Tag: Beirut

  • Lufthansa îşi suspendă zborurile către Beirut până la 16 octombrie

    Lufthansa îşi suspendă zborurile către Beirut până la 16 octombrie

    Lufthansa îşi suspendă zborurile către Beirut până la 16 octombrie inclusiv, a anunţat, vineri, transportatorul aerian german. Situaţia actuală din Orientul Mijlociu costitutie motivul pentru această suspendare, potrivit purătorului de cuvânt al companiei.

    În urma cu o săptămână, Lufthansa anunţase deja suspendarea zborurilor către Tel Aviv din cauza situaţiei de securitate. Această suspendare este în vigoare până la 22 octombrie, a amintit vineri seara purtătorul de cuvânt.

    Zboruri de evacuare a cetăţenilor germani blocaţi în Israel au fost organizate joi şi vineri de guvernul german.

    După ce aproximativ 950 de cetăţeni germani au fost evacuaţi joi, peste 850 de germani au părăsit Israelul vineri, a indicat vineri seara pe platforma X Ministerul german de Externe.

    Aceste zboruri organizate de Lufthansa la cererea Ministerului Afacerilor Externe au făcut legătura între Tel Aviv, Frankfurt şi Munchen.

  • Nachrichten 11.08.2020

    Nachrichten 11.08.2020

    In Rumänien liegt die Gesamtzahl der COVID-19-Infektionen bei über 63.700. In den letzten 24 Stunden wurden 1215 Neuinfektionen gemeldet. Die Zahl der Todesopfer liegt bei 2.764, so die Strategische Kommunikationsgruppe. 485 Patienten befinden sich auf der Intensivstation, über 30.300 Covid-19-Kranke haben sich erholt. Premierminister Ludovic Orban sagte, der Gesundheitswarnzustand werde höchstwahrscheinlich verlängert, aber die Entscheidung werde auf der Grundlage der epidemiologischen Entwicklungen getroffen. Es wird erwartet, dass der Premierminister am Mittwoch im Parlament den Bericht über das Management der Pandemie vorlegt, wie von der Führung der Legislative gefordert. Am selben Tag soll im Plenum des Parlaments ein Bericht des Rechnungshofs über die von der Exekutive während der Gesundheitskrise getätigten Beschaffungen präsentiert werden.

    Spanien ist von der gelben Liste der Länder mit hohem epidemiologischen Risiko gestrichen worden, und Reisende, die aus Spanien nach Rumänien einreisen, müssen nicht mehr 14 Tage lang unter Quarantäne gestellt werden. Viele rumänische Staatsbürger, die in Spanien leben, bereiteten sich darauf vor, diesen Monat ihren Urlaub in Rumänien zu verbringen.

    Die Zahl der Coronavirusinfektionen hat laut einer Bilanz der Johns Hopkins University mit Sitz in den Vereinigten Staaten weltweit 20 Millionen überschritten. Mehr als 5 Millionen wurden in den Vereinigten Staaten gemeldet, d.h. mehr als ein Viertel der Gesamtzahl. Danach folgen Brasilien und Indien mit den meisten Fällen, etwa 3 Millionen bzw. 2,2 Millionen. Weltweit sind mehr als 733.000 Menschen an den Folgen von Covid-19 gestorben. In Europa hat Griechenland nach zahlreichen Infektionsfällen die nächtliche Schließung von Bars und Restaurants in einigen seiner wichtigsten Touristenziele verfügt. Dazu gehören die berühmten Inseln Mykonos, Santorin, Korfu, Rhodos und Kreta. Die Beschränkung gilt bis zum 23. August.

    Die libanesische Regierung ist nach der Explosionskatastrophe in Beirut zurückgetreten. Das kündigte Premierminister Hassan Diab in einer Fernsehansprache an. Ebenso wie das Volk verlange man Gerechtigkeit, sagte Diab. Er machte die weitverbreitete Korruption im Land für das Unglück mitverantwortlich. Bei dem Unglück waren mindestens 160 Menschen ums Leben gekommen und mehr als 6.000 verletzt worden. Die Explosion wurde nach Angaben der Behörden durch 2.750 Tonnen Ammoniumnitrat verursacht, die sechs Jahre lang unter unzulänglichen Bedingungen im Hafen von Beirut gelagert wurden. Nach der Explosion vor einer Woche brachen in Beirut gewalttätige Proteste aus, bei denen ein Polizist getötet und mindestens 250 Menschen verletzt wurden.

    Ein Protestierender wurde am Montag abend in der weißrussischen Hauptstadt Minsk durch einen Sprengsatz getötet, den er während der Proteste gegen die Wiederwahl von Präsident Alexander Lukaschenko auf die Ordnungskräfte werfen wollte, meldete die örtliche Polizei. Mehrere andere Menschen wurden verletzt. Die Zusammenstöße zwischen Polizei und Demonstranten fanden in der zweiten Nacht in Folge statt, nachdem Lukaschenko rund 80 Prozent der Stimmen erhalten hatte. Die Polizei in Kampfausrüstung setzte am Freitag Tränengas und Gummigeschösse gegen die protestierende Menge ein und nahm Hunderte von Demonstranten fest. Lukaschenko verglich die Demonstranten mit kriminellen Banden und gefährlichen Revolutionären, die obskure ausländische Unterstützer hätten. Die politische Opposition hingegen wirft dem Präsidenten Wahlbetrug vor. Swetlana Tichanowskaja, Alexander Lukaschenkos Gegnerin bei den jüngsten Präsidentenwahlen, suchte in Litauen Zuflucht vor den gewalttätigen Zusammenstößen in ihrer Heimat.

  • August 10, 2020

    August 10, 2020

    COVID-19 In Romania, the total number of COVID-19 infections is now over 62,500, with 779 new cases reported on Monday and with the death toll standing at 2,729, of which 29 in the last 24 hours, according to the Strategic Communication Group. As many as 476 patients are in intensive care units, and over 30,311 have recovered. The largest numbers of SARS-CoV-2 cases are reported in Bucharest and in the counties of Suceava (north-east) and Arges (south). Healthcare experts once again urged citizens to observe protection rules. They warned that private parties or family gatherings do not eliminate infection risks even if they take place outdoors. Today, the National Public Health Institute decided to include Spain in the yellow risk area. As of Tuesday, all those who travel from Spain to Romania must self-isolate for 14 days, and all flights from Spain to Romania are cancelled. Meanwhile, Italy has extended its self-isolation requirement for all people having stayed or transited Romania up to 14 days before arriving in Italy. The measure will be in place until September 7.

