Tag: Andrej Kiska

  • Viceprim-ministrul Ion Marcel Ciolacu, la ceremoniile dedicate Insurecției Naționale Slovace

    Viceprim-ministrul Ion Marcel Ciolacu, la ceremoniile dedicate Insurecției Naționale Slovace

    Vicepremierul Ion Marcel Ciolacu va conduce delegația guvernamentală care va participa mâine la ceremoniile dedicate marcării Insurecției Naționale Slovace, organizate la Zvolen și Banská Bystrica, în Slovacia.

    Din delegația română fac partesecretarul de stat în cadrul Ministerului Apărării Naționale Mircea Dușa, ambasadorul României în Republica Slovacă, Steluța Arhire, general de brigadă Teodor Incicaș, Statul Major General, general -maior Petrică Lucian Foca, comandantul Comandamentului Forţelor Întrunite,consilierul de stat Florin Vodiță. Invitat special în delegația română este generalul în retragere Neculai Pruteanu, veteran de război și unul dintre ultimii supraviețuitori care au luptat atât pe frontul de Est, cât și pe cel din Vest. Ostaşii români au contribuit, alături de aliații lor, la eliberarea a peste 1700 de localități, între care 31 de oraşe din întreaga Cehoslovacie.

    Delegația română va participa la ceremoniile dedicate Zilei Naționale a Republicii Slovace și comemorării eroilor militari români căzuți la datorie în al Doilea Război Mondial pe actualul teritoriu slovac. Cu acest prilej, vicepremierul Marcel Ciolacu va susține un discurs alături de președintele Republicii Slovace, Andrej Kiska, și prim-ministrul slovac, Robert Fico.

    De asemenea, oficialii români vor depunedin orașul Zvolen și la Monumentul Eroilor din centrul orașului Banská Bystrica, unde se află o placă în limba română pe care este inscripționat Mulțumiri Armatei Române, eliberatoarea orașului și vor participa la acordarea de decorații unor veterani de război.

    Vicepremierul Ciolacu și membrii delegației române vor participa, totodată, la un dejun de lucru oferit de vicepremierul slovac Peter Pellegrini, ministru al Investițiilor și Informatizării.

    Comunicat de presă Guvernul României

  • Die Woche 10.10.2016-14.10.2016 im Überblick

    Die Woche 10.10.2016-14.10.2016 im Überblick

    Der slowakische Landespräsident Andrej Kiska ist mit Statschef Klaus Iohannis zusammengekommen

    Rumänien und die Slowakei sind zwei EU-Musterstaaten. Die Wirtschaft beider Länder verzeichneten einen Aufwärtstrend, schlussfolgerten der rumänische Staatschef Klaus Iohannis und sein slowakischer Amtskollege Andrej Kiska. Die zwei Landespräsidenten sprachen in Bukarest über die Entwicklung der bilateralen Beziehungen und die Hauptaspekte der gemeinsamen Interessen. Die guten bilateralen Beziehungen fu‎ßen auf historische und kulturelle Gemeinsamkeiten, so Präsident Iohannis. Vereinbart wurde über die Notwendigkeit eines strategischen Angehens der Östlichen Partnerschaft. Was Moldawien anbelangt wurde hervorgehoben, dass die demokratischen Prozesse und die Reformen weiterhin unterstützt werden müssen, so dass die Republik weiter die europäische Richtung beibehält. Klaus Iohannis und sein slowakischer Gegenüber diskutierten ebenfalls über die politische und wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit zwischen den zwei Staaten, sowie über die Korruptionsbekämpfung. Der slowakische Staatschef kam auch mit dem rumänischen Premierminister Dacian Cioloş zusammen, um über die ländliche Entwicklung, die Politik der sozialen Eingliederung, sowie über die Unterstützung der beruflichen Mobilität zu sprechen. Andrej Kiska traf mit Vertretern der slowakischen und tschechischen Minderheit zusammen, die ein aussagekräftiges Beispiel für die Integration in die rumänische Gesellschaft ist.

    EU-Forschungskommissar Carlos Moedas war am Dienstag auf Rumänien-Besuch

    EU-Forschungskommissar Carlos Moedas besuchte am Dienstag Rumänien und besichtigte dabei auch die Plattform in Măgurele – dort soll unter der Bezeichnung Extreme Lichtinfrastruktur sogar die grö‎ßte Laseranlage der Welt entstehen. Forscher erwarten vom Projekt neue Erkenntnisse mit handfesten Ergebnissen für Medizin, Pharma, Astrophysik oder Kernphysik. EU-Kommissar Moedas sagte bei der Besichtigung, dass man ein solches Projekt ruhig intensiver bewerben könnte – nicht nur in Europa, sondern auch weltweit. Sehr wenig sei bekannt über Themen wie die dunkle Materie und ein solches Projekt könnte in diesem Bereich einen neuen Durchbruch bringen, sagte der Kommissar. Und fügte hinzu, dass Forscher am Zentrum bei Bukarest in Zukunft auch den einen oder den anderen Nobelpreis gewinnen könnten. Auch der rumänische BIldungsminister Mircea Dumitru, der den EU-Politiker bei seiner Besichtigung begleitete, lobte das Forschungsvorhaben und bewertete es als au‎ßerordentliche Errungenschaft. Das von der EU finanzierte Projekt soll bis 2019 fertig gebaut werden. Im Moment werden Teile einmontiert, die einzeln in Paris getestet wurden. Für das Laserprojekt in der Nähe von Bukarest wurden bereits 50 Forscher eingestellt – nicht wenige von ihnen waren ausgewanderte rumänische Wissenschaftler.

    Senatsbeschluss: Doktortitel können nur von der verleihenden Universität entzogen werden

    Die Senatoren in Bukarest haben beschlossen, dass ein Doktortitel von nun an nur von der Universität entzogen werden kann, die ihn verliehen hat. Am Montag hat der Senat in seiner Eigenschaft als beschlussfähige Kammer beschlossen, dass ein Doktortitel nur von der Universität entzogen werden kann, die ihn verliehen hat. Somit wird der Rat zur Diplombeglaubigung, Institution, die speziell für die Prüfung der Plagiate gegründet wurde, nur als Berufungsanstalt agieren. Im Namen der politisch unabhängigen Exekutive äu‎ßerte sich der Staatssekretär im Bildungsministerium Laurenţiu Vlad im Plenum des Senats. Er sagte, dass obwohl die neue Fassung des Gesetzes vermeintlich die Dezentralisierung der Beschlüsse bezüglich der Verleihung und Entziehung des Doktortitels beabsichtigt, in Wirklichkeit diese das Risiko aufweist, die Qualität des Hochschulstudiums zu untergraben. Die Abstimmung im Senat fand nur drei Tage nach der Ankündigung statt, dass ex-Innenminister Petre Tobă und der Bürgermeister der Nachbarstadt Bukarests, Voluntari, Florentin Pandele, ihre Doktorarbeiten massiv plagiiert haben. Heftige Debatten gibt es auch über die Doktorarbeiten von ex-Premierminister Victor Ponta, ex-Vizepremierminister Gabriel Oprea oder sogar der Leiterin der Antikorruptionsbehörde selbst, Laura Codruţa Kovesi.

