Tag: Concordia Chiajna

  • Sports Flash

    Sports Flash

    The Romanian tennis player Gabriela Ruse on Wednesday qualified for the third round of US Open, the year’s last Grand Slam tournament

    The 122nd-seeded Romanian clinched a two set win 6-4, 7-5 in the second round against the 8th-seeded Barbora Krejcikova of the Czech Republic. Coming from qualifiers, Ruse managed to outperform the winner of this year’s edition of the Wimbledon tournament in a match that lasted one hour and 46 minutes. We recall that Krejcikova had won all the head-to-head matches, in 2019 in Bucharest and in 2023 in Abu Dhabi. Ruse, who is at her first participation in the third round of a Grand Slam, is going to meet the WTA 29th Spanish challenger Paula Badosa. Their only H2H game in February 2022 went to Gabriela in three sets, 6-3, 5-7, 6-4.

    Tuesday and Wednesday saw the qualifying games for Romania’s football cup, with Dinamo Bucharest, FC Hermannstadt, Poli Iasi and FC Botosani as favourites.

    Dinamo clinched a 1-0 win against FC Voluntari, Hermannstadt defeated CSM Focşani 3-0. Poli Iaşi outperformed Concordia Chiajna 2-0, while FC Botoşani defeated CSM Alexandria, 1-0. FCU Craiova was knocked out by third-leaguer Unirea Alba Iulia in the penalty shootout and so happened to second-leaguer CSM Slatina, which was eliminated by Agricola Borcea, a group from the third football division.

    Romania will be represented by six athletes at the summer Paralympics, which kicked off in Paris on Wednesday. Alexandru Bologa and Daniel Vargoczki will compete in the judo contest for the blind. Eduard Novak and Theodor Matican will compete in the cycling contests, while Camelia Ciripan and Bobi Simion will be playing table tennis.


  • Football Flash

    Football Flash

    Juventus Bucharest have been virtually relegated from League One of the Romanian domestic football championship. In the 12th round of League Ones Group 1 stage, Juventus sustained a 1-3 home defeat in the fixture they played against Concordia Chiajna. So Juventus had no choice other that leave the championships elite echelon after only one season in League One.

    In another fixture, Dinamo grabbed a 2-nil home win against FC Voluntari. The 12th round will also see Gaz Metan Medias taking on Sepsi Sfantu Gheorghe, while FC Botosani will face Poli Timisoara. With 23 points on their record sheet, Poli Timisoara are the last-but-one team in the as-it-stands table, while Sepsi are the bottom-of-the-table team, with 16 points. Both teams will be relegated to the second league. Two rounds before the end of the competition season, FC Voluntari are the 6th-placed team with 25 points and will play a playoff match to maintain their position in League One.

    Representing FC Hermannstandt, former football manager Viorel Hizo and former international footballer Gheorghe Craioveanu, representing CS Universitatea Craiova have been designated ambassadors of Romanian Cups final. The match is scheduled for Sunday, May 27, on the National Arena in Bucharest, starting 9 pm. Before the start, Hizo and Craioveanu will be showing the trophy to football fans at the National Arena. For ten years Viorel Hizo was signed up by ASA Sibiu, while over 1991 and 1993 Hizo was head coach for Inter Sibiu, a team with which he won the Balkan Cup in 1995. Gheorghe Craioveanu played for Universitatea Craiova between 1991 and 1995. Craioveanu scored 61 goals for Universitatea and played 129 matches for his team.

    The president of the “Catalin Haldan Stand” Association of Dinamo Football Club Supporters, Cristian Haldan, has stated that in time, fans intend to buy as many shares as possible of the FC Dinamo football club, through the socios project, titled DDB. Thus supporters can have a bigger say in the clubs Managing Board. Haldan has also stated that the association is set to speed up the pace of construction works for the new Dinamo stadium. Former Dinamo footballer Claudiu Vaiscovici, who is also a member of the DDB board, has stated that he wants to see as many Dinamo fans as possible joining the socios project. (translated by Eugen Nasta)

  • Football Flash

    Football Flash

    Juventus Bucharest have been virtually relegated from League One of the Romanian domestic football championship. In the 12th round of League Ones Group 1 stage, Juventus sustained a 1-3 home defeat in the fixture they played against Concordia Chiajna. So Juventus had no choice other that leave the championships elite echelon after only one season in League One.