    PANDEMIC Around the globe, some 20 million cases and 730,000 deaths have been confirmed so far. The US and Latin America are severely affected, in Asia the worst hit country is India, with over 43,000 deaths, while in Africa the worst situation is reported in South Africa. The Gulf region is also severely hit, with over 600,000 cases confirmed in Iran and Saudi Arabia alone.

    INVESTIGATION The Bucharest Court of Appeals is today analysing the request of the Directorate Investigating Organised Crime and Terrorism Offences (DIICOT) to reopen the investigation against senior gendarme officials with respect to the anti-government protests of August 10, 2018. Last week, the Court of Appeals postponed the request. On Tuesday the chief prosecutor of DIICOT, Giorgiana Hosu, dismissed the decision to close the case and ordered the recommencement of prosecution against the former officials of the Romanian Gendarme Corps. The case had been closed in late June, when the case prosecutor decided that there was neither evidence of an attempted coup, as gendarme officials had claimed at the time, nor evidence that the crackdown on the protests had been planned beforehand. The reopening of the case must be approved by a judge, and then the investigation will be taken over by the Military Prosecutors Office. The former gendarme chiefs will be probed into, among others, for abuse of office and improper participation in misrepresentation, abusive conduct and fraud.

    DEFICIT Romanias trade deficit for the first 6 months of the year stands at 8.665 billion euros, up 935.7 million euros since the level reported for the first half of 2019, the National Statistics Institute announced on Monday. Between January 1 and June 30, Romanias exports totaled 28.590 billion euros, and imports 37.255 billion euros. During the same period, exports dropped by 18.1%, while imports went down 12.6%, compared to the corresponding period of 2019.

    LEBANON Nearly one week after the devastating blast in Beirut, which killed 158 people and injured 6,000, the international community put together an emergency aid package of nearly 253 million euros for Lebanon, and promised it would reach the Lebanese people directly. The money was pledged at a virtual donor conference hosted by France. An investigation is underway to clarify the causes of the disaster, and leaders around the world have asked for a transparent inquiry. Meanwhile, in Beirut, protests are growing, having already led to the resignation of 2 cabinet ministers. For 2 days in a row, protesters demanded the government should step down, and accused politicians of incompetence and corruption. Clashes have been reported between the protesters and the police, with 250 people wounded and 65 hospitalised according to the Lebanese Red Cross. One policeman was killed.

    ELECTION The incumbent president of Belarus, Aleksandr Lukashenko, won a new term in office with 80.23% of the votes cast in Sundays election, according to preliminary results. Viewed as Europes last dictator, Lukashenko has ruled Belarus since 1994. Svetlana Tihanovskaia, a former English teacher turned Lukashenkos main challenger in the presidential election, got 9.9% of the votes. The results were challenged by protesters who took to the streets on Sunday. Clashes with the police were reported, with at least one person dead and scores of others injured. (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • August 9, 2020 UPDATE

    August 9, 2020 UPDATE

    COVID-19 In Romania, another 1,145 coronavirus infections were reported, taking the total number of cases since the start of the pandemic up to 61,768. More than 30,000 patients have recovered. The Strategic Communication Group announced that 458 patients are still in intensive care. The death toll of the pandemic in Romania is 2,700. Romania requested 10 million vaccine doses, when one is available, the health minister Nelu Tătaru announced. He added the vaccine will primarily be given to healthcare staff, to the elderly and people with previous conditions. Tǎtaru also warned that many cases are confirmed among tourists returning from their holidays, and reminded that the number of cases depends to a great extent on peoples compliance with face covering and distancing requirements. Apart from tourism, the health minister added, a number of other major risks have been identified, including business activities and regional commuting and transport. Tǎtaru expects a steady number of new cases rather than an increase, but warned that the situation depends entirely on people observing protection rules. Meanwhile, Italian authorities extended the self-isolation requirement for all people having stayed or transited Romania up to 14 days before arriving in Italy. The measure will be in place until September 7.

    PANDEMIC Meanwhile, in spite of international and local efforts, the covonavirus continues to spread. worldometers.info reports some 20 million cases worldwide, over 729,000 deaths, and at least 12.7 million patients recovered since the first case was reported in China 7 months ago. The worst hit country is the USA. Many countries are stepping up efforts to create a vaccine. Singapore is starting trials on 100 patients next week, in a first stage that would take until October. In Israel human trials will also begin soon. The US has recently increased investments to support a potential vaccine currently in the final stage of clinical trials. Pharmaceutical companies around the world have signed contracts with countries like Canada, Germany, France, Italy and the Netherlands for experimental COVID-19 vaccines.

    GOVERNMENT The interim Senate speaker Robert Cazanciuc presented in a press conference on Sunday the “black book of the Liberal government, which will be the foundation for a no-confidence motion announced by the Social Democratic Party against Ludovic Orbans cabinet. The largest opposition party in Romania says that under the Liberal government the healthcare situation is out of control, and the number of COVID-19 cases in recent weeks proves that the government has failed to properly handle the epidemic. The Social Democrats also believe the Liberal government backed by the President of Romania has fumbled all economic recovery attempts, failing to properly implement any measure. According to the Social Democrats, these are the results of a government only interested in elections and in quick gains for party clients.

    ECONOMY Romania will avoid technical recession and its economy will shrink by less than predicted by rating agencies, the European Commission, the IMF and the banking sector, thanks to a prompt and efficient package of economic policies, the Romanian finance minister Florin Cîţu says. In a Facebook post, he says the countrys economic recovery will begin in the 3rd quarter, which means positive economic growth in 2021. Florin Cîţu argues that the fiscal policy gave an “immediate, strong and, more importantly, targeted response to the challenges entailed by the pandemic.

    LEBANON The French president Emmanuel Macron has called for quick and effective action to ensure the international aid reaches the Lebanese people, in the wake of the massive explosion that ravaged Beirut. In a virtual international donor conference on Sunday, Macron also called on the Lebanese authorities to respond to the demands legitimately voiced by people in the streets with adequate political and economic reforms. The French official pleaded for an impartial, credible and independent inquiry into the causes of the disaster on August 4. Fifteen heads of state and government, including the US president Donald Trump, took part in the conference co-hosted by France and the UN and attended by representatives of some 30 countries and international organisations. Romania has already joined the international relief effort. Nearly 8 tonnes of medical materials and pharmaceuticals were donated and shipped on Saturday from Romania to Lebanon. At least 158 people died, 6,000 were injured and 300,000 lost their homes in Beirut when a warehouse storing more than 2,000 tonnes of amonium nitrate caught fire. The blast came amid the already unfolding COVID-19 crisis, a deep economic crisis and anti-governmental discontent among the Lebanese people. (Translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • August 9, 2020

    August 9, 2020

    COVID-19 In Romania, another 1,145 coronavirus infections were reported in the last 24 hours, taking the total number of cases since the start of the pandemic up to 61,768. More than 30,000 patients have recovered. The Strategic Communication Group announced that 458 patients are still in intensive care. The death toll of the pandemic in Romania is 2,700, with 41 deaths reported in the last 24 hours. The first COVID-19 case in the country was confirmed on February 26. The authorities urge citizens to get information from official sources only. Romania requested 10 million vaccine doses, when one is available, the health minister Nelu Tătaru announced. He added the vaccine will primarily be given to healthcare staff, to the elderly and people with previous conditions. Tǎtaru also warned that many cases are confirmed among tourists returning from their holidays, and reminded that the number of cases depends to a great extent on peoples compliance with face covering and distancing requirements. Apart from tourism, the health minister added, a number of other major risks have been identified, including business activities and regional commuting and transport. Tǎtaru expects a steady number of new cases next week, rather than an increase, but warned that the situation depends entirely on people observing protection rules.

