart from that, this year, Romanian films were premiered as part of the festival, while other Romanian productions were previewed. The festival also made possible encounters with some of the filmmakers as well as master-classes.

    A gala preview was staged for no less than eight Romanian productions. Catalin Mitulescu is a Palme D’Or Laureate for the best short reel ‘Traffic’. Mitulescu’s feature film “How I spent the end of the world” scooped the jury’s Un Certain Regard Special prize. For the same production, Dorotheea Petre won the Best Actress Award in the aforementioned category. Catalin Mitulescu has returned to the world of filmmaking with his new production, “Heidi”, which has been recently screened as part of the competition at the Sarajevo Film Festival. “The man who wanted to be free” is a documentary directed by Mihai Mincan and George Chiper — Lillemark. It tells the tale of a young rebel who decided to live a freeman’s live during the communist years, in a country torn by poverty and terror. Serban Georgescu’s “The Diary of the Escu Family”, is another documentary that comes up with an emphatically personal account of individual, apparently trifling episodes actually heralding the great events we have all been part of, in the 100 years since the Great Union has been sealed, in 1918. Ivana Mladenovic is the director and performer of the lead part in her documentary “Ivana the terrible”. Ivana Mladenovic also co-authored the screenplay for her production that scooped the Jury’s Special prize in the Locarno Festival’s Cineasti del Presente section. The film is an unconventional account of people and places, it speaks about the sense of belonging and that strong feeling of longing. It is a tale told in humour and tenderness.

    Ivana Mladenovic :

    ”In ‘Soldiers. A tale from Ferentari’ I turned Adrian Schiop’s book into a film, I also picked Adrian Schiop to play the lead part. In ‘Ivana the Terrible’ I decided to go a little bit further in that I have used my own experience for the film, my own story, obviously fictionalizing it, but choosing to have friends and people in my family play their own parts. I opted for that formula which somehow turns the film into a comedy, a formula which at once compels you to come out in the open as oftentimes, it seems to me we tend to take ourselves way too seriously. ‘Ivana the Terrible’ was difficult to make, since it is a film which starts off from my own experience, it starts off from episodes that occurred in reality and which were not quite pleasant. To put it briefly, it is about a moment of crisis which occurred two years ago, the film speaks about staying healthy, mentally as well as physically, it speaks about the relationship between two countries, about a girl who chose to leave for Romania and ended up returning to Serbia, it speaks about generation clash. Making a film about all that, it is not so simple, it is not easy to put all that into a film.”

    Actor Vlad Ivanov and filmmaker Adi Voicu were Romania’s representatives at this year’s edition of the Cannes Film Festival. They also travelled around the country attending several editions of the Les Film des Cannes a Bucarest Festival. Adi Voicu travelled to Cluj, Brasov and Suceava with his short feature film, The Last Journey to the Sea, which this year was shortlisted for Festival’s La Semaine de la Critique section. ‘The Last Journey to the sea’ is Adi Voicu’s second short feature film, after The Mist, a production that scooped awards in Angers and Sankt Petersburg. The plot is set in a compartment of a train rolling towards the seaside. The seven passengers strike up a conversation, but a moment comes when some sort of suspicion causes things to get out of hand. Members of the cast for the short fiction film, ‘The Last Journey to the sea’ are the well-known poet Angela Marcovici (Marinescu), Ana Ciontea, Cristina Juncu, Silviu Debu, Turkish actor Salih Yildirim, Alina Vior. Two of the actors on the cast, Ana Ciontea and Silviu Debu, spoke about their work with director Adi Voicu.

    Ana Ciontea:

    ”Being on the cast for ‘The Last Journey to the Sea’ was a very pleasant experience, for me, the screenplay really got me, even though Adi made lots of changes along the way. Adi was so very particular about details and that’s what also got me, from the very beginning. And, as we were rehearsing, that persuaded me it would be a very good movie. That’s what moved me and also helped me a lot.”

    Silviu Debu:

    ”The movie somehow depicts the world we live in. In a train compartment, six people meet, they are of various ages, religious persuasions and social categories. Unfortunately, for one of the characters, it really is the last journey. It somehow is a beautiful metaphor, covering the world we live in. That’s what I liked a lot about it, the fact that the film captures our world; furthermore, from the very first sessions we had with Adi Voicu I noticed he was a director who knew what he was doing, and that fuelled a great deal of confidence, so for me, it was an outright yes when I was asked if I accepted the part.”

    “Marie, Queen of Romania”, a film by Alexis Sweet Cahill, scooped the public’s award at the end of the 10th edition of the Les Film de Cannes a Bucarest Festival. Based on a true story, the film places Queen Marie center-stage and will be in theaters beginning November 8, 2019.

