• Castelul Crăiței, un nou film de Liviu Mărghidan

    Castelul Crăiței, un nou film de Liviu Mărghidan

    Filmat în peisajele spectaculoase ale Munților Piatra Craiului, Castelul
    Crăiței, noul film regizat de Liviu Mărghidan, spune povestea a doi fraţi care
    locuiesc în ţări diferite după divorţul părinţilor și se reunesc cu ocazia
    excursiei anuale la munte. Vacanța şi planurile tuturor se modifică radical în
    momentul în care copiii dispar într-o expediţie clandestină către un refugiu
    montan. Traseele montane surprinse sunt toate autentice, în timpul filmărilor
    fiind antamat și ajutorul Salvamontului. Procesul de filmare a fost unul
    complex, în cadrul căruia nu s-a folosit nicio dublură. Actorii – Dragoș Olaru,
    Judith State, Adela Marghidan, Radu Marghidan – au făcut antrenament special de
    escaladă înainte de filmări și toate secvențele care au implicat acest efort au
    fost realizate exclusiv de ei.

    A fost un film pe care l-aș repeta oricând. Au fost zile de filmare la intensitate maximă, ne-am depășit cu toții limitele,
    dar am câștigat o experiență de neuitat. Din întâlnirile pe care le-am avut
    deja cu spectatorii am simțit că le-am atins corzi sensibile. Asta ne dorim de
    la un film
    . Este declarația Ruxandrei Flonta, producătoarea filmului, care
    ne-a spus prin ce a cucerit-o proiectul.

    Pornind de la idee și până la realizarea filmului, mi-a plăcut din toate
    punctele de vedere. Majoritatea filmelor actuale, mă refer mai ales la cele românești,
    nu au acest element de natură. Sau chiar dacă ne este arătată și natura, nu
    cred că este exploatată așa cum ar merita. Astfel că mi-au atras atenția și
    proiectele anterioare ale lui Liviu Mărghidan, Străjerii și Străjerii Deltei,
    filme care, la fel ca acesta, au fost făcute în aer liber și au scos în
    evidență niște peisaje unice din România, ca Delta Dunării. La fel, cred că și
    acest peisaj din zona Plaiul Foii, situată la poalele masivului Piatra
    Craiului, merită văzut și promovat.

    Bineînțeles, și scenariul filmului a jucat
    un rol foarte important, mi s-a părut extraordinar. Dar am pornit de la această
    locație, de la acest peisaj. Și n-a fost așa dificil să construim o poveste
    pornind de la locație pentru că legăturile de familie pe care le regăsim în
    film se întâlnesc cumva în viața tuturor.

    Alexandru Popa este scenaristul care
    a transformat ideile noastre în scenariu și trebuie să recunosc că a avut
    foarte multă răbdare cu noi, pentru că am trecut prin mai multe variante până
    să ajungem aici. Ba chiar voiam să mai lucrăm și pe varianta actuală, ne
    gândisem la o continuare, dar am renunțat la ea.

    Descris de critică drept un film blând, cald, limpede și dureros, care
    pentru o mână de oameni povestește, prin imagini, sunete ale naturii și text,
    despre o altă lume, Castelul Crăiței, cel de-al treilea lungmetraj regizat de
    Liviu Mărghidan, a fost foarte bine primit de public.

    Ruxandra Flonta, producătoare: Filmul este deschis interpretărilor și pot spune că, la fiecare
    proiecție urmată de Q&A, am discutat foarte mult cu publicul despre
    semnificația finalului. Și este foarte interesant cum fiecare îl percepe
    într-un mod foarte personal, până și eu și regizorul Liviu Mărghidan avem
    opțiuni diferite in ceea ce privește finalul. Asta mi s-a părut fascinant, că
    pleci de la acest film gândindu-te la sensul lui. Și nu e prima dată când o
    spun, cel mai important mi se pare ca un film să te facă să te gândești la el,
    să te facă să înțelegi de ce ți-a plăcut. Astea sunt preferatele mele, filmele
    care te fac să gândești, nu cele care sunt doar simpatice, presărate cu poante
    și glumițe.

