Tag: Atlantic Resolve

  • Gipfel in Kosice: Osteuropäische Staaten plädieren für stärkere Präsenz der NATO auf der Ostflanke

    Gipfel in Kosice: Osteuropäische Staaten plädieren für stärkere Präsenz der NATO auf der Ostflanke

    Mit dem Fall der kommunistischen Diktaturen in Osteuropa haben die Staaten des ehemaligen Ostblocks die Werte der freien Welt übernommen und sich für das Nordatlantische Bündnis entschieden. Aus geopolitischer Sicht ist die östliche Flanke nach wie vor die am stärksten gefährdete Region, die Staaten in der Region sehen sich daher gezwungen, ihre Sicherheitssstrategien zu koordinieren. Am Donnerstag haben die Staatschefs Rumäniens, Bulgariens, Tschechiens, Estlands, Ungarns, Lettlands und Litauens am Ende des Gipfels Bukarest 9 eine gemeinsame Erklärung verabschiedet, in der die Verstärkung der NATO-Präsenz im geographischen Raum vom Ostsee bis zum Schwarzen Meer als besonders wichtig betrachtet wird. Der Gipfel Format B9 wurde auf Initiative der Staatschefs Rumäniens und Polens ins Leben gerufen, das erste Treffen fand November 2015 in Bukarest und das zweite drei Jahre später in Warschau statt. In Kosice brachten an diesen Tagen die neun Staatschefs in der Anwesenheit des NATO-Generalsekräters Jens Stoltenberg ihre Besorgnis über den Konflikt in der Ostukraine und das jüngste Eskalationspotenzial zwischen Russland und der Ukraine in der Region zwischen dem Asowschen Meer und dem Schwarzen Meer zum Ausdruck.

    Die jüngste Militäraktion Russlands in der Region sei ein guter Beweis dafür, dass Moskau die Stabilität der Region bedroht, sagte der rumänische Staatschef Klaus Iohannis in Kosice. Die jüngsten Entwicklungen in der Region zeigen, dass das nordatlantische Bündnis sich stärker für die Stabilität in der Region einsetzen muss. Im Anschlu‎ß betonte Klaus Iohannis, die Entwicklungen in diesem Raum hätten gezeigt, dass die verbündeten Staaten eine robustere Boden-, Luft- und Seedefensive gewährleisten sollen. Die Ostpartner der nordatlantischen Allianz wie die Ukraine und Georgien müssen stärker unterstützt werden, um ihre Verteidigungsfähigkeiten gegen jede Art von Bedrohung, egal ob Militär-oder Cyberbedrohung sowie Propaganda zu konsolidieren. Eine engere Zusammenarbeit zwischen NATO und der Europäischen Union sei zudem erforderlich, bekräftigte Klaus Iohannis. Für die Verstärkung der NATO-Präsenz auf der Ostflanke plädierte seinerseits auch der polnische Präsident Andrzej Duda. Der polnische Staatschef bezeichnete die Aktion Moskaus als Rückfall seiner imperialen Anstrengungen, worauf die NATO dementsprechend reagieren soll, sagte Andrzej Duda.

    An diesen Tagen treffen allerdings die in Europa stationierten US-Militärs aus Polen zum Luftstützpunkt Mihail Kogalniceanu“ im Südosten Rumäniens im Rahmen der Operation Atlantic Resolve ein. Das 500 Mann starke US-Militärkontingent wird von Panzern und Infanterie-Kampffahrzeugen und Hubschraubern begleitet. Sie nehmen neben den rumänischen Soldaten an multinationale Übungen teil. Die US-Truppen werden neun Monate in Rumänien stationiert und durch andere Einheiten ersetzt, um eine ständige, wechselnde Präsenz in Europa sicherzustellen.

