Tag: Catalonia

  • Regatul Spaniei – Manifestații de protest în Catalonia și greve sectoriale la nivel național

    Regatul Spaniei – Manifestații de protest în Catalonia și greve sectoriale la nivel național

    Ministerul Afacerilor Externe informează cetățenii români care se află, tranzitează sau doresc să călătorească în Regatul Spaniei că, pentru data de 21 decembrie 2018, a fost convocată o grevă la nivel național a REMFE și ADIF (societatea națională de transport feroviar). Totodată, Poliția Regională Catalană – Mossos D’Esquadra, a emis precizări legate de manifestațiile preconizate pentru vineri, 21 decembrie 2018, în Barcelona – Regiunea Autonomă Catalonia, cu privire la faptul că s-ar putea organiza mobilizări care să determine blocări ale circulației rutiere și transportului public de călători, extinse atât în interiorul Barcelonei, cât și în împrejurimi.

    Exista posibilitatea ca accesul spre aeroport sa fie afectat, chiar întrerupt, date fiind restricțiile de acces înspre și dinspre Barcelona, în același timp fiind afectată și activitatea vamală.

    Demonstraţiile pot continua şi în următoarele zile, aspect ce ar putea genera perturbări ale circulației rutiere şi ale serviciilor de transport în comun în zona Barcelonei.

    Se recomandă să se manifeste prudenţă în locurile aglomerate și să se evite zonele demonstraţiilor care vor avea loc în oraşul Barcelona şi în împrejurimi.

    Cetățenii români pot solicita asistență consulară la numerele de telefon ale Ambasadei României la Madrid: +34917344004 și Consulatului General al României la Barcelona: +34934181535; +34934340220; +34934344223, apelurile fiind redirecționate către Centrul de Contact și Suport al Cetățenilor Români din Străinătate (CCSCR) și preluate de către operatorii Call Center în regim de permanență. De asemenea, cetățenii români care se confruntă cu o situație cu caracter de urgență, au la dispoziție și telefonul de permanenţă al Consulatului General al României la Barcelona: +34661 547853

    Ministerul Afacerilor Externe recomandă consultarea paginilor de Internet http://barcelona.mae.ro, http://madrid.mae.ro, www.mae.ro

  • Regatul Spaniei – Coduri roșu și portocaliu de precipitații în intervalul 18-21 octombrie 2018

    Regatul Spaniei – Coduri roșu și portocaliu de precipitații în intervalul 18-21 octombrie 2018

    Ministerul Afacerilor Externe informează cetățenii români care se află, tranzitează sau doresc să călătorească în Regatul Spaniei – Comunitatea Valenciană că Agenţia Meteorologică de Stat locală – AEMET, a emis un cod portocaliu şi roșu vizând căderi masive de precipitații abundente şi persistente, cu potenţial de periculozitate, până cel puţin în data de 21 octombrie 2018, pentru litoralul mediteranean spaniol, la sud de Catalonia şi Insulele Baleare.

    Începând cu ziua de 18 octombrie 2018, Peninsula Iberică și Insulele Baleare vor fi afectate de rezultatul unirii a două formaţiuni de joasă presiune (furtuni), una care evoluează din Marea Mediterană și una din Oceanul Atlantic. Furtuna din Atlantic va pătrunde din sud-vest în Peninsula Iberică, concomitent cu furtuna din Marea Mediterană, care va afecta mai întâi Insulele Baleare și vor fi precipitații puternice la nivel local în Andaluzia, Comunitatea Valenciană (în principal, provincia Valencia) și Catalonia. Începând cu a doua jumătate a zilei, interacțiunea furtunilor va determina intensificarea precipitațiilor în Catalonia, Aragón, Comunitatea Valenciană și Insulele Baleare, estimate a fi foarte puternice și persistente la nivel local.

    Sâmbătă, 20 octombrie 2018, furtuna rezultată din fuziunea celor două, iniţiale, se va deplasa spre sud-vest, fiind prognozate precipitații abundente și persistente în Comunitatea Valenciană, regiunea Murcia și litoralul mediteranean al Andaluziei.

    În Comunitatea Valenciană, cel mai probabil, cursele aeriene de pe aeroporturile internaționale Valencia, Castellon de la Plana şi Alicante să aibă întârzieri faţă de orarul normal de zbor sau chiar să fie anulate.

    Cetăţenii români pot solicita asistenţă consulară la numerele de telefon ale Consulatului României la Castellón de la Plana: +34964212446; +34964203331; +34964203234; +34964216008; +34964217836, Consulatului General al României la Barcelona:+34934181535; +34934344223; +34934340220 și Ambasadei României la Madrid +34917344004, apelurile fiind redirecționate către Centrul de Contact și Suport al Cetăţenilor Români din Străinătate (CCSCRS) şi preluate de către operatorii Call Center în regim de permanență.

    De asemenea, cetăţenii români care se confruntă cu o situaţie dificilă, specială, cu caracter de urgenţă, au la dispoziţie şi telefoanele de permanență ale: Consulatului României la Castellón de la Plana: +34677842467, Consulatului General al României la Barcelona: +34661547853 și Ambasadei României în Regatul Spaniei: +34649656032.

    Ministerul Afacerilor Externe recomandă consultarea paginilor de Internet http://www.meteoalarm.eul, http://madrid.mae.ro, http://castellon.mae.ro/contact, http://barcelona.mae.ro și www.mae.ro, precum şi pagina de Facebook a Consulatului României la Castellón de la Plana https://www.facebook.com/consromcastellon/

  • September 12, 2018

    September 12, 2018

    VISIT — Romania’s President, Klaus Iohannis, is today receiving in Bucharest the Dutch PM Mark Rutte. According to the Presidential Administration, the talks will cover issues on the European agenda and the stage of bilateral relations. Romania’s holding the presidency of the EU Council, in the first half of 2019, the EU’s future Multiannual Financial Framework for 2021-2027, ways to tackle migration and Brexit are also some of the focal points of the talks. Mark Rutte will also have a meeting with PM Viorica Dăncilă. According to a communiqué issued by the Romanian Government, the Netherlands is the largest investor in Romania, and the emerging Romanian community in that country has a significant contribution to the Dutch economy and society.

    MOTION — The Romanian deputies have today rejected the simple motion “The Social Democratic Party’s batons, a slap in the face of Romanian democracy”, tabled by the National Liberal Party, in opposition, against the Social-Democratic Interior Minister, Carmen Dan. During Tuesday’s debates, the line minister claimed the gendarme intervention at the anti-governmental meeting of August 10 in Bucharest was legal and she gave assurances that all those proven guilty of committing violence will be brought to justice. The Opposition is however saying the gendarmes used banned intervention practices against the protesters, who were –most of them- peaceful.

