Tag: Andreea Răducan

  • Weekend sportiv

    Weekend sportiv

    Andreea Răducan a anunţat, joi, în cadrul unei conferinţe de
    presă, că demisionează din funcţia de preşedintă a Federaţiei Române de
    . Motivul este ratarea
    calificării echipelor de gimnastică artistică ale României la Jocurile Olimpice
    de anul viitor. La Tokio, România va fi reprezentată doar la individual, prin
    sportivii Maria Holbură, la individual compus, şi Marian Drăgulescu, la
    sărituri. Răducan, fostă campioană mondială şi olimpică, a fost aleasă în
    funcţie la 4 august 2017.

    Sabrera Bianca
    Pascu, de la Dinamo Bucureşti, a fost desemnată cea mai bună scrimeră română a
    anului 2019.
    Principala sa performanţă, în cursul acesui an, a fost câştigarea
    medaliei de bronz la Campionatele
    Mondiale din luna iulie, de la Budapesta. La competiţia din capitala Ungariei,
    Bianca a fost singura membră a delegaţiei române care a urcat de podiumul de

    Săptămâna aceasta
    a fost plină de fotbal. Marţi, miercuri şi joi au avut loc partidele etapei a
    19-a a campionatului primei ligi.
    Marţi, la Mediaş, Gaz Metan s‑a impus cu 1-0
    în faţa echipei FC Voluntari, iar FCSB a trecut cu 2 la 1, la Iaşi, de Poli.
    Miercuri, la Clinceni, echipa locală, Academica, a încheiat la egalitate jocul
    cu FC Hermannstadt – scor 1 la 1. La Cluj, CFR a învins cu 1-0 formaţia Sepsi
    Sfântu Gheorghe apoi, la Bucureşti, Dinamo a trecut categoric, cu 4 la 1, de
    Chindia Târgovişte. Joi, Universitatea Craiova s-a impus, acasă, cu 3-1 în faţa
    echipei FC Botoşani, iar la Ovidiu, Astra Giurgiu a trecut cu 1-0 de FC

    În weekend au loc jocurile etapei cu numărul 20.
    Vineri, o singură partidă: FCSB – Gaz Metan Mediaş. Sâmbătă, la Ploieşti,
    Chindia Târgovişte întâlneşte Politehnica Iaşi, iar la Sibiu, FC Hermannstadt
    se confuntă cu Dinamo Bucureşti. Duminică, FC Botoşani joacă, pe teren propriu,
    cu FCR Cluj, iar la Giurgiu, Astra primeşte vizita Universităţii Craiova. Luni,
    ultimele două jocuri ale etapei: Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe cu Academica Clinceni şi
    FC Voluntari cu Viitorul Constanţa. În clasament continuă să conducă CFR Cluj,
    cu 38 de puncte. Urmează
    Astra, cu 37, şi Craiova, cu 34.

  • Weekend sportiv

    Weekend sportiv

    Andreea Răducan a anunţat, joi, în cadrul unei conferinţe de
    presă, că demisionează din funcţia de preşedintă a Federaţiei Române de
    . Motivul este ratarea
    calificării echipelor de gimnastică artistică ale României la Jocurile Olimpice
    de anul viitor. La Tokio, România va fi reprezentată doar la individual, prin
    sportivii Maria Holbură, la individual compus, şi Marian Drăgulescu, la
    sărituri. Răducan, fostă campioană mondială şi olimpică, a fost aleasă în
    funcţie la 4 august 2017.

