Tag: baseball

  • Jurnal românesc – 10.07.2017

    Jurnal românesc – 10.07.2017

    pentru Românii de Pretutindeni organizează şi anul acesta, în colaborare cu
    Ministerul Tineretului şi Sportului, o nouă ediţie a Programului ARC, ce
    presupune primirea în tabere din judeţele Neamţ şi Tulcea a copiilor românilor
    din diaspora. Din prima serie a taberei de la Oglinzi, situată lângă Târgu
    Neamţ, fac parte copii cu rezultate deosebite la învăţătură din Ungaria,
    Bulgaria, Serbia şi Republica Moldova. Copiii vor participa la ateliere şi la
    numeroase laboratoare, în care vor învăţa în limba română matematică, dar şi
    cântece şi poezii.

    Un grup de 31 de studenţi din România, Republica Moldova şi Ucraina
    participă, în perioada 10-15 iulie, la cursurile Şcolii de Vară Internaţionale Jean Monnet intitulată Pregătiţi pentru piaţa muncii, prima de acest gen
    din activitatea Facultăţii de Istorie, Relaţii Internaţionale, Ştiinţe Politice
    şi Ştiinţele Comunicării a Universităţii din Oradea. Majoritatea tinerilor sunt
    studenţi în anii superiori. Scoala de vară cuprinde prezentări interactive,
    workshop-uri, simulări, jocuri de rol, în mai multe module zilnice.

    Iubitorii americani de baseball din zona Washington DC au avut ocazia, la
    sfârşitul săptămânii trecute, să cunoască România, la evenimentul Taste
    of the World, informează biroul de presă al ambasadei României în Statele
    Unite printr-un comunicat. Organizat de una dintre cele mai apreciate şi
    valoroase echipe de baseball ale momentului, Washington Nationals, pe stadionul
    Nationals Park, cu ocazia meciului cu Atlanta Braves, Taste of the
    World – organizat pentru a doua oară – a fost dedicat promovării
    culturale şi turistice în faţa a 40.000 de spectatori. Dintre cele opt misiuni
    diplomatice invitate, ambasada României a primit onoarea de a participa la
    ceremonia de anunţare a echipelor de start. De asemenea, drapelul ţării a fost
    prezentat în parada de pe terenul de joc. Ambasada a organizat două standuri
    prin care a oferit publicului oportunitatea de a cunoaşte patrimoniul cultural
    şi tradiţiile naţionale, atât prin informaţii turistice şi culturale, cât şi
    prin produse tradiţionale românesti.

    Ministerul Apărării Naţionale face, de astazi, recrutări de militari pe
    bază de voluntariat. Legea privind statutul rezerviştilor voluntari a intrat în
    vigoare la 1 ianuarie, iar normele de aplicare au fost finalizate în martie.
    Într-o primă etapă, Ministerul Apărării Naţionale recruteaza soldaţi şi gradaţi
    voluntari în 24 de centre militare judeţene şi în Bucureşti. La momentul
    completării cererii de înscriere, aceştia trebuie să aibă maximum 51 de ani, să
    îndeplinească condiţiile impuse de fişa postului privind pregătirea şcolară şi
    să treacă testele sportive. Selecţia va fi făcută pentru toate categoriile de
    forţe din Armata României, fiind disponibile 2.200 de poziţii de încadrat
    pentru soldaţi şi gradaţi rezervişti voluntari. După ce vor trece şi de testul
    psihologic şi vor fi acceptaţi, soldaţii vor semna un contract cu Ministerul
    Apărării Naţionale şi vor intra într-un program de pregătire. Pe perioada
    contractului, soldaţii şi gradaţii rezervişti voluntari pot fi solicitaţi
    pentru a participa la misiuni internaţionale cu aceeaşi soldă şi diurnă cu
    militarii activi, beneficiază lunar de 10% din salariul unui soldat activ, au
    acces la sistemul medical militar. O a doua etapă a recrutărilor va fi pentru
    subofiţeri, maiştri militari şi ofiţeri voluntari, pentru care sunt proiectate
    600 de posturi. Pentru soldaţi şi gradaţi voluntari vârsta de recrutare este de
    18-51 de ani, iar pentru subofiţeri, maiştrii militari şi ofiţeri vârsta maximă
    este de 54 de ani.

