Tag: Bogdan Olteanu

  • Hotărâre controversată a Curţii Supreme

    Hotărâre controversată a Curţii Supreme

    Curte de Casaţie şi Justiţie din România a luat, marţi, o decizie cu implicaţii
    majore privind prescrierea faptelor. Curtea a hotărât ca aceasta să se aplice
    retroactiv, pe principiul legii penale mai favorabile. Ea a stabilit că nu au
    existat cauze de întrerupere a cursului prescripţiei timp de 4 ani, între iunie
    2018, data intrării în vigoare a primei decizii a Curţii Constituţionale
    privind prescripţia, şi mai 2022, data la care Codul penal a fost amendat tot
    ca urmare a unei hotărâri a CCR. Instituţia prescripţei speciale permitea
    procurorilor să întrerupă cursul acesteia prin administrarea de noi probe sau
    citarea persoanei vizate de ancheta penală în calitate de suspect sau inculpat.
    Potrivit unor surse judiciare, decizia Curţii supreme va afecta mii de dosare
    aflate pe rolul instanţelor sau în anchetă la procurori, iar inculpaţii vor
    scăpa de condamnare sau de acuzaţii ca urmare a prescrierii faptelor.

    include nume celebre. Cel mai sonor este al Elenei Udrea, o prezenţă constantă
    a sălilor de judecată şi a penitenciarelor în ultimii 8 ani, după încheierea
    celui de-al doilea mandat al preşedintelui Traian Băsescu, considerat
    protectorul ei. Încarcerată în prezent pentru corupţie, fostul ministru mai are
    pe rolul instanţelor încă două dosare. Primul vizează finanţarea campaniei
    electorale a lui Băsescu din 2009, în care Udrea a primit o condamnare de opt
    ani închisoare pentru săvârşirea infracţiunilor de instigare la luare de mită
    şi spălare a banilor. Procesul se judecă în faza de apel la Instanţa supremă. O
    condamnare de cinci ani a primit, în acest dosar, şi fiica cea mare a fostului
    preşedinte, Ioana Băsescu. La termenul din septembrie anul acesta, completul de
    la Înalta Curte care judecă procesul finanţării campaniei electorale a lui
    Băsescu a amânat dezbaterile până pe 15 decembrie, adică după decizia de marţi
    a Curţii supreme. Udrea e judecată la Curtea de Apel Bucureşti şi în dosarul
    ‘Hidroelectrica’, în care este acuzată de trafic de influenţă şi spălare a
    banilor, în legătură cu suma de 5 milioane de dolari primită de la un om de
    afaceri. Printre condamnaţii definitiv care au fost eliberaţi din închisoare pe
    motivul prescrierii faptelor se numără fostul preşedinte liberal al Camerei
    Deputaţilor, Bogdan Olteanu şi patronul echipei de fotbal UCraiova 1948, Adrian

    Alte zeci de dosare aflate pe rolul instanţelor au fost suspendate
    până la decizia de astăzi şi cel mai probabil vor fi închise. Printre inculpaţi
    sunt fostul primar al Piteştiului, social-democratul Tudor Pendiuc, primarul
    liberal, fost social-democrat, al Iaşului, Mihai Chirica, sau fostul ministru
    PSD Constantin Niţă. Oameni de afaceri, judecaţi, în general, pentru evaziune
    fiscală şi delapidare, şi politicieni de marcă, acuzaţi de trafic de influenţă,
    luare de mită, abuz în serviciu cu consecinţe deosebit de grave, jubilează după
    decizia Curţii Supreme. Majoritatea proceselor care s-ar putea închide acum
    durează de ani de zile. Este doar meritul avocaţilor sau şi rezultatul
    incompetenţei anchetatorilor?

  • Die Woche 26.10.–30.10.2020 im Überblick

    Die Woche 26.10.–30.10.2020 im Überblick

    Zweite Pandemiewelle

    Europa wird von der zweiten Welle der Pandemie mitgerissen, und die Staats- und Regierungschefs der EU versprechen, sich zu koordinieren, um sie einzudämmen. Am Ende einer Videokonferenz kündigte die Leiterin der Europäischen Kommission Ursula von der Leyen an, dass die Exekutive den Transfer von COVID-19-Patienten von einem Land in ein anderes finanzieren werde, um den Druck auf die Krankenhäuser zu verringern. Präsident Klaus Iohannis forderte mehr Geld für die Diversifizierung der Quellen künftiger Impfstoffe und einen einheitlichen Ansatz in allen Ländern der Europäischen Union, der unter anderem die gegenseitige Anerkennung der Testergebnisse ermöglichen würde. Europäische Staaten verlangen eine vollständige oder teilweisige Quarantäne. Die Behörden in Bukarest erkennen an, dass sich die Situation verschlechtert, sagen jedoch, dass es vorerst nicht notwendig ist, zu den drastischen Beschränkungen zurückzukehren. Täglich werden Tausende neue Infektionsfälle gemeldet, und rund 100 Patienten verlieren den Kampf gegen das Virus. Hunderte von Ortschaften, sowie die Hauptstadt, sind in das rote Szenario eingetreten, das die Verpflichtung beinhaltet, die Mund- und Nasenschutzmaske zu tragen, ausschlie‎ßlich Online-Schulkurse, die Schlie‎ßung von Restaurants, Bars, Clubs und Veranstaltungsräumen. Intensivstationen stehen unter enormem Druck, weshalb die Behörden beschlossen haben, bestehende zu erweitern und neue einzurichten. Im selben Register hat die Regierung neue Vorschriften für Patienten mit milden oder asymptomatischen Formen eingeführt und wird 200 junge Ärzte in Fachgebieten wie Intensivpflege, Notfall, Pneumologie, Infektionskrankheiten, Epidemiologie und Radiologie einstellen.

    Fünf Jahre nach Colectiv

    Es sind fünf Jahre seit dem tragischen Brand im Bukarester Club Colectiv, wodurch 65 junge Leute, die an einem Rockkonzert teilnahmen, ums Leben kamen. Weitere 150 benötigen noch medizinische Versorgung. Die Tragödie in Colectiv ist das Ergebnis einer Kettenkriminalität, und die spätere Haltung einiger Angeklagter bedeutet Zynismus, bösen Willen und Respektlosigkeit gegenüber dem gro‎ßen Leid der Opfer, das als Motivation der ersten Instanz bezeichnet wird und zu Haftstrafen von insgesamt 115 Jahren im Gefängnis führte. Die Verurteilten sind die Besitzer des Clubs und des Unternehmens, das die pyrotechnische Show organisiert hat, die Feuerwehrleute, die den Club überprüft hatten, und nicht zuletzt der damalige Bürgermeister des Bezirks, in dem die Veranstaltung stattfand, der wegen Amtsmissbrauchs verurteilt wurde. Nota bene – kurz nach dem Brand war er zurückgetreten und hatte versprochen, nie wieder in die Politik einzutreten. Inkompetenz und administrative Korruption führten im Fall Colectiv zu einer tödlichen Kombination. Die Menschen verstanden dies und gingen dann zu Zehntausenden auf die Stra‎ße, was zum Rücktritt der damaligen sozialdemokratischen Regierung führte. Die Worte des damaligen Leiters der rumänisch-katholischen Kirche Monsignore Robu, des ersten religiösen Führers, der zum Brandort ging, bleiben jedoch schmerzlich gültig. . “Ich denke, dass wir, die Kirche, in diesen 25 Jahren nicht hart genug an die Denk- und Handelsweise gearbeitet haben, weil wir Korruption, Lügen, Tricks sehr leicht akzeptiert haben und all dies scheint uns nichts, aber Sie sehen, dass diese Umstände kriminell sein können “.


