Tag: Challenge Cup

  • Sports Flash

    Sports Flash

    U-BT Cluj-Napoca obtained their first win this season in the men’s basketball competition EuroCup. U-BT clinched a 103-67 win against German side Veolia Towers Hamburg, in the competition’s Group B. The Romanian champions came back from three defeats in the row. American Zavier Simpson was the best player of the Romanian side with 28 points and 8 decisive passes. U-BT Cluj-Napoca will be next taking on Hapoel Bank Yahav of Jerusalem in an away game to be held in Bulgaria.


    CSM Oradea, a Romanian basketball side, playing in FIBA Europe Cup, on Wednesday secured an away win against Parnu Sadam of Estonia, 84-72. The Romanian international of US descent, Kris Richard, had a considerable hand in CSM’s win with 29 points scored and 5 recovers. The other Romanian side in the group, FC Argeş, lost 62-65 to Polish side Spojnia Stargard. Oradea tops the ranking with two wins out of two games and will be up against FC Argeş on 23 October.


    In the Challenge Cup, the Romanian women’s volleyball side, CSM Lugoj, qualified for the round of 32 after a 3-0 home win against Selmy Brno of Czechia on Wednesday.

    The Romanians also won the first match 3-0. CSM will be playing the Hungarian side Székesfehérvár. CSM Târgovişte has also qualified for the same stage of the competition after a 3-1 away win against Ostrava of the Czech Republic. CSM Târgovişte will be up against another Czech side, Olymp Praga.


    Wednesday saw the derby of the National Women’s Handball League pitching CSM and Rapid Bucharest two of Romania’s representatives in the Champions League.  CSM won the game 29 – 24. Rapid had a good start and got the upper hand, 8-5. However, the champions managed a good comeback and secured a 15-12 win.  Slovenian player, Elizabeth Omoregie, was CSM’s best scorer with 9 goals while Serbian player Andjela Janjusevic scored 7 goals for Rapid.


  • Sports Weekend

    Arcada Galaţi saw their first win in the group stage of the mens volleyball Champions League. In the competitions Group E on Thursday, the Romanian champions defeated the Czech side Lvi Prague 3-2, at home. On Tuesday, in the other match in the group, the Italian team Civitanova beat the Belgian side Greenyard Maaseik 3-0, away from home. Civitanova tops the group ranking with 3 wins. In a weeks time, Arcada is scheduled to take on Greenyard Maaseik in Belgium. In the first round of the Challenge Cup eighth-finals, the Romanian mens volleyball team Steaua Bucharest lost to Giesen (Germany) 2-3 away from home. The return leg is scheduled next Thursday in Bucharest.

    The sports club Dinamo Bucharest awarded its best athletes of the year 2023. The top performers for the club this year are the rowers Mădălina Bereş, Amalia Bereş and Maria Lehaci Tivodariu. The 3 members of Romanias Olympic team had identical accomplishments in 2023, specifically 2 gold medals each at the European Championships in Bled, and one gold and one silver medal each at the World Championships in Belgrade.

    This weekend, matches are scheduled counting towards the 20th round of the Romanian football Super League. After 2 matches on Friday, FC Voluntari vs. FC U Craiova and Petrolul Ploieşti vs. Rapid Bucharest, Saturday will see UTA Arad take on Farul Constanţa in Sibiu, Universitatea Craiova play at home against Politehnica Iaşi, and FCSB pitted against Hermannstadt on the National Arena in Bucharest. Two other games are scheduled on Sunday: Oţelul Galaţi take on Universitatea Cluj away from home, and Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe play on home turf against CFR Cluj. The last match of this round takes place on Monday, with FC Botoşani facing Dinamo Bucharest. Top of the Super League standings at present are FCSB, with 38 points, followed by CFR, with 33. (AMP)

  • Weekend sportiv

    Weekend sportiv

    Echipa de
    fotbal CFR Cluj s-a calificat în grupele Ligii Europa, după ce a învins
    formaţia finlandeză KuPS Kuopio cu scorul de 3-1, joi seara, pe teren propriu, în play-off-ul competiţiei.
    Campioana României s-a impus prin golurile marcate de venezueleanul Mario
    Rondon, în minutele 5 și 56, ambele după
    centrări ale lui Ciprian Deac din faze fixe, şi de croatul Gabriel Debeljuh, în
    minutul 42, din centrarea lui Adrian Păun. Golul de onoare al nordicilor a fost
    înscris de nigerianul Aniekpeno Udoh, în minutele de prelungiri. Ca şi tururile
    preliminare, play-off-ul Ligii Europa s-a disputat în manşă unică. Formaţia
    condusă de Dan Petrescu va evolua pentru al doilea an consecutiv în grupele

    Rămânem la fotbal, notând că în
    weekend au loc jocuri în campionatul primei ligi române, contând pentru etapa a
    șasea. Vineri, o singură partidă: Universitatea Craiova – Politehnica Iași.
    Sâmbătă sunt programate trei întâlniri. FC Argeș merge la Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe,
    Astra joacă, la Giurgiu, cu FC Voluntari, iar ziua se încheie cu derby-ul
    clasic al fotbalului românesc: FCSB – Dinamo București. Tot trei partide au loc
    și duminică. FC Botoșani joacă, pe teren prorpiu, cu Chindia Târgoviște, Gaz
    Metan Mediaș primește vizita echipei FC Hermannstadt, iar Viitorul Constanța se
    confruntă, la Ovidiu, cu CFR Cluj. Luni, la Arad, ultimul joc al etapei: UTA cu
    Academica Clinceni. În clasament conduce Craiova, cu 15 puncte. Urmează Clujul,
    cu 11.

    Tot în acest weekend au loc, la
    București, Campionatele Naţionale de înot în bazin de 50 de metri. Competiția
    se va încheia sâmbătă. Totodată, la Bacău sunt programate Campionatele
    Naţionale de sărituri în apă, care
    urmează să se termine duminică.