    PANDEMIC Meanwhile, in spite of international and local efforts, the covonavirus continues to spread. worldometers.info reports at least 19.8 million cases worldwide, over 729,000 deaths, and at least 12.7 million patients recovered since the first case was reported in China 7 months ago. The worst hit country is the USA, which currently has over 5.1 million cases and over 165,000 deaths. Problems are still reported in Europe, with Britain still the worst affected (46,000 deaths), followed by Italy (35,000), France (30,000) and Spain (28,000). Many countries are stepping up efforts to create a vaccine. Singapore is starting human trials next week, in a first stage that would take until October. In Israel trials will also begin soon, while Russia announced it was producing 2 vaccines to be distributed this month—an announcement received with reserve by the World Health Organisation. The US has recently increased investments to support a potential vaccine currently in the last stage of clinical trials. Pharmaceutical companies around the world have signed contracts with countries like Canada, Germany, France, Italy and the Netherlands for experimental COVID-19 vaccines.

    TIFF Today brings the last screenings as part of the Transylvania International Film Festival in Cluj-Napoca. On Saturday night, the winners of this years edition were announced, in an event where the director Cristi Puiu caused a stir when he urged people to take off their protection masks. At the opening of his latest movie, “Malmkrog, Puiu argued that it is “inhuman to have people watch a 200-minute long film with their faces covered. The Transilvania trophy went to ”Babyteeth, the debut feature of the Australian director Shannon Murphy. The award gala was held for the first time outdoors, in the Union Square in Cluj-Napoca, as were all the around 140 film screenings this year.

    LEBANON The leaders of the worlds most powerful states are discussing today, in a conference call initiated by France and the UN, means to raise aid for Lebanon, after the massive explosion that ravaged Beirut. The US president Donald Trump said he planned to join the call. Several countries promised millions of US dollars in aid and sent vessels, healthcare workers and materials to help. Romania has joined the international relief effort. Nearly 8 tonnes of medical materials and pharmaceuticals were donated and shipped on Saturday from Romania to Lebanon. Authorities estimate the blast caused losses of up to 15 billion dollars. At least 158 people died, 5,000 were injured and 300 lost their homes. On Saturday several thousand people took to the streets, and clashes with the police were reported. Lebanons PM Hassan Diab said he would push for early elections. Lebanon was already in a major economic crisis and struggling with the coronavirus pandemic.

    NAGASAKI The mayor of the Japanese city of Nagasaki urged the government to take more steps to eradicate atomic bombs in the world. Tomihisa Taue gave an address during the commemoration of the 1945 American attack on the city, which killed over 80,000 people, and said that as the only country in the world to experience the devastating effects of nuclear weapons, Japan should sign and ratify as soon as possible the agreement prohibiting nuclear weapons. On August 9, 1945, an atomic bomb nearly obliterated Japans fourth-largest city, after on August 6 another bomb had killed over 140,000 in Hiroshima. (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • August 8, 2020

    August 8, 2020

    COVID-19 Authorities in Bucharest have announced 1,350 new Covid infections, bringing
    the total number of cases to over 60 thousand since the beginning of the
    pandemic five months ago. 43 fatalities have also been announced adding to a
    death toll of 2,659. 448 patients have been reported to be in intensive care
    units. The most affected regions in Romania are the capital Bucharest and the
    counties of Prahova, Arges and Dambovita all in the country’s south. A state
    secretary, who is also an army physician, has been appointed in charge of the
    Public Health Direction in Bucharest (DSP) in an attempt to deal with the
    shortcomings of this institution. DSP has attracted a lot of heat lately for
    failed or even non-existent epidemiological investigations. In another move the
    Ombudsman has challenged at the Constitutional Court several provisions of the
    newly-passed law on quarantine and isolation. The compulsory hospitalization of
    those infected and the provisions regulating the deployment of the medical
    personnel have been challenged. The Ombudsman believes that mandatory
    hospitalization is tantamount to an abuse and this measure should be imposed
    only after all the other less severe measures have failed. According to the
    Ombudsman, under the current provisions, the deployment of personnel looks more
    like mandatory deployment and is unconstitutional. Prime Minister Ludovic Orban
    has criticized the Ombudsman’s latest moves saying it is challenging
    fundamental laws.

    MAE According
    to the Romanian Foreign Ministry, authorities in Germany have revised the
    conditions required for entering this country after 7 Romanian counties, Arges,
    Bihor, Buzau, Neamt, Ialomita, Mehedinti and Timis have been included on a list
    of risky regions. So all people coming from these regions, irrespective of
    their citizenship, must produce a negative Covid test carried out 48 hours
    before their arrival or take a free test 72 hours since their arrival on German
    soil. Those who refuse to comply can be denied entry or can be imposed self-isolation.
    If the test is carried out while on German soil, self-isolation is imposed
    until the result of the test is known.

    TOURISM Almost 150 thousand tourists are expected to arrive in the seaside
    resorts on the Romanian Black Sea coast this weekend, which are running to full
    capacity thanks to the hot weather. Tourists are requested to pay attention to
    several aspects such as the extreme hot weather, the rough sea or the issues
    caused by the novel coronavirus. As the seaside resorts are the most crowded
    tourist areas in Romania, tourists are facing an increased risk of infection. Teams
    made up of police troops, gendarmes, firefighters as well as representatives of
    the public healthcare institutions and consumers’ protection have been deployed
    to assess the observance of safety regulations. 150 fines totaling 11 thousand Euros
    have been applied in the past 24 hours.

