Tag: Charleston

  • April 7, 2022

    April 7, 2022

    NATO – In Brussels, the foreign ministers of the NATO member countries, including the Romanian one, Bogdan Aurescu, are discussing, today, the new strategic concept that must be adapted to the current security context. Prior to the meeting, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg estimated that the war in Ukraine could take months or even years. The agenda of the meeting includes the implementation of the decisions of the Extraordinary NATO Summit of March 24, with focus on strengthening the Allied defense and deterrence posture on the Eastern Flank, following Russias aggression on Ukraine and its consequences for Euro-Atlantic security. According to the Romanian Foreign Ministry, the NATO officials will also discuss the latest developments on the ground in Ukraine, including the crimes against the civilian population. Bogdan Aurescu will reiterate the importance of the rapid implementation of the decisions of the March NATO Summit, with an emphasis on the establishment of new NATO Combat Groups, one of which is in Romania. He reiterated that Moscow was preparing an offensive in eastern Ukraine to take control of the entire Donbas region and to build a land bridge to Crimea, the Ukrainian peninsula annexed by Russia in 2014.

    Ukraine — The Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky welcomed the recent sanctions imposed on Russia, but underlined that they were insufficient. He called on Western democracies to boycott Russian oil, insisting that the failure of a rapid agreement on an embargo would result in the loss of many lives among Ukrainians. The US has imposed new sanctions on two of Russias largest banks, as well as on Vladimir Putins two adult daughters, on Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, on the wife and children of the FM Sergei Lavrov, on members of the Security Council of Russia, including Dimitri Medvedev, a former president and prime minister. On the other hand, the Ukrainian police found new bodies of people shot in Hostomel, near Kyiv, a town recently liberated from the occupation of Russian troops. According to the locals, they were killed by snipers. The Ukrainian military record war crimes cases in every city or town where the Russian soldiers were present. According to the Ukrainian officials, more than 1,200 lawsuits have been opened in the Kyiv region over war crimes committed by the occupiers. The Polish President Andrzej Duda described the Russian militarys actions in Ukraine as “genocide” and called on the West to strengthen sanctions against Moscow. On the ground, according to the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Russian occupiers are preparing an offensive operation in the east of the country to establish full control over the territory of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. Pentagon confirms that the Russian troops have completely withdrawn from the Ukrainian capital Kyiv and Cernihiv.

    UN — The UN General Assembly is today considering the suspension of Russias membership to the Human Rights Council (HRC) due to the invasion of Ukraine. The move was initiated by the United States and several other countries, including the United Kingdom. Two-thirds of the votes of the General Assembly members, representing 193 countries, are required for a favorable decision. Russias Foreign Ministry has said that Russias failure to participate in UNHRC activities would undermine the universality of that structure. Moscow has also denied allegations in connection with the massacre in Bucha, where hundreds of bodies were found after the withdrawal of Russian troops. In the history of the UN, Libya led by Moammar Gaddafi was suspended from this structure in 2011, but this time it is about a permanent member of the Security Council.

    Tennis — The Romanian tennis player Irina Begu (66 WTA) has qualified to the round of 16 of the WTA 500 tournament in Charleston (South Carolina, USA), with total prizes worth almost 900,000 dollars. On Wednesday, she defeated Australian Ajla Tomljanovic (39 WTA) 6-2, 6-3. In the quarter finals, Irina Begu will face the winner of the match between Ons Jabeur (Tunisia, 10 WTA), 4th seeded, and the American Emma Navarro (201 WTA), a match that was interrupted at the score of 6-3, 5-2 for the Tunisian.

    TAROM — The trade unionists of the Romanian state-owned airlines TAROM are organizing a protest rally today in front of the companys headquarters. At the beginning of April, they announced, in a communiqué, that they would protest throughout the month, dissatisfied, among other things, with the lack of a payroll and the staff shortage. Trade unionists are also discontented with the fact that the budget for salary expenses has not been increased by 35%. Protests also took place on Wednesday in Romania.

