Tag: Azerbaijan

  • Approaches to energy security

    Approaches to energy security

    The Russian-Ukrainian war has caused many concerns at European level also from the perspective of energy resources, in the sense of uninterrupted supply. The conflict has shown, once again, the importance of Romania’s energy security, a vital component of the national security policy. Energy security depends on a number of factors such as energy resources, geopolitical situation and transportation routes.

    The Romanian energy minister, Virgil Popescu, has stated, in this sense, that the country has no problem in providing natural gas for the cold season, because there are sufficient stocks. He has added that Romania can overcome, without problems, potential consumption peaks generated by negative temperatures. He has explained that the country currently has almost 780 million cubic meters of gas more than it had in the same period of last year. Moreover, the energy minister has given assurances that there are no reasons of concern due to the embargo on Russian diesel oil, which has recently come into force. Minister Virgil Popescu has said that he discussed with all the major importers of oil products on the market, and that they diversified their sources of supply, so as to eliminate any disruptions.

    Therefore, Romania will successfully overcome the ban imposed on Russian diesel oil, just as it succeeded at the end of last year, with the ban on crude oil, Virgil Popescu pointed out. The diversification of supply sources is one of the concerns of the Romanian authorities. Last week, Romania and Azerbaijan extended the contract for the delivery of Azeri natural gas to Romania. The document, signed in Baku, provides for the possibility of delivering quantities of up to one billion cubic meters until March 31, 2024 and will enter into force on April 1, this year. On a visit to Azerbaijan, the Romanian head of state, Klaus Iohannis, has stated that, in recent years, Bucharest has made substantial investments in the development of gas transport capacity as well as of a connectivity system with neighboring countries.

    In turn, the Prime Minister Nicolae Ciucă stated, after a meeting held in Cairo, at the end of last week, with the Egyptian Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, Tarek El Molla, that Romania was interested in completing the consumption needs using the Egyptianliquefiednatural gas terminal, until the moment when it will be able to capitalize on the deep-sea gas from the Black Sea. Nicolae Ciucă believes that solutions will be found to supplement the amount needed for Romania, as well as to offer support to the Republic of Moldova. On the occasion ofthe Prime Minister Ciucă’s visit to Cairo, a cooperation agreement was signed between the Romanian Transgaz Company and the Egyptian gas transport company. (LS)

  • Retrospectiva săptămânii 29.01 – 4.02.2023

    Retrospectiva săptămânii 29.01 – 4.02.2023

    Şeful statului român, Klaus Iohannis, în vizită în Azerbaijan

    România şi Azerbaijanul au convenit, cu prilejul convorbirilor purtate, la Baku, de preşedinţii Klaus Iohannis şi Ilham Aliyev, dezvoltarea cooperării bilaterale în domenii precum energia, comerţul, transporturile, investiţiile, digitalizarea, agricultura, educaţia şi cultura. Şeful statului român i-a mulţumit omologului său azer pentru începerea exportului de gaze suplimentare către România de la 1 ianuarie. România va continua să importe gaz natural din Azerbaidjan, un nou contract fiind semnat, vineri, la Baku. Klaus Iohannis a afirmat că atât coridorul sudic de gaze, cât şi viitorul cablu submarin de transport de energie electrică produsă în Azerbaijan, din surse regenerabile, proiecte susţinute inclusiv de Comisia Europeană, vor contribui semnificativ la asigurarea securităţii energetice a Uniunii Europene în ansamblul său. Liderul de la București a mai spus că România şi Azerbaijan vor continua să lucreze pentru a extinde cooperarea şi iniţiativele strategice dintre Europa, Caucazul de Sud, dar şi Asia Centrală. La rândul său, preşedintele Azerbaijianului a declarat că dialogul politic dintre cele două ţări este foarte dinamic, înregistrîndu-se rezultate foarte bune şi în domeniul economic.