    Competiţia Challenge Cup din localitatea
    maghiară Szombathely deschide, la sfârșitul acestei săptămâni, sezonul
    internaţional de gimnastică artistică, după ce calendarul a fost întrerupt timp
    de şase luni de criza sanitară. Printre participanți se află și cel mai titrat
    gimnast român al tuturor timpurilor, Marian Drăgulescu. Deşi frontierele
    Ungariei sunt închise pentru străini, autorităţile maghiare fac excepţie pentru
    participanţii la competiţiile sportive, cu condiţia ca aceştia să aibă două
    teste consecutive negative la COVID-19. Pe perioada prezenţei în Ungaria,
    sportivii străini nu vor putea utiliza transportul în comun şi nici nu vor
    participa la activităţi sociale.

  • Weekend sportiv

    Weekend sportiv

    Echipa de
    fotbal CFR Cluj s-a calificat în grupele Ligii Europa, după ce a învins
    formaţia finlandeză KuPS Kuopio cu scorul de 3-1, joi seara, pe teren propriu, în play-off-ul competiţiei.
    Campioana României s-a impus prin golurile marcate de venezueleanul Mario
    Rondon, în minutele 5 și 56, ambele după
    centrări ale lui Ciprian Deac din faze fixe, şi de croatul Gabriel Debeljuh, în
    minutul 42, din centrarea lui Adrian Păun. Golul de onoare al nordicilor a fost
    înscris de nigerianul Aniekpeno Udoh, în minutele de prelungiri. Ca şi tururile
    preliminare, play-off-ul Ligii Europa s-a disputat în manşă unică. Formaţia
    condusă de Dan Petrescu va evolua pentru al doilea an consecutiv în grupele

    Rămânem la fotbal, notând că în
    weekend au loc jocuri în campionatul primei ligi române, contând pentru etapa a
    șasea. Vineri, o singură partidă: Universitatea Craiova – Politehnica Iași.
    Sâmbătă sunt programate trei întâlniri. FC Argeș merge la Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe,
    Astra joacă, la Giurgiu, cu FC Voluntari, iar ziua se încheie cu derby-ul
    clasic al fotbalului românesc: FCSB – Dinamo București. Tot trei partide au loc
    și duminică. FC Botoșani joacă, pe teren prorpiu, cu Chindia Târgoviște, Gaz
    Metan Mediaș primește vizita echipei FC Hermannstadt, iar Viitorul Constanța se
    confruntă, la Ovidiu, cu CFR Cluj. Luni, la Arad, ultimul joc al etapei: UTA cu
    Academica Clinceni. În clasament conduce Craiova, cu 15 puncte. Urmează Clujul,
    cu 11.

    Tot în acest weekend au loc, la
    București, Campionatele Naţionale de înot în bazin de 50 de metri. Competiția
    se va încheia sâmbătă. Totodată, la Bacău sunt programate Campionatele
    Naţionale de sărituri în apă, care
    urmează să se termine duminică.

    Competiţia Challenge Cup din localitatea
    maghiară Szombathely deschide, la sfârșitul acestei săptămâni, sezonul
    internaţional de gimnastică artistică, după ce calendarul a fost întrerupt timp
    de şase luni de criza sanitară. Printre participanți se află și cel mai titrat
    gimnast român al tuturor timpurilor, Marian Drăgulescu. Deşi frontierele
    Ungariei sunt închise pentru străini, autorităţile maghiare fac excepţie pentru
    participanţii la competiţiile sportive, cu condiţia ca aceştia să aibă două
    teste consecutive negative la COVID-19. Pe perioada prezenţei în Ungaria,
    sportivii străini nu vor putea utiliza transportul în comun şi nici nu vor
    participa la activităţi sociale.

  • Sportevents: Ringen (EM), Handball (Challenge Cup), Tennis, Fußball (1. Liga)

    Sportevents: Ringen (EM), Handball (Challenge Cup), Tennis, Fußball (1. Liga)

    Rumänien hat die Europameisterschaft im Ringen in Rom mit vier Medaillen beendet. Der grö‎ßte Erfolg war die Goldmedaille, die Alin Alexuc-Ciurariu in der 130-kg-Kategorie im griechisch-römischen Stil gewann. Albert Saritov holte Silber im Rahmen der 97-kg-Kategorie im Freistil. Bronzemedaillen gingen an Cătălina Axente in der 72-kg-Kategorie und Nikolai Oklopkow in der 61-kg-Kategorie, ebenfalls im Freistil.

    Und nun zum Handball: Zwei rumänische Herrenmannschaften haben sich für das Viertelfinale des Challenge Cup qualifiziert. Der CSM Bukarest bestand mit Müh und Not das Achtelfinale, nach dem 24:24-Unentschieden gegen das schwedische Team Alingsas im Rückspiel in Bukarest. Das Bukarester Team, Titelverteidiger des Wettbewerbs, hatte das Hinspiel auswärts mit 29:28 für sich entschieden und sich nach einem in der letzten Minute erzielten Tor das Unentschieden im Rückspiel gesichert.

    Ganz spannend wurde es auch für Potaissa Turda im Achtelfinal-Rückspiel gegen die Schweizer vom BSV Bern. Die Rumänen unterlagen dabei zu Hause mit 33:35 – sie sicherten sich dennoch das Weiterkommen dank des 36:33-Hinspielerfolgs.

    Drei Tennisspielerinnen aus Rumänien haben am Wochenende ITF-Turniere gewonnen. Irina Begu war in Kairo erfolgreich, wo die Geldpreise 100.000 US-Dollar betrugen. Sie besiegte im Finale die Ukrainerin Lesia Tsurenko in drei Sätzen mit 6:4, 3:6 und 6:2. Jaqueline Cristian gewann das 25.000$-Turnier in Trnava, in der Slowakei, nachdem sie im letzten Akt von der Verletzung der Russin Sofia Lanser profitierte, die beim Stande von 6:1 und 4:2 für die Rumänin aufgab. Schlie‎ßlich glänzte Ilona-Georgiana Ghioroaie beim 15.000$-Turnier von Monastir in Tunesien, nach dem 7:5 6:1-Endspielerfolg über die Russin Maria Timofeeva.

