Tag: badminton

  • Sport Club RRI: Jocurile Europene de la Minsk

    Sport Club RRI: Jocurile Europene de la Minsk

    După cinci zile
    de competiţii, România ocupă locul 14 în clasamentul pe medalii la Jocurile
    Europene de la Minsk
    . Bilanţul sportivilor tricolori include o medalie de aur,
    două de argint şi patru de bronz. Rusia ocupă locul întâi, cu 24 de medalii de
    aur, 13 de argint şi 16 de bronz. Urmează ţara gazdă, Belarus, cu 14 medalii de
    aur, 9 de argint şi 18 de bronz.

    Pentru România,
    aurul a fost câştigat de Laura Georgeta Coman, în proba de puşcă aer comprimat
    10 metri.
    Medaliile de argint au fost obţinute de Dacian Barna şi Andreea
    Bogati în proba de perechi mixte din concursul de gimnastică aerobică şi de
    perechea Ovidiu Ionescu / Bernadette Szőcs la tenis de masă, dublu mixt. Luptătoarele de sambo Daniela Poroineanu,
    la 56 de kg, Anda Mihaela Vâlvoi, la 64, şi Alina-Petronela Păunescu, la
    categoria +80 kg, au adus României primele medalii de bronz. Tot cu bronz au
    fost medaliaţi reprezentanţii României în concursul de grup de la gimnastică
    aerobică. Aceştia sunt Gabriel Bocşer, Mihai Alin Popa,
    Dacian Nicolae Barna, Dorin Marian Broţei şi Andreea Bogati.

    La Jocurile Europene de la Minsk, România a
    deplasat 123 de sportivi
    , înscrişi la toate cele 15 sporturi şi discipline
    sportive din program, respectiv: atletism, baschet 3×3, badminton, box,
    ciclism, fotbal pe plajă, gimnastică – artistică, aerobică şi ritmică, judo,
    kaiac-canoe, lupte – feminin, libere şi greco-romane, sambo, tenis de masă, tir
    sportiv şi tir cu arcul. Rezultatele
    obţinute la atletism, badminton, ciclism, judo, karate, tenis de masă, tir cu
    acul şi tir sportiv contează pentru calificarea la Jocurile Olimpice de anul
    viitor, din Japonia.

  • Sports weekend

    Sports weekend

    The European Fencing Championships
    are underway in Dusseldorf, Germany. Romanian fencers have unfortunately
    carried on with their below-par performance. On Friday, in the women’s team
    saber event, the Romanian team made of Bianca Pascu, Loredana Dima and Andreea
    Lupu conceded a 32-45 defeat to Ukraine, in the first confrontation of the main draw. According to
    a message The Romanian Fencing Federation posted on its website, the defeat
    sent Romania in the fight for the 9-16 places and at this stage, Romania was pitched
    against the team of the Republic of Belarus. Made of Bianca Pascu, Andreea Lupu
    and Maria Matei this time, Romanian conceded yet another defeat, 38-45. Then
    the match against Georgia brought the Romanians a 45-42 win and the 13th
    position according to the final rankings.

    The European Games are underway in
    Minsk, Belarus, until June 30. The Romanian delegation has competitors for all
    15 sports disciplines in the program. These sports disciplines are athletics, 3-by-3
    basketball, badminton, boxing, cycling, beach football, artistic, aerobic and
    rhythmic gymnastics, judo, kayak-canoe, women’s wrestling, freestyle and
    Greek-Roman wrestling, sambo, table tennis, shooting sports and archery.
    Counting for the qualification to the 2020 edition of the Olympic Games in
    Tokyo are the results in athletics, badminton, cycling, judo, karate, table
    tennis, archery and shooting sports. At the inaugural edition of the European
    Games held in the Azeri capital city Baku in 2015, Romania’s Olympic team
    walked home with 12 medals, of which three were gold, five silver and four

    Playing for Romania’s Under-21
    national team, footballers George Puşcaş and Alexandru Cicâldău have been eyed
    by Belgian team Standard Liege, the Romanian Agerpress news agency quoted
    Belgian paper La Dernière Heure
    as writing. Puscas is currently signed up by the Italian second-tier team
    Palermo, while Cicâldău currently plays for Universitatea Craiova. We recall
    Standard Liege was 3rd-placed according to the Belgian
    championship’s final rankings.

  • Sports weekend

    Sports weekend

    The European Fencing Championships
    are underway in Dusseldorf, Germany. Romanian fencers have unfortunately
    carried on with their below-par performance. On Friday, in the women’s team
    saber event, the Romanian team made of Bianca Pascu, Loredana Dima and Andreea
    Lupu conceded a 32-45 defeat to Ukraine, in the first confrontation of the main draw. According to
    a message The Romanian Fencing Federation posted on its website, the defeat
    sent Romania in the fight for the 9-16 places and at this stage, Romania was pitched
    against the team of the Republic of Belarus. Made of Bianca Pascu, Andreea Lupu
    and Maria Matei this time, Romanian conceded yet another defeat, 38-45. Then
    the match against Georgia brought the Romanians a 45-42 win and the 13th
    position according to the final rankings.

    The European Games are underway in
    Minsk, Belarus, until June 30. The Romanian delegation has competitors for all
    15 sports disciplines in the program. These sports disciplines are athletics, 3-by-3
    basketball, badminton, boxing, cycling, beach football, artistic, aerobic and
    rhythmic gymnastics, judo, kayak-canoe, women’s wrestling, freestyle and
    Greek-Roman wrestling, sambo, table tennis, shooting sports and archery.
    Counting for the qualification to the 2020 edition of the Olympic Games in
    Tokyo are the results in athletics, badminton, cycling, judo, karate, table
    tennis, archery and shooting sports. At the inaugural edition of the European
    Games held in the Azeri capital city Baku in 2015, Romania’s Olympic team
    walked home with 12 medals, of which three were gold, five silver and four

    Playing for Romania’s Under-21
    national team, footballers George Puşcaş and Alexandru Cicâldău have been eyed
    by Belgian team Standard Liege, the Romanian Agerpress news agency quoted
    Belgian paper La Dernière Heure
    as writing. Puscas is currently signed up by the Italian second-tier team
    Palermo, while Cicâldău currently plays for Universitatea Craiova. We recall
    Standard Liege was 3rd-placed according to the Belgian
    championship’s final rankings.