    COVID-19 – More than 2,300 new COVID-19 cases were reported in Romania on Wednesday, less than in the previous day. The authorities also announced 18 COVID-associated deaths. Nearly 2,300 coronavirus patients are hospitalized. 338 of them are in intensive care. On the other hand, the number of flu cases, following confirmation by specific tests, is increasing, doctors have pointed out. In some cases, patients with the flu needed hospitalization. (LS)

  • Sportevents: u.a. Basketball-Meisterschaft fällt ganz aus

    Sportevents: u.a. Basketball-Meisterschaft fällt ganz aus

    Die Schlagzeile der letzten Woche war die endgültige Unterbrechung der nationalen Basketballmeisterschaften. Laut der Nachrichtenagentur Agerpres beschloss der Lenkungsausschuss des rumänischen Basketballverbandes offiziell die Annullierung der nationalen Meisterschaften, wobei kein Team den Titel erhalten und die Rangliste vom 8. März 2020 beibehalten wurde.

    Nach dem letzten Spiel der Nationalliga der Männer am 9. März 2020 lag die Universitatea-BT Klausenburg an der Spitze der Tabelle, gefolgt vom CSM CSU Großwardein. Beide Mannschaften haben mit 33 Punkten die gleiche Punktzahl. In der Frauenliga lag Titelverteidiger Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe mit 27 Punkten an der Spitze der Tabelle, gefolgt vom Vizemeister CSM Sathmar mit 24 Punkten. Darüber hinaus empfahl der Vorstand des rumänischen Basketballverbandes den Vereinen, über die einvernehmliche Auflösung aller mit den aktiven Spielern geschlossenen Verträge zu verhandeln, um weitere finanzielle Streitigkeiten zu vermeiden.

    Und noch eine Meldung vom Basketball: die französische Zeitung L’Equipe hat der in Rumänien geborenen Spielerin Sabrina Ionescu einen Artikel gewidmet. Ab dieser Saison wird Sabrina von New York Liberty, einem Team aus der WNBA-Profi-Basketball-Liga, verpflichtet. Sabrina Ionescu wurde in Kalifornien geboren, in einer Familie rumänischer Migranten. Sie spielte bislang für das US-Universitäts-Meisterschaftsteam Oregon Ducks, mit sensationellen Ergebnissen. Sabrina Ionescu war die erste Universitätsmeisterschaftsspielerin, die 2.000 Punkte, 1.000 Rebounds und 1.000 Assists gesammelt hat.

    Nun zu den Nachrichten aus dem Handball der Herren: Rumäniens Titelverteidiger Dinamo Bukarest hat bekannt gegeben, dass der Klub den 36-jährigen Nationalspieler Valentin Ghionea verpflichtet hat. Der Profi war vor zwei Jahren zu Sporting Lissabon nach Portugal gewechselt. Ghionea ist der rumänische Handballer mit den meisten Auftritten und den meisten erzielten Toren in der Geschichte der Champions League. Er war während insgesamt 13 Saisons in dem Spitzenwettbewerb aktiv, für die Vereine Dinamo Bukarest, Pick Szeged, HCM Constanţa, Wisla Plock und Sporting Lissabon. Insgesamt erzielte Valentin Ghionea dabei 444 Tore.

    Die kanadische Tennisspielerin Bianca Andreescu wird an einem Mannschaftswettbewerb in der US-Stadt Charleston im Bundesstaat South Carolina teilnehmen. Der Wettkampf, der am 23. Juni beginnen soll, wird angesichts der COVID-19-Pandemie hinter verschlossenen Türen ausgetragen, berichtet die internationale Presse. Die in Rumänien geborene kanadische Tennisspielerin wird an der Seite von 15 weiteren Spielerinnen antreten, von denen die meisten aus den USA stammen.

  • Massimiliano Nardulli – musica e cinema: in Romania mi sento a casa

    Massimiliano Nardulli – musica e cinema: in Romania mi sento a casa

    Ha scelto la Romania perchè voleva vivere in un Paese vicino all’Italia come mentalità e valori umani. Ospite a Radio Romania Internazionale, il compositore, selezionatore e programmatore di festival Massimiliano Nardulli si racconta: ha scelto da quasi tre anni di vivere in Romania, dopo una bella rosa di esperienze in Spagna, Svizzera, Francia, Inghilterra e altri Paesi europei, ma anche in Sudamerica.