    BREXIT — The European Commission President, Jean-Claude Juncker, has today delivered his last State of the Union speech before the European Parliament. As the UK’s withdrawal from the EU is scheduled for March 2019, Jean-Claude Juncker has said the British government should understand that those leaving the community bloc will no longer enjoy the same privileged status as a EU member state. In another move, the European official has proposed a new economic partnership between the Union and the African continent and the significant strengthening of the Frontex European agency by 2020. Jean-Claude Juncker has also announced that the Commission will come up with proposals to strengthen the European currency against the dollar, by the end of the year. France Presse recalls that Jean-Claude Juncker’s term in office, which will come to a close on October 31, 2019, started when the Greek crisis was at its peak, as a result of the world economic and financial crisis.

    HUNGARY — A report which is criticising the rule of law in Hungary and calls for the suspension of Budapest’s rights to vote in the EU Council is today voted upon in the European Parliament. The debates on the report were held on Tuesday, in the presence of the Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán, who accused the European Parliament of trying to blackmail Budapest as regards its policies on migration. The report quotes the concerns expressed by the UN and Council of Europe rapporteurs about an increasing number of accusations denouncing the border police authorities’ abuse against asylum seekers and migrants. The document also brings into the focus of attention restrictions on the freedom of the press and concerns about the electoral system.

    CATALONIA — Approximately half a million Catalans on Tuesday took part in a rally in Barcelona, in favour of Catalonia’s independence from Spain, on the occasion of Catalonia’s Day. The secessionists called for the recognition of the referendum which was declared illegal last year and for the release from prison of those who organised it and declared the independence of the region. The Catalan leader Quim Torra encouraged, as early as a week ago, the massive mobilisation of separatists. According to Radio Romania’s correspondent in Madrid, the current government led by Pedro Sanchez, has launched the idea of holding a public consultation on Catalonia’s greater autonomy, but not for its independence and he reactivated the bilateral cooperation commissions between Madrid and Barcelona.

    MEDAL — A Romanian military, Victor Bogdan Bila, has been awarded by the US Army following his participation in the exercise “Saber Guardian”, carried out in 2017, the Romanian Defense Ministry has announced. The ceremony was held in the north-western city of Cluj-Napoca, at the headquarters of the 4th Infantry Division Gemina. Lieutenant Victor Bogdan Bila was awarded “The Army Achievement Medal”, in token of recognition for his involvement and support for the US troops.

    FLIGHTS— The Irish low-cost airliner Ryanair is today cancelling 150 of the 400 flights from and to Germany, because of a strike by pilots and flight attendants, who demand higher salaries and better working conditions. The management of the company deems the action ungrounded. In August, Ryanair faced the severest protest movement in its 33 year history, which affected some 55,000 passengers and led to the cancellation of some 400 flights. The strike was started by pilots in Germany, the Netherlands, Ireland, Sweden and Belgium. Ryanair, the biggest low-cost airliner in Europe, given the number of passengers is operating flights on 21 routes in Romania.

  • April 6, 2018 UPDATE

    April 6, 2018 UPDATE

    OECD – Romanian Foreign Minister Teodor Melescanu said on Friday in Paris that his countrys accession to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is a way to stimulate domestic reforms. He also said that Romania’s joining OECD would be a natural evolution for this country, after having joined NATO and the EU. The statement was part of a speech that Teodor Melescanu delivered at the OECD meeting dedicated to Romania. Melescanu also held talks with the Organisations’ Secretary General Angel Gurria and with permanent representatives of the member states.

    SECURITY MEASURES – Over 50,000 employees of the Romanian Interior Ministry have been mobilised to maintain public order, safety and security across the country at Easter. Gendarme and police troops will be chiefly deployed around churches and other religious institutions. 250 thousand people are expected to attend more than 700 public events that will take place in Romania in the next four days. Traffic police, equipped with more than 300 traffic radars and backed by helicopters, will be monitoring traffic on Romania’s motorways at Easter.

    MEASLES — In Romania, the number of people who died of measles reached 46, authorities have announced. The last victim is a nine-month baby from Constanta, south-eastern Romania, who had not been vaccinated. According to the Public Health Institute, over 200 new cases have been reported in the past week alone, in 23 counties and the capital Bucharest. In the capital city 10 new cases have been confirmed.

    CATALONIA – The former chief of Catalonia’s regional government, Charles Puigdemont, on Friday called on the government in Madrid to initiate dialogue and asked for the release of the separatists detained in Spain. Carles Puigdemont left a German jail on Friday after judges ordered his release on bail, as they mull his extradition to Spain on a corruption charge, while dropping the more serious charge of rebellion. Nine separatists, among whom six former members of the province’s government, are still in prison in Spain.

    MIGRANTS – Romanian border police on Friday caught 79 asylum seekers while they were trying to leave the country illegally. The 41 men, 18 women and 20 minors were discovered in a truck driven by a Serbian, at a border checkpoint in north-western Romania. The foreign citizens are from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey and China.

    SANCTIONS – The US announced on Friday fresh sanctions against thirty-eight Russian individuals and entities accused mainly of taking part in Russia’s attacks against western democracies, France Press reports. Seven Russian oligarchs and their companies have been targeted as well as 17 senior government officials, a state-owned weapons trader and its subsidiary, a Russian bank. All those targeted will have their assets under US jurisdiction frozen. The US has taken these measures in response to Russia’s malign actions such as the annexation of Crimea, the incitement to violence in eastern Ukraine, the support of the Syrian government and its malicious cyber activities, France Press quoted a US official as saying. (Translated by Elena Enache)

  • Retrospectiva evenimentelor externe 2017

    Retrospectiva evenimentelor externe 2017

    Marile dosare de pe agenda UE

    Autorităţile de la Londra au lansat, în martie, la nouă luni după referendumul care a divizat Regatul, procedura de ieşire din UE. După luni de negocieri dure, Bruxellesul şi Londra ajung, în sfârşit, la un absolut necesar acord de etapă. În decembrie, Consiliul European a constatat că au fost înregistrate suficiente progrese privind negocierile pe cele trei teme principale: drepturile cetăţenilor europeni după Brexit, frontiera dintre Republica Irlanda şi provincia britanică Irlanda de Nord şi nota de plată pe care Londra trebuie s-o achite în urma divorţului. Urmează negocierile comerciale, despre care experţii spun că vor fi la fel de anevoioase. Imigraţia a rămas, şi în 2017, o temă de actualitate, chiar dacă numărul refugiaţilor care au luat cu asalt Europa a scăzut. Grecia şi Italia rămân supuse presiunii, iar mai multe state comunitare din Europa Centrală şi de Est, în special Ungaria, continuă să respingă sistemul de cote propus de Comisia Europeană. Afectată doar într-o mică măsură de presiunea refugiaţilor, Spania a trăit, spre finele anului, o tumultoasă atmosferă politico-socială, odată cu organizarea controversatului referendum privind independenţa Cataloniei. Pe 27 octombrie, Parlamentul catalan a proclamat unilateral independenţa regiunii, nerecunoscută de UE. Madridul a plasat Catalonia sub tutelă, a destituit Guvernul, a dizolvat Parlamentul regional şi a convocat noi alegeri regionale, în vreme ce preşedintele destituit Carles Puigdemont a fugit în Belgia. În materie de politică externă, UE a intrat intr-o nouă era a relaţiilor cu SUA, mult mai reci, după instalarea lui Donald Trump, şi a păstrat distanţa faţă de Rusia, mai ales pe fondul prelungirii sancţiunilor economice împotriva acesteia, din cauza implicării Moscovei în conflictul din estul Ucrainei. În schimb, un mare pas înainte este considerată finalizarea acordului comercial cu Japonia, a treia cea mai mare economie a lumii.

