Tag: ArtSafari

  • Mircea Cantor din Franţa

    Artistul născut în România, Mircea Cantor, care trăieşte de peste două decenii în Franţa, expune la ArtSafari din Bucureşti, ca laureat al Premiului Marcel Duchamp alături de alţi artişti recompensaţi cu aceeaşi prestioasă distincţie, sub titlul The Memory Palace. Focus on the French art scene with the Marcel Duchamp Prize”.

  • Art Safari

    Art Safari

    Over 3,000 paintings, sculptures and other works of
    contemporary and heritage art can be admired in Bucharest, at the Art Safari
    International Fair. The 2nd Art Safari enjoys the participation of over 50 museums and galleries from
    Romania and abroad. There are galleries from Italy, Denmark, Austria, Hungary
    and Germany, and an overall number of 60 stands, says the director of the
    fair, Silvia Rogozea, who has announced that the modern and contemporary art
    works on display can also be purchased.
    Romania is represented at the fair by art museums from Galati, Arad,
    Constanţa, Pitesti, Ramnicu Sarat and Targu Mures and by works bearing the
    signature of Octav Bancila, Camil Ressu, Nicolae Tonitza, Iosif Iser and Ana
    Stefania Andronic, respectively.

    The fair is also the venue for workshops,
    debates and talks on such issues as the art market, visual arts before 1989,
    local and national museums. The fair, which comes to a close on Sunday, has
    come up with a first this year, namely a new stand for artists under 25 years
    of age. Why is Romania hosting a contemporary art fair? The organisers say the
    event is one of the necessary steps that should be taken forward, in an effort
    to contribute actively to enriching contemporary visual arts, as art reaches
    the consumer who visits art galleries, national and international museums or
    who sees exhibitions. This is the best opportunity to meet curators, gallery
    owners and exhibitors, collectors, art aficionados and particularly artists.
    The venue was not chosen by chance, as the Ciclop building in downtown
    Bucharest, the first multi-storey parking lot in Romania’s capital city, built
    in the 20th century, in the mid 1930s, still impresses people,
    through its architectural value, its history and endurance.

    Displaying works of
    art in this building is described by the organisers as a creative intervention
    on a non-conventional space. Art Safari 2015 supports budding
    artists, but also promotes heritage art. We were happy to see that so many
    people expressed their wish to take part in Art Safari, we’ve seen a real
    coagulation of the artistic world around the event. There should be a
    consistent support for commercial contemporary art galleries, by means of a
    coherent program, so that we can become part of a naturally developed art
    market, says Ioana Ciocan, the organiser of Art Safari. The event is meant to
    place Bucharest on the map of big European contemporary art fairs, contributing
    actively to the artistic community’s efforts to promote contemporary Romanian
    art and Bucharest’s urban culture.

  • Art Safari

    Art Safari

    Over 3,000 paintings, sculptures and other works of
    contemporary and heritage art can be admired in Bucharest, at the Art Safari
    International Fair. The 2nd Art Safari enjoys the participation of over 50 museums and galleries from
    Romania and abroad. There are galleries from Italy, Denmark, Austria, Hungary
    and Germany, and an overall number of 60 stands, says the director of the
    fair, Silvia Rogozea, who has announced that the modern and contemporary art
    works on display can also be purchased.
    Romania is represented at the fair by art museums from Galati, Arad,
    Constanţa, Pitesti, Ramnicu Sarat and Targu Mures and by works bearing the
    signature of Octav Bancila, Camil Ressu, Nicolae Tonitza, Iosif Iser and Ana
    Stefania Andronic, respectively.

    The fair is also the venue for workshops,
    debates and talks on such issues as the art market, visual arts before 1989,
    local and national museums. The fair, which comes to a close on Sunday, has
    come up with a first this year, namely a new stand for artists under 25 years
    of age. Why is Romania hosting a contemporary art fair? The organisers say the
    event is one of the necessary steps that should be taken forward, in an effort
    to contribute actively to enriching contemporary visual arts, as art reaches
    the consumer who visits art galleries, national and international museums or
    who sees exhibitions. This is the best opportunity to meet curators, gallery
    owners and exhibitors, collectors, art aficionados and particularly artists.
    The venue was not chosen by chance, as the Ciclop building in downtown
    Bucharest, the first multi-storey parking lot in Romania’s capital city, built
    in the 20th century, in the mid 1930s, still impresses people,
    through its architectural value, its history and endurance.

