Tag: cargo

  • August 17, 2023 UPDATE

    August 17, 2023 UPDATE

    TRAFFIC – Cargo traffic through the Romanian Black Sea port of Constanţa has reached almost 50 million tons in the first seven months of the year which is a record high. The grain trade accounted for 19 million tons, a quarter more than in the same period last year. Almost half of it is made with Ukraine. To facilitate the work, the Maritime Ports Administration will soon launch an IT application for booking road truck traffic, which will manage the flow of goods in real time. Since the beginning of the year, more than 385 thousand trucks have entered the port of Constanta.

    MIGRANTS – More than 450 Ukrainian men have illegally crossed the border with Romania since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, on February 24, 2022, to flee the war. Of these, 190 took refuge this year. The Ukrainians have either crossed the borders with Romania and the Republic of Moldova illegally, or they entered by corrupting customs officers and border policemen from Ukraine. The Romanian Border Police reported that the people were detected in Botoşani county (north-east) and requested a form of protection from the Romanian state, as a result of the fact that they are coming from a conflict zone. The border police notified the General Inspectorate for Immigration, and the persons in question were taken over by the Regional Accommodation Center for Asylum Seekers in Rădăuţi. After martial law was declared in the neighboring country, Ukrainian men aged 18 to 60 no longer have the right to leave the national territory and are obliged to join the army the army, if necessary.

    FUNDS – The Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism will grant non-refundable financing to people who want to invest in the infrastructure of Romanian spa and balneal resorts. Some 15 million lei have been allocated to the program for this year, approximately 3 million euros. Among the activities that will be financed are the expansion and modernization of accommodation facilities, public food and spa treatment, the purchase of equipment, furniture and specific medical equipment. The call for projects will be launched next month and registrations will be carried out exclusively online, on the turism.gov.ro website.

    UKRAINE – The Romanian authorities firmly condemn Russia’s repeated aggressions against innocent people and civilian infrastructure after the attack on the Ukrainian ports of Reni and Izmail, located near Romania. The Romanian Foreign Minister, Luminiţa Odobescu, underlined that through these blatant violations of international law, Russia continues to endanger global food security and the safety of navigation in the Black Sea. The structures of the Romanian Defense Ministry, which ensure the monitoring of the airspace, state that they have not identified any threats of a military nature to Romania’s national territory or territorial waters following the attack, and have announced increased measures to monitor the national terrestrial, maritime and air space, in cooperation with the NATO structures.

    TRADE – Germany is Romania’s most important commercial partner, the value of bilateral trade in 2022 standing at 40.68 billion Euros, higher by 17%, shows a press release of the Economy Ministry. In the same period, Germany was the first destination for Romanian exports, with a share of 20% of Romania’s total exports. At the same time, Germany represents for Romania the second source of foreign direct investments, with over 25,000 investing companies, mostly in the high tech industrial sectors. On Wednesday, the Economy Minister, Ştefan-Radu Oprea, met with the ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Bucharest, Peer Olav Gebauer. The talks focused on boosting bilateral economic cooperation, aiming both at attracting German investments in Romania and at encouraging national companies that want to initiate and develop projects on the territory of Germany.

    FOOTBALL – Romania’s football champions, Farul Constanţa (south-east), qualified for the Europa Conference League play-off, on Wednesday evening, after defeating the Estonian team Flora Tallinn with the score 2-0, away from home, in the second leg of the third preliminary round of the competition. In the first match, Farul had won 3-0. Farul will play in the play-off against the loser of the match pitting Qarabag FK (Azerbaijan) against HJK Helsinki (Finland), a match that takes place in the third preliminary round of the Europa League. The other two Romanian teams present in the Conference League, Sepsi Sfântul Gheorghe (central Romania) and FCSB, are playing today. Sepsi will play in Kazakhstan against FC Aktobe, after a one-all score in Romania, and FCSB will play in Norway against FC Nordsjaelland, with whom they ended the first match from Bucharest in a tie, 0-0. (EE)

  • February 14, 2023

    February 14, 2023

    AMBASSADOR The new US ambassador to Romania, Kathleen Ann Kavalec is today
    presenting her diplomatic credentials in Bucharest. The US diplomat is to be
    received by Romanian president Klaus Iohannis and will be meeting the president
    of the Chamber of Deputies, Marcel Ciolacu. Kathleen Ann Kavalec arrived in
    Romania last week, when she was welcomed by the head of the Romanian diplomacy,
    Bogdan Aurescu. Also today, the ambassadors of Turkey, Ozgur Kivanc Altan, of
    Slovakia, Peter Hatiar and of Mexico, Amparo Erendira Aguiano Rodriguez are
    expected to present their diplomatic credentials to president Klaus Iohannis.