    Sabrera Bianca
    Pascu, de la Dinamo Bucureşti, a fost desemnată cea mai bună scrimeră română a
    anului 2019.
    Principala sa performanţă, în cursul acesui an, a fost câştigarea
    medaliei de bronz la Campionatele
    Mondiale din luna iulie, de la Budapesta. La competiţia din capitala Ungariei,
    Bianca a fost singura membră a delegaţiei române care a urcat de podiumul de

    Săptămâna aceasta
    a fost plină de fotbal. Marţi, miercuri şi joi au avut loc partidele etapei a
    19-a a campionatului primei ligi.
    Marţi, la Mediaş, Gaz Metan s‑a impus cu 1-0
    în faţa echipei FC Voluntari, iar FCSB a trecut cu 2 la 1, la Iaşi, de Poli.
    Miercuri, la Clinceni, echipa locală, Academica, a încheiat la egalitate jocul
    cu FC Hermannstadt – scor 1 la 1. La Cluj, CFR a învins cu 1-0 formaţia Sepsi
    Sfântu Gheorghe apoi, la Bucureşti, Dinamo a trecut categoric, cu 4 la 1, de
    Chindia Târgovişte. Joi, Universitatea Craiova s-a impus, acasă, cu 3-1 în faţa
    echipei FC Botoşani, iar la Ovidiu, Astra Giurgiu a trecut cu 1-0 de FC

    În weekend au loc jocurile etapei cu numărul 20.
    Vineri, o singură partidă: FCSB – Gaz Metan Mediaş. Sâmbătă, la Ploieşti,
    Chindia Târgovişte întâlneşte Politehnica Iaşi, iar la Sibiu, FC Hermannstadt
    se confuntă cu Dinamo Bucureşti. Duminică, FC Botoşani joacă, pe teren propriu,
    cu FCR Cluj, iar la Giurgiu, Astra primeşte vizita Universităţii Craiova. Luni,
    ultimele două jocuri ale etapei: Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe cu Academica Clinceni şi
    FC Voluntari cu Viitorul Constanţa. În clasament continuă să conducă CFR Cluj,
    cu 38 de puncte. Urmează
    Astra, cu 37, şi Craiova, cu 34.

  • Filmfestival „Astra“ in Hermannstadt: Dokumentationen im Vordergrund

    Filmfestival „Astra“ in Hermannstadt: Dokumentationen im Vordergrund

    Vom 14. bis 20. Oktober wurden beim Filmfestival Astra“ im mittelrumänischen Sibiu (Hermannstadt), das bereits zum 26. Mal stattfand, 20 Produktionen gezeigt, die einen Bezug zu Rumänien haben, sei es durch den Autor oder durch das Thema. Die Streifen befassen sich zum grö‎ßten Teil mit der Geschichte des Landes, sowohl mit grandiosen Ereignissen als auch mit heiklen und weniger bekannten Themen. Die Filme regen zum Nachdenken und zu einem besseren Verständnis des eigenen Landes an, von der Gründung des modernen Staates im Jahr 1918 bis zum kommunistischen Regime und Phänomenen, die in den 30 Jahren seit der Wende die Geschichte des Landes stark geprägt haben — etwa Korruption und Migration, so die Organisatoren.

    Mit dem Film Profu‘“/“Der Pauker“ gibt Alex Brendea, der eine reiche Erfahrung als Aufnahmeleiter hat, sein Debüt als Regisseur von Dokumentationen. Alex Brendea:

    Die Dokumentation gibt dem Filmemacher im Vergleich zum Spielfilm mehr Freiheit, das hei‎ßt mehr Freiheit für seine Figuren. Das Filmteam ist deutlich kleiner als im Fall eines Spielfilms, alles ist intim und das gibt dem Regisseur die Möglichkeit, spontan und kreativ zu sein. Um ein Beispiel zu nennen: Bei den Dreharbeiten eines Spielfilms kann man nicht so viele Änderungen vornehmen als bei einer Dokumentation. Bei den Dreharbeiten eines Dokumentarfilms kann man den Rahmen mehrmals ändern, bei einem Spielfilm muss man hingegen einem Plan folgen.“

    Die Dokumentation von Alex Brendea erzählt die Geschichte eines Mathelehrers in der kleinen siebenbürgischen Stadt Bistriţa (dt. Bistritz), der aus dem konventionellen Bildungssystem aussteigt und eine Schule in seiner eigenen Wohnung gründet. Alex Brendea:

    Der Lehrer hei‎ßt eigentlich Dorin Ioniţă, die Schüler nennen ihn aber »Teach«, und unter diesem Spitznamen ist er eigentlich überall bekannt. Ich habe ihn kennengelernt, als ich Gymnasialschüler war, er war mein Mathelehrer auch au‎ßerhalb der Schule, weil ich Privatstunden nahm. Ich war sehr begeistert, seitdem ich sein Haus zum ersten Mal betrat. Ein Zimmer wandelte er in ein Klassenzimmer um, in einem anderen Zimmer stand ein umgebautes Motorrad, Stücke davon lagen auf dem Teppich, ich habe dann begriffen, dass er ein besonderer Mann war, und so bin ich darauf gekommen, eine Dokumentation rund um diese Figur zu machen. Ich habe ihn sehr geschätzt, weil er den Mut hatte, aus dem System auszusteigen, um privat zu unterrichten und sich dieser Idee widmete.“

    Fata de aur“/Das Goldene Mädchen“ ist eine Dokumentation von Denisa Morariu Tamaş und Adrian Robe, gefilmt von Cristian Tamaş. Der Film befasst sich mit einem dramatischen Moment in der Geschichte des rumänischen Turnens, der sich bei den Olympia-Spielen in Sydney 2000 ereignete: die Bemühungen der berühmten rumänischen Turnerin Andreea Răducan, ihre Goldmedaille nach einem Doping-Skandal zurückzugewinnen. Denisa Morariu Tamaş:

    Wir sind alle drei Journalisten. Also nähert sich unser Film eher dem Stil einer TV-Dokumentation. Es handelt sich um eine Dokumentation, die auf Information beruht und Recherche mit Geschichte verknüpft. Wir haben mit HBO Europe zusammengearbeitet, und sie haben uns völlig unterstützt. Die Dokumentation ist für uns wie eine zweite Natur, und es gefällt mir besonders, dass dieses Genre eine Art Unsicherheit anbietet, man wei‎ß nie, was kommt.“

    Ein falsches Rezept hatte 2010 die beste Turnerin der Welt die olympische Goldmedaille gekostet. Die damals 16-jährige Rumänin Andrea Răducan war unverschuldet zur Doping-Sünderin und unglücklichsten Athletin der Sydney-Spiele geworden. Vor ihrem Olympiasieg im Vierkampf-Finale hatte sie wegen einer Erkältung Tabletten vom Mannschaftsarzt verschrieben bekommen, die das verbotene Stimulanzmittel Pseudoephedrin enthielten. Sie musste infolgedessen ihre Goldmedaille abgeben. Denisa Morariu Tamaş spricht über die Motivation der Filmemacher:

    Wir wollten Andreea Răducan in der Sportwelt rehabilitieren. Einige Anwälte haben sich mit dem Fall befasst, wir haben versucht, ihr dabei zu helfen, die Medaille zurückzugewinnen. Leider konnte man 10 Jahre später nichts mehr machen. Was wir geschafft haben, war, eine perfekte Figur vor die Kamera zu bringen, und es fiel uns deswegen sehr schwer, ihre Schwächen zu betonen, den Menschen hinter der Olympiameisterin zum Ausdruck zu bringen. Wir wollten einen Film über dieses Trauma machen: so viel zu arbeiten, ihre Jugend zu opfern, um eine Goldmedaille zu gewinnen und sie dann schuldlos zu verlieren. Die Dokumentation erzählt zeitgleich die Geschichte einer Generation von Turnerinnen, die eine Traumriege in einem Land mit einer gro‎ßen Tradition in diesem Sport war.“

    Auf dem Programm des Internationalen Festivals in Sibiu stand auch eine Auswahl der jüngsten 126 Filme, die in 45 Ländern produziert wurden. 47 Filme treten im Wettbewerb um die Preise des Astra-Film-Festivals 2019 an.