    Noi proteste sindicale în România

    Angajații din sistemul de învătământ au ieșit în stradă, pentru a atrage, încă o dată, atenția asupra solicitărilor lor. Federaţiile din educaţie au pichetat, miercuri, sediul Guvernului, pentru a cere salarii decente, îndeosebi pentru personalul nedidactic. Potrivit reprezentanţilor organizaţiilor sindicale, personalul nedidactic este singura categorie de bugetari care, nici în anul 2023, nu a atins nivelul salariilor de bază prevăzute de lege. Salariile de bază ale personalului nedidactic se situează între 1.800 şi 2.300 de lei, iar creşterea inflaţiei, care a fost de 16,4% în luna decembrie a anului trecut, concomitent cu majorarea preţurilor la produsele de bază şi la utilităţi, au condus la creşterea gradului de sărăcire. Sindicaliştii afirmă că şi salariile profesorilor sunt nemotivante şi cer adoptarea unui act normativ care să repoziţioneze salariaţii din învăţământ în ierarhia funcţiilor bugetare în raport cu nivelul de calificare profesională şi importanţa pe care societatea ar trebui să o acorde educaţiei. La rândul ei, Federaţia Sanitas va începe, pe 6 februarie, pichetarea Guvernului, timp de cel puțin o săptămână. Sindicaliştii cer acoperirea inflaţiei prin creşterea veniturilor tuturor salariaţilor cu cel puțin 15% de la 1 februarie şi consultarea sindicatelor în elaborarea viitoarei legi a salarizării, pentru a nu exista aceleaşi diferenţe discriminatorii între medici, asistenţi şi infirmiere sau diminuări de venituri.

    DNA a deschis o anchetă privind posibile fapte de corupție în pandemie

    Direcția Națională Anticorupție din România a deschis o anchetă legată de posibile fapte de corupție care ar fi fost săvârșite în timpul pandemiei de COVID-19. Printre cei vizați se numără Victor Piţurcă, fostul selecţioner al naţionalei de fotbal, şi Gabriel Ţuţu, şeful Romarm, principala companie producătoare și exportatoare de produse militare. Cei doi au fost reţinuţi, 24 de ore, de procurori anticorupţie într-un dosar privind achiziţia de măşti medicale neconforme livrate în spitalele Ministerului Apărării Naţionale în timpul pandemiei. Potrivit unor surse judiciare, firma care ar fi livrat măştile îi aparţine lui Alex Piţurcă, fiul fostului selecţioner, iar Victor Piţurcă şi-ar fi folosit influenţa pentru a-i facilita acestuia accesul la contracte. Procurorii DNA susţin că şeful Romarm ar fi facilitat cumpărarea de materiale de protecţie şi utilaje neconforme de producere a măştilor de protecţie şi ar fi cerut de la firmele respective 40% din profit. Ca fotbalist, Victor Pițurcă este câștigător al Cupei Campionilor Europeni alături de Steaua București în 1986. Ca antrenor, a calificat în doua rânduri naţionala la turnele finale continentale.

    Parlamentul României și-a reluat, săptămâna aceasta, activitatea

    Parlamentul de la București a început, în această săptămână, o nouă sesiune. Printre priorităţi se numără pensiile de serviciu, care nu ar trebui să mai depăşească salariul din perioada activă și propunerile de modificare a legilor Educaţiei, asupra cărora partidele din coaliţia guvernamentală PSD-PNL-UDMR nu au reuşit încă să ajungă la o variantă comună. Legea învăţământului preuniversitar şi cea referitoare la învăţământul universitar se află, încă, în analiza specialiştilor în educaţie ai celor trei partide. Alte subiecte sunt o eventuală comasare a unora din scrutinele de anul viitor, dar şi o posibilă remaniere guvernamentală, în acelaşi timp cu rotaţia premierilor. Potrivit unui protocol al coaliţiei PSD-PNL-UDMR, această rotaţie e prevăzută la sfârşitul lunii mai, când social-democratul Marcel Ciolacu ar urma să-l înlocuiască pe liberalul Nicolae Ciucă la conducerea Executivului. La rândul său, Nicolae Ciucă ar urma să preia şefia Senatului, asigurată acum, interimar, de colega sa de partid Alina Gorghiu. Liberalii insistă ca protocolul să fie respectat întocmai. Social-democraţii ar dori să păstreze ministerele unde spun că reprezentanţii lor ar fi făcut performanţă.

