Tag: brua pipeline

  • Nachrichten 04.08.2018

    Nachrichten 04.08.2018

    Bukarest: Auf einer Sitzung des Parteitages der National-Liberalen hat am Samstag in Bukarest der Staatschef Klaus Iohannis das Kabinett Dăncilă kritisiert. Die aktuelle Situation in Rumänien bezeichnete Präsident Iohannis als schlecht und bekräftigte im Anschlu‎ß, die Normalität müsse wieder einkehren. Umfragen ergeben, dass 80% der Rumänen die Ansicht vertreten, dass das Land in die schlechte Richtung gehe, fügte Klaus Iohannis auf dem Parteitag hinzu. Der Chef der wichtigsten Regierungspartei PSD, Liviu Dragnea und seine Parteifreunde missbrauchen ihre Macht und handeln im eigenen Interesse, um sich vor Strafverfolgungen zu retten, bekräftigte Iohannis. Darüber hinaus, appellierte Klaus Iohannis an die Liberalen, vereint und stark zu bleiben, da Rumänien eine liberale Alternative brauche. Die Teilnahme des Präsidenten Iohannis am Parteitag fand im Kontext interner Spannungen in der Partei statt. Während der Woche hatte Iohannis die Parteivorsitzenden zu Diskussionen eingeladen. Der Parteitag hat zudem am Samstag die Prinzipien einer guten liberalen Regierungsführung verabschiedet”. Das Dokument beinhaltet 23 Prinzipien, darunter die Gewaltenteilung, die Nondiskriminierung und die effektive Gleichheit aller Bürger vor dem Gesetz, die Dezentralisierung, die Garantierung von Voraussehbarkeit und Stabilität, die Integrität in öffentlichen Ämtern sowie dieTransparenz.

    Bukarest: Die Afrikanische Schweinepest hat sich in Rumänien in 98 Ortschaften ausgebreitet. Die Anzahl der Infektionsherde ist auf 545 gestiegen. Die rumänischen Behörden appellierten an die Bevölkerung, bei der Bekämpfung der Seuche zu helfen. Gegen die Afrikanische Schweinepest gibt es keine Impfung und keine Behandlung — daher mu‎ßten bis jetzt etwa 60.000 Schweine getötet werden. Um die Verbreitung der Seuche zu stoppen gab es in mehreren Regionen Restriktionen bei den Schweinefleischtransporten und die Bürger wurden über die Präventionsma‎ßnahmen informiert. Die Schweinezüchter, die ihre Tiere wegen der Kontaminierung mit Afrikanischer Schweinepest töten müssen, werden mit etwa 2 Euro pro Kg entschädigt, gab am Donnerstag der Leiter der nationalen Tiergesundheitsbehörde, Geronimo Brănescu, bekannt. Bislang wurden 148. 000 Lei (rund 32.000 Euro) Entschädigungsgeld ausgezahlt.

    Bukarest: Im zentralrumänischen Cluj läuft bis zum 5. August das Untold-Festival für elektronische Musik, bei dem rund 350.000 Menschen erwartet werden. Die Festival-Besucher kommen aus Rumänien und anderen 75 Ländern. Dieses Jahr werden insgesamt 250 Musiker auf den 10 Bühnen auftreten, darunter The Chainsmokers, Armin van Buuren, Tiesto, Tujamo und Afrojack. Die Behörden glauben, dass die Ma‎ßnahmen, die während des Festivals ergriffen wurden, es zum sichersten Festival in Europa machen. An den vier Tagen der Veranstaltung sorgen mehr als 1.100 Gendarmen, Polizisten, Feuerwehrleute und medizinisches Personal für eine geordnete, öffentliche Sicherheit und Gesundheit. Zudem wurden 70 Videoüberwachungskameras installiert

    Washington: Der rumänische Botschafter in den USA George Maior hat mit dem US-amerikanischen Energieminister Rick Perry über die Ausbeutung der Gasvorkommen im Schwarzen Meer und die Expormöglichkeiten über die Pipeline BRUA diskutiert. Ungarn hat neuerdings beschlossen, sich aus dem Projekt zurückzuziehen. Themenschwerpunkte bildeten weitere strategische Projekte im Schwarzen Meer, George Maior betonte bei Diskussionen in Washington das geographische und wirtschaftliche Potenzial Rumäniens, eine strategische Energiedrehscheibe in der Region zu werden. Der staatliche rumänische Gaspipeline-Betreiber Transgaz hat mit den Bauarbeiten für die Pipeline BRUA (Bulgarien – Rumänien – Ungarn – Österreich) voriges Jahr begonnen. Damit soll die Energieversorgung Mittelosteuropas diversifiziert werden.