    INS According to data released by the National Institute for Statistics, in
    January, the annual inflation rate in Romania went down to 15.1% from a 16.5%
    in December 2022. Prices in food products increased over 22% in December while
    non-food products by 12%. Services also saw a 10% increase in their prices. Romania’s
    Central Bank expects the inflation rate to go down faster than initially
    predicted and reach single digits in the last quarter of the year thanks to the
    latest schemes of capping and subsidizing energy prices. According to the same
    sources, the Romanian economy saw a 4.8% growth last year. The European
    Commission on Monday forecast a 4.5% economic growth for Romania in 2022 and
    2.5% this year.

    RESPONSE The European Parliament has voiced solidarity with the
    victims of the earthquake that hit Turkey and Syria last week and has issued a
    statement entitled The European Response to the Earthquakes in Turkey and
    Syria’. The document has been presented by the European Parliament president
    Roberta Metsola, who says that the European Civil Protection Mechanism has been
    activated immediately and humanitarian aid dispatched. The EU Commissioner for
    Crisis Management, Slovenian Janez Lenarčič has announced a donors’ conference
    and the MEPs held a minute of silence in the memory of the victims of the disaster.
    In the meantime, rescue teams are fighting to find survivors in spite of the
    small chances 8 days after the earthquake. The death toll has exceeded 31
    thousand in Turkey and 57 hundred in Syria.

    PLANES Two cargo planes of the Romanian Air Forces carrying
    goods for the victims of the earthquake of February 6th are taking
    off today from Bucharest. One of this planes is to touch down in Gaziantep,
    Turkey and the other in Beirut, Lebanon as Syria is still under sanctions due
    to the authoritarian rule of President Bashar al-Asad, which asked for international
    help only a couple of days ago. Romania has also dispatched humanitarian aid to
    Turkey by means of its railway network. The first freight train loaded with
    goods, which left Romania on February 11th, has already reached its
    destination. In another development, a team from the dog training center in Craiova,
    southern Romania, has also left for Turkey, a country Romania is presently helping
    with rescue teams and necessity goods.

    WEATHER Temperatures in Romania are higher than usual for this time of the year
    and the sky is overcast mostly in the northern regions. Precipitations have
    been reported on small areas in the north-east, east, north and the west of the
    country. Moderate breeze has also been reported in some regions and the highs
    of the day range between zero and 10 degrees centigrade. The noon reading in
    Bucharest was 7 degrees.


  • Pauza Mare 15.04.2022

    Pauza Mare 15.04.2022

    Vorbim despre Ziua Mondială a Artei (sărbătoritp chiar pe 15 aprilie), despre un proiect 2022, “Zilele Sculpturii Bucureşti” (16-18 aprilie) şi despre Târgul de Carte “Gaudeamus Radio România” de la Cluj-Napoca (13-17 aprilie), dar şi despre aniversarea unuia dintre cei mai buni baterişti de la noi din ţară, rocker-ul Octavian Pilan, cu numele de scenă Tavi, artist bănăţean ce alătură astăzi două cifre de cinci… Şi, bineînţeles, vorbim despre nenumăratele piese de succes ale trupei CARGO, din care face parte de peste trei decenii.

  • Jurnal românesc – 8.12.2015

    Jurnal românesc – 8.12.2015

    La Bucureşti a avut loc, luni, prima ediţie a Galei premiilor de excelenţă pentru etnicii români din comunităţile istorice. Institutul Cutural Român i-a recompensat pe intelectualii de marcă, tinerii jurnalişti, liderii asociatiilor romanesti implicaţi activ în promovarea valorilor româneşti în Ucraina, Serbia, Bulgaria, Ungaria, Republica Moldova, Albania şi Macedonia, care au contribuit la strângerea legăturilor dintre românii de pretutindeni. Unii dintre ei au solicitat autorităţilor de la Bucureşti să sprijine în continuare eforturile de păstrare a identităţii lingvistice şi culturale a comunităţilor de români din ţările din jurul României, cele mai multe confruntate cu un dur proces de deznaţionalizare.

