Tag: Babadag

  • Șanse de dezvoltare pentru orașul Babadag

    Șanse de dezvoltare pentru orașul Babadag

    europene sunt principala şansă de dezvoltare pentru oraşele mici. O spun chiar
    unii dintre edili. Ei admit că fondurile de la bugetul local abia ajung pentru
    cheltuielile curente iar de investiţii, de multe ori, nici nu poate fi vorba.

    În această
    situaţie, unii edili au decis să profite de şansă şi să depună proiecte pentru
    a obţine finanţare europeană. Este şi
    cazul oraşului Babadag.

    Acolo, sunt
    în diverse stadii de implementare, proiecte europene în valoare totală de peste
    13 milioane de euro. Iar pentru alte proiecte se aşteaptă semnarea

    Primarul Georgian
    Caraman: În derulare sunt vreo 4. Care am semnat contractele sunt
    alte 4. Dar sunt etape. Şi am foarte multe care aştept să semnez contractele de
    finanţare. Marea majoritate sunt cu cofinanţări mici, în afară de blocurile
    care se izolează. Acolo e undeva 60% de la Uniunea Europeană – 40 din partea
    noastră, restul sunt cu o cofinanţare de 2%. E foarte bine, vă daţi seama.

    Unul dintre
    proiectele europene din Babadag este pe mobilitate urbană. Chiar dacă este un oraş mic, Babadagul
    încearcă să ţină pasul cu noile tendinţe şi să aibă un transport în comun care
    să polueze cât mai puţin.

    Un proiect îl am de 5
    milioane de euro, de mobilitate urbană, de înfiinţare transport public cu 3
    autobuze electrice, cu piste, cu park and ride, cu încărcări electrice. E
    destul de complex şi destul de mare. Deci, nu l-aş fi făcut niciodată din
    bugetul local pentru că nu avem de unde atâţia bani. Contractul l-am semnat,
    aştept următoarea etapă.

    Edilul spune că înfiinţarea unui
    serviciu de transport public este necesară şi va fi de un real folos mai ales
    pentru vârstnici:

    E necesitate. Populaţia
    este destul de îmbătrânită. Şi e nevoie, din zonele limitrofe să ajungă în zona
    centrală sunt cam 5 kilometri de la un capăt la altul. Acum, chiar dacă oraşul
    Babadag e mai mic aşa, încercăm şi noi să fim la standardele europene şi căutăm
    să fie mai econom, să nu mai poluăm.

    spun că autobuzele electrice au mai multe avantaje, comparativ cu cele
    alimentate cu benzină sau motorină. Un grad la mic de poluare a aerului dar şi
    o reducere a poluării fonice, sunt două dintre ele. Un alt avantaj ar fi
    costurile mai mici de exploatare.

    Un studiu făcut la nivel european arată
    că majoritatea cetăţenilor, sunt dispuşi să facă unele compromisuri pentru a
    contribui la reducerea emisiilor de carbon.

    Pe lista compromisurilor figurează şi
    renunţarea la maşina personală, în favoarea transportului în comun.

  • Nachrichten 13.04.2020

    Nachrichten 13.04.2020

    Rumänien meldet 333 bestätigte Neu-Infektionen mit dem neuen Coronavirus, landesweit steigt die Zahl der Infektionen auf 6.633. 914 Menschen wurden geheilt und aus Krankenhäusern entlassen. 213 Patienten befinden sich auf den Intensivstationen, während weitere 318 Menschen gestorben sind. 47 rumänische Staatsbürger sind im Ausland an Coronavirus gestorben. Die Behörden gehen davon aus, dass die Pandemie in der folgenden Zeit ihren Höhepunkt erreichen wird. Darüber hinaus beschloss der Gesundheitsminister Nelu Tataru gemeinsam mit Verteidigungsminister Nicolae Ciuca, dass medizinisches Personal der Armee die Leitung des Krankenhauses im südrumänischen Focsani übernimmt, nachdem 15 Mitarbeiter mit dem neuen Coronavirus infiziert worden sind.

    Rumänische Soldaten und ihre US-Kollegen nehmen an einer gemeinsamen Übung im südrumänischen Babadag teil, teilt das Verteidigungsministerium in Bukarest mit. Die Übung wird einen Luftangriff auf ein Bodenziel sowie eine Operation zur Bergung eines abgeschossenen Flugzeugs simulieren. Nach Angaben des Verteidigungsministeriums werden alle Maßnahmen zur Begrenzung des Coronavirus-Ausbruchs während der Übung strikt eingehalten.

    Die Regierung in Bukarest wird voraussichtlich diese Woche entscheiden, welche Kategorien von Staatsbediensteten von der Kurzarbeit betroffen sein werden. Nach einem von Premierminister Ludovic Orban erwähnten Szenario werden einige Staatsbedienstete nur 75% ihrer Gehälter erhalten. Es wird auch erwartet, dass die Regierung in diesem Jahr die erste Haushaltsanpassung neu analysieren wird. Die Ministerien für Gesundheit und Arbeit werden die ersten sein, die aufgrund der Coronavirus-Pandemie mehr Mittel erhalten werden. Mehr Geld wird in die Krankenkassen und den Kauf der notwendigen medizinischen Ausrüstung fließen. Die rumänische Wirtschaft ist bereits um 30 bis 40
    Prozent geschrumpft, sagte Wirtschaftsminister Virgil Popescu am Montag. Er
    fügte hinzu, dass es von der europäischen Wirtschaft abhänge und dass es
    ziemlich viel Trägheit geben werde, bis sie die Lage vor der Krise erreiche.