  • 22.06.2018 (mise à jour)

    22.06.2018 (mise à jour)

    PSD/Justice – La
    direction du Parti Social-Démocrate (PSD), principale composante de la
    coalition au pouvoir à Bucarest, a décidé ce vendredi de continuer à soutenir
    son leader, Liviu Dragnea, dans toutes ses fonctions à la tête du parti et de
    la Chambre des députés. Jeudi, la Haute Cour de Cassation et de Justice a
    condamné M. Dragnea à trois ans et demi de prison ferme pour instigation à abus
    de fonction. Viorica Dancila, première ministre et présidente exécutive du PSD,
    a affirmé que Liviu Dragnea devait bénéficier de la présomption d’innocence,
    car la sentence de la Haute Cour n’est pas définitive. Carmen Dan,
    vice-présidente du PSD et ministre de l’Intérieur, a affirmé que la décision de
    la Haute Cour avait été politiquement influencée, étant en fait un acte de
    vengeance des opposants à la réforme de l’Etat de droit. Un communiqué de la Haute Cour de Cassation et de Justice fait
    savoir que les membres de l’Exécutif ou du Législatif n’ont pas de compétence
    légale pour constater que l’application de la loi résultée d’une décision de
    justice est le résultat de l’arbitraire. L’opposition de droite a demandé que
    Liviu Dragnea quitte ses fonctions publiques.

    Justice – Le
    chef de l’Etat, Klaus Iohannis, considère que l’adoption, au plus vite, par la
    Commission de Venise, d’une opinion intérimaire concernant les lois de la
    Justice de Roumanie, est extrêmement nécessaire, a affirmé le conseiller d’Etat, Bogdan Dima, devant le plénum de la Commission. La loi portant sur
    l’organisation et le fonctionnement du Conseil supérieur de la magistrature, ainsi
    que le paquet législatif d’ensemble, portant sur l’organisation judiciaire
    ainsi que sur le statut des magistrats et des procureurs, se trouve sur
    l’agenda des discussions menées par Florin Iordache, président de la commission
    parlementaire chargée des lois de la justice, et la Commission de Venise,
    organe consultatif en matière de droit constitutionnel, du Conseil de l’Europe,
    réunie en session plénière, ces vendredi et samedi. M. Iordache estime que les
    lois portant sur la réforme de la justice, initiées par son parti au pouvoir,
    et contestées par l’Opposition, la société civile et les syndicats des
    magistrats, sont conformes aux recommandations émises par la Commission de
    Venise et n’affecteront pas l’indépendance de la justice. Une délégation
    diligentée par la Commission de Venise avait récemment été envoyée en mission à
    Bucarest pour rencontrer les initiateurs et les opposants à l’initiative
    législative et évaluer le paquet législatif litigieux.

    DNA – La
    Direction nationale anti-corruption de Roumanie avertit qu’une fois entrées en
    vigueur, certaines modifications au Code de procédure pénale produiront des
    ambiguïtés à même d’engendrer des interprétations de la loi, favorables à
    l’accusé, et d’alourdir les enquêtes pénales. Les procureurs anti-corruption,
    précise un communiqué, ont évalué l’impact des modifications sur les
    investigations et donnent plusieurs exemples d’impact négatif sur leur
    activité, dont : l’élimination des preuves enregistrées dans le respect de
    la loi, ou bien le droit de l’accusé d’assister à l’audition des témoins. Les
    modifications au Code de procédure pénale ont été adoptées lundi par la Chambre
    des députés de Bucarest, après avoir reçu le vote des sénateurs.

    Recommandation – Le Conseil de l’UE a adopté une décision dans
    laquelle il constate que la Roumanie n’a toujours pas réussi à prendre les
    mesures qui s’imposent pour corriger son écart budgétaire significatif. Le
    Conseil demande à la Roumanie de prendre de mesures urgentes. C’est la
    troisième sonnette d’alarme tirée par le Conseil européen depuis le mois de
    juin 2017, selon le communiqué du Conseil, où il y a aussi la recommandation
    pour la Roumanie de prendre des mesures efficaces pour que les dépenses publiques
    primaires ne dépassent pas la barre de 3,3% en 2018 et de 5,1% en 2019. Par
    ailleurs, les éventuelles recettes budgétaires supplémentaires devraient être
    utilisées pour la réduction des déficits. Le Conseil a établi le 15 octobre
    comme date butoir pour recevoir la réponse de Bucarest concernant les mesures
    qu’il compte prendre pour remédier à tout cela.