    În Europa, extrema dreaptă îşi continuă ascensiunea

    În 2017, alegerile care au avut loc în Franţa, Germania, Olanda şi Austria nu au făcut decât să confirme faptul ca extrema dreaptă câştigă din ce in ce mai mult teren. Anul acesta, partidele de profil au obţinut în lanţ scoruri istorice, chiar dacă nicio victorie naţională. În Franţa, lidera Frontului Naţional, Marine le Pen, a acces în turul al doilea al alegerilor prezidenţiale din aprilie-mai, cu un număr de voturi aproape dublu faţă de cel obţinut de tatăl său, Jean-Marie Le Pen, în urmă cu 15 ani. Scrutinul a fost câştigat, cu 66% din voturi, de pro-europeanul de centru Emmanuel Macron. La conducerea mişcării En Marche!, înfiinţată cu doar un an înainte, el i-a îndepărtat pentru prima oară de la Elysée pe socialişti şi republicani. În Germania, după alegerile federale, Alternativa pentru Germania, formaţiune eurospcetică şi anti-imigraţie, a intrat în premieră în Bundestag, după ce a obţinut peste 12% din voturi. Partidul Libertăţii din Olanda (de extremă dreaptă), al lui Geert Wilders, a devenit, în martie, a doua forţă politică în Parlament, după liberali. Partidul Libertăţii în versiunea austriacă, cel mai vechi din familia naţionalistă europeană, a încheiat legislativele din octombrie cu 26%, un scor apropiat de recordul său. Rezultatul i-a garantat prezenţa în Guvernul condus de conservatorul Sebastian Kurz, care, la 31 de ani, a devenit cel mai tânăr premier din Europa. Deşi nu a fost deplin, succesul partidelor populiste, eurosceptice şi ostile imigraţiei accelerează recompunerea peisajului politic în spaţiul comunitar.

    Primul an al mandatului lui Trump

    Pe 20 ianuarie, miliardarul republican Donald Trump devenea preşedintele SUA, cu sloganul “America mai mai întâi”, însă suspiciunile de complicitate cu Rusia i-au umbrit debutul mandatului. Dovadă a manierei unice în care-şi conturează politica externă, el a destramăt bilanţul predecesorului său democrat Barack Obama, după ce SUA au părăsit sau au ameninţat că părăsesc mai multe acorduri internaţionale. Între acestea, Parteneriatul Trans-Pacific, semnat cu 11 ţări din regiunea Asia-Pacific, între care şi Japonia, Acordul climatic de la Paris şi actul constitutiv al Organizaţiei Naţiunilor Unite pentru Educaţie, Ştiinţă şi Cultură (UNESCO). Totuşi, recunoaşterea Ierusalimului drept capitală a statului Israel a fost, poate, cea mai controversată decizie a neconvenţionalului preşedinte. Măsura a fost aproape unanim criticată de partenerii occidentali ai SUA şi a provocat un val de proteste în Orientul Mijlociu. De asemenea, pe tot parcursul anului, Trump a avut un discurs foarte agresiv faţă de ceea ce a numit “regimul brutal de la Phenian”, pe fondul obişnuitelor teste balistice ale Coreei de Nord.

    Atacuri comise în spaţiul occidental

    Sute de persoane şi-au pierdut viaţa în atacurile din 2017, în spaţiul occidental, în principal în SUA şi Marea Britanie, în pofida eforturilor depuse de comunitatea internaţională pentru combaterea terorismului.În mai, în oraşul britanic Manchester, în timpul concertului cântăreţei Ariana Grande, un britanic de cetăţenie libiană a detonat un dispozitiv explozibil improvizat. În urma atentatului, 22 de persoane şi-au piedut viaţa, iar 60 au fost spitalizate. În august, teroriştii au lovit din nou în Europa, de această dată la Barcelona. 14 persoane au fost ucise şi 100 rănite de o furgonetă care a intrat pe o arteră pietonală. Totuşi, cel mai sângeros atac a avut loc în octombrie, în Las Vegas, SUA. 59 de oameni au murit şi peste 500 au fost raniţi, după ce un sexagenar a deschis focul asupra mulţimii adunate la un concert. Carnagiul a inflamat dezbaterile privind accesul cetăţenilor americani la armele de foc.

    Final de carieră pentru mari sportivi

    Cel mai mare sprinter din toate timpurile, super-star al atletismului, sportiv cu o carismă inegalabilă. Jamaicanul Usain Bolt, supranumit Fulgerul, a spus adio sportului de performanţă în august, după Campionatele Mondiale. Cu un palmares extraordinar, care cuprinde opt titluri olimpice şi două recorduri mondiale ce par imposibil de depăşit, el a lăsat în urmă un gol uriaş. La rându-le, iubitorii fotbalului şi-au luat la revedere de la mai mulţi jucători de legendă. Italianul Francesco Totti, germanul Philipp Lahm, spaniolul Xabi Alonso si brazilianul Kaka au agăţat ghetele în cui. ound:white Cel mai mare sprinter din toate timpurile, super-star al atletismului, sportiv cu o carismă inegalabilă. Jamaicanul Usain Bolt, supranumit Fulgerul, a spus adio sportului de performanţă în august, după Campionatele Mondiale. Cu un palmares extraordinar, care cuprinde opt titluri olimpice şi două recorduri mondiale ce par imposibil de depăşit, el a lăsat în urmă un gol uriaş. La rându-le, iubitorii fotbalului şi-au luat la revedere de la mai mulţi jucători de legendă. Italianul Francesco Totti, germanul Philipp Lahm, spaniolul Xabi Alonso si brazilianul Kaka au agăţat ghetele în cui.

  • The International Year in Review

    The International Year in Review

    Major issues on the EU agenda

    The government in London launched in March, nine months after the referendum that divided the Kingdom, the procedure to leave the European Union. After months of tough negotiations, Brussels and London finally reached an agreement that wraps up one stage of the process. In December, the European Council noted that enough progress has been made on three main topics: the rights of European citizens after Brexit, the border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, and the UK’s divorce bill.

