Tag: CoD

  • Comisia Europeană a adoptat propunerea privind cotele de pescuit pentru 2023 pentru Marea Baltică

    Comisia Europeană a adoptat propunerea privind cotele de pescuit pentru 2023 pentru Marea Baltică

    Comisia Europeană propune creşterea posibilităţilor de pescuit pentru hering şi cambulă, dar menţine nivelurile actuale pentru somon şi pentru capturile întâmplătoare de cod şi de hering. În ultimul deceniu, pescarii din Uniunea Europeană, cei din industria piscicolă şi autorităţile publice au depus eforturi majore pentru a reconstrui stocurile de peşte din Marea Baltică. Cu toate acestea, populaţia de cod şi hering precum şi numeroasele stocuri de somon din sudul Mării Baltice sunt supuse unei presiuni severe din cauza pierderii habitatului, generată de degradarea mediului înconjurător. Potrivit executivului comunitar, capturile totale admisibile propuse recent se bazează pe cele mai serioase evaluări ale Consiliul Internaţional pentru Explorarea Mărilor. Astfel, pentru codul din estul şi vestul Mării Baltice, Comisia propune menţinerea limitării la capturile accidentale inevitabile, întrucât starea stocului este foarte proastă.

    În ceea ce priveşte heringul din vestul Balticei, oamenii de ştiinţă recomandă, pentru al cincilea an consecutiv, oprirea pescuitului, singura cotă care creşte cu 14 la sută fiind la heringul din partea centrală a Mării Baltice. Comisia Europeană rămâne precaută şi în ceea ce priveşte cambula, întrucât, odată cu pescuirea acesteia, este inevitabilă captura accidentală de cod, care trebuie protejat. Noi norme care ar trebui să intre în vigoare în curând vor face obligatorie utilizarea noilor unelte de pescuit, care ar trebui să reducă substanţial capturile accidentale de cod. Pentru şprot, se recomandă o scădere, întrucât acesta constituie hrană pentru cod, care are nevoie de o revigorare a stocurilor.

    În cazul somonului, Comisia Europeană propune menţinerea cotelor de pescuit din 2022. Consiliul Uniunii Europene va examina, în vederea adoptării, propunerea executivului comunitar în ceea ce privește cotele de pescuit din Marea Baltică în cadrul reuniunii ministeriale din 17-18 octombrie.

  • November 23, 2020 UPDATE

    November 23, 2020 UPDATE

    COVID-19 President Klaus Iohannis announced Monday that the anti-COVID-19 vaccination campaign will be endorsed by the Supreme Defence Council in the forthcoming period. On Monday Iohannis had talks with ministers of Defence, Healthcare and Interior Affairs to discuss the campaign. Under the strategy, priority groups will include healthcare staff, vulnerable people, and personnel in key sectors. Klaus Iohannis emphasised that once approved by relevant international bodies, the vaccines will be safe, efficient and are the only viable solution to end the pandemic. Romania will receive 10.7 million anti-COVID-19 shots from the European Commission in several batches. On Monday another 4,207 new infections with SARS-CoV-2 and 130 related deaths were reported in Romania. The national death toll has reached 10,177. Since the beginning of the outbreak, 422,825 people got infected with coronavirus, over two thirds of whom have recovered.

    ELECTION Citizens living in quarantined areas will be able to vote in the December 6 legislative election. On Monday Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said there will be no restrictions in this respect, adding that citizens infected with COVID-19 and those in quarantine or home isolation will be able to vote with the help of mobile ballot boxes. More and more towns and villages across Romania are going into lockdown as the infection rate continues to grow.

    CoD Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu Monday opened the 32nd meeting of the Council of Democracies (CoD), held online this year. Aurescu reiterated Bucharests firm commitment to promoting the principles of the Warsaw Declaration, and its support for countries undergoing democratic transition processes. Romania is holding the Council presidency until September 2021. Founded in 2000 and totaling 106 member states, the Council of Democracies is the widest platform for exchanging views and know-how in the field of global democracy.

    AID The European Commission approved a nearly 4.4 million EUR aid scheme for Romanian regional airports, to cover net losses incurred because of the pandemic between March and June this year. The scheme is open to Romanian airports with 200,000 to 3 million passengers per year.

    TELEWORK Almost half (48%) of the Romanians currently working from home say they appreciate no longer wasting time in traffic, but over 26% say their emotional state is worse, according to a survey made public by Reveal Marketing Research on Monday. Among the advantages of teleworking, 45% of the interviewees list the flexible working hours and 42% the time spent with their families. Also, although 79% of Romanians believe they are as efficient or even more efficient than they were at the office, 44% say they are now working more. The survey was conducted this October, and included 600 people from big cities who are working fully or partly from home.