    Castelul Crăiței a avut premiera națională în vara anului trecut, la
    Transilvania International Film Festival (TIFF) și a fost prezent și în
    selecțiile oficiale ale Alpin Fest (unde a primit și Premiul Publicului),
    Anonimul și Bucharest International Film Festival (BIFF).

  • Bukarester Internationales Filmfestival (BIFF): 18. Ausgabe wartet mit Vielfalt auf

    Bukarester Internationales Filmfestival (BIFF): 18. Ausgabe wartet mit Vielfalt auf

    Die Sektion Panorama“ bringt die am meisten erwarteten Filme des Festivals nach Bukarest. Aktuelle Filme, die bei anderen internationalen Wettbewerben wichtige Preise gewonnen haben, werden beim BIFF 2022 gezeigt, so dass die Zuschauer Schauspieler wie Anthony Hopkins und Anne Hathaway in Filmen sehen können, die ihre rumänische Erstaufführung haben. Das BIFF 2022 bietet auch eine Hommage an die Ukraine unter dem Motto Stop the War!“ / Stoppt den Krieg!“. In dieser Sektion werden drei Spielfilme und fünf Kurzfilme gezeigt, die das zeitgenössische ukrainische Kino in der dunkelsten Periode der europäischen Geschichte seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg repräsentieren. Dana Dumitriu Chelba ist künstlerische Leiterin des Festivals und gibt uns Einzelheiten über die vorgeführten Filme:

    Ich möchte darauf hinweisen, dass wir auch einen Gast aus der Ukraine haben. Es ist Valentyn Vasyanovych (Walentyn Wassjanowytsch), einer der bekanntesten ukrainischen Regisseure der Gegenwart. Die drei Filme, die Vasyanovych auf dem BIFF präsentieren wird — allesamt ukrainische Oscar-Einreichungen –, tragen die internationalen, englischen Titel »Reflection«, »Atlantis« und »Black Level«. Es sind ganz besondere Filme, die das Kinopublikum sicherlich zu schätzen wissen wird. Einer davon ist ein Film ohne Dialoge, ein Streifen, dessen Geschichte man nur durch die Bilder versteht — wir haben es mit einem sehr bildhaften und modernen Kino zu tun. Wir möchten ferner auch einen Runden Tisch zur Lage in der Ukraine organisieren, an dem wir über die aktuellen Ereignisse und die schrecklichen Folgen des von Putin angezettelten Krieges diskutieren werden, eines ungerechten Krieges, den es nicht hätte geben dürfen. An dem Runden Tisch werden die Botschafter der Ukraine und Polens sowie ein bekannter Historiker teilnehmen. Wir hoffen natürlich, dass auch das Publikum sehr aktiv sein wird. Au‎ßerdem zeigen wir mit Unterstützung der polnischen Botschaft den mit dem BAFTA-Preis ausgezeichneten Film »Mr. Jones« der Regisseurin Agnieszka Holland. Es ist ein ganz besonderer Film, der in den frühen 1930er Jahren während der von Stalin herbeigeführten Hungersnot in der Ukraine spielt.“

    In der Sektion Geschichte und Kino“ zeigt die aktuelle Ausgabe des BIFF den historischen Dokumentarfilm Maria, das Herz Rumäniens“ (Regie: Trevor Poots) anlässlich des hundertjährigen Jubiläums der Krönung der rumänischen Königin Maria 1922 in Alba Iulia. Es ist die Geschichte der politischen Rolle und des interessanten Privatlebens der Königin Maria von Rumänien. Als Nichte der britischen Königin Victoria heiratete sie 1893 den Kronprinzen von Rumänien. Als Königin regierte sie das Land während der Schrecken des Ersten Weltkriegs bis zum Sieg auf der Pariser Friedenskonferenz 1919.