    Der rumänische Staat kauft Constantin Brâncuşis Die Weisheit der Erde“

    Der rumänische Staat will die Skulptur des berühmten Bildhauers Constantin Brâncuşi “Die Weisheit der Erde”, kaufen und sie im Bukarester Dorfmuseum ausstellen. Der rumänische Staat muss für das Meisterwerk 11 Millionen Euro zahlen. Die rumänische Regierung hatte bekanntgegeben, sie werde aus der Staatskassa 5 Millionen Euro ausgeben, den Rest von 6 Millionen sollten die Rumänen spenden. Deshalb leitete der rumänische Staat eine Spendenaktion ein. Die Regierung in Bukarest hat am Mittwoch beschlossen, die Spendenkampagne nicht zu verlängern. Die Differenz von 6 Millionen und die Summe von 1,2 Millionen Euro, die bis Ende September gespendet wurde, sollen aus dem Buget des Kulturministeriums gezahlt werden. Die Exekutive wird rund 10 Millionen Euro für die Skulptur zahlen, so dass sie dem rumänischen Staat gehören soll. Die Regierung hat am Mittwoch eine Eilverordnung verabschiedet, die die Gründung eines Fonds für den Erwerb von Kunstwerken vorsieht. Der Brâncuşi“ Fonds soll durch Spenden, Sponsoring und von dem Staatshaushalt finanziert werden.

    Arzneimittelpreise sollen sinken

    Das Gesundheitsministerium in Bukarest erwägt derzeit neue Regelungen für den Arzneimittelmarkt. Eine Neuigkeit wäre eine gestaffelte Preissenkung. Dabei soll dem Phänomen der aus Krankenhäusern und Apotheken zurückgezogenen Arzneimittel ein Ende gesetzt werden. In Rumänien sieht die geltende Preispolitik bei Arzneimitteln vor, dass der Hersteller eines innovativen Produkts nach Ablauf seines Patents eine erhebliche Preissenkung vornehmen muss: fünf Jahre nach Markteinführung muss das Arzneimittel um 35% billiger werden, bis auf das Preisniveau des billigsten Alternativmittels. Demnach sollen Arzneimittel, deren Patent abgelaufen ist, im ersten Jahr um 10%, im zweiten Jahr um weitere 10% und schlie‎ßlich im dritten Jahr um 15% billiger werden. Ärzte und Patienten sollen au‎ßerdem Zugang zu einem System erhalten, wordurch man fehlende Medikamente in den Krankenhäusern und Apotheken melden kann.

    Über 1000 wurden vom Hochwasser betroffen

    Das Hochwasser hat infolge der heftigen Regenfälle der letzten Tage erheblichen Schaden angerichtet. Vor allem der Osten des Landes ist betroffen. Entlang mehrerer Flüsse aus der Region galten Hochwasser-Warnungen der Stufen Rot, Orange und Gelb. Die Flut zerstörte Hunderte von Häusern, Höfen und Kellern, Züge verspäteten sich um mehrere Dutzend Minuten. Im südostrumänischen Galatz ist die Lage am schlimssten. Dort wurden fast 1700 Personen präventiv evakuiert und die rote Warnstufe ausgerufen. Zudem wurden die Militärs zur Hilfe gerufen. Die Behörden in Bukarest haben beschlossen, mit starken Motorpumpen ausgestattete Einsatzteams in das Gebiet zu entsenden.

  • Retrospectiva săptămânii  9.10-15.10.2016

    Retrospectiva săptămânii 9.10-15.10.2016

    Preşedintele Slovaciei, Andrej Kiska, s-a întâlnit la Bucureşti cu
    omologul său român, Klaus Iohannis

    România şi Slovacia sunt exemplare pentru UE, ambele
    state înregistrând o creştere economică importantă, au apreciat preşedintele
    Klaus Iohannis şi omologul său slovac, Andrej Kiska. Ei au discutat, la
    Bucureşti, despre dezvoltarea relaţiilor bilaterale. Cei doi lideri au căzut de
    acord că este necesară o abordare strategică a Parteneriatului Estic, iar în
    particular, în privinţa Republicii Moldova (ex-sovietică, majoritar românofonă)
    au subliniat nevoia de a sprijini în continuare procesele democratice şi
    reformele, astfel încât Chişinăul să poată avansa pe drumul european. Klaus
    Iohannis şi Andrej Kiska au discutat, de asemenea, despre cooperarea politică
    şi economică dintre cele două ţări, dar şi despre lupta împotriva corupţiei.
    Şeful statului slovac s-a întâlnit şi cu premierul Dacian Cioloş cu care a
    discutat despre dezvoltarea zonelor rurale, politicile de incluziune socială şi
    susţinerea mobilităţii profesionale. Pe agenda vizitei s-au aflat şi întâlniri
    cu reprezentanţi ai minorităţii slovacilor şi cehilor, exemplu elocvent de bună
    integrare în societatea românească.

    Comisarul european pentru
    Cercetare, Ştiinţă şi Inovare, Carlos Moedas, în vizită în România

    Comisarul european pentru
    Cercetare, Ştiinţă şi Inovare, Carlos Moedas, a vizitat platforma de la
    Măgurele, în apropiere de Bucureşti, unde se află în construcţie cel mai mare
    laser din lume. În opinia sa, trebuie să se discute mai mult despre acest
    proiect atât în Europa, cât şi în lumea întreagă şi trebuie atraşi mai mulţi
    oameni să facă experimente şi să arate importanţa de a face vizibilă lumea
    invizibilă. La rândul său, ministrul Educaţiei, Mircea Dumitru, care a vizitat
    centrul de la Măgurele împreună cu oficialul european, a apreciat că proiectul
    reprezintă o realizare extraordinară. Finanţat de UE, ansamblul urmează să fie
    gata până în 2019 şi se aşteaptă să aducă mari beneficii în domenii
    precum medicină, farmacie, astrofizică sau fizică nucleară. Pentru acest important
    proiect au fost deja angajaţi peste 50 de cercetători, mulţi dintre ei români
    plecaţi în strainatate.

    Senatul de la
    Bucureşti decide că titlul de doctor poate fi retras de acum înainte doar de
    universitatea care l-a acordat

    Senatorii de la Bucureşti au decis că
    titlul de doctor poate fi retras de acum înainte doar de universitatea care l-a
    iar Consiliul de Atestare a Diplomelor, instituţie înfiinţată special pentru
    verificarea plagiatelor, va avea doar rolul de instanţă de recurs. Senatorii nu
    au fost de acord cu solicitarea preşedintelui Klaus Iohannis, care arăta în
    cererea de reexaminare a legii educaţiei că există un climat actual de
    neîncredere în procesul de analiză a sesizărilor de plagiat. Şi secretarul de
    stat din Ministerul Educaţiei, Laurenţiu Vlad, menţiona în plenul Senatului că
    deşi la nivel declarativ, documentul are ca scop descentralizarea deciziei cu
    privire la emiterea şi retragerea titlului de doctor, în realitate, riscă să
    submineze calitatea învăţământului superior. Decizia are loc pe fondul dezbaterilor aprinse de la Bucureşti privind
    tezele de doctorat, presupus plagiate, ale unor personaje publice precum fostul
    premier Victor Ponta, fostul vicepremier Gabriel Oprea, fostul ministru de
    Interne Petre Toba ori însăşi şefa DNA, Laura Codruţa Kovesi.

    Pamantului de Constantin Brâncuşi va fi achiziţionată de statul român

    Opera Cumintenia Pamantului a
    sculptorului român Constantin Brâncuşi va fi achiziţionată de statul român.
    Guvernul a stabilit că diferenţa între sumele donate în cadrul campaniei de
    subscripţie publică şi cele care trebuiau strânse să fie asigurată de la
    bugetul de stat.
    În cadrul campaniei naţionale Brâncuşi e al meu s-au adunat 1,27
    milioane de euro pana pe 30 septembrie. Iniţial, pentru achiziţionarea operei,
    Guvernul a alocat 5 milioane de euro însă erau necesare încă 6 milioane
    de euro din donaţii.Cumintenia Pamantului va fi gazduită în curând de Muzeul Naţional
    al Satului Dimitrie Gusti, anunţă Ministerul Culturii.
    În plus, Guvernul a decis constituirea Fondului Brancuşi, din resursele căruia vor putea fi achiziţionate opere de artă
    contemporană şi opere aparţinând categoriei tezaurului patrimoniului cultural

    medicamentelor vor scădea în următorii ani

    Sănătăţii a anunţat că vor fi ieftinite majoritatea medicamentelor,emise
    pe bază de reţetă.
    Astfel, printr-o viitoare Hotărâre de Guvern, al cărui proiect va fi pus în
    dezbatere publică, medicamentele care au ieşit de sub patent vor fi ieftinite
    în primul an cu 10%, cu încă 10% în al doilea şi cu 15% în al treilea an. Farmaciştii si distribuitorii vor avea obligaţia să raporteze
    zilnic stocurile de medicamente compensate, într-un sistem electronic. De
    asemenea, medicii şi pacienţii vor putea verifica pe internet dacă un
    medicament este sau nu pe piaţă, ministerul angajându-se să remedieze problema
    în 7 zile de la semnalare.