    Der frühere liberale Vorsitzende der Bukarester Abgeordnetenkammer Bogdan Olteanu ist am Donnerstag wegen unerlaubter Einflussnahme zu 5 Jahren Haft rechtskräftig verurteilt worden. Staatsanwälte warfen ihm vor, von einem umstrittenen Geschäftsmann eine Million Euro erhalten zu haben. Als Gegenleistung sollte er Mitglieder der Regierung bei der Ernennung des Donaudelta-Gouverneurs beeinflussen. Olteanu leitete zwischen 2006 und 2008 das Unterhaus der Legislative und wurde 2009 zum stellvertretenden Gouverneur der Nationalbank ernannt. Er trat zurück, nachdem er 2016 von Anti-Korruptions-Staatsanwälten festgenommen worden war, um in der Akte zur unerlaubten Einflussnahme gehört zu werden.

    Rumänischer Premierminister besucht Frankreich

    Der rumänische Premierminister Ludovic Orban hat am Dienstagabend seinen zweitägigen offiziellen Besuch in Paris mit einem Treffen mit Vertretern der rumänischen Gemeinschaft in Frankreich abgeschlossen. Bei einem Treffen mit Vertretern der MEDEF, der grö‎ßten Arbeitgeberverein in Frankreich, forderte Orban die französischen Geschäftsleute auf, in Rumänien vorrangigen in den Bereichen Gesundheit, Verkehr- und Energieinfrastruktur, Forschung und Telekommunikation zu investieren. Zuvor hatte Ludovic Orban mit seinem französischen Amtskollegen Jean Castex einen aktualisierten Vierjahres-Fahrplan für die bilaterale strategische Partnerschaft unterzeichnet. Der rumänische Premierminister führte auch Gespräche mit dem Präsidenten der Nationalversammlung Richard Ferrand und dem Präsidenten des französischen Senats Gérard Larcher.

  • Nachrichten 29.10.2020

    Nachrichten 29.10.2020

    Rumänien meldet neue Negativ-Rekorde in Sachen Corona-Neuinfektionen. Insgesamt 6481 Personen sind in den letzten 24 Stunden positiv getestet worden. Landesweit seien gut 36.000 Tests durchgeführt worden, verlautete es von der Gruppe für Strategische Kommunikation. Infolge der Erkrankung starben 83 Menschen, die Gesamtzahl der Corona-Opfer beläuft sich auf mehr als 6700. Seit Ausbruch der Pandemie wurden in Rumänien rund 229.000 Fälle von Coronavirus-Infektionen bestätigt, fast 164.000 Personen gelten als geheilt. Knapp 870 Patienten werden auf Intensivstationen behandelt, das sind um sieben mehr als am Vortag. Die höchsten Infektionsraten weisen die Landkreise Klausenburg, Sălaj und Alba, sowie die Hauptstadt Bukarest auf. Auch in den Landkreisen Temesch und Harghita sind über 3 Erkrankungen pro 1000 Einwohner erreicht, was dem sogenannten roten Szenario entspricht. Zu den dazugehörenden Maßnahmen zählt etwa die Maskenpflicht im Freien. Indes sind außerhalb der Landesgrenzen keine Neuerkrankungen bei rumänischen Staatsbürgern in den letzten 24 Stunden festgestellt worden. Bislang hatten sich rund 6900 Auslands-Rumänen mit dem Coronavirus infiziert, 126 davon starben.

    Der frühere liberale Vorsitzende der Bukarester Abgeordnetenkammer, Bogdan Olteanu, ist am Donnerstag wegen unerlaubter Einflussnahme zu 5 Jahren Haft rechtskräftig verurteilt worden. Staatsanwälte warfen ihm vor, von einem umstrittenen Geschäftsmann eine Million Euro erhalten zu haben. Als Gegenleistung sollte er Mitglieder der Regierung bei der Ernennung des Donaudelta-Gouverneurs beeinflussen. Olteanu leitete zwischen 2006 und 2008 das Unterhaus der Legislative und wurde 2009 zum stellvertretenden Gouverneur der Nationalbank ernannt. Er trat zurück, nachdem er 2016 von Anti-Korruptions-Staatsanwälten festgenommen worden war, um in der Akte zur unerlaubten Einflussnahme gehört zu werden.

    Bei den Filmfestspielen von Cannes ist der rumänische Kurzfilm Kontraindikationen unter der Regie von Lucia Chicoş mit dem dritten Preis der Sektion Cinefondation ausgezeichnet worden. Die Filmfestspiele wurden dieses Jahr in Form einer dreitägigen Mini-Ausgabe organisiert. 17 Filme wurden in den Wettbewerb aufgenommen. Der erste Preis ging an den Film Catdog von Ashmita Guha Neogi (Indien), und der zweite Preis ging an die Produktion My Fat Arse and I von Yelyzaveta Pysmak (Polen). Lucia Chicoş ist eine Masterstudentin im zweiten Jahr an der Nationalen Universität für Theater- und Filmkunst in Bukarest. Ihr Bachelor-Film Kontraindikationen präsentiert eine angespannte Diskussion zwischen einer Mutter und ihrer Tochter. Die Cinefondation-Sektion, in der Kurzfilme von Studenten aus aller Welt gezeigt werden, ist seit 1998 ein Sprungbrett für Generationen talentierter Filmemacher.

  • October 29, 2020

    October 29, 2020

    A record number of 6,481 new cases of people infected with SARS-CoV-2
    have been registered in Romania in the last 24 hours, following 36,169 tests
    performed nationwide, the Strategic Communication Group has announced. The
    number of deaths attributed to COVID-19 was 83, bringing the total number of
    victims to 6,764. Since the beginning of the pandemic, 229,040 cases of people
    infected with the new coronavirus have been confirmed in Romania, and 163,852
    patients have been declared cured. 868 patients are admitted to intensive care,
    7 more than the previous day. The highest infection coefficients per 1,000
    inhabitants in the last 14 days were registered in the counties of Cluj (4.3),
    Sălaj (4.11), Alba (3.8), in the capital Bucharest (3.69) and in the counties of
    Timiş (3.61) and Harghita (3.32). These areas are subject to the red scenario
    that imposes additional restrictions, such as wearing a mask in all open
    spaces. The good news comes from abroad, where there have been no new cases of
    infection or death among Romanians in the last 24 hours. So far, 6,851 Romanian
    nationals have fallen ill and 126 have lost their lives abroad.

    More than 44 million people have tested positive for the new coronavirus worldwide and
    nearly 1.2 million have died from COVID-19. Ranking first with regard to the confirmed cases of
    infection is the United States, with 9 million, followed by India, with 8, and
    Brazil, with almost 6. The same countries occupy the first three places in
    terms of deaths due to COVID-19. The pandemic continues to severely affect
    Europe. France is re-imposing quarantine nationwide from Friday to December 1
    to limit the spread of the new coronavirus, President Emmanuel Macron announced
    on Wednesday night. According to Radio Romania’s correspondent in Paris, people
    will have to stay in their homes, except for when they need to purchase
    essential goods, for doctor’s appointments or daily outdoor exercise. For all these,
    the French will have to fill in a self-declaration. In Germany, Chancellor Angela Merkel, has agreed with the leaders of the federal states
    to set up a so-called limited lockdown, in parallel with tightening the rules
    already in place. These measures are burdensome, she admitted, but she stressed
    that they are aimed at restoring much of public life in Germany in December.
    The new measures will enter into force starting Monday, November 2, two days
    earlier than previously expected, being valid until the end of the month, the
    Radio Romania correspondent in Germany reports.

    SENTENCE The former Liberal President of
    the Bucharest Chamber of Deputies, Bogdan Olteanu, has been sentenced today to
    5 years in prison for influence peddling in a case in which he is accused of
    receiving one million euro from a controversial businessman. The sentence is
    final. Olteanu led the lower chamber of Parliament between 2006 and 2008, and
    in 2009 he was appointed deputy governor of the National Bank. He resigned
    after being detained by anti-corruption prosecutors in 2016, to be heard in the
    influence peddling case.

    The environmental organization Greenpeace Romania launches a campaign entitled
    Green barrier for replanting forest curtains and protection forests in
    plain areas. In the next 30 years, over 40% of Romania’s territory will
    become an arid steppe, and climatologists claim that over 11 million Romanians
    will be affected by rising temperatures, drastic reductions in water reserves
    and desertification. According to Greenpeace Romania, illegal logging in recent
    years has exceeded the darkest estimates: 20 million cubic meters of timber
    disappear annually without a trace, including from plain areas.