    Orthodoxe Christen, die in Rumänien die Mehrheit bilden sowie griechisch-katholische Christen befinden sich in der Karwoche. Aufgrund der Quarantänemaßnahmen werden die Gläubigen die Gottesdienste live mitverfolgen können. Katholiken und Protestanten verbrachten gestern Ostern mit leeren Kirchen und Gottesdiensten, die von verschiedenen Fernseh- oder Online-Kanälen übertragen wurden. Besuche bei Verwandten und Freunden waren verboten. In seiner traditionellen Osterbotschaft aus dem Vatikan sagte Papst Franziskus, es sei jetzt keine Zeit für Uneinigkeit, Spaltungen und Nachlässigkeit.

    jüngsten Angaben sind weltweit über 1.850.000 Menschen mit dem neuen
    Coronavirus infiziert. Nahezu 116.000
    von ihnen sind gestorben, während mehr als 440.000 geheilt wurden. Die USA
    stehen mit 550.000 Infizierten und 22.000 Toten an erster Stelle. Am stärksten
    betroffen ist der Bundesstaat New York, die Zahl der Infektionen steigt somit auf 188.000. In
    Europa verzichten einige der am stärksten von der Pandemie betroffenen Länder,
    wie Spanien und Italien, auf einige Quarantänemaßnahmen, nachdem die Zahl der
    Infektionen rückläufig war. Die Regierungen in Rom und Madrid ergreifen
    Massnahmen zur schrittweisen Wiederbelebung ihrer Wirtschaft. Spanien hat
    beschlossen, die Aktivitäten in einigen Fertigungsindustrien und im Baugewerbe
    wieder aufzunehmen, während die italienischen Behörden die Wiederaufnahme
    einiger Unternehmen erlauben werden. In beiden Ländern bleiben jedoch strenge
    Sicherheitsmaßnahmen in verschiedenen Unternehmen in Kraft, um die Anzahl der
    Infektionen zu begrenzen. Die spanischen Behörden werden Millionen von Masken
    an die Arbeitnehmer verteilen. Andererseits meldete China, wo das neue
    Coronavirus erstmals im Dezember gemeldet wurde, 108 neue Infektionsfälle – die
    höchste tägliche Zahl nach mehr als fünf Wochen. Die meisten neuen Fälle sind
    bei chinesischen Staatsbürgern registriert, die aus dem Ausland zurückgekehrt
    sind, und fast die Hälfte von ihnen wurde in einer Provinz an der Grenze zu
    Russland bestätigt.

    Warmes Wetter in Rumänien, die Höchstwerte erreichen 25 Grad. In der Gebirgsregion regnet es vereinzelt. In Bukarest wurden am Mittag 15 Grad gemessen.

  • February 12, 2018

    February 12, 2018

    Military drills — 100 Romanian soldiers will be training, starting on Monday until Friday, together with around 200 soldiers from Bulgaria, Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova and the USA in the Babadag shooting range (in southeastern Romania) as part of the “Black Sea Rotational Force” multinational drill. Participating in the drill from the Romanian Army are soldiers from the ground and naval forces as well as from the air forces.

    Chisinau — The Audiovisual Coordinating Council in the Republic of Moldova is monitoring, as of today, whether radio and television stations observe the so-called ‘anti-propaganda’ law, which came into force on February 11. The law is aimed at eliminating the propagandistic messages from the Russian Federation and at protecting information consumers from possible attempts of disinformation or manipulation from the outside. At the same time, the law is meant to eliminate media provocation against the Republic of Moldova, by rejecting TV and radio programs that provide information, analyses, military and political content that are not produced in EU member states, the US, Canada and other states which are members of the European Convention on Cross-Border Television.

    Baccalaureate– In Romania, as many as 177,000 high school students and graduates from the previous graduating classes are today taking the exams assessing their linguistic and digital competences as part of the national Baccalaureate exam. Exams include oral examination in the Romanian language, and in the mother tongue for the students belonging to national minorities, assessment of digital competences and of linguistic competences in a language of international circulation. This is the first time when these exams are scheduled during the school year, several months ahead of high school graduation. The written examinations of the national Baccalaureate exam are scheduled for June.

    Flu — The National Public Health Institute on Monday announced that the number of deaths caused by the flu virus in Romania reached 21. More than 300 people have got the flu so far and over 800 thousand people have been vaccinated against the flu. Doctors have reiterated recommendations to the population to get vaccinated against the backdrop of a surge in flu cases. According to health minister Sorina Pintea Romania is not currently facing a flu epidemic, adding that prevention measures are very important and hospitals and public health institutions should take the necessary measures in this respect. aureate exam are scheduled for June.

