Tag: Ashley Walker

  • Sports Club

    Sports Club

    The Romanian government last week decided
    to grant Romanian citizenship to basketball player Ashley Walker and driver
    Simone Tempestini. According to government sources the move will allow their
    inclusion in the lineups of Romania’s sides taking part in various
    international competitions.

    Both athletes have applied for citizenship this year and their
    applications have been approved by the Committee for Citizenship within the
    National Authority for Citizenship, which ruled the applicants are meeting the
    legal criteria. Under the law, the Ministry of Youth and Sports had drafted
    resolutions granting the Romanian citizenship to the two athletes, which were
    later endorsed by the government.

    Legislation passed last year has thus eased procedures for foreign
    nationals or people without citizenship with a significant contribution to the
    promotion of Romanian culture, civilization and spirituality to gain
    citizenship. The facilities can also benefit the foreign nationals who might
    contribute to the promotion of Romania’s image through performances in sports,
    by representing Romania in international competitions or by simply expressing
    attachment towards the country and the Romanian system of values.

    These legislation amendments are paving the way towards raising the
    value of our national sides with well-trained athletes. The first effects of
    the new legislation were visible at the Olympic Games in Rio. Wrestler Albert
    Saritov, a Chechen from the Russian Federation, who was granted Romanian
    citizenship this year, became bronze medalist in the free-style event of the
    97-kilogram category.

  • Sports Club

    Sports Club

    The Romanian government last week decided
    to grant Romanian citizenship to basketball player Ashley Walker and driver
    Simone Tempestini. According to government sources the move will allow their
    inclusion in the lineups of Romania’s sides taking part in various
    international competitions.

    Both athletes have applied for citizenship this year and their
    applications have been approved by the Committee for Citizenship within the
    National Authority for Citizenship, which ruled the applicants are meeting the
    legal criteria. Under the law, the Ministry of Youth and Sports had drafted
    resolutions granting the Romanian citizenship to the two athletes, which were
    later endorsed by the government.

    Legislation passed last year has thus eased procedures for foreign
    nationals or people without citizenship with a significant contribution to the
    promotion of Romanian culture, civilization and spirituality to gain
    citizenship. The facilities can also benefit the foreign nationals who might
    contribute to the promotion of Romania’s image through performances in sports,
    by representing Romania in international competitions or by simply expressing
    attachment towards the country and the Romanian system of values.

    These legislation amendments are paving the way towards raising the
    value of our national sides with well-trained athletes. The first effects of
    the new legislation were visible at the Olympic Games in Rio. Wrestler Albert
    Saritov, a Chechen from the Russian Federation, who was granted Romanian
    citizenship this year, became bronze medalist in the free-style event of the
    97-kilogram category.

  • Naturalizarea, o soluţie pentru sportul românesc?

    Naturalizarea, o soluţie pentru sportul românesc?

    Săptămâna trecută, Guvernul României a hotărât să acorde cetăţenia română baschetbalistei Ashley Walker şi automobilistului Simone Tempestini. Acest fapt va permite, potrivit Executivului de la Bucureşti, includerea lor în loturile naţionale ale României, în vederea participării la competiţii internaţionale.

    Ambii sportivi au depus cererile de dobândire a cetăţeniei române anul acesta. Solicitările au primit raport favorabil din partea Comisiei pentru Cetăţenie din cadrul Autorităţii Naţionale pentru Cetăţenie, constatându-se îndeplinirea condiţiilor legale. În acest cadru, potrivit legii, Ministerul Tineretului şi Sportului a iniţiat Hotărârile pentru acordarea cetăţeniei române celor doi sportivi, iar acestea au fost adoptate de Guvern.

    Potrivit normelor adoptate anul trecut, cetăţenii străini sau persoanele fără cetăţenie care au contribuit în mod semnificativ la promovarea culturii, civilizaţiei şi spiritualităţii româneşti vor putea dobândi cetăţenia română în condiţii mai uşoare. Regimul derogatoriu operează şi în ceea ce priveşte obţinerea cetăţeniei române de către persoanele care ar putea contribui la promovarea imaginii României prin performanţe deosebite în domeniul sportului, prin reprezentarea ţării noastre în loturile naţionale, şi care îşi exprimă ataşamentul faţă de România şi faţă de sistemul de valori românesc.

    Aceste modificări ale legislaţiei deschid şi în România calea către îmbogăţirea loturilor naţionale prin cooptarea unor sportivi de mare valoare. Primul efect important al noilor norme s-a văzut chiar la Jocurile Olimpice din vară, de la Rio. Albert Saritov, care a primit cetăţenia română anul acesta, a cucerit medalia olimpică de bronz la lupte libere, categoria 97 de kg. Saritov vine din Federaţia Rusă, mai exact din Daghestan, şi este de origine cecenă.