    Peste 1000 de persoane au fost afectate
    în urma inundaţiilor

    În ultimele zile,
    ploile abundente au provocat inundaţii în mai multe zone ale României. Cele mai
    multe pagube s-au înregistrat în est, sud şi sud-est, unde au fost evacuate
    peste o mie de persoane şi numeroase gospodarii rurale au fost inundate. Mai
    multe drumuri, printre care şi unul naţional au fost afectate. În plus, unele judeţe s-au
    confruntat şi cu vântul puternic, care a lăsat fără curent electric mai multe
    mii de locuitori.

  • Slowakischer Landespräsident besucht Rumänien

    Slowakischer Landespräsident besucht Rumänien

    Die Wirtschaft beider Länder verzeichnete einen Aufwärtstrend, schlussfolgerten der rumänische Staatschef Klaus Iohannis und sein slowakischer Amtskollege Andrej Kiska. Die zwei Landespräsidenten sprachen in Bukarest über die Entwicklung der bilateralen Beziehungen und die Hauptaspekte der gemeinsamen Interessen. Die guten bilateralen Beziehungen fußen auf historische und kulturelle Gemeinsamkeiten, so Präsident Iohannis. Vereinbart wurde über die Notwendigkeit eines strategischen Angehens der Östlichen Partnerschaft. Was Moldawien anbelangt wurde hervorgehoben, dass die demokratischen Prozesse und die Reformen weiterhin unterstützt werden müssen, so dass die Republik weiter die europäische Richtung beibehält.

    Der slowakische Staatschef Andrej Kiska erklärte, das Thema der obligatorischen Flüchtlingsquote sei ein totes politischen Thema. Iohannis hob hervor, die Europäische Union müsse gemeinsame Lösungen, die die Union nicht spalten, suchen. Die slowakische Regierung zog im Dezember 2015 wegen der beschlossenen Quoten vor den Europäischen Gerichtshof.

    Klaus Iohannis und sein slowakischer Gegenüber diskutierten ebenfalls über die politische und wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit zwischen den zwei Staaten, sowie über die Korruptionsbekämpfung. Andrej Kiska schätzte den Kampf den Rumänien gegen die Korruption führt, während Klaus Iohannis die Bereitschaft Bukarets ausdrückte, den slowakischen Partnern zu helfen, effiziente Institutionen für die Bekämpfung der Korruption zu gründen. Klaus Iohannis dazu:

    Die Bekämpfung der Korruption ist für uns wesentlich. Die Korruption bedroht die `Festigung der Demokratie, verlangsamert das Wirtschaftswachstum und erschreckt die Investoren. Wir sind auf dem richtigen Weg, haben aber auch noch Vieles zu tun.

    Andrej Kiska hob seinerseits hervor, Rumänien und die Slowakei seien ein Beispiel für die EU-Staaten:

    Rumänien ist der Beweis dafür, dass das Wirtschaftswachstum von der Korruptionsbekämpfung abhängig ist. Ich behaupte das nicht nur aus Höflichkeit. Ich hab das mehrere Male gesagt, in der Slowakei, in Rumänien. Wir können viel von ihrem Land lernen. Rumänien will Schengen-Mitglied werden und wir unterstützen es total. Wir tun unser Bestes, um Rumänien zu helfen, zu unterstützen.

    Der slowakische Staatschef kam mit dem rumänischen Premierminister Dacian Cioloş zusammen, um über die ländliche Entwicklung, die Politik der sozialen Eingliederung, sowie über die Unterstützung der beruflichen Mobilität zu sprechen. Andrej Kiska traf mit Vertretern der slowakischen und tschechischen Minderheit zusammen, die ein aussagekräftiges Beispiel für die Integration in die rumänische Gesellschaft ist.

  • President of Slovakia in Bucharest

    President of Slovakia in Bucharest

    Romania and Slovakia are laudable members of the EU, with both countries reporting substantial economic growth, President Klaus Iohannis and his Slovak counterpart Andrej Kiska agreed in Bucharest. The two heads of state discussed about the development of bilateral relations and the main issues of mutual interest. The good bilateral relations are based on historical and cultural similarities, President Iohannis highlighted.

    The two leaders concluded that a strategic approach of the Eastern partnership is necessary, in particular of the Republic of Moldova, and they emphasised the need to further support the democratic process and reforms in that country, so as to help Chisinau get closer to its EU accession goal.

    On the other hand, Andrej Kiska said the topic of migrant quotas was “a dead political theme, whereas his Romanian counterpart said the EU must search for common solutions, instead of solutions that divide its members. In December 2015, Slovakia filed a complaint with the European Court of Justice against the EU decision to distribute 120,000 asylum seekers among member states.

    Klaus Iohannis and his Slovak counterpart also discussed the political and economic cooperation between the two countries, as well as the fight against corruption. The Slovak President appreciated Romanias efforts to curb corruption, and Klaus Iohannis voiced Bucharests willingness to help Slovakia build efficient institutions to counter corruption.

    Klaus Iohannis: “For us, eliminating corruption is vital, because not only does it threaten the consolidation of democracy, but it also slows down economic growth and drives investors away. We believe we are on the right path, but we still have a long way to go.

    In turn, Andrej Kiska emphasised that Romania and Slovakia are models for other European countries, particularly in terms of economic growth.

    Andrej Kiska: “Romania proves that economic growth is also connected to the fight against corruption. And it is not out of civility that I mention Romania in this respect. I have mentioned this many times, both at home and here, that there is a lot that we can learn from Romania. Romania has its own ambitions to join the Schengen area and has our full support for this. We will do everything in our power to help.

    The head of the Slovak state also had a meeting with PM Dacian Ciolos, with whom he talked about the development of rural areas, social inclusion policies and supporting professional mobility. The agenda of the Slovak officials visit also included meetings with representatives of the Slovak and Czech minority, a relevant example of integration in the Romanian society.

  • Prezidentul ali Slovacie la Bucureşti

    Prezidentul ali Slovacie la Bucureşti

    România şi Slovacia suntu exemplari tra UE, dauli stati agiumsira pi una creaştire economică importantă, spusira prezidentul Klaus Iohannis şi omologlu a lui slovac, Andrej Kiska. Atel’I doi şefi di stat zburara, Bucureşti, tra dezvoltarea a relaţiilor bilaterale şi printipalili lucri di sinfer comun. Bunili relaţii bilaterali au la thimel’iu similarităţli istoriti şi culturale, spusi prezidentul Iohannis. Atel’I doi lideri agiumsira pi isapea că easti ananghi di una abordari strategică a Parteneriatului Estic, iara tru particular, tru ti mutreasti Ripublica Moldova (ex-sovietică, majoritar românofonă), cundil’eara ananghea tra s-ndrupasca ma largu procesili democratiti şi reformele, aatea turlie câ Chişinăul s-poată s-faca jgl’ioati nainti pi calea europeana.

