Tag: Buzarnescu

  • Sports roundup

    Sports roundup

    Our sports programme begins today with tennis with the upcoming Grand Slam tournament in Wimbledon, where Romania is represented only in the womens competition. The competitions main draw has 7 players from Romania, Simona Halep, Sorana Cirstea, Gabriela Ruse, Irina Begu, Ana Bogdan, Irina Bara and Mihaela Buzarnescu.

    Romania ended the ECA Junior & U23 Canoe Sprint European Championship in Belgrade with two bronze medals. Adrian Stepan and Andrei Costache came third in the mens junior C2 1000 m final. In the K2 1000-meter final, George Ţenţa and Darius Zaharia, also from Romania, stepped onto the third step of the podium.

    Romanias handball selection failed to qualify for the main groups of the Womens Junior World Championships in Slovenia. Our handballers came third in group E after beating Angola 26-23, and Lithuania 29-20, but they lost to the Czech Republic 25-32. With a better goal average Angola and the Czech Republic came first and second in the group respectively.

    Romanias football side CFR Cluj secured a 2-0 win against Croatian runner-up Hajduk Splitin their last friendly in Austria. Ciprian Deac converted a penalty shot for Romania in the 39th minute and Cristian Manea added a second three minutes later. CFR ended their training campaign only with victories and no goal received. They defeated Slovenias runner-up FC Koper 2-0, then secured a 3-0 against Serbian side Napredak Krusevac, and 1-0 against Partizan Belgrade. In the first Champions League qualifiers, CFR Cluj will be up against Piunik Yerevan of Armenia. The first match is due in Armenia, on July 5 and the return game in Cluj-Napoca, western Romania, on July 13.


  • Sports roundup

    Sports roundup

    Our sports programme begins today with tennis with the upcoming Grand Slam tournament in Wimbledon, where Romania is represented only in the womens competition. The competitions main draw has 7 players from Romania, Simona Halep, Sorana Cirstea, Gabriela Ruse, Irina Begu, Ana Bogdan, Irina Bara and Mihaela Buzarnescu.

    Romania ended the ECA Junior & U23 Canoe Sprint European Championship in Belgrade with two bronze medals. Adrian Stepan and Andrei Costache came third in the mens junior C2 1000 m final. In the K2 1000-meter final, George Ţenţa and Darius Zaharia, also from Romania, stepped onto the third step of the podium.

    Romanias handball selection failed to qualify for the main groups of the Womens Junior World Championships in Slovenia. Our handballers came third in group E after beating Angola 26-23, and Lithuania 29-20, but they lost to the Czech Republic 25-32. With a better goal average Angola and the Czech Republic came first and second in the group respectively.

    Romanias football side CFR Cluj secured a 2-0 win against Croatian runner-up Hajduk Splitin their last friendly in Austria. Ciprian Deac converted a penalty shot for Romania in the 39th minute and Cristian Manea added a second three minutes later. CFR ended their training campaign only with victories and no goal received. They defeated Slovenias runner-up FC Koper 2-0, then secured a 3-0 against Serbian side Napredak Krusevac, and 1-0 against Partizan Belgrade. In the first Champions League qualifiers, CFR Cluj will be up against Piunik Yerevan of Armenia. The first match is due in Armenia, on July 5 and the return game in Cluj-Napoca, western Romania, on July 13.


  • Nachrichten 03.07.2019

    Nachrichten 03.07.2019

    Nach einer Entscheidung des rumänischen Verfassungsgerichts vom Mittwoch könnten mehrere erstinstanzliche Urteile in prominenten Korruptionsfällen aufgehoben und die Verfahren wieder aufgenommen werden. Das Gericht hatte Einwänden stattgegeben, denen nach erstinstanzliche Spruchkörper am OGH nicht rechtmä‎ßig gebildet wurden, da sie nicht auf die Bearbeitung von Korruptionsstraftaten spezalisiert waren. Die neuliche rechtskräftige Verurteilung von Ex-Psd-Chef Liviu Dragnea sei davon nicht betroffen, argumentierten Experten.

    Premierministerin Viorica Dăncilă hat einen Bericht über den rumänischen EU-Ratsvorsitz im ersten Halbjahr vorgelegt. Demnach sei die Präsidentschaft ein Erfolg gewesen; Rumänien habe zudem bewiesen, dass es den Werten des Europäischen Parlaments stark verbunden sei, indem es sich für die Konsolidierung des europäischen Projekts, für eine Union der Bürger, der Freiheiten, der gemeinsamen Anstrengungen und Fähigkeiten einsetzt. Rumänien habe seine Pflicht erfüllt und bewiesen, dass es ein verantwortungsbewusstes Mitglied der Union ist, das sich um die Weiterentwicklung der europäischen Agenda zum Wohle der Bürger kümmert, so Dăncilă.

