Tag: CEI

  • 15.05.2023


    Education – A Bucarest, les propositions des lois de l’Education
    nationale sont soumises aujourd’hui aux débats des commissions spécialisées du
    Sénat roumain. Demain, des discussions à ce sujet auront lieu au sein de la
    Commission chargée de l’éducation avant que le Sénat ne donne son vote final,
    le 22 mai. Aux dires de la ministre, Ligia Deca, les lois se proposent de
    lutter contre l’abandon scolaire et l’illettrisme fonctionnel, tout en
    contribuant à la mise en place d’une éducation centrée sur l’élève, d’un plus
    de sécurité dans les écoles, d’une formation approfondie des enseignants et du
    respect du code éthique et de déontologie. Aux dires des représentants des partis
    de la coalition au pouvoir, les nouvelles mesures réformeront le système de l’Education
    nationale. En revanche, l’opposition considère que les propositions
    législatives ne répondent pas aux problèmes auxquels le système se confronte et
    représentent un échec du projet présidentiel « La Roumanie éduquée ».

    Avions – Les derniers vols des appareils MiG 21 LanceR des
    Forces aériennes roumaines se déroulent aujourd’hui, dans le cadre de
    cérémonies sur plusieurs bases aériennes du pays. Les appareils seront
    acheminés à la Base aérienne 95 de Bacau dans l’est qui organise aujourd’hui
    une journée des portes ouvertes. Le retrait des avions Mig 21 se fait aux
    termes d’une décision du Conseil suprême de défense de la Roumanie datant de
    l’année dernière qui vise à accélérer la transition vers les avions de combat
    américains F16.

    Visite – Le chef de l’Etat roumain, Klaus Iohannis,
    participera mardi et mercredi au quatrième Sommet du Conseil de l’Europe qui se
    déroule à Reykjavik, en Islande. Selon un communiqué de la présidence roumaine,
    la réunion se propose de mettre en lumière le rôle du Conseil dans l’actuel
    contexte géopolitique marqué par l’agression russe en Ukraine. Responsable de
    la démocratie, des droits de l’Homme et de l’Etat de droit, l’organisation figure
    parmi les premières structures internationales ayant réagi d’une manière
    concrète à l’invasion militaire en Ukraine, en décidant d’exclure la Russie de
    ses structures.

    Moldova – La République de Moldova lancera une procédure
    de retrait de l’Accord visant l’Assemblée interparlementaire de la Communauté
    des Etats indépendants, a annoncé lundi le président du Parlement de Chisinau,
    Igor Grosu, cité par Radio Chisinau. « Au bout de 30 ans, il est évident
    que la présence de notre pays au sein de cette structure n’a contribué ni au
    règlement du conflit de Transnistrie, ni au retrait des troupes russes, ni à
    lutter contre les embargos économiques ou les chantages énergétiques » a
    souligné Igor Grosu. Et lui d’ajouter que la Communauté des Etats indépendants
    ne protège pas les pays des attaques militaires, de la guerre et de l’occupation
    illégale. Créée le 8 décembre 1991, la
    CEI a pour objectif d’acter la fin de l’existence de l’URSS en tant que « sujet
    du droit international et de la réalité géopolitique » et de préserver les
    liens entre les futurs nouveaux États. La République de Moldova est membre de
    cette Communauté depuis 1994.

    Festival – Coup d’envoie
    ce lundi, à Bucarest, du Festival du Film européen. Après les éditions
    déroulées à Timisoara et Oravita, le festival s’ouvre ce soir dans la capitale
    roumaine par la projection du film The Pod
    Generation. Réalisée par Sophie Barthes, le film a été primé au Festival
    Sundance. Jusqu’au 23 mai, le public bucarestois est attendu en salle de cinéma
    pour découvrir des productions primées aux plus importants festivals du film
    tels Berlin, Venise, Sundance ou Locarno.