    Und zum Schluss Fu‎ßball und die Meisterschaft der ersten rumänischen Liga. Hier die Ergebnisse des 25. und vorletzten Spieltags der regulären Saison. Am Samstag setzte sich Gaz Metan Mediasch in Clinceni mit 3: 2 gegen die Academica durch, und Universitatea Craiova siegte in Iaşi mit 5: 2 gegen Politehnica. Am Sonntag gewann der FC Botosani mit 1:0 bei Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe und Dinamo Bukarest entschied das Spitzenspiel gegen den FCSB Bukarest (Ex-Steaua) in der National Arena der Hauptstadt mit 2:1 für sich. Am Montag wird die letzte Begegnung dieses Spieltags ausgetragen: der FC Hermannstadt empfängt Astra Giurgiu. Klausenburg führt mit 49 Punkten in der Gesamtwertung. Craiova folgt mit 46, danach kommen der FCSB mit 43 und der FC Botosani mit 42 Punkten.

  • Sportevents: Handball (Challenge Cup), Fußball (Asian Champions League u.a.)

    Sportevents: Handball (Challenge Cup), Fußball (Asian Champions League u.a.)

    Wir beginnen mit Handball. Die beiden rumänischen Vertreter im Challenge Cup der Herren sind jeweils eine Runde weiter: Am Samstag qualifizierte sich der Titelverteidiger, der CSM Bukarest, trotz der Niederlage gegen die Wei‎ßrussen vom HC Mascheka, 25:28 im Rückspiel der dritten Runde des Wettbewerbs. Der CSM hatte das Hinspiel am Freitag mit 34:28 für sich entschieden. Beide Spiele fanden im wei‎ßrussischen Moghilew statt. Potaissa Turda ist indes nach den beiden Begegnungen mit den Letten von Tenax Dobele vorgerückt. Das Hinspiel gewannen die Rumänen auswärts mit 38:35. Das Rückspiel am Sonntag in Turda endete 32:32 unentschieden. Die Siebenbürger hatten 2018 den Challenge Cup gewonnen.

    Und nun zum Fu‎ßball. Der rumänische Trainer Răzvan Lucescu hat mit dem saudiarabischen Verein Al Hilal Riad die asiatische Champions League gewonnen. Im Final-Rückspiel siegte Al Hilal bei den Japanern von Urawa Red Diamonds mit 2:0. Die Saudis hatten auch das Hinspiel zu Hause mit 1:0 für sich entschieden. Das war der erste Erfolg von Al Hilal Riad in der 2002 im neuen Format gegründeten Asian Champions League. Im alten Format hatte der Verein die damalige asiatische Vereinsmeisterschaft bereits 1991 und 2000 gewonnen. Jetzt wird Al Hilal Asien bei der Vereins-WM im Katar im Dezember vertreten.

    Der rumänische Stürmer Bogdan Stancu war am Sonntag für seinen Verein, den türkischen Erstligisten Genclerbirligi Ankara, erfolgreich. Er schoss beide Treffer beim 2:1-Auswärtssieg über Kasimpaşa, am 12. Spieltag der türkischen Fu‎ßball-Meisterschaft. Aytac Kara erzielte den 1:0-Führungstreffer für das Istanbuler Team in der 54. Minute, Stancu glich allerdings in der 82. Minute aus und schoss sechs Minuten später das Siegtor, per Strafsto‎ß. In dieser Saison hat es der rumänische Stürmer auf insgesamt sechs Tore gebracht.

    Und schlie‎ßlich der 17. Spieltag der ersten rumänischen Liga. Am Freitag schlug der CFR Klausenburg Chindia Târgovişte mit 4:0. Die Samstagsspiele: In Iaşi trennten sich Poli und der FC Voluntari 2:2 unentschieden und in Bukarest schlug Astra Giurgiu den FCSB mit 3:1. Die Sonntagsspiele: Academica Clinceni — Dinamo Bukarest 2:2, mit einem torlosen Unentschieden endete die Begegnung zwischen Gaz Metan Mediasch und dem FC Botoşani, und in Craiova bezwang Universitatea den FC Hermannstadt mit 3:0. Die letzte Partie des Spieltags wird am Montag ausgetragen: Der FC Viitorul Constanţa empfängt dabei Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe. In der Tabelle führt Klausenburg mit 34 Punkten, es folgen Craiova und Astra mit jeweils 31 Zählern.


  • Sports roundup

    Sports roundup

    Two Romanian men’s handball teams will prove their mettle in the Challenge Cup in men’s handball. On Saturday, CSM Bucharest outclassed HC Mashenka of Belarus in the first leg of the tie, counting towards the Challenge Cup’s third round, CSM had secured a 34-28 win, while in the second leg, CSM was defeated, 25-28. Both matches were played in Mogylev, Belarus. A 38-35 first-leg win, away from home, and a 32-all home draw, played in Turda, secured Potaissa Turda’s qualification at the expense of Latvian opponents TENAX Dobele. We recall Potaissa is the winner of the Challenge Cup in 2018.

    Romanian head-coach Razvan Lucescu has won the Asian Champions League in football with Saudi team Al Hilal Ryadh. This past Sunday, Al Hilal defeated Japanese contenders Urawa Red Diamonds away from home, 2-nil, in the final confrontation’s second leg. WE recall Al Hilal had secured a 1-nil win n home turf. It was the first trophy won by Al Hilal in the Asian Champions League. The competition was re-launched in 2002. In 1991 and 2000, Al Hilal had also emerged as winners, when the competition rolled as The Asian Clubs Championship. Al Hilal will represent Asia in the Clubs’ World Cup, to be held in Qatar, in December.