    Das Plenum des Parlaments hat in Bukarest den neuen Verwaltungsrat der rumänischen Zentralbank bestätigt. Chef der Bank bleibt Mugur Isărescu, der seit 1990 mit einer kurzen Auszeit im Amt ist. Die Zentralbank werde weiterhin auf eine vorsichtige und verantwortungsbewusste Politik setzen und hat als langfristiges Ziel den Beitritt des Landes zur Eurozone, sagte Isărescu bei den Anhörungen am Dienstag. Der Verwaltungsrat der Zentralbank, die in Rumänien Nationalbank hei‎ßt, besteht aus neun Mitgliedern, die vom Parlament für jeweils fünf Jahre gewählt werden.

    Die Abgeordnetenkammer hat am Mitwoch eine Wahlgesetznovelle verabschiedet, die Verzögerungen und Schwierigkeiten bei der Abstimmung im Ausland vermeiden soll. Unter anderem ermöglicht das Gesetz rumänischen Bürgern im Ausland, bei den Präsidentschaftswahlen in diesem Jahr entweder per Brief oder im Laufe von drei Tagen in Wahllokalen abzustimmen. Am Sonntag besteht für Wahllokale im In- und Ausland die Möglichkeit, die Abstimmung bis Mitternacht zu verlängern, falls Bürger noch im Lokal auf ihre Stimmabgabe warten. Erste Umfragen zu den Ergebnissen dürfen erst am Sonntag nach Mitternacht veröffentlicht werden.

    Das Europäische Parlament hat am Mittwoch den italienischen Sozialisten David Sassoli zu seinem Präsidenten gewählt. Der 63jährige Ex-Journalist aus Florenz soll nach Vereinbarung der Staats- und Regierungschefs der EU sein Amt für zweieinhalb Jahre ausüben und dann von einem EVP-Politiker abgelöst werden. Die EU-Staaten haben am Dienstag die deutsche Verteidigungsministerin Ursula von der Leyen (CDU) als Präsidentin der Europäischen Kommission vorgeschlagen. Sie muss allerdings noch im Europäischen Parlament bestätigt werden. Für die nächsten fünf Jahre wird der spanische Au‎ßenminister Josep Borrell Hoher Vertreter für auswärtige Angelegenheiten und der belgische Premierminister Charles Michel der nächste Präsident des Europäischen Rates. Die Französin Christine Lagarde, bislang IWF-Chefin soll die Europäische Zentralbank übernehmen.

    Die moldauische Premierministerin Maia Sandu und der EU-Nachbarschaftskommissar Johannes Hahn haben am Mittwoch in Brüssel über die Konsolidierung des Dialogs auf höchster Ebene zwischen der Republik Moldau und der Europäischen Union diskutiert. Premierministerin Maia Sandu wies darauf hin, dass ihre Regierung die demokratischen Institutionen wieder aufbauen und das Vertrauen der Bürger in den Staat wiederherstellen wolle, indem sie die Missbräuche und Unregelmä‎ßigkeiten der früheren Regierung untersucht, eine auf Integrität und öffentlichem Vertrauen basierende Justiz schafft, Fachleute in Schlüsselpositionen einsetzt und die Bedingungen des EU-Assoziierungsabkommens erfüllt. Besprochen wurde auch die Zusammenarbeit im Bereich der EU-Unterstützung und die Möglichkeiten zur Stärkung der bilateralen Zusammenarbeit im Rahmen der Östlichen Partnerschaft. Kommissar Hahn begrü‎ßte die Bemühungen der moldauischen Regierung, die Reformen voranzutreiben, und erklärte, dass die EU die Entwicklungen in der Republik Moldau genau verfolgt.

    Beim rumänisch-rumänischen Duell in der zweiten Runde in Wimbledon hat sich Simona Halep gegen Mihalea Buzarnescu in 3 Sätzen (6-3, 4-6, 6-2) durchgesetzt. Halep und Monica Niculescu, die am Dienstag Andreea Petkovic aus Deutschland besiegte, sind als einzige rumänische Spielerinnen im Rennen geblieben.

