• November 22, 2020 UPDATE

    November 22, 2020 UPDATE

    COVID-19 The total number of COVID-19 cases in Romania since the start of the pandemic passes 418,000. On Sunday, 5,800 new cases were reported. Another 131 coronavirus-related deaths were also confirmed, taking the death toll to over 10,000. A further 1,174 patients are currently in intensive care. The health minister said at present there are around 1,390 intensive care beds, with another 280 to be available in the coming period. Local lockdowns were introduced in several towns and villages with large number of cases, including around the capital Bucharest. President Klaus Iohannis said this is a measure that has proved effective in containing the epidemic. He added similar measures are being considered in many other localities, but that in the coming 2-3 weeks things will return to “somewhat normal parameters. Iohannis announced he would have a meeting on Monday with the health, interior and defence ministers, to clarify aspects related to the anti-COVID vaccination campaign, which he sees as a matter of national security.

    GAUDEAMUS Another 30 new events could be watched online on Sunday, the last day of the Gaudeamus Radio România book fair, held exclusively online this year because of the COVID-19 pandemic. A rich diversity of events could be accessed on the Fairs Facebook page and website. By Saturday night, the events website had reported more than 40,000 single users. Nearly 200 books were presented online. Apart from the virtual book releases on Facebook and on gaudeamus.ro, the vote for the publics favourite book continued. The Gaudeamus Radio România book fair is a cultural project with a tradition of more than 2 decades. Over 100 companies are taking part, including some of the biggest publishing houses in Romania and distributors of Romanian and foreign books, music and games.

    FILM The 5th BUZZ International Film Festival, based in Buzau and devoted to European cinema, is held exclusively online this year. Until Thursday, November 26, film lovers are invited to enjoy Romanian and European films free of charge. According to the organisers, the Festival has 4 competition sections: fiction features, documentaries, short films and student films. Most of the works in the competition are screened for the first time in Romania. This years surprises include Radu Ciorniciucs documentary, “Home, awarded in major international festivals. In the BUZZ Women section, the highlights include ‘Creativ’, a documentary by Ioana Grigore, and Nora Fingscheidts ‘System Crasher,’ winner of the Silver Bear – “Alfred Bauer Award in Berlin in 2019.

    G20 The leaders of the worlds 20 biggest economies, convening at the virtual G20 summit, hosted for the first time by Saudi Arabia, pledged to secure accessible pricing and fair access to COVID-19 vaccines, tests and treatments, and that poorer countries are not affected. According to the meetings outcome document, the participants promised to support a global project on vaccines, tests and medicines. The main topic on the agenda of the summit was the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic. The French president Emmanuel Macron said, “We need to avoid at all costs a scenario of a two-speed world where only the richer can protect themselves against the virus and restart normal lives. In turn, the president of the European Council, Charles Michel, proposed an international treaty on pandemic, which would be very useful, he argued, even if the World Health Organisation must remain at the forefront of future health crisis management.

    PANDEMIC The total number of Covid-19 cases worldwide is now over 58 million, with nearly 1.4 million deaths and over 40.5 million people having recovered from the disease, according to Worldometers.info. The US is the worst hit country, with over 12.4 million cases and at least 261,000 deaths. The American company Pfizer and their German partner BioNTech announced they have requested emergency authorisation of their COVID-19 vaccine in the US. The US Food and Drug Administration says the goal is to have the vaccine approved in the first half of December. The 2 companies claim to be able to supply the vaccine within hours of its approval. In turn, the EU may approve 2 vaccines by the end of December, the one produced by Pfizer/BioNTech and the one produced by Moderna. Madrid is to endorse on Tuesday a large-scale vaccination plan covering a large part of the population by next summer. The Madrid region will be under lockdown in the first half of December. The Italian government also announced plans to ease restrictions prior to the winter holidays, with tougher measures to be introduced between Christmas and New Years Eve. Portugal will also close schools ahead of 2 major national holidays, in a move to prevent the spread of the disease before Christmas. (translated by: A.M. Popescu)

