Tag: Andrei Dukov

  • Athlete of the Week on RRI – Wrestler Andrei Dukov

    Athlete of the Week on RRI – Wrestler Andrei Dukov

    At the European Wrestling Championships that came to a close in Novi Sad, Serbia, Romania grabbed two medals, both in the freestyle event: Andrei Dukov grabbed silver, in the 57-kg category, while Alina Vuc won bronze in the women’s 48-kg category. Another three athletes came in 5th place, after losing the bronze finals: Kriszta Incze in the 60-kg freestyle category, Adrian Moise in the 70-kg freestyle category, and Alin Alexuc in the 130-kg Greek-Roman category. Thus our delegation met the objective set by the Romanian Wrestling Federation, namely winning two medals. For winning silver in the freestyle event, Radio Romania International has designated Andrei Dukov Athelte of the Week.

    Last week Dukov concluded the 57-kg men’s competition by taking on Georgian-born Azeri Ghiorghi Edisherashvili in the final. His opponent was far more experienced, as he won the 2013 European gold medal in the 55-kg category. In the round of 16, Dukov had eliminated Aleksandar Mancic of Serbia, knocked out Georgian-born Spanish wrestler Levan Metreveli Vartanov in the quarterfinals and edged out Suleyman Atli of Turkey in the semi-finals.

    Andrei Dukov was born on December 22, 1987 in Ismail, Ukraine. He is 1,65 meters tall and weighs 62 kgs. In 2008 he was awarded Romanian citizenship and was signed by Steaua Bucharest Army Sports Club. Apart from this year’s silver medal, Dukov has also won a bronze in the 2016 European Wrestling Championships in Riga. In 2011 and 2013 he won gold at the Ion Corneanu tournament. In 2013 he won silver in the German Grand Prix. (Translated by V. Palcu)

  • Sportivul săptămânii: Luptătorul Andrei Dukov

    Sportivul săptămânii: Luptătorul Andrei Dukov

    La recent încheiatele campionate europene de lupte de la Novi Sad din Serbia, România a obţinut două medalii, ambele la stilul liber: argintul lui Andrei Dukov, la categoria 57 de kilograme, şi bronzul Alinei Vuc, la categoria 48 de kilograme. Alţi trei sportivi s-au clasat pe locul 5, după ce au pierdut meciurile pentru bronz: Kriszta Incze, la categoria 60 de kilograme şi Adrian Moise, la categoria 70 de kilograme, la lupte libere, şi Alin Alexuc, la categoria 130 kilograme, la stilul greco-romane. Astfel, obiectivul pe care şi-l fixase Federaţia Română de Lupte înainte de europene, câştigarea a minimun două medalii, a fost atins. Pentru performanţa de a cuceri titlul de vicecampion european, Radio România Internaţional îl declară pe Andrei Dukov, 29 de ani, sportivul săptămânii.

    În urmă cu o săptămână, Dukov disputa ultimul său meci la competiţia din Novi Sad, finala la categoria 57 de kilograme, împotriva azerului de origine georgiană Ghiorghi Edişeraşvili. Adversarul său din finală, în vârstă tot de 29 de ani, a fost unul experimentat deţinând titlul de campion european în 2013, la categoria 55 de kilograme. În drumul său către ultimul act, în optimi Dukov l-a depăşit pe sârbul Aleksandar Mancic, în sferturi a dispus de spaniolul de origine georgiană Levan Metreveli Vartanov, iar în semifinale l-a învins pe turcul Suleyman Atli.

    Andrei Dukov s-a născut pe 22 decembrie 1987 în localitatea Ismail din Ucraina, are 1,65 metri şi 62 de kilograme. În 2008, a primit cetăţenia română şi, odată stabilit în România, a fost legitimat la Clubul Sportiv al Armatei Steaua Bucureşti. Până la medalia de argint de la europenele de la Novi Sad, Dukov mai avea în palmares un bronz, tot la campionatele europene, cucerit în 2016 la Riga. În 2011 şi 2013, a urcat pe cea mai înaltă treaptă a podiumului la Memorialul Ion Corneanu. În 2013, la Marele Premiu al Germaniei, a câştigat o medalie de argint.

  • Wrestling


    Romania won three medals in the European Wrestling Championships held in Riga last week. Alina Vuc became silver medallist in the 48-kilogram category, the best performance in her career so far. Alina, 22, has in recent years obtained several medals in the under twenty-one and seniors competitions. With the silver she won in Riga, Alina has also compelled recognition in seniors’ competitions. She came very close to the gold medal but lost in the finals to Maria Stadnik of Azerbaijan, Olympic vice-champion in London and defending European champion.

    Also from the Romanian delegation, free-style wrestler Andrei Dukov won his first medal in the men’s contest of a European championship. Dukov lost to Ukrainian Andrei Iatenko in the semifinals but managed to clinch the bronze after a win against Mahir Amiraslanov of Azerbaijan.

    Ivan Guidea, also from Romania, won his first medal in a major senior competition. He became the bronze medallist after a difficult three-two victory against Munir Recep Aktas of Turkey. Guidea has also obtained a clear win, 11-1, against Ukrainian Petro Bileiciuk.

    In the Greco-Roman section only one wrestler from Romania, Tomi Hinoveanu, managed a good show and fought for the bronze medal in the 71-kilogram category. The Romanian was outperformed by Varsan Boranian of Armenia but in the qualifying rounds he managed to win two games. He lost the decisive game against Balint Korpasi ending up on the 5th position in the standings.