Tag: Ben Hodges

  • July 16, 2017 UPDATE

    July 16, 2017 UPDATE

    TAXES On Monday, the ruling coalition in Bucharest will be tackling fresh fiscal measures, such as the introduction of the solidarity tax or the turnover tax. Liviu Dragnea, president of the main ruling political force, the Social-Democratic Party (PSD) has recently announced that the Finance Ministry is running research over the effects of such measures envisaged in the ruling programme. In another development, the biggest opposition party, the National Liberal Party, has pointed out to the fact that the fresh fiscal measures or the artificially raised minimum salaries can affect private companies in Romania as well as the country’s economic development.

    DRILL A new stage of the largest military exercise in Romania’s modern history, SABER GUARDIAN 17 was hosted by the county of Constanta in southeastern Romania. The medical evacuation exercise called MASCAL unfolded under a real-life scenario for the 30th US medical brigade, which led the exercise and three NATO ROL 2 medical units deployed to Mihail Kogalniceanu. During the exercise the soldiers were selected and evacuated to the medical units mounted at the Mihail Kogalniceanu air base. The shooting range in Cincu, central Romania, on Saturday saw another series of exercises part of the SABER GUARDIAN 17, which brought together over 5,000 soldiers, 650 vehicles and other military gear as well as 30 warplanes. The event was also attended by the head of the Romanian state Klaus Iohannis.

    HODGES The commander of the US troops in Europe, lieutenant general Ben Hodges, has hailed the efforts Romania is making in an attempt to modernize its armed forces. Hodges, who participated in Saber Guardian 17, a multinational exercise held in Cincu, central Romania, has said that Romania is a trustworthy ally committed to modernizing its armed forces. He has recalled Bucharest’s pledge to invest 2% of the country’s GDP in defence this year, and referred to the training quality of the young soldiers and their commanders and their commitment to contributing to security in the Black Sea.

    VACCINE The Healthcare Ministry in Bucharest is to commence a warning campaign against the consequences of not vaccinating children. The number of measles cases confirmed in Romania has exceeded 8 thousands; most of them reported in the country’s west and southwest. We recall that 31 people have so far been killed by the disease in this country. On Monday Radio Romania is also to commence an information campaign over the risks of leaving children unvaccinated, the side effects, the reasons for which some parents don’t want to immunize their children and the need for fresh legislation on vaccination.

    MEDAL Romanian rowers Leonid Carp and Victor Mihalachi on Sunday reaped silver in the 500 meter double canoe race of the European Championships held in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. This is the first medal for the Romanian delegation. The Romanians were outperformed by Russia, while a crew from Ukraine ended on the third position.

    EFFORTS The Ministry for The Romanians All Over the World is making efforts to bring back the Romanians living abroad, field minister Andreea Pastarnac has said. According to her, Start-up Diaspora, a special programme mainly targeting the second or third generations of Romanian immigrants was launched 10 days ago alongside a scholarship project by the Romanian Education Ministry aimed at allowing students from abroad to chose from several education packages offered by Romanian universities. Minister Pastarnac spoke in Sulina, southeastern Romania, at a meeting during the ARC 2017 Camp programme destined for the Romanian ethnics living abroad.

    VISIT Romania’s Foreign Affairs Minister Teodor Melescanu on Monday will join his EU counterparts for the proceedings of the EU Foreign Affairs Council. According to a communiqué issued by the Foreign Ministry in Bucharest the participants will be mainly discussing measures on migration focusing on the central-Mediterranean route. The Global Strategy in the EU Foreign and Security Policy, the latest developments in Libya and the north-Korean file are high on the meeting’s agenda, the communiqué also says.

  • July 16, 2017

    July 16, 2017

    TAXES On Monday, the ruling coalition in Bucharest will be tackling fresh fiscal measures, such as the introduction of the solidarity tax or the turnover tax. Liviu Dragnea, president of the main ruling political force, the Social-Democratic Party (PSD) has recently announced that the Finance Ministry is running research over the effects of such measures envisaged in the ruling programme. In another development, the biggest opposition party, the National Liberal Party, has pointed out to the fact that the fresh fiscal measures or the artificially raised minimum salaries can affect private companies in Romania as well as the country’s economic development.

    HODGES The commander of the US troops in Europe, lieutenant general Ben Hodges, has hailed the efforts Romania is making in an attempt to modernize its armed forces. Hodges, who participated in Saber Guardian 17, a multinational exercise held in Cincu, central Romania, has said that Romania is a trustworthy ally committed to modernizing its armed forces. He has recalled Bucharest’s pledge to invest 2% of the country’s GDP in defence this year, and referred to the training quality of the young soldiers and their commanders and their commitment to contributing to security in the Black Sea.

