Tag: Buducnost Podgorica

  • September 12, 2024

    September 12, 2024

    RCA Romania has the most expensive civil liability insurance for car owners, RCA, in the region, roughly 220 Euros, although compensations have dropped by 9% – representatives of the Confederation of Authorized Operators and Transporters, COTAR, say. According to them the average RCA prices in Bulgaria is around 100 Euros, in Hungary 98 Euros and in Poland 120. COTAR representatives are blaming the situation on the Financial Supervisory Authority, whose representatives say the institution cannot intervene on the RCA price, which is based upon statistical data regarding compensations and damages paid in road accidents in the past years and other risk criteria.


    STRIKE The Foreign Ministry in Bucharest has issued heads-up for the Romanians traveling to Belgium that a 24-hour strike has been announced on the Charleroi Airport, which is expected to cripple the airport’s operational capabilities. A series of flights are being cancelled and passengers are advised to check online the lists posted by various airlines. According to a communiqué issued by the Foreign Ministry in Bucharest, Romania’s embassy in Brussels has made available a hot line for the Romanian citizens in difficult, special and emergency situations.


    HANDBALL The Romanian handball champions, Dinamo Bucharest, are making their debut tonight in the EHF Champions League in a match against the Danish vice-champions Fredericia HK. Dinamo was included in the Champions League’s Group A and it avoided the finalists of the recently ended season, the champion side Barcelona and the team which lost the finals Aalborg Handbold. The Romanian side will be up against Fuchse Berlin, Sporting Lisbon, Paris Saint-Germain Handball as well as Veszprem HC, presently coached by its former headcoach Xavi Pascual. In the women’s contests, Romania is being represented by three sides, which already played their first matches last weekend. The Romanian derby Gloria Bistrita versus CSM Bucharest ended 30-26 to Bistrita, while Rapid Bucharst secured a 32-27 home win against the double European champions Buducnost Podgorica.


    LAW Parliament in Bucharest on Wednesday tackled some law amendments aimed at enabling the army to annihilate the suspect drones entering Romania’s territory. The talks involved the participation of MPs and representatives of the Ministry of Defence. Romanian MPs believe that some legislative amendments are needed in order to improve the response capabilities when unauthorized or suspect drones are entering the Romanian airspace. The talks were held after several Russian drones had entered the Romanian airspace in the past year on their way to targets in the neighboring Ukraine.


    WEATHER In Romania’s northeastern and eastern regions temperatures are normal for this time of the year, whereas in the rest of the territory the weather is warm. Showers and thunderstorms are expected in most regions in the country’s east and north-east and on isolated areas in the north and center. The highs of the day are expected between 20 and 31 degrees Celsius with a noon reading in Bucharest of 21 degrees and a high of 29 degrees Celsius.



  • Sports Roundup

    Sports Roundup

    The WTA 250 women’s tennis tournament
    in Cluj-Napoca, western Romania, ended on Sunday with the victory of German
    tennis player Tamara Korpatsch who defeated Elena Gabriela Ruse in the finals 6-3,
    6-4. The best result she got this year has also brought the Romanian 20,226 dollars
    and 180 WTA points, whereas Korpatsch got 34,228 dollars and 280 WTA points.

    Both the Romanian handball sides playing in
    the Champions League have been defeated by their opponents. On Saturday,
    Romania’s champions CSM Bucharest lost on their own ground to French side Brest
    Bretagne 30 – 28. Cristina Neagu was the best Romanian scorer with 8 goals
    scored. In Group A, CSM ranks fourth with four points and will be up against
    Buducnost Podgorica in Montenegro.

    In Group B, Rapid Bucharest was
    thrashed by French side Metz 33-22. The best scorer of the Romanian side was
    Serbian Andela Janjusevic, with four goals scored. With only three points in
    the present edition of the aforementioned league, after a win, a draw and three
    defeats, Rapid ranks only 6th in the group and will be up against
    Krim Ljubljana in a home match.