    Ministrul de Interne, Petre Tobă, s-a întâlnit cu cei 21 de poliţişti români care au plecat în Franţa, unde participă la o nouă misiune de cooperare în domeniul ordinii publice. Aceasta se va încheia la sfârşitul lunii ianuarie 2016. Tobă a subliniat că este este o misiune importantă şi dificilă, cu atât mai mult în actualul context, când în Franţa sunt menţinute măsuri speciale după atentatele teroriste. Alţi 16 ofiţeri români ai Ministerului de Interne vor lua parte la misiuni coordonate de autorităţile franceze. Potrivit MAI, misiunile desfăşurate în comun de poliţişti români şi cei francezi au început 2012.

    Preşedintele Klaus Iohannis le-a conferit membrilor formaţiei Cargo Ordinul Cultural “Pentru Merit” în grad de Cavaler, potrivit decretului publicat în Monitorul Oficial. Distincţia le-a fost acodată cu prilejul aniversării a 30 de ani de existenţă a formaţiei, pentru contribuţia deosebită la promovarea muzicii rock în România şi îmbogăţirea patrimoniului acestui gen muzical, pentru remarcabile interpretări muzicale.

    Secretarul de stat pentru politica de apărare şi planificare, Valeriu Nicuţ, aflat într-o vizită oficială în Algeria, a semnat luni un acord de cooperare în domeniul apărării şi un altul privind protecţia informaţiilor clasificate. Potrivit unui comunicat al MapN, semnarea celor două documente deschide posibilitatea cooperării militare româno-algeriene pe proiecte de interes reciproc în domenii precum modernizarea echipamentelor militare, schimbul de informaţii, dezvoltarea cercetării ştiinţifice şi tehnologice prin punerea în practică de programe comune de cercetare şi tehnologie, sau formarea personalului în instituţii de învăţământ militar.

    În această săptămână, la Smârdan (Galaţi) are loc un exerciţiu multi-naţional NATO de apărare colectivă la care participă trupe din România, R. Moldova şi SUA. Exerciţiul vizează continuarea instruirii comune a militarilor, creşterea nivelului de interoperabilitate între forţele participante, precum şi întărirea parteneriatului între acestea. In paralel, circa 200 de militari români şi în jur de 350 de militari americani participă la un alt exerciţiu destinat creşterii nivelului de interoperabilitate al personalului implicat, schimbului de experienţă şi îmbunătăţirii nivelului de antrenament al personalului român şi american, prin executarea zborurilor în comun, în conformitate cu standardele NATO. Exerciţiul se desfăşoară, pana pe 20 decembrie, la bazele aeriene de la Mihail Kogălniceanu si Câmpia Turzii.

  • L’Huileux


    Cela fait plus d’une année déjà qu’un vélo cargo arpente de temps en temps les rues de Bucarest. Faisant figure à part dans le trafic fou de la capitale roumaine, ce véhicule ne passe pas inaperçu: il intrigue, attire les regards et provoque souvent un concert de klaxons de la part des passionnés de quatre roues. N’empêche: Marian Scafaru se dit un conducteur heureux. Il pédale à travers la ville avec un objectif bien précis: collecter et recycler des huiles alimentaires usagées.

    D’où cette drôle d’idée lui est-elle venue? Marian Scafaru: « J’ai travaillé pas mal d’années dans des multinationales. Je suis donc un ancien corporatiste qui, poussé par le désir d’évader de son petit bureau et désireux d’entrer en contact avec les autres, a décidé un beau jour de se consacrer entièrement à un projet qu’il aime et auquel il fait confiance. L’idée m’est venue suite à une annonce mise en ligne qui disait nous, on rembourse les huiles”. Plus exactement, on offrait 1,5 lei par litre dans le cadre d’un programme s’adressant aux particuliers. J’ai voulu en apprendre davantage et je me suis donc présenté au centre de collecte pour découvrir que l’initiative n’avait pas de succès. Selon les estimations, 99% des usagers domestiques versent les huiles alimentaires dans l’évier, les WC ou encore dans le caniveau. La raison en est des plus simples: bien qu’ils existent des services de collecte sur place, ils fonctionnent seulement pour des quantités de plus de 30 litres ce qui dépassent souvent les possibilité des usagers ménagers. Ou bien, ils pourront le faire seulement en s’organisant au sein des associations de propriétaires. En attendant qu’ils prennent l’initiative, j’ai avancé ma solution à moi. J’ai mis sur pieds le projet l’Huileux. Il m’a fallu bien réfléchir avant de m’y lancer et je l’ai fait au moment où j’ai eu la certitude d’un soutien extérieur. Ce soutien, je l’ai reçu de la part de la communauté des cyclistes de Bucarest. Quant au projet, je l’ai entamé en l’absence de tout investissement de départ, mais à travers des partenariats qui m’ont permis de faire la promotion, d’utiliser un vélo cargo, de faire un site et de la publicité. »