    Météo – Ce lundi, les températures approchent la moyenne de la
    saison, avec des valeurs allant de 18 à 25 degrés. Le ciel est couvert et le
    brouillard persiste dans l’ouest, le nord-ouest et le sud-ouest du pays et des
    pluies éparses risquent de tomber sur le relief. Le vent souffle légèrement sur
    l’ensemble du territoire et plus fort en altitude, sur les sommets des Carpates
    méridionales. A Bucarest, nous avons un ciel morose et 25 degrés à midi.

  • September 24, 2020 UPDATE

    September 24, 2020 UPDATE

    COVID-19 Following tests conducted at national level, 1,639 new cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection have been reported in Romania as against the previous reporting. 41 people died taking the death toll to 4,591. 506 persons infected with the new coronavirus are in ICUs. The health minister Nelu Tataru announced that 103 million face masks have been distributed across the country for the disadvantaged. He added that he did not expect a new state of emergency to be declared, which would force people to isolate themselves in their homes, and urged people to observe the rules for preventing the spread of the new coronavirus. Minister Tataru warned that if people failed to observe the rules the number of cases of infection would definitely grow.

    PANDEMIC There are more than 32 million cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection around the world, with 980,000 people having been killed by the virus, according to worldometers.info. In France, the daily rise in the number of infections has brought restrictions back. The health minister Olivier Véran says the situation has worsened in the past two weeks, the spread of the virus being more intense in big urban agglomerations. Marseille and its metropolitan area are currently on high alert and as of Monday firm restrictions have been implemented for at least 2 weeks: bars, restaurants and cafes as well as other public areas were closed, with several exceptions, and most people returned to working from home. In Spain, doctors are preparing for protests after asking the government for many months, to no avail, to adopt further measures and allot more resources to avoid the collapse of the public health system, under extreme pressure due to the coronavirus pandemic. In Israel the coronavirus ministerial committee considers necessary a total lockdown starting on Friday, due to the big number of infections.

    CEI The Romanian foreign minister Bogdan Aurescu Thursday attended an online meeting of the Central European Initiative, hosted by Montenegro, the acting president. Bogdan Aurescu pointed out that the Covid-19 pandemic can only be overcome through international solidarity. According to a news release issued by the Romanian Foreign Ministry, Aurescu emphasised Romanias contribution to fighting the pandemic, including the measures benefitting the Republic of Moldova, including the allocation of funds, medical teams and medical equipment, or the hosting of the RescEU strategic medical equipment reserve benefiting countries in the Western Balkans, among others. The Central European Initiative is a political platform that helps connect EU neighbouring countries to the values and standards of the Union. Romania joined the CEI, which comprises 17 countries, of which 9 are EU members, on June 1, 1996.

    CORRUPTION Criminal prosecution was initiated on Thursday against the chief of the Romanian Gendarme Corps, Bogdan Enescu, charged with abuse of office. According to the National Anti-Corruption Directorate, this year Bogdan Enescu was paid around 7,500 euros for extra hours, in breach of relevant legislation. Bogdan Enescu has been the head of the Romanian Gendarme Corps since December 2019. Also on Thursday, Dan Hosu, former police and husband to the acting head of the Directorate Combating Organised Crime and Terrorism, Giorgiana Hosu, received a 3-year suspended sentence from the Bucharest Court, in a case in which he is accused of inciting illegal access to a computer system and inciting the use of information not intended for publication. The ruling is not final. One day before, president Klaus Iohannis said that if the DIICOT chiefs husband was sentenced, there would be consequences. Giorgiana Hosu was appointed to office this year by the president, in spite of a negative opinion on the matter by the Higher Council of Magistrates.

    TENNIS Three Romanian players, Monica Niculescu, Irina Bara and Elena Gabriela Ruse, managed on Thursday to get into the final round of qualifications for the main group of the Roland Garros singles tournament. Monica Niculescu defeated Elitsa Kostova 6-0, 6-7, 6-3, and is to play next against the Russian Vera Zvonareva. Irina Bara beat Britains Harriet Dart 7-5, 6-2. In the last round she will take on the Dutch Richel Hogenkamp. In turn, Elena Gabriela Ruse beat American Francesca Di Lorenzo 6-2, 7-5, and will play against Barbara Haas of Austria. Five other Romanians are playing in the Roland Garros tournament – Simona Halep (seeded 1), Patricia Ţig, Irina Begu, Sorana Cîrstea and Ana Bogdan. (translated by A.M. Popescu, L. Simion)

