Tag: Black Cube

  • דניאל דראגומיר נתבע לדין בתיק ‘Black Cube’

    דניאל דראגומיר נתבע לדין בתיק ‘Black Cube’

    הקצין לשעבר של השירות החשאי הרומני (SRI) דניאל דראגומיר נתבע לדין עי ה– DIICOT על ביצוע מספר עבירות בתיק Black Cube, הקשור בריגול נגד ראשת ה– DNA לשעבר לאורה קודרוצה קיובשי (Laura Codruţa Kovesi) . דראגומיר מואשם בהקמת גוף עברייני מאורגן, יזום פריצה בלתי חוקית למערכת מידע, יזום העברה לא חוקית של מידע, יזום לזיוף ממוחשב, יזום פעילות בלתי חוקית עם התקנים ותוכניות מיחשוב ויזום הפרת סודיות ההתכתבות, כולם בצורה מתמשכת.

    בעבר, 3 עובדים של החברה הישראלית Black Cube – יוסי ברקשטיין, רון ויינר ודוד גחלוביץסגרו הסכמי אישום עם התובעים הרומנים וקיבלו בבית המשפט עונשים על תנאי.

    דניאל דראגומיר לשעבר ראש מדור מאבק בטרור בשירות החשאי הרומני, ברך מרומניה בחודש יוני, זמן קצר לפני גזר הדין הקבוע של מאסר בפועל של 3 שנים ו10 חודשים בתיק אחר של זיוף במסמכים והלבנת כסף. אחרי שנתבע לדין ב-2015 עי ה– DNA בתיק ההוא, דראגומיר חשב עצמו כמקופח עי החקירה והחליט להשמיץ את ראשת ה– DNA לאורה קודרוצה קיובשי. דראגומיר החליט שקמפיין השמצה נגד קיובשי עשוי לעזור גם במצב חקירת התיק שלו.

    מספטמבר 2019 לאורה קודרוצה קיובשי מכהנת כתובעת ראשית בפרקליטות האירופית לתקופה של 7 שנים.

  • January 26, 2017

    January 26, 2017

    BUDGET – Romanian PM Sorin Grindeanu announced that the draft budget bill for 2017 will be finalized in Friday’s government session, and sent to Parliament for debate right away. The head of the executive said that the budget includes all the measures provided for in the governing coalition platform. The largest portion of the budget is earmarked for transportation, agriculture, health and SME incentives. A lower portion of the budget as compared to 2016 goes to energy, education, regional development, as well as the ministries of the interior and foreign affairs, the Presidency, the chambers of Parliament, and the Foreign Intelligence Service. The budget bill is structures on the supposition of an economic growth of 5.2%, and a budget deficit of 2.96% of the GDP.

    ROMANIAN INTELLIGENCE – The Romanian Intelligence Service will issue an ethical conduct code for its employees, to be published in a few days in the National Registry, as announced by intelligence chief Eduard Hellvig. He explained that the document will clarify the possible incompatibilities facing an intelligence officer. The announcement comes after the leadership of the service was called to hearings in Parliament by the expert committee. At the end of the seven hour sitting, the head of domestic intelligence said that recently his institution was the target of unprecedented attacks, but that it would not be involved in power plays.

    MOLDOVA – The President of the Republic of Moldova, pro-Russian Socialist Igor Dodon, announced he would hold a referendum on amending the Constitution, which would enhance his prerogatives, allowing him to dissolve Parliament. The press and constitutional law experts say that Dodon, who was elected in November, is attempting to put in place a dictatorial regime, and is vying for total power. According to the Moldovan Constitution, the president does not have the right to introduce a referendum to amend the Constitution. Only citizens, the government, or a third of the chamber of deputies can do so.

    BLACK CUBE – Israeli citizen Ron Weiner received a definitive conviction from the Bucharest Court of Appeals after pleading guilty in the so-called Black Cube case, being sentenced to 2 years and 8 months in prison. He was convicted for harassing in March 2016 the head of the National Anti-Corruption Directorate, Laura Codruta Kovesi. In November 2016, another Israeli citizen involved in this case, David Geclowicz, got the same sentence, which got suspended. A third Israeli citizen involved in the case, Yossi Barkstein, managed to flee Romania, with an arrest warrant issued.