    Di altă parti, Andrej Kiska declara că subiectul a cotilor mutrindalui migranţal’ii easti una temă politică moartă, chiro tru cari omologlu a lui român cundil’e că UE lipseasti s-cafta cearei comune, nu cari s-ampartă. Slovacia dipusi, tru andreu 2015, plândziri la Curtea Europeană di Justiţie contra ali apofasi ti u lo UE ti redistribuirea a atilor 120.000 di insi ti caftara apanghiu tru statele membre. Klaus Iohannis şi omologlu a lui slovac zburara tutunaoara, ti coopeararea politică şi economică anamisa di ateali dauă vasilii, ama şi tra alumta contra ali arusfeti. Prezidentul slovac apruke ti bun alumta antiarusfeti dit România, iara Klaus Iohannis u spusi vrearea a Bucureştiului tra s-aproachi dit experienţa a lui şi tra s-agiuta partenerl’ii slovaci s-ndreagă organismi hairlatiti ti alumta contra ali arusfeti.

    S-lu avdzam Klaus Iohannis: Tra noi, curmarea ali arufeti easti di mari simasie cate nu masi ca fuvirsescu anvartusearea ali democraţie, corupţia ayaliseasti criştearea economică, corupţia l’I-aspari investitorl’i. Minduescu ca him pi calea atea bună, ama nica avem lucru ti calcari. Tru arada a lui, Andrej Kiska cundil’e că România şi Slovacia suntu un exemplu tra vasiliili europene, tru condiţiile tru cari nreghistrara creaştiri economică.

    Aesta arada s-lu avdzamu Andrej Kiska: România na spuni, ama, că criştearea economică poate s-hiba ligata şi cu alumta contra ali arusfeti. Şi nu zburascu di România masi dit comata di tin’iseari. Cundil’eai ma multi ori aest lucru, cundil’eai şi acasă, şi aoa, ari multi lucri cari putem s-li nvitam di partea ali Românie. România ari nadiili a l’ei isisi tra s-agiunga membru Schengen şi ari agiutorlu a nostru pan di mardzina şi va s-fatem tut ti ari cabile tra s-agiutam, s-ndrupam România.

    Şeful statului slovac s-andamusi şi cu premierul Dacian Cioloş cu cari feati moeabeti tra dezvoltarea a zonelor rurale, polititli di incluziune socială şi andruparea a mobilitatil’ei profesionala. Tu agenda a vizital’ei a prezidentului slovac avea si andamusi cu reprezentanţal’i a minoritatil’ei a slovacilor şi a cehilor, paradigma yilipsitoari ti bună integrari tru societatea românească.

    Autor: Daniela Budu

    Armanipsearea: Tascu Lala

  • Preşedintele Slovaciei la Bucureşti

    Preşedintele Slovaciei la Bucureşti

    România şi Slovacia sunt exemplare pentru UE, ambele state înregistrând o creştere economică importantă, au constatat preşedintele Klaus Iohannis şi omologul său slovac, Andrej Kiska. Cei doi şefi de stat au discutat, la Bucureşti, despre dezvoltarea relaţiilor bilaterale şi principalele aspecte de interes comun. Bunele relaţii bilaterale se bazează pe similarităţile istorice şi culturale, a afirmat preşedintele Iohannis.

    Cei doi lideri au căzut de acord că este necesară o abordare strategică a Parteneriatului Estic, iar în particular, în privinţa Republicii Moldova, au subliniat nevoia de a sprijini în continuare procesele democratice şi reformele, astfel încât Chişinăul să poată avansa pe drumul european.

    Pe de altă parte, Andrej Kiska a declarat că subiectul cotelor privind migranţii este o temă politică moartă, în vreme ce omologul său român a subliniat că UE trebuie să caute soluţii comune, nu care divizează. Slovacia a depus, în decembrie 2015, plângere la Curtea Europeană de Justiţie împotriva deciziei UE de redistribuire a 120.000 de solicitanţi de azil între statele membre.

    Klaus Iohannis şi omologul său slovac au discutat, de asemenea, despre cooperarea politică şi economică dintre cele două ţări, dar şi despre lupta împotriva corupţiei. Preşedintele slovac a apreciat lupta anticorupţie din România, iar Klaus Iohannis a exprimat disponibilitatea Bucureştiului de a împărtăşi din experienţa sa şi de a-I ajuta pe partenerii slovaci să construiască organisme eficiente în combaterea corupţiei.

    Klaus Iohannis: “Pentru noi, eradicarea corupţiei este vitală fiindcă nu doar că ameninţă consolidarea democraţiei, corupţia încetineşte creşterea economică, corupţia îi sperie pe investitori. Cred că suntem pe calea cea bună, dar mai avem mult de făcut.”

    La rândul său, Andrej Kiska a subliniat că România şi Slovacia constituie un exemplu pentru ţările europene, în condiţiile în care au înregistat creştere economică. Andrej Kiska: “România ne arată, totuşi, că creşterea economică se poate lega şi cu lupta împotriva corupţiei. Şi nu vorbesc de România doar din curtoazie. Am menţionat de mai multe ori acest fapt, am menţionat şi acasă, şi aici, sunt foarte multe lucruri pe care le putem învăţa din partea României. România are propriile sale ambiţii de a deveni membru Schengen şi are sprijinul nostru total şi vom face tot ce este posibil ca să ajutăm, să sprijinim România.”

    Şeful statului slovac s-a întâlnit şi cu premierul Dacian Cioloş cu care a discutat despre dezvoltarea zonelor rurale, politicile de incluziune socială şi susţinerea mobilităţii profesionale. Pe agenda vizitei preşedintelui slovac s-au aflat şi întâlniri cu reprezentanţi ai minorităţii slovacilor şi cehilor, exemplu elocvent de bună integrare în societatea românească.

  • October 11, 2016

    October 11, 2016

    TOUR – As of Tuesday the Romanian Foreign Minister Lazar Comanescu will go on a four-day tour of Asia. According to the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the tour includes an official visit to Indonesia, aimed at boosting diplomatic bilateral dialogue and consolidating economic cooperation with this country. On Thursday and Friday, the Romanian Foreign Minister will attend the 21st Ministerial Meeting of the European Union – Association of South-East Asian Nations (EU-ASEAN) in Thailand. On the sidelines of the meeting, Lazar Comanescu will hold a series of bilateral talks with his counterparts from ASEAN countries.

    TALKS – Slovakian President Andrej Kiska today took part in a Romanian-Slovakian business forum. Also today the Slovakian official is visiting the town of Nadlac in western Romania, home to the largest Slovakian minority in Romania. On Tuesday, the Slovakian president held talks with his Romanian counterpart, Klaus Iohannis, regarding the political and economic cooperation between the two states and the fight against corruption. Iohannis and Kiska highlighted that the Slovakian minority in Romania and the Romanian community in Slovakia have a substantial contribution to the development of ties between the two states. Andrej Kiska also met with Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos, discussing the development of rural areas, social inclusion policies and supporting job mobility.

    MOTION – The Chamber of Deputies is today debating and voting a simple motion targeting Justice Minister Raluca Pruna. The Social-Democrats are calling for her resignation after she admitted in a recent meeting of the Supreme Defence Council that she lied to European Court of Human Rights judges when claiming seven prisons in Romania were allotted a budget of 1 billion euros. The information was based on official documents, whereas the money didnt actually exist, Raluca Pruna said. The statement was made in the context of the underfunding in the justice system, Pruna calling for further investment and the need for a multi-annual investment plan. The Government is not forced to sack the justice minister, even if the motion is passed in Parliament.

    VISIT – EU Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation Carlos Moedas is on Tuesday paying an official visit to Bucharest. He will meet with Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos, Education Minister Mircea Dumitru, the president of the National Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation, Mihai Robert Dima, and with Romanian Academy president Ionel Valentin Vlad. Carlos Moedas will also meet with the members of Parliaments Committees on European affairs, education, science, youth and sports. Additionally, Commissioner Moedas will visit the ELI-NP laser project in Magurele.

