Tag: Batumi

  • Perspective olimpice – Halterofila Loredana Toma

    Perspective olimpice – Halterofila Loredana Toma

    Campioana mondială şi europeană la haltere
    Loredana Toma
    a declarat, într-un interviu acordat AGERPRES, că s-a obişnuit cu
    izolarea la domiciliu în contextul pandemiei de coronavirus. Ea a precizat însă că, după două zile de antrenamente la sala de
    acasă, a rupt podeaua cu greutăţile. Loredana a explicat că
    şi-a amenajat, cu acordul administratorilor, o încăpere la parterul blocului în
    care locuieşte pentru că nu se putea pregăti cu halterele în apartamentul de la
    etajul 4.

    Campioana mondială din 2017 se pregăteşte normal, câte patru ore pe
    zi, dar îi lipseşte recuperarea, care, acasă, se rezumă la băi cu sare de mare.
    Loredana Toma, care concurează la categoria 64 de kilograme, susţine că în
    perioada aceasta problema principală
    este motivaţia. Ea speră ca
    măcar Campionatele Europene, amânate pentru 13-21 iunie din cauza pandemiei, să
    se mai desfăşoare în acest an.

    Visul sportivei în vârstă de 24 de ani este
    legat însă de Jocurile Olimpice.
    Ea recunoaşte că şi-ar fi
    dorit ca acestea să nu fie amânate pentru 2021, ci să se desfăşoare anul
    acesta, chiar şi fără spectatori, pentru că se afla într-o formă foarte bună.
    Dar chiar şi în 2021, Loredana Toma crede că şansele sale la o medalie sunt
    destul de mari.

    Loredana Toma s-a
    născut în data de 10 mai 1995, în oraşul Botoşani. A câştigat
    mai multe medalii de aur la campionatele europene de juniori şi de tineret. La
    seniori, în 2013 şi 2014, a obţinut medalii de argint la categoria 58 de
    kilograme. Între 2014 şi 2016 a fost suspendată pentru dopaj cu stanozolol. De
    la Europenele din Croaţia, din luna aprilie a anului 2017, a dominat categoria
    63 de kilograme atât la smuls, cât şi la aruncat.

    A confirmat la Mondialele de la
    Anaheim, din decembrie 2017, de unde s-a întors cu alte trei medalii de aur,
    apoi la Europenele din 2018, de la Bucureşti, unde, iarăşi, a câştigat tot. A
    fost apoi medaliată cu aur de trei ori la Europenele din 2019, de la Batumi. La
    Mondialele de anul trecut, din Thailanda, a câştigat două medalii de bronz, la
    categoria 64 de kg, la stilul aruncat şi la total.

  • The Athlete of the Week

    The Athlete of the Week

    The European Senior Weightlifting Championships, which are underway in the Georgian town of Batumi, as of this past Sunday have been an opportunity for participants to amass points enabling them to qualify for the 2020 edition of the Tokyo Olympics, so the stakes are really high for the ongoing competition in Batumi.

    A delegation made of 14 Romanian weightlifters traveled to Georgia. Ahead of the departure, the stated goal expressed by the president of the Romanian Weightlifting Federation Nucu Vlad was to win two, maybe three medals. However, the Romanian weightlifters’ excellent run went way above par, since in the debut day of the competition they won no less than five medals.

    Three of those medals were gold. They were won by Elena Andries in the 49-kilogram category. The other two medals were bronze and were won by Cosmina Pana in the 45-kilogram category, the clean and jerk style, and Cristian Marian Luca in the 55-kilogram category, the snatch style. On Monday, Sorina Hulpan won bronze, in the 59-kilogram category, the clean and jerk style.

    Thanks to her outstanding run in Batumi, Elena Andries has been designated the Athlete of the week on Radio Romania International.

    We should also note that in Batumi, Andries compelled recognition in the snatch style, lifting 87 kilograms. Following her in descending order were Russia’s Kristina Sobol, with 85 kilograms and French Anais Michel, with 79 kilograms. In the clean and jerk style, Andries also emerged as winner, with 103 kilograms, failing a second attempt, set at 105 kilograms. Italy’s Giorgia Russo came in 2nd, also with 103 kilograms, while third-placed was Manon Lorentz, also from France, with 99 kilograms. Under the circumstances, Elena Andries came at the top of the table with an overall output of 190 kilograms, followed by Sobol, with 180 and Russo, with 178 kilograms.

    Elena Ramona Andries was born in Galaţi, on September 21, 1994. At the 2012 European Championship in Turkey, Andries came in 4th. However, at the European Championships of 2013 Andries tested positive for Stanazolol and was suspended until 2015. Elena Andries then resumed participating in competitions and in 2017, at the European Championships in Split, she walked away with bronze in the snatch style and overall events. At the European Championships hosted by Romania in 2018, Andries won gold in the snatch and clean and jerk styles, as well as overall, so her excellent run in Georgia only confirms her status at European level, in the 49-kilogram category.

  • The Athlete of the Week

    The Athlete of the Week

    The European Senior Weightlifting Championships, which are underway in the Georgian town of Batumi, as of this past Sunday have been an opportunity for participants to amass points enabling them to qualify for the 2020 edition of the Tokyo Olympics, so the stakes are really high for the ongoing competition in Batumi.

    A delegation made of 14 Romanian weightlifters traveled to Georgia. Ahead of the departure, the stated goal expressed by the president of the Romanian Weightlifting Federation Nucu Vlad was to win two, maybe three medals. However, the Romanian weightlifters’ excellent run went way above par, since in the debut day of the competition they won no less than five medals.