    Militaire – Des
    militaires, de l’équipement et des véhicules de la 1-ère Division de cavalerie des Etats-Unis
    commencent à arriver en Roumanie et en Bulgarie pour une rotation de 9 mois,
    afin d’appuyer l’opération Atlantic Resolve, informe le ministère roumain de la
    défense. La brigade « Iron Horse » commencera son déploiement en
    Roumanie, une partie de l’équipement et des troupes allant en Bulgarie. Les
    militaires américains s’entraîneront en commun avec des militaires des Armées
    roumaines de l’air et de terre, l’objectif étant de consolider
    l’interopérabilité des unités, a encore précisé le ministère de la défense de

    Tennis – La joueuse roumaine de tennis, Mihaela Buzărnescu, numéro 29 WTA, s’est qualifiée, ce vendredi, dans les demi-finales du tournoi de Birmingham, au Royaume Uni, grâce à une victoire sans appel,6-3 6-2, contre la numéro 5 mondial,
    Elina Svitolina, d’Ukraine. Samedi, Mihaela Buzarnescu affrontera la Tchèque Petra Kvitova, 8e dans la hiérarchie mondiale.

  • March 8, 2017 UPDATE

    March 8, 2017 UPDATE

    EUROPEAN COUNCIL – A “multi-speed Europe as a solution to give fresh impetus to the European project after Brexit will be the focus of talks at the European Council meeting due on Thursday and Friday in Brussels, where Romania will be represented by President Klaus Iohannis. The idea, backed by Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, is also strongly supported by France and Germany, which were joined on Monday in Versailles by Italy and Spain. Romania will oppose this plan, as the President pointed out once again on Tuesday in Bucharest. Other countries are also concerned with the prospect of becoming second-level member states. These include the members of the Visegrad Group (Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia), who have already opposed Brussels policy on migration.

    PARLIAMENT – The political declaration adopted on Wednesday by the Romanian Parliament, in which judgements by the Romanian President, the Higher Council of Magistracy and representatives of the Public Ministry are deemed as “unconstitutional and unacceptable, can be considered a form of pressure, a communiqué issued by the Presidential Administration shows. According to the same source, this declaration comes as a disquieting signal as to Parliaments vision of the way in which it relates to the other state authorities and institutions, as well as to civil society. On Wednesday, Parliament adopted a declaration aimed to strengthen the role played by this institution and which also denounces interference by the Higher Council of Magistracy and of the force institutions with the governmental and legislative activity. The draft was initiated by the Senate Speaker, Calin Popescu-Tariceanu, after the Constitutional Court rejected in February the notifications made by the Higher Council of Magistracy and President Klaus Iohannis, on the controversial emergency decree no.13, through which the Government tried to amend the Criminal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code. The MPs in the opposition did not agree with the initiative, which they deemed inappropriate.

    MILITARY DRILLS – The Atlantic Resolve and Poseidon 2017 multinational military exercises continued on Wednesday at the “Mihail Kogalniceanu airbase in south-eastern Romania and in the Black Sea. For the first time, 8 American helicopters are taking part in the drills. They were deployed from several European countries, as part of the US commitment to strengthen the eastern flank of NATO. This is the first such unit deployed to Eastern Europe, as part of Operation Atlantic Resolve, which brings together over 2,200 troops, 86 helicopters and over 700 pieces of military equipment sent from several American ports to Germany, Latvia and Romania. Also on Wednesday, a hydrographical survey vessel, Căpitan comandor Alexandru Cătuneanu conducted research training at sea.

    UNIFIED PAY LAW – Representatives of the Romanian teaching staff and auxiliary educational personnel are invited at the Labour Ministry on Thursday for talks on the unified pay law. The line minister, Lia Olguta Vasilescu, has said the law will be adopted by July 1, the pay rises will be made gradually until 2021 and the first raises will take effect as of January 1, 2018. The minister made the clarifications after the talks she held on Tuesday with trade unions in the healthcare system. Trade unionists in healthcare have said the unified pay law is a good one and the raises to be applied next year for the largest part of the medical personnel will stand at 60%, in some cases.

