Tag: Bruce Andrews

  • Jurnal românesc – 12.05.2015

    Jurnal românesc – 12.05.2015

    Preşedintele Klaus Iohannis l-a primit, la Palatul
    Cotroceni, pe adjunctul secretarului de stat pentru comerţ al Statelor Unite
    ale Americii, Bruce Andrews, cu care a discutat despre creşterea investiţiilor
    americane în România. Potrivit Administraţiei Prezidenţiale, Klaus Iohannis a
    salutat iniţiativa SUA de a organiza, la Bucureşti, Summitul Regional dedicat
    securităţii cibernetice şi folosirea acestei ocazii de către reprezentantul SUA
    pentru stabilirea de contacte bilaterale pe teme economice. Klaus Iohannis a
    evidenţiat potenţialul deosebit pentru o colaborare bilaterală aprofundată în
    domenii precum sectorul IT, cercetarea, inovaţia, securitatea şi securitatea
    energetică. Bruce Andrews este şeful misiunii de promovare comercială în
    domeniul securităţii cibernetice aflată zilele acestea la Bucureşti.

    Peste 75%
    dintre români sunt de acord că apartenenţa la NATO protejează România de
    ameninţări la adresa securităţii naţionale, iar aproape 46% consideră SUA drept
    principalul aliat al ţării noastre în cazul unor astfel de ameninţări, relevă
    un sondaj INSCOP. Întrebaţi cum ar trebui să reacţioneze România în contextul
    în care, în ultima perioadă, oficiali din Rusia au lansat ameninţări la adresa
    sa, 57% dintre respondenţi cred că Bucureştiul ar trebui să îşi coordoneze
    reacţiile cu aliaţii din NATO şi UE, 23,2% cred că ar fi mai potrivit ca
    România să nu reacţioneze în niciun fel, în timp ce 8% cred că ar trebui să
    răspundă singură Rusiei, în aceiaşi termeni. Sondajul mai relevă că 64,6% din
    populaţie consideră România mai degrabă o ţară occidentală, iar 20% o văd mai
    degrabă un stat oriental. Sondajul a fost realizat de Inscop Research în
    perioada 23-30 aprilie, pe un eşantion de 1.085 persoane, eroarea maximă admisă
    a datelor fiind de plus/minus 3%.

    România a primit din partea Comisiei
    Europene scrisoarea de conformitate pentru Programul Naţional de Dezvoltare
    Rurală (PNDR) 2014 – 2020, a anunţat, luni, Ministerul Agriculturii şi
    Dezvoltării Rurale. Primele două măsuri de finanţare pe noul Program Naţional
    de Dezvoltare Rurală au fost adoptate pe 25 martie 2015, respectiv cele
    destinate tinerilor fermieri şi investiţiilor în ferme. România are alocată
    prin PNDR 2014 – 2020 o sumă totală de 9,363 miliarde de euro, din care peste 8
    miliarde de euro reprezintă fondurile europene, diferenţa reprezentând
    contribuţia naţională. Noul program destinat dezvoltării agriculturii cuprinde
    15 măsuri de finanţare, iar creşterea productivităţii la nivel naţional şi
    procesarea producţiei naţionale reprezintă cele două obiective majore urmărite
    în noul PNDR.

    Ministerul de Externe de
    la Bucureşti a anunţat luni că a încheiat operaţiunea de evacuare a românilor aflaţi în
    Yemen, ţară măcinată de război civil. Potrivit diplomaţiei de la Bucureşti,
    ultimii cinci cetăţeni români şi un membru de familie au fost evacuaţi pe cale
    terestră din Yemen către Arabia Saudită. Ministerul român de Externe
    menţionează că de la începutul crizei au fost evacuate din această ţară 73 de
    persoane – 62 de cetăţeni români şi 11 membri de familie.

  • May 10, 2015 UPDATE

    May 10, 2015 UPDATE

    King’s Day was marked in Bucharest on Sunday with a marathon around Herastrau Park, a ceremony at the statue of King Carol I in the Palace Square and a special concert at the Romanian Athenaeum. Radio Romania celebrated the event on Friday with a Royal Concert and the launch of an album called “May 10th. The Royal House of Romania in radio programmes between 1930-1944”. May 10th marks three major events in Romania’s modern history. On May 10th, 1866, prince Carol, of the German family Hohenzollern–Sigmaringen, was sworn in as ruler of Romania, founding the dynasty that King Mihai I belongs to. On May 10th, 1877, Carol I proclaimed Romania’s independence from the Ottoman Empire, and four years later he was crowned King of Romania. May 10th was Romania’s national holiday until the communists came to power in 1947, forcing Mihai I to leave the throne and the country. King Mihai returned to Romania after the December 1989 revolution, which ended the communist regime. In an interview to Radio Romania, he urged the Romanian people to have faith in the future. Last month, the Chamber of Deputies in Bucharest voted that May 10 would be an official holiday in Romania.

    The Government of Romania has notified the National Anti-Corruption Directorate on suspected offences related to the harvesting and sale of wood, further to several inspections conducted at various forestry directorates in the country as well as at the Romsilva National Forestry Company. According to a report of the Prime Minister’s control corps, the irregularities date back to years 2009 to 2012. On Saturday several thousand people protested in Bucharest and around the country against abusive deforestation. The participants demanded that authorities should endorse legislation to protect the forests. President Klaus Iohannis also announced on Saturday that the issue of illegal deforestation would be included in the agenda of the forthcoming meeting of the Supreme Defence Council. The draft Forestry Code sent back by the President to Parliament will be discussed on Tuesday by the specialised committee of the Chamber of Deputies. PM Victor Ponta said in his turn that if the Forestry Code was endorsed and promulgated, it would provide stronger instruments to fight those who abuse their market position and encourage excessive deforestation.