    Trade negotiations are to follow, which experts expect to be similarly hard. Migration is still an issue, even if the number of refugees flooding Europe has gone down. Greece and Italy are still under pressure, while several EU members in Central and Eastern Europe, in particular Hungary, continue to refuse compliance with the quota system proposed by the European Commission. Spain, though little affected by the refugee crisis, went through a serious political crisis towards the end of the year caused by a controversial referendum on Catalan independence.

    On October 27, the Catalan parliament unilaterally proclaimed the independence of the region, which was not recognised by the EU. Madrid imposed direct rule on Catalonia, dissolved the regional parliament and called for new regional elections, while deposed president Carles Puigdemont fled to Belgium. In terms of foreign policy, the European Union entered a new stage of relations with the US, turning out to be much colder once Donald Trump was elected president.

    It also kept its distance from Russia, especially as economic sanctions were kept in place over Russia’s involvement in the conflict in eastern Ukraine. However, great strides have been made as the trade agreement with Japan, the worlds third largest economy, was finalised.

    In Europe, the rise of the far right continues

    In 2017, the elections held in France, Germany, the Netherlands and Austria only confirmed the fact that the far right is gaining more and more ground. This year, far right parties repeatedly earned record-polling numbers, though never the majority. In France, the leader of the National Front Marine Le Pen reached the second round in the presidential elections in spring, with almost double the votes obtained 15 years ago by her father, Jean-Marie Le Pen.

    The pro-European centrist candidate Emmanuel Macron won 66% of the ballot in the decisive round. Heading the En Marche! Movement, set up only a year before, he became the first president not to belong to either of the two political families, the Socialists and the Republicans, that have been in power since the Fifth Republic was established by Charles de Gaulle in 1958. In Germany, after federal elections, the Alternative for Germany, a Europhobic and anti-immigration party, gained seats in the Bundestag for the first time, with over 12% of the vote.

    In the Netherlands, Geert Wirlders right wing Freedom Party became in March the second biggest political party in parliament after the Liberals. The Austrian version of the Freedom Party, the oldest among European nationalists, won 26% of the ballot in the October elections. The result guaranteed its presence in the government led by Conservative Sebastian Kurz. At 31, he is Europe’s youngest prime minister. The moderate popularity of Europhobic and anti-immigration parties accelerates the reshuffling of the political checkerboard in Europe.

    The first year of Donald Trump’s term in office

    On January 20, 2017, the Republican billionaire Donald Trump became the President of the United States with the slogan “America first”, but suspicions of Russian interference overshadowed the beginning of his mandate. His unique manner of shaping up the country’s foreign policy shattered the balance struck by his Democrat predecessor, Barack Obama, the US leaving or threatening to leave several international agreements.

    Among them, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, signed with 11 countries in the Asia-Pacific area, Japan included, the Paris Climate Agreement and UNESCO. However, recognising Jerusalem as the capital of the state of Israel was perhaps the most controversial decision made by Trump.

    The measure was almost unanimously criticised by his country’s western partners and triggered a wave of protests in the Middle East. Also in 2017, President Trump had a very aggressive discourse towards what he called “the brutal regime in North Korea” against the backdrop of North Korea’s ballistic missile tests.

    Attacks in the West

    Hundreds of people lost their lives in the 2017 attacks in the West, mainly in the US and Great Britain, despite the international community’s efforts to fight terrorism. In May, in the city of Manchester, the UK, during a concert by singer Ariana Grande, suicide bomber Salman Ramadan Abedi, a Briton of Libyan ancestry detonated a makeshift bomb killing 22 people and injuring 60. In August, terrorists hit Europe once again, this time Barcelona. 14 people were killed and 100 wounded by a van that ploughed into a crowd in the Las Ramblas area of Barcelona.

    The bloodiest attack, however, took place in October in Las Vegas, in the US. 59 people died and more than 150 were injured after a 60-year old man opened fire on the crowd attending a concert. The carnage fuelled debates on the access of American citizens to firearms.

    End of career for famous athletes

    The most famous sprinter of all times, a super star of athletics and a man with a special charisma, the Jamaican Usain Bolt bid farewell to professional sports in August, after the World Championships. He has an extraordinary medal record, which includes 8 Olympic titles and two world records that seem impossible to break. Also, football lovers bid farewell to several legendary players among whom Italy’s Francesco Totti, Germany’s Philipp Lahm, Spain’s Xabi Alonso and Brazil’s Kaka.

  • The Week in Review, October 30 – November 5

    The Week in Review, October 30 – November 5

    Controversy over the salary system in Romania

    Two government projects due to be implemented next year have generated vehement reactions in Romania. The projects in question are the new salary scheme for public sector employees and the changes to the fiscal code. President Klaus Iohannis says the fiscal measures announced by the government such as transferring the payment of social security contributions to employees and a cut on income tax, will complicate problems instead of solving them. He has asked the ruling coalition to show responsibility and drop these fiscal policies, which, he says, will generate mistrust. The president says that while the country is seeing a period of economic growth, this growth is based on consumption, and has warned that public and private investments have dropped significantly compared to the same period last year. Trade unions have also criticised the governments plans. The most vocal of critics, the leader of the Cartel Alfa trade union confederation, Bogdan Hossu, has warned that the plans to amend the fiscal code is flawed and may lead to lower incomes for 2 million employees. CNSRL Fratia has said it will start gathering signatures among its members for a general strike, while the National Union Bloc warns there is no certainty that net salaries will remain the same as long as there is no obligation for employers to increase gross salaries to make up for the amount of social security contributions to be paid by employees under the new government plan. Employer associations have shied away from entering the open conflict between the government and trade unions. However, business people have advised the government to think things deeply and not to take rush decisions, whose impact has not been sufficiently assessed.

    The two-year commemoration of the Colectiv fire

    On the 30th of October, Romania commemorated 2 years since a tragic fire broke out at the Colectiv nightclub in Bucharest in which 64 people were killed and more than 100 injured. The Colectiv association formed in the wake of the fire staged a commemorative Guitar March and concerts. Several hundred people took part in the march, walking in silence and wearing white T-shirts printed with the photographs of the victims and carrying candles and flowers. Radio Romania broadcast a programme entitled “64 inspired by the tragedy at Colectiv and a commemoration event was held in Cluj Napoca, in the west, to protest against the delays in the trial. A court case began again the clubs owners, the former sector mayor and employees of the Inspectorate for Emergency Situations for failing to take measures despite the fact that the club did not have a fire safety authorisation. Quite a lot of voices claim little has changed in the two years since the tragic event. In their defense, the authorities say the number of fire safety permit requests has gone up by nearly 85%. We recall that the Colectiv nightclub tragedy was followed by wide street protests against the Government and local authorities, which led to the demise of Victor Pontas Cabinet.