    SOCIAL-DEMOCRATSThe former prime minister of Romania, MP Victor Ponta, on Wednesday made public his decision to tender his undated resignation from the Social Democratic Party, and leaving it to the party president Liviu Dragnea to make a decision in this respect. Ponta added that he and Dragnea can no longer work together. In response, Dragnea has said he does not want the former Prime Minister to leave the party, adding that he will never sign his resignation. The declarations come after many speculations in the media regarding the cold relations between the two leading Social Democrats. In 2015, Ponta became the first PM in office to be subject to criminal investigations for corruption offences, and in the same year he stepped down as head of the party and of the government, amid massive street protests. Dragnea took over the presidency of the Social Democratic Party. In 2016, Dragnea himself received a suspended 2-year prison sentence, for attempted election fraud, and is currently on trial in a separate corruption case.

    TRAVEL SHOW – 40 tour-operators from Romania are taking part until Sunday in the Berlin Travel Trade Show, the largest such fair in the world. According to a news release issued by the Romanian Tourism Ministry, destinations from around the country will be presented. Romanias stand will also host egg painting demonstrations, and folk costume design and traditional jewellery workshops. During a Romanian-themed evening, traditional Romanian music, dance and cuisine will be introduced to visitors. The Tourism Minister, Mircea-Titus Dobre, is taking part today, on the first day of the trade show, in the Silk Road Ministers Meeting, an event organised by the World Tourism Organisation. Tomorrow, the Romanian official will have meetings with his counterparts from Poland, Serbia, and Ukraine, and then he will give an address at the Danube Salon, a conference devoted to joint projects by Danube riparian countries in the field of tourism. Romania has been taking part in this trade show since 1970.

    INTL WOMENS DAY – The International Womens Day was celebrated on March 8, in many countries. In Romania, where according to the latest data made public by the National Statistics Institute more than 10 million women live, women were celebrated in a series of debates, exhibitions, concerts, book launches and other events. The European Parliament hosted a meeting of the Committee on Womens Rights and Gender Equality, with the theme Womens Economic Empowerment: Lets Act Together! the International Womens Day was first marked in the early 20th Century, after an organisation sponsored a meeting on womens rights in New York.(Translated by AM Popescu and D. Vijeu)

  • March 8, 2017

    March 8, 2017

    INTL WOMENS DAY – The International Womens Day is celebrated today in many countries. In Romania, where according to the latest data made public by the National Statistics Institute more than 10 million women live, women are celebrated in a series of debates, exhibitions, concerts, book launches and other events. The European Parliament is hosting a meeting of the Committee on Womens Rights and Gender Equality, with the theme Womens Economic Empowerment: Lets Act Together! the International Womens Day was first marked in the early 20th Century, after an organisation sponsored a meeting on womens rights in New York.

    EUROPEAN COUNCIL – A “multi-speed Europe as a solution to give fresh impetus to the European project after Brexit will be the focus of talks at the European Council meeting due on Thursday and Friday in Brussels, where Romania will be represented by President Klaus Iohannis. The two-speed Europe idea, backed by Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, is also strongly supported by France and Germany, which were joined on Monday in Versailles by Italy and Spain. Romania will oppose this plan, as the President pointed out once again on Tuesday in Bucharest. In turn, the Romanian PM Sorin Grindeanu will present Romanias stand in Brussels today, at the meeting of the Party of European Socialists. Other countries are also concerned with the prospect of becoming second-level member states. These include the members of the Visegrad Group (Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia), who have already opposed Brussels policy on migration.

    RESIGNATION – The former prime minister of Romania, Deputy Victor Ponta, has today announced he is submitting his undated resignation from the Social Democratic Party, and leaving it to the party president Liviu Dragnea to make a decision in this respect. Ponta added that he and Dragnea no longer worked together. Dragnea replied that he would never agree with the ex-PM leaving the party. The announcement comes after many speculations in the media regarding the cold relations between the two leading Social Democrats. In 2015, Ponta became the first PM in office to be subject to criminal investigations for corruption offences, and in the same year he stepped down as head of the party and of the government, amid massive street protests. Dragnea took over the presidency of the Social Democratic Party. In 2016, Dragnea himself received a suspended 2-year prison sentence, for attempted election fraud, and is currently on trial in a separate corruption case.

