Tag: Aurel Perca

  • Jurnal Românesc – 23.06.2021

    Jurnal Românesc – 23.06.2021

    Asumarea de către statul ucrainean a minorităţii etnice
    româneşti, cu toate drepturile fireşti care ar decurge din acest statut, şi
    recunoaşterea oficială a limbii române, în locul celei inventate moldoveneşti,
    reprezintă condiţii sine qua non pentru o relaţie corectă şi proporţională
    Bucureşti-Kiev, a declarat preşedintele Comisiei pentru românii de
    pretutindeni din Senat, Claudiu Târziu. Parlamentarul a efectuat recent o
    vizită în Ucraina, unde s-a întâlnit cu oficiali regionali ucraineni şi cu
    reprezentanţi ai clerului şi ai comunităţilor de români. Nu am solicitat
    decât ca minoritatea românească din Ucraina să beneficieze de aceleaşi
    facilităţi precum ucrainenii care trăiesc în ţara noastră. România este un
    autentic model la nivel european în privinţa coexistenţei paşnice a
    minorităţilor etnice, a afirmat senatorul în cadrul unei întâlniri cu
    şeful Administraţiei regionale de stat Odessa. Claudiu Târziu a transmis că,
    deşi guvernatorul Odessei a arătat că doar 724 de persoane s-au declarat etnici
    români la ultimul recensământ, numărul conaţionalilor care locuiesc în regiunea
    Odessa este, în realitate, de aproximativ 150.000. El a mai subliniat că
    românii şi moldovenii constituie o singură comunitate şi vorbesc un
    singur grai: cel românesc, iar acest fapt trebuie recunoscut ca
    atare. Aproape 410.000 de români trăiesc în Ucraina concentraţi în
    regiunile Cernăuţi, Transcarpatia şi Odesa şi reprezintă a treia etnie din
    statul vecin, după ucraineni şi ruşi.

    Directorul Liceului Lucian Blaga din Tiraspol, Ion
    Iovcev, a fost demis de ministrul Educaţiei de la Chişinău, Liliana Pogolşa,
    după 29 de ani de activitate în fruntea singurei instituții de învățământ cu
    predare în limba română din Tiraspol. Iovcev a fost decorat în 2010 cu Ordinul
    Republicii Moldova şi în 2014 cu ordinul Steaua României și a
    condus Liceul Lucian Blaga din 1992, fiind un militant activ al
    drepturilor omului în Transnistria. Ministerul Educaţiei din stânga Prutului a
    transmis că directorul a fost demis deoarece a atins vârsta de 70 de
    ani, iar conform Codului muncii, această funcţie poate fi deţinută doar
    până la vârsta de 65 de ani. Presa moldoveană scrie că ministrul Liliana
    Pogolşa este o apropiată a liderului prorus Igor Dodon, fost preşedinte al
    Republicii Moldova şi adept al teoriei moldovenismului, conform
    căreia moldovenii şi românii sunt popoare diferite şi vorbesc limbi diferite.
    Demiterea lui Ion Iovcev este un cadou pentru separatişti, a declarat
    deputatul Igor Munteanu, din partea Platformei Dreptate şi Adevăr. Poziţia
    acestuia a fost întărită de eurodeputatul român Eugen Tomac, care a afirmat că
    decizia denotă dispreț pentru educația în limba română. Totodată,
    europarlamentarul a anunţat că, de săptămâna viitoare, Ion Iovcev va fi
    consilierul său la Parlamentul European. În prezent, în Transnistria funcţionează
    opt şcoli cu predare în limba română, însă Liceul Lucian Blaga este
    singura astfel de instituţie de învăţâmânt din capitala regiunii separatiste.

    Un nou centru de vaccinare anti-COVID-19 a fost deschis în incinta
    Aeroportului Internaţional Avram Iancu din Cluj-Napoca. Organizat
    în parteneriat cu Consiliul Judeţean, Prefectura şi Direcţia de Sănătate
    Publică a Judeţului Cluj, centrul este amplasat în zona publică a terminalului
    de sosiri şi dispune de toate dotările şi facilităţile necesare. Serul folosit
    este cel produs de compania Johnson&Johnson şi administrat în doză unică,
    iar persoanele vaccinate primesc pe loc dovada inoculării. Aici se pot vaccina
    atât cetăţenii români, cât şi cetăţenii din Uniunea Europeană şi cei cu
    rezidenţă în România. Cabinetul de vaccinare funcţionează zilnic, fără
    programare, în intervalul orar 8.00 şi 20.00. Astfel de centre funcţionează, în
    prezent, şi în aeroporturile internaţionale din Bucureşti şi Iaşi.