    Das italienische Kino steht in diesem Jahr im Mittelpunkt des BIFF, auf dem Festivalprogramm stehen preisgekrönte Filme aus internationalen Wettbewerben und weltbekannte Blockbuster. The King of Laughter“ etwa ist die Verfilmung der Biografie des legendären Komikers und Dramatikers Eduardo Scarpetta. Der Film unter der Regie von Mario Martone wurde 2022 mehrfach nominiert und ausgezeichnet, unter anderem mit dem David di Donatello“-Preis für das Kostümdesign und den besten Nebendarsteller sowie mit dem Preis für den besten Film, die beste Produktion und das beste Kostüm bei der Gala des Mailänder Filmmagazins Ciak d’oro“ (Die Goldene Filmklappe“). Regisseur Mario Martone wurde im Laufe der Jahre mit mehreren Filmen für den Goldenen Löwen bei den Filmfestspielen von Venedig nominiert. Für diesen Film erhielt er eine weitere Nominierung in dieser Kategorie bei den Filmfestspielen sowie den Golden Globe und den Preis für den besten Darsteller.

  • June 11, 2018 UPDATE

    June 11, 2018 UPDATE

    MOLDOVA — The Joint Committee on European Integration of the Romanian and Moldovan parliaments has voiced support to speed up projects of energy interconnection, to develop cooperation in the field of constructions and upgrade transport infrastructure. In a release on Monday, in Chisinau, the Committee says it supports sustainable solutions able to increase effectiveness in terms of border traffic. The Committee also asked for a bilateral accord between the Romanian and Moldovan governments that should ease the access to jobs for citizens from both states. These topics are to be tackled at the joint meeting of the two country’s governments that is to be held at the end of June.

    VENICE COMMISSION — Romanian Justice Minister Tudorel Toader on Monday met with the Venice Commission delegation who is in Romania on a 2-day visit focusing on the changes to the justice laws. Talks focused on the revised laws and their current stage and on the revision of the Criminal Code and Criminal Procedure Code. The delegation’s agenda includes meetings with President Klaus Iohannis, with Parliament members, and officials from the High Court of Cassation and Justice, the Constitutional Court, the Prosecutor General’s Office, the National Anti-corruption Directorate, the Higher Council of Magistracy, judge and prosecutor associations and civil society organisations. Both President Iohannis, and the Monitoring Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe have requested the opinion of this body, which comprises independent experts in constitutional law, with respect to the Romanian laws on the organisation of courts, the operation of the Higher Council of Magistracy and the status of judges and prosecutors. The requests came after the right-wing opposition, the media and civil society claimed that these laws are used by the ruling coalition made up of the Social Democratic Party and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats in order to stop the fight against corruption and get control over magistrates.

    TRADE – Romania’s exports totalled over 22 billion Euros in January — April 2018, while imports reached nearly 26 billion euros, according to data made public on Monday by the National Statistics Institute. The trade deficit reached 3.7 billion euros in the first 4 months of the year, as against 3.3 billion euros last year. According to the Institute, in the first 4 months most of the imports and exports were accounted for by vehicles and transport equipment and other manufactured products.

    EXERCISE — A large-scale military exercise involving more than 800 Romanian and British troops is taking place until June 22 in the counties Braşov (in central Romania) and Prahova (in the south). The troops are training as part of Sarmis 18, which is coordinated by the Brasov-based 2nd Mountain Troops Brigade. Also taking part are members of Battalion 47 Communications and IT and 1st Battalion, The Rifles from the UK. The exercises are designed to simulate military interventions in case of hybrid threats.

    SUMMIT — The North-Korean leader Kim Jong Un, and US President Donald Trump are in Singapore, where they are holding a historic meeting on Tuesday morning. The summit is the first one between a Kim dynasty member and a US president in office. The talks, whose outcome is uncertain, will focus on the achievement of a special agreement regarding, above all, a full, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization of North Korea in exchange for relaxing international economic and diplomatic sanctions. President Donald Trump has today voiced optimism about the eagerly awaited meeting, which was unimaginable just months ago, when Trump and the Pyongyang leader were exchanging harsh lines that made the world fear the worst.

    THEATRE – In Sibiu (central Romania), the 25th International Theatre Festival continues. This is the largest performing arts event in Romania and one of the most important in Europe. On Monday, the 4th day of the festival, over 40 events were scheduled, including the opening of the performance exchange, a structure launched 22 years ago in Romania, which brings together companies and festival directors from around the world. Thousands of artists from over 70 countries are performing every day both in theatre halls and in unconventional venues.

