Tag: Bucharest outskirts

  • The history of Bucharest’s outskirts

    The history of Bucharest’s outskirts

    Developed as a market town around what is today known as the old
    town, mainly concentrated along Lipscani Street, Bucharest originally extended
    southwards, on the banks of Dambovita River, towards the hill currently known
    as Dealul Mitropoliei. Over the following centuries, particularly after it
    became the country’s capital, the city expanded in all directions.

    For a long time, local authorities were not interested in regulating
    the ever more buildings that appeared at the outskirts, to host the growing
    number of underprivileged people. It was only towards the end of the 19th
    Century that the first normative acts were endorsed, which regulated housing at
    the periphery of the town, particularly in terms of enforcing public hygiene
    rules. Architect Irina Calota, the author of a book entitled Beyond the city
    centre. Housing policies in Bucharest (1910-1944), tells us that the
    implementation of town planning rules was long overlooked:

    Throughout the 19th Century, Bucharest
    witnessed a constant problem with its city limits. Although there was an
    official administrative boundary, the city kept growing. So there was a stark
    difference between the administrative boundary and the limit of the urban
    fabric. Unlike other cities, whose fortified lines served as clear boundaries,
    Bucharest was trying to instate a physical limit in a different way:
    authorities would first build a ring road, then a ring road doubled by an
    esplanade, and several other successive barriers of this kind, to prevent the
    city from expanding beyond that limit. There were many initiatives by means of
    which the authorities sought to keep the city from spilling over its limits.
    Why were they doing that? Because the administration wanted to focus on the
    development and modernization of the central part of the city, with the
    periphery left for a future moment when there would be enough money to do this.
    In fact, it was a form of disregarding the outskirts.

    Still, after 1890, the first signs appeared of a change in outlook.
    The city started to grow massively towards the north and then east. In fact,
    1895 is when the City Hall, headed by Mayor Nicolae Filipescu, first issued
    regulations concerning Bucharest’s outskirts. He decided to include the
    neighbouring villages, which were in fact closely tied to the capital city,
    into the city limits, so that they may be subject to building codes and town
    planning rules. The regulations adopted on this occasion make no distinction
    between the centre and periphery, and the rules concerning the alignment of
    buildings and the parcelling of land applied indiscriminatingly to the entire
    surface area of Bucharest. The regulation and administration of periphery areas
    were stepped up after World War I. In 1921 the first town planning code was
    endorsed, the predecessor of today’s General Urban Plan, which primarily
    concerned the city’s periphery, accounting for the vast majority of its surface
    area beyond the city centre.

    Architect Irina Calota gives us details:

    A vernacular densification of the city was made, because there were large
    plots of land on the outskirts of the city and because the way houses were disposed
    had not been officially regulated until the inter-war period. In other words,
    people followed a tradition inspired by the rural world. Those huge plots of
    land had been divided lengthwise, resulting in narrow and very long strips of
    land. Consequently, only narrow and long buildings could be built on those
    plots. Houses had only one room facing the street and a lateral entrance. They
    were expanded horizontally, in keeping with the owners’ needs, resulting in
    what we call today ‘wagon-like houses,’ typical of Bucharest.

    Apart from Nicolae Filipescu,
    another prominent mayor was Vintilă Brătianu. Irina Calotă tells us more about

    In the first decade of the 20th Century, Vintila Bratianu was the
    one who initiated and carried out urban planning works on the outskirts of the
    city. It was also during his term in office that the founding stone was laid
    for the so-called Communal Society, which was called the Communal Cheap Housing
    Society as of 1910, being the first public company that built cheap houses for
    the masses. This has proven that in time, the local administration has learnt
    something new: the restrictive measures banning some building habits were not
    enough. In order to be able to solve housing problems, the city hall had to get
    actively involved in building homes.

    The Communal Cheap Housing
    Society initially functioned as a financial institution lending money to people
    with small revenues, workers, clerks and public servants. Along the years, it
    actually started to build whole residential districts, based on to clear-cut town
    planning rules and, in keeping with a unified architectural vision. These
    houses can still be seen today in Drumul Sării, Vatra Luminoasă and Lacul Tei
    neighbourhoods, which were once situated on the outskirts of the city and which
    are now highly appreciated for their beauty.