    Preşedintele Conferinţei Episcopilor Catolici din România,
    Arhiepiscopul Mitropolit de Bucureşti Aurel Percă, le solicită deputaţilor
    europeni români să voteze împotriva Raportului Matić privind situaţia sănătăţii
    şi drepturilor sexuale şi reproductive în Europa. Le solicităm tuturor
    deputaţilor europeni din România să ia în considerare sensibilitatea şi
    complexitatea problemei în cauză, atenţionând asupra faptului că, deşi sunt
    menţionate necesităţi precum asistenţa maternală, accesul la igienă, stoparea
    violenţei împotriva femeilor şi accesul la vaccinuri, Raportul Matić se
    poziţionează clar în favoarea promovării unei agende ideologice îndreptate
    împotriva dreptului la viaţă şi a dreptului părinţilor de a se pronunţa asupra
    educaţiei pe care o primesc copiii lor, a afirmat Aurel Percă. Arhiepiscopul
    a făcut trimitere şi la poziţia Comisiei Conferinţelor Episcopale din Uniunea
    Europeană, care printr-un document publicat pe 17 iunie, constată, cu
    regret, că proiectul de rezoluţie este caracterizat de o perspectivă
    unilaterală pe tot parcursul său, în special cu privire la problema avortului,
    care nu ţine seama pe deplin de situaţiile de viaţă ale persoanelor în cauză şi
    de drepturile lor umane corespunzătoare. Aurel Percă le transmite
    europarlamentarilor români că Raportul pregătit de deputatul croat Predrag Fred
    Matić nu este riguros din punct de vedere juridic şi nici formal şi îi îndeamnă
    să promoveze valorile demnităţii umane, să sprijine familia şi să
    respecte viaţa, din momentul conceperii şi până la sfârşitul ei natural.
    Legislativul European va dezbate şi vota Raportul Matić în sesiunea plenară din
    această săptămână.

  • January 11, 2020 UPDATE

    January 11, 2020 UPDATE

    EARLY ELECTIONS – Prime Minister and leader of
    the National Liberal Party, Ludovic Orban, announced following Friday’s talks
    with President Klaus Iohannis that they reached an agreement to kick off
    procedures to organize early elections. The Prime Minister said a special task
    force will be set up to negotiate with parties to rally their support. Ludovic
    Orban said the Social-Democratic Party, which holds a fragile majority in
    Parliament, is hindering the legislative process, the only solution being the
    organization of early elections at a date close to the local elections slated
    for May. In another development, the Social-Democrats said they might call for
    a no-confidence vote against the Government, saying the idea of early elections
    would plunge Romania into a superficial political crisis. In turn, the Save
    Romania Union-PLUS Alliance believes early elections might represent the best
    solution at present.

    CRISIS – Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelenski and his French counterpart,
    Emmanuel macron, on Saturday agreed that French specialists should help decode
    the black boxes recovered from the Ukrainian Airlines passenger jet shot down
    on Wednesday, near Teheran, which killed all the 176 people onboard. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps
    misidentified the plane as a cruise missile, taking it down with a short-range
    ballistic missile. According to the Fars agency, the Supreme Leade, Ayatollah
    Ali Khamenei, was informed that the tragedy was the result of a human error,
    and the leader wanted the truth to be made public. Iranian President Hasan Rouhani expressed his
    deep regret over the incident which he labeled a great tragedy and an
    unforgivable error. Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelenski said the culprits
    must be held accountable as compensation to the victims’ families. In turn,
    Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called for justice to be served to the
    victims’ families. We recall a Ukrainian airliner crashed on Wednesday shortly
    after taking off from Teheran airport, hours after Iran launched a missile
    attack on two US military bases in Iraq. The plane was bound for Canada via
    Kiev, with most of the passengers on the manifest due to disembark in the
    Ukrainian capital city.

    RATING – Fitch Ratings has confirmed the ratings for long-term loans in
    local and hard currency at BBB minus, with a stable outlook. The short-term
    prospect was set at F3. The financial rating agency believes Bucharest has
    stable income sources, while its growth prospects are in line with Romania’s
    GDP growth. Bucharest is also the capital and the biggest city in Romania,
    being home to 2.1 million inhabitants with living conditions above the national
    average. Over 11% of Romania’s population lives in Bucharest, the city’s GDP
    contribution exceeding 20%. The unemployment rate was 1.4% at the end of 2018,
    and the city boasts numerous job opportunities.
    The city’s population is growing, while the GDP per capita is four times
    the national average, Fitch also writes.