    (Translated by Eugen Nasta)

  • Filme româneşti, în programul Festivalului “Les Films de Cannes a Bucarest”

    Filme româneşti, în programul Festivalului “Les Films de Cannes a Bucarest”

    Cea de-a 10-a ediție a festivalului Les Films de
    Cannes à Bucarest a adus, pe lângă cele mai așteptate filme din selecția Festivalului
    de Film de la Cannes, premiere şi avanpremiere românești, întâlniri cu
    realizatorii filmelor şi masterclass-uri. Opt filme româneşti au avut avanpremiere
    de gală, în prezenţa echipelor, în cadrul festivalului Les Films de Cannes a
    Bucarest. Laureat al unui Palme d´Or pentru Cel mai bun scurtmetraj (‘Trafic’)
    şi al Premiului Special al Juriului Un Certain Regard (pentru cea mai bună
    actriţă, Dorotheea Petre, în ‘Cum mi-am petrecut sfârşitul lumii’), Cătălin
    Mitulescu revine pe marele ecran cu noua sa peliculă, ‘Heidi’, prezentă recent
    în competiţia Festivalului de la Sarajevo.

    Documentarul ‘Omul care a vrut să
    fie liber’, regia Mihai Mincan şi George Chiper-Lillemark, spune povestea unui
    tânăr rebel care a hotărât să trăiască liber în anii comunismului într-o ţară
    măcinată de sărăcie şi teroare. ‘Jurnalul familiei Escu’, de Şerban Georgescu,
    propune, tot într-o formulă de documentar, o trecere intens personală de la
    întâmplările mici, individuale, la marile evenimente la care am luat parte cu
    toţii, în cei 100 de ani de la Unire încoace. ‘Ivana cea Groaznică’, film
    inclus în secţiunea Cineasti del presente a Festivalului de la Locarno, unde a
    obţinut Premiul Special al Juriului, este o istorie neconvenţională despre
    oameni şi locuri, despre apartenenţă şi dor, spusă cu umor şi tandreţe.

    și prietenii sunt invitați să aducă pe ecran propriile emoții și să se
    interpreteze pe ei înșiși într-o poveste cinematografică despre o femeie care
    nu își poate găsi locul pe niciunul dintre cele două maluri ale Dunării. Ivana
    Mladenović, regizoare, coscenaristă şi interpretă în ‘Ivana cea Groaznică’.Anteriorul meu film, Soldaţii,
    Poveste din Ferentari, este ecranizarea cărţii lui Adrian Schiop, pe care l-am
    ales să interpreteze rolul principal. În ‘Ivana cea Groaznică’ am ales să merg
    un pic mai departe, ecranizând propria mea experienţă, propria mea poveste,
    ficţionalizând-o, evident, dar alegând să-i pun pe prieteni şi pe cei din
    familia mea să interpreteze propriile roluri.

    Am ales această formulă care duce
    spre comedie şi care totodată te forţează să te expui pentru că mi se pare că
    de prea multe ori tindem să ne luăm în serios. ‘Ivana cea Groaznică’ a fost dificil de făcut pentru că a e un film
    care porneşte de la experienţa mea, de la lucruri care s-au întâmplat şi care
    nu au fost neapărat plăcute. Pe scurt, este vorba de un moment de criză care a
    avut loc acum doi ani, iar filmul vorbeşte şi despre sănătate, atât mintală cât
    şi corporală, despre relaţia între două ţări , despre o fată care a ales să
    plece în România şi s-a întors în Serbia, despre ciocnici între generaţii. Nu e
    simplu să faci un film despre aceste lucruri, nu este uşor să le pui într-un film.

    Actorul Vlad Ivanov şi
    regizorul Adi Voicu, doi dintre reprezentanţii României la Cannes anul acesta,
    au fost prezenţi la mai multe ediţii Les Films de Cannes din ţară. Regizorul
    Adi Voicu a mers la Cluj, Braşov şi Suceava cu scurtmetrajul Ultimul drum spre
    mare, inclus în acest an în selecţia secţiunii La Semaine de la Critique.Ultimul drum spre mare
    este al doilea film de scurtmetraj ficțiune din cariera regizorului Adi Voicu,
    după Ceața, premiat la Angers si la Sankt Petersburg. Actiunea filmului se petrece într-un
    compartiment al unui tren care merge spre litoral. Cei șase pasageri fac
    conversație, dar la un moment dat o suspiciune face ca lucrurile să scape de
    sub control.