    The crisis in Catalonia

    Romania has reasserted its firm support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Spain, refusing to acknowledge the unilateral declaration of independence of Catalonia. According to a Foreign Ministry release, Spain is an important ally and strategic partner of Romania and has good bilateral, regional and international relations with this country. The legitimacy of any process or action pertaining to the interior state of affairs of a country consists in its full conformity with the countrys Constitution and rule of law, the document also reads. In this context, Romania has argued in favour of observing international law, which forbids any territorial modifications without the consent of the state in question. The Ministry for Romanians Worldwide has also announced it was monitoring the developments in Catalonia very closely. According to a communiqué the Ministry released at the time the referendum on the regions independence was held, a task force monitoring the events has been in permanent contact with Romanian associations, parishes and diplomatic missions, in order to assess the real-time situation of the over 130,000 Romanians who live in Catalonia right now.

    FCSB advances to the Europa League round of 32

    Romanias vice champions FCSB have qualified to the round of last 32 in Europa League after drawing 1-all at home against Hapoel Beer Sheva of Israel in the fourth round of Group G. FCSB has 10 points and tops the league tables, followed by Viktoria Plezen of the Czech Republic with 6 points. The Czech team defeated Lugano of Switzerland 4-1 in Thursdays other group fixture. Hapoel and Lugano are 3rd and 4th respectively, both with 3 points. Romania will next play Viktoria Plezen away from home and needs a win to preserve the top spot in the group standings.

  • November 4, 2017

    November 4, 2017

    UNIONS – The “Solidaritatea Sanitara union federation announces its opposition to the Governments plan to transfer the payment of social security contributions from employers to employees, and says it will join the all-out strike planned by the countrys main union confederations. Previously, trade union federations Frăţia, Cartel Alfa and National Union Bloc had voiced fears that this transfer would entail a drop in salaries and the loss of jobs. In turn, employer associations say that should this measure be implemented, they will have to lay off employees, while the National Liberal Party in opposition announced it would notify the Constitutional Court unless the Government gave up these plans. President Klaus Iohannis described the Governments initiative as fiscal confusion through which average gross salaries would only go up by a rough 70 eurocents. In response, PM Mihai Tudose and his Social Democratic Party chief, Liviu Dragnea, say they do not understand the opposition to the measures announced for next year, given that in fact both employers and employees would stand to gain. The Cabinet postponed to Monday the meeting in which the new provisions were to be discussed, on grounds that some of the bills on the agenda had not received all the required approvals.

    BY-ELECTIONS – The town of Deva, in western Romania, as well as 16 villages in 12 counties are preparing for Sundays by-elections. 16 localities will elect their mayors tomorrow, and a village will elect its local council. In Deva, the mayor position has been vacant since the former mayor, Mircia Muntean, re-elected to office last summer, was sentenced to six months in prison for abuse of office and DUI.

    HEALTHCARE – The Romanian healthcare and tourism ministries will work together to come up with medical tourism packages. The announcement was made by the Healthcare Minister Florian Bodog at a medical tourism conference in Bucharest. The healthcare services in the highest demand from foreign patients in Romania are dental treatments, spa treatments, and plastic surgery, Bodog explained. He added that the Government is working to adopt the public-private partnership bill, which will allow foreign partners to invest in Romania, including in the healthcare sector. The Romanian official added that he had already received offers from foreign investors interested in setting up hospitals and cardiovascular surgery and recovery centres.

    CAMPAIGN – MEP Cătălin Ivan has announced he intends to start a signature campaign to ban bearer shares in Romania. Such shares, which are not registered, may be transferred from one holder to another without tax and accounting records. Ivan argues that this enables civil servants to own stock in companies that are awarded public procurement or service contracts, without any means of combating corruption. According to official data there are around 400 companies in Romania having issued bearer shares, and most of their have been awarded government contracts worth hundreds of millions of euros. Bearer shares have already been banned in countries like the UK, Belgium, Portugal, the Czech Republic, Malta and Cyprus.

    PUIGDEMONT – Belgian authorities announced having received the international arrest warrant issued by Spain against the ousted Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont and 4 members of his secessionist cabinet. The source added that prosecutors would study the documents before submitting them to a judge. The five Catalan ministers arrived in Brussels this week, after Spain issued an arrest warrant for sedition. Puigdemont insists that he is not in Belgium to escape justice, and that he is facing a potential 30-year prison sentence for keeping his promise to his voters. A Spanish court approved the arrest after the five failed to appear in court on Thursday to respond to accusations regarding the Catalan independence declaration. Before the arrest warrants were issued, the European Commission said the trial of the Catalan separatists was for the judiciary to settle.

    HANDBALL – The Romanian womens handball team CSM Bucharest is playing this afternoon at home against the Danish side Nykobing, in the 4th round of Champions League Group A. Two weeks ago, CSM lost surprisingly in Denmark, 22-25. In the first 2 games in Group A, the Romanians defeated Krim Ljubljana of Slovenia and Vistal Gdynia of Poland. The top 2 teams in each of the 4 groups will qualify into the main group stage. Romanias target in the current competition season is to reach the Champions League Final Four. Also today, in mens handball, Romanias champions Dinamo Bucharest play away from home against Ademar Leon of Spain. Dinamo ranks last in Group C, and is left with next to no chances to move on in the competition.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • November 3, 2017

    November 3, 2017

    ECONOMIC GROWTH – The National Forecasting Committee has
    revised again, upwards, the forecast regarding Romania’s economic growth in
    2017, from 5.6 to 6.1%. The Committee has maintained the GDP growth estimates
    for 2018, 2019 and 2020 at 5% every year. The International Monetary Fund has
    too revised the forecast regarding the development of Romanian economy, from
    4.2% to 5.5%. According to the IMF, Romania and Iceland will register the
    highest economic growth rates this year. A similar estimate has been presented
    by the World Bank. In another move, specialists draw attention to the fact that
    Romania’s economic growth is mainly triggered by consumption, and that the
    volume of public investment has dropped.

    – State sector employees are the main victims of the political manipulation by
    means of which the payment of social security contributions has become an
    employee responsibility. This decision will actually annul the 25% salary
    increase, turning it into a political scam, reads a communiqué issued by the
    ‘Solidaritea Sanitara’ (Solidarity for Health) Trade Union Federation.
    According to the federation, a general strike in the budget sector would be a
    normal sanction against the government, which is trying to impose an agenda
    that runs counter to the commitments it had made to the employees. On Thursday,
    another trade union federation, CNSLR Fratia, announced the start of procedures
    for a national strike, also in response to the government’s decision regarding
    social security contributions. This decision has been harshly criticised by
    other unions, as well as by the president and the liberal opposition. In
    response, Prime Minister Mihai Tudose has stated that the measure will benefit

    – The presidency of the EU Council, which Romania will be holding in
    2019, will reflect the need for consensus, not political interests, said on
    Thursday the Minister Delegate for European Affairs Victor Negrescu. He
    attended the launch of the guide to the Romanian Presidency of the EU Council, a
    document developed by the European Expertise Centre – Europuls. Victor Negrescu
    has stated that currently there are some 1500 experts preparing for the future presidency. In another
    development, the Minister Delegate for European Affairs will be in London for
    two days to talk with representatives of the Romanian community about the
    Brexit implications. The Foreign Affairs Ministry has launched an information
    clip on this topic. According to the Ministry, there are 328,000 Romanians
    living in Great Britain.

