Tag: Ciprian Porumbescu

  • Ciprian Porumbescu – 170

    Ciprian Porumbescu – 170

    împlinirea a 170 de ani (14 octombrie 1853) de la nașterea marelui muzician
    român, Ciprian Porumbescu aflăm de la unul dintre biografii săi, prof. Ion
    Filipciuc date interesante care pun în lumină viața și opera compozitorului operetei
    Crai Nou, al Rapsodiei Române , al
    Baladei și al celebrului cântec patriotic Pe-al nostru steag e scris

  • July 31, 2023 UPDATE

    July 31, 2023 UPDATE

    Budget. The leaders of the governing coalition in Bucharest have established a series of measures to counter the budget deficit. According to the Social Democratic Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu, they include the elimination of the 200,000 vacancies in the budget sector, the reduction of the number of management positions in the public system and the capping of management allowances in state companies. Moreover, adjusting royalties in keeping with the inflation rate is considered. The Speaker of the Senate, the Liberal Nicolae Ciucă, has stated that that in state-owned companies the number of councilors will be halved, and the administrative boards will have a maximum of seven members. In the future, holiday vouchers will be granted only to employees in the public sector whose monthly gross salaries are lower than 10 thousand lei.

    Medical care. Pregnant women in Romania will no longer have to pay for their tests if they do not have medical insurance or if the laboratories have exhausted their monthly ceiling for free tests. The National Health Insurance House has announced that it has increased funding for preventive medical investigations in these cases. At the first visit, the doctor can register the patient and issue a document certifying the existence of the pregnancy. If the person is uninsured, they can become insured during pregnancy and childbirth by simply submitting the respective certificate to the Health Insurance House in whose records they are, without any other expenses.

    Vehicles. The local segment of the car scrapping program known as “Rablaˮ started on Monday in an effort by the Romanian authorities to get heavily polluting vehicles out of circulation. The owners get some 600 Euro in exchange, without being obliged to buy a new vehicle. Apart from the funds provided by the Environment Ministry, local authorities contribute 20% of the vouchers granted to citizens who de-register cars older than 15 years. The Environment Minsitry has earmarked some 50 million Euro for this program and estimates that around 100,000 polluting cars will be scrapped.

    Training. The training ship Mircea has returned to the military port of Constanţa, after a 28-day training session in the Mediterranean. On board were 64 sophomore students with the “Mircea cel Bătrân” Naval Academy, as well as 10 exchange students from partner academies in Bulgaria, Poland, Turkey, Latvia, Italy and Spain. The training ship had stopovers in the ports of Piraeus in Greece, Taranto in Italy and Izmir in Turkey, and completed an over 2,200 mile journey.

    Concert. On Sunday night, the Bucharest National Opera orchestra performed for the first time at the Musikverein hall in Vienna, which hosts the traditional New Years concert in the Austrian capital city. The concert was a tribute to the Romanian composer Ciprian Porumbescu, as the year 2023 was declared the year of Ciprian Porumbescu, to mark 170 years since the birth and 140 years since the death of the famous composer. The program consisted exclusively of works by Ciprian Porumbescu: “New Moon,” the first Romanian operetta, the “Ballad,” the “Romanian Rhapsody.” The soloists, choir and orchestra of the National Opera House in Bucharest were conducted by Daniel Jinga, with special guests including maestro Gheorghe Zamfir and the soloist Maria Coman.

    Ukraine. Ukraine has confirmed that Saudi Arabia will host a peace summit aimed, according to Kyiv, at restoring peace in line with the “Ukrainian formula,” EFE reports. According to the head of Ukraines presidential office Andriy Yermak, apart from guaranteeing peace for Ukraine, the 10-point formula will create mechanisms to counter future conflicts. For Kyiv, the formula includes the withdrawal of Russian troops from its territory. According to Western diplomats, the choice of Saudi Arabia to host the talks is designed to facilitate the participation of China, which has good relations with Moscow and with Riyadh. (MI)