  • 4 August, 2018

    4 August, 2018

    Politics. The National Council of
    the Liberal Party in opposition met on Saturday in Bucharest, with the
    president of the country Klaus Iohannis in attendance. The latter held a speech
    in which he attacked the ruling Social Democratic Party. He said the general
    situation in Romania is very bad and that normality must be reinstated. All
    opinion polls published in recent months show that 80% of Romanians believe the
    country is heading in the wrong direction, president Iohannis also said. He
    accused the Social Democrats’ leader Liviu Dragnea and his entourage of using
    the public office to advance their own agenda and escape justice. He also
    called on the Liberal Party to stay united and strong, saying a rational
    alternative is needed. The president’s attending the Liberals’ meeting comes
    amid conflicts within the party which the president tried to reconcile this
    week, when the invited the party leadership for talks. The Liberals’ meeting
    also features a presentation of the activity report of the party’s executive
    bureau and the criteria, the procedure and the calendar for the nomination of
    the party’s candidates to the European Parliament elections. A document called
    The Principles of Liberal Good Governance is also to be debated and adopted.

    Heatwave. Three
    people have died in Spain because of a heatwave that continues to affect
    western Europe, from north to south. The Romanian foreign ministry says the
    authorities from Spain, Portugal and Croatia have issued red and yellow code
    alerts for heat. In some regions in Greece and Portugal there is a high risk of
    fire. A reading of 45 degrees Celsius was recorded in Alvega, a Portuguese city
    located 150 km from the capital Lisbon. Scorching heat is also reported in
    Spain, with 40 degrees Celsius in Madrid and 42 in Seville. Greece says there
    is a high risk of fire on the islands in the north of the Aegean Sea, Central
    Greece and the Attica peninsula. The most devastating fires in recent decades
    caused the death of 88 people near Athens. A red code alert is in place in
    Croatia in several regions in the south and a yellow code in the Zagreb region,
    in the north-west. Very high temperatures have also been recorded in Austria,
    Italy, France, Britain, Holland and Belgium. In Sweden, which had the hottest
    July in the last 250 years, a glacier has melted. Meteorologists say new record
    high temperatures may be recorded over the news few days in Europe. The current
    record is 48 degrees Celsius in Greece in 1977.

    Gas. Romania’s ambassador to the United
    States George Maior had talks with the US Secretary of Energy Rick Perry about
    gas exploitation in the Black Sea and exports to other countries via the BRUA
    pipeline. Previously, Hungary unilaterally decided to shut down its section of
    the pipeline and no longer to invest in interconnection with Austria as initially
    planned. Maior and Perry also discussed other strategic projects in the Black
    Sea. George Maior said Romania has the historical, geographic, economic and
    strategic potential to become a regional energy hub. BRUA is considered to be a
    project that could be used to transport gas from the Black Sea to Austria and
    that could bring significant sums to Romania from both gas exploitation and
    transport and transit fees. The national company Transgaz began building the Romanian
    section of the pipeline two months ago.

    Untold, the biggest electronic music festival in Romania is under way in the
    Transylvanian city of Cluj Napoca. The festival’s ten different stages feature
    250 acts over the course of four days, until Sunday. The main stage is twice as
    big as last year, measuring 80 metres in length and 31 metres in height. The
    line-up includes acts such as The Chainsmokers, Armin van Buuren, Tiesto,
    Tujamo and Afrojack. For the first time, the concerts are broadcast live on
    YouTube. Hundreds of thousands of people are expected in Cluj for the festival,
    including from abroad. More than 1,100 gendarme and police forces,
    fire-fighters and medical staff are ensuring public order and safety. Dozens of
    video surveillance cameras are in place.

    Tennis. The Romanian tennis player Mihaela Buzarnescu, world no. 24,
    today faces Belgium’s Elise Mertens, world no. 15, in the semifinals of the
    WTA tournament in San Jose, California, worth almost 800,000 dollars in prize
    money. Last time they met, in January, Mertens defeated Buzarnescu in the final
    of the Hobart tournament. The Romanian player has won 36 matches this year.
    This is her fifth singles semifinal after Hobart, Strasbourg, Prague and
    Bucharest. Buzarnescu also plays the doubles semifinals in San Jose, where she
    pairs up with Britain’s Heather Watson. The two will face the Ukrainian sisters
    Lyudmilaand Nadiya Kichenok.

  • 31 March, 2016

    31 March, 2016

    Romania’s president Klaus
    Iohannis is attending the nuclear security summit in Washington. Before his
    departure, he emphasised the need for solidarity, responsibility and joint
    action in the face of terrorist threats, which can take many forms. He also
    said that Romania meets the highest standards when it comes to nuclear
    security. Today, Klaus Iohannis will visit the Holocaust Memorial in Washington
    and attend a dinner at the White House hosted by US president Barack Obama in
    honour of the participants in the summit.