    ASSISTANCE Romania has joined the international assistance efforts to Lebanon in
    the wake of the devastating explosion at an ammonium nitrate storehouse on
    Tuesday. Approximately 8 tons of medical equipment and medicine are today being
    transported to Lebanon by two planes belonging to the Romanian Air Force. The
    government in Bucharest, civil society and representatives of the Lebanese diaspora
    have responded to the assistance appeal received from the Lebanese government. Two
    experts with the Romanian General Emergency Inspectorate are accompanying the
    transport. The explosion has killed at least 150 people while 5,000 others have
    been wounded. Hundreds of Beirut residents have been made temporarily homeless
    while the collective loss might reach billions of dollars.

    (translated by bill)

  • August 7, 2020 UPDATE

    August 7, 2020 UPDATE

    Pandemic. 1,378 new infections with the novel coronavirus and 50 deaths were reported in Romania in the past 24 hours. 446 patients are in intensive care. More than 59,000 coronavirus infections have been confirmed in the country since the start of the pandemic five months ago. Almost 29,000 people have recovered. The capital Bucharest and the counties of Prahova and Arges have reported the biggest number of new infections. Doctor Alexandru Rafila, a microbiologist and Romanias representative at the World Health Organisation, says the disease has spread rapidly since the state of emergency was lifted. Rafila has said on Radio Romania that, unless the number of new infections drops, the Romanian medical system will find itself in a very difficult situation.

    Challenge. The Romanian Ombudsman Renate Weber challenged on Friday, at the Constitutional Court, two articles from the new quarantine law regarding “isolation in a health unit or alternative location attached to the health unit”, mandatory for 48 hours. In her notification, the Ombudsman states that the provisions of the contested law violate previous decisions given by the RCC and, in addition, the rules of the ECHR. In her opinion, hospitalization of patients should be a last resort. In reply, Liberal Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said that this action represents “an attack against Romanias fundamental interests”.

    Government. Next week, the Romanian Government will adopt the draft ordinance on budget adjustment, Prime Minister Ludovic Orban announced on Friday. It is the second adjustment this year, after the one in April, during the state of emergency. The PM stressed that the economic situation in Romania “is not one of the best”. Together with the Minister of Finance, Florin Cîțu, a discussion will take place on Monday with each authorizing officer, to see where there are different points of view, Ludovic Orban also said that the Ungheni – Chisinau gas pipeline is ready, which means there is the possibility of supplying natural gas from Romania to the Republic of Moldova

    Elections. In Romania, candidacies for the local elections due this fall can be submitted until August 18. Local elections should have taken place in June, but have been postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic. The Bucharest Parliament decided, in mid-June, to extend the mandate of locally-elected authorities until November 1st. At the beginning of July, the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies passed the law setting September 27 as the date for local elections.

    Georgia. Romania reaffirms its full support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia, the MFA said on Friday. After the First World War, in the conditions of the dismantling of the Russian Empire, Romania recognized in 1921 the independence of the Democratic Republic of Georgia. On 27 August 1991, the Government of Bucharest welcomed the “Declaration of the Parliament of the Republic of Georgia on the Restoration of State Independence” and expressed its readiness to develop friendly and collaborative relations on the basis of the UN Charter and the principles of international law. At the same time, Romania was the first state to recognize the restoration of Georgias independence. Between 2015 and 2016, the Romanian Embassy in Tbilisi exercised the second consecutive mandate of the NATO Contact Point Embassy, ​​an element able to strengthen Bucharests efforts to support Georgias aspirations to become a member of the Euro-Atlantic community and to share its expertise in this process, states the quoted source.

    Beirut. Anti-government protests continue in Beirut, where civilians have clashed with Lebanese security forces. Officers deployed tear gas on dozens of people near parliament, on Thursday evening. Protesters want the change of the political class which they see as incompetent and corrupt. Demonstrators were angered by Tuesdays devastating blast, which officials say was caused by 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate stored unsafely since 2013. The explosion killed at least 149 people and injured about 5,000 others. At least 16 port and customs authorities have been arrested.

    TIFF. The 19th edition of the Transylvania International Film Festival, the largest event dedicated to Romanian feature film, continues, until August 9, in several locations in Cluj-Napoca (northwest) and its surroundings. On Friday evening, just before the official premiere on television, the audience had the opportunity to watch the first two episodes of the original production “Tuff Money”, written and directed by Daniel Sandu, a humorous story about an unusual robbery. The documentary “Colectiv”, directed by Alexander Nanău, will also have a special screening. Produced during the catastrophic floods of 1970, the documentary “Water as a Black Buffalo” is considered the film-manifesto of a whole generation of Romanian directors, such as Stere Gulea and Dan Piţa. The phenomenon of illegal logging and timber trade is the subject of “Wood”, the documentary signed by Monica Lăzurean Gorgan, Michaela Kirst and Ebba Sinzinger, also screened on Friday. The festival will also host the Romanian premiere of the film “Willow” (directed by Milcho Manchevski) is scheduled, the story of three women from three different eras, whose destinies are transformed by motherhood.

  • Nachrichten 06.08.2020

    Nachrichten 06.08.2020

    Die Zahl der Coronavirus-Infektionen ist in Rumänien auf 57.895 gestiegen, wobei am Donnerstag 1.345 neue Fälle gemeldet wurden. Mehr als 28.900 Menschen haben sich von der Krankheit erholt und 2.566 sind daran gestorben. 458 Menschen befinden sich zurzeit auf der Intensivstation. Die Behörden haben die Bevölkerung erneut aufgefordert, die bestehenden Präventionsmaßnahmen zu respektieren. In der Zwischenzeit haben Länder wie Zypern, Finnland und Litauen wegen der ansteigenden Fallzahlen in Rumänien neue Beschränkungen für Einreisende aus Rumänien eingeführt. In Italien, dem Vereinigten Königreich, Irland, Norwegen, Estland und Lettland müssen Reisende aus Rumänien in eine 14-tägige Isolation gehen. Weltweit überstiegen die Infektionen 18,9 Millionen Menschen, etwa 12 Million Menschen haben sich von der Krankheit erholt, während die Zahl der Todesfälle bei mehr als 711.000 liegt.

    Das neue voruniversitäre Schuljahr beginnt in Rumänien traditionsgemäß am 14. September, und der Unterricht wird auf der Grundlage von drei Szenarien organisiert, die ständig aktualisiert werden, abhängig von der Anzahl der Covid-19-Infektionen pro tausend Einwohner. Präsident Klaus Iohannis sagte, dass die Entscheidung über eine mögliche vollständige oder teilweise Schließung von Schulen von den lokalen Behörden getroffen wird, aber die meisten Kinder werden in den Klassenzimmern anwesend sein. Die Bildungsministerin Monica Anisie sagte ihrerseits, dass die Schüler während des Unterrichts Schutzmasken tragen müssen.