    AL-QAEDA A senior UN official has
    warned that al-Qaeda remains a global threat, even though the Taliban have
    vowed to prevent the terrorist group from launching further attacks from
    Afghanistan. The US intervention in Afghanistan, following the 9/11 attacks,
    aimed to eliminate al-Qaeda and overthrow the Taliban regime that hosted the
    group. 19 years later, President Donald Trump is determined to withdraw the US
    forces from Afghanistan. The agreement his administration signed with the
    Taliban earlier this year sets a temporary timetable for withdrawal, provided
    insurgents prevent their former allies from further attacks against the West.

    The Romanian football champion, CFR Cluj (northwest) plays, tonight, on home
    turf, against Young Boys Bern of Switzerland, its second match in Group A of
    Europa League. Also today, in the same group, the Italians from AS Rome meet
    the Bulgarians from TSKA Sofia. In the first matches, last week, CFR won 2-0 in
    Sofia, and Rome 2-1 in Bern. The Cluj team is the last representative of
    Romania in this year’s edition of the European football cups. (M. Ignatescu)

  • Nachrichten 24.12.2019

    Nachrichten 24.12.2019

    Der rumänische Staatschef Klaus Iohannis hat am Dienstag anlässlich der Weihnachtsfeiertage eine Botschaft an die Rumänen gerichtet. Das Fest der Geburt des Herrn bringt uns alle näher. Wir sollen die Freude des Beisammenseins fühlen, wir sollen vereint durch die Tiefe des Mitgefühls, der Solidarität und der Großzügigkeit gegenüber anderen sein , sagt Präsident Klaus Iohannis. Premierminister Ludovic Orban erklärte seinerseits die Rumänen sollen den Wunsch aufrechterhalten, jeden Tag Gutes zu tun. Das Fest der Geburt des Herrn hat die gesegnete Kraft, uns besser, einfühlsamer und unterstützender zu machen, sagte der Premierminister in seiner Weihnachtsbotschaft.

    Für die neuorthodoxen, griechisch-katolischen und die katholischen Christen auf der ganzen Welt, einschließlich im mehrheitlich orthoxen Rumänien ist der 25. Dezember die Feier der Geburt von Jesus Christus, eine der größten Feier des Christentums. Der Patriarch der rumänisch-orthodoxen Kirche Daniel hat in einer Botschaft die Bedeutung der Familie hervorgehoben, die sich in der heutigen Gesellschaft oft mit Herausforderungen und Krisen durch Armut, Migration, Depressionen und Alkohol- und Drogenkonsum konfrontiert. Der Erzbischof des römisch-katholischen Bukarester Bistums Ioan Robu, sagte seinerseits, dass Jesus auch in der heutigen Welt, so wie sie ist, geboren wird. Der Erzbischof der griechisch-katholischen Kirche in Rumänien Kardinal Lucian sagt, dass das im Namen des Glaubens und der Freiheit vergossene Blut uns zwingt, Haltung zu beziehen, wenn die Rechte und Freiheiten der Unterprivilegierten verworfen werden. Unter Hinweis auf die Worte von Papst Franziskus bei seinem Besuch in Rumänien hat Kardinal Lucian zu Brüderlichkeit und Dialog unter den Christen aufgerufen.

    Die Europäische Kommission hat rund 16 Millionen Euro an Rumänien als Ausgleich für die Verluste ausgezahlt, die in diesem Jahr durch das afrikanische Schweinepestvirus entstanden sind. Der Präsident der Nationalen Behörde für Gesundheit, Veterinärwesen und Lebensmittelsicherheit Robert Chioveanu sagt, dass die Behörden der Kommission alle Maßnahmen zur Bekämpfung des Virus vorgelegt haben und die Herausforderungen gezeigt, mit denen sich die Behörden bei ihren Bemühungen um seine Ausrottung auseinandergesetzt haben. In den letzten zwei Wochen seien etwa 10.000 Kontrollen im Verkehr durchgeführt, um die Beförderung von Tieren, insbesondere von Schweinen, einzuschränken. Es wurden Geldstrafen verhängt, Dutzende von Schweinen sowie etwa 2 000 kg Fleischprodukte beschlagnahmt.

    Das rumänische Verfassungsgericht hat die von der Sozialdemokratischen Partei eingereichte Klage über die Methode der Verabschiedung des Staatshaushalts für 2020 erhalten. Das Gericht erwartet nun Stellungnahmen aller Parteien bis zum 10. Januar und werde einen Termin für die anschließende Diskussion ansetzen, hieß es.

    Die Regierung hat das Haushaltsgesetz im Parlament im sogenannten Verfahren der Vetrauensfrage, ohne Debatte und Abstimmung verabschiedet und argumentiert, dass sie einen ausgeglichenen Haushalt benötigt, der bis zum Jahresende verabschiedet werden kann. Die Regierung hat mehrere Änderungsanträge angenommen, allerdings keinen einzigen von den Sozialdemokraten.

    Der ehemalige Präsident der Abgeordnetenkammer, der liberale Politiker Bogdan Olteanu ist am Dienstag erstinstanzlich von einem Bukarester Gericht zu sieben Jahren Gefängnis wegen unrechtmäßiger Einflussnahme verurteilt worden. Ihm wurde vorgeworfen, dafür 1 Million Euro von einem Geschäftsmann kassiert zu haben. Das Gericht ordnete außerdem die Einziehung des Schadens an. In einem weiteren Korruptionsverfahren wurde der ehemalige sozialdemokratische Abgeordnete Viorel Hrebenciuc zu drei Jahren Gefängnis verurteilt, während die ehemalige Vorsitzende des Nationalen Rates für audiovisuelle Medien Laura Georgescu ebenfalls zu vier Jahren und vier Monaten Gefängnis verurteilt wurde. In demselben Fall wurden auch Gheorghe Stefan, der ehemalige liberale Bürgermeister von Piatra Neamt, und Narcisa Iorga, ein ehemaliges Mitglied des Audiovisuellen Rates, zu Gefängnisstrafen verurteilt. Gegen diese Urteile kann Berufung eingelegt werden.

    Der rumänische Präsident Klaus Iohannis hat am Dienstag das Gesetz zur Ausrufung des 1. November zum nationalen Tag des Hörfunks ratifiziert. Zentrale und lokale Behörden können kulturelle und wissenschaftliche Veranstaltungen zu diesem besonderen Tag organisieren oder NGOs und andere Institutionen, die ähnliche Veranstaltungen organisieren, logistisch oder finanziell unterstützen, so das Gesetz. Im Jahr 2019 feierte der Rumänische Rundfunk 91 Jahre ununterbrochenen öffentlichen Dienst.

  • Nachrichten 22.08.2016

    Nachrichten 22.08.2016

    BUKAREST: Ministerpräsident Dacian Ciolos unternimmt am Donnerstag einen offiziellen Besuch in der benachbarten Moldau. Der Besuch hat einen speziellen Hintergrund: Neulich hatte die rumänische Regierung die erste Teilzahlung in Höhe von 60 Millionen Euro von dem 150-Millionen-Darlehen für die ex-sowjetische Republik. Als Gegenleistung hatte sich die Moldau zur Erfüllung mehrerer Ziele verpflichtet: die Festlegung des Fahrplans für ein Abkommen mit dem IWF, das Erarbeiten eines Gesetzespakets zur Verbesserung des Geschäftsklimas, eine Systemanalyse für die Erkennung der Schwachpukte im Bankbereich sowie eine Strategie für die Beseitigung der Schwachpunkte. Ferner forderte Rumänien die Erarbeitung eines Plans zur Darstellung und Anpassung der Reformstrategie im Justizbereich und der Antikorruptionsstrategie in der Republik Moldau.