  • Conţertu românescu la Viena

    Conţertu românescu la Viena

    Eveniment di excepție, duminică seara, tru cunuscuta sală Musikverein ditu Viena – Opera Naţională Bucureşti ţănu un concertu tru premieră, tră tiñia a marilui compozitor și avyiulistu român Ciprian Porumbescu, tru condiţiile tru cari 2023 fu declarat anlu aluştui muzician. S-umplu tru aestu kiro, 170 di ani di la amintari şi 140 di ani di la moartea a compozitorlui. Sala di malămă ditu cari televiziunile ditu tută lumea transmit pi 1 di yinaru Concertul di Anlu Nou ditu capitala ali Austrie arăsună, tora, di armoniile românești. Programlu a spectacolului avu tru aradă tru exclusivitate lucrări simnate di Ciprian Porumbescu, ndziminănda spiritualitatea cu tradiţia şi muzica sacră cu aţea di inspiraţie folclorică: “Crai Nou” – prima operetă românească, “Balada”, “Rapsodia Română” şi “Tatăl Nostru”. Interpretarea fu simnată di soliştii, corlu şi orchestra Operei Naţionale ditu Bucureşti, dirijor Daniel Jinga, iara oaspiţ di tiñie aliştei seară eara maestrul Gheorghe Zamfir şi solista Maria Coman.

    Daniel Jinga “Tră mini, andamasea cu muzica al Ciprian Porumbescu nsimnă ună revelaţie. Aveam, cadealihea, ună păreari contrafaptă ti atea ţi nsimneadză marşurile ditu opereta “Crai Nou”. Era idyealui cu propaganda comunistă. Tru aestă oară s’faţi ună exorcizare di comunism al Ciprian Porumbescu şi minduescu că, di aoa şi nclo, lipseaşti s’himu nădioşi s’aprukemu aestă muzică tru forma a llei pură, tru forma tru cari Ciprian Porumbescu u mindui cu multu kiro ninti ca România s’treacă pritu aestu experimentu totalitar.”

    Marea vreari al Ciprian Porumbescu eara s’adară ună operetă izvurâtă ditu folclor, atea ţi şi aprăftăsi, opereta “Crai Nou” agiungănda un reper ali muzică românească ditu secolu al XIX-lea. Creaţia al Porumbescu reinterpreteadză un mit popular cari spuni că Luna Nauă (Craiul Nou) poati s’aducă haraua ti aţelli ţi s’arisescu. Subiectul fu priloatu ditu mediul a hoarăllei moldovenească, iara acţiunea s’faţi tru 1851, avânda la thimelliu ună veaclle leghendă populară ce ari tru ea ună pirmituseari di ariseari ţi iasi tu videală cu tuti keadiţli di nafoară. Ti aestă operetă să spuni că ndzimineadză buna dispoziţie cu verva poetică şi reveria, tru ună atmosferă autentic românească, tonică, adrată di ună muzică simplă şi caldă. “Akicăsearea a operetăllei “Crai Nou” rezidă tru andamasea anamisa di ţi easti originar şi ţi easti original. Capodopera al Ciprian Porumbescu yilipseaşti ună ligătură vărtoasă tru fondul ancestral a spiritualitatillei româneşti, ama easti şi ună creaţie orighinală, aducânda deadunu veclliulu şi naua exprimare muzicală a timpului a lui”, spune Daniel Jinga. Aţeali 2.000 di locuri ditu sala vieneză fură acăţati di români ditu diaspora, cari bătură pălñili ncicioari reprezentația, cu mări entipusi pi elli ama şi pirifañe.

    Autoru: Corina Cristea

    Armânipsearea: Taşcu Lala

  • Romanian concert in Vienna

    Romanian concert in Vienna

    A special event was hosted on Sunday by the Muskiverein Concert Hall in
    Vienna as the Romanian Opera in Bucharest gave a concert celebrating the great
    composer and violinist Cirpian Porumbescu in a special year devoted to this
    acclaimed musician. 2023 marks 170 years since the birth of Cirprian Porumbescu
    and 140 years since his death. The famous concert hall hosting the traditional
    New Year’s Concert in the Austrian capital thus resounded with the works of the
    Romanian composer. The program included works by Ciprian Porumbescu combining tradition
    with folk-inspired sacred music: New Moon, the first Romanian operetta, The
    Ballad, The Romanian Rhapsody and Our Father. Performing were the
    soloists, choir and orchestra of the National Opera in Bucharest conducted by
    Daniel Jinga. Gheorghe Zamfir and Maria Coman were the evening’s special
    guests. Conductor Daniel Jinga shared his impressions with Radio Romania.

