Tag: Brent

  • Forecasts on energy prices

    Forecasts on energy prices

    After a 60% surge this year, prompted by the war
    started by the Russian Federation in neighbouring Ukraine, energy prices are
    forecast to drop 11% next year. According to a World Bank report, a slower
    global economic growth and the Covid-related restrictions introduced in China
    may lead to an even more substantial decrease.

    In spite of this slow-down, energy prices will still
    be 75% above the past five years’ average. The WB’s latest Commodity Markets
    Outlook, made public on Wednesday, indicates that the average price of Brent
    crude oil is likely to be 92 US dollars per barrel in 2023, and expected to
    drop to 80 US dollars per barrel in 2024, but it will be nevertheless
    substantially above the USD 60 multiannual average.

    World Bank forecasts also indicate that Russia’s oil
    exports might decrease to 2 million barrels a day, as a result of the ban
    considered by the EU with respect to Russia’s oil and natural gas, adding to
    which will be restrictions related to the insurance and shipping of Russian oil
    and gas. The ban is scheduled to take effect next month.

    Moreover, the report reads, G7 is looking at a yet
    untested price-capping mechanism, which may also affect Russia’s oil exports.

    The WB analysis also takes into account the effects of
    the US dollar appreciating against the currencies of most developing economies,
    a situation that has led to rising foodstuff and fuel prices. And this, the
    financial institution warns, may deepen food insecurity which is already
    impacting 200 million people around the world. As the authors of the document
    explain, the mix of high prices for raw materials and the persistent currency
    depreciation translates into higher inflation in many countries.

    In this context, emerging and developing economies
    should prepare for higher volatility in the global financial and commodity
    markets. WB experts say that currency depreciation forced nearly 60% of the
    emerging and developing economies to face increases in oil prices in their
    local currencies, following the Russian invasion in Ukraine.

    The WB forecast also indicates that both natural gas
    and coal prices are expected to decrease in 2023 from the record-high levels
    reported this year, but natural gas prices in Europe may remain almost 4 times
    higher than the average for the past 5 years. (AMP)

  • Teo Benea din Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii şi Irlandei de Nord

    Teo Benea din Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii şi Irlandei de Nord

    Timișoreanca Teo Benea, cu studii în Scoția şi Țările de Jos, angajată a unei companii londoneze de consultanță, aleasă în 2022 consilier local în Marea Britanie, în districtul metropolitan londonez Brent

  • January 13, 2022

    January 13, 2022

    COVID-19 Nearly 10,000 new SARS-CoV-2 infections were reported for
    the last 24 hours in Romania, along with 36 related deaths, the authorities
    announced on Thursday. The incidence rate is on the rise around the country,
    including in the capital Bucharest, where it passed 3 cases per 1,000
    inhabitants, the city now being in the red tier. This means that restaurants,
    cinemas, gyms and other venues can open at 30% capacity. Also, schools where
    the vaccine uptake among staff is under 60% will switch to online teaching.
    Some 1.8 million COVID-19 cases have been reported in Romania since the
    start of the pandemic, and around 60,000 COVID patients died. Amid anti-vaccine
    feelings fuelled by certain media outlets, politicians and opinion leaders,
    Romania has the second-lowest vaccination rate in the EU.

    PROTEST Public education staff are today picketing the headquarters of the
    government and of the Social Democratic Party and National Liberal Party in
    power. Trade unions in the sector are unhappy
    with the government’s failure to increase wages as stipulated by the 2017
    Salary Law. The protest is organised by the 3 major trade union federations in
    the sector, which argue that the teachers’ net pay raise of only 13 euro per
    month as of January 1 triggered overwhelming discontent among employees. The 3
    federations are currently holding a poll to decide whether to go on strike over
    the matter.

    MEETING Europe’s security architecture is being
    discussed today by the EU foreign and defence ministers, convening in a meeting
    in Brest organised by the French presidency of the EU Council. EU defence
    ministers will focus on the situation in Ukraine and the threat posed by
    Russia’s military build-up on the Ukrainian border. Another topic on the agenda
    is the Strategic Compass project, a roadmap for the Union’s security and
    defence by 2030, which stipulates the deployment of 5,000 troops in crisis
    situations by 2025. The talks in Brest will be followed by an
    informal 2-day meeting of the EU foreign ministers, attended by the High Representative of the European Union
    for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borell. Romania
    is represented by Bogdan Aurescu. The agenda includes the security developments
    in the Eastern Neighbourhood, the EU-China relations and the developments in Mali.
    Bogdan Aurescu will present Romania’s assessment of the current security
    situation and will reiterate the importance of preserving the unity of the EU
    and of maintaining firm and credible deterrence measures concerning Russia.

    OSCE The Permanent Council of the OSCE convenes
    in Vienna today to carry on the dialogue between Russia, the US and its
    European allies. After tense discussions in Geneva between the US deputy
    secretary of state Wendy Sherman and Russia’s deputy foreign minister Sergei
    Ryabkov, on Wednesday in Brussels NATO and Moscow found that deep differences
    remain between their views on security in Europe. The West sees Moscow’s about
    100,000 troops deployed on the Ukrainian border as an indication of an
    impending attack on that country, a plan that Russia denies.NATO’s
    secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg, said there is a real risk for a new armed
    conflict in Europe, and added that it is up to Russia to de-escalate and
    end the crisis. In turn, the EU diplomacy chief Josep Borrell accused Russia of
    attempting to rebuild the Soviet bloc in Europe and to divide the US and Europe. Moscow,
    on the other hand, says the military build-up is a response to the perceived
    growing and threatening presence of NATO in its area of influence.