    MILITARY – The Atlantic Resolve and Poseidon 2017 multinational military exercises continue today at the “Mihail Kogalniceanu airbase in south-eastern Romania and in the Black Sea. For the first time, 8 American helicopters are taking part in the drills. They were deployed from several European countries, as part of the US commitment to strengthen the eastern flank of NATO. This is the first such unit deployed to Eastern Europe, as part of Operation Atlantic Resolve, which brings together over 2,200 troops, 86 helicopters and over 700 pieces of military equipment sent from several American ports to Germany, Latvia and Romania. Also today, a sea survey vessel, Alexandru Cătuneanu is conducting research training at sea.

    ITB BERLIN – 40 tour-operators from Romania are taking part until Sunday in the Berlin Travel Trade Show, the largest such fair in the world. According to a news release issued by the Romanian Tourism Ministry, destinations from around the country will be presented. Romanias stand will also host egg painting demonstrations, and folk costume and traditional jewellery design workshops. During a Romanian-themed evening, traditional Romanian music, dance and cuisine will be introduced to visitors. The Tourism Minister, Mircea-Titus Dobre, is taking part today, on the first day of the trade show, in the Silk Road Ministers Meeting, an event organised by the World Tourism Organisation. Tomorrow, the Romanian official will have meetings with his counterparts from Poland, Serbia, and Ukraine, and then he will give an address at the Danube Salon, a conference devoted to joint tourism projects by riparian countries. Romania has been taking part in this trade show since 1970.

    TENNIS – The Romanians Sorana Cirstea (66 WTA) and Monica Niculescu (45 WTA) are playing against each other today in the opening round of the Premier Mandatory tournament of Indian Wells, in the USA, with 6.9 million US dollars in prize money. Three other players from Romania, Simona Halep (4 WTA), Irina Begu (32 WTA) and Patricia Tig (99 WTA) are also playing in the tournament. Halep and Begu are playing in the second round. Last year Simona Halep was eliminated from the quarter-finals of this tournament by world no. 1 Serena Williams.

  • Nachrichten 26.02.2107

    Nachrichten 26.02.2107

    Eine Kommission soll nach Angaben des rumänischen Landwirtschaftsministers Petru Daia prüfen, ob bei der Qualität von Lebensmitteln aus dem Westen Europas ein Doppelstandard gilt. Neben seinem Ressort seien im Gremium die Lebensmittelgesundheitsbehörde und der Verbraucherschutz vertreten, so der Minister. In letzter Zeit hatten Verbraucherverbände und EU-Abgeordnete aus Rumänien die EU-Kommission auf den Mangel an verbindlichen Qualitätsregelungen aufmerksam gemacht. Nächste Woche wollen Tschechien, Ungarn, Polen und die Slowakei bei einem Treffen in Warschau die EU auffordern, gegen Lebensmittelkonzerne vorzugehen, die Zutaten schlechterer Qualität in Exportprodukten für ärmere Märkte verwenden.

    Der rumänische Au‎ßenminister, Teodor Melescanu, unternimmt ab Montag einen offiziellen Besuch in Budapest, auf Einladung seines ungarischen Gegenübers, Peter Szijjarto. Auf der Besuchsagenda stehen auch Gespräche mit Ministerpräsident Viktor Orban. Melescanu soll als erster rumänischer Au‎ßenminister beim Jahrestreffen der ungarischen Diplomaten eine Rede halten. Melescanu soll für die Intensivierung des politisch-diplomatischen Dialogs und für eine bessere Dynamik der wirtschaftlichen Kooperation eintreten. Ein weiteres Thema ist der Schutz der Rechte der nationalen Minderheiten. Im Rahmen seines Ungarnbesuches wird Teodor Melescanu mit Vertretern der rumänischen Gemeinden in Ungarn zusammenkommen und mit ihnen über die Pflege der ethnischen, kulturellen, religiösen und sprachlichen Identität sowie über deren Unterstützung durch den rumänischen Staat diskutieren.

    In der Zeit vom 26. Februar bis 10. März werden 20 rumänische Soldaten der Bodenstreitkräfte in Deutschland an der multininationalen militärischen Übung Dynamic Front II“ teilnehmen. An der Übung beteiligen sich etwa 1400 Soldaten aus Tschechien, Frankreich, Deutschland, Italien, Litauen, Gro‎ßbritannien, Rumänien, aus den Vereinigten Staaten und der Türkei.