    În România, a început distribuirea cardurilor de energie pentru persoanele vulnerabile

    Miercuri, a început distribuirea cardurilor de energie pentru persoanele vulnerabile. Guvernul de la Bucureşti a hotărât să acorde, anul acesta, un ajutor de 1.400 de lei persoanelor care au greutăţi în a-şi achita facturile la curent electric şi căldură. În total, 4.000.000 de români cu venituri lunare de până la 2.000 de lei vor primi carduri cu ajutorul cărora vor putea achita facturile de electricitate sau gaz, energia termică în sistem centralizat, butelia, lemnul de foc, păcura, peleţii şi alte materiale folosite la încălzirea gospodăriei.

  • February 2, 2023 UPDATE

    February 2, 2023 UPDATE

    Visit — The Romanian President Klaus Iohannis was received, on Thursday, by his Azeri counterpart, Ilham Aliyev, in Baku. The Romanian president is paying a two-day official visit to Azerbaijan. The Romanian delegation includes the Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu, the Energy Minister Virgil Popescu, the director of the Romanian Intelligence Service – SRI, Eduard Hellvig and other presidential advisers. The two presidents discussed the development of bilateral cooperation in areas such as energy, transport, trade, investments, digitization, agriculture, education and culture. Also, the two assessed the stage of implementation of regional interconnection projects, such as the submarine transmission cable for electricity, and they also addressed the initiation of similar projects in the digital field. On Friday, the two national companies, Romgaz and Socar, will sign a new contract for the delivery of natural gas for the period April 1, 2023 and April 1, 2024. Thus, according to Ilham Aliyev, all opportunities in Romania will be used for the export of Azeri gas to other European markets. Also on Friday, Klaus Iohannis will open, together with Ilham Aliyev, the Ministerial Meeting of the Consultative Council of the Southern Gas Corridor, which will be attended by the European Commissioner for Energy, Kadri Simson.

    Sofia — Ensuring the security of the EUs external borders and the effective management of the migration phenomenon can only be achieved through a coordinated effort at the national and European level, the Romanian Interior Minister, Lucian Bode, said on Thursday in Sofia. He added that Romania is a security provider at the European level, and the protection of the EUs external borders is a priority. Lucian Bode participated in the ministerial conference “Efficient management of the external borders of the EU”. On the sidelines of the meeting, the Romanian official had a bilateral meeting with his Bulgarian counterpart, Ivan Demerdzhiev. On this occasion, the two deepened the bilateral consultations started on the occasion of the JHA informal Council in Stockholm, which took place last week, regarding the acceleration of the accession process of Romania and Bulgaria to the Schengen area. We remind you that on December 8, 2022, at the JHA council in Brussels, Romania was not admitted to the free travel area due to the opposition of Austria and the Netherlands. The Austrians voted against, and the Dutch decided to accept Romanias accession, but not Bulgarias, the two countries being analyzed on a common file.

    ICR — The Romanian Cultural Institute allocates 1 million lei (about 200 thousand Euros) this year for the translation of Romanian books abroad, through two funding programs. These are addressed to publishers from outside Romania and aim to facilitate access to Romanian culture, by supporting translations from Romanian authors and publications dedicated to Romanian culture and civilization. The files can be submitted, for the first time, exclusively online, by email, until March 8. They will be evaluated by a commission of independent experts.