  • May 16, 2020 UPDATE

    May 16, 2020 UPDATE

    STATE OF ALERT Romanias President Klaus Iohannis has promulgated the state of alert law, adopted by the Chamber of Deputies on Wednesday, which comes into force on Monday. According to the document, the state of alert cannot exceed 30 days and can be extended for grounded reasons, at the proposal of the Interior Ministry. The head of state has also promulgated the law on recognizing the merits of the medical staff that have fought Covid-19 over this period. Under the new law, the medical staff and the families of those who have died of Covid-19 will have certain benefits. Klaus Iohannis has reiterated the importance of social distancing and observing the rules in place. The state of alert replaces the state of emergency, which was declared two months ago. In the coming 30 days, people will have to wear masks in other closed public facilities, at work, on the public means of transport and other closed spaces. People are allowed to travel inside localities without a self-declaration, provided they observe the prevention rules. A declaration is still needed though if one wishes to travel to another town or city.

    CEI On Friday, Romanian Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu took part in the extraordinary summit of the heads of state and government of the Central European Initiative, held by video-conference and focusing on the Covid-19 pandemic. The Romanian minister highlighted Romanias support to Italy and the neighboring Republic of Moldova. Between the 7th and the 24th of April, a team of 11 doctors and 6 nurses helped the Italian medical staff in the fight against the new coronavirus. Also, this month Romania has sent to Moldova a convoy of 20 trucks of medical supplies, worth 3.5 million Euro, and also medical staff. The Central European Initiative is a forum of regional cooperation in Central and Eastern Europe, counting 18 member states.

    COVID-19 RO Several people died of Covid-19 in Romania on Saturday, raising the death toll to 1,081, according to the Strategic Communication Group. More than half of the approximately 16,700 Romanians who got infected have been cured. Of the Romanians living abroad, some 3000 have been infected with the new coronavirus, mostly in Italy, Spain and Germany, and 103 have died.

    PANDEMIC The Covid-19 pandemic has made more than 300,000 victims around the world since December, when the first case was reported in China. The total number of people infected with the new coronavirus at global level has exceeded 4.5 million. In the US, where the first death caused by the new coronavirus was reported in early February, the situation remains critical. There are some 1.4 million people infected and more than 87 thousand dead. In Europe, the countries most affected have been Great Britain with 33 thousand dead, Italy with more than 31 thousand, France and Spain with approx 27 thousand. In another move, on Saturday Greece reopened beaches, but under strict conditions of social distancing. Only 40 people will be allowed on an area of one thousand square meters of sand, and umbrellas will be positioned at a distance of 4 meters from one another. The Baltic countries have opened the borders between them, and Switzerland, Germany and Austria intend to relax border restrictions as of this weekend, ahead of the total opening, scheduled for mid June. The European Commission is coordinating the reopening of borders in all the EU member countries, which should take place on June 3rd. The external borders, however, remain closed until June 15th.

    BORDER As of May 15th, when the state of emergency was replaced by a state of alert, all people arriving to Romania, no matter where they come from, are placed in home isolation. Those who cannot do that at home, for various reasons, can opt for institutionalized quarantine, in facilities provided by the state. Border formalities take longer because additional controls take place at the border, including an epidemiological one.

    ECONOMY According to Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union, In the first quarter of 2020, Romania registered the biggest economic growth in the EU, as compared to the same period last year. Romania was followed by Lithuania and Bulgaria. The most significant decline was recorded in France, followed by Spain and Slovakia, all with negative figures. The GDP in the Eurozone dropped by 3.2% in the first three months of the year, against the same period last year, and the EU registered a drawback of 2.6%. Eurostat has stated that the figures for Romania are still provisional, and there is no available data yet for Estonia, Ireland, Greece, Croatia, Luxembourg, Malta and Slovenia. (M.Ignatescu)