    Displaying works of
    art in this building is described by the organisers as a creative intervention
    on a non-conventional space. Art Safari 2015 supports budding
    artists, but also promotes heritage art. We were happy to see that so many
    people expressed their wish to take part in Art Safari, we’ve seen a real
    coagulation of the artistic world around the event. There should be a
    consistent support for commercial contemporary art galleries, by means of a
    coherent program, so that we can become part of a naturally developed art
    market, says Ioana Ciocan, the organiser of Art Safari. The event is meant to
    place Bucharest on the map of big European contemporary art fairs, contributing
    actively to the artistic community’s efforts to promote contemporary Romanian
    art and Bucharest’s urban culture.

  • Art Safari 2015, la start

    Art Safari 2015, la start

    Peste 3.000 de picturi, sculpturi şi alte lucrări de artă
    de patrimoniu şi contemporană pot fi admirate la Bucureşti, în cadrul Târgului
    internaţional Art Safari. La târg, aflat la a doua ediţie, participă peste 50
    de muzee şi galerii din România şi din străinătate. Sunt galerii din Italia,
    Danemarca, Austria, Ungaria, Germania, peste 60 de standuri cu totul, a
    precizat Silvia Rogozea, director al târgului, care a precizat că lucrările de
    artă modernă şi contemporană expuse pot fi cumpărate. Din România, printre
    muzeele participante la târg se numără cele de artă din Galaţi, Arad,
    Constanţa, Piteşti, Râmnicu Sărat şi Târgu Mureş, iar între artiştii ale căror
    lucrări sunt expuse la târg se regăsesc Octav Băncilă, Camil Ressu, Nicolae
    Tonitza, Iosif Iser şi Ana Ştefania Andronic.

    În cadrul târgului au loc
    ateliere, dezbateri şi discuţii pe teme referitoare la piaţa de artă, artele
    vizuale înainte de 1989, muzee locale şi naţionale, dar şi alte subiecte.

    Târgul, care va fi deschis pînă duminică, aduce drept noutate faţă de ediţia de
    anul trecut un nou stand, care este dedicat artiştilor cu vârsta de până la 25
    de ani.

    De ce un
    târg de artă contemporană în România? Organizatorii spun că evenimentul este unul
    din paşii necesari pentru a contribui activ la fenomenul artelor vizuale
    contemporane, arta ajungând la consumator prin vizitarea galeriilor de artă,
    muzeelor naţionale şi internaţionale, participarea la vernisaje. Acestea
    reprezintă cea mai bună oportunitate de a cunoaşte curatori, galerişti,
    colecţionari, oameni pasionaţi de artă, dar mai ales artişti. Nici locul ales
    nu este întâmplător – clădirea Ciclop din centrul Bucureştiului, prima parcare
    supraetajată din Bucureşti, ridicată în secolul trecut, în prima jumatate a
    anilor ’30, şi care impresionează şi astăzi prin valoarea ei arhitecturală,
    prin povestea şi prin rezistenţa sa. Expunerea lucrărilor de artă în această
    clădire este descrisă de organizatori drept o intervenţie creativă asupra
    spaţiului neconvenţional.

    Art Safari 2015 susţine artiştii tineri, dar
    promovează şi arta de patrimoniu. Ne-am bucurat să avem atât de multe
    înscrieri la Art Safari, s-a simţit o adevărată coagulare a lumii artistice.
    Trebuie să existe un sprijin susţinut pentru galeriile comerciale de artă
    contemporană cu un program coerent şi consistent, astfel încât să putem fi
    parte dintr-o dezvoltare firească a pieţei de artă, apreciază Ioana Ciocan,
    organizator Art Safari. Evenimentul îşi doreşte să aşeze Bucureştiul pe harta
    marilor târguri europene de artă contemporană, participând activ la eforturile
    comunităţii artistice de promovare a artei contemporane româneşti şi a culturii
    urbane bucureştene.