    The Delegate Minister for relations with the Romanians living abroad, Angel Tîlvăr, who was on a two-day visit to neighbouring Ukraine, took part on Sunday in the opening of the Romanian Cultural Centre in Cernauti. Tîlvăr said this would help the members of the Romanian community in Bucovina to rediscover and preserve the beauty of the Romanian culture. Attending the event were also officials and cultural personalities from Romania, Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova.

    The Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel discussed with the Russian President Vladimir Putin about the Ukrainian crisis, in Moscow on Sunday. We have learned from bitter experiences and difficult situations, and today we must overcome such a situation by peaceful, diplomatic means, Merkel said, speaking about the conflict in eastern Ukraine. Vladimir Putin emphasised that, since the signing of the Minsk agreements on February 12th, the situation in Ukraine has calmed down, although problems still linger. On the other hand, Putin said the Russian-German relations are seeing a difficult period and called for a quick settlement of these problems. Russia’s trade with its main economic partner in Europe dropped by 6.5% last year, because of the international sanctions against Moscow for its involvement in the Ukrainian conflict. The Radio Romania correspondent in Moscow mentions that, like many other Western leaders, the German Chancellow boycotted Saturday’s military parade staged in Moscow to celebrate 70 years since the Allies’ victory in World War II.

    The Romanian-Indian pair Florin Mergea and Rohan Bopanna won on Sunday the doubles final of the Madrid tennis tournament, worth 4.2 million euros. They defeated Marcin Matkowski (Poland) / Nenad Zimonjic (Serbia). For Mergea, no 19th in the ATP doubles ranking, this is the best performance of his career.

  • May 10, 2015

    May 10, 2015

    King’s Day is marked in Bucharest today with a marathon around Herastrau Park, a ceremony at the statue of King Carol I in the Palace Square and a special concert at the Romanian Athenaeum. Radio Romania celebrated the event on Friday with a Royal Concert and the launch of an album called “May 10th. The Royal House of Romania in radio programmes, 1930-1944”. May 10th marks three major events in Romania’s modern history. On May 10th, 1866, Prince Carol, of the German family Hohenzollern–Sigmaringen, was sworn in as ruler of Romania, founding the dynasty that King Mihai I belongs to. On May 10th, 1877, Carol I proclaimed Romania’s independence from the Ottoman Empire, and four years later he was crowned King of Romania. May 10th was Romania’s national holiday until the communists came to power in 1947, forcing Mihai I to leave the throne and the country. King Mihai returned to Romania after the December 1989 revolution, which ended the communist regime. In an interview to Radio Romania, he urged the Romanian people to have faith in the future. Last month, the Chamber of Deputies in Bucharest voted that May 10 would be an official holiday in Romania.

    The US Government and private sector are determined to help Romania, a strategic and economic partner, to strengthen its defence line in the cyber sector, said Bruce Andrews, Deputy Secretary of Commerce. Between May 11 and 13, Andrews will head a trade mission of the US Department of Commerce in Bucharest, focusing on cyber security. Given Romania’s economic growth, the skilled labour force and openness to American products, the American businessmen pay growing attention to the opportunities in this country, the US official said in a news release. During the mission, representatives of 20 air companies, some of them operating in Romania for decades already, will analyse business opportunities with current and prospective Romanian partners, and with members of governmental agencies. The mission overlaps a regional cyber security summit held in Bucharest and organised jointly by the governments of Romania and of the USA, with 11 countries in the region taking part.

    The German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Russian President Vladimir Putin hold talks in Moscow on Sunday, on the crisis in Ukraine and a possible relaunch of bilateral relations, which are at their lowest in the post-Soviet period. Russia’s trade with its main European economic partner dropped last year by 6.5%, because of the international sanctions on Moscow for its involvement in the Ukrainian crisis. The Radio Romania correspondent in Moscow mentioned that, like many other Western leaders, the Chancellor of Germany boycotted yesterday’s parade in Moscow marking 70 years since the Allies’ victory in World War II.

    Poland is voting today in the first round of a presidential election. The incumbent president, the right-of-center Bronislaw Komorowski, was in the lead in polls, with 35% to 40%, whereas Andrzej Duda, running for the Law and Justice Party, in opposition, looks likely to get 27-29% of the votes. Pawel Kukiz, a 51-year old rock musician, who intends to change the current political system, was ranking third, with 15% – a significant increase from the 6% in early April polls. Another eight candidates, including five anti-EU right-wing populists, are also in the race. According to all polls, Bronislaw Komorowski and Andrzej Duda will face each other in the runoff scheduled for May 24th.

    The Romanian-Indian pair Florin Mergea and Rohan Bopanna are playing on Sunday in the doubles final of the Madrid tennis tournament, worth 4.2 million euros. They defeated the all-Spanish pair Marcel Grannollers and Marc Lopez in three sets. Mergea and Bopanna are playing against Marcin Matkowski (Poland) / Nenad Zimonjic (Serbia).