  • April 15, 2017 UPDATE

    April 15, 2017 UPDATE

    EASTER – On Sunday, Christians around the world, including in Romania, a country with a predominantly Orthodox population celebrate Easter, the most important Christian festival and holiday. On Saturday, the Patriarch of Jerusalem gave holy light to believers gathered in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, during a special ceremony, which is held every year at the holy tomb. A delegation of the Romanian Orthodox Church has brought the holy light to the country, on a special plane. The holy light symbolizes and recalls the Resurrection of Christ. For 40 days, until the Ascension, Christians use the greeting Christ is Risen, the response to which is Indeed, He is Risen.

    SURVEY – 75% of the Romanians say that they usually spend the Easter holidays at home. For this years Easter they have allocated some 110 Euro for food, according to a survey conducted by the Romanian Evaluation and Strategy Institute, published on Friday. 83% of the interviewees say they normally attend the Resurrection mass. Also, according to 92% of the respondents, traditional celebrations are important or very important. Two thirds of them say that there are Easter customs specific to the area they live in, the most common of which are church going (31%), egg painting (20%) and sacrificing lambs (7%). The research was conducted on a sample of 1.084 people, aged over 18.

    BORDER TRAFFIC – Some 1.4 million people have crossed the Romanian borders this week, ahead of the Easter celebrations. The border police has reported that, on average, 175,000 people crossed the border checkpoints every day, which is 40% more than usual. The traffic is no longer that heavy as it has been until recently, due to the enforcement of a new European regulation that tightens control on the borders of the Schengen area and of the EU and ahead of the Easter holidays, when lots of Romanians that work abroad have returned home to spend Easter with their families.

    CORRUPTION – The former Romanian deputy Sebastian Ghita will remain in police custody in Serbia for two months, as a preventive measure until extradition formalities are ready. Ghita was spotted and detained by the Serbian police in Belgrade on Thursday night, after four months since his disappearance. When asked to show his IDs, he presented a false document allegedly issued by an EU state. Sebastian Ghita went missing on December 21st 2016 and a national warrant was issued on his name, for breaking the terms of the judicial restrictions imposed on him pending trial. On January 10th a European search warrant was issued on his name and he was also put on the Interpol list. Ghita is being tried in two cases of corruption and prosecuted in another two.

    MEASLES – 700 new cases of measles have been reported in the past week in Romania. Authorities have warned that the most exposed to getting sick are those who have not been vaccinated. Since the start of the epidemics in September last year, 21 people have died, and the number of the sick has risen to 4800. In order to prevent the measles from spreading even further, authorities continue the vaccination of children aged 9 months to 9 years.

    REFERENDUM – A referendum will be held throughout Turkey on April 16th on whether to amend the Turkish Constitution. According to the BBC, amending the Constitution is something that president Recep Tayyip Erdogan has long been wishing for. Those who oppose the new draft constitution are afraid that too much power will be thus placed in the hands of just one person. Two opinion polls made public on Thursday show that 50-51% of the voters will say YES at the referendum. Reuters reports that the voting on April 16th will decide on the biggest change in Turkeys governing system since the establishment of the modern republic, a century ago, as the parliamentary system might be replaced by an executive presidency.

    BASEBALL – The Romanian Black Sea port of Constanta on Saturday played host to a unique event, a baseball game between the US soldiers from the Mihail Kogalniceanu base and Romanias national team. The game was won by the hosts, 7-2. The US Ambassador to Romania Hans Klemm watched the game. Baseball has been played in Romania for 27 years and this year it has been declared an Olympic sport. The match marked 70 years since the first African American athlete, Jachie Robinson, was accepted as member of the Major League Baseball. He thus became a symbol of equality, justice and fairplay.