    In another fixture, Dinamo grabbed a 2-nil home win against FC Voluntari. The 12th round will also see Gaz Metan Medias taking on Sepsi Sfantu Gheorghe, while FC Botosani will face Poli Timisoara. With 23 points on their record sheet, Poli Timisoara are the last-but-one team in the as-it-stands table, while Sepsi are the bottom-of-the-table team, with 16 points. Both teams will be relegated to the second league. Two rounds before the end of the competition season, FC Voluntari are the 6th-placed team with 25 points and will play a playoff match to maintain their position in League One.

    Representing FC Hermannstandt, former football manager Viorel Hizo and former international footballer Gheorghe Craioveanu, representing CS Universitatea Craiova have been designated ambassadors of Romanian Cups final. The match is scheduled for Sunday, May 27, on the National Arena in Bucharest, starting 9 pm. Before the start, Hizo and Craioveanu will be showing the trophy to football fans at the National Arena. For ten years Viorel Hizo was signed up by ASA Sibiu, while over 1991 and 1993 Hizo was head coach for Inter Sibiu, a team with which he won the Balkan Cup in 1995. Gheorghe Craioveanu played for Universitatea Craiova between 1991 and 1995. Craioveanu scored 61 goals for Universitatea and played 129 matches for his team.

    The president of the “Catalin Haldan Stand” Association of Dinamo Football Club Supporters, Cristian Haldan, has stated that in time, fans intend to buy as many shares as possible of the FC Dinamo football club, through the socios project, titled DDB. Thus supporters can have a bigger say in the clubs Managing Board. Haldan has also stated that the association is set to speed up the pace of construction works for the new Dinamo stadium. Former Dinamo footballer Claudiu Vaiscovici, who is also a member of the DDB board, has stated that he wants to see as many Dinamo fans as possible joining the socios project. (translated by Eugen Nasta)

  • Football Flash

    Football Flash

    Offensive midfielder Alexandru Ionuţ Mitriţă has extended his contract with
    Universitatea Craiova until the summer of 2021, Universitatea Craiova football
    club has announced. In the current season, Mitriţă has been used in 20 matches,
    of which 17 were in League One’s regular season, two in the Europa League, in
    fixtures against AC Milan, and one match counting towards the Cup of Romania.
    All told, Mitrita scored eight goals. He was transferred in the summer of 2017
    from the Italian team Pescara.

    CFR Cluj, League
    One’s current leader, has had an auspicious start in their training stage in
    Spain. CFR has trounced Spanish fourth league team CD Castellon, 4-nil. The
    Romanian team’s opener was provided by the Spaniards’ own goal, then Ovidiu
    Hoban, Juan Culio and Valentin Costache scored the other three goals for CFR

    Southern Romanian
    team Concordia Chiajna has also had an auspicious start in their training stage
    in Turkey. In Antalya, Concordia thrashed Turkmen team Ahal, 4-1. With Ion
    Moldovan at the helm, Concordia’s Paul Batin, Marius Pena and Cristian Bud
    scored for their team, with the latter footballer scoring twice. Concordia’s
    second friendly match is scheduled for January the 20th, when the
    Romanians will take on the Georgian team Tbilisi.

    Another southern
    Romania team, FC Voluntari, are also in Antalya, on a training stage made of four scheduled confrontations.
    Claudiu Niculescu’s trainees face Polish team Pogon Szczecin on January 20th.
    On January 22nd, FC Voluntari will play Turkish team Alanyaspor,
    while on January 25th the Romanian team is to take on Bosnian
    contenders Sloboda Tuzla. FC Voluntari’s adversary for the fourth game is yet
    to be decided in the coming days.