  • The Astra International Film festival in Sibiu

    The Astra International Film festival in Sibiu

    The Astra International Film festival in Sibiu has
    reached its 26th edition. Held over October 14 and 20, 2019, the
    festival had no less than 20 production screened in theaters across the city;
    the productions focused on Romania because of their plot, or because they were
    directed by a Romanian filmmaker. Thirteen of them were included in the festival’s
    ‘Romania’ competition. According to the organizers, the productions QUOTE cover the small-scale, intimate history,
    as well as History with a capital ‘H’, while through the themes they tackled,
    filmmakers have struck the most sensitive chords of Romanian society. These
    productions dare filmgoers to have a deeper understanding of the country, from
    its making, as early as 1918, to the trying years of the dictatorship and the
    phenomena that proliferated in the three decades that have passed since the Revolution,
    such as migration or corruption UNQUOTE.

    Alex Brendea has a rich experience as a film editor. With Profu/Teach,
    Alex made his debut as a documentary filmmaker.

    Alex Brendea:

    What I like about the documentary is the fact that it offers
    more freedom as compared to the feature film. Which means you have more time on
    your hands for your characters, the team is smaller than that of a feature
    film, everything is more intimate and, if you will, you can be more spontaneous
    and more creative. Just to give you an example, while working on a feature film
    you don’t have that much freedom to make the changes you want to make, but you
    can do that for a documentary. While working on a documentary, you can make
    major changes from one day to the next, you can decide to change the shots, to
    film something you planned beforehand. As for a feature film, you have your
    shots planned already, you are aware that what comes next for you is the shooting of
    a medium close-up, or a large one. In a documentary, that comes as something a
    lot more spontaneous, you don’t know what your character will do next, or what
    may intervene in the whole story.

    The documentary directed by Alex Brendea tells the tale of a
    math teacher in Bistrita who decides to pull out of the official education
    system and opens a private school in his own flat.

    Alex Brendea:

    Actually, the teacher’s name is Dorin Ionita,
    but everybody, all his pupils called him Teach, and that’s what his name has been,
    ever since. I met him when I was an 11th grader in high-school, he
    was my Math teacher after school, which means I went to his place to take
    private lessons, even though I wanted to pursue the Film Faculty as early as my
    high school years. I remember I was impressed by him from the very beginning,
    when I first stepped into his house I saw he turned one of his rooms into a
    regular classroom, in the other room there was a motorbike whose parts were
    disassembled and placed very meticulously on the floor, and I realized I was in
    front of a very special man, and that’s how I thought about making a documentary about
    him. I appreciated him a lot for the fact that he resigned from the system in
    order to make his own match class, and because he was so dedicated to that

    The Golden Girl is a documentary made by Denisa Morariu Tamas
    and Adrian Robe. It was shot by Cristian Tamas, and explores a dramatic episode
    in the history of Romanian gymnastics. We recall that in the 2000 edition of
    the Sydney Olympics, Andreea Raducan fought really hard to take back her gold

    Denisa Morariu Tamas:

    We have a media background, the three of us,
    we’re journalists. So our film is rather closer to the TV documentary, a genre
    we have been working on since 2011. It is an information-centered documentary,
    blending story into investigation. And the moment we also started working with
    HBO Europe, whose support for us was very important, we have become even more
    careful with the observational aspect, which means you need to be very keen on
    your characters as you are observing them. The documentary is second nature for
    us and I like that uncertainty the genre has in store for you, you never know
    what is going to happen.

    One of Romania’s top-notch gymnasts, Andreea Raducan, walked away
    with the Olympic title at the Sydney Olympics 2000. However, the title was officially withdrawn from her three days later because she tested positive for a chemical ingredient
    included in a wretched cold pill she had been given by the physician of the
    national gymnastics team.

    Denisa Morariu Tamas:

    As for our documentary, the
    Golden Girl, we started off with this mindset, that of retrieving Andreea’s
    medal. We also had lawyers who offered Andreea support, they examined the
    Switzerland file, but there was nothing they could do, unfortunately, the deed
    had been written off, more than 10 years had passed. One of the interesting
    things about our documentary is that we got ourselves a character who seems
    perfect in front of the camera and what we found difficult was to be able to
    detect Andreea’s moments of weakness, to find the human being behind the
    champion. We intended to make a film about that trauma of losing a medal,
    something she is not aware of just yet. The documentary also tells the tale of
    a generation in gymnastics. As compared to that moment, Sydney 2000, the
    situation has changed a lot, if we take a look at recent results, Romania came
    in 22nd according to the final World Championships rankings.