    Romanian striker Bogdan Stancu scored both goals for his team, Genclerbirligi Ankara, as the team secured a 2-1 away win against Kasimpasha, in the 12th round of Turkey’s championship. Aytac Kara drew first blood for the Istanbul team on 54 minutes, but Stancu provided the leveller on 82 minutes. It was also Stancu who sealed the fate of the game in minute 88, turning a penalty kick into a goal. The former Romanian international football has scored six goals in the ongoing season.

    This past weekend saw matches matches being played, counting towards League One’s 17th round. On Friday, CFR Cluj secured 4-nil home win against Chindia Targovoiste. On Saturday, Poli Iasi and FC Voluntari drew, 2-all, while in Bucharest, Astra Giurgiu won the game against FCSB, 3-1. Three matches were played on Sunday. Academica Clinceni managed a 2-all home draw against Dinamo Bucharest. Gaz Metan Medias were held by FC Botosani to a blank draw. In the southern Romaniantownn of Craiova, Universitatea secured a 3-nil win against FC Hermannstadt Sibiu.The 17th round’s last game this coming Monday will see Viitorul Constanta taking on Sepsi Sfantu Gheorghe. CFR Cluj are at the top of the table, with 34 points, followed by Universitatea Craiova and Astra Giurgiu, with 31 points each.

  • Sports roundup

    Sports roundup

    Two Romanian men’s handball teams will prove their mettle in the Challenge Cup in men’s handball. On Saturday, CSM Bucharest outclassed HC Mashenka of Belarus in the first leg of the tie, counting towards the Challenge Cup’s third round, CSM had secured a 34-28 win, while in the second leg, CSM was defeated, 25-28. Both matches were played in Mogylev, Belarus. A 38-35 first-leg win, away from home, and a 32-all home draw, played in Turda, secured Potaissa Turda’s qualification at the expense of Latvian opponents TENAX Dobele. We recall Potaissa is the winner of the Challenge Cup in 2018.

    Romanian head-coach Razvan Lucescu has won the Asian Champions League in football with Saudi team Al Hilal Ryadh. This past Sunday, Al Hilal defeated Japanese contenders Urawa Red Diamonds away from home, 2-nil, in the final confrontation’s second leg. WE recall Al Hilal had secured a 1-nil win n home turf. It was the first trophy won by Al Hilal in the Asian Champions League. The competition was re-launched in 2002. In 1991 and 2000, Al Hilal had also emerged as winners, when the competition rolled as The Asian Clubs Championship. Al Hilal will represent Asia in the Clubs’ World Cup, to be held in Qatar, in December.

    Romanian striker Bogdan Stancu scored both goals for his team, Genclerbirligi Ankara, as the team secured a 2-1 away win against Kasimpasha, in the 12th round of Turkey’s championship. Aytac Kara drew first blood for the Istanbul team on 54 minutes, but Stancu provided the leveller on 82 minutes. It was also Stancu who sealed the fate of the game in minute 88, turning a penalty kick into a goal. The former Romanian international football has scored six goals in the ongoing season.

    This past weekend saw matches matches being played, counting towards League One’s 17th round. On Friday, CFR Cluj secured 4-nil home win against Chindia Targovoiste. On Saturday, Poli Iasi and FC Voluntari drew, 2-all, while in Bucharest, Astra Giurgiu won the game against FCSB, 3-1. Three matches were played on Sunday. Academica Clinceni managed a 2-all home draw against Dinamo Bucharest. Gaz Metan Medias were held by FC Botosani to a blank draw. In the southern Romaniantownn of Craiova, Universitatea secured a 3-nil win against FC Hermannstadt Sibiu.The 17th round’s last game this coming Monday will see Viitorul Constanta taking on Sepsi Sfantu Gheorghe. CFR Cluj are at the top of the table, with 34 points, followed by Universitatea Craiova and Astra Giurgiu, with 31 points each.

  • November 24, 2019 UPDATE

    November 24, 2019 UPDATE

    – The second round of the presidential election is today taking place in
    Romania. Romanians have to choose between the acting president, Klaus Iohannis,
    supported by the National Liberal Party and the former Social-Democrat Prime
    Minister, Viorica Dancila. 2 hours before polling stations close, some 48% of
    the total of 18.2 million voters cast their votes. In the Diaspora the voting
    process started on Friday at noon and will end on Sunday at midnight. Some
    17.500 people living abroad voted by post. The total number of voting stations
    abroad stood at 838. So far some 860 thousand Romanians living abroad have cast
    their votes.

    FRIGATE – The King Ferdinand frigate has returned to the military port of
    Constanta after five weeks spent in the Mediterranean. The frigate took part in
    the NATO-led Sea Guardian 19 operation and in the Dogu Akdeniz 19 multinational
    exercise, during which it carried out joint missions to deter illegal
    activities on the eastern flank of NATO and the EU, by means of monitoring
    maritime traffic, under Allied Maritime Command.

    – During his tour of Asia, which also included Thailand, Pope Francis visited
    Japan on Saturday, where he conveyed an emotion-evoking message against nuclear
    weapons. The Pope visited Nagasaki, one of the two cities struck in the Second
    World War. The Pope told Japanese bishops he hopes to meet some of the victims
    of the nuclear attacks, as well as the survivors of the Fukushima nuclear power
    plant disaster. Another goal of his visit to Japan is to encourage the Catholic
    community in this country, where only 1% of the population is Christian, half
    of which is Catholic. This is the first visit by a Pope to Japan in the last 38
    years and the second one in history.

