Tag: Carstea

  • Athlete of the week

    Athlete of the week

    Late last week, Istanbul, Turkey hosted a WTA tournament with 235,238 USD in total prize money. Taking part were several top-level players, including Belgiums Elise Mertens, seed no 1, Croatias Petra Martic, seed no 2, and Russias Daria Kasatkina, seed no 4. But the winner was a Romanian, Sorana Cîrstea, who was designated Athlete of the Week by Radio Romania International.

    Soranas performance in Istanbul was no walk in the park. In the first round, she beat Kateryna Kozlova, of Ukraine, 6-4, 7-6, and in the second she won against Russian Anastasia Potapova, 7-6, 6-4. The quarter-finals brought her face to face to Fiona Ferro of France, who had outplayed the Croatian Petra Martic. Ferro quit for health reasons after losing the first set 6-4 to Cîrstea.

    In the semis, Sorana defeated another Ukrainian player, Marta Kostyuk, cu 6-4, 6-4. Next came Elise Mertens of Belgium, who lost the final to Sorana 1-6, 6-7, after 1 hour and 40 minutes. The Romanian thus won the tournament without losing a single set.

    Sorana Cîrstea was born in Târgovişte (southern Romania), on 7 April 1990. She became a professional player in 2006, when she finished 348 in the world standings. She has only won one other WTA tournament in her career, the one in Tashkent, Uzbekistan in 2008.

    August 2013 brought her to the highest WTA place in her career – 21. A rather difficult period followed, with physical problems, but Sorana recovered and made a remarkable comeback. Early last week she was no 67 WTA, and the win in Istanbul pushed her up to no 58. (tr. A.M. Popescu)

  • Athlete of the week

    Athlete of the week

    Late last week, Istanbul, Turkey hosted a WTA tournament with 235,238 USD in total prize money. Taking part were several top-level players, including Belgiums Elise Mertens, seed no 1, Croatias Petra Martic, seed no 2, and Russias Daria Kasatkina, seed no 4. But the winner was a Romanian, Sorana Cîrstea, who was designated Athlete of the Week by Radio Romania International.

    Soranas performance in Istanbul was no walk in the park. In the first round, she beat Kateryna Kozlova, of Ukraine, 6-4, 7-6, and in the second she won against Russian Anastasia Potapova, 7-6, 6-4. The quarter-finals brought her face to face to Fiona Ferro of France, who had outplayed the Croatian Petra Martic. Ferro quit for health reasons after losing the first set 6-4 to Cîrstea.

    In the semis, Sorana defeated another Ukrainian player, Marta Kostyuk, cu 6-4, 6-4. Next came Elise Mertens of Belgium, who lost the final to Sorana 1-6, 6-7, after 1 hour and 40 minutes. The Romanian thus won the tournament without losing a single set.

    Sorana Cîrstea was born in Târgovişte (southern Romania), on 7 April 1990. She became a professional player in 2006, when she finished 348 in the world standings. She has only won one other WTA tournament in her career, the one in Tashkent, Uzbekistan in 2008.

    August 2013 brought her to the highest WTA place in her career – 21. A rather difficult period followed, with physical problems, but Sorana recovered and made a remarkable comeback. Early last week she was no 67 WTA, and the win in Istanbul pushed her up to no 58. (tr. A.M. Popescu)

  • 25 September, 2017

    25 September, 2017

    CORRUPTION – The Social Democratic party, the top ruling coalition partner in Romania, rules today on the fate of two of its cabinet members. Rovana Plumb, managing European funds, and Deputy Prime Minister Sevil Shhaideh, Minister of Development, are accused of corruption in the so-called Belina case. Head of the Anti-Corruption Directorate Laura Kovesi asked Parliament to greenlight a criminal investigation into Rovana Plumb’s case. The case hails back to the time when she was head of environmental protection, and she is suspected of conspiracy to commit abuse of office. Sevil Shhaideh’s case involves land deals that date back to the time when she was an undersecretary in the Ministry of Regional Development. The opposition called for the two ministers to resign, for the sake of Romania’s image abroad and the credibility of the government. The chairman of the Social Democratic Party said for television that the prosecutors’ move was fiction, an attack on the government, and that the real target were the party and the chairman himself.

    BERLIN – Angela Merkel’s Conservatives, the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and its Bavarian arm, the Christian-Social Union (CSU), have won the parliamentary election on Sunday in Germany, with 33% of the ballot. The Christian-Democrats are followed by their coalition partners, the Social Democrats, which won 20% of the vote, and the nationalist right wing Alternative for Germany, which for the first time went over the threshold that places them in the Bundestag, 12.6% of the vote.