    FILM FESTIVAL — The Bucharest International Film Festival opened on Monday in Bucharest with the production The Leisure Seeker, directed by the Italian Paolo Virzi, featuring Helen Mirren and Donald Sutherland in the lead roles. This year’s edition of the festival includes new films, awarded at international festivals, which are not yet screened in cinemas. As many as 20 films are part of the competition. The festival has a new section, entitled “Focus on Israel”, with six productions to be presented for the first time in Romania, a special section for shorts and one dedicated to the Centennial.

    TENNIS — The Romanian tennis player Simona Halep, number 1 in the world, returned to Bucharest on Monday, when she presented her first Grand Slam trophy, won in Roland Garros to the Romanian public. At a news conference held upon her arrival at the Henri Coanda Airport, Halep said she wanted to share the joy of winning her first Grand Slam title with her fans. A number of officials and sports personalities welcomed Halep at the airport, such as the Minister of Youth and Sports, Ioana Bran, the head of the Romanian Olympic and Sports Committee, former Olympic sabre champion Mihai Covaliu and the head of the Romanian Tennis Federation, George Cosac.

    (Translated by Elena Enache)

  • April 24, 2016

    April 24, 2016

    LEGISLATION – The Romanian Labour Ministry will initiate tomorrow talks with its social partners on a new emergency order aimed at doing away with inequities in public sector salaries. The new legislation is scheduled to be finalised within three weeks. In an interview to Radio Romania, the Finance Minister Anca Dragu said the Government intended to increase the lower salaries in the public administration, because the budget resources were limited. She also explained that according to data available to the Finance Ministry, in the first months of the year revenues to the state budget were higher than estimated.

    DIPLOMACY – The Romanian Foreign Ministry hails the celebration, on April 24, of 85 years since diplomatic relations were established between Romania and Argentina. According to a news release, these relations are expressed in a constant political dialogue, including as members of international organisations, as well as in mutual economic and trade interests. Grassroots contacts, the old Romanian community in Argentina and the Latin origin of the two languages are also key elements that define bilateral relations. The first official contacts between Romania and Argentina were reported in 1880. Diplomatic relations were established on April 24, 1931, at legation level, and on March 29, 1964, the diplomatic offices were upgraded to embassy.

    NATO – The deputy Secretary General of NATO, Alexander Vershbow, will be received on Monday by President Klaus Iohannis, and will also have a meeting with the Romanian Defence Minister, Mihnea Motoc. According to the Defence Ministry, the NATO official is in Romania between April 24 and 26 to take part in a meeting of of political leaders in the defence ministries of NATO member states. Meanwhile, the US President, Barack Obama, who is to have a meeting tomorrow with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, will call on Germany to get more involved in the defence of eastern NATO member countries. German governmental sources quoted by Der Spiegel magazine said additional NATO troops might be deployed to Romania, Poland and the Baltic States. An official decision on increasing the NATO military presence in the east is to be made at the Alliance Summit due in Warsaw. The Pentagon has already announced in late March that the US will send more troops to Eastern Europe, Romania included, as of 2017, as part of the measures to guarantee security against the backdrop of Russias recent actions.

    PALM SUNDAY – Romanian Orthodox and Greek-Catholic Christians celebrate Palm Sunday today, which is a commemoration of Jesus Christs entry in Jerusalem before his crucifixion. The previous day, thousands of believers and hundreds of priests took part in processions, in the country and abroad, in a symbolic reconstruction of Christs journey to Jerusalem. Palm Sunday opens the last week of Lent, also known as Passion Week, which commemorates the most dramatic days in the life of Jesus Christ. On Palm Sunday, nearly 1.4 million Romanians named after flower names celebrate their name day.

    FESTIVALS – The feature film “Soy Nero, directed by the Iranian Rafi Pitts, last night won the Grand Prize of the 12th Bucharest International Film Festival (BIFF). “Soy Nero tells the story of a Mexican who gets deported and returns to the US illegally in search of his own identity. The award for the best director went to Mia Hansen-Love (France) for “L’avenir. “Death in Sarajevo by Danis Tranovic won the award for best script. Meanwhile, in the southern Romanian city of Craiova, the 10th Shakespeare International Theatre Festival came to an end last night. This latest edition commemorated 400 years since the death of the great British playwright.