    Quest’anno ha vinto il Premio GOPO e il Premio dell’Unione dei Cineasti di Romania per la musica originale del film Charleston, il lungometraggio di debutto del regista Andrei Cretulescu. I premi GOPO, conferiti dall’Associazione per la promozione del film romeno, nonchè quelli assegnati dall’Unione dei Cineasti, riconoscono ogni anno i successi cinematografici nazionali dell’anno precedente.

    In Romania, Massimiliano Nardulli, che firma le musiche anche come Pipe’s not dead, ha collaborato con importanti festival internazionali tra cui NEXT, Divan – dedicato al cinema e alla gastronomia balcanica, o Timishort. E in questi giorni sarà al TIFF – Transilvania International Film Festival, che si svolge a Cluj fino al 9 giugno, come responsabile della selezione nel progetto europeo Less is more, un progetto di sviluppo di sceneggiature. Ha raccontato tutto a Radio Romania Internazionale.

  • April 3, 2019

    April 3, 2019

    ROMANIA-MONTENEGRO – Romania’s Prime Minister Viorica
    Dancila hailed progress reported by Montenegro in the negotiation process with
    the EU at the end of a meeting she had in Bucharest with her Montenegrin
    counterpart, Dusko Markovic. Dancila reiterated Bucharest’s commitment to
    continue to support the EU enlargement process based on individual merit. The
    agenda for talks included defense cooperation at NATO level, energy security in
    the region and agriculture. The Romanian Prime Minister said a
    Romania-Montenegro business forum will be held later this year. In turn, Prime
    Minister Dusko Markovic said Romania is not just a friend, but a partner for
    Montenegro, able to help based on its experience as EU member. Also today, Dusko Markovic will meet President
    Klaus Iohannis.

    The College of EU Commissioners is today discussing the rule of law in Romania.
    The Commission has repeatedly expressed concern over the latest developments
    tied to the rule of law in Romania. The Commission believes both the content
    and the procedures used to operate recent changes in the field, by using
    emergency decrees and without consulting stakeholders, go against the
    recommendations issued under the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism, which
    has been monitoring Romania’s progress in reforming its judiciary and combating
    corruption since its EU accession in 2007.

    – Romania’s Foreign Minister Teodor Melescanu on Wednesday and Thursday is
    taking part in the NATO Foreign Ministers meeting held in Washington. The event
    is symbolic, marking 70 years since NATO was founded. A joint Declaration will
    be adopted at the end of the meeting. The North-Atlantic Treaty was signed in
    Washington on April 4, 1949 by the United States, Canada and 10 European
    states. NATO currently comprises 29 states from Europe and North America.
    Romania joined NATO in 2004.

    Romanian Minister for Tourism, Bogdan Gheorghe Trif is in Bucharest today
    attending the conference titled Sustainable Tourism – Common Policies of EU
    Member States, organized on the sidelines of the Romanian Presidency of the
    Council of the EU. Attending are experts from European institutions and travel
    specialists from EU member states. The Romanian Presidency’s priorities in the
    field are digitizing the sector, collaborative economy (sharing physical and
    human resources) and the sustainable development of tourism at EU level.

    The Social-Democratic Party’s treasurer, Mircea Draghici, has challenged the
    decree whereby the National Anticorruption Directorate is investigating him in
    a case linked to spending subsidized party funds, claiming the case lacks any
    legal basis. Prosecutors say Draghici was tasked with managing the party’s
    assets and funds and had allegedly pocketed 380 thousand euros pursuant to
    signing a real estate rental contract. The subsidized money was given to
    Draghici to cover the partial payment accounting for two thirds of a

    FUNDS -
    The European Investment Fund (EIF) today signed four financing agreements with
    Romania, whereby granting Bucharest over 170 million euros for the development
    of SMEs as well as to be able to provide loans for students who want to further
    their studies abroad. Some 450 students will benefit from advantageous loans to
    study in another EU country, such as Iceland, Lichtenstein, North Macedonia,
    Norway and Turkey. Under the new agreements, a total of 3,000 SMEs will benefit
    from improved terms for financing. EIF is part of the Group of the European
    Investment Bank, its main mission being to support European SMEs by
    facilitating their access to financing.

