Tag: Colectiv

  • Brandkatastrophe im Bukarester Klub: Rumänien steht unter Schock

    Brandkatastrophe im Bukarester Klub: Rumänien steht unter Schock

    Rumänien ist im Schockzustand nach der Tragödie von Freitagnacht in Rockklub Colectiv, in Bukarest. Hunderte Jugendliche die an einem Konzert der Gruppe Goodbye to Gravity teilgenommen haben, sind Opfer eines Brandes geworden. Die Ursache waren Feuerwerke, die in der Show zu Einsatz gekommen sind. Jegliche Worte sind überflüssig, haben sich viele gestern gesagt und haben am Sonntag an einem Schweigemarsch teilgenommen. Ca 12.000 Menschen haben auf diese Weise der bis dahin 30 Toten und den zahlreichen Verletzten, viele davon schwer, gedacht. Der Aufruf zum Marsch ging über Facebook. Die ersten, ca. 1.000 Menschen, hatten sich auf dem symbolträchtigen Universitätsplatz in Bukarest versammelt, ihnen schlossen sich auf dem Weg zum Ort des tragischen Geschehens immer mehr an. Menschen aller Altersgruppen gingen schweigsam Schulter an Schulter. Es war vieldeutiger als Worte es hätten ausdrücken können. Eine Teilnehmerin erklärte:

    Es stimmt, dieses schlimme Ereignis hat alle beeindruckt. Das kann keiner kommentieren, oder besser gesagt ich kann es nicht. Ich komme gerade von der Kapelle, wo ein Bekannter hinterlegt wurde. Ich kann nichts mehr sagen. Es ist schockierend.“

    Eine andere sagte uns:

    Ich hätte auch dort sein können, jeder von uns hätte dort sein können. Ich hoffe die Behörden werden alles sorgfältig untersuchen und nichts verheimlichen. Die Schuldigen müssen dafür zahlen.“

    An der Stelle der Tragödie, nun ein riesiger Ort des Gedächtnisses, in einem Meer von Kerzen und Blumen, waren an die 2.000 Menschen. Der Opfer gedachten dort auch Landespräsident Klaus Iohannis, die Thronfolgerin des Rumänischen Köngishauses, Margareta, die Botschafter der Vereinigten Staaten und Frankreichs, Hans Klemm und François Saint-Paul, zahlreiche rumänische Kulturschaffende. Zum Gedenken der Toten sind auch in anderen rumänischen Ortschaften Blumen hinterlegt und Kerzen angezündet worden.

    Die Solidarität mit den Opfern ging aber noch viel weiter. Das medizinische Personal hat sich auf exemplarische Weise mobilisiert, freiwillig boten Medizinstudenten ihre Hilfe an. Die Zahl der Blutspender ist um das 3-fache gestiegen. Medizinische Hilfe kam auch aus dem Ausland: aus Frankreich und Israel. Unter anderen hat auch die Botschafterin Israels, Tamar Samash, Blut gespendet. Freiwillige verteilen Essenspakete und Getränke an Spender und Mediziner. Mehrere Nahrungsmittelketten haben verschiedene Produkte gespendet. Andere Gesellschaften übernahmen die Reisekosten für Angehörige oder Blutspender. Der Berufsverband der Psychologen bietet kostenlose Unterstützung für die Familien der Opfer und eine Anwaltskanzlei will die Angehörigen kostenlos vor Gericht vertreten.

  • A national tragedy

    A national tragedy

    Romania is in shock after Friday’s tragedy, when hundreds of young people, who had come to see a show by the band ‘Goodbye to Gravity’ at the ‘Colectiv’ Club in Bucharest, were the victims of a fire started by fireworks. To most of us, words are useless. That is why, on Sunday, over ten thousand people participated in a silent march, in memory of the dozens of young people killed and in solidarity with the hundreds that are still in hospital, many of them in critical condition.

    At first, following a call posted on Facebook, some one thousand people gathered in the emblematic University Square, in downtown Bucharest, but their number grew significantly until they reached the place of the terrible tragedy. Romanians of all ages, most of them dressed in black, marched in a silence that was more shaking than any cry of pain or revolt. Those heading the parade were holding a huge flag, with the mourning sign on it, and reading ‘Heroes will never die’.

    “It’s true that the tragic event impressed everybody. This is not something that one can comment on, at least I cannot. I’ve just seen somebody at the chapel, somebody I knew. May God have mercy on their souls! What can I say, it’s truly shocking!”

    “It could’ve been me, It could’ve been anybody. I hope everything will be done as it should and they will not try to sweep it under the rug. The people responsible must pay for what happened.”

