Tag: CFA

  • December 29, 2019 UPDATE

    December 29, 2019 UPDATE

    VISIT PM Ludovic Orban will be on a working visit to EU and NATO institutions in Brussels between January 7th and 9th, the Government announced on Sunday. The Romanian PM will have meetings with the European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen, and with the NATO secretary general Jens Stoltenberg. The agenda also includes talks with the president of the European Council Charles Michel and with the president of the European Parliament David Sassoli.

    PENSIONS The Romanian public pension system is in imminent danger, given that the number of employed contributors has dropped significantly, and people need to be encouraged to save money in privately-managed pension funds, which ensure more safety, transparency and traceability, the Labour Minister Violeta Alexandru said in an interview to AGERPRES news agency. She also warned that there is a trend across Europe to increase the retirement age, but she did not suggest that the Government plans to take any measures in this respect in the current term in office. The Labour Minister also expressed concern with the budgetary impact of the planned 40% pension raise as of September 2020, as decided by the previous, Social Democratic cabinet dismissed in October, but said that as long as she is the labour minister the law will be complied with.

    CUSTOMS The customs offices on the Romanian – Moldovan border will be revamped and upgraded as part of a EU-funded project. Included in the project are the check points in Albiţa, Sculeni and Giurgiuleşti, which are seen as strategic points for the Unions security policy. The programme has a 36-month deadline for implementation, a total budget of 10 million euros, and is designed to enhance institutional and operational efficiency in customs offices by modernising the infrastructure and streamlining the transit of goods and persons. A number of 347 customs workers will also be trained to use special equipment to fight cross-border organised crime.

    FINANCIAL Most analysts in CFA Romania Association expect the national currency to depreciate in the next 12 months, to 4.8663 leu for the euro, with an average inflation rate of 3.52%, according to data in the Macroeconomic Confidence Indicator for November. CFA Romania is an organisation of chartered financial analysts certified by the CFA Institute (USA). At present CFA Romania has over 240 members. The Macroeconomic Confidence Indicator was launched by CFA Romania in May 2011 and is designed to measure the financial analysts expectations regarding Romanias economy for the coming 12 months.

    BORDER Nearly 900,000 people came into Romania during the Christmas period, and 655,000 left the country, the Romanian Border Police announced on Sunday. The highest numbers were reported on the Hungarian border, in the west of the country. On the other hand, Romanian border police have caught Middle Eastern citizens attempting to illegally cross the border into Hungary. They were coming from Iraq, Iran, Syria and Afghanistan, had applied for asylum in Romania, and were trying to get to Hungary and further west illegally.

    UKRAINE The Ukrainian governmental forces and the pro-Russian separatists in east Ukraine Sunday completed a prisoner exchange, thanks to which all people taken captive in the 5-year conflict were able to return home, Reuters reports. The operation took place in the breakaway Donbass region. According to Kiev, a total of 76 Ukrainian prisoners were freed. Since 2014, over 13,000 people have been killed in the conflict in east Ukraine, with occasional clashes still reported in spite of the ceasefire. The prisoner exchange agreement was reached in a summit in Paris this month by the Russian leader Vladimir Putin and Ukraines president Volodimir Zelenskiy. The French-German brokered deal also includes a number of measures such as consolidation of the cease-fire, massive prisoner swaps by the end of December and new troop pull-outs from the 3 zones by the end of March 2020.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • December 29, 2019

    December 29, 2019

    VISIT PM Ludovic Orban will be on a working visit to EU and NATO institutions in Brussels between January 7th and 9th, the Government announced today. The Romanian PM will have meetings with the European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen, and with the NATO secretary general Jens Stoltenberg. The agenda also includes talks with the president of the European Council Charles Michel and with the president of the European Parliament David Sassoli.

    PENSIONS The Romanian public pension system is in imminent danger, given that the number of employed contributors has dropped significantly, and people need to be encouraged to save money in privately-managed pension funds, which ensure more safety, transparency and traceability, the Labour Minister Violeta Alexandru said in an interview to AGERPRES news agency. She also warned that there is a trend across Europe to increase the retirement age, but she did not suggest that the Government plans to take any measures in this respect in the current term in office. The Labour Minister also expressed concern with the budgetary impact of the planned 40% pension raise as of September 2020, as decided by the previous, Social Democratic cabinet dismissed in October, but said that as long as she is the labour minister the law will be complied with.

    CUSTOMS The customs offices on the Romanian – Moldovan border will be revamped and upgraded as part of a EU-funded project. Included in the project are the check points in Albiţa, Sculeni and Giurgiuleşti, which are seen as strategic points for the Unions security policy. The programme has a 36-month deadline for implementation, a total budget of 10 million euros, and is designed to enhance institutional and operational efficiency in customs offices by modernising the infrastructure and streamlining the transit of goods and persons. A number of 347 customs workers will also be trained to use special equipment to fight cross-border organised crime.

    FINANCIAL Most analysts in CFA Romania Association expect the national currency to depreciate in the next 12 months, to 4.8663 leu for the euro, with an average inflation rate of 3.52%, according to data in the Macroeconomic Confidence Indicator for November. CFA Romania is an organisation of chartered financial analysts certified by the CFA Institute (USA). At present CFA Romania has over 240 members. The Macroeconomic Confidence Indicator was launched by CFA Romania in May 2011 and is designed to measure the financial analysts expectations regarding Romanias economy for the coming 12 months.