    MOTION -
    The simple motion filed by the Liberal Party and the People’s Movement Party in
    opposition against Transport Minister Razvan Cuc was today debated and rejected
    by the Chamber of Deputies. The two parties called on Minister Cuc to step
    down, saying that the ruling coalition has pledged to build 350 kilometers of
    motorway by 2020, of which only 58 kilometers have been completed in the year
    and three months that have since passed. The two parties also said that in
    spite of the EU funds specially allotted for large infrastructure projects,
    only four financing requests have been submitted in nearly five years. The
    opposition also claimed the situation spells disaster in terms of rail
    infrastructure, while the national airliner Tarom is on the verge of

    TENNIS -
    Romanian tennis player Mihaela Buzarnescu (30 WTA) is today playing Lauren
    Davis of the United States (184 WTA) in the second round of the WTA tournament
    in Charleston, South Carolina, totaling 800,000 dollars in prize money. This
    will be the first direct match between the two players. Buzarnescu previously
    ousted Poland’s Magdalena Frech (182 WTA) in the first round at Charleston.
    (translated by V. Palcu)

  • ”CHARLESTON”, regizat de Andrei Crețulescu, din 8 iunie în cinematografe

    ”CHARLESTON”, regizat de Andrei Crețulescu, din 8 iunie în cinematografe

    Charleston, debutul în lungmetraj al lui Andrei
    , va fi lansat în cinematografele din România pe 8 iunie 2018. Filmul
    este distribuit în România și Republica Moldova de Kinosseur.

    La câteva
    săptămâni după moartea soției sale, Ioana, și în seara în care împlinește 42 de
    ani, Alexandru are parte de un cadou cel puțin bizar: vizita mai tânărului
    Sebastian, care pretinde că a fost iubitul Ioanei în ultimele cinci luni… mai
    mult sau mai puțin. Charleston,
    e povestea dulce-amară a unui triunghi amoros absurd, format din doi bărbați
    și femeia pe care au pierdut-o amândoi, un love story neconvenționalcu parfum retro, uncocktailpop condimentat cu umor negru, emoție, un soundtrack
    eclectic și chiarun intermezzo dansant.

    Din distribuția filmului
    fac parte Șerban Pavlu, Radu Iacoban, Ana Ciontea, Victor Rebengiuc, Ana Ularu,
    Dorian Boguță, Gabriela Popescu, Adrian Titieni, Andreea Vasile, Gavril Pătru,
    Gheorghe Ifrim, Lucian Ifrim, Sergiu Costache, Claudiu Dumitru, Letiția
    Vlădescu, Vlad Galer și Alina Berzunțeanu. Scenariul a fost scris de
    Andrei Creţulescu, imaginea poartă semnătura lui Barbu Bălășoiu, montajul a
    fost realizat de Cătălin Cristuţiu, scenografia de Mălina
    Ionescu, muzica originală a fost compusă de Massimiliano Nardulli iar sound design-ul îi
    aparține lui Marius Leftărache. Coloana sonoră a filmului conține
    piese interpretate de Get Well Soon, Dengue Fever, Pretties for You,
    Harlequin_Jack, Noir
    Désir și Pipe’s Not Dead!.

    Charleston, a avut premiera mondială în
    competiția oficială a Festivalului de Film de la
    Locarno, în august 2017. Ulterior, filmul a fost proiectat în cadrul festivalurilor de film de la Chicago, Varșovia, Braunschweig, Zagreb,
    Salonic, Cairo, Bilbao și Minsk, unde a și câștigat un premiu
    special din partea juriului pentru
    că aduce o gură de aer proaspăt în cinema-ul românesc. Cele mai multe dintre aceste proiecții au fost sold out
    – în urma reacției entuziaste a
    publicului, festivalul de la Locarno a organizat chiar o proiecție
    festivalier 2018 a început în februarie, când filmul
    a fost prezentat în cadrul festivalului Travelling, de
    la Rennes, și continuă în martie/aprilie, cândCharleston, va fi proiectat în
    cadrul competitiței festivalului Kino Pavasaris, de
    la Vilnius, ajuns la ediția cu numărul 23.