  • MAY 16, 2020

    MAY 16, 2020

    STATE OF ALERT Romania’s President
    Klaus Iohannis has promulgated the state of alert law, adopted by the Chamber
    of Deputies on Wednesday, which comes into force on Monday. According to the
    document, the state of alert cannot exceed 30 days and can be extended for grounded
    reasons, at the proposals of the Interior Ministry. The head of state has also
    promulgated the law on recognizing the merits of the medical staff that have
    fought Covid-19 over this period. Under the new law, the medical staff and the
    families of those who have died of Covid-19 will have certain benefits. Klaus
    Iohannis has reiterated the importance of social distancing and observing the
    rules in place. The state of alert replaces the state of emergency, which was
    declared two months ago. In the coming 30 days, people will have to wear masks
    in closed public facilities, at work, on the public means of transport and
    other closed spaces. People are allowed to travel inside localities without a
    self-declaration, provided they observe the prevention rules. A declaration is
    still needed though if one wishes to travel to another town or city.

    CEI On Friday, Romanian Foreign
    Minister Bogdan Aurescu took part in the extraordinary summit of the heads of
    state and government of the Central European Initiative, held by
    video-conference and focusing on the Covid-19 pandemic. The Romanian minister
    highlighted Romania’s support to Italy and the neighbouring Republic of
    Moldova. Between the 7th and the 24th of April, a team of 11 doctors and 6
    nurses helped the Italian medical staff in the fight against the new
    coronavirus. Also, this month Romania has sent to Moldova a convoy of 20 trucks of
    medical supplies, worth 3.5 million Euro, and also medical staff. The Central European Initiative is a forum of
    regional cooperation in Central and Eastern Europe, counting 18 member states.

    COVID-19 RO Several people have
    died of Covid-19 in Romania today, raising the death toll to 1,081, according
    to the Strategic Communication Group. More than half of the approximately 16,700
    Romanians who got infected have been cured. Of the Romanians living abroad,
    some 3000 have been infected with the new coronavirus, mostly in Italy, Spain
    and Germany, and 103 have died.

    PANDEMIC The Covid-19 pandemic has made
    more than 300,000 victims around the world since December, when it was first
    reported. The total number of people infected with the new coronavirus at
    global level has exceeded 4.5 million. In the US, where the first death caused
    by the new coronavirus was reported in early February, the situation remains
    critical. There are some 1.4 million people infected and more than 87 thousand dead.
    In Europe, the countries most affected have been Great Britain with 33 thousand
    dead, Italy with more than 31 thousand,
    France and Spain with approx 27 thousand. In another move, Greece has decided
    to open beaches today, but under strict conditions of social distancing. Only
    40 people will be allowed on an area of one thousand square meters of sand, and
    umbrellas will be positioned at a distance of 4 meters from one another. The
    Baltic countries have opened their borders too, and Switzerland, Germany and
    Austria want to relax border restrictions as of this weekend, ahead of the
    total opening, scheduled for mid June. The European Commission is coordinating
    the reopening of borders in all the EU member countries, which should take
    place on June 3rd. The external
    borders, however, remain closed until June 15th.

    least 29 thousand people, Romanian and foreign, as well as more than 20
    thousand vehicles have crossed the Romanian borders in teh past 24 hours, according
    to the Romanian Border Police. Starting May 15th, when the state of emergency
    was replaced by a state of alert, all people arriving to Romania, no matter
    where they come from, are placed in home isolation. Those who cannot do that at
    home, for various reasons, can opt for institutionalized quarantine, in facilities
    provided by the state. Border formalities take longer because additional
    controls take place at the border, including an epidemiological one.