    VACCINE The Healthcare Ministry in Bucharest is to commence a warning campaign against the consequences of not vaccinating children. The number of measles cases confirmed in Romania has exceeded 8 thousands; most of them reported in the country’s west and southwest. We recall that 31 people have so far been killed by the disease in this country. On Monday Radio Romania is also to commence an information campaign over the risks of leaving children unvaccinated, the side effects, the reasons for which some parents don’t want to immunize their children and the need for fresh legislation on vaccination.

    MEDAL Romanian rowers Leonid Carp and Victor Mihalachi on Sunday reaped silver in the 500 meter double canoe race of the European Championships held in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. This is the first medal for the Romanian delegation. The Romanians were outperformed by Russia, while a crew from Ukraine ended on the third position.

    EFFORTS The Ministry for The Romanians All Over the World is making efforts to bring back the Romanians living abroad, field minister Andreea Pastarnac has said. According to her, Start-up Diaspora, a special programme mainly targeting the second or third generations of Romanian immigrants was launched 10 days ago alongside a scholarship project by the Romanian Education Ministry aimed at allowing students from abroad to chose from several education packages offered by Romanian universities. Minister Pastarnac spoke in Sulina, southeastern Romania, at a meeting during the ARC 2017 Camp programme destined for the Romanian ethnics living abroad.

  • Jurnal românesc – 15.12.2016

    Jurnal românesc – 15.12.2016

    Statele Unite vor accelera acţiunile de suplimentare a trupelor în România, a anunţat generalul Ben Hodges, comandantul Forţelor terestre americane în Europa. El a precizat că trupele americane vor sosi, pe 6 ianuarie, în portul german Bremerhaven, după care vor fi trimise imediat în România, Polonia şi ţările baltice.NATO a aprobat, în vară, planul de consolidare a prezenţei militare în Europa de Est, prin care sunt create patru grupuri de luptă cu efective totale de 4.000 de militari, susţinuţi de o forţă de reacţie rapidă formată din 40.000 de persoane. În plus, Alianţa a preluat controlul asupra sistemului antirachetă din Europa, care include nave americane dotate cu sisteme antibalistice în largul Spaniei, un radar în Turcia şi elementele de interceptare din România.Rusia a avertizat, în repetate rânduri, că este extrem de preocupată de instalarea sistemelor antibalistice NATO în România şi Polonia şi a avertizat că va lua măsuri pentru a se apăra.

    Serviciile permise şi înmatriculări auto din Bucureşti şi Ilfov lucrează cu publicul şi sâmbătă. Angajaţii vor recupera astfel ziua liberă din 2 decembrie. Programul va începe la ora 8:30 şi se va încheia la 16:30. La ghişee se vor depune documente pentru înmatriculări şi se vor elibera autorizaţii provizorii de circulaţie şi numere de înmatriculare. De asemenea, se pot face programări pentru proba practică a examenului auto.

    Plata taxelor şi impozitelor se poate face online, începând de miercuri, a anunţat premierul Dacian Cioloş, care a precizat că, în era digitală, oamenii nu trebuie să mai consume timp şi nervi la ghişee. Agenţia Naţională de Administrare Fiscală (ANAF) a fost înrolată, începând de miercuri, în platforma ghiseul.ro, astfel încât plăţile către Fisc se vor putea efectua online, a anunţat, miercuri, şi Ministerul Comunicaţiilor şi Societăţii Informaţionale. Conform sursei citate, contribuabilii persoane fizice pot efectua online plata taxelor şi impozitelor pe care le datorează către ANAF, cum ar fi: impozit pe venituri din salarii sau din folosinţa bunurilor, impozitul pe venituri din dividende, dobânzi, premii, din valorificarea drepturilor de proprietate intelectuală sau din activităţi agricole. Până acum puteau fi achitate la ghişeul virtual doar diversele impozite şi taxe locale.

    Autoritatea Naţională de Reglementare în Energie a decis reducerea, de la 1 ianuarie, a tarifelor energiei reglementate pentru populaţie, care mai reprezintă în prezent 30% din totalul energiei consumate. Acest lucru înseamnă o scădere cu aproximativ 2% a facturii finale plătite de cetăţeni la energia electrică. Potrivit calendarului stabilit în 2012, piaţa de energie electrică va fi complet liberalizată de la 1 ianuarie 2018.

    Comisarul european pentru Politică regională, Corina Creţu, a aprobat continuarea a 19 proiecte din mai multe regiuni din România, în valoare totală de 1,3 miliarde de euro. Proiectele se referă la sistemul de alimentare cu apă, cel de canalizare şi epurare, sistemul centralizat de termoficare urbană. Un alt proiect vizează infrastructura de transport feroviar şi rutier.