Tag: Andreescu

  • July 3, 2023 UPDATE

    July 3, 2023 UPDATE

    ACCESSION The Spanish presidency of the European
    Union has included on the list of its priorities the issue of EU enlargement.
    In the first joint conference of the Spanish government and the European
    Commission, staged in Madrid on Monday, the head of the community Executive,
    Ursula von der Leyen says the accession of Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova
    is only a matter of time and there is no question mark on the will of the
    Europeans. In another development, the Spanish ambassador in Bucharest, Jose
    Antonio Hernandez Perez-Solorzano says his country supports the accession of
    Romania to the Schengen area. At the press conference at the European
    Commission Representation, which marked the beginning of the Spanish presidency,
    the diplomat said the issue of Romania’s and Bulgaria’s accession to Schengen
    will be included on the agenda of the Justice and Home Affairs Council most
    likely this autumn. In turn, Foreign Minister Luminita Odobescu says the
    Schengen zone will be stronger when Romania is a fully-fledged member.

    Romanian president Klaus Iohannis has announced he took note of the resignation
    of Eduard Hellvig, the director of the Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI) and he decided he be awarded the ‘Romanian
    Star’ National Order in rank of Commander. Hellvig tendered his resignation on
    Monday arguing that it isn’t good for democracy to have one person exposed to
    classified information for a long period of time. He believes that the Romanian
    Intelligence Service has changed significantly during his term in office and is
    now able to react more effectively to the present day challenges in order to
    protect Romania. According to Catalin Drula, of the opposition USR, Eduard
    Hellvig’s mandate has failed since, in his opinion, the civil control over the
    institution did not exist. Eduard Hellvig was appointed the SRI director in

    Romanian tennis player Ana Bogdan has outperformed Russian Liudmila Samsonova
    in two sets in the inaugural round of the Wimbledon tennis competition, the
    year’s third Grand Slam tournament. Other three Romanians are on the main draw in
    London and will be playing on Tuesday, when Irina Begu will be up against Canadian
    player, Rebecca Marino, Sorana Cirstea will be playing Tatjana Maria of Germany
    and Jaqueline Cristian will meet Italian Lucia Bonzetti. The Canadian player of
    Romanian extraction, Bianca Andreescu, will take on Anna Bondar of Hungary in
    the first round.

    TRIP The Romanian Navy training brig
    the Mircea on Monday set sail from the Constanţa Military Port on
    the Black Sea on an international training journey. It has on board 67 cadets of
    the Mircea the Old Naval Academy and 12 foreign cadets from
    partner academies in Bulgaria, Germany, Poland, Turkey, Latvia, Spain and
    Italy. The training trip will last 28 days, during which the brig will moor in
    three ports: Piraeus in Greece, Taranto in Italy and Izmir in Turkey. In all
    these ports, the sailboat will be open for visits. The brig is to return to Constanta
    on July 31.


  • 03.09.2019


    Die Rumänische Marine organisiert beginnend mit Dienstag die rumänisch-ukrainische Übung Riverine 2019“ an der Donau, dem Abschnitt zwischen der rumänischen Stadt Tulcea und der ukrainischen Izmail. Daran nehmen ca. 300 Marine-Soldaten aus den beiden Ländern teil. Ziel der Übung ist es, die grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit zwischen Rumänien und der Ukraine im Marinebereich, an der Donau, zu verbessern. Bis zum 7. September werden Inspektions- und Schleppübungen sowie Notfallübungen organisiert.

    Die Überreste der Königin Helena, der Mutter von König Michael I. von Rumänien, werden in diesem Herbst zurückgeführt und in die neue Erzdiözese und Königskathedrale in Curtea de Argeş beigesetzt, teilte die Kustodin der rumänischen Krone, Prinzessin Margaretha, am Dienstag mit. 71Jahre nach dem Exil von Königin Helena und 37 Jahre nach ihrem Tod beschloss Prinzessin Margaretha, die Überreste ihrer Gro‎ßmutter nach Rumänien zurückzubringen. Prinzessin Helena von Griechenland und Dänemark war die Tochter von König Konstantin I. von Griechenland und Königin Sophia von Preu‎ßen. 1921 heiratete sie Kronprinz Carol in Athen, von den sie 1928 geschieden wurde. 1940 wurde sie Königinmutter. Sie starb im November 1982 in Lausanne, in der Schweiz. Im Gegensatz zu König Michael I. sah Königin Helena ihr Land nach ihrem erzwungenen Exil nie wieder.