    Tennis — 5 tennis players from Romania, among whom world’s no. 2 Simona Halep, are participating in the Doha tournament, in Qatar, which has prizes up for grabs worth a total of 3.1 million dollars. On Monday, in the first round, Monica Niculescu (92 WTA) will play against Russian Maria Sharapova (41 WTA) and Mihaela Buzărnescu (43 WTA) will be up against Ukrainian Lesia Ţurenko (40 WTA). On Tuesday, after the inaugural round, Irina Begu (37 WTA) will take on the Australian Samantha Stosur (44 WTA), and Sorana Cîrstea (38 WTA) will play against Greek Maria Sakkari (60 WTA). Simona Halep, who qualified directly to the 2nd round, will face the winner of the match between Russian Ekaterina Makarova (36 WTA) and Chinese Shuai Zhang (34 WTA). Halep won the Doha tournament in 2014.

    Handball — Romania’s women’s handball champions CSM Bucharest on Sunday grabbed a 22-all draw with title holder Rostov on Don on home ground, in a match of main group 1 of the Champions League. On Saturday, in the same group, Gyori Audi ETO KC of Hungary, the trophy holder, defeated in an away match RK Krim Mercator Ljubljana of Slovenia. CSM and Gyori are ranked 1st and 2nd in the group with 11 and 10 points respectively. Rostov comes 3rd with 9 points. CSM won the Champions League in 2016 upon its debut in the competition. (news translated by Lacramioara Simion)

  • February 10, 2018 UPDATE

    February 10, 2018 UPDATE

    INFLATION – The National Bank of Romania has revised upward, to 3.5%, the inflation rate forecast for the end of the year, the governor of the National Bank of Romania, Mugur Isărescu, has announced. According to an earlier forecast, the inflation rate was estimated at 3.1%. Isarescu explained the main engine of economic growth is consumption, a situation which has had negative effects on the trade deficit which increased by 30% in 2017. Mugur Isărescu has also mentioned some structural problems with a significant impact on the economy, among which tensions on the labour market, the growing difference between the level of imports and exports, the fiscal and income policy which is currently being pursued and whose effects are likely to disappear only as of next year.

    MEDICINES – The process of introducing the European Medicines Verification System (EMVS) has officially been launched in Romania. The system will become operational in all EU member states next year. Consequently, as of February 9, 2019, only the medicines which respect the new security regulations in the field will circulate across the EU. The relevant authorities, representatives of the line industry and pharmacists say the initiative is essential in ensuring the patients safety and health, given that there is a growing risk of fake products entering the commercial chain. According to the new regulations, pharmacists will no longer be allowed to open medicine boxes and to sell only a few tablets, if patients make such a request.

    TOURISM – The most exquisite Romanian tourist project, the ice hotel at Bâlea Lake has been officially inaugurated, in the presence of the Canadian ambassador to Bucharest, Kevin Hamilton. The theme of the ice hotel this year is music. The 14 rooms and igloos are decorated with ice statues featuring such famous artists as Madonna, Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley. Tourists had the opportunity to get accommodation in the ice hotel as early as December 2017. A double room costs 100 Euros. Those who want to only visit the hotel should pay a ticket worth 3 Euros for adults and 2 Euros for children. Tourists can reach Bâlea Lake, at an altitude of over 2,000 m, by cable car, which covers a distance of 3,700m, over Balea Valley. The ice hotel is the only of its kind in Romania.

    JOINT DRILLS – One hundred Romanian troops will take part, as of Monday in joint military exercises alongside some 200 military from the United States, Moldova, Bulgaria and Ukraine. The exercises will be unfolding for five days, at a military base in Babadag, in Tulcea County, south-eastern Romania.

    MALTA – The Romanian Foreign Ministry has confirmed, based on data provided by the representatives of the consular office in Catania (Sicily, Italy) that a Romanian citizen died and another one was injured during a storm which hit Malta on Saturday. Romanias Consulate in Catania is monitoring the situation, is in permanent contact with the local authorities as well as with the Romanian national who has sustained injuries, providing the necessary consular assistance. The two Romanian nationals were travelling by a van which was hit by a falling tree. Gale force wind and torrential rain hit Malta, submerging roads, after months of low-level precipitations.

    WINTER OLYMIC GAMES– The first of the 28 Romanian athletes taking part in the Winter Olympic Games in PyeongChang, South Korea, which come to a close on February 25, on Saturday ran in the first competitions. They took part in the cross-country skiing, luge and biathlon events. PyeongChang in the Taebaek Mountains got the right to organise the Winter Olympic Games after having submitted its candidacy three times, in 2010, 2014 and 2018. It is the first edition of the Winter Olympic Games and the second edition of the Olympic Games hosted by South Korea. PyeongChang is also the third Asian city to host the Winter Olympic Games, after Sapporo in 1972 and Nagano in 1998, both in Japan. Over a period of more than two weeks, PyeongChang will host 102 sports events. This edition of the Olympic Games is attended by over 2,900 athletes from 95 countries.