  • November 22, 2020

    November 22, 2020

    COVID-19 The total number of COVID-19 cases in Romania since the start of the pandemic passes 418,000. On Sunday, 5,800 new cases were reported. Another 131 coronavirus-related deaths were also confirmed, taking the death toll to over 10,000. A further 1,174 patients are currently in intensive care. Almost 70% of the total number of COVID-19 patients in Romania have recovered. Local lockdowns were introduced in several towns and villages with large number of cases, including around the capital Bucharest. President Klaus Iohannis said this is a measure that has proved effective in containing the epidemic. He added similar measures are being considered in many other localities, but that in the coming 2-3 weeks things will return to “somewhat normal parameters. The president also promised that efforts will be stepped up to improve the capacity of ITUs. Iohannis announced he would have a meeting on Monday with the health, interior and defence ministers, to clarify aspects related to the anti-COVID vaccination campaign, which he sees as a matter of national security.

    GAUDEAMUS Sunday is the last day of the Gaudeamus Radio România book fair, held exclusively online this year because of the COVID-19 pandemic. By Saturday night, the events website had reported more than 40,000 single users. Nearly 200 books were presented online. Apart from the virtual book releases on Facebook and on gaudeamus.ro, the vote for the publics favourite book continues. The Gaudeamus Radio România book fair is a cultural project with a tradition of more than 2 decades. Over 100 companies are taking part, including some of the biggest publishing houses in Romania and distributors of Romanian and foreign books, music and games.

    G20 The online summit of the worlds 20 biggest economies, G20, hosted for the first time by Saudi Arabia, continues on Sunday. The main topic on the agenda is the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic. On Saturday, the participants called for affordable and equitable access to vaccines and other tools to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, including for poorer nations. The French president Emmanuel Macron said, “We need to avoid at all costs a scenario of a two-speed world where only the richer can protect themselves against the virus and restart normal lives. In turn, the German Chancellor Angela Merkel urged her counterparts to make sure the vaccine will reach poorer nations as well. Meanwhile, the president of the European Council, Charles Michel, proposed an international treaty on pandemic, which would be very useful, he argued, even if the World Health Organisation must remain at the forefront of future health crisis management.

    FILM The 5th BUZZ International Film Festival, based in Buzau and devoted to European cinema, is held exclusively online this year. Until Thursday, November 26, film lovers are invited to enjoy Romanian and European films free of charge. According to the organisers, the Festival has 4 competition sections: fiction features, documentaries, short films and student films. Most of the works in the competition are screened for the first time in Romania. This years surprises include Radu Ciorniciucs documentary, “Home, awarded in major international festivals. In the BUZZ Women section, the highlights include ‘Creativ’, a documentary by Ioana Grigore, and Nora Fingscheidts ‘System Crasher,’ winner of the Silver Bear – “Alfred Bauer Award in Berlin in 2019.

    PANDEMIC The total number of Covid-19 cases worldwide is now over 58 million, with nearly 1.4 million deaths and over 40.5 million people having recovered from the disease, according to Worldometers.info. The US is the worst hit country, with over 12.4 million cases and at least 261,000 deaths. The American company Pfizer and their German partner BioNTech announced they have requested emergency authorisation of their COVID-19 vaccine in the US. The US Food and Drug Administration says the goal is to have the vaccine approved in the first half of December. The 2 companies claim to be able to supply the vaccine within hours of its approval. In turn, the EU may approve 2 vaccines by the end of December, the one produced by Pfizer/BioNTech and the one produced by Moderna. Madrid is to endorse on Tuesday a large-scale vaccination plan covering a large part of the population by next summer. The Madrid region will be under lockdown in the first half of December. The Italian government also announced plans to ease restrictions prior to the winter holidays, with tougher measures to be introduced between Christmas and New Years Eve. Portugal will also close schools ahead of 2 major national holidays, in a move to prevent the spread of the disease before Christmas. (translated by: A.M. Popescu)