    EUROPEAN COMMISSION – Ambassadors of EU Member States have
    agreed that the new European Commission led by Ursula von der Leyen should
    start its activity on December 1 without a British Commissioner on the team,
    after the British Government refused to make a nomination. Ambassadors have
    adopted the list of the 27 Commissioners, which further requires Parliament’s
    vote, slated for Wednesday. Since Brexit has been postponed for January 31,
    2020, Great Britain was bound by EU treatises to make a nomination. Boris
    Johnson’s Cabinet stated that no nominations can be made ahead of a British
    election, as this country will host early legislative elections on December 12.
    Following London’s refusal, the European Commission launched infringement
    procedures against Great Britain on November 14.

    GAUDEAMUS – The Gaudeamus International Book Fair, organized in Bucharest by
    Radio Romania, came to a close on Sunday. On the last day of the fair, the
    awards of the 26th edition were presented. The Gaudeamus awards went
    to the Humanitas, Polirom and ART publishers. The award for the most
    sought-after book went to Radu Paraschivescu’s volume, The Man who moves
    Clouds. 7 Stories, released by Humanitas publishing house. In the media awards
    section, Evenimentul Zilei grabbed the award for best print publication, Pro TV
    won the award for best TV station, while Europa FM won the radio award. In the
    news agencies section, the award went to the national news agency Agerpres. The
    Award for Excellence went to the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi
    Publishing House. The Antoaneta Ralian translation prize went to Luminita
    Munteanu, for her translation of the Orhan Pamuk series into Romanian, as well
    as to Daniel Ionita, the coordinator of the bilingual edition of the anthology
    Testament. 400 years of Romanian poetry, released in Australia. 8,000 book
    stands were put up as part of this edition, devoted to the 30 years since the
    anti-communist revolution of 1989. A total of 900 different events were
    scheduled, including book launches, debates and book signing sessions.

    HANDBALL – Romanian handball club AHC Potaissa Turda is playing ZRHK TENAX
    Dobele of Latvia in the second round of the men’s Challenge Cup. In the first
    leg, the Romanian side won 38-35 away from home. Potaissa Turda won the
    Challenge Cup in 2018 after defeating the Greek side AEK Athens. On Saturday,
    another club, CSM Bucharest, advanced to the Challenge Cup’s round of 16
    despite losing to HC Masheka of Belarus, 28-25 away from home, in the second
    leg of the competition’s third round. Title holders CSM Bucharest had won the
    first leg 34-28 on Friday.

    by V. Palcu)

  • November 24, 2019 UPDATE

    November 24, 2019 UPDATE

    – The second round of the presidential election is today taking place in
    Romania. Romanians have to choose between the acting president, Klaus Iohannis,
    supported by the National Liberal Party and the former Social-Democrat Prime
    Minister, Viorica Dancila. 2 hours before polling stations close, some 48% of
    the total of 18.2 million voters cast their votes. In the Diaspora the voting
    process started on Friday at noon and will end on Sunday at midnight. Some
    17.500 people living abroad voted by post. The total number of voting stations
    abroad stood at 838. So far some 860 thousand Romanians living abroad have cast
    their votes.

    FRIGATE – The King Ferdinand frigate has returned to the military port of
    Constanta after five weeks spent in the Mediterranean. The frigate took part in
    the NATO-led Sea Guardian 19 operation and in the Dogu Akdeniz 19 multinational
    exercise, during which it carried out joint missions to deter illegal
    activities on the eastern flank of NATO and the EU, by means of monitoring
    maritime traffic, under Allied Maritime Command.

    – During his tour of Asia, which also included Thailand, Pope Francis visited
    Japan on Saturday, where he conveyed an emotion-evoking message against nuclear
    weapons. The Pope visited Nagasaki, one of the two cities struck in the Second
    World War. The Pope told Japanese bishops he hopes to meet some of the victims
    of the nuclear attacks, as well as the survivors of the Fukushima nuclear power
    plant disaster. Another goal of his visit to Japan is to encourage the Catholic
    community in this country, where only 1% of the population is Christian, half
    of which is Catholic. This is the first visit by a Pope to Japan in the last 38
    years and the second one in history.

    EUROPEAN COMMISSION – Ambassadors of EU Member States have
    agreed that the new European Commission led by Ursula von der Leyen should
    start its activity on December 1 without a British Commissioner on the team,
    after the British Government refused to make a nomination. Ambassadors have
    adopted the list of the 27 Commissioners, which further requires Parliament’s
    vote, slated for Wednesday. Since Brexit has been postponed for January 31,
    2020, Great Britain was bound by EU treatises to make a nomination. Boris
    Johnson’s Cabinet stated that no nominations can be made ahead of a British
    election, as this country will host early legislative elections on December 12.
    Following London’s refusal, the European Commission launched infringement
    procedures against Great Britain on November 14.

    GAUDEAMUS – The Gaudeamus International Book Fair, organized in Bucharest by
    Radio Romania, came to a close on Sunday. On the last day of the fair, the
    awards of the 26th edition were presented. The Gaudeamus awards went
    to the Humanitas, Polirom and ART publishers. The award for the most
    sought-after book went to Radu Paraschivescu’s volume, The Man who moves
    Clouds. 7 Stories, released by Humanitas publishing house. In the media awards
    section, Evenimentul Zilei grabbed the award for best print publication, Pro TV
    won the award for best TV station, while Europa FM won the radio award. In the
    news agencies section, the award went to the national news agency Agerpres. The
    Award for Excellence went to the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi
    Publishing House. The Antoaneta Ralian translation prize went to Luminita
    Munteanu, for her translation of the Orhan Pamuk series into Romanian, as well
    as to Daniel Ionita, the coordinator of the bilingual edition of the anthology
    Testament. 400 years of Romanian poetry, released in Australia. 8,000 book
    stands were put up as part of this edition, devoted to the 30 years since the
    anti-communist revolution of 1989. A total of 900 different events were
    scheduled, including book launches, debates and book signing sessions.