    ROMAN-CATHOLIC CHURCH – As of Saturday Aurel Perca
    (aged 68) has become the new Roman-Catholic Archbishop of Bucharest. To mark
    this event a solemn mass was officiated at the St. Joseph Roman-Catholic
    cathedral in the capital city, attended by thousands of faithful and over 200
    priests, two cardinals, 24 Catholic bishops, civil and political authorities,
    representatives of the diplomatic corps and knights of the Sovereign Military
    Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes and of Malta. Aurel
    Perca was appointed Archbishop of Bucharest by Pope Francis after Ioan Robu
    turned 75, the canonical age of retirement under the laws of the Catholic
    Church. Previously Perca served as auxiliary bishop of Iasi. He was ordained in
    1979 and named bishop in 1999. Ioan Robu will become an emeritus metropolitan

    OMAN – Romania’s President Klaus
    Iohannis on Saturday conveyed his condolences for the death of Oman’s Sultan,
    Qaboos bin Said al-Said. Haitham bin Tariq al-Said, Qaboos’s cousin, was sworn
    in on Saturday as the new sovereign leader of Oman, the Government in Muscat
    has announced. Oman’s Royal Family decided to open the letter where Qaboos
    designated his successor. The Constitution of Oman stipulates that the Royal
    Family can appoint a successor of its own within three days of the throne
    falling vacant. Sultan Qaboos of Oman passed away on Friday, aged 79, after
    nearly half a century of rule. Supported by Western powers, Qaboos ascended to
    the throne in 1970, at the end of a bloodless coup, assisted by Great Britain.
    The new Sultan, Haitahm bin Tariq, aged 65, a sports enthusiast, served as
    deputy secretary of state in the Foreign Ministry before becoming Minister of
    Heritage and Culture in the mid-90s. In the 1980s Haitham bin Tariq became the
    first president of Oman’s Football Federation.

    TENNIS – Romanian tennis player Simona
    Halep will play Germany’s Angelique Kerber in a demonstrative doubles match
    featuring other special guests on Sunday in Adelaide, organizers of the WTA
    tournament say. The match will be part of the event called The Adelaide
    International Rally for Resilience, meant to raise funds to support the
    victims of the wildfires in Australia. 27 people were killed in the raging
    bushfires and 63,000 square kilometers burned to the ground. World no. 3,
    Simona Halep is seeded 2nd in the Adelaide tournament, also
    featuring the WTA leader Ashleigh Barty, Czech player Petra Kvitova (WTA no.
    7), Belinda Bencic of Switzerland (WTA no. 8) and Kiki Bertens of the
    Netherlands (9 WTA). Halep is now training with her coach, Darren Cahill in

    (Translated by V. Palcu)

  • 11.01.2020 (mise à jour)

    11.01.2020 (mise à jour)

    Archevêque – Le nouvel archevêque, le métropolite roumano- catholique de Bucarest, Aurel Perca, 68 ans, a pris officiellement ses fonctions samedi lors d’une liturgie solennelle déroulée à la Cathédrale Saint Joseph de la capitale. Y ont participé plus de 200 prêtres, deux cardinaux, 24 archevêques catholiques, des représentants des ambassades et des chevaliers de l’Ordre de Malte et des milliers de fidèles. La cérémonie s’est déroulée en présence du premier ministre roumain, Ludovic Orban et du président de la Chambre des députés, Marcel Ciolacu.

    Notation – L’agence de notation Fitch Ratings a confirmé sa note pour les crédits à long terme en devise et en monnaie locale de la capitale roumaine, Bucarest, à BBB minus. Elle a également confirmé le qualificatif F3 de qualité moyenne inférieure à court terme. Selon l’agence, la capitale roumaine a des sources de revenus stables et des perspectives de croissance des revenus en rapport avec l’avancée du PIB. Bucarest est la ville roumaine recensant le plus d’habitants, soit 2,1 millions et affichant un niveau de prospérité supérieur à la moyenne nationale. Presque 11% de la population roumaine habite Bucarest dont la contribution au PIB dépasse les 20%. Le taux de chômage n’était que d’1,4% fin 2018. A la différence du reste de la Roumanie, la capitale affiche un taux de natalité à la hausse et un PIB par tête d’habitant quatre fois supérieur que la moyenne nationale, informe l’agence Fitch

    Oman– Le ministre de la Culture d’Oman, Haitham bin Tariq a été investi samedi à la tête du pays pour succéder au Sultan, Qabous bin Said, décédé vendredi, à 79 ans. Le nouveau sultan s’est engagé à poursuivre les politiques de modernisation de son prédécesseur qui est arrivé à préserver la neutralité du pays durant ses 50 ans de règne. Le Sultanat d’Oman a décrété trois jours de deuil national. Dans un message envoyé samedi, le chef de l’Etat roumain, Klaus Iohannis, a fait part de ses condoléances.

