Tag: Campia Turzii

  • New F-16 planes for the Romanian Army

    New F-16 planes for the Romanian Army

    Three F-16 Fighting Falcon aircraft purchased by Romania from the Kingdom of Norway landed, on Friday, at the 71st Air Base ‘General Emanoil Ionescu’ at Câmpia Turzii (center), to equip the 48th Fighter Squadron. The purchase of these F-16 aircraft and the related package of goods and services will ensure an increase in Romania’s security, by defending the national and NATO airspace in peacetime and in crisis situations, through the Permanent Combat Service – Air Policing under NATO command – writes a communique by the Romanian Defense Ministry. The F-16 aircraft that have just arrived at Câmpia Turzii are the second series of three such planes bought by Romania from Norway, the first being received at the end of November 2023, in the 86th Air Base ‘Lieutenant Aviator Gheorghe Mociorniţă’ from Borcea (south- east).


    According to the Defense Ministry, through the gradual arrival, during this year and the next, of 32 multi-role F-16 Fighting Falcon aircraft that will equip two more squadrons of the Air Force, Romania is strengthening its air defense at a level adapted to the security challenges in the region. These planes will have an important role in maintaining a credible allied defense and deterrence posture against any aggression on the Eastern Flank and, just as importantly, they will ensure the transition for the Romanian Air Force to the fifth-generation era of F-35 aircraft, the defense minister Angel Tîlvăr stated. The ministry he leads recalls that, according to the Concept of the gradual fulfillment of the air defense capability, within the program “Multirole aircraft of the Air Force”, the Romanian Government awarded the Government of Norway the contract for the purchase of 32 F-16 aircraft, with logistic support initially, and a package of complementary goods and services from the US Government.


    The aircraft will be delivered in operational condition, their available resource ensuring their operation for a transition period of at least 10 years to the 5th generation aircraft, which makes the acquisition of the Norwegian fighter jets a transfer of capability between two allied NATO countries, the defense ministry explains. The three aircraft that have just arrived will ensure the fulfillment of the new existing requirements within NATO, and later they will be included in the modernization program in the same configuration (M6.X) as the F-16 aircraft from the first squadron that entered the equipment of the Romanian Air Force. This solution ensures the involvement of the Romanian defense industry in the maintenance and modernization of F-16 aircraft, through the company Aerostar Bacău (est). At present, the Romanian Air Force has 20 F-16 aircraft. (LS)

  • Nachrichten 25.06.2017

    Nachrichten 25.06.2017

    Die parlamentarischen Parteien haben am Sonntag ihre Vorbereitungen auf die für Montag angesetzten Beratungen mit Präsident Klaus Iohannis über die Bildung einer neuen Regierung abgeschlossen. Indes sind nach Medienberichten mehrere Führungsmitglieder der Parteien zu Verhandlungen über die Konsolidierung der Mehrheit im Parlament zusammengekommen. Die sozialdemokratische Koalitionsregierung unter Ministerpräsident Sorin Grindeanu war über ein Misstrauensvotum der eigenen Parlamentsmehrheit gestürzt worden. Die sozialdemokratische PSD und ihr Juniorpartner ALDE hatten dem Kabinett die Unterstützung entzogen. Aufgrund ihrer Mehrheit im Parlament wollen die beiden Parteien erneut einen Ministerpräsidenten aus ihren Reihen vorschlagen. Die bürgerliche Opposition schließt eine Zusammenarbeit mit der PSD aus, während der Ungarnverband sich noch nicht festlegen wollte.

    Die zukünftige Regierung müsse sich für ein Abkommen über den Umzug der Europäischen Arzneimittel-Agentur nach Rumänien anstrengen, glaubt Präsident Iohannis. Um den Sitz der Agentur, die sich derzeit in London befindet, buhlen derzeit Schweden, Frankreich, Dänemark, Ungarn und Bulgarien. Diese Staaten hätten vor dem Hintergrund des Brexits bereits konkrete Angebote gemacht, so der Staatschef nach Ende des EU-Gipfels in Brüssel. Auch müsse sich die zukünftige Exekutive mit der Wiederbelebung der Verteidigungsindustrie beschäftigen, der durch den neuen EU-Verteidigungsfonds neue Fördermittel zur Verfügung stünden. Präsident Iohannis forderte beim Europäischen Rat, dass die neuen Instrumente für die interne Sicherheit in der Staatengemeinschaft einheitlich zur Anwendung kommen. Dabei sollte nicht zwischen Schengen-Staaten und Nicht-Schengen-Staaten, die die Schengener Kriterien in einem großen Ausmaß erfüllten, unterschieden werden. Der Schengener-Raum stand auch im Mittelpunkt der bilateralen Gespräche zwischen Iohannis und seinem französischen Kollegen Emmanuel Macron. Macron zeigte sich offen gegenüber den Perspektiven des Beitritts Rumäniens zum grenzkontrollfreien Raum. Allerdings werde Rumänien in diesem Bereich keine erheblichen Fortschritte vor den Wahlen in Deutschland und einer Regierungsbildung in den Niederlanden erzielen, sagte Iohannis noch. Auf die Situation der rumänischen Staatsbürger in Großbritannien nach dem Brexit angesprochen, bezeichnete Iohannis die Äußerungen der britischen Premierministerin Theresa May als vielversprechend. Dennoch müsse man abwarten, bis die Vorschläge in schriftlicher Form festgelegt würden, so der Präsident.