    HANDBALL – Romanian handball club AHC Potaissa Turda is playing ZRHK TENAX
    Dobele of Latvia in the second round of the men’s Challenge Cup. In the first
    leg, the Romanian side won 38-35 away from home. Potaissa Turda won the
    Challenge Cup in 2018 after defeating the Greek side AEK Athens. On Saturday,
    another club, CSM Bucharest, advanced to the Challenge Cup’s round of 16
    despite losing to HC Masheka of Belarus, 28-25 away from home, in the second
    leg of the competition’s third round. Title holders CSM Bucharest had won the
    first leg 34-28 on Friday.

    by V. Palcu)

  • Sport Club RRI: Handbal

    Sport Club RRI: Handbal

    Sezonul internaţional de handbal se află în
    plină desfăşurare. Echipele de club din România sunt prezente atât în faza
    grupelor Ligii Campionilor, cât şi în preliminariile Cupei EHF. La masculin
    avem şi o echipă în Challenge Cup, CSM Bucureşti, dar care va evolua abia în
    noiembrie, în turul 3.

    Până atunci, să vorbim despre formaţiile
    deja angrenate în competiţii. La masculin, în grupa D a Ligii Campionilor,
    Dinamo Bucureşti ocupă locul întâi, cu patru victorii şi o înfrângere. În weekendul
    trecut, campionii României au trecut, acasă, de formaţia poloneză Wisla Plock,
    cu 24 la 21. Următorul joc al dinamoviştilor va avea loc pe 3 noiembrie, în
    Polonia, tot împotriva echipei Wisla.

    În Cupa EHF, ajunsă la turul trei
    preliminar, a mai rămas doar o echipă din România. Dobrogea Sud Constanţa s-a
    calificat după ce a trecut, pe 6 şi 7 octombrie, de echipa cehă Talent Robstav
    Plzen cu 28 la 21 şi 29-23. Ambele
    jocuri au avut loc în România. În schimb, formaţia Steaua Bucureşti a fost
    eliminată de echipa israeliană Maccabi Rishon LeZion. Vinerea trecută,
    steliştii au fost învinşi în deplasare cu 27 la 23, după ce, în tur,
    câştigaseră, în România, cu doar 25 la 23.

    La feminin, în Liga Campionilor, CSM
    Bucureşti a fost învinsă, în deplasare, de echipa germană Bietigheim cu scorul
    de 30-28. Campioana României ocupă locul doi în grupa D, cu două puncte, la
    egalitate cu formaţia de pe locul 3, Ferencváros Budapesta. Pe primul loc se
    află Bietigheim, cu 3 puncte. În Cupa EHF, Măgura Cisnădie s-a calificat deja
    în turul trei preliminar. Gruparea ardeleană a trecut de Slavia Praga cu 28 la
    25, vineri, şi 29 la 20, duminică, ambele partide jucându-se la Cisnădie. SCM
    Râmnicu Vâlcea este aproape calificată după ce a învins, acasă, echipa Kastamonu,
    din Turcia, la 9 goluri distanţă: scor 35 la 26. În fine, a treia echipă română
    din turul doi preliminar, Handbal Club Zalău, a încheiat la egalitate, scor 25
    la 25, jocul disputat pe teren propriu cu Borussia Dortmund. Atât Vâlcea, cât
    şi Zalăul, joacă manşa retur duminică, 21 octombrie. Formaţia SCM Craiova,
    deţinătoarea trofeului, este calificată direct în turul trei preliminar.

  • Sport Club RRI: Handbal

    Sport Club RRI: Handbal

    Sezonul internaţional de handbal se află în
    plină desfăşurare. Echipele de club din România sunt prezente atât în faza
    grupelor Ligii Campionilor, cât şi în preliminariile Cupei EHF. La masculin
    avem şi o echipă în Challenge Cup, CSM Bucureşti, dar care va evolua abia în
    noiembrie, în turul 3.

    Până atunci, să vorbim despre formaţiile
    deja angrenate în competiţii. La masculin, în grupa D a Ligii Campionilor,
    Dinamo Bucureşti ocupă locul întâi, cu patru victorii şi o înfrângere. În weekendul
    trecut, campionii României au trecut, acasă, de formaţia poloneză Wisla Plock,
    cu 24 la 21. Următorul joc al dinamoviştilor va avea loc pe 3 noiembrie, în
    Polonia, tot împotriva echipei Wisla.

    În Cupa EHF, ajunsă la turul trei
    preliminar, a mai rămas doar o echipă din România. Dobrogea Sud Constanţa s-a
    calificat după ce a trecut, pe 6 şi 7 octombrie, de echipa cehă Talent Robstav
    Plzen cu 28 la 21 şi 29-23. Ambele
    jocuri au avut loc în România. În schimb, formaţia Steaua Bucureşti a fost
    eliminată de echipa israeliană Maccabi Rishon LeZion. Vinerea trecută,
    steliştii au fost învinşi în deplasare cu 27 la 23, după ce, în tur,
    câştigaseră, în România, cu doar 25 la 23.

    La feminin, în Liga Campionilor, CSM
    Bucureşti a fost învinsă, în deplasare, de echipa germană Bietigheim cu scorul
    de 30-28. Campioana României ocupă locul doi în grupa D, cu două puncte, la
    egalitate cu formaţia de pe locul 3, Ferencváros Budapesta. Pe primul loc se
    află Bietigheim, cu 3 puncte. În Cupa EHF, Măgura Cisnădie s-a calificat deja
    în turul trei preliminar. Gruparea ardeleană a trecut de Slavia Praga cu 28 la
    25, vineri, şi 29 la 20, duminică, ambele partide jucându-se la Cisnădie. SCM
    Râmnicu Vâlcea este aproape calificată după ce a învins, acasă, echipa Kastamonu,
    din Turcia, la 9 goluri distanţă: scor 35 la 26. În fine, a treia echipă română
    din turul doi preliminar, Handbal Club Zalău, a încheiat la egalitate, scor 25
    la 25, jocul disputat pe teren propriu cu Borussia Dortmund. Atât Vâlcea, cât
    şi Zalăul, joacă manşa retur duminică, 21 octombrie. Formaţia SCM Craiova,
    deţinătoarea trofeului, este calificată direct în turul trei preliminar.