    ENESCU – On Sunday, the George Enescu International Festival came to a close in Bucharest with a concerto held by violinist Liviu Prunaru and the Royal Amsterdam Orchestra. This year’s edition brought to the public dozens of recitals and concerts in Bucharest and several cities across the country. The event was covered in detail by Radio Romania’s domestic channels.

    BREXIT – A new round of negotiations for the Brexit starts today in Brussels. AFP snnounced that the EU expect concrete proposals from the UK, after three rounds of negotiations with no notable results. One of the main objects of contention regards the rights of citizens directly affected by the UK leaving the union. Prime Minister Theresa May, while on a visit to Italy on Friday, pleaded in favor of a so-called soft Brexit, with a two year transition period, in an attempt to relaunch negotiations. She promised she would live up her country’s financial commitments towards the European Union, without advancing precise figures.

    TENNIS – Romanian tennis star Monica Niculescu, 65th seeded, plays today in the WTA tournament in Wuhan, China, with 2.3 million dollars in prize money. Another Romanian, Simona Halep, currently second in the world, plays in the second round against Russian Daria Kasatkina, who, in turn, defeated American Alison Riske. On Sunday, the third Romanian in the tournament, Sorana Carstea, 46th seeded, qualified to the second round.

    Our RRI transmitter in Galbeni, Bacau County, will be under technical
    review on Thursday, September 27th, between 09:00 and
    17:00 Romanian time, which is 06.00-14.00 GMT.

    that interval you can follow our broadcasts on the short wave
    frequencies used by our transmitter in Tiganesti, on-line on
    www.rri.ro, using the applications
    available on our website, Google Play and App Store, on TuneIn, as
    well as on fixed and mobile phones. Good listening.

  • Sport Club RRI – Românii la Roland Garros

    Sport Club RRI – Românii la Roland Garros

    Principalul eveniment sportiv al momentului este turneul de tenis de la Roland Garros, al doilea concurs de Mare Şlem al anului. Marţi, în primul tur, jucătoarea română Simona Halep a învins-o pe rusoaica Alisa Kleibanova cu 6-0, 6-2, în doar 56 de minute. Românca, numărul 4 în clasamentul WTA şi a patra favorită a turneului, are acum trei victorii în faţa rusoaicei.

    Tot în primul tur, Sorana Cîrstea, cap de serie numărul 26, a învins-o pe Aleksandra Wozniak, din Canada, cu 6-7, 7-5, 6-2. Sorana, care ocupă poziţia a 26-a in clasamentul mondial, a avut nevoie de două ore şi 32 de minute pentru a trece de sportiva canadiană, situată pe locul 149 în ierarhia WTA. Să mai notăm că Alexandra Cadanţu a fost învinsă de olandeza Kiki Bertens, cu 7-6, 6-1. Această înfrângere poate fi considerată drept o surpriză. Cadanţu este numărul 81 în lume, iar olandeza — 148.

    Trecem la masculin pentru a nota că perechea alcătuită din românul Horia Tecău şi olandezul Jean-Julien Rojer, numărul 13 pe lista favoriţilor, s-a calificat în turul 2 al probei de dublu. In primul tur, Tecău şi Rojer s-au impus în două seturi, 6-4, 6-0, în faţa cuplului francez Adrian Mannarino / Benoit Paire.

    La simplu, Victor Hănescu a fost eliminat încă din primul tur. El a fost învins în patru seturi, cu 6-2, 4-6, 6-4, 6-2, de francezul Gael Monfils, cap de serie numărul 23.

    Pentru tenisul românesc, Internaţionalele Franţei reprezintă turneul de Mare Şlem unde s-au obţinut, de-a lungul anilor, cele mai mari performanţe. Acum mai bine de 40 de ani, Ilie Năstase s-a aflat de două ori pe lista câştigătorilor. In 1970, el învingea la dublu, alături de Ion Ţiriac, actualmente un important om de afaceri, fost preşedinte al Comitetului Olimpic Român. In 1973, Năstase se impunea la simplu, după un parcurs senzaţional, de-a lungul căruia nu a pierdut nici un set. Năstase se afla, la acea vreme, printre cei care dominau tenisul masculin, dovadă fiind faptul că el a fost primul lider al clasamentului oficial ATP, inaugurat chiar în anul victoriei sale de la Roland Garros.

    La fete, performerele s-au numit Florenţa Mihai şi Virginia Ruzici. Mihai a fost finalistã în 1977, iar Ruzici, câştigătoare în 1978, atât la simplu, cât şi la dublu, alături de iugoslava Mima Jausovec.