    Météo – Une légère baisse des températures se fera sentir
    dans les 24 prochaines heures. Dimanche, les températures maximales iront de 0
    à 9 degrés. Il est possible que la neige fasse timidement son apparition dans
    le sud-est du territoire et sur les crêtes des Carpates orientales.

  • January 11, 2020

    January 11, 2020

    EARLY ELECTIONS – Prime Minister and leader of
    the National Liberal Party, Ludovic Orban, announced following Friday’s talks
    with President Klaus Iohannis that they reached an agreement to kick off
    procedures to organize early elections. The Prime Minister said a special task
    force will be set up to negotiate with parties to rally their support. Ludovic
    Orban said the Social-Democratic Party, which holds a fragile majority in
    Parliament, is hindering the legislative process, the only solution being the
    organization of early elections at a date close to the local elections slated
    for May. In another development, the Social-Democrats said they might call for
    a no-confidence vote against the Government, saying the idea of early elections
    would plunge Romania into a superficial political crisis. In turn, the Save
    Romania Union-PLUS Alliance believes early elections might represent the best
    solution at present.

    CRASH -
    On Saturday Iran admitted it accidentally shot down the Ukrainian Airlines
    passenger jet. Due to a human error, the army launched missiles against the
    aircraft. Iranian President Hasan Rouhani expressed his deep regret over the
    incident which he labeled a great tragedy and an unforgivable error. Ukrainian
    President Volodimir Zelenski said the culprits must be held accountable as
    compensation to the victims’ families. In turn, Canadian Prime Minister Justin
    Trudeau called for justice to be served to the victims’ families. We recall a
    Ukrainian airliner crashed on Wednesday shortly after taking off from Teheran
    airport, hours after Iran launched a missile attack on two US military bases in
    Iraq. The plane was bound for Canada via Kiev, with most of the passengers on
    the manifest due to disembark in the Ukrainian capital city. All the 176 people
    onboard were killed. Initially the Iranian Civil Aviation Organization said the
    plane was old and had undergone its last technical inspection on Monday,
    reporting technical problems shortly after takeoff.

    ROMAN-CATHOLIC CHURCH – As of Saturday Aurel Perca
    (aged 68) has become the new Roman-Catholic Archbishop of Bucharest. To mark
    this event a solemn mass was officiated at the St. Joseph Roman-Catholic
    cathedral in the capital city, attended by thousands of faithful and over 200
    priests, two cardinals, 24 Catholic bishops, civil and political authorities,
    representatives of the diplomatic corps and knights of the Sovereign Military
    Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes and of Malta. Aurel
    Perca was appointed Archbishop of Bucharest by Pope Francis after Ioan Robu
    turned 75, the canonical age of retirement under the laws of the Catholic
    Church. Previously Perca served as auxiliary bishop of Iasi. He was ordained in
    1979 and named bishop in 1999. Ioan Robu will become an emeritus metropolitan

    OMAN – Romania’s President Klaus
    Iohannis on Saturday conveyed his condolences for the death of Oman’s Sultan,
    Qaboos bin Said al-Said. Haitham bin Tariq al-Said, Qaboos’s cousin, was sworn
    in on Saturday as the new sovereign leader of Oman, the Government in Muscat
    has announced. Oman’s Royal Family decided to open the letter where Qaboos
    designated his successor. The Constitution of Oman stipulates that the Royal
    Family can appoint a successor of its own within three days of the throne
    falling vacant. Sultan Qaboos of Oman passed away on Friday, aged 79, after
    nearly half a century of rule. Supported by Western powers, Qaboos ascended to
    the throne in 1970, at the end of a bloodless coup, assisted by Great Britain.
    The new Sultan, Haitahm bin Tariq, aged 65, a sports enthusiast, served as
    deputy secretary of state in the Foreign Ministry before becoming Minister of
    Heritage and Culture in the mid-90s. In the 1980s Haitham bin Tariq became the
    first president of Oman’s Football Federation.

    TENNIS – Romanian tennis player Simona
    Halep will play Germany’s Angelique Kerber in a demonstrative doubles match
    featuring other special guests on Sunday in Adelaide, organizers of the WTA
    tournament say. The match will be part of the event called The Adelaide
    International Rally for Resilience, meant to raise funds to support the
    victims of the wildfires in Australia. 27 people were killed in the raging
    bushfires and 63,000 square kilometers burned to the ground. World no. 3,
    Simona Halep is seeded 2nd in the Adelaide tournament, also
    featuring the WTA leader Ashleigh Barty, Czech player Petra Kvitova (WTA no.
    7), Belinda Bencic of Switzerland (WTA no. 8) and Kiki Bertens of the
    Netherlands (9 WTA). Halep is now training with her coach, Darren Cahill in

    (Translated by V. Palcu)