  • 22.11.2020


    Pandémie -
    Depuis le début de la pandémie, le nombre total des cas de Covid-19 en Roumanie
    dépasse les 418 000. Dimanche, le nombre des nouveaux cas de contamination au
    virus SARS-CoV-2 a dépassé les 5800. Le plus grand nombre de cas de maladie est
    à retrouver à Bucarest et dans le département de Cluj (centre-ouest). 131 décès
    ont été recensés de samedi à dimanche, ce qui porte le bilan des victimes à
    plus de 10.000. De même, 1174 patients sont en soins intensifs. Sur l’ensemble
    des Roumains au diagnostic confirmé de Covid-19, environ 70% ont guéri.
    Plusieurs localités, dont certaines autour de la capitale, où le nombre de cas
    s’est accru, ont été confinées. Les derniers chiffres indiquent une
    stabilisation de l’évolution de l’épidémie, affirme le président Klaus
    Iohannis. Le chef de l’Etat aura lundi une réunion avec les ministres de la
    Défense, de la Santé et de l’Intérieur pour éclaircir tous les aspects relatifs
    à la campagne de vaccination anti-Covid, qu’il considère une question de
    sécurité nationale. Il a ajouté que les données à jour des cas de Covid-19
    indiquent qu’il y a des raisons pour « un optimisme modéré » et a
    fait appel à respecter strictement les règles mises en place par les autorités.
    Les efforts pour accroître la capacité des unités de soins intensifs seront
    intensifiés, assure encre le président.

    Gaudeamus – Ce dimanche c’est le dernier jour de la Foire du livre Gaudeamus, organisée par Radio Roumanie, en ligne. Jusqu’ici plus de 40.000 visiteurs uniques ont été enregistrés sur le site de l’événement qui a proposé environ 200 lancements de livres. Le titre du livre le plus convoité de la foire sera désigné en fin de journée suite au vote du public. La Foire Gaudeamus préserve cette année la continuité d’un projet culturel ayant une tradition d’un quart de siècle, avec une version intégralement en ligne. Les événements réunissent une centaine de compagnies du domaine, dont les maisons d’édition les plus prestigieuses de Roumanie ainsi que des distributeurs de livres, de musique et de jeux éducatifs roumains et étrangers.

    Film – La 5e édition du Festival international de film de Buzău – BUZZ -, consacré au film européen, se poursuit aujourd’hui, exclusivement en ligne, en raison des mesures de sécurité mises en place par les autorités dans le contexte de la pandémie. Jusqu’au 26 novembre, les cinéphiles sont invités à visionner gratuitement des films roumains et européens pour tous les goûts. Selon les organisateurs, il existe quatre catégories dans la compétition : long-métrage de fiction, film documentaire, court-métrage et film d’étudiants. La plupart des films diffusés sont présentés en première en Roumanie. Parmi les surprises cinématographiques de l’année, on compte Acasă, My Home, le documentaire du réalisateur Radu Ciorniciuc, primé à des festivals prestigieux. Dans la section hors compétition BUZZ Women, consacrée aux films réalisés par des femmes, les spectateurs pourront voir les films Creativ, un documentaire de Ioana Grigore, et le drame L’Enfant problème de la réalisatrice Nora Fingscheidt, gagnante de l’Ours d’argent – Prix « Alfred Bauer » à Berlin en 2019.

    G20 – Le sommet des G20 – le groupe des plus grandes économies mondiales – se poursuit ce dimanche, organisé en première par l’Arabie Saoudite. Les réunions se tiennent en visioconférence et ont pour principal thème la pandémie de coronavirus. Samedi, les leaders participants ont exhorté les chefs des autres nations riches de s’assurer que le vaccin anti-covid serait accessible et disponible partout dans le monde. De son côté, le président français, Emmanuel Macron, a affirmé qu’il y aurait une véritable lutte pour éviter le scénario où seuls les riches du monde ont accès à ce vaccin. A son tour, la chancelière allemande, Angela Merkel, a demandé à ses homologues de s’assurer que le vaccin serait distribué aussi aux nations pauvres. Par ailleurs, le président du Conseil Européen, Charles Michel, a lancé l’idée de la création d’un traité international pour les pandémies, qui serait très utile, même si l’OMS reste au centre de la lutte contre toute crise sanitaire future.