    BUKAREST: Das Oberste Gericht hat die Untersuchungshaft des ehemaligen Vizegouverneurs der Notenbank, Bogdan Olteanu, um 30 Tage verlängert. Die Entscheidung des Richters ist allerdings nicht rechtskräftig, Olteanus Anwälte legten bereits Rechtsmittel dagegen ein. Vor zehn Tagen hatten die Richter eine 16-tägige U-Haft im Fall Olteanu beschlossen. Er soll im Zeitraum Juli-November 2008 in seiner ehemaligen Eigenschaft als Präsident der Abgeordnetenkammer die Ernennung Liviu Mihaius zum Gouverneur des Donaudeltas begünstigt haben. Als Gegenleistung habe er vom Geschäftsmann Sorin Ovidiu Vântu eine Million Euro und Unterstützung im Wahlkampf gefordert und erhalten, behauptet die Staatsanwaltschaft.

    BUKAREST: Circa 1900 Mitarbeiter des Ford-Werks im südrumänischen Craiova haben ihre Arbeit nach mehreren Wochen wieder aufgenommen. Während dieser Zeit waren die Maschinen im Werk geprüft und gewartet worden. Der US-Konzern produziert in Craiova täglich 280 Pkw von Typ B MAX. Seit der Markteinführung des Modells 2012 ist die Nachfrage für den B MAX stetig zurückgegangen. Neben Ford ist Renault der zweite international aufgestellte Automobilkonzern mit Produktionsanlagen in Rumänien. Der französische Autobauer kaufte die Dacia-Werke im südrumänischen Piteşti.

    BUKAREST: Die rumänische Regierung hat einen Entwurf der Eilverordnung zur Vereinfachung des Wahlverfahrens im Ausland veröffentlicht. Dadurch sollen zumindest die Bedingungen wiederhergestellt werden, die vor der Annahme des Gesetzes zur Briefwahl gültig waren. Von den geschätzten 3,4 Millionen Auslandsrumänen haben sich bisher nur 6000 ins Wahlregister eintragen lassen, davon haben 4789 klargestellt, dass sie von der Briefwahl Gebrauch machen wollen. Nun soll die Möglichkeit eingeführt werden, dass die Auslandsrumänen ihre Dokumente für die Eintragung ins Wahlregister auch per E-Mail einsenden können, was das bisherige Verfahren vereinfacht. Zweitens wird das Außenministerium der Ständigen Wahlbehörde vorschlagen, mehr Wahllokale einzurichten, als es das bisherige Gesetz vorsieht. Wahllokale sollen nicht nur in den Botschaften und Konsulaten, sondern – mit Zustimmung des betreffenden Staates – auch sonstwo eingerichtet werden können. Dadurch will man vor allem Zustände vermeiden, die es bei den Präsidentschaftswahlen 2014 gab, mit langer Anreise und endlosen Schlangen. Die Regierung will die Eilverordnung zu Beginn der Parlamentstagung Anfang September annehmen.

  • August 22, 2016 UPDATE

    August 22, 2016 UPDATE

    CORRUPTION — Romania’s Supreme Court on Monday extended by 30 days the temporary detainment of the former deputy governor of Romania’s Central Bank, Bogdan Olteanu. The decision is not final and has already been appealed by Olteanu’s lawyers. On August 12, judges decided to place Olteanu under 16-day arrest. According to anti-corruption prosecutors, Olteanu received 1 million euros and other benefits from Sorin Ovidiu Vantu to use his influence and get the Government to name Liviu Mihaiu as governor of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve. This happened in 2008, when Olteanu was president of the Chamber of Deputies. The Parliament voted him into the Central Bank board in October 2009.

    CONFLICT – Iran says Russia has stopped using one of its airbases to bomb targets in Syria for the time being, according to the BBC. Iranian Defense Minister Hossein Deghan had earlier criticized Russia for publicizing the raids last week. Both Russia and Iran are key allies of Syrias President Bashar al-Assad, but Iran speaks little about its involvement in the conflict.

    VISIT – The Romanian PM Dacian Cioloş will pay an official visit to the Republic of Moldova on Thursday, after earlier this month the Romanian Government disbursed a first instalment worth 60 million euros of the non-repayable financial aid package for the Republic of Moldova of 150 million euros. The two sides have agreed on a number of obligations that the Republic of Moldova has to fulfil for this first instalment to be disbursed, such as the setting up of a roadmap for reaching an agreement with the IMF and the passing of laws meant to improve the business environment. The Republic of Moldova also has to present a plan for updating the reform strategy in the justice sector and a national anti-corruption strategy.

    STRIKE ACTION — On hunger strike since Thursday, Romanian farmers say they would not renounce their protest in front of the Government building until they get subsidies for their animals. The total amount demanded stands at 360 million euros. Protesters say the Agriculture Ministry must disburse the money by August 15. The Agency for Payments and Interventions in Agriculture claims that 61% of subsidies have been paid by mid-August, the equivalent of 193 million euros.

    TRANSPORTERS — Romanian carriers have called a work-in strike. They will run at 30 km/h for an hour every day across the country, until the civil liability premiums for car owners will be reduced to 1,100 euros per year. Employers in the field will also stage a large protest nationwide on September 15. Carriers say that unless immediate action is taken, they might opt for calling an all-out strike. They claim premiums for car owners doubled their cost from 2,000 to over 4,000 euros only in one year. Under these circumstances, carriers in Romania are reporting huge costs and can no longer be competitive at European level.

    OLYMPICS — The Olympic Games in Rio ended with a modest result for Romania, with only 5 medals. Romania ranks 47 in the medal standings, with one gold for the women’s epee team, the silver won by Florin Mergea and Horia Tecau in the men’s tennis doubles and three bronze medals, grabbed by weightlifter Gabriel Sincraian, the women’s coxed eight rowing crew and Albert Saritov in wrestling. Tokyo will host the Olympic Games of 2020.

    TENNIS — Tennis player Simona Halep went down one position in WTA standings to 5th place after losing 6-3, 6-4 to Angelique Kerber of Germany in the semi-finals of the WTA tournament in Cincinnati, the US. In the doubles competition, Horia Tecau of Romania and Jean-Julien Rojer of the Netherlands lost to Ivan Dodig of Croatia and Mercelo Melo of Brazil in the finals, score 6-7, 7-6, 6-10.

    (Translated by Elena Enache)

  • 21.08.2016


    Migration — La migration illégale aux frontières de la Roumanie a connu une baisse importante, de plus de 40%, sur les sept premiers mois de l’année par rapport à la même période de 2015, indique la Police aux frontières. Environ 600 ressortissants étrangers ont tenté d’entrer illégalement en Roumanie, depuis le début de cette année, alors qu’ils étaient plus de mille l’année dernière. Une centaine d’entre eux ont été refoulés vers les Etats voisins, conformément aux accords et protocoles de réadmission. La plupart des migrants illégaux étaient organisés en groupes, accompagnés d’une trentaine de passeurs, citoyens roumains et étrangers, interpellés eux aussi par les policiers aux frontières. Les pays d’origine de ces personnes sont divers – Pakistan, Afghanistan, Irak, Soudan, mais aussi République de Moldova, Russie, Turquie ou encore Albanie. Dans la plupart des cas, les migrants se cachent dans des moyens de transports, utilisent de faux papiers d’identité ou essaient de passer en force la frontière verte.

    Corruption — Les juges de la Haute Cour de cassation et de justice de Bucarest décideront lundi s’ils prolongent ou non la détention provisoire de l’ancien vice-gouverneur de la Banque nationale de Roumanie, Bogdan Olteanu. Celui-ci fait l’objet d’une enquête de la Direction nationale anti-corruption qui l’accuse de trafic d’influence dans une affaire qui remonte à 2008 ; président de la Chambre des députés à l’époque, Bogdan Olteanu aurait demandé et reçu un million d’euros de la part d’un homme d’affaires roumains pour influer sur la désignation du gouverneur du delta du Danube. M. Olteanu est le premier responsable de la Banque centrale à faire l’objet d’une telle démarche des procureurs, mais l’enquête porte sur son activité antérieure.