    In the regional ice hockey competition
    Erste League, ACSH Gheorgheni secured a 6-0 home win against Hungarian side Jegesmedvék
    of Miskolc. In Brasov, local side Corona lost to the competition’s leader Újpest
    Budapest, 1-2. Also on their own ground, Sport Club Miercurea Ciuc, lost 4 – 6 to
    Hungarian side Budapest Jégkorong Akadémia.

    Last weekend saw the matches of
    the 13th leg of the Romanian Football Superleague. On Friday in
    Oradea, UTA Arad versus Rapid Bucharest ended in a two-all draw. On Saturday,
    in Sibiu, central Romania, local side Hermannstadt clinched a 4-0 win against
    Dinamo Bucharest, while in Ovidiu, southern Romania, local team Farul Constanta
    and Universitatea Cluj ended their match in a one-all draw.

    On Sunday in Iasi, the match
    pitting local side Politehnica against FC U Craiova 1948 ended in a one-all
    draw whereas Petrolul Ploieşti secured a 3-1 away win against Universitatea
    Craiova. FCSB versus FC Voluntari ended in a goaless draw.

    Two matches to take place on
    Monday: Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe plays FC Botoşani and CFR Cluj takes on Oţelul
    Galaţi. FCSB tops the ranking with 30 points, followed by CFR with 26.

    În final, vă amintim că puteţi
    găsi rubrica noastră sportivă şi pe Internet, mai exact pe site-ul web rri.ro,
    precum şi în reţeaua Facebook, pe profilul Radio România Internaţional.


  • May 6, 2016 UPDATE

    May 6, 2016 UPDATE

    INAUGURATION The head of the diplomacy in Bucharest, Lazar Comanescu, on Friday inaugurated Romania’s consulate in Solotvino a town in Ukraine connected with the Romanian city of Sighetul Marmatiei through a historical bridge over the Tisa River. Comanescu says that the new consulate will contribute to the further consolidation of the relations between Romania and Ukraine and will ease the enforcement of an agreement on the cross-border trade. The Romanian Foreign Minister held talks with representatives of the Romanian community in TransCarpathia, which included headmasters and members of various associations. The Romanian community in Ukraine is estimated at more than 400 thousand people.

    VISIT Antony Blinken, the United States Deputy Secretary of State will be paying a visit to Romania over Saturday and Sunday, says a communiqué issued by the US Department of State. Blinken is expected to hold talks with Romanian officials about the upcoming NATO summit in Warsaw, the bilateral cooperation in the field of security, the Romanian-US economic partnership, the rule of law and reforms in Romania. The US official will be meeting representatives of the business community and civil society. Romania is the third leg of Blinken’s diplomatic tour, which is also taking him to Poland and Bulgaria. On Monday and Tuesday, the US official is expected in France, the last leg of this tour, which has high on the agenda various issues concerning bilateral and regional cooperation.

    ALL STAR Romanian handballer Cristina Neagu of the Montenegrin side Buducnost Podgorica has been selected for the All Star Team of the 2015/2016 Champions League edition in women’s handball. Neagu became part of the team following the 28 thousand votes registered in an online poll the European Handball Federation had conducted among fans. All Star also includes three Norwegians, two Hungarians and one player from Romania, Montenegro, the Netherlands and Brazil. Coach Ambrod Martin is from Spain.

    CONCERT The National Radio Orchestra on Friday gave a royal concert honouring the day of May 10th, which is Royalty Day in Romania. Conducting was Nicolae Moldoveanu, and the soloist was violinist Gabriel Croitoru. The event enjoyed the attendance of their Royal Highnesses Prince Radu, Princess Elena and Princess Maria. Before the beginning of the concert, a volume titled “the Royal Year” was launched at the Radio Hall, a journal recollecting the 150 years since the establishment of the Royal House of Romania and the promulgation of the 1866 Constitution. A number of events dedicated to May 10th will be held in Bucharest and the mountain resort of Sinaia until next Tuesday. Before the communists came to power in Romania, in 1947, May 10th was Romania’s National Day. Later, the celebration was erased from the Romanians’ collective memory. On May 10th, 1866, Carol 1st became the ruler of Romania. 11 years later, the Romanian state gained its independence, and on May 10th, 1881, Romania became a kingdom.