    Météo – Temps morose et froid dans le sud et l’est de la Roumanie, où il pleut presque partout. La giboulée et la neige sont signalées à la montagne. Les maxima de la journée iront de 2 à 12 degré. Du soleil et 6 degrés à midi à Bucarest.

  • November 21, 2020 UPDATE

    November 21, 2020 UPDATE

    COVID-19 The total number of COVID-19 cases in Romania since the start of the pandemic passes 412,000. On Saturday, almost 9,700 new cases were reported. Another 160 coronavirus-related deaths were also confirmed, taking the death toll to over 9,900. A further 1,132 patients are currently in intensive care. Almost 70% of the total number of COVID-19 patients in Romania have recovered. Local lockdowns were introduced in several towns and villages with large number of cases, including around the capital Bucharest. Recent reports point to a plateau phase in the epidemic, president Klaus Iohannis said. He announced he would have a meeting on Monday with the health, interior and defence ministers, to clarify aspects related to the anti-COVID vaccination campaign, which he sees as a matter of national security. He added the latest data allows for “moderated optimism and called for strict observance of the containment measures introduced by the authorities.

    PANDEMIC The total number of Covid-19 cases worldwide is now over 58 million, with nearly 1.4 million deaths and over 40 million people having recovered from the disease, according to Worldometers.info. The US is the worst hit country, with over 12 million cases and at least 260,000 deaths. The American company Pfizer and their German partner BioNTech announced they have requested emergency authorisation of their COVID-19 vaccine in the US. The US Food and Drug Administration says the goal is to have the vaccine approved in the first half of December. The 2 companies claim to be able to supply the vaccine within hours of its approval. In turn, the EU may approve 2 vaccines by the end of December, the one produced by Pfizer/BioNTech and the one produced by Moderna. Over the last 24 hours, the number of infections has gone up in Ukraine, Russia, North Macedonia, Croatia, Italy and Spain. Madrid is to endorse on Tuesday a large-scale vaccination plan covering a large part of the population by next summer. The Madrid region will be under lockdown in the first half of December. The Italian government also announced plans to ease restrictions prior to the winter holidays, with tougher measures to be introduced between Christmas and New Years Eve.

    NUCLEAR The European Commission approved the cooperation agreement signed by Romania with the USA in the field of nuclear energy, the Romanian Economy Minister Virgil Popescu said in a Facebook post. He added that 7 billion USD worth of funding has been obtained from the US for the revamping of Cernavoda Unit 1, the building of Units 3 and 4 and for putting together projects in the field of energy. Virgil Popescu says the agreement will ensure Romanias energy security, investments and jobs in many sectors. A consortium will be set up to this aim, comprising companies from the US, Romania, Canada and France.

    FILM The 5th BUZZ International Film Festival, based in Buzau and devoted to European cinema, is held exclusively online as of today. Until November 26, film lovers are invited to enjoy Romanian and European films free of charge. According to the organisers, the Festival has 4 competition sections: fiction features, documentaries, short films and student films. Most of the works in the competition are screened for the first time in Romania. This years surprises include Radu Ciorniciucs documentary, “Home, awarded in major international festivals. In the BUZZ Women section, the highlights include ‘Creativ’, a documentary by Ioana Grigore, and Nora Fingscheidts ‘System Crasher,’ winner of the Silver Bear – “Alfred Bauer Award in Berlin in 2019.