    Cinéma — « Dogs » (Chiens), le thriller roumain le plus attendu de l’année, du réalisateur Bogdan Mirică, a été doublement récompensé au Festival du film de Sarajevo, un des plus importants événements du genre en Europe. La production a reçu la Mention spéciale du jury, tandis que le comédien Gheorghe Visu s’est vu décerner le trophée Heart of Sarajevo (Le cœur de Sarajevo), du meilleur acteur. La revue française Télérama compare Gheorghe Visu, interprète d’une quarantaine de rôles dans le cinéma roumain, aux stars du western classique américain. « Dogs » (Chiens) rencontrera son public roumain à partir du 23 septembre et sera projeté, dans les mois à venir, à des festivals du Canada, Danemark, Espagne, Israël, Italie, Portugal et Suède.

    Jeux Olympiques — Les marathoniens Marius Ionescu et Nicolae Soare et le lutteur Albert Saritov sont les représentants de la Roumanie dans les compétitions du dernier jour des Jeux Olympiques de Rio de Janeiro. Au classement des médailles, la Roumanie est 45e, avec une médaille d’or remportée par l’équipe féminine d’épée, une médaille d’argent remportée par le double Florin Mergea et Horia Tecău en tennis, et deux médailles de bronze ramassées par l’haltérophile Gabriel et par l’équipage de 8 avec barreuse, en aviron. Ces résultats bien modestes ont poussé le président du Comité olympique et sportif roumain, Alin Petrache, a annoncé sa décision de déposer son mandat. Au bilan brésilien décevant s’ajoute un scandale de corruption, en Roumanie, où la police enquête sur l’activité de la firme qui a fourni les tenues officielles de la délégation olympique roumaine. Les sportifs se sont plaints de la qualité des pièces vestimentaires qui se sont déchirées au bout de seulement quelques jours d’utilisation et dont la couleur s’est imprimée sur la peau. La firme Pax Creative, fournisseur des tenues officielles pour les JO de Rio, a été créée par l’ancien président du Comité olympique et sportif roumain, Octavian Morariu, à présent membre du CIO, et par le secrétaire général du COSR, Ioan Dobrescu.

    Tennis — Le Roumain Horia Tecau et le Néerlandais Jean-Julien Rojer affrontent aujourd’hui Ivan Dodig (Croatie) et Marcelo Melo (Brésil), dans la finale de double messieurs du tournoi de tennis de Cincinnati, aux Etats Unis. En demi-finale, Tecău et Rojer ont éliminé les frères américains Bob et Mike Bryan, grâce à une victoire en deux sets (6-3, 7-6). Egalement à Cincinnati, dans l’une des demi-finales du simple dames, la Roumaine Simona Halep s’est inclinée (6-3, 6-4) devant l’Allemande Angelique Kerber. A cause de cette défaite, Simona Halep perd une place au classement WTA, et sera 5e dans la hiérarchie mondiale. Angélique Kerber a besoin d’une seule victoire pour devenir la nouvelle numéro 1 mondiale.

    Météo — Il fait beau partout en Roumanie et les températures sont à la hausse. Des pluies à verse tombent localement, dans les régions de collines et en montagne. Les maximales de ce dimanche vont de 27 à 35°. 31° et du soleil à Bucarest, à midi.

  • Retrospectiva săptămânii  7.08 – 13.08.2016

    Retrospectiva săptămânii 7.08 – 13.08.2016

    Funeraliile reginei Ana a României

    Reginei Ana a României i-a fost adus, în această săptămână, un ultim omagiu, înaintea înmormântării de sâmbătă, la necropola regală de la Curtea de Argeş, prima capitală a principatului medieval Ţara Românească. Soţia ultimului suveran al României, Mihai I, a decedat la începutul acestei luni, la vârsta de 92 de ani, în Elveţia. Sicriul cu trupul neînsufleţit a fost adus în ţară marţi şi depus la Castelul Peleş din Sinaia, iar ulterior adus la Bucureşti, în Sala Tronului din Palatul Regal, unde, timp de două zile, a fost permis accesul publicului. Grav bolnav, regele Mihai nu a primit acordul medicilor pentru a asista la funeralii. În vârstă de 94 de ani, Regele Mihai şi-a vizitat soţia în fiecare zi în clinica elveţiană în care a fost răpusă, pe 1 august, de cancer. Născută la Paris, in 1923, prinţesa Ana de Bourbon-Parma l-a întâlnit pe Regele Mihai la Londra, în 1947. În acelaşi an, pe 30 decembrie, într-un moment în care ţara se afla sub ocupaţie militară sovietică şi era condusă de un guvern comunist marionetă, Suveranul a fost constrâns să abdice şi să se exileze. Din Statele Unite, din Marea Britanie sau din Elveţia, el a girat acţiunile Comitetului Naţional Român, prezentat ca un guvern în exil, deşi democraţiile occidentale nu i-au recunoscut niciodată acest statut. Regele Mihai a putut reveni în România doar după Revoluţia anticomunistă din 1989 şi şi-a redobândit cetăţenia română, retrasă de comunişti, şi o parte din proprietăţi. El a promovat, ca ambasador special, în marile cancelarii occidentale admiterea României în NATO, în 2004, şi în Uniunea Europeană, în 2007.

    Casa Regală şi Radio România au fost aproape, în cei 88 de ani de istorie comună. Povestea numită Radio România a început cu binecuvântarea Casei Regale, conform unui emoţionant documentar produs de Agenţia de Presă RADOR a Radio România.

    Rectificare bugetară la Bucureşti

    Guvernul de la Bucureşti a aprobat, miercuri, prima rectificare a bugetului de stat şi a bugetului asigurărilor sociale pe 2016. Premierul Dacian Cioloş a precizat că rectificarea are ca principal scop finanţarea politicilor publice, chiar dacă 2016 este an electoral. Principalele beneficiare ale rectificării sunt ministerele Sănătăţii, Educaţiei şi Muncii. Sănătatea a primit aproape 570 de milioane de lei în plus (peste 125 de milioane de euro) pentru plata salariilor majorate ale personalului medical. Sume suplimentare vor fi folosite şi pentru finanţarea programelor de sănătate ori pentru asigurarea medicamentelor compensate şi gratuite, o prioritate în domeniu fiind şi combaterea infecţiilor nosocomiale din spitale. În Educaţie, din suma de peste 1 miliard de lei primită (peste 220 de milioane de euro) vor putea fi plătite, de la 1 august, salariile majorate ori corectate ale personalului didactic şi ale celui auxiliar din învăţământul universitar şi preuniversitar. De asemenea, sunt avute în vedere şi programe destinate elevilor. Ministerul Muncii a primit peste 2,8 miliarde de lei (circa 620 de milioane de euro) pentru plata drepturilor sociale.

    Acord în domeniul Sănătăţii

    La Bucureşti, reprezentanţii medicilor, ministrul sănătăţii, Vlad Voiculescu, şi cel al muncii, Dragoş Pâslaru, au semnat o declaraţie comună în care se arată că iniţiativa de creştere a salariilor şi de plată a gărzilor suplimentare, de la 1 octombrie, prin raportarea la salariul majorat, este un pas important către normalizarea remuneraţiei în sectorul sanitar. Ministrul sănătăţii spune că este vorba despre o reparaţie a modului de plată, despre flexibilizarea timpului de lucru şi eficientizarea sistemului de sănătate. Impactul bugetar este de 100 de milioane de lei (echivalentul a aproximativ 22 de milioane de euro) pentru salarizarea corectă a gărzilor. Costurile urmează să fie suportate din bugetul sănătăţii şi să vină la pachet cu o serie de măsuri de eficientizare şi de eliminare a risipei din sistem, inclusiv in ceea ce priveste achiziţiile publice. Noile decizii vin la câteva zile după ce, de la 1 august, au fost majorate salariile pentru angajaţii din sistemul sanitar. Majorările sunt cuprinse între 300 (circa 70 euro) şi 900 de lei (circa 200 euro) şi de ele beneficiaza 163 de mii de persoane.