    Charleston este o producție româno-franceză între ICON Production și Les Films du Tambour, realizată în coproducție cu .Mille et Une. Films și Wag Prod, cu
    sprijinul Centrului Național
    al Cinematografiei, The Group, Publicis Groupe, Region Bretagne, Rennes
    Metropole, în asociere cu Kinosseur,
    Wearebasca, Digital Cube și cu participarea HBO Europe. Producătorii filmului
    sunt Velvet Moraru, Marie Legrand, Rani Massalha și Andrei Crețulescu.

  • 07.04.2017


    Décès – L’ambassadeur de Roumanie au Royaume Uni a confirmé le décès de la Roumaine gravement blessée dans l’attentat du 22 mars à Londres. Elle avait 31 ans et était hospitalisée depuis deux semaines dans un état grave. La Roumaine est tombée dans les eaux de la Tamise, après que l’assaillant ait foncé avec son véhicule sur les piétons sur le pont de Westminster. Le deuxième touriste roumain blessé -son compagnon – est sorti de l’hôpital peu de temps après l’attaque. La femme devient la 5e victime de l’attaque du 22 mars. Le terroriste, né en Grande Bretagne et adepte de l’islamisme radical, a été abattu par les forces de l’ordre près du Parlement britannique. L’attentat a été revendiqué par le groupement Etat islamique.

    Frontières – La police roumaine aux frontières a intensifié à compter d’aujourd’hui les contrôles aux postes de passage de la frontière du pays, puisque toutes les personnes qui traversent la frontières sont vérifiées dans les bases de données nationales et internationales. La mesure intervient alors qu’une modification du Code des frontières de Schengen est entrée en vigueur à partir de ce 7 avril. Adoptée par le Parlement européen et par le Conseil de l’Europe, elle est censée améliorer la sécurité de l’UE et de ses citoyens. La police roumaine aux frontières affirme avoir pris toutes les mesures pour réduire les temps d’attente et l’assurance d’un contrôle opérationnel et qu’elle a consenti tous les efforts pour assurer un équilibre entre la sécurité de ses ressortissants et la fluidité du trafic de voyageurs.

    Conférence – Des spécialistes en droit de Roumanie, France, Hongrie, Géorgie, Pologne et Turquie débattent aujourd’hui, à Bucarest, en cette deuxième et dernière journée, des thèmes concernant la relation entre la majorité politique et l’opposition, dans une conférence internationale ciblée sur la démocratie. Elle réunit une centaine de participants, qui débattront des aspects les plus difficiles de cette interaction. L’événement se propose également d’identifier les modalités permettant de rendre plus efficace cette interaction, au bénéfice des démocraties européennes et de leurs citoyens. Un rapport sera dressé par la Commission de Venise, à la fin de cette conférence. L’événement est organisé par l’Administration présidentielle et la Commission de Venise, avec l’appui de l’Assemblée parlementaire du Conseil de l’Europe.

    Tennis – La joueuse roumaine de tennis Irina Begu (33e WTA) s’est qualifiée dans les quarts de finale du tournoi de Charleston, aux Etats-Unis. Dans les huitièmes, elle a gagné devant l’Australienne Samantha Stosur, 17e’ mondiale. Irina Begu jouera pour une place dans les demi-finales contre Daria Kasatkina, de Russie, 42e WTA.

    Météo – Temps instable et températures assez basses pour cette période de l’année. Le ciel est couvert et des pluies à verse sont signalées sur la plupart des régions. Sur le relief et notamment à plus de 1500 m d’altitude, des chutes de neige consistantes sont signalées et la vitesse du vent dépasse les 70 km à l’heure. Des précipitations mixtes sont également rapportées sur le nord et le centre. Les maxima de la journée vont de 6 à 15 degrés. 10 degrés seulement en ce moment à Bucarest.

  • April 8, 2016

    April 8, 2016

    In 2015 Romania’s GDP registered a real 3.8% growth as compared to the previous year, shows a report published by the National Institute for Statistics (INS) on Friday. The National Forecast Committee has revised up its forecasts on Romania’s economic growth in 2015 to 3.7% and to 4.2% for this year. In turn, the European Commission has improved its estimates on Romania’s economic growth for 2015, 2016 and 2017. According to the new data released in February, the EU executive estimates that Romania’s GDP growth in 2015 was 3.6%, the highest after 2008. In 2016, the GDP is believed to reach a peak of 4.2%, while in 2017 it would go down to 3.7%.