    Im nordwest-rumänischen Campia Turzii ist eine Militärübung der rumänischen und amerikanischen Luftstreitkräfte angelaufen. Daran beteiligen sich rund 200 rumänische Piloten und technische Assistenten sowie 300 US-Militärs. Die rumänische Seite nimmt mit Kampfflugzeugen vom Typ MiG-21 LanceR und Hubschraubern vom Typ IAR-330 Puma an der Übung teil, während die US-Lufstreitkräfte F-15-Flieger und die entsprechende Bedienungstechnik einsetzen. Die Übung soll bis Ende August dauern und den rumänischen Streitkräften die Möglichkeit einer technisch-taktischen Übung nach NATO-Standardverfahren bieten.

    SPORT: Rumäniens Rugby-Herren haben im letzten Testspiel im Juni die brasilianische Auswahl in Bukarest mit 56:5 bezwungen. Die beiden Nationalmannschaften waren sich bislang noch nie begegnet. Rumänien ist im internationalen Vergleich zweitklassig und nimmt regelmäßig an Weltmeisterschaften teil, während der brasilianische Rugby-Sport noch am Anfang steht. Vor der Partie gegen Brasilien hatten die rumänischen Spieler eine Tournee in Asien und Nordamerika bestritten. Dabei setzten sie sich mit 25:9 gegen Kanada durch und unterlagen Japan mit 21:33.

  • July 24, 2016

    July 24, 2016

    LEGISLATION – The Romanian Government will next week green light a bill that transposes into national law the European Directive on the single European railway area. According to a release of the Transport Ministry in Bucharest, the bill will then be sent to Parliament to be adopted by end-October. On Friday, the European Commission has referred Greece, Luxembourg and Romania to the EU Court of Justice (ECJ) for failing to transpose the Directive into national law. The EC proposed daily penalty payments of almost 30 thousand euros for Romania.

    RALLY – A rally in support of democracy is to take place in Istanbul today, at the initiative of the Republican People’s Party, the main opposition party. Also, Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party, an Islamist-rooted party founded by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has announced it would join the rally. In the meantime, the authorities continue the campaign against the people suspected of involvement in the attempted coup on July 15 or of supporting Fethullah Gulen, an Islamist cleric who lives in self-imposed exile in the US, accused by President Erdogan of having masterminded the coup. On Saturday, Turkish authorities arrested a close collaborator of Gulen. On the same day, President Erdogan ordered the closure of thousands of private schools, charities and other institutions in his first decree since imposing a state of emergency after the failed military coup.

    ASYLUM – As many as 443 people have submitted asylum applications in Romania in the first half of the year, by 40% less than in the same period of 2015, the Immigration Inspectorate has announced today. Most asylum seekers come from Syria, (154), Iraq (69), Pakistan (33) and Afghanistan (21). Also, 430 international protection applications have been solved, and a form of protection was granted in 226 cases, with 132 people being granted the status of refugees and 94 people being granted subsidiary protection.

    INTERNSHIP – The Romanian Government’s official internship programme will be launched on Monday at Romania’s National Library in the presence of Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos and of several ministers. 200 students and graduates will be interns in 43 public institutions, of which 20 ministries. The interns come from 20 Romanian and 32 foreign universities. The Government’s internship programme is currently at its 4th edition.

    MOURNING – Afghan authorities have today declared a day of national mourning, after Saturday’s bloody suicide attack in Kabul that killed over 80 people and injured another 230. The attack targeted members of the ethnic community Hazara, made up of Shia Muslims. The IS claimed the attack, one of the bloodiest in Afghanistan in the past few months.

    DRILL – Several hundred Romanian and American military are participating, between July and September, in the Dacian Eagle 2016 drill at an air base near the central Romanian town of Campia Turzii. The drill is aimed at enhancing the level of training and interoperability, through joint flights. It is also an opportunity to practice standard procedures and techniques used during air operations, in keeping with the NATO standards.