    Die libanesischen Behörden haben die rumänische Botschaft in Beirut bisher nicht darüber informiert, ob sich unter den von der gewaltigen Explosion am Dienstag betroffenen Personen auch rumänische Staatsbürger befinden. Bei der rumänischen diplomatischen Vertretung sind keine konsularischen Hilfsersuchen eingegangen. Das Gebäude der rumänischen Botschaft wurde leicht beschädigt, und das gesamte Personal der diplomatischen Vertretung ist außer Gefahr. Der französische Architekt Jean-Marc Bonfils, der vor allem für die Restaurierung von kriegszerstörten Gebäuden bekannt ist, gehört zu den Opfern der Verwüstungen, die in der Hauptstadt des Libanon, der ehemaligen französischen Kolonie, angerichtet wurden. Nach der letzten offiziellen Bilanz sind mindestens 137 Menschen gestorben, mehr als 5.000 wurden verletzt und Dutzende als vermisst gemeldet. Durch die Explosionen wurden 300.000 Menschen obdachlos. Unter den Getöteten wurden nach Angaben der Pariser Staatsanwaltschaft, die eine Untersuchung eingeleitet hat, mindestens 21 französische Staatsbürger identifiziert. Die libanesischen Behörden gaben an, die Explosion sei durch die Explosion von 2.750 Tonnen Ammoniumnitrat verursacht worden, einer Substanz, die sowohl in Düngemitteln als auch in Sprengstoffen verwendet wird. Ihre Kraft war so groß, dass sie hunderte von Kilometern entfernt, bis nach Zypern, zu spüren war.

    In der japanischen Stadt Hiroshima hat am Donnerstag eine – wegen des neuen Coronavirus begrenzte – Zeremonie anlässlich des 75. Jahrestages des ersten Atomangriffs der Welt stattgefunden. Bei der Explosion der Atombombe in Hiroshima am 6. August 1945 waren mindestens140.000 Menschen gestorben, die meisten davon auf der Stelle. Vor 75 Jahren hat eine einzige Atomwaffe in dieser Stadt beispiellose Zerstörung und Tod verursacht, und ihre Auswirkungen sind noch heute spürbar, sagte UN-Generalsekretär Antonio Guterres. Am 6. August 1945 warfen die Vereinigten Staaten eine Atombombe auf die Stadt Hiroshima und drei Tage später eine weitere auf Nagasaki ab. Es war das einzige Mal in der Geschichte, dass Atomwaffen in einem Konflikt eingesetzt wurden.

  • Nachrichten 05.08.2020

    Nachrichten 05.08.2020

    Die Zahl der Coronavirus-Infektionen ist in Rumänien auf 56.550 gestiegen, wobei heute knapp über als 1.300 neue Fälle gemeldet wurden. Mehr als 28.500 Menschen haben sich von der Krankheit erholt und 2.521 sind daran gestorben. 464 Menschen befinden zurzeit sich auf der Intensivstation. Die Behörden haben die Bevölkerung erneut aufgefordert, die bestehenden Präventionsma‎ßnahmen zu respektieren. Gesundheitsminister Nelu Tataru sagte, dass die Zahl der Fälle in der kommenden Zeit zurückgehen könnte, wenn grundlegende Regeln, wie z. B. das Tragen einer Gesichtsmaske, eingehalten werden. In der Zwischenzeit haben Länder wie Zypern, Finnland und Litauen wegen der ansteigenden Fallzahlen in Rumänien neue Beschränkungen für Einreisende aus Rumänien eingeführt. In Italien, dem Vereinigte Königreich, Irland, Norwegen, Estland und Lettland müssen Reisende aus Rumänien in eine 14-tägige Isolation gehen. Weltweit überstiegen die Infektionen 18,7 Millionen Menschen, während die Zahl der Todesfälle bei mehr als 740.000 liegt.

    Präsident Klaus Iohannis trifft heute mit Premierminister Ludovic Orban und anderen Kabinettsmitgliedern zusammen, um über den Beginn des neuen Schuljahres im September zu beraten. Der Präsident sagte, dass die Schule nicht unter normalen Bedingungen beginnen wird, da die Pandemie bis dahin nicht verschwinden wird. Seiner Meinung nach wäre es kompliziert, wenn der Unterricht ausschlie‎ßlich online stattfinden würde, deshalb erwägen die Behörden ein gemischtes System. Der Präsident sagt auch, dass die Ma‎ßnahmen, die ergriffen werden sollen, dem Schutz der Gesundheit der Kinder und Lehrer dienen und gleichzeitig eine qualitativ hochwertige Bildung bieten sollen. Die NGO Save the Children meldete kürzlich, dass fast die Hälfte der rumänischen Kinder während des Notstandes nur begrenzten Zugang zur Online-Bildung hatten, da sie weder über eine Internetverbindung noch über Tablets oder Computer verfügten. Die NGO hat die zentralen und lokalen Behörden aufgefordert, konkrete Ma‎ßnahmen zu ergreifen, um eine ähnliche Situation im neuen Schuljahr zu verhindern.

    Die rumänische Botschaft in Beirut verfügt bisher über keine Informationen, dass sich unter den Opfern der beiden gro‎ßen Explosionen, die sich am Dienstag in der libanesischen Hauptstadt ereignet haben, rumänische Staatsbürger befinden. Der Au‎ßenminister in Bukarest informierte, dass das Gebäude, in dem die rumänische Botschaft untergebracht ist, leichte Schäden erlitten habe und dass das Personal in Sicherheit sei. Präsident Klaus Iohannis brachte in einer Twitter-Nachricht, seine Solidarität mit dem libanesischen Volk zum Ausdruck, nachdem bei einer schrecklichen Explosion mehr als 100 Menschen getötet, Tausende verletzt und immense materielle Schäden verursacht worden waren. Aus der ganzen Welt kamen Beileidsbekundungen und Hilfsangebote. Hochrangige Beamte des Sicherheitsdienstes im Libanon sagten, die Explosion sei durch die Detonation von rund 2.700 Tonnen Ammoniumnitrat verursacht worden, die sechs Jahre lang in einem Hafenlager unter unsicheren Bedingungen gelagert waren. Die Explosion hat das Hafengebiet fast vollständig zerstört, und die gesamte Stadt liegt in Chaos. Premierminister Hassan Diab versprach, die Verantwortlichen für die Tragödie zur Rechenschaft zu ziehen.

    Die Weltranglisten 2. rumänische Tennisspielerin Simona Halep, die zuletzt am 22. Februar ein offizielles Spiel bestritt, hat angekündigt bei den US Open, die zwischen dem 31. August und dem 13. September in New York stattfinden, anzutreten. Zuvor hatte sich Halep vom Damen-Tennisturnier der WTA in Palermo zurückgezogen, das ersten, das diese Woche seit Beginn der Coronavirus-Pandemie veranstaltet wird. Die einzigen rumänischen Spielerinnen, Raluca Olaru und Laura Paar, die in Palermo noch im Wettbewerb stehen, spielen heute im Damendoppel.