    The High Court of Cassation and Justice in Bucharest is today ruling on the last court appearance in the ‘Referendum’ file, in which Social-Democrat leader Liviu Dragnea got a previous suspended prison sentence of one year. Dragnea has been accused by DNA prosecutors of having coordinated a complex mechanism aimed at rigging turnout figures during the referendum on president Traian Basescu’s resignation. 74 other people, presidents and members of polling stations in 4 counties have been either acquitted or got suspended prison sentences in the same file. We recall that 87% of the voters voted for the president to step down, but the referendum didn’t get validation due to the lack of quorum.

    WTA 34-th ranked tennis player Irina Begu of Romania on Thursday qualified for the quarterfinals of the WTA tournament in Charleston, South Carolina, with more than 687 thousand dollars in prize money, after defeating Monica Puig of Puerto Rico in three sets, 1-6, 6-2, 7-6. Begu will be up against the world’s second best player Angelique Kerber of Germany in the quarters. Head-to-heads revealed that Begu and Kerber are equal in terms of wins, two-all, but Kerber outperformed Irina in Charleston’s quarters last year.

    Doctors in Romania are threatening with a warning strike unless their claims are met, mainly those related to work conditions and payment. The medical personnel is disgruntled with the law on unitary payment in the healthcare system, based on the minimum wage of 280 euros. The medical personnel has also claimed all the bonuses that have been cut and also the time of rest and relaxation. They have also asked for free medical services to all those working in the system. Hundreds of doctors took to the streets on the World Health Day on Thursday, while their representatives were attending talks with institution officials. The protest timetable announced last month include an all-out strike on April 18th leaving only one third of the activities managed by the personnel as well as emergency cases.

    A Canadian frigate part of NATO’s Standing Naval Force Mediterranean is as of today making a three-day stop in the Romanian Black Sea port of Constanta. During the visit, the commander of the Canadian fleet in the Atlantic, comodore Craig Baines will be participating in meetings with Romanian navy officials. The Romanian and Canadian sailors will be training together in joint anti-submarine exercises and surveilance operations. The mission is part of the collective defence measures.

    Romania’s communication and transport infrastructure must be modernized and the people’s IT skills must be strengthened, the European Commissioner for Internal market and industry Elzbieta Bienkowska told a news conference in Bucharest on Friday. She encouraged the Romanian government to increase investment opportunities and EU fund absorption. The European official held talks with Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos who briefed her on the government’s main objectives, one of them being the improvement of Romania’s investment climate.

  • 10.04.2015 (mise à jour)

    10.04.2015 (mise à jour)

    Loi — Le président de la Roumanie Klaus Iohannis a renvoyé au Parlement la nouvelle loi du financement des partis politiques et des campagnes électorales. Le chef de l’Etat rejette, entre autres, la possibilité, acceptée par l’acte normatif, que les partis politiques puissent emprunter, y compris de l’argent liquide, auprès de particuliers mais aussi de personnes morales autres que des institutions de crédits soumises à une surveillance prudentielle et à des exigences minimales de gestion des risques d’absence de remboursement. De l’avis du président Iohannis, cette disposition est de nature à maintenir la dépendance du milieu politique de celui des affaires, pouvant aider à contourner les montants maximums définis pour les crédits et pour les dons masqués, dont le remboursement ne serait jamais sollicité. Le président affirme que la loi pose aussi problèmes du point de vue de l’application de la procédure parlementaire d’adoption des lois et de la transparence parlementaire.

    Tennis — Au tournoi de tennis de Charleston, aux Etats Unis, la joueuse roumaine Irina Begu (numéro 36 mondial) affrontera la tête de série n° 5 du Angelique Kerber (Allemagne), dans les quarts de finale de la compétition. Irina Begu a obtenu cette qualification suite à l’abandon de son adversaire des huitièmes de finale, la Russe Ekaterina Makarova. Egalement dans les huitièmes de finale, une autre Roumaine, Andreea Mitu (numéro 107 mondial), a été éliminée par l’Américaine Madison Keys, tête de série numéro 7.