    FOOTBALL – Romanias football team is today playing the national team of Kazakhstan away from home, in its third preliminary game in the 2018 World Cup in Russia. On Saturday, in Erevan, Romania defeated Armenia, 5-0. In the same group E, Poland won 3-2 against Denmark, and Montenegro beat Kazakhstan 5-0. With 4 points each, Romania, Montenegro and Poland top the group table. Last month the national team drew at home against Montenegro, 1-1, in the first game with the German Cristoph Daum as the first foreign manager of the Romanian team. This autumn Romania is to also play at home against Poland, on November 11.

    WEATHER – Its getting cold across the country, with overcast skies and showers reported in the southeast, northeast and center. Meteorologists have issued a code orange alert in place until Wednesday and a code yellow alert in place until Thursday against heavy rainfall. Snowfalls and strong wind are expected in the mountains. Maximum temperatures range from 6 to 18 degrees Celsius. The noon reading in Bucharest was 11 degrees.

    (Translated by V. Palcu)

  • Nachrichten 10.10.2016

    Nachrichten 10.10.2016

    BUKAREST: Der slowakische Staatschef, Andrej Kiska, ist am Montag zu einem zweitägigen Besuch in Rumänien eingetroffen. Er führte Gespräche mit dem rumänischen Präsidenten Klaus Iohannis über die Konsolidierung der bilateralen Beziehung auf politischer, wirtschaftlicher und kultureller Ebene. Die Slowakei hat für dieses Halbjahr die turnusmä‎ßige EU-Ratspräsidentschaft übernommen. Die beiden Staatschefs diskutierten über die EU-Erweiterungs-Politik, über die Beziehung zur westlichen Nachbarschaft, sowie auch über die Zukunft der EU. Betreffend die Zusammenarbeit im Rahmen der NATO, beteuerte Rumäniens Staatschef erneut die Notwendigkeit die Aufmerksamkeit der Allianz gegenüber dem Schwarzmeer-Raum aufrecht zu erhalten. Der Schwarzmeer-Raum ist im Kontext der neuen Sicherheits-Herausforderungen in der Region ein wichtiger Bestandteil der euroatlantischen Sicherheit. Am Dienstag soll sich der slowakische Präsident auch mit Vertretern der slowakischen Gemeinde im westrumänischen Nadlac treffen.

    BUKAREST: Der europäische Kommissar für Forschung, Wissenschaft und Innovation, Carlos Moedas unternimmt am Dienstag einen offiziellen Besuch in Bukarest. Er kommt mit Premierminister Dacian Cioloş, mit Bildungsminister Mircea Dumitru, mit dem Präsidenten der Nationalbehörde für Wissenschaftliche Forschung und Innovation Mihai Robert Dima und dem Präsidenten der Rumänischen Akademie Ionel Valentin Vlad. Au‎ßerdem wird der europäische Kommissar die Laser-Anlage in Magurele (ELINP) besuchen.

    BUKAREST: Den Juden und Roma, die vor 75 Jahren nach Transnistrien deportiert wurden, ist am Montag beim Holocaust- Mahnmal in Bukarest gedacht worden. Der Nationale Gedenktag für die Holocaust-Opfer findet jährlich am 9. Oktober statt. Am 9. Oktober 1941 begann die Deportation der jüdischen Bevölkerung aus Bessarabien und aus der Bukowina nach Transnistrien. Die rumänische Regierung hat im Jahr 2004, basierend auf den Schlussfolgerungen eines Ausschusses unter der Leitung des Friedensnobelpreisträger Elie Wiesel, die Teilnahme Rumäniens am Holocaust anerkannt.

  • Jurnal românesc – 10.10.2016 UPDATE

    Jurnal românesc – 10.10.2016 UPDATE

    Comunitatea românească din Slovacia si
    minoritatea slovacă din Romania contribuie substanţial la dezvoltarea legăturilor
    dintre cele două ţări, au declarat, luni, la Bucureşti, preşedintele Klaus
    Iohannis si omologul său slovac, Andrej Kiska. Cei doi şefi de stat au
    discutat şi despre consolidarea relaţiei bilaterale, la nivel politic, economic si
    cultural. Preşedintele Kiska a declarat că ţara sa mulţumeşte României,
    in special armatei române, care a participat la eliberarea Slovaciei, în
    perioada celui de-al II-lea Război Mondial. Cu acest prilej seful statului
    sloven a decorat luni patru veterani români.

    Ministerul de Externe a transmis către Autoritatea
    Electorală Permanentă propunerile de secţii de votare ce urmează a fi
    organizate în străinătate la alegerile parlamentare din 11 decembrie. Este
    vorba de 417 secţii, cu 111 mai multe decât la scrutinul parlamentar din 2012.
    Dintre cele 417 secţii de votare propuse, 193 vor fi organizate pe lângă
    misiunile diplomatice, oficiile consulare şi institutele culturale, 217 secţii de
    votare reprezintă propuneri motivate ale MAE, iar 7 secţii de votare vor fi
    organizate la solicitarea a cel puţin 100 de cetăţeni români care s-au înscris
    în Registrul electoral până pe 14 septembrie. Cele mai multe secţii de votare
    – 73 – sunt propuse a fi organizate în Italia, în Spania – 53, în
    Republica Moldova – 35, în Germania – 15. In localităţile în care a fost înregistrat
    un număr mare de votanţi în cadrul proceselor electorale anterioare, MAE a
    avut în vedere multiplicarea secţiilor de votare organizate în localităţile în
    care îşi au sediul misiunile diplomatice, oficiile consulare, respectiv institutele
    culturale. De exemplu, în Belgia şi în Austria, vor fi organizate câte 9
    secţii de votare, dintre care 6 secţii de votare în Bruxelles, respectiv
    Viena, în Franţa vor fi organizate 16 secţii de votare, dintre care 6
    secţii de votare în Paris şi regiunea pariziană, iar în Marea Britanie vor fi
    organizate 21 secţii de votare, dintre care 8 în Londra şi suburbii.

    Luni a început prima sesiune a Programului Casa
    Verde, lansat de Ministerul Mediului. Prin acest program, persoanele fizice şi
    juridice pot beneficia de finanţare pentru instalarea, înlocuirea sau
    completarea sistemelor clasice de încălzire cu cele care folosesc energie verde,
    regenerabilă. Interesul românilor pentru acest program este mare. În
    numeroase judeţe din ţară oamenii au format cozi în faţa Agenţiilor pentru Protecţia
    Mediului, pentru a-şi depune dosarele. Bugetul alocat pentru întreaga
    ţară în cadrul programului Casa Verde este de 94 de milioane de lei, din care
    60 sunt destinate persoanelor fizice şi 34 de milioane persoanelor
    juridice. Timp de două săptămâni dosarele se pot depune la Agenţiile
    Teritoriale de Mediu.

    Nivelul maxim al tarifului RCA va creşte probabil
    cu 15% peste valoarea stabilită luna trecută după protestele
    transportatorilor, estimează preşedintele Autorităţii de Supraveghere
    Financiară, Mişu Negriţoiu. Potrivit ordonanţei de urgenţă emise de guvern luna
    trecută, Autoritatea de Supraveghere Financiară trebuie să stabilească,
    până pe 20 octombrie, preţuri maxime la RCA pentru toate categoriile de
    autovehicule. Luna trecută, transportatorii şi Autoritatea de Supraveghere
    Financiară ajunseseră la un acord privind stabilirea unui tarif maxim de 7.500
    de lei pentru camioanele de peste 16 tone. Un adaos de 15% peste acest nivel
    ar însemna poliţe RCA de aproximativ 8.600 de lei.