    Rumänische und US-amerikanische Soldaten werden nächste Woche an einer gemeinsamen militärischen Übung auf dem Luftstützpunkt Mihail Kogalniceanu (im Südosten Rumäniens) teilnehmen. Besagte Übung findet im Rahmen der Operation Atlantic Resolve zur Konsolidierung der Ostflanke der NATO statt. Am Dienstag werden Auflademanöver und Hubschraubermanöver stattfinden, meldete das rumänische Verteidigungsministerium. Die US-Streitkräfte beteiligen sich an der Übung mit Hubschraubern vom Typ Black Hawk von einem Bataillon der 10. Brigade der US-Bodenstreitkräfte. Die 10. Brigade ist die erste gro‎ße US-Einheit, die in Osteuropa als Teil der Operation Atlantic Resolve stationiert wird.

  • February 25, 2017 UPDATE

    February 25, 2017 UPDATE

    MIGRATION 8 Syrian citizens were discovered on Saturday by Romanian policemen while trying to illegally cross the border into this country in a minibus. The minibus, which was driven by a Bulgarian national, was bound for Germany. The 8 Syrians with ages ranging from 15 to 30 years have confessed that they have paid 16 thousand euros each to be taken to Germany, a police communiqué says.

    VISIT Romania’s Foreign Minister Teodor Melescanu, on Monday will be paying a formal visit to Budapest for talks with his Hungarian counterpart, Peter Szijjarto and Prime Minister Viktor Orban. For the first time, the Romanian official will deliver a speech at the annual meeting of the Hungarian diplomacy. During the talks, the head of the Romanian diplomacy will be pleading for stepping up political-diplomatic dialogue and boosting economic cooperation particularly in fields like energy or infrastructure. The two sides are expected to also tackle the issue of national minorities’ rights. Melescanu is also to meet representatives of the Romanian community in Hungary with whom he will discuss their preoccupation for maintaining their ethnic, cultural, religious and linguistic identity as well as ways through which the Romanian state can support them.

    MUSEUM Brukenthal, a national museum based in Sibiu, central Romania, on Saturday celebrated 200 years of existence. This is the oldest museum in Romania and some of Europe’s first. It was opened upon the last will of baron Samuel von Brukenthal, a Saxon lawyer and governor of Transylvania between 1777 and 1778. The massive baroque palace, which is housing the museum, with its famous collections of paintings, old books, coins, stamps and maps, was also built in Sibiu’s square around that year. We recall that in 2007 Sibiu and Luxembourg were European capitals of culture.

    HANDBALL The International Handball Federation announced that Swedish Isabelle Gullden currently playing for CSM Bucharest and Romanian Cristina Neagu who is to join the team in the next season had been nominated for the IHF Best Handball Player of the year. We recall that Neagu, 28, was also nominated the world’s best handballer in 2010 and 2015. Gullden also 28 was the best scorer of the Champions League’s last edition.

    DRILL Romanian and US troops will be attending a joint drill at the Mihail Kogalniceanu air base in southeastern Romania, part of the Atlantic Resolve operation aimed at strengthening NATO’s eastern flank. According to the Defence Ministry in Bucharest, Tuesday will see operations of loading and gunships attacks involving Black Hawk helicopters belonging to the 10th US brigade, the first big army unit deployed to Eastern Europe as part of the Atlantic Resolve operation. In another move, a 20 strong Romanian infantry unit will join the international drill Dynamic Front ll due in Germany between February 26th and March 10th. The drill involves the participation of nearly 1400 military from the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Great Britain, Romania, the USA and Turkey.