    Fostul viceguvernator al BNR, Bogdan Olteanu, a fost arestat preventiv

    Fostul viceguvernator al BNR, Bogdan Olteanu, a fost arestat, vineri,pentru 16 zile, a decis Înalta Curte de Casaţie şi Justiţie. Anterior, el fusese plasat în arest la domiciliu într-un dosar în care este acuzat de trafic de influenţă. DNA îl acuză că, în perioada iulie-noiembrie 2008, în calitate de preşedinte al Camerei Deputaţilor din partea PNL, a solicitat şi primit de la un om de afaceri suma de 1 milion de euro şi sprijin electoral în schimbul numirii unei persoane pe postul de guvernator al Deltei Dunării. Bogdan Olteanueste primul oficial al BNR reţinut vreodată de procurori. Banca Centrala a precizat că ancheta vizează activitatea lui Bogdan Olteanu desfăsurată înainte ca acesta sa devina viceguvernator, în 2009.

    Raport privind inflaţia

    Banca Naţională a României prognozează o inflatie de minus 0,4% pentru finalul acestui an, cu un punct procentual sub estimarea anunţată în luna mai, de 0,6%, potrivit Raportului trimestrial asupra inflaţiei prezentat, în această săptămână, de guvernatorul Mugur Isărescu. Pentru finalul anului viitor, banca centrală estimează o inflatie de 2%, de asemenea în scădere faţă de prognoza cuprinsă în Raportul din mai, de 2,7%. Pentru 2018, guvernatorul BNR apreciază că inflaţia va fi deasupra ţintei de 2,5%.

  • July 31, 2016 UPDATE

    July 31, 2016 UPDATE

    INVESTIGATION – Deputy Governor of the National Bank of Romania Bogdan Olteanu, currently under home arrest for 30 days in a case where he is accused of influence peddling, has announced he would step down on Monday. Olteanu was arrested on Thursday, prosecutors calling for his pre-trial arrest. Anticorruption prosecutors are accusing Olteanu of demanding and receiving 1 million euros and support for his election campaign from a businessman in exchange for appointing Liviu Mihaiu as the governor of the Danube Delta, during his time as Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies. This is the first National Bank official to be investigated by the National Anticorruption Directorate. In a press release, the Central Bank said the investigation is focused on Bogdan Olteanus political career before he became Deputy Governor in 2009.

    SURVEY – Over 40% of Romanians believe immigration and terrorism are the main challenges facing the EU, reads a recent Eurobarometer published by the European Commission in July. Over 31,000 people from 34 European countries and regions took part in this survey over May 21-31, 2016. In Romania, 42% of respondents depicted a positive image of the EU, down by 15% as compared to the previous survey, while 14% of them said they had a negative image of the EU, up by 5%. At national level, Romanians concerns are related to the healthcare and social security schemes, with 37% of the answers, unemployment 25% and inflation 24%.

    MILITARY EXERCISE – Over 2,700 military from five NATO member states – Bulgaria, Canada, Poland, Romania and USA – and five members of the Peace Partnership – Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine are starting today and until August 5 taking part in a large-scale military exercise in Cincu, central Romania. Organized by the General Staff of Ground Forces, the exercise is aimed at training the military in compliance with NATO standards. Command, training, computer-assisted simulations, ground troops and tactical exercises will be organized. According to the Defense Ministry, over 900 Romanian military and some 1,700 US troops equipped with M1A2 Abrams tanks and Bradley armored fighting vehicles, and 47 Canadian military equipped with infantry combat vehicles, will be carrying out tactical shooting exercises.

    MEASURES – Starting August 1, the VAT for the Romanian agriculture sector will drop from 20 to 9%. The measure will be applied for fertilizers, pesticides, seeds and other agricultural products used in seeding and cultivating plants. Farmers will pay less for farm works this year, while consumers are expected to buy cheaper products starting next year. Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos explained the decision is aimed at stimulating quality farming and stepping up productivity in this sector. Also starting August 1, some 650,000 employees in the public sector will get higher salaries. The measure will apply to the employees in the healthcare, education, administration and defense sectors. Also on August 1, over 600 former MPs will benefit from special pensions, awarded depending on the number of mandates they have had.

    BILATERAL RELATIONS – The UK will continue its strategic partnership with Romania, focusing on two pillars, security and prosperity, British Ambassador Paul Brummell has said. Attending a summer camp in central Romania, the British official said Romanians in Britain should remain calm, because Brexit negotiations will be a long process, at the end of which nothing will change. Brummel gave assurances that no changes will involve the situation of Romanian students in Great Britain before negotiations are completed.

    WYD – The World Youth Day was celebrated on Sunday in Krakow Poland, where hundreds of thousands of people, mostly young pilgrims from all around the world, came to attend a mass officiated by His Holy Father Pope Francis. In his message, the pontiff urged young people to embrace hope and focus on prayer as the central aspect of their lives. The Pope also told young people to look beyond the mundane gratifications offered by technology, and use their hearts to change the world. The event coincided with the 1,050th anniversary of Polands adoption of Christianity.

    TURKEY – Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan has told a television that he would forward Parliament a minor constitutional reform, which, if adopted, will place the national intelligence service and the chiefs of general staff under the presidencys control. The measures are aimed at handling full control of the military to the civilian leadership after the failed coup of July, where one military faction used tanks, fighter jets and helicopters to overthrow the power. Recep Tayyip Erdogan said military academies will be shut down and replaced with a National Defense University. The Turkish presidents statement follows last weeks thorough-going reform of the military: nearly half of the generals have been dismissed. After July 15, some 18,700 people have been arrested. 140 newspapers, radio and television stations were shut down.

  • July 31, 2016

    July 31, 2016

    INVESTIGATION – Deputy Governor of the National Bank of Romania Bogdan Olteanu, currently under home arrest for 30 days in a case where he is accused of influence peddling, has announced he would step down on Monday. Olteanu was arrested on Thursday, prosecutors calling for his pre-trial arrest. Anticorruption prosecutors are accusing Olteanu of demanding and receiving 1 million euros and support for his election campaign from a businessman in exchange for appointing Liviu Mihaiu as the governor of the Danube Delta, during his time as Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies. This is the first National Bank official to be investigated by the National Anticorruption Directorate. In a press release, the Central Bank said the investigation is focused on Bogdan Olteanus political career before he became Deputy Governor in 2009.

    SURVEY – Over 40% of Romanians believe immigration and terrorism are the main challenges facing the EU, reads a recent Eurobarometer published by the European Commission in July. Over 31,000 people from 34 European countries and regions took part in this survey over May 21-31, 2016. In Romania, 42% of respondents depicted a positive image of the EU, down by 15% as compared to the previous survey, while 14% of them said they had a negative image of the EU, up by 5%. At national level, Romanians concerns are related to the healthcare and social security schemes, with 37% of the answers, unemployment 25% and inflation 24%.

    MILITARY EXERCISE – Over 2,700 military from five NATO member states – Bulgaria, Canada, Poland, Romania and USA – and five members of the Peace Partnership – Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine are starting today and until August 5 taking part in a large-scale military exercise in Cincu, central Romania. Organized by the General Staff of Ground Forces, the exercise is aimed at training the military in compliance with NATO standards. Command, training, computer-assisted simulations, ground troops and tactical exercises will be organized. According to the Defense Ministry, over 900 Romanian military and some 1,700 US troops equipped with M1A2 Abrams tanks and Bradley armored fighting vehicles, and 47 Canadian military equipped with infantry combat vehicles, will be carrying out tactical shooting exercises.

    TURKEY – Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan has told a television that he would forward Parliament a minor constitutional reform, which, if adopted, will place the national intelligence service and the chiefs of general staff under the presidencys control. The measures are aimed at handling full control of the military to the civilian leadership after the failed coup of July, where one military faction used tanks, fighter jets and helicopters to overthrow the power. Recep Tayyip Erdogan said military academies will be shut down and replaced with a National Defense University. The Turkish presidents statement follows last weeks thorough-going reform of the military: nearly half of the generals have been dismissed. After July 15, some 18,700 people have been arrested. 140 newspapers, radio and television stations were shut down.