    The Astra International Film Festival in Sibiu
    includes, for the recently-held 26th edition, a selection of the
    recent 126 productions made in 45 countries worldwide. So entering the
    award-winning race for the festival were 47 titles, screened in 4 sections of
    the competition. Completing the program were dozens of noteworthy films,
    grouped in 12 special thematic programs according to the topics they broached.
    Productions tackle topics that for us have become more distressing these days,
    irrespective of sex, nationality or age.

  • 20.05.2018 (mise à jour)

    20.05.2018 (mise à jour)

    Ambassade – Les autorités de Bucarest finaliseront dans un mois, tout au plus, un rapport sur une décision de relocation de l’ambassade roumaine d’Israël de Tel-Aviv à Jérusalem. C’est ce qu’a annoncé dimanche, le chef de la diplomatie roumaine, Teodor Melescanu. Et lui d’ajouter que les résultats seront présentés à tous les décideurs politiques de Roumanie, y compris au chef de l’Etat, Klaus Iohannis. De l’avis de Melescanu, on ne saurait nous montrer surpris par la décision de Ramallah de rappeler son ambassadeur à Bucarest, un geste qui, espère le responsable roumain, ne portera pas atteinte aux relations politiques bilatérales. Annoncée en première par le leader social- démocrate, Liviu Dragnea, l’intention du gouvernement roumain d’une relocation de l’ambassade roumaine d’Israël a engendré des disputes sans précédent entre la coalition au pouvoir et la présidence du pays appuyée par l’opposition libérale.

    Protestations – Des centaines de magistrats roumains se sont réunies samedi en face du Palais de la Justice, de Bucarest, pour dénoncer les modifications apportées au code pénal et aux lois de la Justice, l’indifférence manifestée devant les critiques du GRECO (Groupe d’Etat contre la corruption) et le refus d’attendre le rapport de la Commission de Venise. A cette occasion, une résolution a été adoptée par laquelle les magistrats demandent au chef de l’Etat, au président du Sénat et à celui de la Chambre des députés de consulter en urgence la Commission de Venise au sujet de la réforme des codes pénaux en Roumanie. Dans l’attente d’une réponse de ladite Commission, les magistrats sollicitent aussi la suspension immédiate des débats de la commission spécialiasée du Parlement roumain. Dans un appel adressé au ministre de la Justice, ils lui demandent de s’abstenir d’adopter des actions susceptibles d’intimider les procureurs et de miner l’Etat de droit et l’indépendence de la justice. Les magistrats ont également demandé aux membres du Conseil supérieur de la magistrature de condamner fermement toute attaque à l’adresse de l’Etat de droit, des juges et des procureurs et d’adopter des mesures immédiates censées appuyer ces magistrats sujets des critiques qui portent atteinte à l’indépendence de la justice roumaine.

    Tennis – La numéro 1 mondiale du tennis, la Roumaine, Simona Halep, s’est inclinée dimanche devant l’Ukrainienne, Elina Svitolina, 4ème mondiale, lors de la finale du tournoi de Rome. Malgré cette défaite, Halep préserve sa position au sommet du classement WTA et reste donc la principale favorite du tournoi de Roland Garros qui débute le 27 mai.

