Tag: Azomures

  • Nachrichten 09.07.2021

    Nachrichten 09.07.2021

    Bukarest: Die Regierung in Bukarest hat den Alarmzustand ab dem 12. Juli für weitere 30 Tage verlängert. Die Präventiv- und Kontrollma‎ßnahmen bleiben bestehen, mit einigen Änderungen. Die wichtigste davon ist die Verlängerung des Zeitraums für die Befreiung von diesen Ma‎ßnahmen von 90 auf 180 Tage für die Menschen, die von der Krankheit geheilt sind. Der Leiter der Impfkampagne, Arzt Valeriu Gheorghiţă, warnte hingegen, dass ab dem nächsten Monat die Zahl der COVID-Infektionen in Rumänien aufgrund des neuen Delta-Stammes wieder ansteigen könnte und rief die Bevölkerung erneut auf, sich impfen zu lassen. Seit Beginn der Impfkampagne haben fast 4,8 Millionen Menschen den COVID-Impfstoff erhalten, von denen 4,6 Millionen das gesamte Impfschema durchlaufen haben. In den letzten 24 Stunden wurden 54 Neuinfektionen gemeldet, zusätzlich zu einem Todesfall. 58 Patienten befinden sich auf der Intensivstation.

    Bukarest: “Rumänien bleibt fest in der Drei-Meere-Initiative engagiert, indem es pragmatische Ma‎ßnahmen ergreift, klare Lösungen zur Eindämmung von Verzögerungen unterstützt und die Widerstandsfähigkeit in der Region konsolidiert”, sagte Präsident Klaus Iohannis am Rande des Gipfels der Drei-Meere-Initiative (3SI) in Bulgarien, an dem 12 EU-Mitgliedstaaten aus der Ostsee, der Adria und dem Schwarzen Meer teilnehmen. Der Präsident verwies auf die besondere Aufmerksamkeit”, die Rumänien den Projekten Rail-2-Sea und Via Carpathia widmet und bezeichnete sie als konkrete Initiativen von gro‎ßer wirtschaftlicher Bedeutung und echtem strategischen Wert für die Region”. “Das ultimative Ziel all dieser Bemühungen bleibt die gründliche Umsetzung von Verbindungsprojekten von strategischer Priorität in drei Schlüsselbereichen – Transport, Energie und Digitalisierung”, sagte Präsident Iohannis.

    Bukarest: Die Explosion in der Chemiefabrik AzoMureş in Târgu Mureş, bei der eine Person leicht verletzt wurde, konnte laut einem vorläufigen Untersuchungsbericht nicht verhindert werden. Eine gemischte Kommission untersucht die Umstände des Vorfalls. Die Behörden versicherten, dass die Explosion keine Gefahr für die Bevölkerung darstellte, da bei Luftqualitätsmessungen keine Ammoniakemissionen festgestellt wurden. Nach vorläufigen Berichten löste ein Riss in einer der Gasleitungen die Explosion und den anschlie‎ßenden Brand aus. Die letzte technische Überprüfung wurde 2013 durchgeführt und das Rohr soll 2022 einer Inspektion unterzogen werden.

    Bukarest: Eine gro‎ße Anzahl von Labortests, die in den letzten Jahren in Rumänien durchgeführt wurden, könnten ungenau sein, nachdem staatliche und privat betriebene Pathologielabore nicht konforme Reagenzien verwendet haben. Staatsanwälte haben eine Untersuchung eingeleitet, die bisher ergeben hat, dass ab 2017 Vertreter einer Firma, die mit Reagenzien und medizinischer Ausrüstung handelt, ihre Handelspartner absichtlich falsch über die Qualität ihrer Produkte informiert haben. Das Unternehmen besa‎ß, produzierte und verkaufte giftige Produkte und Chemikalien, die im medizinischen Bereich verwendet werden, ohne dafür eine Lizenz zu haben. Im Rahmen der Ermittlungen wurden fast 20 Durchsuchungen in Bukarest und drei Landkreisen durchgeführt. Das Unternehmen sieht sich möglichen Anklagen wegen Erpressung und illegaler Verwendung von giftigen Chemikalien für medizinische Zwecke gegenüber.

    Bukarest: Das Internationale Theaterfestival in Sibiu (FITS), eines der weltweit renommiertesten Festivals für darstellende Kunst, findet vom 20. bis 29. August statt. Über 600 Veranstaltungen von Künstlern aus 37 Ländern aller Kontinente werden dem Publikum im Rahmen der bisher komplexesten Ausgabe präsentiert, sagen die Organisatoren. Unter dem Motto “Building hope together”/”Zusammen Hoffnung aufbauen”, wird sich das diesjährige Festival mit physischer Anwesenheit, im Hybridformat und online entfalten. Die Organisatoren haben Theaterstücke, Tanzaufführungen, Filmvorführungen, Opernkonzerte, Buchvorstellungen, Konferenzen, Ausstellungen, Musikkonzerte und Stra‎ßenauftritte vorbereitet. Israel Galván Company, Charlotte Rampling, Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre, Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company, María Pagés Compańía sind nur einige der gro‎ßen Namen und ausländischen Kompanien, die an FITS 2021 teilnehmen.