    G20 The online summit of the worlds 20 biggest economies, G20, hosted for the first time by Saudi Arabia, started on Saturday. The main topic on the agenda is the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic. Saudi King Salman told G20 leaders that they must work towards affordable and equitable access to vaccines and other tools to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, including for poorer nations. On Friday, the president of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen voiced hopes that the G20 summit due this weekend will be “a new beginning for multilateralism. Ursula von der Leyen said she would call on the Unions G20 partners to step up economic efforts to provide access to COVID-19 vaccine and treatment for poorer countries as well. The goal is to purchase 2 billion vaccine doses for countries with below-average revenues, the EC president said. (translated by: A.M. Popescu)

  • November 21, 2020

    November 21, 2020

    COVID-19 The total number of COVID-19 cases in Romania since the start of the pandemic passes 412,000. On Saturday, 9,700 new cases were reported. Most of them were in the capital Bucharest and in Cluj County (north-west). Another 160 coronavirus-related deaths were also confirmed, taking the death toll up to 9,900. A further 1,132 patients are currently in intensive care. Almost 70% of the total number of COVID-19 patients in Romania have recovered. Recent reports point to a plateau phase in the epidemic, president Klaus Iohannis said. He announced he would have a meeting on Monday with the health, interior and defence ministers, to clarify aspects related to the anti-COVID vaccination campaign, which he sees as a matter of national security. He added the latest data allows for “moderated optimism and called for strict observance of the containment measures introduced by the authorities.

    PANDEMIC The total number of Covid-19 cases worldwide is now over 57.9 million, with 1.3 million deaths and over 40 million people having recovered from the disease, according to Worldometers.info. The US is the worst hit country, with over 12 million cases and at least 260,000 deaths. The American company Pfizer and their German partner BioNTech announced they have requested emergency authorisation of their COVID-19 vaccine in the US. The US Food and Drug Administration says the goal is to have the vaccine approved in the first half of December. The 2 companies claim to be able to supply the vaccine within hours of its approval. In turn, the EU may approve 2 vaccines by the end of December, the one produced by Pfizer/BioNTech and the one produced by Moderna. Over the last 24 hours, the number of infections has gone up in Ukraine, Russia, North Macedonia, Croatia, Italy and Spain. Madrid is to endorse on Tuesday a large-scale vaccination plan covering a large part of the population by next summer. The Madrid region will be under lockdown in the first half of December. The Italian government also announced plans to ease restrictions prior to the winter holidays, with tougher measures to be introduced between Christmas and New Years Eve.

    NUCLEAR The European Commission approved the cooperation agreement signed by Romania with the USA in the field of nuclear energy, the Romanian Economy Minister Virgil Popescu said in a Facebook post. He added that 7 billion USD worth of funding has been obtained from the US for the revamping of Cernavoda Unit 1, the building of Units 3 and 4 and for putting together projects in the field of energy. Virgil Popescu says the agreement will ensure Romanias energy security, investments and jobs in many sectors. A consortium will be set up to this aim, comprising companies from the US, Romania, Canada and France.

    GAUDEAMUS The Gaudeamus Radio România book fair continues online today. the 6th day of the fair comes with new online book releases in addition to the 160 that have taken place so far, and events targeting children, teenagers and teachers. The Gaudeamus Radio România book fair, a cultural project with a tradition of more than 2 decades, is held exclusively online this year. Over 100 companies are taking part, including some of the biggest publishing houses in Romania and distributors of Romanian and foreign books, music and games. The fair is coming to an end on Sunday.

    FILM The 5th BUZZ International Film Festival, based in Buzau and devoted to European cinema, is held exclusively online as of today. Until November 26, film lovers are invited to enjoy Romanian and European films free of charge. According to the organisers, the Festival has 4 competition sections: fiction features, documentaries, short films and student films. Most of the works in the competition are screened for the first time in Romania. This years surprises include Radu Ciorniciucs documentary, “Home, awarded in major international festivals. In the BUZZ Women section, the highlights include ‘Creativ’, a documentary by Ioana Grigore, and Nora Fingscheidts ‘System Crasher,’ winner of the Silver Bear – “Alfred Bauer Award in Berlin in 2019. (translated by: A.M. Popescu)