  • June 17, 2019

    June 17, 2019

    MAYOR Romanian musician Octavian Ursu, born
    in Bucharest, has become the Christian-Democratic mayor of the German city of
    Gorlitz after defeating in the second round of the local election Sebastian
    Wippel a former policeman, representative of the Alternative for Germany. The
    Romanian mustered 55% of the votes in the second round of the election. Ursu,
    51, graduated from the Music Conservatory in Bucharest and left for Germany
    where he got hired at the Gorlitz philharmonic as a soloist. In 2009, he enlisted
    with Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union and in 2010 he took over the
    municipal constituency in Gorlitz. In 2014, Ursu got elected in the legislature
    of the Federal State of Saxony. The Romanian got support from celebrities from
    Germany and abroad who signed a petition urging the citizens to vote against
    ‘hatred and hostility, isolation and discord’. Famous movies like ‘Inglorious
    Basterds’ and ‘Monuments Men’ have been shot in Gorlitz.

    DIPLOMACY The head of the Romanian
    diplomacy, Teodor Melescanu, is in Luxembourg to participate in the EU Foreign
    Affairs Council’s meeting. According to a communiqué from the Ministry of
    Foreign Affairs in Bucharest, the member states are holding talks on ways of
    improving the Common Foreign Policy and Security. The participants are also
    tackling topical issues such as the situation in the Republic of Moldova, an
    ex-soviet Romanian-speaking country, and the latest developments in Sudan. They
    will also be discussing the situation in the Middle East with their Jordanian
    counterpart Ayman Safadi. A meeting of the foreign and defence ministers from
    the EU countries is also taking place today. High on the agenda is the process
    of implementing the EU Global Strategy.

    FOOTBALL Romania’s under-21 football
    side is today taking on Croatia in the European Football Championship in Italy
    and San Marino. In the same group C, England will be playing France. In the
    first matches in group A, Poland defeated Belgium 3-2 and Italy obtained a 3-1
    win against Spain. In group B today, Serbia will be playing Austria and Germany
    takes on Denmark. This is Romania’s second participation in a final tournament
    after that in 1998 staged in Bucharest. Back then Romania ended in the last
    position out of 8 participants. The finals will take place on June 30th.

    TENNIS Romanian tennis player Simona Halep, a former world number one player,
    is currently ranking 8th in the standings of the world’s
    professional tennis players published today. First in the ranking comes Naomi
    Osaka of Japan, followed by Ashleigh Barty of Australia and Karolina Pliskova
    of the Czech Republic. Top 100 also includes another two Romanians, Mihaela
    Buzarnescu, currently ranking 42nd and Sorana Cirstea who comes in
    the 77th position.

    Over two thirds of the cars registered in Romania in the first five months of
    the year are second-hand purchases. According to the National Directorate for
    Licenses and Registration, out of the 240 thousand vehicles registered in
    Romania since January until the end of May only 60 thousand are new vehicles.
    Nevertheless, the number of new vehicles registered in this period is 20%
    higher than the similar period of 2018. The so-called ‘Rabla’ programme has
    significantly contributed to this increase as under this programme, over 30
    thousand people have so far benefited from bonuses to scrap their old
    vehicles. The Romanians’ mostly preferred brands are the local Dacia, followed
    by Volkswagen, Skoda, Renault and Ford. At the end of last year Romania had
    over 8 million vehicles registered, 7% higher than in 2017.

    (translated by bill)

  • Nachrichten 16.05.2019

    Nachrichten 16.05.2019

    Premierministerin Viorica Dăncilă und ihr bosnischer Amtskollege Denis Zvizdić haben bei ihrem Treffen am Donnerstag in Bukarest über bilaterale Wirtschaftsthemen gesprochen. Außerdem ging es um die EU-Beitrittsperspektiven des ex-jugoslawischen Staates. Die Fortsetzung des Erweiterungsprozesses der Union sei eine Priorität für den rumänischen EU-Ratsvorsitz, sagte Dăncilă. Darin sollten Partner aus dem Westbalkan wie Bosnien-Hertzegowina eine Rolle spielen, deren Beitritt sei die einzige Garantie für die Sicherheit und den Frieden in der Region. Denis Zvizdić betonte im Gegenzug, die europäische Integration und der Nato-Beitritt seien von hoher Bedeutung für die Zukunft Bosniens, die Stabilität auf dem Balkan und die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung der Region. Die beiden Amtsträger erörterten ferner weitere bilaterale Themen, etwa die Energie, die Autobilindustrie oder die Forschung.