  • April 15, 2017

    April 15, 2017

    HOLY SATURDAY – Today is Holy Saturday for Christians around the world, including in Romania, a country with a predominantly Orthodox population. The Holy Light mass is being held in Jerusalem, a unique Orthodox ritual, during which the Greek Patriarch of Jerusalem enters the Holy Tomb with 33 candles, which are lit by the holy light. Then the Patriarch exists the tomb and gives light to the believers in the church. A delegation of the Romanian Orthodox Church will bring the light to the country tonight, on a special plane. At midnight, Orthodox and Catholic believers will celebrate the Resurrection of Christ. In his Easter message, the Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church Daniel calls on Romanians to promote peace and joy, to help the sick, the orphans, the poor and all those who feel alone and sad.

    EASTER – 75% of the Romanians say that they usually spend the Easter holidays at home. For this years Easter they have allocated some 110 Euro for food, according to a survey conducted by the Romanian Evaluation and Strategy Institute, published on Friday. 83% of the interviewees say they normally attend the Resurrection mass. Also, according to 92% of the respondents, traditional celebrations are important or very important. Two thirds of them say that there are Easter customs specific to the area they live in, the most common of which are church going (31%), egg painting (20%) and sacrificing lambs (7%). The research was conducted on a sample of 1.084 people, aged over 18.

    BORDER TRAFFIC – Some 1.4 million people have crossed the Romanian borders this week, ahead of the Easter celebrations. The border police has reported that, on average, 175,000 people crossed the border checkpoints every day, which is 40% more than usual. The traffic is no longer that heavy as it has been until recently, due to the enforcement of a new European regulation that tightens control on the borders of the Schengen area and of the EU and ahead of the Easter holidays, when lots of Romanians that work abroad have returned home to spend Easter with their families.

    CORRUPTION – The former Romanian deputy Sebastian Ghita will remain in police custody in Serbia for two months, as a preventive measure until extradition formalities are ready. Ghita was spotted and detained by the Serbian police in Belgrade on Thursday night, after four months since his disappearance. When asked to show his IDs, he presented a false document allegedly issued by an EU state. Sebastian Ghita went missing on December 21st 2016 and a national warrant was issued on his name, for breaking the terms of the judicial restrictions imposed on him pending trial. On January 10th a European search warrant was issued on his name and he was also put on the Interpol list. Ghita is being tried in two cases of corruption and prosecuted in another two.

    MEASLES – 700 new cases of measles have been reported in the past week in Romania. Authorities have warned that the most exposed to getting sick are those who have not been vaccinated. Since the start of the epidemics in September last year, 21 people have died, and the number of the sick has risen to 4800. In order to prevent the measles from spreading even further, authorities continue the vaccination of children aged 9 months to 9 years.

    REFERENDUM – Today is the last day of the campaign for the referendum on changing the Turkish Constitution, as a result of which the executive powers of the President would grow significantly. According to the BBC, amending the Constitution is something that president Recep Tayyip Erdogan has wished for a long time. Those who oppose this move are afraid that too much power will be thus placed in the hands of just one person. One day before the referendum, the Turkish population is divided. Two opinion polls show that 50-51% will probably say YES at the referendum. Reuters reports that the voting on April 16th will decide on the biggest change in Turkeys governing system since the establishment of the modern republic, a century ago, as the parliamentary system might be replaced by an executive presidency.

    BASEBALL – The Romanian Black Sea port of Constanta is today playing host to a unique event, a baseball game between the US soldiers from the Mihail Kogalniceanu base and Romanias national team. Baseball has been played in Romania for 27 years and this year it has been declared an Olympic sport. This match marks 70 years since the first African American athlete was accepted as member of the Major League Baseball. Thus Jackie Robinson became a symbol of equality, justice and fairplay. According to the Adviser for press and culture with the US Embassy in Bucharest Ronald Hawkins Jr, the audience will enjoy a typically American celebration atmosphere, with lots of refreshments, music, joy and many surprises.

    HANDBALL – Romanias womens handball champion CSM Bucharest is today taking on the Hungarian side Ferencvaros, in a decisive match for the qualification into the final four of the most important European competition. In the first match, the Romanian squad defeated the Hungarian squad 30-25. in 2016, CSM Bucharest won the Champions League playing the final against another Hungarian team, Gyor.