Tag: battle group

  • August 23, 2024 UPDATE

    August 23, 2024 UPDATE


    EU The Romanian Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu discussed, on Thursday, in Brussels, with the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, about the future European commissioner from Romania, about the implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, as well as about a new agreement on Romania’s budget deficit, which should extend over 7 years. Regarding the position of European commissioner, Marcel Ciolacu announced that he nominated Victor Negrescu, the current vice-president of the European Parliament. During the meeting, they tackled Romania’s accession to Schengen with its land borders, with the Prime Minister stressing that Ursula von der Leyen is the “biggest” supporter of this cause.


    DEFENCE The Chief of the defence staff, General Gheorghiţă Vlad, met on Thursday, in Bucharest, with his counterpart from the French Republic, General Thierry Burkhard, who is on an official visit to Romania. The talks between the two focused on the regional security situation, the progress in achieving full operational capacity of the NATO Battle Group in 2025, and the responsibilities of the French structures deployed to Romania in strengthening the Allied deterrence and defence posture. General Gheorghiţă Vlad emphasised that, in the last two years, the excellent cooperation between the two armies to ensure collective defence were also reflected in the increased interoperability between structures and in the development of training and quartering infrastructure. The visit also included a meeting of the two heads of defence with troops from the NATO Battle Group, at the Getica National Joint Training Center in Cincu. France is the lead nation of the NATO Battle Group.


    US ELECTION The Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris accepted her party’s nomination as a candidate for the US presidency, at the Democratic National Convention. She told her supporters that the country has a chance to overcome resentment, cynicism and division. Harris promised tax cuts for the middle class. As regards abortions, she accused her opponent, the former Republican President Donald Trump, of wanting to introduce a national ban. In terms of foreign policy, Harris said that dictators around the world support Trump, the BBC reports.


    COMMEMORATION The president of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, in his message on the Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Fascism and Communism, says that populism and hate speech are once again present, under various forms. He argues that this is precisely why society as a whole must stay alert to the risk of all the values embraced by Romania being pushed into irrelevance. Iohannis also mentioned the crucial decision made by King Michael I, who acted with responsibility and dignity and changed the fateful course of WWII, saving the country from imminent disaster. In turn, PM Marcel Ciolacu reiterated the government’s firm commitment to fight all forms of extremism, and to strengthen civic engagement, by educating the youth with respect to all the landmarks in recent history.


    SCHOOLS Students in secondary schools and high schools in Romania will have more rules to observe in the new academic year. School rules stipulate, among other things, that students cannot hold mobile phones during classes and provide for penalties in case of violations. School operation rules have also been amended. Novelties include conduct grades for each module, separate tests for 9th grade admission, and a teacher in charge of EU-funded projects in each school, as well as online or hybrid classes for students in exceptional situations. On the other hand, secondary school and high school students with final grades above 9.50 will receive merits scholarships. For this academic year, the merit scholarship minimum amount is nearly EUR 90. This amount may be increased by school boards, depending on the budget earmarked by the local authorities.


    TENNIS The Romanian tennis player Gabriela Ruse managed to reach the singles main draw of the US Open Grand Slam tournament, which starts on Monday in New York, after defeating Alexandra Eala from the Philippines in 3 sets. Ruse will face Julia Grabher from Austria in the inaugural round. She is the third Romanian to reach the singles main draw at the US Open, after Ana Bogdan and Jaqueline Cristian entered the singles draw thanks to ranking. Cristian will play against Russia’s Daria Kasatkina, seeded 12, while Ana Bogdan will meet the Dutch Arantxa Rus in the first round. (AMP)

  • Esercitazione Dacian Lancer 2023

    Esercitazione Dacian Lancer 2023

    (di Adrian Gîtman) Circa 900 militari di più paesi che hanno dispiegato truppe in Romania, hanno partecipato all’esercitazione Dacian Lancer 2023, svoltasi dall’11 al 22 settembre al Centro Nazionale di Addestramento Congiunto Getica di Cincu, in provincia di Braşov (centro). I militari impegnati nell’esercitazione hanno fatto parte del Comando Multinazionale Divisione Sud-Est e del Comando Multinazionale Brigata Sud-Est, due strutture di comando NATO sul territorio della Romania.

    All’esercitazione hanno partecipato anche militari del Battle Group alleato schierato in Romania, con Francia nazione quadro, del Battle Group NATO in Bulgaria, sotto comando italiano, come anche della 2º Brigata Meccanizzata bulgara e del 2º Battaglione Meccanizzato del Portogallo. Dacian Lancer 2023 è stata un’esercitazione di comando tattico, volta a valutare il livello della capacità di combattimento dei comandi della Brigata Multinazionale Sud-Est, del 300º Battaglione Supporto e del 45º Battaglione Comunicazioni e Informatica, le ultime due strutture appartenendo alle Forze Terrestri Romene.

    L’esercitazione è stata pianificata e guidata dal Comando Multinazionale Divisione Sud-Est. Il vicecomandante della struttura, il generale di brigata francese Loik Girard, ci ha dichiarato che il punto forte di questa esercitazione consiste nel fatto che la NATO mette a disposizione un quadro generale che tutti conoscono molto bene, e le nazioni partecipanti si addestrano insieme, esercitando le procedure e il linguaggio comune.

    Il tenente colonnello Kris Callaerts, ufficiale dell’esercito canadese, ha dichiarato alla Rete radiofonica del Giornale Militare dell’Esercito romeno (Jurnal Militar) che è importante aggiungere realismo all’esercitazione per offrire all’audience di addestramento un’immagine quanto più fedele su quanto accade sul campo.