    TENNIS – Romanian tennis player the worlds no. 5 Simona Halep is today playing Madison Keys of USA in the final of the Montreal tournament in Canada, totaling 2.4 million dollars in prize money. On Saturday, Halep knocked out Angelique Kerber of Germany, ranked 2nd in WTA standings. In addition, Simona Halep and Monica Niculescu of Romania will also play in the doubles final. The two will take on Ekaterina Makarova and Elena Venina of Russia. This is the first time Halep has made it to both finals in the WTA system.

    (Translated by V. Palcu)

  • July 30, 2016 UPDATE

    July 30, 2016 UPDATE

    AIR SHOW – The 8th edition of Bucharest International Air Show, the biggest air show in Romania was held on Saturday in the capital city. The event was a demonstration with an emphasis on military aviation and the Romanian Air Forces took part in it with all their models. The show included 100 civil and military aircraft and 250 pilots and parachutists from countries such as Romania, Spain, Ukraine, the Czech Republic, the US, Greece, Austria, Belgium and Lithuania.

    CONFLICT – The Turkish military has killed 35 Kurdish militants after they attempted to storm a base in the south-eastern Hakkari province, military officials say. The overnight attack came hours after clashes in Hakkaris Cukurca district between soldiers and militants from the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) that left eight soldiers dead, the military officials said. The attack, that took place close to the border with Iraq, is one of the bloodiest ones since the attempted coup of July 15th. The battle between Kurdish fighters and the Turkish army have continued even after the coup. In fact, the number of Kurdish attacks has increased in the past year. More than 40,000 people have been killed in the conflict since the PKK — designated a terrorist group by Turkey, the United States and the European Union — began its insurgency in 1984.

    NATO – A large-scale military exercise is under way, until August 7th in Cincu, central Romania. As many as 2700 soldiers from 10 countries are taking part in it. Participating are NATO members, namely Romania, the USA, Canada, Poland and Bulgaria, joined by five members of the Partnership for Peace: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine.

    CORRUPTION — The deputy governor of the National Bank of Romania, Bogdan Olteanu, was placed under 30-day house arrest on Friday. Olteanu had been taken into custody on Thursday night for influence peddling. According to prosecutors, between July and November 2008, while serving as Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, Olteanu requested and received 1 million euro and election support from a business man, in exchange for appointing someone as governor of the Danube Delta. The same source mentions that the individual in question was appointed Danube Delta governor in September 2008. Olteanu’s lawyer has announced that on Monday his client will submit his resignation from the position of deputy governor of the National Bank of Romania. A Liberal since 1991, Bogdan Olteanu has been a deputy governor of Romania’s central bank since 2009. The National Bank explained in a news release that the investigation targets Bogdan Olteanu’s activity before he was appointed deputy governor.

    BREXIT – Most Scots still back remaining in the United Kingdom despite Britons voting to leave the European Union, a move that was opposed by the majority in Scotland, according to an opinion poll published on Saturday, Reuters reports. Scotlands nationalist First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has said the vote for Brexit had put Scottish independence back on the agenda just two years after it was rejected in a referendum. While Britons backed leaving the EU by 52percent, Scots voted by 62percent to remain in the bloc. However according to Saturdays YouGov survey, 53 percent of Scots wanted to stay part of the United Kingdom with 47 percent backing independence, Reuters reports.

    TERRORISM – Two brothers suspected of involvement in terrorist activities were detained on Friday evening in Belgium. The two allegedly planned attacks on the country’s territory. In this stage of the investigation, there is no connection between suspects and the investigation into the attacks committed on March 22nd in Belgium’s capital that claimed the life of 32 people.

    (Translated by Elena Enache)

  • July 30, 2016

    July 30, 2016

    NATO – A large-scale military exercise is under way, until August 7th in Cincu, central Romania. As many as 2700 soldiers from 10 countries are taking part in it. Participating are NATO members, namely Romania, the USA, Canada, Poland and Bulgaria, joined by five members of the Partnership for Peace: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine.

    CORRUPTION — The deputy governor of the National Bank of Romania, Bogdan Olteanu, was placed under 30-day house arrest on Friday. Olteanu had been taken into custody on Thursday night for influence peddling. According to prosecutors, between July and November 2008, while serving as Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, Olteanu requested and received 1 million euro and election support from a business man, in exchange for appointing someone as governor of the Danube Delta. The same source mentions that the individual in question was appointed Danube Delta governor in September 2008. Olteanu’s lawyer has announced that on Monday his client will submit his resignation from the position of deputy governor of the National Bank of Romania. A Liberal since 1991, Bogdan Olteanu has been a deputy governor of Romania’s central bank since 2009. The National Bank explained in a news release that the investigation targets Bogdan Olteanu’s activity before he was appointed deputy governor.

    CONFLICT – As many as eight Turkish soldiers have been killed on Saturday morning by armed fighters from the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK). The attack, that took place close to the border with Iraq, is one of the bloodiest ones since the attempted coup of July 15th. The battle between Kurdish fighters and the Turkish army have continued even after the coup. In fact, the number of Kurdish attacks has increased in the past year. The Ankara Government’s conflict with the PKK, an organisation seen as terrorist by the US and the EU, which has made over 40 thousand victims since 1984 up to present.

    BREXIT – Most Scots still back remaining in the United Kingdom despite Britons voting to leave the European Union, a move that was opposed by the majority in Scotland, according to an opinion poll published on Saturday, Reuters reports. Scotlands nationalist First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has said the vote for Brexit had put Scottish independence back on the agenda just two years after it was rejected in a referendum. While Britons backed leaving the EU by 52percent, Scots voted by 62percent to remain in the bloc. However according to Saturdays YouGov survey, 53 percent of Scots wanted to stay part of the United Kingdom with 47 percent backing independence, Reuters reports.

    TERRORISM – Two brothers suspected of involvement in terrorist activities were detained on Friday evening in Belgium. The two allegedly planned attacks on the country’s territory. In this stage of the investigation, there is no connection between suspects and the investigation into the attacks committed on March 22nd in Belgium’s capital that claimed the life of 32 people.

    TENNIS – Romanian tennis player Simona Halep, no. 5 in the world, is today playing against WTA’s 2nd seed, Angelique Kerber in the semi-finals of the Montreal tournament, worth 2.5 million dollars. In the quarterfinals, Halep defeated Russian Svetlana Kuznetsova (WTA’s 11th seed) in three sets. Halep also qualified to the semi-finals in women’s doubles alongside Romanian Monica Niculescu, and will next meet the team Andreja Klepca / Katarina Strebotnik of Slovenia.

    (Translated by Elena Enache)

  • La semaine du 25 au 30 juillet 2016

    La semaine du 25 au 30 juillet 2016

    Réunion du Conseil suprême de Défense du pays

    La Roumanie n’a pas pour l’instant de raisons d’élever le niveau d’alerte terroriste, a déclaré cette semaine le président roumain Klaus Iohannis à l’issue de la réunion du Conseil suprême de Défense du pays. Le président Iohannis a fait savoir que le Conseil suprême de Défense a entendu une évaluation de la situation sécuritaire du pays, du point de vue des risques et menaces terroristes, dans le contexte de la multiplication des attentats en Europe, tels les événements tragiques de France et d’Allemagne. Le Conseil s’est aussi penché sur la situation en Turquie, qui reste un partenaire stratégique de la Roumanie et de l’UE, un allié indispensable de l’OTAN, ainsi qu’un acteur dont la stabilité est vitale pour la sécurité régionale. A l’agenda du Conseil également – les conséquences pour la Roumanie des décisions prises au récent sommet de l’OTAN, qui s’est tenu les 8 et 9 juillet à Varsovie, en Pologne. L’occasion pour le chef de l’Etat roumain, d’annoncer que la brigade multinationale dont la création avait été décidée à Varsovie serait constituée en mars-avril 2017, conformément aux plans de la Roumanie ; aux moins six alliés, dont la Pologne et la Bulgarie, se sont déclarés prêts à y participer. Pour sa part, le ministre roumain de la Défense, Mihnea Motoc, a ajouté que la brigade multinationale serait constituée sur la base d’une brigade roumaine existante qui compte plus de 3000 militaires et dont le niveau de formation est très élevé, conforme aux normes de l’OTAN. Par ailleurs, toujours en début de cette semaine, le bataillon 341 d’infanterie, «Les requins blancs», une unité d’élite de l’armée roumaine, est parti pour le théâtre d’opérations d’Afghanistan. Sa mission est de protéger la base militaire de Kandahar et de consolider les forces de sécurité afghanes.