    Thursday, thousands of Catalans protested against the arrest of eight regional
    ministers, sacked because of their involvement in the attempt to separate
    Catalonia from Spain. They are accused of rebellion, revolt and embezzlement of
    public funds. Prosecutors have requested a European arrest warrant for the
    Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont, who
    is currently in Belgium. Last week, the Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy
    imposed direct rule on Catalonia, dissolved the regional parliament and
    announced local elections to be held on the 21st of December.

    FOOTBALL – Romanian Vice-champions FCSB
    (formerly known as Steaua Bucharest) has qualified to Europa League last 32
    round, following the 1-1 result in Group G against Israeli football team Hapoel
    Beer Sheva on Thursday evening in Bucharest. In the previous match, FCSB
    defeated Hapoel 2-1 away from home. FCSB now has 10 points and heads the group.
    Second comes Viktoria Plzen with 6 points, following the victory against FC
    Lugano of Switzerland. FCSB will play in Group G two more matches against
    Viktoria Plzen on November 23 away and against Lugano on December 7 at home.

    HANDBALL – Romania’s women’s handball champions CSM Bucharest are
    playing on Saturday, on home turf, against the Danish team Nykobing Falster
    Handboldklub, its fourth match in Champions League’s group A. In other matches,
    CSM has defeated the Slovenian team RK Krim Mercator Ljubliana and Vistal
    Gdynia of Poland. In the rankings, the Romanians come first with 4 points, just
    like the Danish, who come second. CSM Bucharest won the Champions League in
    2016 and is one of the first seeds at the current edition of the most powerful
    European inter-club competitions.

  • November 2, 2017 UPDATE

    November 2, 2017 UPDATE

    CONFERENCE Romanian capital city Bucharest hosted the Conference of the Francophone Women devoted to entrepreneurship, which brought together 600 participants. Officials from 48 francophone countries have discussed for two days the womens rights and access to the labour market as well as their contribution to innovation and entrepreneurship. Recommendations were made to all the francophone governments and states so that equal chances may be ensured to women and men in the field of economy. The International Organisation of Francophony is working on an action plan aimed at granting women more autonomy as well as economic and financial independence the final scope being a strategy for equal chances in francophone countries. A special announcement was made in the end of the conference, namely the setting up of the francophone network of the entrepreneur women, which has its own on-line platform. The Bucharest Appeal has also been adopted, which is the meetings final statement.

    ECONOMY According to Romanian president Klaus Iohannis, the fiscal measures announced by the government, including the transfer of social insurance contribution from employers to employees and cuts on the income tax, will complicate issues instead of solving them. He has called on the ruling PSD – ALDE coalition to prove responsibility and give up this type of fiscal policy, which generates distrust. Iohannis has recommended caution in terms of political and government decision, underlining the fact that Romania needs a sustainable policy. According to the president, Romania is passing a period of economic growth, which is based on consumption; he called into attention the fact that public and private investments have significantly dropped as compared to the same period last year. Trade unions in Romania are also dissatisfied mainly with the possible pay cuts that may appear after the transfer of social insurance contributions from employer to employee, after January 1st 2018.

    ARREST WARRANT Spanish prosecutors have called for a Europe-wide arrest warrant for former Catalan Prime Minister Carles Puigdemont and four of his former ministers after they have declined to return to Spain to attend a court hearing for charges of sedition and rebellion. The prosecutors from the National Court (Audiencia Nacional) have asked that the arrest warrant may be sent to authorities in Belgium, a country where Carles Puigdemont told a news conference on Tuesday he wanted to remain so that he might not go to Spain and be tried by a justice system, which he described as politicized. Puigdemonts Belgian lawyer said the former Catalan prime minister would cooperate with the Spanish and Belgian authorities. A trial against Puigdemont and other members of his sacked cabinet has started in Madrid. Spains general prosecutor says that he has called for indictment for disobedience, rebellion, and embezzlement in the case of the sacked ministers and members of the former regional parliament who on October 27th voted for Catalonias unilateral declaration of independence. If found guilty, they can get prison sentences of up to 30 years. The executive in Madrid has taken direct control over Catalonia and called for snap election in the region on December 21st.

  • Criza catalană, văzută de la Bucureşti

    Criza catalană, văzută de la Bucureşti

    România şi-a reafirmat sprijinul ferm pentru suveranitatea şi integritatea teritorială a Spaniei, respingând declaraţia unilaterală de independenţă a Cataloniei. Potrivit unui comunicat al ministerului de Externe de la Bucureşti, Spania este un aliat important şi partener strategic al României, relaţie reflectată atât la nivel bilateral, cât şi în cadrul UE şi la nivel internaţional. Legitimitatea oricărui proces sau a oricărei acţiuni care ţine de ordinea internă a unui stat rezidă în deplina sa conformitate cu legea fundamentală, cu ordinea de drept din statul respectiv — mai precizează comunicatul. În aceste condiţii, România se declară în favoarea respectării dreptului internaţional, care nu permite modificări teritoriale survenite fără acordul statului implicat.

    Situaţia generată în Catalonia ţine de ordinea internă din Spania, adaugă diplomaţia română, care şi-a exprimat speranţa că se va reveni, în cel mai scurt timp, în parametrii ordinii constituţionale din acest stat. Şi Ministerul pentru Românii de Pretutindeni a anunţat că urmăreşte cu maximă atenţie şi interes recentele evenimente din regiunea spaniolă. Potrivit unui comunicat, încă din etapa organizării referendumului pentru independenţă, echipa de monitorizare constituită la nivelul MRP s-a aflat în legătură permanentă cu asociaţiile românilor, cu parohiile din regiune, cu misiunile diplomatice ale României de pe teritoriul spaniol, pentru a cunoaşte nemijlocit situaţia reală a celor peste 130.000 de cetăţeni români din Catalonia, din cei aproape un milion care există în Spania.

    MRP recomandă cetăţenilor români aflaţi în regiune să intre în contact cu autorităţile române, pentru semnalarea oricăror situaţii care ar aduce atingere propriei securităţi. De asemenea, cetăţenii români sunt rugaţi să aducă la cunoştinţa misiunilor diplomatice ale României orice situaţii care le-ar putea afecta raporturile de muncă şi relaţia cu autorităţile şi instituţiile locale, precum şi alte incidente generate de contextul actual.

    Pentru cetăţenii români care doresc să se reîntoarcă acasă, MRP a prezentat setul de facilităţi operate de Guvernul României pe care aceştia au posibilitatea să le acceseze. Orice mesaje ale românilor din regiune pot fi transmise echipei de monitorizare a situaţiei din Catalonia de la nivelul MRP, în format electronic.