    Distribuția scurtmetrajului
    Ultimul drum spre mare
    este alcătuită din cunoscuta poetă Angela Marcovici (Marinescu), Ana Ciontea,
    Cristina Juncu, Silviu Debu, actorul turc Salih Yildirim, Alina Vior. Doi dintre actorii pe care îi reîntâlnim în Ultimul
    drum spre mare, Ana Ciontea şi Silviu Debu, ne-au vorbit despre colaborarea lor cu
    regizorul Adi Voicu. Ana Ciontea: «A fost o experiență
    foarte plăcută să joc în Ultimul drum spre mare, m-a cucerit imediat
    scenariul, deşi pe parcurs Adi a făcut multe modificări. Tot de
    la început m-a cucerit și atenția lui Adi pentru detalii. Și repetițiile m-au
    convins că va fi un film foarte bun. Și, foarte important, m-a ajutat mult că
    Adi Voicu ne-a dat nouă, actorilor, încredere. Asta m-a mișcat și ajutat foarte

    Debu: Filmul prezintă
    cumva lumea în care trăim. Într-un compartiment de tren se întâlnesc şase
    persoane de vârste, religii şi categorii sociale diferite. Din păcate, pentru
    unul dintre personaje este chiar ultimul drum. Cumva este o metaforă frumoasă care acoperă
    lumea în care trăim. Asta mi-a plăcut foarte mult, că filmul rezumă lumea
    noastră, în plus, am observat de la primele întâlniri că Adi Voicu este un
    regizor care ştie ce vrea şi asta mi-a dat foarte multă încredere, aşa că am
    acceptat fără ezitare rolul.

    Maria, Regina Romaniei, de Alexis Sweet Cahill, a primit premiul
    publicului la finalul celei de-a zecea ediţii a festivalului Les Films de
    Cannes a Bucarest. Filmul, o poveste bazată pe fapte reale care are în prim plan
    figura Reginei Maria, va intra în cinematografe pe data de 8 noiembrie.

  • ”CHARLESTON”, regizat de Andrei Crețulescu, din 8 iunie în cinematografe

    ”CHARLESTON”, regizat de Andrei Crețulescu, din 8 iunie în cinematografe

    Charleston, debutul în lungmetraj al lui Andrei
    , va fi lansat în cinematografele din România pe 8 iunie 2018. Filmul
    este distribuit în România și Republica Moldova de Kinosseur.

    La câteva
    săptămâni după moartea soției sale, Ioana, și în seara în care împlinește 42 de
    ani, Alexandru are parte de un cadou cel puțin bizar: vizita mai tânărului
    Sebastian, care pretinde că a fost iubitul Ioanei în ultimele cinci luni… mai
    mult sau mai puțin. Charleston,
    e povestea dulce-amară a unui triunghi amoros absurd, format din doi bărbați
    și femeia pe care au pierdut-o amândoi, un love story neconvenționalcu parfum retro, uncocktailpop condimentat cu umor negru, emoție, un soundtrack
    eclectic și chiarun intermezzo dansant.

    Din distribuția filmului
    fac parte Șerban Pavlu, Radu Iacoban, Ana Ciontea, Victor Rebengiuc, Ana Ularu,
    Dorian Boguță, Gabriela Popescu, Adrian Titieni, Andreea Vasile, Gavril Pătru,
    Gheorghe Ifrim, Lucian Ifrim, Sergiu Costache, Claudiu Dumitru, Letiția
    Vlădescu, Vlad Galer și Alina Berzunțeanu. Scenariul a fost scris de
    Andrei Creţulescu, imaginea poartă semnătura lui Barbu Bălășoiu, montajul a
    fost realizat de Cătălin Cristuţiu, scenografia de Mălina
    Ionescu, muzica originală a fost compusă de Massimiliano Nardulli iar sound design-ul îi
    aparține lui Marius Leftărache. Coloana sonoră a filmului conține
    piese interpretate de Get Well Soon, Dengue Fever, Pretties for You,
    Harlequin_Jack, Noir
    Désir și Pipe’s Not Dead!.

    Charleston, a avut premiera mondială în
    competiția oficială a Festivalului de Film de la
    Locarno, în august 2017. Ulterior, filmul a fost proiectat în cadrul festivalurilor de film de la Chicago, Varșovia, Braunschweig, Zagreb,
    Salonic, Cairo, Bilbao și Minsk, unde a și câștigat un premiu
    special din partea juriului pentru
    că aduce o gură de aer proaspăt în cinema-ul românesc. Cele mai multe dintre aceste proiecții au fost sold out
    – în urma reacției entuziaste a
    publicului, festivalul de la Locarno a organizat chiar o proiecție
    festivalier 2018 a început în februarie, când filmul
    a fost prezentat în cadrul festivalului Travelling, de
    la Rennes, și continuă în martie/aprilie, cândCharleston, va fi proiectat în
    cadrul competitiței festivalului Kino Pavasaris, de
    la Vilnius, ajuns la ediția cu numărul 23.