    EUROVISION EBU Director General Ingrid Deltenre on Friday said it was regrettable to be forced to take the extreme measure of not allowing Romania to participate in the Eurovision music contest. The EBU official talked in Bucharest with representatives of the Finance Ministry, Parliament, the Council of Competition and the public television broadcaster TVR. The measure, which is a first, was taken in response to the record high debt (roughly 10 million euros) the Romanian broadcaster has to EBU (the European Broadcasting Union). This year the Eurovision contest will be held in Stockholm over May 10th-14th and Romania was to be represented by Ovidiu Anton with a song entitled ‘A Moment of Silence. At the same time, if the Romanian broadcaster is excluded from EBU it will lose the rights of broadcasting specific international sporting events such as the European Football Championship in France or the Olympics in Rio as well as access to News Services.

  • Sportivul anului 2015 – Handbalista Cristina Neagu

    Sportivul anului 2015 – Handbalista Cristina Neagu

    Anul 2015 a fost relativ bun pentru sportul
    românesc, mai ales cu privire la sporturile pe echipe. Naţionala de fotbal s-a
    calificat pentru EURO 2016, iar cea de rugby a facut o figurǎ frumoasǎ la Cupa
    Mondialǎ din Anglia. Performanţa cea mai de seamǎ a anului, pe echipe, a fost
    însǎ medalia de bronz câştigatǎ de Naţionala de handbal la Campionatul Mondial
    desfǎşurat în luna decembrie, în Danemarca. Cea mai bunǎ jucǎtoare a echipei
    române a fost Cristina Neagu, autoare a 63 de goluri. Ea a fost şi cea mai
    eficientǎ marcatoare a Campionatului, iar în final, a fost declaratǎ cea mai
    bunǎ handbalistǎ a competiţiei.

    Prima performanţǎ mare obţinutǎ însǎ de
    Cristina Neagu în 2015 a fost câştigarea Ligii Campionilor, în luna mai,
    împreunǎ cu echipa sa de club, Buducnost Podgorica. Formaţia muntenegreană a
    învins, în finala de la Budapesta, echipa norvegianǎ Larvik, cu scorul de
    26-22. Cristina Neagu, interul stânga al campioanei Muntenegrului, a ocupat
    primul loc în clasamentul marcatoarelor din Champions League, cu 102 goluri, la
    egalitate cu croata Andrea Penezic, de la Vardar Skopje.

    In urma acestor performanţe, Radio România
    Internaţional a desemnat-o pe Cristina Neagu Sportivul Anului 2015.

    Cristina Neagu: Am spus cǎ 2015 o sǎ fie anul
    meu. Mi-a dat Dumnezeu şansa sǎ câştig şi Liga Campionilor. Dar ştiind cǎ jucǎm
    aici în Danemarca mi-am dorit şi am spus cǎ noi o sǎ facem o performanţǎ
    frumoasǎ la Campionatul Mondial şi o sǎ avem şansa sǎ ne calificǎm la Olimpiadǎ
    şi o sǎ fie anul meu. In mare parte aşa a şi fost. Nu am cuvinte, sincer, sǎ
    spun cât sunt de fericitǎ în acest moment.

    Cristina Neagu s-a nǎscut la Bucureşti,
    în data de 26 august 1988. A debutat la Clubul Sportiv Şcolar numărul 5. Ca
    junioare, a fost desemnată în mai multe rânduri cea mai bună jucătoare a lumii,
    începând cu anul 2005, când echipa României câştiga medaliile de argint la
    Europenele de junioare din Austria. In 2006 a intrat în handbalul mare, la
    echipa Rulmentul Braşov, de unde a ajuns
    mai apoi la Oltchim Râmnicu Vâlcea.

    In 2010, a fost desemnată cea mai bună
    handbalistă a lumii, după un an extraordinar. Cu echipa sa de club, Oltchim, a
    ajuns până în finala Ligii Campionilor, iar cu Naţionala României a câştigat
    medalia de bronz la Campionatul European din Norvegia şi Danemarca. A avut apoi
    o serie de probleme de sănătate, lipsind doi ani din teren.

    După dizolvarea
    echipei Oltchim, a trecut la actuala sa formaţie, Buducnost Podgorica