  • Jurnal românesc – 25.03.2015

    Jurnal românesc – 25.03.2015

    Ministrul roman de Externe, Bogdan Aurescu, s-a întâlnit, marţi, la Londra cu omologul său britanic, Philip Hammond, ocazie cu care a subliniat importanţa implicării autorităţilor britanice, împreună cu cele române, în efortul de îmbunătăţire a percepţiei asupra cetăţenilor români care lucrează în Marea Britanie. Aurescu a amintit că, potrivit statisticilor făcute la Londra şi la nivelul Comisiei Europene, comunitatea românească din Regatul Unit este un contributor net la economia şi viaţa socio-culturală a ţării gazdă. De asemenea, el a arătat că românii din această ţară sunt bine integraţi, 3 din 4 fiind angajaţi. Rata de angajare este de 77,7%, mai mare decât a britanicilor. Pe plan bilateral, ministrul Bogdan Aurescu şi omologul său britanic au salutat relaţiile strânse şi buna colaborare dintre cele două state, bazate pe un Partenerial Strategic fundamentat îndeosebi pe dimensiunea de securitate şi apărare.

    Mininsterul român de Externe a salutat decizia preşedintelui american Barack Obama de a-l nominaliza pe Hans G. Klemm în funcţia de ambasador în România. Diplomat de carieră, Hans G. Klemm este consilier al subsecretarului pentru Management la Departamentul de Stat, funcţie pe care o deţine din ianuarie 2015. Klemm a ocupat şi poziţii în Germania, Japonia, Coreea de Sud şi Trinidad Tobago. Ultimul ambasador american în România a fost Mark Gitenstein, care şi-a încheiat mandatul în decembrie 2012, dupa care misiunea diplomatica a fost condusa de interimari: Duane Butcher si Dean Thompson.

    În sud-estul României a început un exerciţiu la care, până în aprilie, vor participa, în total, peste două mii de militari români, americani, britanici şi din Republica Moldova. Exerciţiul face parte din operaţiunea “Atlantic Resolve”, menită să dea asigurări statelor membre NATO din estul Europei că aliaţii americani şi britanici sunt pregătiţi să intervină în sprijinul lor. Participarea militarilor din Republica Moldova are loc după ce preşedintele Nicolae Timofti declarase că, pe fondul tensiunilor din estul Ucrainei vecine, provocate de amestecul Moscovei, Chişinaul trebuie să se apropie de NATO, întrucât securitatea sa este în pericol.

    În România, Comisiile de Învaţământ şi Juridică din Camera Deputaţilor au hotărât că elevii vor participa la ora de religie pe baza unei cereri scrise semnate de ei dacă sunt majori sau de un părinte în cazul copiilor minori. Textul adoptat are la bază ultimele decizii în materie ale Curţii Constituţionale. Deputaţii din comisiile de specialitate au stabilit că înscrierea la orele de religie este valabilă până la momentul în care părintele sau copilul major decide să se retragă. Proiectul de lege urmează să fie supus dezbaterii plenului Camerei Deputaţilor şi apoi Senatului în calitate de cameră decizională. În noiembrie 2014, Curtea Constituţională a decis că articolul 18 din Legea educaţiei naţionale privind obligaţia de a face cerere pentru ca un elev să nu participe la ora de religie este neconstituţional, precizând că o astfel de solicitare va trebui făcută de cei care vor să studieze disciplina. În motivarea deciziei, CCR arăta că oferta educaţională pentru această disciplină este de natură să afecteze libertatea de conştiinţă.

  • Nachrichten 22.02.2015

    Nachrichten 22.02.2015

    BRÜSSEL: Rumänien sichert 4 % der gesamten landwirtschaftlichen Produktion der EU und nimmt damit den 8. Platz in der EU nach Frankreich, Deutschland, Italien, Spanien, Gro‎ßbritanien, Holland und Polen ein. Laut Eurostat sind drei Viertel der rumänischen landwirtschaftlichen Produktion Getreide, Früchte und Gemüse. EU-weit stellen diese Produkte knapp über 50 % der gesamten Landwirtschfts-Produktion dar. Der Anteil der tierischen Produkte, Fleisch und Milch, liegt in Rumänien unter dem EU-Durschnitt.