    At the place of the tragedy, which had turned into an open-air shrine, another two thousand people had already gathered, bringing flowers and lit candles. Romania’s president Klaus Iohannis, Princess Margareta of Romania, the US and French Ambassadors to Bucharest, Hans Klemm and Francois Saint-Paul respectively, as well as public figures, went to the place and took a moment of silence. Lit candles and flowers have been laid in other towns and cities across Romania.

    In Bucharest, people’s spontaneous solidarity, right after the inferno at the club, has been impressive. The entire medical staff has been exemplary. They have been helped by medical students and also by specialists coming from Israel and France. The number of blood donors has tripled, one of them being the Israeli ambassador to Bucharest, Mrs. Tamar Samash. Volunteer teams have been busy bringing food and water to both the victims and the medical staff. Several store chains have provided various products, and travel companies have offered free plane or bus tickets for the victims’ relatives. The Psychologists’ Association has provided free counseling for families, and a lawyers’ association has announced its availability to help, free of charge, any legal action that the relatives may want to start.

    Many foreign officials and heads of diplomatic missions accredited to Bucharest have conveyed messages of condolences to the grieving families and to the Romanian people.

  • Measures in the aftermath of the Bucharest nightclub fire

    Measures in the aftermath of the Bucharest nightclub fire

    Romania’s President Klaus Iohannis has called on the responsible authorities to conduct a serious and effective investigation into the tragedy at the ‘Colectiv’ club in Bucharest, which ended in a staggering number of casualties. The head of state has also called on authorities to take the necessary measures and make sure that such tragic events will never happen again. President Klaus Iohannis:

    “We are no longer allowed to tolerate the incompetence of some authorities, the inefficiency of some institutions, and we can no longer allow corruption to spread and kill. Each and every one of us must act responsibly, like active and accountable citizens, who know when and how to take action, together, because they care about the country and society they live in.”

    Prime Minister Victor Ponta has called for an urgent control plan targeting all the clubs, restaurants and other entertainment facilities in the country, to prevent such events from occurring again. Inspectors have already started to conduct large-scale control operations in restaurants, clubs, cinema halls and malls, which usually host events, to see whether they observe the legal functioning conditions. These control measures are precautionary, and documents are verified to see if the owners have got the necessary licenses authorizing them to host shows that involve the use of pyrotechnical and flammable substances.

    The measures have been taken as the tragedy at the ‘Colectiv’ club has raised many questions as to the way in which authorities allow such facilities to function. Witnesses to the disaster have said that the materials used to ensure the sound insulation at the club were not fireproof, and there was nobody there to organize the evacuation, as the law dictates. Cristian Soricut, a specialist in the field, has told Radio Romania:

    “The first measures concern the building as such. It must be done with fireproof materials, the facility must have proper access ways, and the building or modernization license actually must be issued on the basis of these requirements. Secondly, it’s a matter of organization. Also, security in case of fire is a major thing. Here we can talk about fume exhaust systems, alarm system, fire extinguishers.”

    Fire prevention legislation will become harsher. The State Secretary with the Interior Ministry, Raed Arafat, has said that people in charge were working on changing the legislation when the tragedy occurred, and that just a few papers are yet to be issued for the law to be enforced. He has explained that fees are not enough to make club owners take all the necessary measures and, in the future, those who will not have the necessary documentation might face criminal charges and their facilities will be closed down.

  • O tragedie naţională

    O tragedie naţională

    România este în stare de şoc după tragedia de vineri seara, din clubul de rock Colectiv, din centrul Bucureştiului. Sute de tineri care aleseseră să participe la un concert al trupei ‚Goodbye to Gravity’ au fost victimele unui incendiu declanşat de artificii. Pentru mulţi români, cuvintele sunt de prisos! De aceea, peste 10 mii au participat, duminică, la un marş al tăcerii în memoria zecilor de morţi şi în semn de solidaritate cu supravieţuitorii, mulţi încă în stare gravă sau critică în spitale. Cei peste 10 mii au dat curs unui apel lansat cu numai o zi înainte pe Facebook.

    Iniţial, în Piaţa Universităţii — loc emblematic al capitalei — s-au strâns aproximativ o mie de persoane, însă numărul lor a crescut exponenţial pe traseul până la ‚clubul groazei’. Români de toate vârstele, mulţi îmbrăcaţi în negru, au mărşăluit într-o linişte mai zguduitoare decât un urlet de durere şi de revoltă, primii din coloană purtând un drapel de mari dimensiuni de care era prinsă o panglică de doliu. Pe tricolor era scris “Eroii nu vor pieri”.