    In Bukarest wird am Dienstag das internationale George Enescu“ Musik-Festival mit einem Konzert des London Philharmonic Orchestra zusammen mit dem Akademischen Chor des Rumänischen Hörfunks fortgesetzt. Zwei weitere Konzerte finden in Cluj-Napoca und Sibiu statt. Das zentrale Thema der diesjährigen Ausgabe des Festivals ist Die Welt in Harmonie“, künstlerischer Leiter ist Vladimir Jurowski. Bis zum 22. September werden Bukarest und 10 weitere Städte in Rumänien und 5 weiteren Ländern (Deutschland, Frankreich, Italien, Kanada und die Republik Moldau) Aufführungen im Zusammenhang mit dem Festival veranstalten. In Bukarest werden über 2.500 der bekanntesten Musiker der Welt 84 Konzerte und Rezitale geben.

    Das EU-Programm zur Förderung des Verzehrs von Obst, Gemüse und Milchprodukten in der Schule wird auch 2019 fortgesetzt. Von dem Gesamtbudget von 250 Millionen Euro wird Rumänien in diesem Schuljahr über 17 Millionen Euro erhalten. Im vergangenen Jahr haben mehr als 20 Millionen Kinder in der EU von diesem Programm profitiert, das in Schulen umgesetzt wurde und dessen Ziel es ist, gesunde Ernährungsgewohnheiten zu fördern.

    Rumänische Studenten gewannen eine Gold- und 3 Silbermedaillen auf der diesjährigen Ausgabe der Internationalen Olympiade der Geowissenschaften, die vom 26. August bis 3. September in Daegu, Südkorea, stattfand. Die Internationale Geo-Wissenschaftsolympiade fördert die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Studenten aus verschiedenen Ländern, indem sie internationale Teams bildet, die Forschungsthemen zu Umweltfragen in einem bestimmten geografischen Gebiet erhalten und ein Projekt mit Lösungsvorschlägen für die jeweiligen Probleme entwickeln müssen. An dieser 13. Internationalen Erdwissenschaftsolympiade nahmen 163 Schüler aus 41 Ländern teil.

    EU-Bürger gaben durchschnittlich 377 Euro für einen Urlaub aus und die Rumänen stehen mit rund 135 Euro, die für einen Urlaub vorgesehen sind, am unteren Ende der Liste, so die von Eurostat am Dienstag veröffentlichten Daten. Die grö‎ßten Urlaubsausgaben in der EU tätigten die Luxemburger mit durchschnittlich 769 Euro für einen Urlaub im Jahr 2017, gefolgt von den Österreichern mit 641 Euro und Maltesern, mit 633 Euro. Am anderen Ende befinden sich Ungarn, mit161 Euro, Lettland mit 155 Euro und Bulgarien mit 153 Euro.

    Die junge kanadische Tennisspielerin rumänischer Abstammung,Bianca Andreescu qualifizierte sich für das Viertelfinale der US Open, dem letzten Grand Slam des Jahres, nachdem sie die Amerikanerin Taylor Townsend in 3 Sätzen besiegt hat. Es ist das erste Mal, dass die 19-jährige Spielerin, Bianca Andreescu (Nummer 15 der Welt) an den US Open teilnimmt, und auch ihr erstes Grand Slam Viertelfinale. Taylor Townsend (116 WTA), hatte zuvor zwei Rumänen, Simona Halep und Sorana Cîrstea, ausgespielt. Im Viertelfinale tritt Andreescu gegen die Belgierin Elise Mertens (26 WTA) an.