    WASHINGTON: Das amerikanische Militär-Manöver Atlantic Resolve wird Ende März, aufgrund der angespannten Lage in der Region, auch in Rumänien und Bulgarien ausgeweitet. Das hat der der Kommandeur der amerikanischen Streitkräfte in Europa Generalleutnant Ben Hodges, erklärt. Das Manöver wurde im April letzten Jahres in den baltischen Staaten und in Polen gestartet und beweist das Engagement der NATO in der Region. Die Zahl der Militärs, die an den Militärübungen der Atlantic Resolve teilnehmen, wird damit von 900 auf 1900 angehoben. In Deutschland, Italien und Belgien sind ständig 29 Tausend amerikanische Militärs stationiert. Washington hat di Zahl der zeitweilig stationierten Militärs angehoben um Russland und den NATO-Staaten in der Region ein Signal zu senden.

  • 22.02.2015


    Ukraine — Le président roumain Klaus Iohannis fera une visite officielle en Ukraine le 17 mars, lorsqu’il rencontrera son homologue Pétro Porochenko. L’annonce a été faite dimanche, lorsque l’Ukraine a marqué par plusieurs marches une année depuis la révolte pro-européenne qui a entraîné le départ du président pro-russe Viktor Ianoukovici. Plusieurs leaders européens, dont le président du Conseil Européen, Donald Tusk, le président allemand Joachim Gauk et le chef d’Etat moldave, Nicolae Timofti ont participé dimanche à Kiev à une « marche de la dignité».

    Diplomatie — Le chef de la diplomatie roumaine, Bogdan Aurescu, se rend lundi à Paris pour s’entretenir avec son homologue français Laurent Fabius. Selon le ministère roumain des Affaires Etranhgères, le principal objectif de la visite de renforcer et de diversifier le dialogue politique et diplomatique entre la Roumanie et la France, dans le but de re-confirmer les engagements assumés par les deux pays dans le cadre du Partenariat Stratégique bilatéral et la Feuille de route signée en marge du Partenariat. Au cours de sa visite Bogdan Aurescu doit également rencontrer Michaelle Jean, secrétaire générale de l’Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie, et le commissaire général français à l’investissement, Louis Schweitzer. A l’agenda des pourparlers entre autres — des sujets liés à l’actualité européenne, à la sécurité, aux évolutions en Europe de l’Est, avec un accent mis sur la situation en Ukraine et sur le parcours européen de la République de Moldova.

    Défense — L’opération militaire américaine Atlantic Resolve sera élargie en Roumanie et en Bulgarie à partir de la fin mars, sur la toile de fond de l’escalade des tensions dans la région, a fait savoir le commandant des forces militaires des Etats — Unis en Europe, le général Ben Hodges. Lancée en avril 2014 aux Pays Baltes et en Pologne, cette opération témoigne de l’engagement de l’OTAN dans le contexte où la région doit relever de nouveaux défis de sécurité. En y incluant la Roumanie et la Bulgarie, le nombre de soldats participants aux exercices de l’Atlantic Resolve passe de 900 à 1900. En même temps, 29.000 soldats américains sont stationnés en permanence en Allemagne, en Italie et en Belgique. Washington a décidé d’augmenter le nombre des militaires déployés temporairement dans la zone dans le but de transmettre un signal à la Russie et à leurs partenaires au sein de l’OTAN, notent les agences de presse.

    Agriculture — La Roumanie assure 4% de la production agricole totale de l’UE, occupant la 8e place après la France, l’Allemagne, l’Italie, l’Espagne, la Grande Bretagne, les Pays — Bas et la Pologne. Les secteurs agricoles de ces pays produisent plus de 10 milliards d’euros par an. Selon les données d’Eurostat, l’organisme communautaire chargé de l’information statistique, 3 quarts de la production agricole de la Roumanie est végétale, alors que sur l’ensemble de l’UE, les cultures de céréales, fruits et légumes comptent pour un peu plus de 50% de la production. Pour ce qui est des produits d’origine animale, à savoir la viande et le lait, la Roumanie se situe en — dessous de la moyenne européenne.

    Tennis — La joueuse de tennis roumaine Simona Halep a été désignée 2e favorite du tournoi WTA de Doha (au Qatar), doté de prix d’un total de 731.000 dollars, qui démarre lundi. Simona Halep qui vient de remporter le tournoi de Dubaï, est la championne en titre de Doha et débutera par les 8e de finale, dans un match contre la gagnante entre Alizé Cornet (de France) et une joueuse qui accédera à la compétition suite aux matchs de qualification.