  • May 19, 2018 UPDATE

    May 19, 2018 UPDATE

    DEFENCE – Romania has met all its commitments to NATO, the Romanian Defence Minister Mihai Fifor said on Saturday. He added that the US President Donald Trumps request for the other Allied countries to also earmark 2% of their GDP to defence is justified. This is the second consecutive year when Romania allots these funds to defence, Fifor explained. He also mentioned that nearly 700 Romanian troops are currently deployed in Afghanistan, and the major Army equipment upgrade projects undertaken by Romania upon joining NATO are reaching their final stages.

    MUSEUMS – Scores of Romanian museum employees Saturday protested in front of the Ministry of Culture and National Identity headquarters. They say salaries do not reflect the importance, responsibility and complexity of their work, and some of them have lost incomes since the implementation of the unified pay scheme for public sector employees and the transfer of social security payments from employers to employees. The Culture Ministry announced in a news release that several meetings have been held recently with trade unions in the sector, and solutions to their problems are being searched for. The protests came ahead of the 14th edition of the famous Long Night of Museums, in which 180 museums and partner organisations in Romania are taking part. In Bucharest, taking part in the event are the National Art Museum of Romania, the National History Museum, the George Enescu National Museum, the Grigore Antipa Natural History Museum, and the Romanian Peasant Museum. Exhibitions, concerts and film screenings have been put together, for all ages and for all tastes.

    ROYAL WEDDING – The historical city of Windsor, near London, Saturday hosted the wedding of Price Harry of Wales, grandson to Queen Elizabeth II of the UK, with his fiancée, the 36 year old American actress Meghan Markle. The official ceremony combined the elegance of the royal protocol with the glamour of Hollywood events. Thousands of people gathered on Saturday morning in the usually quiet town, to celebrate the princely couple. Buckingham Palace previously announced that Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain granted Prince Harry and Meghan Markle the title of Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

    DIASPORA – The second regional consular meeting in the campaign entitled “2018 Dialogue with the Diaspora on consular topics ended in Rome on Saturday. According to a news release issued by the Romanian Foreign Ministry in Bucharest, taking part in the event were representatives of the Romanian diplomatic missions and consular offices in Italy, Spain, Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, the Republic of Macedonia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Albania, Switzerland, Montenegro and Israel. Talks focused on topics related to consular activities, particularly the handling of the situations that require the activation of the Foreign Ministry Crisis Response Task Force, as well as the use of the IT systems that are part of the E-Cons integrated platform, which currently services the entire consular network of the Romanian Foreign Ministry.

    CHISINAU – The Republic of Moldova Sunday holds the first round of early elections for the mayors of capital city Chisinau and the second-largest Moldovan town of Balti, in the north. The posts have been vacant since the resignation of the mayors elected in June 2015, namely the pro-European Liberal Dorin Chirtoaca in Chisinau and the pro-Russian populist Renato Usatii in Balti. Both officials claimed the trials were political shams. These early elections are seen as a test for this autumns parliamentary election. Analysts quoted by Radio Romania correspondents, say Sundays vote for a new mayor of Chisinau, where one-third of the countrys population lives and which generates half of Moldovas GDP, is also important in geo-political terms, given the competition between pro-Russian and pro-European politicians in this country.

    FUNERALS – The funerals of the great Romanian film director Lucian Pintilie were held in Bucharest on Saturday. Pintilie died on Wednesday at the age of 84. His staging of the Inspector General (1972), as well as his films The Reconstruction and For Whom the Bell Tolls, Mitică, were banned by the communist censorship. In 1973, he left for Paris, where he continued his career. After the fall of communism, he returned to Romania and made a series of films, mostly Romanian-French co-productions, one of which, “Too Late (1996), was included in the official selection of the Cannes Film Festival.

    CONFERENCE – Former East-European political leaders pleaded in Bucharest on Saturday for dialogue as a means to promote security in the Korean Peninsula. Chairing the meeting designed to support a peaceful reunification of Korea, Emil Constantinescu, president of Romania in 1996-2000, emphasised the importance of cultural diplomacy between the 2 countries. The ex-president of Albania, Rexhep Meidani, believes recent developments to be encouraging, including the prospective meeting of the US President Donald Trump with the North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un. Also attending the conference in Bucharest are, among others, the former presidents of Ukraine, Viktor Yushchenko, of Belarus, Stanislav Shushkevich, and of Croatia, Stjepan Mesic.

    HANDBALL – The Romanian mens handball team AHC Potaissa of Turda (in north-western Romania) Sunday faces the Greek side AEK Athens, away from home, in the decisive leg of the Challenge Cup final. On Monday, the Romanians won the first leg, at home, 33-22. According to commentators, Potaissa, which last year lost the final of the same competition to Sporting Lisbon, is a step away from winning the trophy. At the end of last week, the Romanian womens team SCM Craiova won the EHF Cup final, defeating the Norwegian side Vipers Kristiansand, while Romanian champions, CSM Bucharest, won the bronze in the so-called Champions League Final Four in Budapest.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • February 20, 2018

    February 20, 2018

    VISIT – The PM of Romania, Viorica Dăncilă, is on her first official visit to Brussels in this capacity. The Romanian official will have meetings with the president of the European Commission, Jean Claude Juncker, with the head of the European Council, Donald Tusk, the president of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani and with the European Commissioner for regional policy, Corina Creţu. Strengthening the relations between Bucharest and Brussels is essential, PM Dăncilă says, both in the context of Romania taking over the presidency of the EU Council in 2019, and for Romanias involvement in the most important projects on the European agenda. She also pleads for active involvement in talks regarding the economic future of the Union.