    E adevărat că evenimentul neplăcut a impresionat pe toată lumea. Nu sunt lucruri pe care le poţi comenta sau, cel puţin, eu nu pot. Tocmai ce am venit de la o cunoştinţă de la capelă. Dumnezeu să-l ierte! Ce să zic, e şocant.”

    Aş fi putut fi şi eu acolo, ar fi putut fi oricine dintre noi. Sper ca totul să fie în regulă şi să nu se muşamalizeze nimic şi cei care sunt vinovaţi să plătească pentru asta.”

    La locul tragediei, transformat într-un imens altar în aer liber, se aflau, deja, alte aproximativ 2 mii de persoane, o mare de flori şi lumânări. S-au recules acolo, printre alţii, preşedintele Klaus Iohannis, moştenitoarea coroanei regale a României, principesa Margareta, ambasadorul SUA, Hans Klemm, cel al Franţei, François Saint-Paul, personalităţi ale vieţii culturale româneşti. Flori şi lumânări au fost depuse, de asemenea, în alte oraşe din România.

    Mai mult, la Bucureşti, solidaritatea spontană a oamenilor, imediat după infernul de la clubul de rock, a fost impresionantă. Mobilizarea cadrelor medicale a fost exemplară. Acestora le-au oferit ajutor studenţi medicinişti, dar şi doctori veniţi special din Israel şi Franţa. Numărul donatorilor de sânge s-a triplat, printre aceştia numărându-se şi ambasadorul Israelului, dna Tamar Samash. Echipe de voluntari împart mâncare şi apă, atât lor, cât şi personalului medical. Mai multe lanţuri de magazine au oferit diverse produse.

    O serie de companii au pus la dispoziţie bilete de avion şi de autocar pentru rudele de gradul unu şi doi ale victimelor sau transport gratuit pentru cei care vor să doneze sânge. Colegiul psihologilor oferă asistenţă gratuită pentru familiile victimelor, iar o asociaţie a avocaţilor şi-a anunţat disponibilitatea de a ajuta gratuit la efectuarea oricărui demers juridic solicitat de rude. Numeroşi demnitari străini şi şefi de misiuni diplomatice acreditaţi la Bucureşti au transmis condoleanţe familiilor îndoliate şi poporului român. Ministerul român de Externe le-a mulţumit!

  • Măsuri în urma incendiului din clubul bucureştean

    Măsuri în urma incendiului din clubul bucureştean

    Preşedintele Klaus Iohannis le-a cerut autorităţilor responsabile ca ancheta în cazul recentei tragedii de la clubul bucureştean, soldate cu un număr impresionant de victime, să se desfăşoare cu maximă eficienţă, fermitate şi celeritate în aplicarea legii. Şeful statului a solicitat, de asemenea, autorităţilor competente măsurile necesare pentru ca astfel de evenimente tragice să nu se mai repete.

    Klaus Iohannis: Nu mai avem voie să tolerăm incompetenţa unor autorităţi, ineficienţa unor instituţii, nu mai putem lăsa corupţia să se întindă până ucide. Trebuie să ne asumăm fiecare, pe deplin, rolul de cetăţeni activi şi implicaţi, care ştiu să acţioneze împreună pentru că le pasă de societatea şi ţara în care trăiesc.”

    Premierul Victor Ponta a solicitat în cel mai scurt timp un plan de controale şi măsuri în toate localurile din ţară, pentru prevenirea unor astfel de situaţii în viitor. Inspectorii au început deja ample controale la restaurante, cluburi, discoteci, cinematografe, baruri sau mall-uri în care se organizează evenimente, pentru a vedea dacă respectă condiţiile legale de funcţionare. Acţiunile de control au un caracter preventiv, sunt verificate documentele de funcţionare şi avizele pentru spectacole cu materiale pirotehnice şi inflamabile.

    Măsurile au fost dispuse în condiţiile în care tragedia fără precedent de la Clubul Colectiv ridică multe semne de întrebare în privinţa modului în care autorităţile permit unor astfel de localuri să funcţioneze. După părerea martorilor la dezastru, antifonarea pereţilor nu s-ar fi făcut cu materiale cu proprietăţi ignifuge şi nu a fost nimeni care să organizeze evacuarea, aşa cum prevede legea.

    Cristian Şoricuţ, specialist avizat în domeniu, a precizat pentru Radio România: Prima măsură se referă la partea constructivă. Trebuie să fie realizată din materiale ignifuge, cu căi de acces, şi pleacă chiar din autorizaţia de construcţie sau de modernizare. Al doilea rând de măsuri se referă, după părerea mea, la cele organizatorice. Şi în al treilea rând este vorba de măsuri pe linie de securitate la incendii. Aici putem discuta de la trape de evacuare a fumului, putem discuta de instalaţii de detecţie şi alarmare, de instalaţii de stingere.”