    La Roumanie et le contrôle des exportations d’armes

    La Roumanie respecte strictement les plus exigeantes normes de contrôle des exportations de produits militaires, affirme le Ministère des Affaires Etrangères de Bucarest, dans un communiqué. Selon ce document, les exportations observent la législation interne et reflètent les engagements assumés par la Roumanie, en tant que membre de l’UE, de l’OTAN, de l’ONU et de l’OSCE d’une part, et, d’autre part, en tant qu’Etat signataire du Traité sur le commerce avec les armes. C’est l’Autorité nationale de contrôle qui approuve les licences d’exportation suite à une analyse rigoureuse, précise également le Ministère roumain des Affaires Etrangères, soulignant que Bucarest est prêt à tout moment à collaborer à d’éventuelles enquêtes visant la destination des armes fabriquées en Roumanie. Cette prise de position intervient après la publication, par le quotidien britannique « The Guardian », d’une ample analyse, selon laquelle des pays de l’Europe de l’est, dont la Roumanie, avaient approuvé ces quatre dernières années la vente discrète d’armes à des pays du Proche Orient. D’une valeur de plus d’un milliard d’euros, ces armes seraient arrivées en Syrie, selon la publication britannique.

    Enquête de corruption

    Le vice-gouverneur de la Banque nationale de Roumanie, Bogdan Olteanu, fait l’objet d’une enquête de la Direction Nationale Anticorruption, étant accusé de trafic d’influence. Entre juillet et novembre 2008, alors qu’il était président de la Chambre des députés du Parlement roumain de la part du Parti national libéral, Bogdan Olteanu aurait demandé et reçu un million d’euros de la part de l’homme d’affaires, Sorin Ovidiu Vîntu, en échange d’appui électoral et de l’installation d’un journaliste bien connu aux fonctions de gouverneur de la Réserve de la biosphère Delta du Danube. En septembre 2008, le journaliste Liviu Mihaiu, qui travaillait à l’époque au sein du groupe de presse de Sorin Ovidiu Vîntu, a effectivement été nommé à la tête de la Réserve. Plusieurs autres personnes sont visées par cette enquête, selon les médias, dont le président du Sénat, Calin Popescu Tariceanu, ancien libéral lui aussi.

    Déficit budgétaire à la baisse

    En juin 2016, le déficit budgétaire de la Roumanie était plus bas que celui estimé, a fait savoir le ministère des Finances de Bucarest. Par conséquent, l’exécution du budget général consolidé pour les 6 premiers mois de l’année s’est finalisée par un déficit d’environ 850 millions d’euros, soit 0,5% du PIB, par rapport à l’estimation de 1,9%. A comparer avec la même période de l’année dernière, on constate une augmentation des recettes provenant de l’impôt sur le profit, sur les accises, sur les contributions à la sécurité sociale, sur les salaires et les revenus, ainsi que de la taxe sur l’utilisation des biens. En même temps, les recettes issues de la TVA ont baissé de 9,5% par rapport au premier semestre de l’année dernière, dans le contexte de la réduction de la TVA générale et de l’introduction d’une TVA diminuée sur les aliments.

    Aucune victoire pour le foot roumain

    4 équipes roumaines de foot ont joué cette semaine dans les compétitions européennes. Au troisième tour de qualification de la Ligue des Champions, Astra Giurgiu a terminé à égalité (1 partout) à domicile contre les Danois de FC Copenhague, alors que Steaua Bucarest a terminé sur le même score le match contre Sparta Prague, de République Tchèque. Pour leur part, les équipes roumaines participantes à la première manche du 3e tour de qualification de la Ligue Europa, Pandurii Târgu-Jiu et Viitorul Constanţa n’ont presqu’aucune chance de se qualifier, vu leurs défaites sévères. Pandurii a perdu, 1 but à 3, sur son propre terrain, le match contre Maccabi Tel Aviv d’Israël, alors que Viitorul a été vaincue par les Belges de Gand, score 5 buts à 0. Une autre équipe roumaine, CSMS Iasi a été éliminée par les Croates de Hajduk Split, au deuxième tour des préliminaires de la Ligue Europa.

  • July 25-31

    July 25-31

    Measures taken at the Supreme Defence Council meeting

    At present there is no reason to raise the terrorist threat level in Romania, president Klaus Iohannis said at the end of the Supreme Defence Council meeting. The president said that, considering the growing incidence of terrorist attacks in Europe and the tragic events in France and Germany, the Council was presented with an evaluation of terrorist risks and threats to Romania’s national security. Another topic on the Council’s agenda was Turkey, a country the president has described as a strategic partner of Romania and the European Union and an indispensable NATO ally, but also a key contributor to regional security. Additionally, the Council meeting also addressed the decisions adopted at the NATO Summit of Warsaw on July 8 and 9 and their consequences for Romania. Klaus Iohannis said the multinational brigade to be hosted by Romania will be created over March-April 2017. At least six allies are interested in taking part, including Poland and Bulgaria. Defence Minister Mihnea Motoc said the brigade will be developed around an existing Romanian brigade consisting of over three thousand highly-trained military. In another development, also this week, the White Sharks Romanian elite battalion went on a mission to Afghanistan to ensure the protection of the military base in Kandahar and provide assistance and advice to the Afghan security forces.

    Controlling arms export in Romania

    Romania thoroughly observes the highest standards for controlling the export of military gear, the Foreign Ministry has announced, saying that exports are controlled under the law and observe the international commitments of Romania as a member state of the EU, NATO, the UN and the OSCE, as well as a signatory of the Arms Trade Treaty. The National Control Authority hands out export licenses following a rigorous assessment. Romania also takes part in any investigation regarding the destination of arms produced in the country, the Ministry also reports. The announcement came after the British daily The Guardian published an extensive analysis according to which several East-European countries, including Romania, have been “discretely” selling over 1 billion euros worth of weapons to Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Jordan and Turkey. According to the British source, the weapons also reached Syria.

    Investigation at the National Bank of Romania

    The Deputy Governor of the National Bank of Romania, Bogdan Olteanu, is being investigated by the National Anticorruption Directorate for influence peddling. Olteanu is suspected of having demanded and received 1 million euros and support for his election campaign from the controversial businessman Sorin Ovidiu Vantu in 2008, when he was the acting Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies in the Romanian Parliament. In return, Olteanu took steps and used his influence with the members of the then Government to appoint journalist Liviu Mihaiu as governor of the Danube Delta. Anticorruption prosecutors believe Olteanu to have received the money through a third party at the headquarters of a political party.

    Drop in the budget deficit

    Halfway through the year, the budget deficit is lower than the initial forecast, the Finance Ministry reports. The general budget discharge for the six months of the year reported a deficit of some 850 million euros, accounting for 0.5% of the GDP, as compared to the initial estimate of 1.9%. Compared to the same period of last year, Romania has reported an increase in revenues collected from corporate tax, excises, contributions to social insurance schemes, income tax as well as the tax on the use of assets. VAT-related revenues dropped by 9.5% as compared to the first semester of last year, also due to the drop in the VAT reference value and the introduction of a reduced VAT for foodstuffs.

    No victory for Romanian clubs in European competitions

    Four Romanian football teams have this week competed in European inter-club tournaments. In the first leg of the Champions League third preliminary round, Astra Giurgiu drew 1-all at home in the match against FC Copenhagen of Denmark, while Steaua Bucharest held Sparta Prague of the Czech Republic to an 1-all draw away from home. Romanian teams playing in the Europa League third preliminary round have had sub-par performances and now hold only theoretical chances of qualifying. Pandurii Targu Jiu lost on home turf 1-3 to visitors Macabbi Tel Aviv of Israel, while Viitorul Constanta was trounced away from home nil-5 by the Belgian side Gent. In the same competition, CSMS Iasi were knocked out by Hajduk Split of Croatia.