    The Bucharest
    Tribunal today looks at a request by anticorruption prosecutors to allow the
    temporary 30-day arrest of Craiova’s mayor Lia Olguta Vasilescu. She was
    detained on Wednesday on charges of bribe taking, using her influence to obtain
    undue financial benefits and goods and money laundering. Prosecutors allege
    that in 2012, when she was serving as a senator for the Social Democratic
    Party, Vasilescu convinced a number of business people to finance her mayoral
    race by contributing more than 130,000 euros to her campaign. Also today, the
    High Court of Cassation and Justice is considering a new date for the so-called
    Referendum case, in which the Social Democrat leader Liviu Dragnea is accused
    of creating a national system of voter influence that allegedly rigged the
    referendum on the impeachment of the then president Traian Basescu on 29th
    July 2012.

    According to the
    Pentagon, the US will deploy an armoured brigade in Eastern Europe with
    continuous rotations starting in February 2017, as part of efforts to
    discourage possible Russian aggression. The brigade will number 4,200 troops,
    as well as tanks and other types of armoured vehicles. The troops will rotate
    in and out of the allied states on the eastern flank, such as Romania,
    Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. US combat brigades of the
    ground forces are also stationed in Germany and Italy. About 62,000 US military
    forces are permanently based in Europe. To reassure its allies in Eastern
    Europe, NATO took a series of measures in the spring of 2014, such as opening
    logistical centres and deploying fighter aircraft in the Baltic states and
    additional ships in the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea. Moscow says the permanent
    deployment of troops along its borders violates the NATO-Russia Founding Act
    signed in 1997.

    The Romanian Intelligence Service is investigating,
    together with national and international partners, the use of Romanian anonymous
    pre-paid phone cards in areas with terrorist organisations. The Service has
    recently said that persons affiliated to terrorist groups have used pre-paid
    phone cards in Romania to communicate abroad. The investigation also looks at
    the possible use of such cards in the attacks carried out in Europe.

    The International Criminal tribunal in The Hague today
    acquitted the former leader of the Serbian Radical Party Vojislav Seselj, who was on
    trial for inciting and committing war crimes in Croatia and Bosnia Hertegovina
    during the conflict in the former Yugoslavia. Held for 12 years at the
    Scheveningen prision from February 2003
    to November 2014, Seselj was temporarily released on humanitarian grounds. He
    did not attend the reading of the verdict. A week ago, the court in The Hague
    sentenced the former political leader of the Bosnian Serbs Radovan Karadzic to
    40 years in prison for genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes.

    Romania may become an important player on the regional
    energy market by 2020 if the BRUA natural gas pipeline is developed, the
    Romanian economy minister Costin Borc told the Bucharest Forum held by Aspen
    Institute Romania. According to the minister, the pipeline, which links
    Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Austria, provides new opportunities for the
    Romanian energy sector on the European market. He also said Romania must
    continue work on the Arad-Szeged pipeline between Romania and Hungary and on
    the Iasi-Ungheni pipeline linking Romania to the Republic of Moldova, which
    will allow Romania to consolidate its position as an exporter on the natural
    gas market. The minister also emphasised the need to develop the country’s
    transport and IT infrastructure.

    Two Romanian women’s handball teams are playing in the
    Champions League quarterfinals in two home matches. In their first
    participation in this most important club competition in Europe, the Romanian
    champions CSM Bucharest face the Russian side Rostov-Don. To qualify for the
    Final 4 tournament in Budapest on the 7th and 8th of May, CSM have the difficult
    task of defeating the Russian champions, the only team in European women’s
    handball to win every match in the last 8 months. The return match is scheduled
    for 9th April. The second Romanian team playing today are the domestic
    vice-champions HCM Baia Mare, who are facing the Montenegrin side Buducnost
    Podgorica. The return match is scheduled for 10th April.

    Romanian-Russian pair Monica Niculescu and Margarita Gasparian on Friday
    face the Hungarian-Kazakh pair Timea Babos and Yaroslava Shvedova in the semifinals of the Miami tennis
    tournament worth 6 million dollars in prize money. While this is Niculescu and
    Gasparian’s third tournament as a pair, they pulled of a surprising win over
    the Swiss-Indian pair Martina Hingis and Sania Mirza. In the
    singles event in Miami, world no. 5 Simona Halep of Romania lost to the Swiss
    player Timea Bacsinszky, world no. 20, in the quarterfinals.

    (Translated by: C. Mateescu)