  • Ambasada României din Beirut a suferit avarii minore în urma exploziilor produse marți seară

    Ambasada României din Beirut a suferit avarii minore în urma exploziilor produse marți seară

    Ministerul Afacerilor Externe, prin Ambasada României în Republica Libaneză, s-a autosesizat în urma exploziilor produse în seara zilei de 4 august a.c. în zona portuară a orașului Beirut și a întreprins, în regim de urgență, demersuri pe lângă autoritățile locale pentru informații cu privire la cetățenia și identitatea persoanelor afectate.

    MAE precizează ca imobilul Ambasadei României la Beirut a suferit avarii minore, iar întreg personalul misiunii diplomatice este în afara oricărui pericol.

    Până la acest moment, autoritățile locale nu au notificat ambasada cu privire la existența unor cetățeni români printre persoanele afectate, iar la nivelul misiunii diplomatice nu au fost primite solicitări de asistență consulară.

    MAE precizează că cetăţenii români afectaţi pot solicita
    asistenţă consulară la numerele de telefon ale Ambasadei României la Beirut:
    00961 5 924 849, 00961 5 920 432, 00961 5 920 452, apelurile fiind
    redirecţionate către Centrul de Contact şi Suport al Cetăţenilor Români din
    Străinătate (CCSCRS) şi preluate de către operatorii Call Center în regim de
    urgenţă sau la numărul de telefon de urgenţă al misiunii diplomatice: 00961 76
    775 503.

    Ambasada României la Beirut continuă
    dialogul cu autorităţile locale, fiind pregătită să acorde asistenţă consulară,
    dacă situaţia o va impune.

  • Liban – Manifestații de protest

    Ministerul Afacerilor Externe informează cetăţenii români care se află, tranzitează sau doresc să călătorească în Liban că, în contextul unor divergențe de natură politică internă, au loc manifestații publice de protest în zona Mar Elias din Beirut, în suburbiile din sudul capitalei Beirut și în apropierea unor sedii ale unui partid politic libanez. Există posibilitatea ca manifestațiile să devină violente și a folosirii armelor cu muniție reală.

    Proteste mai pot apărea în următoarea perioadă și în alte zone ale Libanului.

    Se recomandă cetățenilor români care călătoresc în Liban să urmărească constant mass media locale pentru a se informa atât cu privire la zonele în care se anunță demonstrațiile, cât și referitor la alte evoluții, să manifeste prudenţă pe fondul posibilităţii apariţiei de manifestații, să se delimiteze de orice acţiune de acest fel și să își programeze călătoriile pe teritoriul libanez ținând cont de eventualele blocaje rutiere.

    Cetăţenii români pot solicita asistenţă consulară la numerele de telefon ale Ambasadei României în Liban +9615920432, +9615920452, apelurile fiind redirecţionate către Centrul de Contact şi Suport al Cetăţenilor Români din Străinătate (CCSCRS) şi preluate de către operatorii Call Center în regim de permanenţă.

    De asemenea, cetăţenii români care se confruntă cu o situaţie dificilă, specială, cu caracter de urgenţă, au la dispoziţie şi telefonul de permanenţă al misiunii diplomatice a României la Beirut: + 96176775503.

    Ministerul Afacerilor Externe recomandă consultarea paginilor de Internet http://beirut.mae.ro, www.mae.ro

  • Jurnal românesc – 12.05.2017 – UPDATE

    Jurnal românesc – 12.05.2017 – UPDATE

    Ministrul pentru românii de pretutindeni, Andreea Păstîrnac, l-a
    primit pe ambasadorul Elveţiei în România, excelenţa sa Urs Herren – a anunţat,
    vineri, MRP într-un comunicat. Discuţiile au vizat efectele activării clauzei
    de salvgardare prevăzută în Acordul privind libera circulaţie asupra
    comunităţii de români din Elveţia. Andreea Păstîrnac a semnalat preocuparea
    faţă de situaţia cetăţenilor români după aplicarea recentei măsuri a
    autorităţilor elveţiene. La rândul său, Urs Herren a explicat faptul că măsura
    a fost aplicată şi altor state ale UE şi a dat asigurări că aceasta vizează
    doar permisele noi de tip B şi nu se va aplica pentru reînnoirea celor deja
    existente şi nici pentru obţinerea permiselor de tip L. Părţile au convenit
    asupra importanţei menţinerii şi amplificării dialogului bilateral, precum şi
    asupra unei serii de acţiuni care să vină în sprijinul cetăţenilor români
    aflaţi în Elveţia. Miercuri, Elveţia a anunţat că suspendă acordarea permiselor
    de şedere între unu şi cinci ani pentru cetăţenii români şi bulgari, după ce
    numărul acestor permise s-a triplat în ultimele 12 luni faţă de media perioadei
    anterioare. Alături de Bucureşti, Comisia Europeană şi-a exprimat regretul faţă
    de decizia Guvernului elveţian.

    Premierul Sorin Grindeanu a cerut constituirea rapidă a unui grup
    operativ format din reprezentanți ai Guvernului, ai societăților profesionale,
    ai asociațiilor și societății civile, care să găsească soluții imediate pentru
    criza vaccinurilor, precum și pentru preîntâmpinarea unor situații similare în
    viitor. Acest grup operativ va avea un mandat clar, inclusiv de a veni cu
    propuneri de modificare a cadrului legal, astfel încât, pe termen scurt, să
    permită achiziționarea dozelor de vaccin necesare, iar pe termen mediu,
    asigurarea stocurilor de vaccinuri în mod predictibil și continuu. La rândul
    său, ministrul sănătății, Florian Bodog, a arătat că va propune constituirea
    Unității de management a Programului de vaccinare, în cadrul ministerului,
    structură care va avea mandatul să asigure achiziționarea continuă și la timp a
    vaccinurilor. Criza vaccinurilor a devenit o problemă care se repetă în
    România, o dată la câteva luni lipsind din spitale şi din farmacii vaccinuri
    obligatorii pentru imunizarea bebeluşilor.