    To me, Ciprian Porumbescu’s music was a revelation. I had, of course, an
    distorted image of the ‘New Moon operetta, which seemed to echo communist
    propaganda. Right now communism is exorcized from Ciprian Porumbescu’s works,
    so to speak, and we should preserve this music in its purest form, which the
    composer designed long before Romania experienced totalitarianism.

    Ciprian Porumbescu’s greatest wish was to create folk-inspired music, which
    he succeeded. New Moon is a landmark of Romanian 19th-century
    music, a reinterpretation of a popular myth according to which the New Moon
    (known in Romanian as ‘Crai Nou’) brings happiness to lovers. The legend was
    picked up and carried over in Moldovan traditional villages, and the plot of
    the operetta is set in 1851, based on an old local legend centered on a love
    story that overcomes all adversity. The operetta is said to combine good mood
    with poetic nostalgia and reverie into a genuinely Romanian, refreshing
    disposition, carried forth by a simple yet warm music. Understanding
    Porumbescu’s ‘New Moon’ consists in putting together origin and composition.
    Ciprian Porumbescu’s masterpiece is firmly anchored in the ancestral reservoir
    of Romanian spirituality, but at the same time it is a very novel work, a mix
    of old music and the novel expression of contemporary music, conductor Daniel
    Jinga further added. The Muskiverein Concert Hall in Vienna was fully booked by
    Romanians in the Diaspora, who rewarded this emotion-evoking performance with a
    standing ovation. (VP)

  • Concert roumain à Vienne

    Concert roumain à Vienne

    Evénement exceptionnel
    dimanche soir, dans la célèbre salle Musikverein de Vienne – l’Opéra National de
    Bucarest a donné un concert en première pour rendre hommage au grand
    compositeur et violoniste roumain Ciprian Porumbescu, car l’année 2023 lui est
    dédiée. En effet en cette fin juillet-début août la Roumanie marque les 170 ans
    depuis la naissance et les 140 ans depuis la mort du compositeur. A Vienne, la
    salle dorée d’où les télévisions du monde entier transmettent d’habitude le
    concert du nouvel an le 1er janvier a accueilli des harmonies de
    musique roumaine. Le programme du spectacle a compris presqu’entièrement des
    œuvres signées par Ciprian Porumbescu qui mélangent la spiritualité avec la tradition
    et la musique sacrée avec celle d’inspiration folklorique. Il s’agit des titres
    « Crai nou » (Le nouveau prince) – le premier spectacle roumain d’opérette,
    « Balada » (La Balade), « Rapsodia Română » (La rapsodie roumaine) et « Tatăl
    Nostru » (Notre Père). L’interprétation a
    eu la signature des solistes, du chœur et de l’orchestre de l’Opéra National de
    Bucarest, sous la baguette de Daniel Jinga. Le musicien et compositeur roumain Gheorghe
    Zamfir, virtuose de la flûte de Pan et la soliste Maria Coman ont été les
    invités spéciaux de ce concert.

    Le chef d’orchestre Daniel
    Jinga a déclaré : « La
    rencontre avec la musique de Ciprian Porumbescu a été pour mois une véritable
    révélation. J’avais sans nul doute une opinion erronée sur les marches de
    l’opérette « Crai nou » (Le nouveau prince). Ils étaient similaires à
    la propagande communiste. On fait actuellement un véritable exorcisme du
    communisme dans l’œuvre de Ciprian Porumbescu et je pense qu’à partir de
    maintenant, il faut recevoir cette musique dans sa forme pure, dans la forme
    que Ciprian Porumbescu l’avait conçue avant que la Roumanie soit passée par cette
    expérimentation totalitaire. »
    a déclaré Daniel Jinga.