    PACE – Romanian Social Democratic Senator Titus Corlatean, former Minister of Foreign Affairs, was elected for a new term as head of the Middle East subcommittee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. The session was attended by Israeli and Palestinian delegations. According to the Senate in Bucharest, the participants stressed the need to continue the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, as well as the threat of international terrorism.

    MIGRATION- Romanian police, under the coordination of organized crime prosecutors, are carrying out raids at the houses of suspected human traffickers, a communiqué issued by the Romanian police says. The operation is being run in several Romanian counties, as well as the capital Bucharest. The investigation shows that between August and December last year, a criminal group specializing in the illegal transport of migrants on the Turkey-Romania-Hungary route brought to Romania over 100 illegal migrants from Syria, Turkey, Afghanistan and Morocco. Their final destination was Germany. Five transports of migrants have been discovered, and in one situation 42 people, included 18 minors, were hiding in a tanker. We recall that in the past months, the Romanian border police have been confronted with numerous illegal border crossing attempts at the countrys southern and western borders.

  • Şefa DNA – acuzaţii şi reacţii

    Şefa DNA – acuzaţii şi reacţii

    jumătatea lui septembrie, Tribunalul Bucureşti a decis arestarea preventivă
    pentru 30 de zile a fostului ofiţer SRI Daniel Dragomir, pus sub acuzare în
    aşa-numitul dosar Black Cube, privind hărţuirea procurorului şef al DNA, Laura
    Codruţa Kovesi. Fost şef în
    Direcţia Generală de Prevenire şi Combatere a Terorismului din cadrul
    Serviciului, Dragomir fusese trimis, anul trecut, în judecată de DNA pentru
    trafic de influenţă şi spălare de bani. Potrivit DIICOT (parchetul antimafia),
    el a apelat ulterior la compania israeliană de securitate Black Cube pentru a
    obţine denigrarea persoanelor pe care le considera responsabile pentru
    neplăcerile sale penale.

    Până acum, în acest dosar au mai fost puşi sub acuzare
    trei israelieni, dintre care doi au fost arestaţi, iar al treilea a reuşit să
    fugă din România, pe numele lui fiind emis un mandat de arestare în lipsă.
    DIICOT afirmă ca aceştia i-au adresat d-nei Kovesi ameninţări telefonice şi au
    violat căsuţele de email ale unor apropiaţi ai acesteia, de unde au copiat şi
    transferat ilegal corespondenţă electronică. Iar
    zilele trecute, figuri politice de prim-plan au amorsat un nou scandal,
    acuzând-o pe şefa DNA că şi-a plagiat teza de doctorat.

    Într-o stranie formă de
    fraternizare, căci pe vremuri erau inamici juraţi, fostul preşedinte popular
    Traian Băsescu şi deputatul Sebastian Ghiţă, un ex-social-democrat repliat în
    formaţiunea populistă şi marginală România Unită, şi-au confirmat reciproc
    acuzaţiile pe această temă.

    Un contraatac al penalilor – acuză presa favorabilă
    campaniei anticorupţie al cărei vârf de lance e DNA, care aminteşte că,
    deopotrivă, Ghiţă şi personaje foarte apropiate lui Băsescu au fost puse sub
    acuzare. La rându-i, procurorul-şef denunţă atacurile fără precedent la
    adresa instituţiei pe care o conduce şi a colegilor săi, ce ar avea scopul de a
    decredibiliza activitatea DNA.

    Laura Codruţa Kovesi: Sunt
    atacuri foarte agresive în ultima perioadă de timp. Sunt campanii plătite de
    hărţuire a DNA şi, în special, de decredibilizare a DNA şi atacurile din ultima
    perioadă, făcute doar de inculpaţi pe care-i cercetăm sau de persoane cercetate
    în alte dosare, dovedesc acest lucru. În nici un caz nu ne intimidează, dar
    scopul urmărit este acesta, de a decredibliza activitatea DNA. Sunt convinsă că
    toate atacurile din ultima perioadă, susţinute cu bani mulţi, au fost făcute în
    acest scop, sunt făcute în acest scop, dar răspunsul nostru este acela că ne
    vom continua activitatea.

    Nu se impune demisia din funcţie a Laurei
    Codruţa Kovesi în acest moment – a ţinut să declare actualul şeful al statului,
    Klaus Iohannis, fiindcă deocamdată nu există dovezi că şi-ar fi plagiat teza de
    doctorat. El a precizat, însă, că i-a cerut procurorului şef să clarifice
    urgent acest subiect.