    Außenminister Teodor Melescanu nimmt an der Sitzung des Ministerkommittees des Europarates teil, die am Donnerstag und Freitag unter dem Mandat der finnischen Präsidentschaft in Helsinki stattfindet. Bei dem Treffen in Helsinki wird die Präsidentschaft des Ministerkommittees auf Frankreich übertragen. Das Hauptthema des Treffens ist die Notwendigkeit einer gemeinsamen Verantwortung für die demokratische Sicherheit in Europa. Das Ministerkommittee besteht aus je einem Vertreter der 47 Mitgliedsstaaten des Europarates. Dessen rotierender Vorsitz wird von jedem Mitgliedsstaat des Europarates für sechs Monate in alphabetischer Reihenfolge ausgeübt.

    Die Änderungen des Taxigesetzes sind am Donnerstag in Kraft getreten. Die Regierung hatte auf die jüngsten Proteste der Taxifahrer reagiert. Die protestierenden Taxifahrer machten geltend, dass auf der Grundlage des alten Gesetzes, Taxifahrer, die ihre Tätigkeit mit oder ohne Hilfe von Handy-Apps ausübten, de facto nicht bestraft wurden. Ab Donnerstag droht einem Taxifahrer, der eine Personenbeförderung ohne klassische Taxilizenz durchführt, sofort eine Geldstrafe; außerdem wird ihm das Taxifahren sechs Monate lang verboten. Die Regierung hatte zuvor angekündigt, dass sie in Kürze den Markt für alternative Transportdienstleister wie Uber durch ein neues Gesetz regeln wird.

    Rumänien ist eines der ersten Länder der Welt, das 5G-Kommunikationsdienste anbietet, nachdem ein Mobilfunkbetreiber die Aktivierung der ersten Radiosender dieser Art in Bukarest angekündigt hat. Abonnenten haben Zugang zu modernster Technologie, da 5G-Telefone auf dem Markt verfügbar sein werden. Der Telekommunikationsbetreiber gibt an, dass das Netz bis Ende des Jahres voraussichtlich auf andere große Städte des Landes ausgedehnt wird.

    Am Samstag, den 18. Mai, findet in Rumänien die 15. Nacht der Museen. Mehr als 150 Museen und kulturelle Einrichtungen werden in Bukarest und im ganzen Land in der Nacht vobn Samstag auf Sonntag offen bleiben. Die vorgeschlagenen Veranstaltungen und Aktivitäten sind äußerst vielfältig und richten sich an alle Altersgruppen und kulturelle Interessen: in der Nacht der Museen können die Rumänen Ausstellungen, Filmvorführungen, Theaterstücke oder Konzerte besuchen. Die Nacht der Museen ist eine Initiative des französischen Kulturministeriums, und steht unter der Schirmherrschaft des Europarates, der UNESCO und des Internationalen Rates der Museen.

    SPORT: Tennisspielerin Mihaela Buzarnescu ist am Donnerstag ins Achtelfinale des WTA-Turniers in Rom eingezogen. Die Nummer 29. der Welt profitierte dabei von der Aufgabe ihrer Gegnerin Julia Goerges aus Deutschland beim Stande von 4:4 im dritten Satz. Buzarnescu trifft als nächstes auf die Weltranglistenerste Naomi Osaka aus Japan. Für die Weltranglistenzweite aus Rumänien, Simona Halep, war hingegen gleich nach der zweiten Runde Schluss. Sie unterlag überraschend der Tschechin Marketa Vondrousova mit 6:2, 5:7 und 3:6.

  • May 15, 2019

    May 15, 2019

    GROWTH In the first quarter of 2019
    Hungary, Romania and Poland saw the most significant economic growth in the
    European Union as compared to the similar period last year, the European Office
    for Statistics has announced. According to the same sources, Hungary reported
    the most significant growth, 5.2%, followed by Romania with 5.1 and Poland,
    4.6. In the first quarter of 2019 Romania’s economy saw a 5% growth against the
    same period last year, says the country’s Statistics Institute in its report
    published on Wednesday. The country’s GDP rose by 1.3% in the first quarter of
    the year and the government counts on an economic growth of 5.5% this year. Last
    week, the European Commission revised Romania’s economic growth this year down
    to 3.3% from a previous 3.8%. The IMF forecast also went down to 3.1% from an
    earlier 3.4.