    Le grand désir de Ciprian
    Porumbescu était de créer une opérette inspirée par le folklore, ce qu’il a
    réussi à faire. L’œuvre « Crai nou » (Le nouveau prince) est devenu
    un repère de la musique roumaine du 19e siècle. La création de
    Ciprian Porumbescu donne une interprétation nouvelle à un mythe populaire selon
    lequel la Nouvelle Lune connue aussi
    comme « Le nouveau prince » pourrait apporter le bonheur aux

    Le sujet a été inspiré de
    l’environnement du village moldave. L’action se déroule en 1851, et repose sur
    une vieille légende populaire : une histoire d’amour qui triomphe malgré
    tous les obstacles extérieurs. On dit que cette opérette combine la bonne
    humeur, la verve poétique et la rêverie, dans une atmosphère roumaine, authentique,
    tonique, créée par une musique simple et chaleureuse. « La compréhension
    de l’opérette « Crai Nou » réside dans la rencontre entre l’originaire
    et l’original. Le chef-d’œuvre de Ciprian Porumbescu est solidement encré dans
    le fond ancestral de la spiritualité roumaine, mais c’est aussi une création
    originale, réunissant l’ancienne et la nouvelle expression musicale de son époque »,
    déclare Daniel Jinga. Les 2,000 places de la salle viennoise ont été occupées surtout
    par des Roumains de la diaspora, qui ont longuement applaudi le spectacle
    debout, pleins d’émotion et de fierté.

  • Concert românesc la Viena

    Concert românesc la Viena

    Eveniment de excepție, duminică seara, în celebra
    sală Musikverein din Viena – Opera Naţională Bucureşti a susţinut un concert în
    premieră, pentru a-l omagia pe marele compozitor și violonist român Ciprian
    Porumbescu, în condiţiile în care 2023 a fost declarat anul acestui muzician.
    Se împlinesc, în această perioadă, 170 de ani de la naştere şi 140 de ani de la
    moartea compozitorului. Sala de aur din care televiziunile din întreaga lume
    transmit pe 1 ianuarie Concertul de Anul Nou din capitala Austriei a răsunat,
    acum, de armoniile românești. Programul spectacolului a cuprins în
    exclusivitate lucrări semnate de Ciprian Porumbescu, îmbinând spiritualitatea
    cu tradiţia şi muzica sacră cu cea de inspiraţie folclorică: Crai
    Nou – prima operetă românească, Balada, Rapsodia
    Română şi Tatăl Nostru. Interpretarea a fost semnată de
    soliştii, corul şi orchestra Operei Naţionale din Bucureşti, dirijor Daniel
    Jinga, iar invitați speciali ai serii au fost maestrul Gheorghe Zamfir şi
    solista Maria Coman.

    Daniel Jinga Pentru mine, întâlnirea cu muzica lui Ciprian Porumbescu a
    însemnat o revelaţie. Aveam, cu siguranţă, o părere contrafăcută despre ceea ce
    înseamnă marşurile din opereta Crai Nou. Erau similare cu
    propaganda comunistă. În acest moment se produce o exorcizare de comunism a lui
    Ciprian Porumbescu şi cred că, de acum, trebuie să sperăm să primim această
    muzică în forma ei pură, în forma în care Ciprian Porumbescu a gândit-o cu
    mult înainte ca România să treacă prin acest experiment totalitar.

    dorinţă a lui Ciprian Porumbescu era să creeze o operetă izvorâtă din folclor,
    ceea ce a şi reuşit, opereta Crai Nou devenind un reper al muzicii
    româneşti din secolul al XIX-lea. Creaţia lui Porumbescu reinterpretează un mit
    popular care spune că Luna Nouă (Craiul Nou) poate aduce fericirea celor
    îndrăgostiţi. Subiectul a fost preluat din mediul satului moldovenesc, iar
    acţiunea se petrece în 1851, având la bază o veche legendă populară ce are în
    mijlocul său o poveste de dragoste ce triumfă în ciuda tuturor piedicilor
    exterioare. Despre această operetă se spune că îmbină buna dispoziţie cu verva
    poetică şi reveria, într-o atmosferă autentic românească, tonică, creată de o
    muzică simplă şi caldă. Înţelegerea
    operetei Crai Nou rezidă în întâlnirea dintre ce este originar şi
    ce este original. Capodopera lui Ciprian Porumbescu exprimă o ancorare solidă
    în fondul ancestral al spiritualităţii româneşti, dar este şi o creaţie
    originală, aducând împreună vechiul şi noua exprimare muzicală a timpului său,
    spune Daniel Jinga. Cele 2.000 de locuri ale sălii vieneze au fost ocupate de
    români din diaspora, care au aplaudat în picioare reprezentația, încărcați de
    emoție și mândrie.