    Sport: Die Olympischen Spiele in Tokio, die vor einem Jahr wegen der COVID-Pandemie verschobenen wurden, werden in die Geschichte als die ersten olympischen Wettbewerbe eingehen, die ohne Zuschauer stattfinden. Die Ma‎ßnahme folgt, nachdem die japanische Regierung den Ausnahmezustand bis zum 22. August ausgerufen hat. Die Olympischen Spiele beginnen am 23. Juli und enden am 8. August. Etwas mehr als 15 % der japanischen Bevölkerung sind bisher geimpft worden, obwohl Experten befürchten, dass der Delta-Stamm eine neue Welle auslösen könnte, die die Krankenhäuser weiter belasten könnte. Die olympische Fackel kam am Freitag in Tokio im Rahmen einer eingeschränkten Zeremonie in einem leeren Stadion an und wurde an die Gouverneurin von Tokio, Yuriko Koike, übergeben.

  • July 9, 2021

    July 9, 2021

    COVID-19 ROMANIA – The Government has extended the state of alert for another
    30 days, starting July 12. Pre-emptive and control measures remain in place,
    with a few modifications, the most important of which is the extension from 90
    to 180 days of the period of exemption from these measures for those people
    who’ve had the disease. On the other hand, the head of the vaccination
    campaign, medical doctor Valeriu Gheorghiţă, warned that, starting next month,
    Romania could face a resurge in the number of COVID infections due to the new
    Delta strain, calling again on the population to get the jab. Since the start
    of the vaccination campaign, nearly 4.8 million people have received the COVID
    vaccine, of whom 4.6 million have completed the full vaccination scheme. In the
    last 24 hours, 54 new infections have been reported in addition to 1 related death.
    58 patients are in intensive care.

    3SI – Romania remains firmly
    committed in the Three Seas Initiative by means of pragmatic actions,
    supporting clear-cut solutions to curb delays and consolidating resilience in
    the region, president Klaus Iohannis said on the sidelines of the Three Seas
    Initiative (3SI) summit in Bulgaria, bringing together 12 EU Member States from
    the Baltic, Adriatic and Black seas. The president referred to the special
    attention Romania pays to the Rail-2-Sea and Via Carpathia projects,
    describing them as concrete initiatives of major economic consequence and real
    strategic value for the region. Developing the parliamentary, local and
    regional components of 3SI, in addition to inter-government cooperation, is
    most welcome. The ultimate goal of all these efforts remains the thorough implementation
    of interconnection projects of strategic priority in three key areas -
    transport, energy and digitization, president Iohannis said. The Romanian head
    of state also recalled the inauguration on May 31 of the Euro-Atlantic
    Resilience Center in Bucharest, which will help fulfill the strategic goal of
    building resilience. Against this backdrop, the growing interest of an
    increasing number of states in the trans-Atlantic community for the
    Initiative’s activities comes as no surprise, and Romania welcomes and supports
    it, president Iohannis went on to say.

    EXPLOSION – The blast at AzoMureş Chemical Plant in Târgu Mureş, which slightly
    injured one person, could not be prevented, according to a preliminary report
    of the investigation. A mixed commission is investigating the circumstances of
    the incident. The authorities gave assurances that the blast did not put the
    population in danger, as air quality measurements have detected no ammoniac
    emissions. According to preliminary reports, a crack in one of the gas pipes
    triggered the explosion and the ensuing fire. The last technical checkup was
    performed in 2013, and the pipe was due to undergo an inspection in 2022.

    REAGENTS – A large number of lab tests carried out in
    recent years in Romania could be inaccurate, after state and privately-run
    pathology labs used non-compliant reagents. The Prosecutor’s Office with the
    Bucharest Tribunal has launched an investigation, which has so far revealed
    that, starting 2017, representatives of a company trading reagents and medical
    equipment deliberately misinformed its trade partners over the quality of its
    products. The company owned, produced and sold toxic products and chemicals
    used in the medical sector, without being licensed to carry out such
    activities. Nearly 20 searches were made in Bucharest and three counties as
    part of the investigation. The company faces possible charges of racketeering
    and illegal use of toxic chemicals for medical use.