    Per i militari italiani del Gruppo Tattico alleato in Bulgaria, il motto NATO Insieme siamo più forti non è un semplice motto, bensì rappresenta un impegno reale per garantire la pace e la sicurezza laddove è necessario, ci ha detto il luogotenente Giuseppe Napoletano.

    Vi informiamo, inoltre, che un distaccamento dell’US Air Force in Europa è arrivato il 22 settembre in Romania, alla 86º Base Aerea di Borcea (sud-est). Il contingente annovera 100 militari e quattro caccia F-16 Fighting Falcon. I militari americani eseguiranno missioni di Enhanced Air Policing e di addestramento congiunto con le Forze Aeree Romene. Il Ministero della Difesa romeno precisa in un comunicato che le missioni di polizia aerea e di addestramento congiunto contribuiscono all’aumento della capacità di reazione e deterrenza, nonchè al consolidamento dell’interoperabilità tra le Forze Aeree Romene e americane.

    Nei giorni scorsi, l’ambasciatore degli USA in Romania, Kathleen Kavalec, ha detto che gli Stati Uniti sono preoccupati della situazione di sicurezza nella regione del Mar Nero, nelle condizioni generate dagli attacchi illegali eseguiti costantemente dalla Russia contro l’infrastruttura portuale dell’Ucraina sul Danubio. Kavalec ha precisato inoltre che il Governo americano resta pienamente impegnato nel potenziamento delle capacità della Romania e della NATO di difendere e dissuadere qualsiasi aggressione contro il territorio comune alleato sul Fianco Orientale.

    L’ultima informazione arriva oggi dal Centro di Addestramento al Combattimento di Smârdan, in provincia di Galaţi (est della Romania), dove militari francesi e belgi del Battle Group NATO dislocato in Romania svolgono fino a fine settembre addestramenti congiunti con militari della 15º Brigata Meccanizzata delle Forze Terrestri Romene.

  • May 24, 2022

    May 24, 2022

    MEASURES A new set of social and economic measures agreed on by the ruling
    coalition made up of the Social Democratic Party and the National Liberal Party
    will take effect in Romania as of July 1. The measures include postponements of
    bank loan repayments for citizens and businesses struggling with financial
    problems, as well as support for low-income pensioners. The government will
    also take steps to ensure fiscal consolidation and public deficit commitments. The
    costs of this set of measures reach EUR 1.1 bln.

    POLL Six out of 10 Romanians (58%) believe cutting consumption is the
    easiest solution for the financial difficulties caused by the rising inflation,
    says a survey made public today. In April, the inflation rate reached a record
    13.8%, well above the National Bank’s 12.5% forecast for 2022. According to the
    survey, 67% of the respondents see the government of Romania as responsible for
    this inflation rate. Three-quarters of Romanians also believe inflation is
    higher in Romania than in other countries. The respondents say the most
    substantial price rises are witnessed for foodstuffs (77%), fuel (77%) and
    utilities (electricity and gas) – 70%. In this context, 58% say reducing
    consumption could solve the inflation problem, but pay raises are also
    considered as solutions, and so is emigration. The survey was conducted online,
    between April 20 and 26.

    IMF The International Monetary Fund managing director Kristalina
    Georgieva said on Monday that while a recession of the world’s major economies
    is not expected, it is not out of the question either. The global economic
    prospects have worsened since the IMF’s downward adjustment of its 2022
    forecasts, owing to the war in Ukraine, the slow-down of China’s economy and
    the global price shocks, especially in the foodstuff sector. ‘In a short period
    of time…the horizon has darkened,’ Kristalina Georgieva said. In January, the
    IMF estimated that this year the global economy will grow by 4.4%, but last
    month the forecast was adjusted to 3.6%.

    NATO NATO fighter jets deployed to military bases in Romania carry on their
    missions to ensure the integrity of the Allied air space, the Romanian defence
    ministry said. In less than 6 months, Italian Eurofighter Typhoon aircraft
    stationed at the Mihail Kogălniceanu base in south-eastern Romania reported a
    combined 1,000 hours of flight in NATO missions protecting the Romanian air
    space. Air missions are paired with missions of the NATO Battlegroup set up in
    Romania in the wake of Russia’s invading neighbouring Ukraine.

    REFUGEES The number of Ukrainian nationals entering Romania on Monday was 2.4%
    smaller than on the previous day, reaching 7,709, the Romanian border police
    announced. Since the start of the crisis, more than one million refugees crossed
    the border into Romania. Meanwhile, new checkpoints will be opened on Romania’s
    border with Ukraine, allowing the Siret checkpoint, in the north-east, where
    trucks are currently waiting up to 14 hours to leave the country, to give
    priority to humanitarian assistance shipments. In a first stage, a checkpoint
    will be opened at Vicovu de Sus (north) for vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes, and
    another one at Racovăţ (north-east) for vehicles of up to 7 tonnes. Later on, a
    new checkpoint will also be operational in Ulma (north-east).

    TENNIS The Romanian tennis player Ana Bogdan Ana Bogdan (93 WTA) was
    defeated on Monday by Victoria Azarenka of Belarus (15 WTA), 6-7 (7-9), 7-6
    (7-1), 6-2, in the first round of the Roland Garros Grand Slam tournament. Irina
    Begu was also scheduled to play on Monday against Jasmine Paolini of Italy, but
    the match was suspended because of the rain in the 3rd set. On
    Tuesday 3 other Romanians, Simona Halep, Irina Bara and Mihaela Buzărnescu will
    play in the main draw. Sorana Cîrstea qualified in the second round on Sunday,
    while Gabriela Ruse lost her first round. Halep, seed no. 19, is a Roland
    Garros champion in 2018 and a finalist in 2014 and 2017. (AMP)