    Three of those medals were gold. They were won by Elena Andries in the 49-kilogram category. The other two medals were bronze and were won by Cosmina Pana in the 45-kilogram category, the clean and jerk style, and Cristian Marian Luca in the 55-kilogram category, the snatch style. On Monday, Sorina Hulpan won bronze, in the 59-kilogram category, the clean and jerk style.

    Thanks to her outstanding run in Batumi, Elena Andries has been designated the Athlete of the week on Radio Romania International.

    We should also note that in Batumi, Andries compelled recognition in the snatch style, lifting 87 kilograms. Following her in descending order were Russia’s Kristina Sobol, with 85 kilograms and French Anais Michel, with 79 kilograms. In the clean and jerk style, Andries also emerged as winner, with 103 kilograms, failing a second attempt, set at 105 kilograms. Italy’s Giorgia Russo came in 2nd, also with 103 kilograms, while third-placed was Manon Lorentz, also from France, with 99 kilograms. Under the circumstances, Elena Andries came at the top of the table with an overall output of 190 kilograms, followed by Sobol, with 180 and Russo, with 178 kilograms.

    Elena Ramona Andries was born in Galaţi, on September 21, 1994. At the 2012 European Championship in Turkey, Andries came in 4th. However, at the European Championships of 2013 Andries tested positive for Stanazolol and was suspended until 2015. Elena Andries then resumed participating in competitions and in 2017, at the European Championships in Split, she walked away with bronze in the snatch style and overall events. At the European Championships hosted by Romania in 2018, Andries won gold in the snatch and clean and jerk styles, as well as overall, so her excellent run in Georgia only confirms her status at European level, in the 49-kilogram category.

  • April 8, 2019

    April 8, 2019

    DRILL Sea Shield 2019, a military drill involving the
    participation of more than two thousand servicemen from six countries, is
    underway in Constanta, Romania’s main Black Sea port. Participants will these
    days be training in order to be able to respond to various types of attacks, coming
    from submarines, battleships or warplanes in the Black Sea. According to
    Vice-admiral Alexandru Mîrşu, the Romanian Navy Chief of Staff, the structure
    coordinating the exercise, the drill’s scenario is a fictional one being by no
    means provocative. NATO has beefed up its presence in the Black Sea from 80 to
    120 days per year and the NATO Mine Countermeasures Group made up of ships from
    the Netherlands, Canada, Turkey, Bulgaria and Romania is proof of the
    Alliance’s commitment to protecting the eastern flank, preventing conflicts and
    keeping peace in the region.

    SPORT As of today until April 14th
    over 600 athletes from 40 countries are attending the European Wrestling
    Championships in Bucharest, a competition where Romania is represented by 30
    athletes. Romania has hosted the aforementioned competition for the second time
    now, after the 1979 edition. Athletes from Romania walked away with five medals
    from the European Championships in 2018: one gold, one silver and three bronze.
    Romanian Elena Andries has won three gold medals, in the jerk, snatch and total
    events of the European Weightlifting Championships in Batumi, Georgia. Cosmina
    Pana and Cristian Marian Luca, also from the Romanian delegation have won two
    bronze medals in the jerk and snatch events of the same competition. 14
    athletes from Romania are participating in the Batumi competition, which offers
    points for qualification for the Tokyo Olympics in 2020.

    VOTE The Senate in Bucharest is today debating the simple motion
    tabled by the opposition National Liberal Party and Save Romania Union against
    Justice Minister Tudorel Toader. The document signatories say the tensions that
    are facing the legal system would be defused by the sacking of the current
    justice minister. Another argument is the latest amendments to the Penal and
    Penal Procedure Codes through emergency ordinance is impacting Romania’s legal
    system running against the recommendations of the European institutions. On March
    20th, the Chamber of Deputies rejected another simple motion
    against the Justice Minister.

    NARCOTICS Several cocaine packages have
    washed up on the Romanian shore in tourist resorts. They are the remnants of a
    transport evaluated to weigh around a ton, carried by a boat that capsized two
    weeks ago around the town of Tulcea. Since then, hundreds of gendarmes and
    police divers assisted by prosecutors have swept 90 km of Romanian coastline.
    The police, continuing the search for suspect material washing up on the beach,
    called on people to announce the authorities when finding such packages without
    tampering with them. The police said that the drugs are highly concentrated and
    dangerous if consumed. Organized crime prosecutors claim that the cocaine
    capture has a market value estimated at 300 million Euro. So far, 131 kilograms
    of drugs have been recovered.

    FILE Romania’s chief prosecutor,
    Augustin Lazar has today announced that the Military Prosecutors’ Department
    has submitted to court the indictment in the file of the anticommunist
    revolution of 1989. The file has over three thousand pages, the prosecutor added
    apologizing for the excessively long inquiry period of nearly 30 years. The
    country’s former leftist president, Ion Iliescu, and Deputy Prime Minister Gelu
    Voican have been placed under criminal investigation in this file for crimes
    against humanity committed upon the demise of the communist regime between
    December 22nd and 31st 1989. The aforementioned persons held
    various official positions in the then FSN council, a body that had executive
    and legislative power at the time. The revolution’s official death toll stays
    at over one thousand dead and three thousand wounded, mostly after the collapse
    of the oppressive dictatorship of Nicolae Ceausescu. Romania was the only
    country in eastern and central Europe which passed from a dictatorship to
    democracy through bloodshed.

    (translated by bill)