    OLYMPICS – Several athletes of Romania’s Olympic Team, namely members of the boxing, judo, fencing, athletics and swimming teams, have today left for Rio to attend the 31th edition of the summer Olympics, to be held between August 5th and 21st. Over 100 Romanian athletes will take part in this year’s Olympics. Brazilian Foreign Minister, Jose Serra, announced on Saturday that 45 heads of state and government would attend the opening ceremony to be held on the famous Maracana stadium. Around 85 thousand military will ensure the protection of the 10 thousand athletes and officials and also of tourists.

    FOOTBALL – Romanian football coach Mircea Lucescu has won his first trophy with Zenit Sankt Petersburg, the team that he has taken over this summer. Zenit Sankt Petersburg won Russia’s Supercup, after defeating TSKA Moscow 1-nil. Thus, after 22 trophies won in Ukraine with Sahtior Donetk, Lucescu is now at his first trophy in Russia.

    TENNIS – The team made up of Romanian Monica Niculescu and Belgian Yanina Wickmayer won the women’s doubles final of the WTA tournament in Washington, worth 227 thousand dollars, after defeating the Japanese team Shuto Aoyama/Risa Ozaki, 6-4, 6-3.

    (Translated by Elena Enache)

  • Jurnal românesc – 7.07.2015

    Jurnal românesc – 7.07.2015

    Şase sute de militari români şi americani participă la exerciţiile militare numite Dacian Eagle 2015, care au început în luna iulie şi se vor încheia în septembrie, la baza aeriană de lângă Câmpia Turzii. Potrivit Ministerului Apărării de la Bucureşti, forţele aeriene române participă cu şase avioane de vânătoare de tip MiG 21 LanceR şi cu cinci elicoptere de tip IAR-330 Puma, precum şi cu militari care operează aceste aparate. Forţele aeriene americane participă cu 12 avioane de vănâtoare multirol F-15 şi cu efectivul necesar. Militarii celor două ţări exersează tehnicile, tacticile şi procedurile corespunzătoare operaţiuniilor aeriene ale NATO. Ministrul român al apărării, Mircea Duşa, a anunţat pe 15 aprilie că, în următoarea perioadă, prezenţa militarilor ţărilor membre ale NATO va fi permanentă pe flancul estic al Alianţei Nord-Atlantice. Ministrul a mai anunţat că România va pregăti aeroporturile sale militare pentru primirea avioanelor de luptă de tip F-16 achiziţionate din Portugalia.

    Preşedintele Klaus Iohannis a semnat, luni, decretul de decorare a ambasadorului Republicii Moldova în România, Iurie Reniţă, cu Ordinul Naţional Serviciul Credincios” în grad de Mare Cruce, în semn de înaltă apreciere pentru contribuţia personală pe care a avut-o la dezvoltarea relaţiilor de cooperare economică, culturală şi politică dintre România şi Republica Moldova. Decorarea a fost făcută la propunerea ministrului Afacerilor Externe, Bogdan Aurescu, care, pe 1 iulie, l-a primit pe ambasadorul Iurie Reniţă, cu prilejul încheierii misiunii acestuia la Bucureşti. Şeful diplomaţiei române a arătat că extinderea şi aprofundarea relaţiilor bilaterale a fost cu atât mai dinamică în această perioadă cu cât mandatul ambasadorului Iurie Reniţă a coincis cu primii cinci ani de aplicare a Declaraţiei Comune privind Instituirea unui Parteneriat Strategic între Bucureşti şi Chişinău pentru Integrarea Europeană a Republicii Moldova.

    Guvernul a alocat aproximativ 150 de mii de lei pentru proiectele comune stabilite cu NATO şi SUA. Lucrările de la Deveselu, unde vor fi amplasate elemente ale scutului antirachetă, sunt în grafic, iar baza militară va fi operaţională în toamna acestui an, potrivit ministrului apărării naţionale, Mircea Duşa. Acesta a menţionat că în viitor, în localitatea Deveselu va fi introdusă reţea de alimentare cu gaze. Până acum, au fost făcute reţelele de apă şi canalizare, staţia de epurare, iar 80% din drumuri au fost asfaltate.

    Zilele acestea se desfăşoară la Constanţa a cincea ediţie a exerciţiului multinaţional EURASIAN PARTNERSHIP DIVE 15, care are ca obiectiv creşterea interoperabilităţii între multiple naţiuni în executarea activităţilor de scufundare militare. Peste o sută de scafandri din Azerbaidjan, Bulgaria, Georgia, România, SUA, Turcia şi Ucraina execută scufundări reale, exersând proceduri de căutare şi identificare a dispozitivelor explozive sub apă, de scanare laterală cu sonarul, de ridicare la suprafaţă şi tractare în zona de distrugere, precum şi stabilirea unor procedee comune de neutralizare şi distrugere a dispozitivelor explozive improvizate sub apă.