Tag: C 130 Hercules

  • Pompieri români într-o misiune de stingere a incendiilor de pădure din Franța

    Pompieri români într-o misiune de stingere a incendiilor de pădure din Franța

    aeronave din dotarea Forţelor Aeriene Române au transportat 20 de pompieri
    români şi trei autospeciale în insula Corsica, Franţa, pentru o misiune de
    stingere a incendiilor de pădure, a anuntat Ministerul Apărării.

    români acţionează ca răspuns la solicitarea de sprijin transmisă de
    autorităţile franceze prin portalul informaţional dedicat CECIS (Common
    Emergency Communication and Information System) al Mecanismului de protecţie
    civilă al UE, ca urmare a situaţiei create de extinderea incendiilor de pădure
    din ultimele zile.

    Mecanismul de protecţie civilă al Uniunii Europene
    coordonează răspunsul la dezastrele naturale şi provocate de om la nivelul UE,
    permiţând acordarea asistenţei coordonate, eficace şi rapide în sprijinul
    populaţiilor afectate

  • 25 July, 2018 UPDATE

    25 July, 2018 UPDATE

    VISIT Currently on a formal visit to Montenegro, Romania’s Prime
    Minister Viorica Dancila on Wednesday held talks with the country’s president
    Milo Djukanovic. The two officials agreed to step up cooperation in the field
    of energy as well as in tourism, education and culture. According to a
    government communiqué, the Romanian Prime Minister has congratulated Montenegro
    on its European and Euro-Atlantic progress, a project Romania has supported all
    these years. Viorica Dancila on Wednesday also met her Montenegrin counterpart
    Dusko Markovic. The two officials stood for deepened bilateral relations particularly
    in the economic field, stepped up trade exchanges and boosted cooperation in
    the field of energy, environment, tourism and internal affairs. Prime Minister
    Dancila highlighted the importance Romania’s upcoming EU presidency would
    attach to the EU’s enlargement policy and reiterated the firm commitment to
    Montenegro’s EU accession. According to Bucharest, Montenegro’s NATO
    integration is a major contribution to stability in the Western Balkans and to
    the elimination of the security threats in this region. Montenegro is the first
    stop in the Romanian Prime Minister’s three day tour in the region, which will
    also take her to the Republic of Macedonia.

    SUPPORT Athens has activated the EU Civil Protection Mechanism following
    the wildfires that engulfed the Attica region, killing at least 79 people and
    wounding more than 200. Several countries have offered help, including Romania,
    which on Wednesday dispatched two planes, a C-27 Spartan, designed to
    extinguish fires, and a C-130 Hercules, for logistical support. Three days of
    national mourning have been declared in Greece. The wildfires have apparently been
    caused by a heat wave that hit the country, with temperatures of over 40
    degrees Celsius, and extended rapidly because of the gale-force wind, which
    reached 75 km per hour. Authorities are now considering the possibility of arson
    in some cases.

    AMBASSADOR Upon the nomination of Adrian Zuckerman as the new US ambassador in
    Bucharest, Romania’s Foreign Minister Teodor Melescanu on Wednesday said he was
    glad the United States had appointed an ambassador who had connections with
    Romania. Melescanu voiced his conviction the strategic partnership between the
    two countries would go on an upward trend. According to a White House
    communiqué, US president Donald Trump announced his intention to nominate
    lawyer Adrian Zuckerman as the US ambassador to Romania. Zuckerman, who was
    born in Romania and immigrated to the USA when he was 10, is fluent in Romanian
    and currently a partner with a lawyer firm in New York specialized in real
    estate. Zuckerman has been close to the Trump family for two decades being also
    a well-known member of the New York business circles. If endorsed by Congress,
    Zuckerman will replace the outgoing ambassador Hans Klemm.

    COURT Romania’s Constitutional Court (CCR)
    is to discuss on September 17th a notification from the country’s
    president, Klaus Iohannis, over the amendments to the Penal Code and the Law on
    the prevention, investigation and punishing corruption acts, CCR officials told
    the news agency AGERPRES on Wednesday. The president on Wednesday notified the
    Court over a series of amendments brought to the Penal Code in Parliament,
    which would violate the fundamental law as well as the way in which they were
    endorsed in an extraordinary session. Among the articles contested by the
    president is the redefinition of the abuse in office, the organized crime group
    and the shortened limitation periods. After the final vote in Parliament earlier
    this month, president Iohannis has lashed out at the amendments, which he has
    deemed as either useless or toxic and harmful adding that he will make use of
    all the constitutional instruments to contest them. The latest Penal Code amendments
    have also attracted a lot of heat from the opposition parties and their
    notifications as well as those brought in by the country’s Highest Court of
    Cassation and Justice are to be debated upon by the CCR on September 17th.

    (translated by bill)