    GRATITUDE 30 years on from the anti-communist revolution in Romania, the
    country’s president, Klaus Iohannis, has announced that 2019 will be declared ‘The
    Year of Gratitude’. A ceremony to honor the victims of the communist
    dictatorship is due to be held on May 20th, which was the date when thirty
    years ago the post-communist country saw its first free elections.

    PROTESTS Trade unionists from Romania’s
    penitentiary system have today continued the series of protests they kicked off
    on Monday, when protest actions were held at the penitentiaries of Rahova close
    to Bucharest and Aiud in central Romania. Protesters are calling for the
    endorsement of the penitentiary policeman status and the pay of the extra hours
    worked. Trade unionists have announced they are going to stage more protests
    every Monday, Wednesday and Friday until their requirements are met. The
    country’s interim justice minister Ana Birchall on Monday and Tuesday held
    talks with the protesters in a bid to find a solution to their problems.

    MEETING On Tuesday and Wednesday
    Bucharest is seeing the seventh meeting of education ministers from Asia and
    Europe (ASEM), an event part of the series of meetings and conferences staged
    during Romania’s holding the EU rotating presidency. The meeting this year is focusing
    on the type of education that connects: inclusion, mobility and excellence in
    support of sustainable development objectives’. A major issue on the talks
    agenda is the manner in which the ASEM Educational Process is contributing to
    sustainable development. ASEM is a cooperation platform between Europe and Asia
    launched in 1996 with a view to consolidating dialogue between the two regions.
    ASEM currently has 53 partners: 51 countries (28 EU members plus Switzerland
    and Norway, 21 Asian countries as well as two international organizations, the
    EU and the ASEAN secretariat, which brings together nations from South-East

    TENNIS The world’s number two tennis player Simona
    Halep of Romania will today be playing Marketa Vondrousova of the Czech
    Republic in the second round of the WTA tournament in Rome. Also today, in the
    same round of the competition, another Romanian, Mihaela Buzarnescu, will be up
    against Jelena Goerges of Germany. Yesterday in the competition’s first round Buzarnescu
    played Jelena Ostapenko of Latvia who withdrew from the match when the score
    was 6-2, 5-4 to Buzarnescu. The Romanian-Dutch pair made up of Horia Tecau and
    Jean Julien Rojer was outperformed by all-American pair Bob and Mike Bryan, 6-4,
    7-6 in the ATP Masters 1000 tournament in Rome. We recall the Dutch-Romanian
    pair on Sunday won the finals of the tournament in Madrid.

    (translated by bill)

  • May 14, 2019 UPDATE

    May 14, 2019 UPDATE

    REPORT – Direct foreign investment went down in the first three months of 2019 by around 20% as against the same period last year, to 1.24 billion euros, according to data made public by the Central Bank on Tuesday. At the same time, between January and March 2019, the number of new companies running on foreign capital went up by more than 9% as against the same period of 2018, to almost 15 hundred units. On March 31st, 2019, there were over 220 thousand companies running on foreign capital in Romania.

    COUNCIL – Romanian Agriculture Minister Petre Daea on Tuesday presided the meeting of the EU Agriculture and Fisheries Council in Brussels. The main topic on the agenda was the post-2020 Common Agricultural Policy Reform Package. Ministers also exchanged views on the new delivery model set out in the Commission proposal for a regulation on the CAP strategic plans. On the sidelines of the Council meeting, ministers discussed a long-term strategic vision for a climate neutral economy in terms of agriculture, as well as the declaration of cooperation for a smart and sustainable digital future for European agriculture and rural areas.

    EXTRADITION – Romanian interim Justice Minister Ana Birchall announced on Tuesday that the Madagascan authorities approved the extradition to Romania of Radu Mazare, a former mayor of the Black Sea city of Constanta. The authorities in Madagascar detained Mazare last week and placed him under provisional arrest for six days. The former mayor fled to Madagascar at the end of 2017, to avoid trial for corruption. He received a final sentence of nine years in prison in February this year, in a case of illegal allocation of state-owned land along the Black Sea coast and beaches in Constanta.

    CANNES FESTIVAL – The 72nd edition of the Cannes Film Festival kicked off on Tuesday and will run until May 25. Romania is represented in the official and alternative film sections. Corneliu Porumboiu this year competes for the Palme dOr with his latest feature “La Gomera / The Whistlers”, his first film produced abroad, on La Gomera island in Spain and in Singapore. The short reel program entitled Romanian Short Waves will also be featured in the Short Film Corner devoted to short reels and young talent. Among the 13 short reels selected are Bogdan Muresanus “Christmas Gift”, Adi Voicus “The Last Trip to the Seaside” and “Today Artist, Tonight Taximetrist” by Dumitru Grosei. Also representing Romania is filmmaker, screen writer and producer Catalin Mitulescu as a jury member for the Cinefondation and short reel section.