    Deocamdată, criza politică din Catalonia, unde parlamentul regional a declarat unilateral independenţa, măsură urmată de decizia guvernului central de la Madrid de impunere temporară a administrării directe, nu îi afectează semnificativ pe românii din regiune, după cum declară reprezentanţii mai multor asociaţii ale românilor, dar şi români care lucrează în Spania. Aceştia recunosc, însă, că probabil, în perioada următoare, vor fi români afectaţi de şomaj, aşa cum vor fi şi catalani.

  • October 30, 2017 UPDATE

    October 30, 2017 UPDATE

    COLECTIV– It’s been two years since the devastating fire
    at the Colectiv club in Bucharest, which killed 64 people. Of them, 27 died on
    the night of the tragedy while the other 37 died later in hospitals in
    Bucharest and abroad. Hundreds of people participated on Friday evening in a
    march in Romania’s capital, commemorating the victims. Many people hoped that
    the ones responsible for this tragedy would be punished, but two years on
    nobody has been found guilty and the flaws in the system are still present.

    ACCIDENT– One miner was killed and another three were
    injured in an accident that took place at the Uricani mine on the Jiu Valley.
    The victims were doing some final works on the mine that is to be shut down
    soon. This is the second such accident on the Jiu Valley this month, after the
    one at the Lupeni mine that killed two miners and injured one. The Lupeni mine
    will be operational for another five years, according to a memorandum that
    Romania submitted to the European Commission.

    CATALONIA– The Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont might be
    arrested for rebellion, alongside other officials who helped Catalonia declare
    its independence from Spain. Hundreds of thousand of Spanish loyalists
    demonstrated in Barcelona on Sunday in support of Madrid’s decision to impose
    direct rule on Catalonia. The protest took place after Catalan MPs voted in
    favour of declaring independence from Spain, prompting Mariano Rajoy, the
    Spanish prime minister, to sack the separatist Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont
    and his government, dissolve the Catalan parliament and call regional elections
    for December 21.

    MINISTRY– The Ministry
    for the Romanians Abroad is closely monitoring the situation of the over 130
    thousand Romanians in Catalonia, in the context of the recent events in that Spanish region, the Ministry says in a release. The Ministry recommends
    Romanian citizens in the region to get in touch with the Romanian authorities,
    in case their security is threatened. Also, Romanian citizens are urged to
    inform the Romanian diplomatic missions of any situation that might affect
    their work and their relation with local institutions and authorities. The
    Ministry reiterates the fact that Bucharest firmly and irrevocably
    rejects Catalonia’s unilateral declaration of independence and voices full
    support for Spain’s sovereignty and territorial integrity in the hope
    that the situation in the Spanish region will soon revert to constitutional

    CONFERENCE– All EU states must collaborate closely
    to achieve solid cyber security, the European Commissioner for Digital Economy and
    Society Mariya Gabriel said on Monday in Bucharest, at the 7th annual
    international conference titled The New Global Challenges in Cyber Security.
    During her 2-day visit to Romania, Commissioner Mariya Gabriel will hold talks with Romanian authorities on issues
    such as illegal online content and digital investment.

    US INVESTIGATION – The former campaign manager of the US President Donald Trump,
    Paul Manafort, was indicted on Monday, following an investigation into Russia’s involvement in
    the November 2016 presidential elections. One of Manafort’s associates, Rick
    Gates, is also facing charges. Among other things, Paul Manafort is accused of
    conspiracy against the US, money laundering, false statements to the federal
    authorities and failure to declare some foreign accounts. Aged 68, he managed
    Trump’s campaign until August 2016, when he was forced to resign, following
    disclosures about his ties with pro-Russia Ukrainian oligarchs. The US
    President has denied any alleged
    connections with Russia, and the Kremlin has also denied such ties.
    According to the US Secret Service, the Russian President Vladimir Putin commissioned
    a campaign to influence the outcome of the presidential elections in the US for
    the benefit of Donald Trump, also with the aim of undermining the western
    liberal-democratic system.

    TENNIS– Romanian tennis player Simona Halep continues
    to be world number one for the fourth week in a row. Halep, who has just
    received the year-end WTA World No. 1 Trophy, has an advance of 40 points as to
    world no. two, Garbine Muguruza and is 160 points ahead of the third place,
    Caroline Wozniacki. Another three Romanians who are part of the WTA top 100
    maintain their current position – Sorana Cirstea no. 37, Irina Begu No. 44 and
    Monica Niculescu, nr. 100. Mihaela Buzarnescu went up 17 places and is now no.
    72 WTA.

  • October 30, 2017

    October 30, 2017

    CATALONIA — The Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont might be arrested today for rebellion, allongside other officials who contributed to Catalonia’s declaring its independence from Spain. Hundreds of thousand of Spanish loyalists demonstrated in Barcelona on Sunday in support of Madrid’s decision to impose direct rule on Catalonia. The protest took place after Catalan MPs voted to declare independence from Spain, prompting Mariano Rajoy, the Spanish prime minister, to sack the separatist Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont and his government, dissolve the Catalan parliament and call regional elections for December 21. Spain’s control over Catalonia will be tested on Monday when politicians and civil servants return to work amid uncertainty over whether they will accept direct rule imposed by the central government to stop the region’s independence bid, Reuters reports.

    COLECTIV — It’s been two years since the devastating fire at the Colectiv club in Bucharest that killed 64 people. Of them, 27 died on the night of the tragedy while the other 37 died in hospitals in Bucharest and abroad. Hundreds of people participated on Friday evening in a march in Romania’s capital, commemorating the victims. Many people hoped that the ones responsible for this tragedy would be punished, but two years on nobody was found guilty and the flaws in the system are still present.

    ACCIDENT — One miner was killed and another three were injured in an accident that took place at the Uricani mine on the Jiu Valley. The victims were doing some final works on the mine that would soon be shut down. This is the second such accident on the Jiu Valley this month, after the one at the Lupeni mine that killed two miners and injured one. The Lupeni mine will be operational for another five years, according to a memorandum that Romania submitted to the European Commission.

    MINISTRY– The Ministry for the Romanians Abroad is closely monitoring the situation of those over 130 thousand Romanians in Catalonia, in the context of the recent events in this Spanish region, the Ministry says in a release. The Ministry recommends Romanian citizens in the region to get in touch with the Romanian authorities, in case their security is threatened. Also, Romanian authorities are asked to notify the Romanian diplomatic missions of any situation that might affect their work and their relation with local institutions and authorities. The Ministry reiterates the fact that Bucharest is firmly and irevocably rejecting Catalonia’s unilateral declaration of independence and voices full support for Spain’s sovereignity and territorial integrity in the hope that the situation in the Spanish region will soon return within the limits of the the country’s constitution.

    CONFERENCE – All EU states must collaborate closely to achieve solid cyber security, European commisioner for digital economy and society Mariya Gabriel said on Monday in Bucharest, at the 7th annual international conference dubbed ”The New Global Challenges in Cyber Security”. During his 2-day visit to Romania, Commissioner Mariya Gabriel, who is paying a 2-day visit to Bucharest, will hold talks with Romanian authorities on issues such as illegal online content and digital investment.