    UKRAINE The Ukrainian governmental forces and the pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine have initiated a prisoner exchange, thanks to which all people taken captive in the conflict 5 years ago should be able to return home, Russian news agencies report. The prisoner exchange agreement was reached in Paris this month by the Russian leader Vladimir Putin and Ukraines president Volodimir Zelenskiy, in the first Ukraine peace summit since 2016. The French-German brokered deal includes a number of measures such as consolidation of the cease-fire, massive prisoner swaps by the end of December, new troop pull-outs from the 3 zones by the end of March 2020. The conflict between the Ukrainian army and pro-Russian separatists—backed by Moscow, according to the West and to Kiev—dates back to 2014 and has left behind over 13,000 dead and nearly 1.5 million displaced. The peace agreements signed in Minsk in 2015 allowed for a substantial decrease in violence. This September Moscow and Kiev also swapped an important number of prisoners.

    HANDBALL Romanias mens handball team is playing today against North Macedonia in the Carpati Trophy final. In their first match with French top league Saint Raphaels coach Rareş Fortuneanu as a manager, Romania defeated Netherlands on Saturday, 27-25. In the first match of the competition, North Macedonia outplayed Algeria 25-24. Netherlands and Algeria will face each other for the 3rd place. The games are part of the preparations for the first stage of the 2021 Egypt World Championships qualifiers, in which 32 teams are taking part. Next month, in the preliminary tournament in Italy, Romania will play against the host country, Georgia and Kosovo.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • 23.12.2019


    Révolution – Des cérémonies religieuses et militaires ont eu lieu
    aujourd’hui à l’aéroport Otopeni, près de Bucarest, pour commémorer les 40
    gendarmes tués le 23 décembre 1989. Les défenseurs de l’aéroport leur ont tiré
    dessus le lendemain de la fuite du dictateur Nicolae Ceauşescu, en pensant
    qu’ils étaient « des terroristes ». Les gendarmes avaient en fait été envoyés
    par l’unité de Câmpina (à une centaine de kilomètres au nord de Bucarest)
    justement pour renforcer la défense de l’aéroport.

    Finances – La plupart des analystes de l’Association Chartered
    Financial Analyst Roumanie tablent sur une dépréciation du taux de change
    leu-euro dans les 12 mois à venir, jusqu’à 4,86 lei pour un euro, ainsi que sur
    un taux d’inflation de 3,52%. Ces données figurent dans l’Indicateur de
    confiance macro-économique pour le mois de novembre 2019, publié ce lundi. Chartered
    Financial Analyst Roumanie est l’organisation des professionnels du secteur
    roumain des investissements, dont la plupart détiennent le titre de Chartered Financial
    Analyst accordé par L’Institut du même nom des Etats-Unis. En Roumanie,
    l’association compte quelque 240 membres. L’Indicateur de confiance
    macro-économique est l’instrument par lequel l’Association comptabilise les
    anticipations des analystes financiers sur l’activité économique en Roumanie
    pendant une année.

    Budget – Pour la première fois dans la politique roumaine, un
    gouvernement engage sa responsabilité devant le Parlement en vue de l’adoption
    du budget de l’Etat. Le cabinet de Ludovic Orban sera présent aujourd’hui au
    Parlement pour engager sa responsabilité également par rapport au budget de la
    sécurité sociale, mais aussi pour les modifications apportées au décret
    gouvernemental numéro 114, celui qui introduisait, il y a un an, des taxes supplémentaires
    pour les compagnies d’énergie, de télécommunications et pour les banques. Dans
    une interview à Radio Roumanie, le premier ministre Ludovic Orban a affirmé que
    l’engagement de la responsabilité représentait l’unique moyen pour que le
    budget 2020 soit adopté avant la fin de l’année. Une autre raison est aussi la
    solidarité fragile des six groupes politiques qui ont soutenu l’exécutif du
    Parti national libéral jusqu’à présent. Le premier ministre a de nouveau
    affirmé que les salaires dans la fonction publique seraient majorés à partir de
    l’année prochaine et il a passé en revue quelques mesures censées permettre de
    faire des économies au budget. Parmi ces mesures : le gel des indemnités des
    dignitaires, la réduction de 30% les subsides dévolues aux partis politiques et
    l’interdiction du cumul du salaire et de la retraite dans le secteur public.
    Mécontents par la décision des libéraux de faire adopter le budget de l’Etat de
    cette manière, les sociaux-démocrates prévoient de saisir la Cours constitutionnelle
    sur un possible conflit juridique entre le Parlement et le gouvernement.

    Météo – Le temps est assez morose en ce début de semaine en
    Roumanie, les températures sont toutefois trop élevées pour cette période de
    l’année. Il pleut sur le sud et l’ouest, alors que sur le relief, en altitude,
    les précipitations sont mixtes. Une alerte aux pluies torrentielles, au vent et
    à la neige est en vigueur en montagne jusqu’à mardi dans la soirée. Dans le sud
    – ouest et par endroits dans le centre, le vent pourrait atteindre les 60 km/h.
    De même, en raison des rafales trop fortes, les manouvres dans le port de
    Constanta ont été arrêtées, a fait savoir l’Inspection générale de la police
    roumaine. Ce lundi, les températures maximales iront de 5 à 15 degrés. 13 degrés
    et un ciel morose à midi à Bucarest.