    Le vélo cargo de Marian Scafaru permet le transport d’une charge maximum de 80 kilos, d’où la possibilité de collecter des quantités d’huile usagée moins importantes. Toute personne ayant ramassé au moins deux litres de vieille huile de friture peut accéder au site Uleiosul.com, compléter un formulaire avant de se faire contacter par Marian et fixer ensemble le jour et l’heure de la collecte.

    Très peu d’entre nous connaissent les effets nocifs des huiles usagées tant sur l’environnement que sur notre santé, raconte Marian Scafaru. Ces huiles corrodent les tuyaux, détruisent la canalisation et les stations d’épuration, en entraînant à la fin une majoration des coûts de maintenance qui se retrouvent dans nos factures. On estime qu’un litre d’huile usagée peut entraîner la pollution d’un million de litres d’eau. En plus, une fois dans la nature, ces huiles forment une pellicule à la surface des eaux qui bloque le transport de l’oxygène vers la flore et la faune aquatique. Par ailleurs, le sol imprégné d’huiles usagées nécessite bien des années pour se régénérer et redevenir fertile.

    Depuis le lancement de son projet, en décembre 2013, Marian Scafaru a ramassé quelque 950 litres d’huile auprès de 150 Bucarestois: « Nous disposons d’une base de données qui compte jusqu’ici environ 300 personnes, dont certaines nous ont déjà donné de l’huile, même à deux reprises. Ça nous réjouit beaucoup et nous sommes sûrs que ce projet aura du succès, puisque nous essayons constamment de le promouvoir. Les gens sont très heureux de pouvoir nous donner l’huile qu’ils ont collectée. Certains ont ramassé 5 litres d’huile en deux ans, d’autres en 2 mois seulement. J’ai rencontré une personne qui avait collecté 40 litres d’huile pendant plusieurs années. Il ne savait quoi faire de toute cette quantité, et évidemment il connaissait les effets nuisibles de cette huile usagée. Il a été très heureux lorsque nous la lui avons reprise. Nous allons parler également aux gens qui travaillent dans la restauration, notamment aux patrons de petites unités. Nous nous sommes rendus compte que ceux-ci jettent l’huile usée parce qu’ils ne collectent pas plus de 30 litres par mois. Mais 20 litres est également une quantité significative. »

    Que se passe-t-il avec l’huile usée après le voyage en vélo cargo ? Eh bien, sachez qu’il peut devenir une source d’énergie alternative. A partir d’un litre d’huile alimentaire usée, on peut produire 900 ml de biodiesel. Les produits secondaires, ceux qui résultent de la production de ce carburant, sont également utilisés dans la fabrication du savon et du décoffrant pour le béton, utilisé pour retirer plus facilement les coffrages. Le biodiesel est un carburant renouvelable utilisé par les gros moteurs, des camions ou des navires, par exemple.

    Marian Scafaru compte inaugurer sa propre station de recyclage: « A l’heure actuelle, nous livrons l’huile à un centre de collecte, d’où elle est acheminée en Autriche, pour produire du biodiesel. Notre désir c’est de produire ce carburant, ici, en Roumanie. La technologie n’est pas trop compliquée. A partir du produit secondaire résultant de la transformation de l’huile usée en biodiesel on peut produire un savon que tout le monde peut utiliser. L’idée c’est de développer le projet partout à Bucarest, d’utiliser un vélo cargo dans chaque arrondissement de la capitale et de montrer que cette activité peut se dérouler aussi en l’absence d’une voiture. Après les vélos cargo, nous espérons investir dans la production du biodiesel et même du savon. Nous voulons offrir du savon comme récompense à ceux qui ont décidé de recycler l’huile. »

    Les fournisseurs d’huile de Marian Scafaru apprécient beaucoup le projet « l’huileux » . Et les réactions positives des gens, qu’il ne recevait pas quand il travaillait dans la multinationale, sont celles qui le motivent à rêver au développement du projet à une plus grande échelle. Il a déjà inclus les batteries usées, les ampoules et les tubes fluorescents sur la liste des produits recyclables qu’il collecte. (trad.: Ioana Stancescu, Alex Diaconescu)