    Ambasadorii României în Tunisia şi Republica Moldova, Dan Stoenescu
    şi Daniel Ioniţă, au primit cea mai înaltă distincţie Rotary pentru sprijinul
    acordat românilor din afara graniţelor şi proiectelor internaţionale ale
    Fundaţiei Rotary. Evenimentul a avut loc în cadrul Conferinţei Districtuale de
    la Tulcea, care se desfăşoară în perioada 11 -14 mai. Ambasadorul României în
    Republica Tunisiană este diplomat din 2007. În perioada 2015-2016, Dan
    Stoenescu a deţinut funcţia de ministru delegat pentru relaţiile cu românii de
    pretutindeni în MAE. Este membru fondator al asociaţiei Liga Tinerilor Români
    de Pretutindeni şi al Centrului pentru Educaţie Democratică. La rândul său,
    Daniel Ioniţă este diplomat de carieră. Din ianuarie 2015 până în iulie 2016 a
    ocupat funcţia de secretar de stat pentru afaceri strategice la MAE.

    În cadrul campaniei Dialog pe teme consulare – 2017, care se
    desfăşoară la Beirut, în perioada 11-13 mai, este organizată o reuniune
    regională consulară la care participă reprezentanţi ai misiunilor diplomatice
    şi oficiilor consulare din mai multe ţări, printre care Liban, Qatar, Belarus,
    Rusia şi Republica Moldova. Sesiunea de lucru este condusă de secretarul de
    stat, George Ciamba, şi de secretarul general Cosmin Dinescu. Discuţiile
    vizează, între altele, aspecte legate de valorificarea instrumentelor de
    comunicare în relaţia cu cetăţenii români.

  • Jurnal românesc – 12.05.2017

    Jurnal românesc – 12.05.2017

    Ambasadorii României în Tunisia şi Republica Moldova, Dan Stoenescu şi Daniel Ioniţă, au primit cea mai înaltă distincţie Rotary pentru sprijinul acordat românilor din afara graniţelor şi proiectelor internaţionale
    ale Fundaţiei Rotary. Evenimentul a avut loc în cadrul Conferinţei
    Districtuale de la Tulcea, din perioada 11-14 mai. Ambasadorul României în
    Republica Tunisiană este diplomat din 2007. În perioada 2015-2016, Dan
    Stoenescu a deţinut funcţia de ministru delegat pentru relaţiile cu românii de pretutindeni în Ministerul de Externe. Este membru
    fondator al asociaţiei Liga Tinerilor Români de Pretutindeni şi al Centrului pentru Educaţie Democratică. La rândul său, ambasadorul
    din Republica Moldova, Daniel Ioniţă,
    este diplomat de carieră. Din
    ianuarie 2015 până în iulie 2016 a ocupat funcţia de secretar de stat pentru afaceri
    strategice la Ministerul Afacerilor Externe.

    În cadrul
    campaniei Dialog
    pe teme consulare – 2017
    , care se desfăşoară la Beirut, în perioada
    11-13 mai, este organizată o reuniune regională consulară la care participă
    reprezentanţi ai misiunilor diplomatice şi oficiilor consulare din mai multe ţări,
    printre care Liban, Qatar, Belarus, Federaţia Rusă şi Republica Moldova. Sesiunea de lucru este condusă de
    secretarul de stat, George Ciamba, şi de secretarul general Cosmin Dinescu. Discuţiile
    vizează, între altele, aspecte legate de valorificarea instrumentelor de
    comunicare în relaţia cu cetăţenii

    România va
    pregăti, din acest an, un proiect naţional de identitate culturală şi de
    patrimoniu, având în vedere că 2018 a fost desemnat An european al
    patrimoniului cultural. Europarlamentarul Mircea Diaconu a prezentat, la
    Reşiţa, un raport pe această temă, care a fost votat de plenul Parlamentului
    European. El a explicat, cu acest prilej, ca se vor face studii, politici
    culturale, politici de patrimoniu pentru viitor şi vor avea loc dezbateri pe
    aceasta temă. Comunităţile locale din România sunt invitate să creeze grupuri
    de lucru, pentru ca împreună cu autorităţile, să se definească identitar.

    Vă reamintim că Ziua Românilor de
    Pretutindeni va fi sărbătorită pe 28 mai. Evenimentul va fi dedicat educaţiei
    şi se va concentra pe limba română ca element esenţial în păstrarea şi
    afirmarea identităţii etnice şi lingvistice a românilor din afara graniţelor.
    Ministerul pentru Românii de Pretutindeni de la Bucureşti doreşte să realizeze
    un maraton media al limbii române prin difuzarea unor materiale cu
    această tematică, în acest sens urmând să pună la dispoziţia presei o bază de
    date cu şcolile duminicale coordonate de asociaţiile sau bisericile româneşti,
    cursurile susţinute de asociaţiile reprezentative şi cele organizate cu
    susţinerea Institutului Limbii Române.

  • Repatrieri ale românilor din Siria şi Liban

    Repatrieri ale românilor din Siria şi Liban

    Trei cetăţeni români şi doi membri de familie cetăţeni sirieni au fost evacuaţi, miercuri, la cerere, din Siria şi repatriaţi pe cale aeriană din Liban, cu sprijinul misiunilor diplomatice române la Damasc şi Beirut şi al Organizaţiei Internaţionale pentru Migraţie (OIM), anunţă MAE.

    Marţi, grupul a părăsit Siria în condiţii de siguranţă, pe cale terestră, către Liban. Misiunea diplomatică de la Damasc a eliberat documentele de călătorie necesare repatrierii celor trei cetăţeni români, iar filiala de la Damasc a OIM a asigurat transportul grupului prin suportarea costurilor aferente repatrierii. De asemenea, grupul a fost asistat de către reprezentanţi ai Ambasadei României la Beirut şi ai OIM pentru îndeplinirea formalităţilor de îmbarcare în aeronava cu care au fost repatriaţi.

    Tot miercuri, un cetăţean român şi doi membri ai familiei acestuia, cetăţeni sirieni — refugiaţi din 2012 din Siria pe teritoriul Libanului, în localitatea Rayak din Valea Bekaa – au fost repatriaţi pe cale aeriană din Liban, tot cu sprijinul misiunii diplomatice române la Beirut şi al OIM.

    Până în prezent, 709 cetăţeni români şi membri de familie au fost evacuaţi și repatriaţi din Siria cu ajutorul misiunilor diplomatice româneşti şi al Organizaţiei Internaţionale pentru Migraţie.

    Sursa: MAE

  • Ist der Dschihad in Europa angekommen?

    Ist der Dschihad in Europa angekommen?