    POLLUTION In Europe, better air quality led to a drop in the number of premature deaths between 2009 and 2018, but Europeans are still affected by air pollution, reads a European Commission report released on Monday. Six EU Member States (Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Italy, Poland and Romania) exceeded the ceiling for fine particulate matter in 2018. According to the report, there remains a gap between EU’s legal air quality limits and WHO guidelines, an issue that the European Commission seeks to address with a revision of the EU standards under the Zero Pollution Action Plan. (translated by: A.M. Popescu)

  • September 26, 2019

    September 26, 2019

    TALKS The President of Romania Klaus Iohannis had a short meeting in New York on Wednesday with his Moldovan counterpart Igor Dodon, on the sidelines of the 74th session of the UN General Assembly. President Klaus Iohannis emphasised during the talks that in Romanias view, the Republic of Moldovas European accession efforts, firmly supported by Bucharest, are the only way to ensure the prosperity of the Moldovan citizens. In turn, Igor Dodon emphasised that he supports the strategic partnership between Romania and Moldova, and added that Moldovas European accession remains a priority. The Romanian President also had a meeting with the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky. The latter thanked Romania for supporting his countrys European and Euro-Atlantic aspirations and the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Ukrainian state. Volodymyr Zelensky and Klaus Iohannis also discussed cooperation opportunities in the economic and energy fields, as well as bilateral business relations.

    CoD Romania is taking over the 2-year presidency of the Governing Council of the Community of Democracies, the Foreign Ministry announced. On this occasion, Foreign Minister Ramona Mănescu is taking part in New York today in an extraordinary meeting of this body. The Community of Democracies is a global inter-governmental structure aimed at promoting sustainable development, universal access to justice and efficient, responsible and inclusive institutions at all levels. Romania is one of the 106 UN member states that have signed the Warsaw Declaration, on whose principles the Community of Democracies has been founded.

    HEARING The candidacy of the Romanian Social Democrat Rovana Plumb for the post of European Commissioner for Transport was rejected on Thursday by the European Parliaments judicial committee, political sources in Brussels announced. Only 6 MEPs voted in her favour, 15 voted against and 2 abstained from voting. Without the approval of the judicial committee, the hearing in the Transport Committee cannot be held. The European Parliaments judicial committee had invited Rovana Plumb and Lazslo Trocsanyi, the European Commissioner nominated by Hungary, to a special hearing. Plumb was asked to clarify controversial aspects in her declaration of assets, related to a loan taken out in order to fund an election campaign.

    AMBASSADOR Lawyer Adrian Zuckermans nomination as US ambassador to Romania has been approved by the Foreign Relations Committee in the US Senate. According to the White House, Zuckerman immigrated to the US from Romania at the age of 10, and is fluent in Romanian. He was admitted to the New York Bar in 1984, and was a partner in an international law firm. He was previously an arbitrator for the Real Estate Board of New York. He received his undergraduate degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and his law degree from New York Law School.

    UNEMPLOYMENT In Romania, the unemployment rate dropped to 3.8% in the second quarter of the year, with the highest rate (15%) reported among youth 15 to 24 years of age, the National Statistics Institute reports. The data also indicates that unemployed men outnumber the women, and that unemployment is higher in rural communities. During the same period, the employment rate in the 15-66 age bracket was slightly over 66%, up since the previous quarter. Moreover, the employment rate for citizens aged between 20 and 64 was 71.6%, higher than the 70% national target set in the Europa 2020 Strategy. Romanias active population was 9.1 million people, of whom 8.8 million were employed in the second quarter of this year.

    HANDBALL Romanias womens handball team Wednesday night defeated Ukraine, at home, 27-24, in the first match in Group 7 of the 2020 European Championships qualifiers. On Sunday the Romanians will play against Faroe Islands away from home. Group 7 also includes Poland, and the 2 top-ranking teams will qualify in the final tournament. Romanias national team came in 4th in the previous European Championships, losing the bronze medal to the Netherlands. Meanwhile, Romanias champions Dinamo Bucharest won 35-28 against Danish vice-champions GOG Gudme, in Group D of the Champions League. Romania tops the group ranking, having outplayed the Swedish team IFK Kristianstad in Bucharest and drawn against the Swiss side Kadetten Schaffhausen, away from home. Dinamo will play next against Cehovskye Medvedy on October 12, in Russia.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • Ungaria – cod portocaliu de ploi abundente

    Ministerul Afacerilor Externe informează cetăţenii care se deplasează pe teritoriul Ungariei asupra faptului că Institutul Naţional de Meteorologie din Ungaria a emis, la data de 30 iulie 2014, o atenționare de cod portocaliu de ploi abundente, însoţite pe alocuri de grindină şi intensificări ale vântului (60-80km/h) pentru partea de sud-vest a Ungariei şi cod galben pentru zonele situate în centrul şi nordul Ungariei. Potrivit previziunilor, aceste fenomene se vor extinde în data de 31 iulie 2014 pe întreg teritoriul Ungariei, cu precădere în zona sudică şi centrală (cod portocaliu).Pentru restul teritoriului a fost emis cod galben.

    Ministerul Afacerilor Externe recomandă cetăţenilor români să manifeste prudenţă şi să consulte site-urile de specialitate, înainte de se deplasa pe teritoriul acestei ţări.