    Gymnastique – La présidente de la Fédération roumaine de gymnastique, Andreea Raducan, a été incluse dans la galerie internationale The Hall of Fame des grands noms de ce sport, lors d’un gala déroulé à Oklahoma City, aux Etats-Unis. Elle est restée dans l’histoire de la gymnastique mondiale après s’être vu retirer le titre olympique du concours individuel aux JO de Sydney, en 2000, après avoir échoué un test anti-dopage suite à des cachets contre le rhume donnés par erreur par le médecin de l’équipe. Dans le palmarès d’Andreea Raducan figure aussi la médaille d’or au concours par équipe décrochée lors des Championats du Monde de Gand, le bronze au concours individuel et l’or à la poutre et au sol. Andreea Raducan est le onzième sportif roumain inclus ces 25 dernières années dans la Galerie du Hall of Fame de la Gymnastique mondiale après Nadia Comăneci, Bela Karolyi, Ecaterina Szabo, Teodora Ungureanu, Daniela Silivaş, Simona Amânar, Octavian Bellu, Lavinia Milosovici, Gina Gogean si Aurelia Dobre.

    Météo – Le temps demeure instable dans la plupart des régions roumaines. Des pluies toucheront l’ouest, le sud et les régions de montagne. Les minima iront de 7 à 16 degrés et les maxima de 19 à 26 degrés.

  • May 20, 2018 UPDATE

    May 20, 2018 UPDATE

    Embassy relocation – The Romanian authorities have announced they will finalize in one month at the latest an analysis related to the relocation of the Romanian embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, the Romanian Foreign Minister Teodor Meleşcanu announced on Sunday. He said the results of the analysis would be forwarded to all Romanian political decision makers including to President Klaus Iohannis. Minister Meleşcanu considers normal the recalling of the Palestinian ambassador to Romania but hopes that diplomatic relations between the two sides will continue. Announced for the first time by the Social Democrat leader Liviu Dragnea, the government’s intention to relocate the Romanian embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem caused unprecedented disputes between the governing coalition and President Klaus Iohannis, who is supported by the Liberal opposition.

    Regional policy – The European Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Cretu will pay a 2 — day visit to Romania as of Monday to discuss sustainable urban development. On Monday Commissioner Cretu will participate alongside PM Viorica Dancila and the minister for European funds Rovana Plumb in a conference devoted to urban investments hosted by Bacau, in the east. Commissioner Cretu will also visit the astronomic observatory in Bacau that benefited from European funds. On Tuesday Corina Cretu and minister Plumb will participate in a dialogue with the citizens at the Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacau. In a communiqué issued ahead of her visit to Romania, Commissioner Cretu said that more than one billion Euros would be invested in urban development in Romania.

    Tennis — World’s no. 1 player, Romanian Simona Halep was defeated Sunday by Ukrainian Elina Svitolina (4 WTA) 0-6, 4-6 in the final of the Rome tournament. Halep will still preserve the first place in the WTA ranking to be published on Monday and will be top seed at the upcoming Roland Garros tournament to start on May 27, which is the year’s second Grand Slam tournament.

    Gymnastics — The president of the Romanian Gymnastics Federation Andreea Răducan was included in the International Gymnastics Hall of Fame as part of a gala that took place in Oklahoma City, in the US. She will remain in the history of world gymnastics as the gymnast who was stripped of her all-round gold medal at the 2000 Sydney Olympics after testing positive for a banned stimulant, pseudoephedrine, that her doctor had given her for a cold. Andreea Răducan is Romania’s 11th representative to be included in the International Gymnastics Hall of Fame in the past 25 years after Nadia Comăneci, Bela Karolyi, Ecaterina Szabo, Teodora Ungureanu, Daniela Silivaş, Simona Amânar, Octavian Belu, Lavinia Milosovici, Gina Gogean and Aurelia Dobre.

    Religious celebration — The majority Orthodox Christians and the Greek Catholics in Romania will celebrate Saints Constantine and Helen on Monday, May 21. As many as 1.8 million Romanians bear the two saints’ names. Emperor Constantine is known for the Edict of Milan of 313, which gave Christianity a legal status being a religion tolerated by the Roman Empire after centuries of persecution. His mother, Helen, commissioned the building of churches in Bethlehem and on the hill of Golgotha where the Cross, on which Jesus Christ had been crucified, was discovered. (news translated and updated by Lacramioara Simion)