    ECONOMY According to Eurostat, the statistical
    office of the European Union, In the first quarter of 2020, Romania registered
    the biggest economic growth in the EU, as compared to the same period last
    year. Romania was followed by Lithuania and Bulgaria. The most significant
    decline was recorded in France, followed by Spain and Slovakia, all with
    negative figures. The GDP in the Eurozone dropped by 3.2% in the first three
    months of the year, against the same period last year, and the EU registered a
    drawback of 2.6%. Eurostat has stated that the figures for Romania are still
    provisional, and there is no available data yet for Estonia, Ireland, Greece,
    Croatia, Luxemburg, Malta and Slovenia. (M.Ignatescu)

  • May 15, 2020 UPDATE

    May 15, 2020 UPDATE

    ALERT About 100 people took to the
    streets of Bucharest on Friday to protest the restrictions imposed during the
    state of alert. On Friday Romania replaced the state of emergency with a 30-day
    state of alert, enabling the authorities to continue the fight against the COVID-19
    outbreak. In shops, public transportation, at work and in other indoor public
    areas, protective face masks are compulsory. Citizens may move freely within
    their home localities, but a sworn statement and justified reasons are
    necessary in order to leave the locality. Romania’s president Klaus Iohannis Friday
    signed into law a bill on measures to prevent and contain the effects of the COVID-19
    pandemic. The bill was previously endorsed by Parliament with a number of
    amendments, including the fact that a state of alert introduced in at least
    half of the national territory needs to be approved by Parliament.

    MARKET Romania’s car market registered a 30% slump in the first four
    months of this year as compared to the same period last year, data released on
    Friday by the Association of Car Producers and Importers shows. The main causes
    were the COVID pandemic, circulation restrictions as well as the all-out halt
    in Europe’s car production. Local brand Dacia tops the ranking of the
    best-selling cars with 9551 vehicles, followed by Volkswagen with 3436, Renault
    with 2961, Skoda 2779 and Ford with 2564 vehicles sold.

    CEI Romania’s foreign
    minister Bogdan Aurescu on Friday attended the extraordinary summit of Central
    European Initiative (CEI) held over conference call. The head of the Romanian
    diplomacy referred to the support Romania offered to Italy and the Republic of
    Moldova. Over April 7th and 24th, a team of 11 Romanian doctors and nurses
    joined their Italian counterparts in the fight against the pandemic. A Romanian
    convoy of 20 trucks carrying medical equipment of 3.5 million euros has this
    month arrived in the Romanian-speaking Republic of Moldova to help the
    neighbouring country fight the pandemic. Romania has also sent medical
    personnel to the neighboring republic for the same purpose. The CEI is a
    flexible regional cooperation platform comprising 17 countries, of which 9 EU
    member states.

    ECONOMY Romania’s GDP went up 2.4% in the first quarter of the
    year compared to 2019, and 0.3% compared to the previous quarter, the National
    Statistics Institute announced on Friday. These preliminary figures will be
    revised and, given the current context, corrections may be more substantial
    than usual, the institution says. The main international financial institutions
    estimate that Romania’s GDP will drop by 4-6% in 2020, over the corona crisis.

    COVID-19 Another 14 patients infected
    with the new coronavirus have died in Romania, taking the death toll to 1,070, the
    Strategic Communication Group announced on Friday. More than half of the over
    16,400 Romanians who have tested positive for the virus so far have recovered.
    Among the Romanians living abroad, over 2,880 have been reported to have the
    disease, and 103 of them have died.

    (translated by bill)

  • May 15, 2020

    May 15, 2020

    COVID-19 Another 3 patients infected with the novel coronavirus have died in Romania, taking the death toll to 1,056, the Strategic Communication Group announced on Friday. More than half of the over 16,400 Romanians who have tested positive for the virus so far have recovered. Among the Romanians living abroad, over 2,880 have been reported to have the disease, and 103 of them have died.

    ALERT On Friday Romania replaced the state of emergency with a 30-day state of alert, enabling the authorities to continue to fight against the COVID-19 outbreak. In shops, public transportation, at work and in other indoor public areas, protective face masks are compulsory. Citizens may move freely within their home localities, but a sworn statement and justified reasons are necessary in order to leave the locality. Romanias president Klaus Iohannis Friday signed into law a bill on measures to prevent and contain the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The bill was previously endorsed by Parliament with a number of amendments, including the fact that a state of alert introduced in at least half of the national territory needs to be approved by Parliament.