    TENNIS — Romanian tennis player Simona Halep continues to be world number one for the fourth week in a row. Halep, who has just received the year-end WTA World No. 1 Trophy, has an advance of 40 points as to world no. two, Garbine Muguruza and is 160 points ahead of the third place, Caroline Wozniacki. Another three Romanians who are part of the WTA top 100 maintain their current position – Sorana Cirstea no. 37, Irina Begu No. 44 and Monica Niculescu, nr. 100. Mihaela Buzarnescu went up 17 places and is now no. 72 WTA.

    (Translated by Elena Enache)

  • Jurnal românesc – 30.10.2017

    Jurnal românesc – 30.10.2017

    Ministerul pentru Românii de Pretutindeni (MRP) a anunţat
    că, în contextul generat de recentele evenimente din regiunea spaniolă
    Catalonia, urmăreşte cu maximă atenţie situaţia românilor aflaţi în zonă. Încă
    de la organizarea referendumului pentru independenţă, MRP s-a aflat în legătură
    permanentă cu asociaţiile românilor, cu parohiile din regiune, cu misiunile
    diplomatice ale României de pe teritoriul spaniol, pentru a cunoaşte situaţia
    reală a celor peste 130.000 de români din Catalonia. Ministerul recomandă
    cetăţenilor români aflaţi în regiune să intre în contact cu autorităţile române
    în caz de nevoie şi să aducă la cunoştinţa misiunilor diplomatice orice situaţii care le-ar putea afecta
    raporturile de muncă şi relaţia cu autorităţile şi instituţiile locale. Orice
    mesaje ale românilor din regiune pot fi transmise MRP, în format electronic, pe
    adresa: romaniincatalonia@mprp.gov.ro şi la numărul de telefon
    0040.747.192.657. Autorităţile române resping cu fermitate şi irevocabil
    declaraţia unilaterală de independenţă a Cataloniei şi îşi exprimă sprijinul
    deplin pentru suveranitatea şi integritatea teritorială a Spaniei.

    Şi Federaţia Asociaţiilor de Români din Europa a facut un apel pentru
    ajutorarea conaţionalilor care ar putea avea de suferit în urma declarării
    independenţei Cataloniei. Organizaţia le cere celor care cunosc oferte de
    locuri de muncă să le pună la dispoziţie românilor din provincie, aceasta în
    condiţiile în care este de aşteptat ca şomajul să crească substanţial în zonă.

    Un studiu publicat de DB Global Technology arată că 77% dintre
    specialiştii IT români care trăiesc în străinătate iau în considerare să se
    întoarcă în ţară, deşi aproape jumătate dintre ei ştiu foarte puţin sau nu sunt
    informaţi deloc despre evoluţia sectorului IT din România. Dintre cei care nu
    se gândesc să se întoarcă în România, 40% consideră că ar fi dificil să
    economisească bani în ţara natală. Specialiştii IT români care sunt dispuşi să
    se întoarcă în ţară şi cei care s-au întors deja au enumerat printre cele mai
    importante criterii pe care îşi bazează decizia salariul, beneficiile
    extra-salariale şi oportunităţile de dezvoltare profesională.

    Reprezentanţii Asociaţiilor care au constituit Alianţa pentru Centenar au depus la
    Ambasada Ucrainei la Bucureşti, o scrisoare deschisă adresată
    Ambasadorului Ucrainei în România. Aceasta denunţă iniţiativa legislativă
    adoptată de Rada Supremă de la Kiev, prin intermediul căreia se poate trece la
    desfiinţarea sistemului de învăţământ în limba maternă, deci şi cel în limba
    română. Potrivit semnatarilor scrisorii, dacă prevederea lingvistică din noua
    Lege a Educaţiei va fi pusă în practică, identitatea culturală şi lingvistică a
    etnicilor români din Ucraina va fi pusă în pericol pe termen scurt şi mediu,
    iar pe termen lung va fi periclitată chiar existenţa comunităţii istorice
    româneşti din Ucraina.

    Deputatul PMP, Constantin Codreanu, preşedinte al Comisiei pentru
    comunităţile de români din afara graniţelor ţării, a anunţat două ateliere
    legislative dedicate problemelor diasporei, în decembrie 2017 la Madrid şi în
    ianuarie 2018 la Roma. Potrivit datelor
    oficiale, circa 80% dintre românii stabiliţi în Occident se află în Spania şi
    Italia. Atelierele sunt concepute ca un laborator de idei orientate spre
    societatea românească de peste hotare la care să contribuie direct şi
    reprezentanţi ai mediului asociativ. În premieră pentru viaţa politică
    românească, deputatul a organizat pentru prima oară un astfel de atelier la

  • MRP urmărește cu maximă atenție și interes recentele evenimente din regiunea spaniolă Catalonia

    MRP urmărește cu maximă atenție și interes recentele evenimente din regiunea spaniolă Catalonia

    În contextul generat de recentele evenimente din regiunea spaniolă Catalonia, situația românilor aflați în zonă este urmărită cu maximă atenție și interes de Ministerul pentru Românii de Pretutindeni (MRP).

    Înca din etapa organizării referendumului pentru independență, echipa de monitorizare constituită la nivelul MRP s-a aflat în legătură permanentă cu asociațiile românilor, cu parohiile din regiune, cu misiunile diplomatice ale României de pe teritoriul spaniol, pentru a cunoaște nemijlocit situația reală a celor peste 130.000 de cetăţeni români din Catalonia.

    Recomandăm cetățenilor români aflați în regiune să intre în contact cu autoritățile române, pentru semnalarea oricăror situații care ar aduce atingere propriei securități. De asemenea, cetățenii români sunt rugați să aducă la cunoștința misiunilor diplomatice ale României orice situații care le-ar putea afecta raporturile de muncă și relația cu autoritățile și instituțiile locale, precum și alte aspecte incidente generate de contextul actual.

    Pentru cetățenii români care doresc să se reîntoarcă acasă, MRP a prezentat setul de facilități operate de Guvernul României pe care aceștia au posibilitatea să le acceseze.

    Orice mesaje ale românilor din regiune pot fi transmise echipei de monitorizare a situației din Catalonia de la nivelul MRP, în format electronic, pe adresa: romaniincatalonia@mprp.gov.ro și la numărul de telefon 0040.747.192.657.

    Menționăm că autoritățile române resping cu fermitate și irevocabil declarația unilaterală de independență a Cataloniei și își exprimă sprijinul deplin pentru suveranitatea și integritatea teritorială ale Spaniei și speranța că situația din regiunea spaniolă va reveni în cel mai scurt timp în parametrii ordinii constituționale din acest stat, poziții exprimate de Ministerul Afacerilor Externe al României.