    EU — The EU foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, announced in Kyiv that the EU countries would train another 15,000 Ukrainian soldiers, thus doubling the size of an ongoing program. He made this statement during a conversation with the Ukrainian Prime Minister, Denis Shmihal. Some of the soldiers will be prepared to use equipment including modern German tanks Leopard 2. Josep Borrell also said that Brussels will make available to Kyiv 25 million Euros to support the demining efforts of the countrys territory. “The protection of civilians and their livelihoods is a priority,” he underlined. The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, and important European commissioners arrived in Kyiv on Thursday, to hold a joint meeting with the Ukrainian Government, on the eve of the EU – Ukraine summit due on February 3. The former Soviet republic applied to join the EU in February 2022, being granted the candidate country status in June 2022.

    OMV – The largest energy company in southeastern Europe – OMV Petrom – recorded, last year, a net profit of over 10 billion lei (over 2 billion Euros), by 260% higher than the previous year. According to the data of the Bucharest Stock Exchange, the companys contribution to the state budget, through taxes and dividends, reached a record level of 20 billion lei (about 4 billion Euros). The company plans investments of 6 billion lei (about 1.2 billion Euros), with the Neptun Deep project in the Black Sea at the center of the strategy. OMV Petrom has recently announced that it will not pay the solidarity tax of 60% on oil companies profits, imposed by the Bucharest Government, because, the group claims, it does not fall within its application criteria. The European Commission found the company is right, but the National Agency for Fiscal Administration – ANAF announced that it will continue the checks and discussions with the European Commission in order to clarify the situation. (LS)

  • Green energy deal

    Green energy deal

    An underwater cable transporting
    green energy through the Black Sea to the EU will be built by Azerbaijan,
    Georgia, Hungary and Romania. According to Romanian authorities, a feasibility
    study is due to complete by next autumn. The 1,200-km power cable will take six
    years to build. An agreement in this respect was signed in Bucharest, in the
    presence of European Commission president, Ursula von der Leyen. The document
    reflects the interests of the four states for consolidating national and
    regional energy security and ensuring interconnectivity in the Black Sea region,
    diversifying own supply sources, capitalizing on the Caspian Sea’s potential of
    producing renewable energy and increasing the share of renewable energy at
    national level, the Presidency reports. The agreement on creating a Strategic
    Partnership in the field of developing and transporting energy is a crucial
    and ambitious document that will seriously help strengthen energy security at
    European level and will boost regional cooperation, Romania’s president, Klaus
    Iohannis, said. Given the current security context caused by the military
    aggression in Ukraine, we should enhance our cooperation and display more
    solidarity in overcoming current challenges. This agreement provides a
    framework for long-term cooperation between our countries in a number of essential
    fields, such as producing, transporting and trading energy trading, also
    helping develop new infrastructure projects, including an underwater power
    cable in the Black Sea, and later projects targeting green hydrogen and energy
    efficiency, Klaus Iohannis went on to say. In turn, the European Commission
    president, Ursula von der Leyen highlighted the importance of this project.

    The Black Sea electric cable is a
    new transmission route full of opportunities. This project could bring Georgia,
    a country with a European destiny, great benefits as well. It could transform
    the country into an electricity hub and integrate it in the EU internal
    electricity market. Finally, the Black Sea electric cable could also help bring
    electricity to our neighbors in Moldova and the Western Balkans.

    The president of Azerbaijan, Ilham
    Aliyev, said his country would become a major provider of electricity for
    Europe, while the Prime Minister of Georgia, Irakli Garibashvili also stated
    his country is willing to cooperate to ensure European states can receive
    supplies of green energy. In turn, Hungary’s Prime Minister, Viktor Orbán, said that the time when Europe imported cheap energy
    and raw materials from Russia is now over, and that new sources of renewable
    energy must be identified. Romania is committed to investing in energy
    production and infrastructure, Romania’s Prime Minister, Nicolae Ciucă said in
    turn. The agreement was signed in response to an urgent need to boost the share
    of green energy and energy security, and Romania will play a key role as a
    transit country, offering alternative routes to neighbors and EU partners, the
    Romanian official further said.