    CEI Romanias foreign minister Bogdan Aurescu takes part today in an extraordinary summit of Central European Initiative (CEI) heads of government, held over conference call. According to the Romanian Foreign Ministry, the agenda focuses on national, regional and European efforts to curb the COVID-19 pandemic and on economic recovery plans in the 17 CEI member states. The participants will also look at the measures aimed at containing the multisectoral impact of the pandemic, at coordinated measures the fight the health crisis and at economic and social recovery. A CEI joint declaration will be adopted at the end of the summit, which is chaired by Montenegro holding the 2020 CEI Presidency and organised together with the CEI-Executive Secretariat and in cooperation with the WHO Regional Office for Europe. The CEI is a flexible regional cooperation platform comprising 17 countries, of which 9 EU member states.

    ECONOMY Romanias GDP went up 2.4% in the first quarter of the year compared to 2019, and 0.3% compared to the previous quarter, the National Statistics Institute announced on Friday. These preliminary figures will be revised and, given the current context, corrections may be more substantial than usual, the institution says. The main international financial institutions estimate that Romanias GDP will drop by 4-6% in 2020, over the corona crisis.

    VIRUS The EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell called for an independent scientific investigation into the origins of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, dpa reports. In a column in Fridays issue of the German daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Borrell urges China, where the virus first emerged, to take measures to help protect the world from future pandemics. The US and several European countries criticised Beijings handling of the epidemic, but China claims its approach was open and transparent. Josep Borrell calls on China to take responsibilities commensurate to its weight in fighting the pandemic, developing a vaccine and boosting global economy. The EU official also urges Beijing to contribute to the debt relief efforts for developing countries particularly hit, as the EU has done.

    PANDEMIC The COVID-19 pandemic has killed over 300,000 worldwide since December, according to data posted on Worldometer. The total number of cases has passed 4.5 million, with nearly 2 million patients having recovered so far. The USA, which reported the first coronavirus-related death in February, is now the worst hit country in the world, both in terms of deaths (85,000), and in total cases (1.4 million). In Europe, the most affected countries are the UK (over 33,000 deaths), Italy (more than 31,000), France and Spain (over 27,000 deaths). Borders between the Baltic states are reopening today. Also on Friday, a 14-day quarantine rule takes effect for all travellers entering Spain. Vienna reopens traditional cafes after 2 months, while Berlin reopens restaurants.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • UE alocă noi fonduri  pentru găsirea unor soluţii inovatoare la criza COVID 19

    UE alocă noi fonduri pentru găsirea unor soluţii inovatoare la criza COVID 19

    Banii vor fi
    puși la dispoziție companiilor nou-înființate și Intreprinderilor Mici si
    Mijlocii prin intermediul instrumentului Accelerator Pilot al Consiliului
    European pentru Inovare (CEI).

    Despre acest instrument ne vorbeşte
    Mihai Sebe, expert serviciul Studii Europene, din cadrul Institutului European
    din România:

    instrument a fost lansat în cadrul aşa-numitului Consiliu European pentru
    Inovare, o structură europeană menită să transforme descoperirile ştiinţifice
    în întreprinderi care au acces foarte rapid. Această sumă vine să suplimenteze
    o sumă alocată deja anterior, de 164 de milioane de euro, şi va fi oferită în
    principal, întreprinderilor cu un grad sporit de inovare în domeniul combaterii

    Acest instrument vine în logica sumelor adoptate de Comisia
    Europeană de combatere a pandemiei şi efectelor sale, este menit a stimula cercetarea
    ştiinţifică şi a ajuta la descoperirea de noi soluţii într-o perioadă dificilă
    din punct de vedere al asistării finanţării. Totodată, acest instrument vine în
    logica altor acţiuni comunitare de realizare a unui întreg ecosistem de inovare
    menit a promova capacitatea ştiinţifică a UE şi de a stimula cercetarea pe plan

    Comisia a mai
    anunţat că va acorda și mărci de excelență speciale pentru aplicații
    relevante în contextul coronavirusului care nu pot fi finanțate, însă, din suma
    suplimentară de 150 de milioane de euro. Cu detalii despre aceste mărci
    de excelenţă, Mihai Sebe, expert serviciul Studii Europene, din cadrul IER:

    Aceste mărci de excelenţă
    speciale care se acordă aplicaţiilor relevante în contextul coronavirusului au
    un rol de a sprijini acordarea de finanţări prin altele surse, fiind un fel de
    simbol al excelenţei, menit a oferi încredere investitorilor. UE , spre
    deoesebire de alte organizaţii regionale şi nu numai, în această perioadă, încearcă
    să se plaseze în avangarda cercetării ştiinţifice şi prin aceste recompense atât
    materiale cât şi simbolice, să genereze la nivel mondial o emulaţie menită a
    obţine un vaccin, căt şi de a găsi tratamente noi în domeniul coronavirusului.

    de altă parte, aceste iniţiative ale UE vin să compenseze o reacţie relativ
    întârziată la începutul crizei, Uniunea fiind adesea acuzată că a făcut prea
    puţin şi prea încet pentru a combate pandemia, iar aceste fonduri vin să arate
    faptul că UE a înţeles criticile, se adaptează şi face tot posibilul ca în limita competenţelor sale să
    ajute la combaterea pandemiei.

    Companiile selectate pentru a primi sprijin din partea CEI vor fi
    anunțate la sfârșitul lunii mai. Acest sprijin pentru companiile nou-înființate și IMM-uri face parte
    din răspunsul coordonat la coronavirus al Comisiei Europene. Executivul comunitar
    angajează sute de milioane de euro în acțiuni de cercetare și inovare pentru
    dezvoltarea de vaccinuri, de noi tratamente, teste de diagnostic și sisteme
    medicale menite să prevină răspândirea COVID 19.

  • Românii vor putea opta pentru cartea de identitate electronică

    Românii vor putea opta pentru cartea de identitate electronică

    Guvernul a aprobat în ședința de astăzi un proiect de Lege pentru modificarea şi completarea unor acte normative care cuprind dispoziții privind evidența persoanelor și actele de identitate ale cetăţenilor români prin care se asigură premisele necesare punerii în circulație a unui nou document de identificare electronic.

    Despre cartea electronică de identitate (CEI)

    Cartea electronică de identitate (CEI) va permite titularului autentificarea în sisteme informatice ale Ministerului Afacerilor Interne și în sisteme informatice ale altor instituții publice sau private, precum şi utilizarea semnăturii electronice, în condițiile legii. CEI va facilita astfel accesul cetățeanului la diverse servicii electronice (bancare, fiscale, sociale, financiare etc.), cu efecte majore privind simplificarea relației cu autoritățile publice, creşterea calității şi accesibilității serviciilor publice.

    CEI va respecta cerințele Comisiei Europene privind securizarea documentelor în contextul combaterii terorismului, al migrației ilegale, al traficului de droguri și de persoane, cărțile de identitate actuale fiind realizate cu tehnologie din anii 90.

    Noul document de identificare va oferi cetățenilor garanții suplimentare de securitate, iar instituțiilor de drept public sau privat, certitudinea că persoana care prezintă actul de identitate este titularul datelor de identificare înscrise pe respectivul document.

    Proiectul de lege aprobat astăzi prevede posibilitatea cetățeanului de a opta pentru eliberarea unei cărți electronice de identitate, cu sau fără imaginea impresiunilor papilare a celor două degete arătătoare, sau a unei cărți de identitate simple, fără CIP. În cazul minorilor, la solicitarea părinților sau a reprezentaților legali, se introduce posibilitatea eliberării unei cărți de identitate simplă sau electronică, indiferent de vârsta copilului.

    CEI va permite, printre altele, autentificarea în Platforma informatică a sistemului public al asigurărilor sociale de sănătate pentru a dovedi calitatea de asigurat a titularului. Noul document de identitate nu va conține date medicale, ci doar datele de identificare ale titularului. Cardul de sănătate își încetează valabilitatea în momentul emiterii către titular a unei cărți electronice de identitate. Pentru persoanele care nu vor solicita eliberarea unei cărți electronice de identitate, se vor emite în continuare carduri de sănătate, în aceleași condiții din prezent.

    Totodată sunt stabilite termene, diferențiate, de valabilitate a actelor de identitate, în funcție de vârsta titularului, în scopul surprinderii modificărilor fizionomiei titularului.