  • July 30, 2023

    July 30, 2023

    GOVERNMENT The government
    prepares to pass a set of fiscal measures in the coming days, designed to bring
    more money into the state budget and to keep the deficit close to this year’s
    target of 4.4% of GDP. As of this autumn, employees in agriculture,
    constructions and IT may have to contribute 10% of their incomes to the public
    healthcare fund. The government also intends to keep only 2 VAT rates, 9% for
    foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals and hospitality services, and 19% for all other
    sectors. Governmental sources say the ruling coalition are also discussing a
    reorganization of the public sector, by scrapping 200,000 posts which are
    currently vacant. At the same time, the Cabinet is working on measures to support
    citizens cope with the rising inflation. The government is considering an
    increase in minimum wages in 2 stages: to roughly 670 euro in September and to
    750 euro as of January next year. But the plan is opposed by private
    entrepreneurs, who say they cannot afford to raise minimum wages for employees.
    According to a recent poll, should this measure be introduced, more than half
    of the private entrepreneurs in the country said they would raise prices for
    their products and services or downsize their staff.

    FIRE A Romanian fire fighter unit specialising in
    wildfires is leaving for France today, as part of a redeployment programme
    organised by the Directorate General for European Civil Protection and
    Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO). As many as 40 Romanian fire fighters
    with fire engines, water tanks and other equipment will be stationed in
    Marseilles, on the Mediterranean Coast.

    TRIBUTE The Bucharest National
    Opera orchestra performs tonight for the first time at the Musikverein hall in
    Vienna, in a tribute concert to the Romanian composer Ciprian Porumbescu. The
    year 2023 was declared the year of Ciprian Porumbescu, to mark 170 years since
    the birth and 140 years since the death of the famous composer. The concert
    will consist exclusively of works by Ciprian Porumbescu: New Moon, the first
    Romanian operetta, the Ballad, the Romanian Rhapsody. The soloists, choir
    and orchestra of the National Opera House in Bucharest are conducted by Daniel
    Jinga, with special guests including maestro Gheorghe Zamfir and the soloist
    Maria Coman.

    UKRAINE A Ukrainian drone
    attack on Moscow hit 2 office buildings last night, the mayor of Russia’s
    capital city Sergei Sobyanin said, according to France Presse. According to the
    Russian defence ministry, a drone was shot down and 2 others were neutralized but
    crashed into a building compound. This was the latest in a string of attacks
    that Moscow blames on Kyiv, while also claiming the US and their NATO allies
    have provided assistance to Ukraine. Meanwhile, the Ukrainian authorities say
    at least 2 were killed and 1 wounded in a Russian missile attack on the city of

    SPORTS Romania finished 4th
    at the European Youth Summer Olympic Festival in Maribor (Slovenia), with 9
    gold, 6 silver and 5 bronze medals. This is the best performance for Romania in
    this competition, after the ones in 1995 (Bath) and 2003 (Paris), when it came
    out 3rd. On Saturday, the last day of the event, Romania won 2 gold medals,
    thanks to Alin Şavlovschi, in the men’s 2,000 m hurdles race and Bianca Maria
    Tiţa, Ştefania Balint, Maria Denisa Capotă and Alexandra Ştefania Uţă, who won
    the women’s relay race with a new competition record (2’06”13). Romania’s
    women’s handball team won the silver after losing the final to France, 32-27. Three other
    medals were won in the tennis competition, by Giulia Safina Popa in the women’s
    singles, Giulia Popa and Alexia Tatu in women’s doubles and Yannick Theodor
    Nicolas Alexandrescou/Alejandro Mateo Berge Vega Nourescu in the men’s doubles.
    In the gymnastics competition, Alexia Gabriela Vânoagă won the silver in the
    beam final. Romania participated in the Festival with a team of 92 athletes. (AMP)