    FITS – The International Theatre Festival in Sibiu (FITS),
    one of the most acclaimed festivals in the world devoted to performing arts,
    will take place over August 20-29. Over 600 events organized by artists from 37
    countries across all continents will be presented to the public as part of the
    most complex edition held so far, organizers say. Themed Building hope
    together, this year’s festival will unfold with physical attendance, in hybrid
    format and online. Organizers have prepared theatre plays, dance performances,
    circus shows, film screenings, musicals, opera concerts, book launches,
    conferences, exhibitions, music concerts and street performances. Israel Galván Company, Charlotte
    Rampling, Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre, Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company, María
    Pagés Compańía are but some of the big names and foreign companies taking parts
    in FITS 2021.

    OLYMPICS – Postponed a year ago
    due to the COVID pandemic, the 2020 Tokyo Olympics in Japan will go down in
    history as the first Olympic competition to take place without crowd
    attendance. The measure follows after the Japanese Government declared a state
    of emergency until August 22. The Olympic Games start on July 23 and end on
    August 8. A little over 15% of Japan’s population has been immunized so far,
    although experts fear the Delta strain might trigger a new wave that could add
    further strain on hospitals. The Olympic torch arrived today in Tokyo as part
    of a restricted ceremony hosted on an empty stadium, and was handed over to the
    Governor of Tokyo, Yuriko Koike. (VP)

  • July 7, 2021 UPDATE

    July 7, 2021 UPDATE

    Brussels ▪ Romanias economy will grow by 7.4% in 2021 and by 4.9% in 2022, after in May estimates showed a 5.1% growth rate this year and 4.9% next year, according to the interim summer forecasts, published on Wednesday by the European Commission (EC). The performance of the Romanian economy was solid in the first quarter of 2021. The GDP grew by 2.8% quarterly, its growth being supported mainly by private consumption and investment. On the other hand, net exports were significantly negative, showing a weak external demand and supply chain disruptions, the EC shows. Private consumption is expected to remain extremely robust, boosted by the lifting of restrictions, especially in sectors severely affected by the pandemic, such as the performing arts and entertainment, restaurants and hotels, as well as by the relatively solid wage increase in the first months of the year he EC estimates. At the same time, investments will remain solid in the period 2021-2022, being supported by both the public and private sectors. Within the EU, the economy is expected to expand by 4.8% in 2021 and by 4.5% in 2022.

    Covid ▪ The vaccination rate across Romania among the eligible population over 12 years is about 28% – Valeriu Gheorghiţă, the head of the vaccination campaign announced. He has pointed out that, as of mid August, the number of COVID-19 cases will increase in Romania, due to the new Delta virus strain, and he has again called on the population to get vaccinated. Since the beginning of the vaccination campaign, in December last year, almost 4.8 million people have been vaccinated in Romania, of whom about 4.6 million with both doses. On the other hand, 60 new cases of infection with the novel coronavirus were announced on Wednesday for the last 24 hours and 2 new deaths. The entire territory of Romania is in the so-called green scenario regarding the spread of the new coronavirus. 56 people are still in intensive care.

    Project ▪ President Klaus Iohannis announced that the government would assume next week, through a memorandum, the targets and objectives of the ‘Educated Romania’ project launched in 2016 for public debate. He also showed that, following the discussions of the past days, the governing coalition expressed support for the project and is to establish a clear cut action plan with responsibilities and deadlines for implementation. President Iohannis had talks with the social dialogue partners in the education field and with the representatives of NGOs involved in the project. The reforms are to be financially supported through the National Recovery Plan, from the state budget and other European money. The ‘Educated Romania’ project benefits from a ‘historic financial aid’ worth about 4 billion Euros, said the Romanian President.

    Justice ▪ The leaders of the governing coalition in Bucharest met, on Wednesday, to discuss the parliamentary agenda for dismantling the controversial Special Section to investigate crimes committed by magistrates (SIIJ). The coalition functions very well on all topics, except for justice, the justice minister Stelian Ion said. He explained that the National Liberal Party and the Save Romania Union PLUS Alliance have the same opinion, namely that next week an extraordinary session should be called for dismantling the Special Section and reassigning competences, as the Venice Commission says and as the government project stipulates. According to Stelian Ion the Democratic Union of Ethnic Hungarians in Romania is trying a different version, namely to somehow deceive the voters in the sense of pretending to dismantle the special section but recreating it in the form of a new section within the General Prosecutor’s Office.

    Explosion — A powerful explosion followed by a fire occurred last night at the Azomureş Chemical Plant (in central Romania). A man in his 50s was injured. The company management said the incident occurred when an ammonia production unit was started. The Mureş Inspectorate for Emergency Situations sent a RO-Alert message informing the population in the neighboring area of the blast. The company representatives say the situation is being monitored by the authorities, the installation where the fire occurred being completely stopped. We recall that, on Friday, an explosion followed by a fire also occurred at the Petromidia Refinery in Navodari (southeastern Romania), when one man was killed and five injured. (LS)