  • 10.10.2016 (mise à jour)

    10.10.2016 (mise à jour)

    Visite — Le président roumain Klaus Iohannis et son homologue slovaque, Andrej Kiska, ont discuté, ce lundi à Bucarest, de la consolidation de la relation bilatérale au plan politique, culturel et économique, ainsi que des thèmes de l’agenda européen, vu que la Slovaquie assure la présidence du Conseil de l’UE au second semestre de cette année. Les deux chefs d’Etat ont abordé la politique de l’UE en matière d’élargissement et le voisinage oriental, mais aussi l’avenir de l’Europe, une réflexion lancée au sommet informel accueilli, le mois dernier, par la capitale slovaque, Bratislava. Pour ce qui est de la coopération au sein de l’OTAN, le président Iohannis a réitéré l’importance accordée par la Roumanie au renforcement de la capacité de l’Alliance de répondre aux défis sécuritaires actuels, dans le contexte des évolutions dans la région de la mer Noire. Par ailleurs, Klaus Iohannis et Andrej Kiska ont souligné le fait que la minorité slovaque de Roumanie et la minorité roumaine de Slovaquie avaient une contribution substantielle au développement des relations entre les deux pays.

    Commémoration — Les Juifs et les Roms tués pendant l’Holocauste en Roumanie et dans le monde ont été commémorés ce lundi au Mémorial des victimes de l’Holocauste de Bucarest. Le 9 octobre est marquée la Journée nationale de commémoration des victimes de l’Holocauste en Roumanie. A cette occasion, le chef de l’Etat, Klaus Iohannis, a souligné, dans un message, que l’hommage rendu aux victimes de l’Holocauste était un devoir d’honneur de l’Etat roumain. A son tour, le premier ministre, Dacian Ciolos, a affirmé que la commémoration des victimes de l’Holocauste était un moment de réflexion sur les épisodes sombres de l’histoire nationale, d’assimilation des leçons du passé pour que de telles tragédies ne se reproduisent. C’est le 9 octobre 1941 que fut déclenchée la déportation des Juifs de l’est de la Roumanie dans les territoires soviétiques occupés. L’Holocauste a été reconnu par les autorités roumaines en 2004, sur la base des conclusions formulées par une commission dirigée par Elie Wiesel, prix Nobel de la Paix.

    Motion — En Roumanie, le Parti social-démocrate a déposé, ce lundi, à la Chambre des députés, une motion simple contre la ministre de la justice, Raluca Prună, suite aux affirmations de celle-ci qu’elle avait menti à la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme (CEDH), au sujet des dons alloués aux pénitenciers. Les élus sociaux-démocrates signataires du document demandent la démission de la ministre. Raluca Prună affirmé, la semaine dernière, au Conseil supérieur de la magistrature, qu’elle avait menti quand elle avait dit, à la CEDH, que la Roumanie allouait un budget de près d’un milliard d’euros à sept pénitenciers. La ministre a expliqué que l’information présentée aux juges européens était extraite de documents officiels, mais, mais qu’en réalité l’enveloppe ne se retrouvait pas dans le budget. Selon le Règlement de la Chambre des députés, si la motion simple est approuvée par les élus, le gouvernement n’est pas obligé à démettre la ministre.

    Commissaire — Le commissaire européen à la recherche, la science et l’innovation, Carlos Moedas, fera une visite officielle à Bucarest, ce mardi. A l’agenda, des rencontres avec le chef du gouvernement roumain, Dacian Ciolos, avec le ministre de l’éducation, Mircea Dumitru, avec le président de l’Autorité nationale pour la recherche scientifique et l’innovation, Mihai Robert Dima, et avec le président de l’Académie roumaine, Ionel Valentin Vlad. Le commissaire européen se rendra également à Magurele, dans la proche banlieue de Bucarest, pour visiter le site du laser ELI-NP.

    Diplomatie — Le chef de la diplomatie roumaine, Lazăr Comănescu, commencera ce mardi une tournée de 4 jours en Asie. Au programme, une visite officielle en Indonésie, consacrée à l’intensification du dialogue politique et diplomatique bilatéral et à la consolidation de la coopération économique entre la Roumanie et l’Indonésie. Jeudi et vendredi, le ministre roumain des affaires étrangères participera, à Bangkok, en Thaïlande, à la 21e réunion ministérielle Union européenne — Association des nations de l’Asie du Sud-Est (ASEAN). En marge de cette réunion, Lazăr Comănescu aura des entretiens avec des homologues des pays membres de l’ASEAN.

    Météo — Le mauvais temps est de retour partout en Roumanie ; mardi, il pleuvra et les températures seront en dessous des normales de saison, se situant entre 6 et 18° en milieu de journée.

  • October 10, 2016

    October 10, 2016

    OFFICIAL VISIT– The President of Slovakia, Andrej Kiska, is on a 2-day official visit to Romania. The agenda includes talks with President Klaus Iohannis, as well as a meeting in the western Romanian village of Nădlac with representatives of the Slovakian minority in Romania. Klaus Iohannis will discuss with his Slovakian counterpart the main topics on the European agenda, given that Slovakia is currently holding the six-month rotating presidency of the EU Council. The two heads of state will exchange opinions on the EU enlargement policy and the eastern neighbourhood, as well as on the reflection on the future of the Union launched at the informal summit held last month in Bratislava. With respect to cooperation within NATO, the Romanian President will reiterate the need for the Alliance to maintain its focus on the Black Sea region, a major component of Euro-Atlantic security, particularly in the context of the current security challenges in the region.

    HOLOCAUST COMMEMORATION – The Jewish and Roma victims in Nazi extermination camps are commemorated today at the Holocaust Memorial in Bucharest. The National Holocaust Victim Commemoration Day is celebrated on October 9 in Romania. On this day in 1941, the deportation to Transdniester of the Jewish population of Bukovina and Bessarabia began. The Romanian authorities officially accepted responsibility for the Holocaust in Romania in 2004, based on the conclusions of a commission headed by Nobel Peace Prize winner, Ellie Wiesel.

    NOBEL PRIZE – The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has announced today the names of the winners of the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences. Professor Oliver Hart and Professor Bengt Holmstrom of the Massachusets Institute of Technology were awarded the prize, for their insights into how best to write contracts. Their work paved the way for institutions and policies in many fields, from bankruptcy legislation to constitutional policies, the jury explained. The winner of the 2015 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences was the American professor Angus Deaton, for his analysis of consumption, poverty and welfare. The Nobel prize for Economic Sciences has been awarded since 1968 by the Central Bank of Sweden, unlike the other prizes which are financed by the Nobel Foundation. The 2016 Nobel Prize season concludes this week with the award for literature.

    US ELECTION – The nominees of the Republican and Democratic parties in the US election, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, Sunday night clashed in the second presidential debate. According to a CNN poll, 57% of the American viewers believe the debate was won by Hillary Clinton, while 34% say the winner was Trump. Also, 39% of the respondents said Hillary Clinton did better than in the first debate. Donald Trump attacked ex-President Bill Clinton, Hillarys husband, and accused her of having “deleted 35,000 emails that had allegedly ruined peoples lives. In turn, Hillary Clinton claimed Russia was getting involved in the US election in order to have Donald Trump win the race. The two candidates also disagreed over the way to handle the crisis in Syria, but according to commentators none of them suggested a concrete solution.

    FOOTBALL – Romanias football team is playing on Tuesday in Astana against the national team of Kazakhstan, in its third preliminary game in the 2018 World Cup in Russia. On Saturday, in Erevan, Romania defeated Armenia, 5-0. In the same group E, Poland won 3-2 against Denmark, and Montenegro beat Kazakhstan 5-0. With 4 points each, Romania, Montenegro and Poland top the group table. Last month the national team drew at home against Montenegro, 1-1, in the first game with the German Cristoph Daum as the first foreign manager of the Romanian team. This autumn Romania is to also play at home against Poland, on November 11.

    TENNIS – The best ranking Romanian tennis player, Simona Halep, is as of Monday no. 4 in the WTA standings, one place up since last week. Halep is already qualified into the WTA Finals, a tournament that brings together the best 8 players of the world and held this year in Singapore, between October 23 and 30. Angelique Kerber, of Germany, is the WTA leader, followed by American Serena Williams and Polands Agnieskza Radwanska. Four other Romanian players are in the WTA Top 100: Irina Camelia Begu (no. 28), Monica Niculescu (no. 50), and Sorana Carstea (no. 83).