    DEFENCE – The Romanian Defence Minister, Mihai Fifor, says the state will get involved in extending the military base in Mihail Kogălniceanu, in the south-east of the country, and announced talks in this respect had already been held with the American partners. He added he would like a permanent American presence in that unit. Over the past few years, thousands of Romanian and American troops have taken part in joint military exercises in Mihail Kogălniceanu, some of them also attended by troops from other NATO countries. The same base hosted last year air policing missions, with British, Canadian and Romanian aircraft taking part. Meanwhile, the Senate Monday endorsed a bill on the procurement of HIMARS multiple rocket launchers for the Romanian Army. Under the document, the Romanian Government is awarding to the US Government contracts for the procurement of 3 systems of 18 launchers each, amounting to a total 1.5 billion euro. The bill is to be forwarded to the Chamber of Deputies, the decision-making body in this respect.

    TRIAL – The High Court of Cassation and Justice in Bucharest has today started trying the case concerning the June 1990 miners riots, in which the ex-president Ion Iliescu and former PM Petre Roman are charged with crimes against humanity. Prosecutors argue that the authorities have planned the violent attacks against peaceful protesters gathered at the University Square in Bucharest in June 1990. Governmental agencies were illegally involved in the crackdown, prosecutors claim, alongside coal miners and other workers from various parts of the country. Four people died and nearly 1,400 were wounded.

    FLU – Another 2 people died from the flu in Romania, with the death toll reaching 39, and more than 500 cases this season, reported the authorities have announced. Most of the flu patients are in Bucharest, and in the counties of Constanta (south-east), Olt (south), Braşov (centre) and Iaşi (north-east). The authorities recommend vaccination, and the Healthcare Ministry announced that around 80,000 shots were still available. So far over 920,000 people have received flu vaccines. The Healthcare Minister, Sorina Pintea, says Romania is not facing a flu epidemic at present.

    DIPLOMACY – The Romanian minister delegate for European affairs, Victor Negrescu, had a meeting in Bucharest on Monday with the Republic of Moldovas deputy PM in charge of European integration, Iurie Leancă. According to the Romanian Foreign Ministry, the two officials reviewed the key elements of Moldovas European agenda, particularly in terms of implementing the Association Agreement between the Republic of Moldova and the EU. Victor Negrescu emphasised that the strategic objective of the Bucharest-Chisinau relations is the EU accession of Moldova. He also stressed the importance of stepping up the reform and modernisation process, to the benefit of all Moldovan citizens.

    HANDBALL – AHC Potaissa from Turda, north-western Romania will take on the Norwegians Fyllingen Bergen in the quarter-finals of the Challenge Cup, according to Tuesdays draw in Vienna. The Romanians will play the first leg on home ground, on March 24 or 25, and the second leg in Norway a week later. If they move on to the semi-finals, Potaissa will have to face the winner of the matches pitting SKIF Krasnodar (Russia) against IBV Vestmannaeyjar (Iceland). Last season Potaissa lost the Challenge Cup to the Portuguese side Sporting Lisbon.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • Săptămâna sportivă – 21.01.2012

    Săptămâna sportivă – 21.01.2012

    Rubrica de sport de astăzi începe cu ştiri din tenis, mai exact de la Openul Australiei, care se desfăşoară in aceste zile la Melbourne. De duminică, România a rămas fără reprezentanţi în probele seniorilor. La dublu feminin, perechea Irina-Camelia Begu/Monica Niculescu, cap de serie numărul 13, a fost învinsă, în optimile de finală, de favoritele numărul 4, rusoaicele Ekaterina Makarova şi Elena Vesnina, scor în trei seturi: 4-6, 6-1, 6-2. La dublu mixt, românul Horia Tecău şi jucătoarea americană Bethanie Mattek-Sands au fost eliminaţi încă din primul tur. Ei au fost invinşi de cuplul ceh Lucie Hradecka / Frantisek Cermak, cu 4-6, 7-5, 10-8. Tecău şi Mattek-Sands au câştigat în 2012 proba de dublu mixt a Openului australian.

    Nici din rugby nu avem veşti mai bune. Selecţionata Lupii Bucureşti a fost învinsă, sâmbătă, în deplasare, cu scorul de 53-8, de echipa engleză Bath, într-un meci din etapa a şasea, ultima a grupelor Amlin Challenge Cup. Punctele selecţionatei Lupii Bucureşti au fost reuşite de Florin Vlaicu – o lovitură de pedeapsă şi Grigoraş Diaconescu – un eseu.

    In primele cinci meciuri din Challenge Cup, selecţionata Lupii Bucureşti a înregistrat trei înfrângeri şi două victorii. In final, selecţionata română a încheiat grupa a patra pe locul trei, cu 9 puncte. Pe primul loc s-a clasat Bath, cu 29 de puncte, poziţia a doua a fost ocupată de francezii de la Agen, cu 17 puncte, iar ultima clasată este echipa italiană Calvisano, cu 7 puncte. În sferturile de finală ale Amlin Challenge Cup s-a calificat liderul grupei, Bath.

    Mai departe, atletism. La Bucureşti a avut loc prima etapă a Campionatelor Naţionale de sală. Doi dintre sportivii prezenţi au avut evoluţii remarcabile. La triplusalt, Marian Oprea şi-a marcat revenirea în competiţii cu o săritură de 16 metri şi 80 de centimetri, rezultat remarcabil pentru un debut de sezon. La săritura în înălţime, Mihai Donisan a trecut peste ştacheta fixată la 2 metri şi 30 de centimetri. Potrivit ProSport, cu aceste rezultate, Oprea şi Donisan au devenit lideri europeni ai sezonului.

    In încheiere, vă amintim că puteţi găsi rubrica noastră sportivă şi în reţeaua Facebook, pe profilul postului Radio România Internaţional.