  • March 16, 2019 UPDATE

    March 16, 2019 UPDATE

    PARIS PROTESTS — Outbreaks of violence were reported on Saturday, on Paris’s Champs Elysées, where thousands of ’yellow vests’ gathered for the 18th weekend of protests against the French government’s fiscal and social policy. They set life-threatening fires, smashed up luxury stores and clashed with police firing tear gas and water cannon. Interior Minister Christophe Castaner said on French television that an estimated 10,000 protesters were protesting in Paris and another 4,500 around France. That was up from about 3,000 protesters in Paris last weekend. The violence comes after a two-month national debate that President Emmanuel Macron organized to respond to protesters concerns about sinking living standards, high unemployment, stagnant wages and general income inequality.

    EPP SUMMIT – The elections for the European Parliament in May are held in a symbolic year that marks 30 years since the fall of the totalitarian regimes, Romanian President Klaus Iohannis said Saturday in Bucharest at the summit of the European People’s Party (EPP). Europe cannot go back in time and voting remains the best way of sanctioning the populist and demagogical discourse that has become so virulent, the Romanian President went on to say. Iohannis resumed criticism levelled at the Social Democratic Party, the main party in the government coalition, which he says displays a false patriotism by trying to induce people the idea that Europe is a threat, which is a cynical and irresponsible way of making politics, President Iohannis has pointed out. According to the National Liberal Party, a member of the European People’s Party (PPE) and the main opposition party in Romania, the summit in Bucharest enjoys the participation of over 150 mayors and regional leaders from the EU as well as of 3,000 mayors from Romania. The EPP candidate for the presidency of the European Commission, Manfred Weber, will present his vision on the future of the EU and the structure of the EPP program for the EC’s presidency.

    PSD — The leader of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), the main party of the leftist ruling coalition in Romania, on Saturday at a meeting of one of the local branches, said his party invokes patriotism because this is an issue that bothers certain people. There are politicians, Dragnea said, who do not want to upset the leaders in Brussels. The Social Democratic EMPs must have the courage and determination of a Romanian patriot, and must fight for programs that support Romania. Dragnea took the occasion to blame again President Klaus Iohannis for the delays in adopting the 2019 budget bill which had been promulgated on Friday.

    ATTACK – The 28-yer old Australian Brenton Turrant, the main suspect of the attack on two mosks in Christchurch, New Zealand, that left 49 people dead, appeared in Court on Saturday morning on a single murder charge. Further charges are expected to be made against him. Tarrant was described by Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison as an “extremist, right-wing, violent terrorist”. New Zealand’s PM Jacinda Ardern said the suspect had a firearms licence and owned five guns. Ardern said the guns used by the attacker appeared to have been modified, and that the suspects car was full of weapons, suggesting “his intention to continue with his attack”. Speaking at a news conference on Saturday, she said the suspect had obtained a gun licence in November 2017 that allowed him to buy the weapons used in the attack.

    S&P – Standard & Poors (S&P) has reconfirmed Romania’s rating at BBB-/A-3 for the long and short-term debt in domestic and foreign currency, and also the stable outlook. S&P forecasts, on the other hand, that Romania’s economy will slow down even more in 2019, to 3.5%, due to reduced foreign demand and less private investment. Improving the country rating, S&P says, depends on the progress made in adopting the institutional reforms and the degree to which Romania manages to increase domestic investment, by absorbing European funds for example.

    TENNIS – The extraordinary run of teenager Bianca Andreescu, a Canadian of Romanian origin, continues at the BNP Paribas Open, as she knocked off No.6 seed Elina Svitolina of Ukraine, 6-3, 2-6, 6-4, to advance to the second final of her season and career at Indian Wells. In the first meeting between the two players, 18-year-old Andreescu survived two hours and 12 minutes of momentum shifts before claiming her second Top 10 win and increasing her outstanding win-loss record for the year to 27-3 across all levels. “Im actually shaking right now,” said an emotional Andreescu, to open her post-match press conference. “Its just so incredible. Im honestly speechless,” Andreescu has said. (Translated by Elena Enache)