    TENNIS – The Romanians Florin Mergea and Horia Tecău are playing today, in the doubles final of the BRD Năstase – Ţiriac Trophy in Bucharest, with 460,000 Euros in prize money, against Chris Guccione (Australia) and Andre Sa (Brazil). Yesterday, in the semi-finals, the Romanians outplayed the Dutch Wesley Koolhof and Matwe Middelkoop, 3-6, 6-2, 10-8. Meanwhile, the Romanian Andreea Mitu and Turkeys Ipek Soylu, are playing today in the doubles final of the Istanbul tournament, against Xenia Knoll (Switzerland)/Danka Kovinic (Montenegro).

  • April 19, 2016 UPDATE

    April 19, 2016 UPDATE

    SCHENGEN — Romania and Bulgaria comply with Schengen accession criteria, European Commission president Jean Claude Junker said on Tuesday. The EU official said the Commission supported the accession of the two states to the travel-free area, and that their rights must be acknowledged. Originally slated for March 2011, Romania’s Schengen accession was repeatedly postponed, amidst concerns expressed by some Member States with respect to the reform of the judiciary and the fight against corruption in this country. The authorities in Bucharest on the other hand claim Bucharest has met all technical accession criteria.

    BANKING — The Romanian finance sector must be diversified, the deputy governor of the National Bank of Romania, Bogdan Olteanu said on Tuesday. Olteanu believes savings banks are overemphasized at present, to the detriment of investment banks, also impacting SMEs. Consequently, Olteanu argues, the only available option for startups is to resort to investment funds. To attract this sort of financing, Romania must be financially, politically and judicially stable, the deputy governor of the National Bank went on to say.

    MINISTER — The newly appointed labor minister, Dragos Paslaru, takes up his term under difficult circumstances, with trade unions protesting the planned emergency executive order on state wages. On Monday, 200 teachers protested outside the government building, demanding a 35% raise.

    MEETING — Foreign Minister Lazar Comanescu on Tuesday met in Bucharest with the president of the Inter-Parliamentary Union Saber Chowdhury. On this occasion, Minister Comanescu praised the role of the organization as a global forum for dialogue, cooperation and parliamentary action. Additionally, Comanescu said Romania has been an affiliate of UIP for 125 years. The UIP president hailed the remarkable contribution of Romanian personalities to the activity of the organization. At present, Parliaments from 162 countries are affiliated to the UIP, an organisation set up in 1889.

    BLACK SEA — Romanian Defence Minister Mihnea Motoc on Tuesday called on his British counterpart Michael Fallon for his support for Bucharest’s efforts to consolidate NATO’s presence in the Black Sea. According to a Ministry release, the agenda for talks also focused on bilateral cooperation in the field of defence and the NATO summit in Warsaw in July. The two officials also discussed about Minister Motoc’s scheduled visit to Great Britain in May. The meeting was held in Luxembourg on the sidelines of the Foreign Affairs Council meeting.

    INVENTION — Romania got 19 gold medals, 14 silver medals, two bronze medals, and 30 special prizes at the Geneva International Invention Salon. Romanian teams submitted 30 inventions, including a method to recycle safety glass and a device to pinpoint cancer cells. Over 1,000 inventions from 40 countries competed in the event, half of them from Asia, predominantly from China. Last year, Romania got 28 medals. Two years ago, the Grand Prize was won by a Swiss company for technology created by a team of Romanian researchers.

    CINEMA — The 12th edition of the Bucharest International Film Festival is running from Monday to Sunday. The festival consists of 15 movie screenings for films from Spain, France, the US, Iran, Romania, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Argentina and Bulgaria. This year’s novelty is the “Venice” section outside the official competition, offering screenings of five films selected for the Italian festival, including Pablo Trapero’s The Clan, which scooped the Silver Lion at the 2015 edition.

    (Translated by V. Palcu & C. Cotoiu)