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • 08.10.2016


    Visite – Le président de la Slovaquie, Andrej Kiska, effectuera lundi et mardi une visite d’Etat en Roumanie à l’invitation de son homologue roumain Klaus Iohannis. Selon un communiqué de l’Administration présidentielle de Bucarest, l’objectif principal de cette visite est le renforcement des relations bilatérales au niveau politique, économique et sectoriel, ainsi que la consolidation de la coopération sur des sujets européens d’actualité, dans un contexte marqué par de nombreux défis. Vu que la Slovaquie assume ce semestre la présidence tournante du Conseil de l’UE, les débats porteront notamment sur l’agenda européen. L’occasion pour le président roumain Klaus Iohannis de présenter la vision de la Roumanie sur l’avenir de l’Europe, lit-on dans le même communiqué. De même, le chef de l’Etat roumain insistera sur la nécessité de continuer à renforcer la coopération économique, compte tenu du record historique des échanges commerciaux de 2,4 milliards d’euros en 2015, des échanges qui sont toujours à la hausse. Mardi, les deux chefs d’Etat ouvriront le forum d’affaire roumano-slovaque et rencontreront à l’Nadlac (ouest) des représentants de la communauté slovaque de Roumanie.

    PNL – Le Conseil National du PNL, la 2e formation politique du Parlement de Bucarest, a confirmé aujourd’hui Alina Gorghiu en tant que présidente unique des libéraux, après la démission de Vasile Blaga de la fonction de co-président du parti. Rappelons-le, le 28 septembre, Vasile Blaga a démissionné suite à l’annonce des procureurs anti-corruption d’avoir ouvert une enquête de corruption à son encontre. Il s’agit de faits commis entre 2009 et 2012, lorsque Vasile Blaga avait été ministre de l’Intérieur, puis président du Sénat de Bucarest. A cette époque-là il serait intervenu dans l’octroi de certains contrats de manière préférentielle. En échange pour ce trafic d’influence, il aurait reçu des commissions de 10%, soit un total de 700.000 euro, pour soi-même et pour le PDL dont il faisait partie, formation qui a fusionné par la suite avec le PNL.

    Colectiv – Presque une année après l’incendie meurtrier de la discothèque Colectiv de Bucarest, la justice roumaine a décidé de démarrer le procès visant cette affaire. Rappelons-le, 64 personnes ont perdu la vie et plus d’une centaine ont été blessées, dans l’incendie de la nuit du 31 octobre au 1er novembre 2015. Les trois patrons de la discothèque sont accusés d’homicide et de coups et blessures involontaires graves et de ne pas avoir pris les mesures légales de santé et sécurité sur les lieux de travail. Selon le Parquet Général, ceux-ci ont encouragé et permis l’accès d’un nombre de personnes qui dépassait de loin la limite admise, dans les conditions où l’espace ne disposait pas de plusieurs portes d’évacuation en cas d’urgence. Ils ont également permis l’organisation d’un spectacle pyrotechnique à l’intérieur du club, même s’il était inadéquat pour un feu d’artifices. Les patrons de la société qui avait fourni le matériel pyrotechnique font l’objet de la même enquête, s’y ajoute un employé et deux personnes morales. La tragédie survenue dans la discothèque Colectiv a engendré une vague immense d’émotion qui s’est traduite par d’amples manifestations de rue contre la corruption. Suite à ces protestations, le premier ministre social-démocrate de l’époque, Victor Ponta, et son gouvernement de coalition ont démissionné étant remplacés par l’équipe de technocrates dirigée par Dacian Ciolos, ancien commissaire européen à l’Agriculture.

    Matthew – Un officier roumain de l’Inspection générale pour les situations d’urgence conduira l’équipe chargée d’évaluer les dégâts causés par l’ouragan Matthew à Haïti. En même temps, le colonel Marius Dogea coordonnera l’assistance internationale, y compris les aides à la population touchée par l’ouragan. Avec une expérience de plus de 15 ans dans le domaine de la protection civile, il a été désigné par la Commission Européenne en tant que chef de l’Equipe de protection civile de l’Union qui se rendra à Haïti où presque 900 personnes ont perdu la vie dans l’ouragan. Le colonel Dogean a également travaillé en Jordanie en 2012, pendant la crise engendrée par l’afflux massif de réfugiés depuis la Syrie, puis l’année suivante, aux Philippines, après le typhon Hayian. Il a également travaillé en tant qu’expert national détaché dans le cadre de la Commission Européenne pour des missions d’évaluation dans la zone de conflit du Soudan du Sud.

    Minorités – La première réunion des associations culturelles roumaines d’Ukraine a lieu ce samedi à Slatina, dans l’ouest de la Roumanie. Initiée par l’Union des Roumains Dacia de Transcarpatia, en partenariat avec le Département chargé des relations avec les Roumains de la diaspora du ministère des AE de Bucarest, cette rencontre est consacrée aux problèmes auxquels sont confrontées ces organisations, dont notamment le financement de leur activité. Environ un demi-million de Roumains vivent en Ukraine voisine, la plupart étant établis le long de la frontière commune, sur les territoires roumains de l’est annexés par l’URSS en 1940, suite à un ultimatum et repris par l’Ukraine en 1991, en tant qu’Etat successeur.

    Migrants – 11 migrants provenant de l’espace afro-asiatique et 3 du Kosovo ont été interpellés ce samedi par les gardes-frontières roumains alors qu’ils tentaient d’entrer clandestinement en Roumanie depuis la Serbie. Les migrants, dont une femme et 4 enfants, ont déclaré qu’ils souhaitaient arriver dans un pays d’Europe Occidentale. Ce dernier mois, les gardes-frontières roumains ont dépisté de nombreux groupes de migrants, soit une centaine de personnes des régions mentionnées, qui tentaient d’entrer illégalement en Roumanie depuis la Serbie.

    Météo – Il fait très froid en ce week-end en Roumanie, plus froid que la normale saisonnière. Il pleut sur la plupart du territoire. Par endroit les précipitations pourraient dépasser les 20 voire les 50 litres par mètre carré. Il neige dans les Carpates Méridionales et Orientales. Les températures maximales de ce samedi iront de 8 à 17 degrés. 10 degrés et de la pluie à midi à Bucarest.

  • October 8, 2016 UPDATE

    October 8, 2016 UPDATE

    VISIT– Slovak President, Andrej Kiska, will pay a two-day state visit to Romania, as of Monday, at the invitation of his Romanian counterpart, Klaus Iohannis. According to a communiqué issued by the Romanian Presidential Administration, the main aim of the visit is to consolidate bilateral ties, at political, economic and sectoral level and to boost cooperation on European issues of topical interest, in a context marked by many challenges. Given that Slovakia is currently holding the half-yearly presidency of the EU Council, the talks will mainly focus on the European agenda, and President Iohannis will present Romanias stance on the future of Europe- the aforementioned source also says. Iohannis will also underline the need to further strengthen economic cooperation, starting from the historical record high of two-way trade exchanges reported in 2015, worth 2.4 billion Euros, which is on the rise. On Tuesday, the two presidents will open the Romanian-Slovak Business Forum and will meet, in the western town of Nadlac, with representatives of the Slokav community in Romania.

    GovITHub- A digital marathon, GovITHub, is held at the headquarters of the Romanian Government at the weekend. Over 100 young IT professionals are developing software and computer programs in an effort to enhance the quality of public services and improve the citizens relation with the state institutions. Among others, they develop an app meant to keep the Romanians in the diaspora updated of the latest developments in Romania, user-friendly governmental platforms or an app allowing citizens to report dangerous drivers or major-traffic related incidents. In a post on his Facebook page, Romanian PM, Dacian Ciolos, says the young peoples energy, skills, competence and passion stand proof of Romanias ability to modernise itself, and of the fact that even the most valuable resources can be mobilised if the State shows openness.