    TENNIS The Romanian players taking part in the Australian
    Open, due to begin on Monday, have found out their opponents. In the first
    round, Simona Halep (15 WTA and 2018 Australian Open finalist) takes on
    Poland’s Magdalena Frech. Sorana Cîrstea (38 WTA) will have a difficult match
    against Petra Kvitova of the Czech Republic (21 WTA). Irina Begu (58 WTA) plays
    against the French Oceane Dodin (96 WTA), and Jaqueline Cristian (73 WTA) will
    take on Greet Minnen of Belgium (84 WTA), in her first match at the Australian
    Open. Gabriela Ruse (82 WTA), also for the first time in Melbourne, will play
    against the Italian Jasmine Paolini (52 WTA). (tr. A.M. Popescu)

  • Jurnal românesc – 27.03.2018

    Jurnal românesc – 27.03.2018

    România şi Statele
    Unite pregătesc un an 2018 foarte ambiţios în domeniul comerţului şi
    investiţiilor, care să reflecte consolidarea dimensiunii economice a
    Parteneriatului Strategic dintre cele două ţari, a declarat ambasadorul român
    la Washington, George Cristian Maior. El a participat, luni, la o reuniune cu
    reprezentanţii companiilor americane membre în Consiliul de Afaceri
    Americano-Român (AMRO). Discuţia a evidenţiat interesul companiilor americane pentru
    dezvoltarea proiectelor de investiţii existente şi iniţierea de noi
    parteneriate. Ambasadorul român a vorbit, cu acest prilej, de organizarea, anul
    acesta, la Bucureşti, a Summit-ului Iniţiativei celor Trei Mări, la care se
    aşteaptă o prezenţă importantă din
    partea administraţiei americane şi a mediului de investiţii. Reuniunea cu
    membrii AMRO face parte din programul Ambasadei României la Washington de
    susţinere a dialogului economic româno-american pe componenta mediului de
    afaceri. Programul include o serie de deplasări ale ambasadorului român în cele
    mai mari centre economice din SUA şi întâlniri cu reprezentanţi ai
    comunităţi româneşti din aceste zone.

    Ministerul pentru Românii de
    Pretutindeni, în parteneriat cu Ministerul Tineretului şi Sportului, va lansa,
    pe 28 martie, programul de tabere ARC ediţia 2018, dedicat celebrării
    Centenarului Marii Uniri. Ajuns la a zecea ediţie, programul se adresează
    etnicilor români din afara graniţelor, respectiv elevi, tineri, studenţi din
    ţările aflate în jurul graniţelor şi Balcani: Serbia, Bulgaria, Ungaria,
    Ucraina, Republica Moldova (inclusiv regiunea transnistreană), Albania,
    Republica Macedonia, Croaţia, precum şi românilor din diaspora de mobilitate
    din Italia, Spania, Franţa, Belgia, Germania, Austria, Marea Britanie, Grecia,
    Canada şi SUA. Programul de tabere ARC îşi propune să creeze şi să păstreze
    legături între cetăţenii şi etnicii români din diferite ţări, să ofere
    cunoştinţe despre cultura şi civilizaţia românească şi să promoveze valorile
    patrimoniului cultural românesc.

    Jurnalişti de limba română din
    Republica Moldova, Ucraina, Serbia şi Albania vizitează, până vineri, România,
    la invitaţia Ministerului pentru Românii de Pretutindeni (MRP). Vizita are loc
    în cadrul programului ‘Itinerar Centenar pentru jurnalişti români din afara
    graniţelor’. Jurnaliştii vor avea întâlniri cu reprezentanţi ai autorităţilor
    centrale şi locale din Bucureşti şi din judeţul Argeş, cu mass-media şi cu
    societatea civilă. Programul include vizite la Radio România Internaţional,
    Televiziunea Română şi la Agenţia Naţională de Presă Agerpres. Aceştia au
    participat, marţi, la şedinţa solemnă a Parlamentului de la Bucureşti, dedicată
    împlinirii a 100 de ani de la Unirea Basarabiei cu România. Potrivit MRP,
    vizita este un bun prilej pentru ca oaspeţii, care fac parte din regiuni în
    care trăiesc importante comunităţi româneşti istorice, să se reconecteze la
    identitatea spirituală, istorică şi culturală românească şi să devină parteneri
    ai României în demersul de a promova şi păstra ideea de apartenenţă la
    românitate, precum şi imaginea României.

    Românii din Marea Britanie sunt invitaţi, pe 4 aprilie, în Brent, la
    primul atelier legislativ organizat la Londra, de deputatul USR Nicolae-Daniel
    Popescu. Printre temele discutate se numără participarea cetăţenilor români la
    viaţa politică şi la procesele electorale din ţările în care s-au stabilit,
    votul prin corespondenţă pentru românii din afara graniţelor, precum şi
    reprezentarea diasporei în Parlamentul de la Bucureşti.