    MILITARY – An Italian military unit is deployed by NATO at the Mihail Koglniceanu base in southeastern Romania, charged with carrying out air policing missions for the first time in Romania. Over the next four months, 130 Italian military, pilots and technical crew and four Eurofighter Typhoon aircraft will join Romanian Air Force military and MiG-21 Lancer jets to carry out these missions under NATO command. The joint air policing missions are aimed at developing the reaction and deterrence capacity and consolidate interoperability between the two countries Air Forces. The deployment of the Italian unit to Romania is part of the action plan for ensuring NATO operational capacity in response to security challenges on the Alliances eastern flank.

    TENNIS – Romanian tennis player Mihaela Buzarnescu (29 WTA) defeated the former Roland Garros champion Jelena Ostapenko of Latvia (27 WTA) 6-2, 5-4, in the opening round of the WTA tournament in Rome. In the second round world no. 2 Simona Halep will play the winner of the match pitting Merketa Vondrousova against Barbora Strycova, both from the Czech Republic.

    (Translated by E. Enache)

  • March 20, 2019 UPDATE

    March 20, 2019 UPDATE

    TALKS Negotiators of the European Parliament and of the EU Council on
    Wednesday ended their first round of talks over the appointment of the European
    Chief-prosecutor without reaching an agreement. We recall that the former head
    of Romania’s main anti-corruption agency (DNA), Laura Codruta Kovesi, is also
    running for this position. The next rounds of talks are to be held on 27th
    March as well as on 4th and the 10th April. We recall
    that the president of the European Parliament Antonio Tajani has sent an
    official letter to the Romanian Delegate Minister for European Affairs, George
    Ciamba informing him that Mrs. Kovesi is the European Parliament’s candidate
    for the position of European chief-prosecutor. The EU Council is backing the
    French candidate Jean-Francois Bohnert. The European Prosecutor’s Office, which
    is due to commence activity by the end of 2020, is to be an independent office
    in charge of investigating and prosecuting frauds against the EU budget. The
    European Chief Prosecutor will have a 7-year mandate, which cannot be extended.

    TENNIS Romanian tennis player Monica Niculescu is on the main draw of the WTA
    tournament in Miami, Florida after 6-2, 6-4 win against Katerina Kozlova of
    Ukraine in the last qualifying round. On Thursday, Romanian challenger Irina
    Begu is playing the Romanian-born Canadian Bianca Andreescu, who has recently
    won the Indian Wells tournament. Marius Copil also from the Romanian delegation
    will be playing Albert Ramos Vinolas in the first round, while in the women’s
    doubles, a Romanian-German pair made up of Simona Halep and Julia Goerges will
    be up against Timea Babos of Hungary and Kristina Mladenovic of France. Monica
    Niculescu of Romania and Abigail Spears of the USA will be playing Anna-Lena
    Groenefeld of Germany and Lucie Hradecka of the Czech Republic. Romanians Irina
    Begu and Mihaela Buzarnescu are meeting the Taiwanese pair made up of Hao-Ching
    and Latisha Chan. In the men’s doubles the Romanian-Dutch pair Horia Tecau -
    Jean-Julien Rojer will be playing Oliver Marach of Austria and Mate Pavic of

    SUMMIT Romania constantly affirmed the importance of ensuring a standard of
    living for citizens as high as possible, Romania’s Prime Minister Viorica
    Dancila said in Brussels on Wednesday during the Tripartite Social Summit unfolding
    under the motto ‘for a stronger united and forward-looking Europe’. The summit,
    which also brought together representatives of European trade unions and employers
    associations was co-chaired by the president of the European Council Donald
    Tusk, the president of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker and by
    Romania’s Prime Minister Viorica Dancila as this country is currently holding
    the EU rotating presidency. According to Dancila, besides moves at European
    level, Romania has also taken a series of concrete measures at the domestic
    level aimed at meeting the convergence objective. Also on Wednesday, Prime
    Minister Dancila held talks with the First Vice-president of the European
    Commission Frans Timmermans. According to a spokesperson for the Commission, the
    two officials confirmed that Romania had stepped up measures aimed at
    implementing recommendations from the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism and
    concrete results in this respect could be expected shortly.

    (translated by bill)