    DACIA CARS – The newly uplifted Logan and Sandero models produced by the Dacia Romanian car manufacturer will enter production line in the following weeks, when they are launched on the local market, says Yves Caracatzanis, General Manager and President of Automobile Dacia. Also, the new Duster EDC with automated gearbox is expected in the first half of 2017. Data released by Dacia show that at the European level, Duster is the second best selling compact car among natural persons, whereas Sandero ranks third. We recall the first Dacia car was produced in Romania back in 1966. The make belongs, as of 1999, to the Renault Group and accounts for 30% of the French Groups volume of sales.

    HURRICANE MATTHEW – A Romanian officer from the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations will lead the team which will assess the damage produced by hurricane Matthew in Haiti. Colonel Marius Dogean will also coordinate international assistance, including aid relief operations to the disaster-affected population. Boasting an extensive experience in the field of civil protection, with a career spanning over 15 years, Marius Dogean was designated by the European Commission head of the EU Civil Protection Team which will go to that Caribbean island, where approximately 900 were killed by the hurricane. Colonel Dogean also travelled to and worked extensively in Jordan, in 2012, during the crisis caused by the massive flow of refugees from Syria, and a year later in the Philippines, following Typhoon Hayian. He was also one of the national experts dispatched by the European Commission to the conflict area in Southern Sudan, on an assessment mission.

    COLECTIV TRAGEDY – Approximately one year after tragedy struck the Bucharest-based Colectiv nightclub, justice takes its course, with a trial being opened into the case. 64 people died and over 100 others got injured in the fire which accidentally broke out on the night of October 30 to 31, 2015. The three owners of the club are accused of manslaughter, bodily harm and of not taking the legal work health and safety measures. The indictment compiled by the Prosecutor Generals Office shows, among others, that they encouraged and permitted the access of a large number of people, far beyond the allowed limit, in the absence of emergency exit ways, also accepting the organisation of an indoor pyrotechnical show, in spite of improper insulation. The owners of the pyrotechnical company, one of their employees and two legal persons are being tried in the same case. The huge collective emotion produced by the Colectiv tragedy generated massive anti-corruption rallies in Romania, which led to the resignation of the coalition cabinet led by Social-Democrat Victor Ponta, on November 4, and its replacement by the technocratic government led by Dacian Ciolos.

    PARTY LEADER – The National Council of the National Liberal Party, the second largest party in the Romanian Parliament on Saturday confirmed Alina Gorghiu as the Liberals only president, following the resignation tendered by Vasile Blaga from the position of party co-president. On September 28, Blaga stepped down, after anti-corruption prosecutors announced he was subject to legal restrictions pending trial in a corruption case. The acts of corruption were reportedly carried out in the 2009-2012 period, when Blaga was interior minister and later on Senate Speaker, and he favoured the preferential granting of contracts. In exchange for this influence peddling, he would have received commissions worth 10% of the value of contracts, that is 700,000 Euros for himself and the party he was a member of, the Liberal Democratic Party, which later merged with the National Liberal Party. (Translated by D. Vijeu)

  • October 8, 2016

    October 8, 2016

    VISIT– Slovak President, Andrej Kiska, will pay a two-day state visit to Romania, as of Monday, at the invitation of his Romanian counterpart, Klaus Iohannis. According to a communiqué issued by the Romanian Presidential Administration, the main aim of the visit is to consolidate bilateral ties, at political, economic and sectoral level and to boost cooperation on European issues of topical interest, in a context marked by many challenges. Given that Slovakia is currently holding the half-yearly presidency of the EU Council, the talks will mainly focus on the European agenda, and President Iohannis will present Romanias stance on the future of Europe- the aforementioned source also says. Iohannis will also underline the need to further strengthen economic cooperation, starting from the historical record high of two-way trade exchanges reported in 2015, worth 2.4 billion Euros, which is on the rise. On Tuesday, the two presidents will open the Romanian-Slovak Business Forum and will meet, in the western town of Nadlac, with representatives of the Slokav community in Romania.

    ROMANIAN DIASPORA – The town of Slatina in the western Ukrainian region of Transcarpathia (a.k.a. Zakarpattia) is today hosting the first meeting of the Romanian cultural associations in Ukraine. Initiated by the Dacia Union of the Romanians living in Transcarpathia, jointly with the Department for the Romanian Diaspora with the Romanian Foreign Ministry, the meeting is devoted to the problems encountered by these organisations in their activity, particularly financing. Almost half a million ethnic Romanians are living in the neighbouring state of Ukraine, most of them residing in localities along the common border, in the Romanian eastern territories annexed by the former USSR in 1940, following an ultimatum, and taken over by Ukraine in 1991, as a successor state.

    COLECTIV TRAGEDY – Approximately one year after tragedy struck the Bucharest-based Colectiv nightclub, justice takes its course, with a trial being opened into the case. 64 people died and over 100 others got injured in the fire which accidentally broke out on the night of October 30 to 31, 2015. The three owners of the club are accused of manslaughter, bodily harm and of not taking the legal work health and safety measures. The indictment compiled by the Prosecutor Generals Office shows, among others, that they encouraged and permitted the access of a large number of people, far beyond the allowed limit, in the absence of emergency exit ways, also accepting the organisation of an indoor pyrotechnical show, in spite of improper insulation. The owners of the pyrotechnical company, one of their employees and two legal persons are being tried in the same case. The huge collective emotion produced by the Colectiv tragedy generated massive anti-corruption rallies in Romania, which led to the resignation of the coalition cabinet led by Social-Democrat Victor Ponta, on November 4, and its replacement by the technocratic government led by Dacian Ciolos.

    PARTY LEADER – The National Council of the National Liberal Party, the second largest party in the Romanian Parliament on Saturday confirmed Alina Gorghiu as the Liberals only president, following the resignation tendered by Vasile Blaga from the position of party co-president. On September 28, Blaga stepped down, after anti-corruption prosecutors announced he was subject to legal restrictions pending trial in a corruption case. The acts of corruption were reportedly carried out in the 2009-2012 period, when Blaga was interior minister and later on Senate Speaker, and he favoured the preferential granting of contracts. In exchange for this influence peddling, he would have received commissions worth 10% of the value of contracts, that is 700,000 Euros for himself and the party he was a member of, the Liberal Democratic Party, which later merged with the National Liberal Party.

    HURRICANE MATTHEW – A Romanian officer from the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations will lead the team which will assess the damage produced by hurricane Matthew in Haiti. Colonel Marius Dogean will also coordinate international assistance, including aid relief operations to the disaster-affected population. Boasting an extensive experience in the field of civil protection, with a career spanning over 15 years, Marius Dogean was designated by the European Commission head of the EU Civil Protection Team which will go to that Caribbean island, where approximately 900 were killed by the hurricane. Colonel Dogean also travelled to and worked extensively in Jordan, in 2012, during the crisis caused by the massive flow of refugees from Syria, and a year later in the Philippines, following Typhoon Hayian. He was also one of the national experts dispatched by the European Commission to the conflict area in Southern Sudan, on an assessment mission.

    FOOTBALL Romanias national football squad will take on Armenia this evening in an away fixture counting towards the World Cup preliminaries in 2018. In the same group, E, Poland take on Denmark and Montenegro face Kazakhstan. Three days after the match in Yerevan, Romania face Kazakhstan, also away from home. Last month the national team were held to a 1-all draw by Montenegro on home turf, in what counts as the debut game for the newly appointed manager of the national team, the German Christoph Daum, the first foreign manager to have been appointed at the helm of the national team. This autumn, Romania also takes on Poland on home turf, on November 11th. (Translated by D. Vijeu)