    Scharm El-Sheikh, Beirut, Paris, Bamako — in weniger als einen Monat haben die Dschihadisten Anschläge auf drei Kontinenten verübt, die hunderte Tote hinterlassen haben. Brüssel, der Verwaltungssitz der Europäischen Union und der Nato, stand tagelang lahm unter der Angst ähnlicher Angriffe. Die Presse in den Nachbarstaaten warf den belgischen Behörden vor, sie hätten das zugelassen, was die Journalisten die Gründung eines wahrhaftigen Dschichadistenquartiers in Brüssel nennen. Hirnlose, die ihre tödliche Inbrunst religiös begründen, befinden sich bereits im Herzen Europas. Bereits seit Anfang letzten Jahres hatte der ehemalige Kremlberater Andrei Illarionow, der danach in die Ungnade von Wladimir Putin gefallen ist, über die Risiken eines sogenannten islamischen Frühlings“ in Westeuropa gewarnt. Westeuropa, sagte er, ist verletzlicher als je zuvor. Die EU verfügt nicht über die Fähigkeit, sich zu mobilisieren, um die Krisen, mit denen es konfrontiert wird, zu lösen — glaubt der ehemalige Chefunterhändler Rumäniens mit Brüssel, Professor Vasile Puşcaş. In einem Interview mit Radio Rumänien spricht er über eine fehlende koordinierte Reaktion in der Flüchtlingskrise und über die Abwesenheit eines gemeinsamen Plans gegen den Terror.

    Es ist eine Formel, die auch während der internationalen Finanzkrise keine Ergebnisse gebracht hat. Man wei‎ß sehr wohl, dass die Beschlüsse auf EU-Ebene verspätet und uninspiriert getroffen wurden. Nun sehen wir in der Flüchtlingskrise die Unfähigkeit, die europäische Gesetzgebung umzusetzen. Lassen Sie uns etwas klarstellen! Bereits seit 2007 gibt es Ma‎ßnahmen, die von den europäischen Institutionen getroffen wurden, die eine Reaktion der Staaten in einem derartigen Fall vorschreiben. Keiner war vorbereitet, keiner hat die Beschlüsse umgesetzt, die sich sowieso gleichzeitig mit der Vertiefung der Krise ändern. Nun haben wir eine andere Krise — die des internationalen Terrors. Jetzt kommt wieder die Frage der Beschlüsse auf, die nicht nur einen Staat betreffen, nicht nur eine Unterregion der Union, sondern die ganze EU.“

    Es gibt den Beweis, dass die Metastasen des Dschihad den ganzen Kontinent befallen haben. Auch wenn sie nur ungerne tun, beginnen die Befürworter der politischen Korrektheit zuzugeben, dass sich die Keime in den immer zahlreicheren muslimischen Gemeinschaften auf dem Kontinent befinden. 2010 lebten hier 44 Millionen Muslime, das hei‎ßt sechs Prozent der Bevölkerung, 19 Millionen allein in den EU-Staaten, was 4% des Gesamten entspricht. Wenn sowohl der Einwanderungszufluss als auch die Geburtenrate aufrecht bleiben, dann werden es 2050 fast 60 Millionen sein. Das hei‎ßt, dass einer von zehn europäischen Bürgern ein bekennender Muslim sein wird.

    Zitiert von unserer Radio-Rumänien-Korrespondentin in Madrid, meinen spanische Experten, dass nach dem Pariser Anschlag auch andere ähnlichen Ausma‎ßes folgen können und dass das Anwerbungsphänomen von Personen, die solche Anschläge begehen, eine Umwandlung verzeichnet hat. Wenn das Abdriften in den Extremismus bis neulich hauptsächlich in Moscheen stattfand, ist nun das Online-Medium das bedeutendste Radikalisierungswerkzeug. 45% der Terrorverdächtigen, die in Spanien verhaftet wurden, haben spanische Staatsbürgerschaft. 40% wurden sogar dort geboren. Experten nennen dieses Phänomen Eischlupf des einheimischen Dschihadismus“. Die Studie konzentriert sich auf das Alter der Terroristen, die immer junger werden, zwischen 15 und 29 Jahren, und stellt das ständige Wachstum der Zahl derer fest, die sich zum Islam konvertieren lassen. Diese werden nach sehr kurzer Zeit zu Radikalen — aus dem Wunsch, ihre Gruppenzugehörigkeit zu legitimieren.

    Vor dem Hintergrund der Debatten in Bukarest über die Pflichtquoten der Flüchtlinge aus dem Nahost und aus Nordafrika, unter die sich leicht auch Dschihadisten emischen können, wollte Präsident Klaus Iohannis betonen, dass Rumänien genauso wie andere mitteleuropäische Staaten kein beliebtes Zielland für diese ist. Terrorismus funktioniert nur, wenn er Furcht einflö‎ßt, so der Präsident:

    Erst wenn wir zulassen, dass die Furcht in das Sozialgewebe unserer Staaten eindringt, dann haben die Terroristen ihr wahres Ziel erreicht, und wir dürfen so etwas nicht zulassen. Wir dürfen nicht zulassen, dass Fremdenfeindlichkeit, Ultranationalismus, Völkerhass relevant für unsere Gesellschaften werden. Wir dürfen auf keinen Fall zulassen, dass diese Furcht zur Stigmatisierung einiger religiöser Gemeinschaften führt, die überhaupt keine Schuld an dieser Sache tragen.“

    Aus Respekt für die ethnischen und religiösen Minderheiten werde die muslimische Bevölkerung Rumäniens keinen Sonderma‎ßnahmen ausgesetzt, fügte Iohannis noch hinzu. Die neue Bukarester Justizministerin, Raluca Prună, hat angekündigt, dass Rumänien allerdings vorbehaltslos, gemeinsam mit den anderen Staaten der Europäischen Union, dazu beitragen, entsprechende rechtliche Ma‎ßnahmen gegen den Terrorismus zu finden.

    Die Mehrheit der rund 70.000 Türken und Tataren, die allgemein im der Region Dobrudscha, im Südosten Rumäniens leben, die jahrhundertelang zum Osmanischen Reich gehört hat, ist ein Vorbild für gelungene Integration und für die Treue dem rumänischen Staat gegenüber. Beide Gemeinschaft sind unmittelbar, genauso wie die anderen ethnischen Minderheiten, in der Abgeordnetenkammer in Bukarest vertreten. In den frühen 2000er Jahren, als sich die rumänische Armee an den Kampagnen zur Terrorbekämpfung in Afghanistan und im Irak beteiligt hat, war der Sprecher des Rumänischen Verteidigungsministeriums ein sehr beliebter Offizier türkischer Abstammung. Das Oberhaupt der muslimischen Kultusgemeinde in Rumänien, der Mufti Murat Iusuf, verurteilte streng die Gräueltaten, die in Paris begangen wurden, sowie diejenigen, die solche Anschläge planen. Es ist ein Verbrechen gegen die Menschheit ohne jegliche Verbindung zur islamischen Religion, sagte der Mufti. Er erwähnte den Vers aus dem Koran, laut dem wer eine Seele tötet, eine ganze Gemeinschaft tötet.