    Charleston este o producție româno-franceză între ICON Production și Les Films du Tambour, realizată în coproducție cu .Mille et Une. Films și Wag Prod, cu
    sprijinul Centrului Național
    al Cinematografiei, The Group, Publicis Groupe, Region Bretagne, Rennes
    Metropole, în asociere cu Kinosseur,
    Wearebasca, Digital Cube și cu participarea HBO Europe. Producătorii filmului
    sunt Velvet Moraru, Marie Legrand, Rani Massalha și Andrei Crețulescu.

  • 2017 Gopo Awards Gala

    2017 Gopo Awards Gala

    The feature film Sieranevada directed by Cristi Puiu
    was the big winner at the 11th edition of the Gopo Awards Gala, an
    event venued by the I.L.Caragiale National Theatre of Bucharest. Sieranevada won 6 Gopo awards for best
    film, best director, best script, best actress in a lead role, best actress in
    a supporting role and best editing. Selected in the official competition of the
    2016 Cannes Film Festival, Cristi Puiu’s forth feature film has been well
    received by the international media.

    The British newspaper The Guardian
    described Sieranevada as food for thought, while its author was deemed as
    one of the most influential cinematic voices of the century. The film’s
    action is theatrically set mainly in one modest Romanian apartment where a
    large family has gathered for something between a memorial service and a wake
    for Emil, who has just died. The film focuses on his eldest son Lary (Mimu
    Branescu), a harassed, bearded, overweight doctor who turns up for the party
    having just had a huge row with his wife about getting his daughter the wrong
    Disney costume for her school play.

    The family
    gathering does not unfold as expected. Ana Ciontea, who got the award for best
    actress in a supporting role, said upon receiving the award:

    I remember the day when I auditioned for
    this role. I was extremely nervous. I continued to feel that way throughout the
    entire film. I want to thank Cristi Puiu, as I found myself in his film.
    Sieranevada is family to me. I also want to thank each of my colleagues and
    crew members, all those who voted me and gave me the opportunity to be part of
    the large family of Romanian cinema.

    In his turn, director Cristi Puiu, who also won the awards
    for best director and best script, thanked his family and director Lucian

    First of all, I want to thank my wife Anca
    and my girls. It’s difficult to be a scriptwriter because this requires peace
    of mind and I have this at home. I also thank Lucian Pintilie, because back in
    1999 he read the script that I wrote with writer Razvan Radulescu, the script
    that I later turned into film, and he encouraged me. I felt encouraged and kept
    on writing. I want to thank you as well.

    Director Cristi Puiu dedicated the award for best
    director to actor Sorin Medeleni, who was part of the cast but who died before
    the film was released.

    Valentin Uritescu, aged 75, received a lifetime achievement award. Boasting an
    over 50-year long career in theatre and film, Valentin Uritescu has played a
    wide range of supporting roles such as Sergeant Saptefrati in the TV series
    Lights and Shadows directed by Andrei Blaier, the same character in Sergiu
    Nicolaescu’s feature We, on the Front Lines, or Vasile in the film The
    Contest directed by Dan Pita. A graduate of the Ion Luca Caragiale Institute
    of Theatre and Cinema in Bucharest in 1963, he was hired by the Maria Filotti
    Theatre in Braila, Eastern Romania, and five years later, he moved to the Youth
    Theatre in Piatra Neamt, Eastern Romania. He was an actor at that theatre for
    13 years, which he deems as the most important period of his life.

    After he
    had been singled out by stage director Liviu Ciulei, Valentin Uritescu
    performed in the productions of the Bulandra Theatre in Bucharest. His maiden
    autobiographical volume That’s What I Am, a Fool was launched by Humanitas
    Publishers in 2011. Two years later, his book of memoirs devoted to his father
    and entitled Take Care of Your Good Nature was brought out by the same
    publishing-house. In 2016, the artist’s book of memoirs Haunted by Other
    People’s Lives was launched by Ars Docendi Publishers.

    Here is what Valentin
    Uritescu said at the 11th Gopo Awards Gala:

    I was a first-year student when I made my
    debut in the film A Bomb Has Been Stolen by Ion Popescu Gopo. I uttered just
    one line: Let’s go!. It’s been over 50 years ever since and I have played
    dozens of film and theatre roles. My third book titled Haunted by Other People’s
    Lives features all the characters that I played and haunted me. As I’ve just
    said, it’s been over 50 years since I made my debut in Gopo’s film and now,
    with this award, Gopo has returned to me. Let me thank those who sent him to me
    and let me thank you, who reward me with your applause and congratulate me 50 years after my debut.

    Bogdan Mirica’s debut feature was awarded five Gopo
    trophies, including the best supporting actor award, which went to Vlad Ivanov,
    and the best actor award won by Gheorghe Visu. 21 films were launched in 2016;
    two of them, the blockbusters Selfie69 and Two Lottery Tickets were seen by
    over 100,000 spectators and had over 2 million lei worth of returns, receiving
    the audience award at the Gopo Awards Gala.