    Legislaţia privind prevenirea incendiilor va fi înăsprită. Secretarul de stat în Ministerul de Interne, Raed Arafat, a precizat că aceasta era deja în curs de schimbare şi că mai sunt necesare doar câteva acte pentru a putea fi aplicată. El a explicat ca amenzile nu sunt suficiente pentru a-i convinge pe proprietarii de cluburi să ia toate măsurile necesare şi că, în viitor, cei care nu vor fi în regulă vor putea fi chiar acuzaţi de infracţiuni penale, iar localurile închise.

  • November 2, 2015

    November 2, 2015

    This is the third day of national mourning in Romania, commemorating the victims of the fire that occurred Friday night at a club in Bucharest. According to the latest reports 30 people died and 150 were injured. Ninety patients admitted in 12 hospitals in the capital city are in a critical or severe condition and the number of deaths may further increase. Prosecutors and the police have opened an investigation and are hearing the witnesses. The tragedy prompted an impressive mobilisation of the Romanian doctors, helped by fellow physicians from Israel and France, and the number of blood donors has tripled. Many countries have sent their condolences to the victims families.

    The former Romanian minister for regional development and tourism Elena Udrea has been heard today at the National Anti-Corruption Directorate in a corruption investigation involving a 3 million euro loan taken out from the private bank BRD. She is facing charges of accessory to abuse of office. Thirty people are prosecuted in this case for the fraudulent contracting of 17 loans. This is the fourth case against Elena Udrea opened by the anti-corruption prosecutors, after the ones known as Microsoft, Gala Bute and Hidroelectrica, in which the former minister was prosecuted on Friday. A close aide of former president Traian Basescu and very influential during his ten years in office, Udrea is one of the highest-profile Romanian politicians probed into for corruption.

    The number of foreign tourists arriving in Romania grew by nearly 20% in the first 9 months of the year, according to the National Statistics Institute. Arrivals in September 2015 were 18.5% higher than in the same months of the previous year. However, in 2014 for example, the money spent by foreign tourists across Romania, around 1.1 billion euros, accounts for less than the total incomes of Disneyland Paris – 1.3 billion euros, the INS explains. According to the World Tourism Organisation, Romania has a share of 0.3% in world tourism in terms of the number of tourists and 0.4% in terms of revenues from tourism. In other news, as of today Romania is taking part in World Travel Market 2015 (WTM). This is the second-largest travel fair in the world, bringing together over 180 countries and more than 50,000 experts. Romania has a 308 sq.m. stand at this fair.

    The European Union Monday promised to work with the new government in Ankara, after the early legislative elections held Sunday in Turkey. According to the EU, the elections, won by the Justice and Development Party (AKP) have confirmed the Turkish peoples strong commitment to the democratic process. The EU promised to join efforts with the new government to improve its partnership with Turkey and carry on bilateral cooperation, to the benefit of all citizens. PM Ahmet Davutoglu and President Recep Tayyip Erdogans Justice and Development Party won 49.4% of the votes and is to hold 316 of the 550 seats in Parliament. The Republican Peoples Party (CHP) came out second, with 24.5% of the votes, followed by the Nationalist Action Party with around 12%. The pro-Kurdish HDP carried little over 10% of the votes.

    The Liberal-Democrats in the Republic of Moldova are yet to decide whether they will take part in the negotiations with the Democratic Party and the Liberal Party to form a new ruling coalition. Sworn in less than 3 months ago, the Cabinet headed by the Liberal Democratic Party leader Valeriu Streleţ was brought down on Thursday through a no-confidence motion tabled by the Socialists and the pro-Russian Communists, but also backed by the Democrats. On Friday, President Nicolae Timofti appointed the Liberal deputy-PM Gheorghe Brega as interim prime minister. He said the priority for the Republic of Moldova is to form a new pro-European government as soon as possible.

    Some of the victims of the Egypt plane crash have been repatriated to Russia today. The Airbus A 321 operated by the Russian airline Metrojet, with 224 people on board, crashed on Saturday shortly after taking off, in the Sinai region in Egypt. It was carrying Russian tourists who had spent their holidays in the Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh back to Sankt Petersburg. All the passengers and crew died. The investigation, in which Russian experts are also taking part, is difficult, because the remains of the aircraft are scattered on a 20-km area. The two black boxes have been recovered and will be analysed in Moscow. This is the worst crash in the history of Russian aviation. A similar accident took place in 1985, when an Aeroflot plane went down in Uzbekistan, killing 200 people.