  • Football Flash

    Football Flash

    Offensive midfielder Alexandru Ionuţ Mitriţă has extended his contract with
    Universitatea Craiova until the summer of 2021, Universitatea Craiova football
    club has announced. In the current season, Mitriţă has been used in 20 matches,
    of which 17 were in League One’s regular season, two in the Europa League, in
    fixtures against AC Milan, and one match counting towards the Cup of Romania.
    All told, Mitrita scored eight goals. He was transferred in the summer of 2017
    from the Italian team Pescara.

    CFR Cluj, League
    One’s current leader, has had an auspicious start in their training stage in
    Spain. CFR has trounced Spanish fourth league team CD Castellon, 4-nil. The
    Romanian team’s opener was provided by the Spaniards’ own goal, then Ovidiu
    Hoban, Juan Culio and Valentin Costache scored the other three goals for CFR

    Southern Romanian
    team Concordia Chiajna has also had an auspicious start in their training stage
    in Turkey. In Antalya, Concordia thrashed Turkmen team Ahal, 4-1. With Ion
    Moldovan at the helm, Concordia’s Paul Batin, Marius Pena and Cristian Bud
    scored for their team, with the latter footballer scoring twice. Concordia’s
    second friendly match is scheduled for January the 20th, when the
    Romanians will take on the Georgian team Tbilisi.

    Another southern
    Romania team, FC Voluntari, are also in Antalya, on a training stage made of four scheduled confrontations.
    Claudiu Niculescu’s trainees face Polish team Pogon Szczecin on January 20th.
    On January 22nd, FC Voluntari will play Turkish team Alanyaspor,
    while on January 25th the Romanian team is to take on Bosnian
    contenders Sloboda Tuzla. FC Voluntari’s adversary for the fourth game is yet
    to be decided in the coming days.

  • Fotbal flash

    Fotbal flash

    Echipa de fotbal Concordia Chiajna a reuşit una dintre cele
    mai mari surprize din actuala ediţie a primei ligi române. Evoluând în
    deplasare la Dinamo Bucureşti, Concordia s-a impus cu scorul de 3-2. Jocul a
    contat pentru etapa a 11-a a campionatului şi ar fi trebuit să se desfăşoare pe
    20 septembrie, dar a fost amânat din cauza condiţiilor meteo. Interesant este
    că echipa din Chiajna a câştigat exact în faţa fostului ei antrenor, Vasile
    Miriuţă, care a trecut, recent, la Dinamo după plecarea lui Cosmin Contra,
    fostul antrenor al bucureştenilor, la Naţională.

    În jocul de miercuri, Dinamo a deschis scorul în minutul 12
    prin Rivaldinho. Gazdele controlau partida, însă Concordia a egalat la prima sa
    ocazie de gol, în minutul 30, după ce Paul Batin a profitat de o greşeală a
    fundaşului spaniol José Romera. Dinamo a trecut din nou în avantaj în debutul
    reprizei secunde, în minutul 47, prin Paul Anton, care a înscris cu capul după
    un corner executat de Sergiu Hanca. Concordia a egalat în minutul 64, printr-o
    execuţie splendidă a ex-dinamovistului Claudiu Bumba. Scorul final a fost
    stabilit în minutul 83, de Batin, după o lovitură de colţ. În clasament, Dinamo
    se află pe locul 7, iar Concordia, pe 11.

    Miercuri au avut loc jocuri în Liga Campionilor. Arbitrul
    român Ovidiu Haţegan a condus la centru întâlnirea dintre Sporting Lisabona şi
    Barcelona, din cadrul grupei D, câştigată de catalani cu 1 la 0. Dintre
    celelalte rezultate ale zilei de miercuri, să notăm victoria clară a echipei
    franceze Paris Saint-Germain în faţa grupării germane Bayern München – scor 3
    la 0, şi succesul cu 5 la 0 înregistrat de elveţienii de la FC Basel împotriva
    echipei portugheze Benfica.

  • Fotbal flash

    Fotbal flash

    Echipa de fotbal Concordia Chiajna a reuşit una dintre cele
    mai mari surprize din actuala ediţie a primei ligi române. Evoluând în
    deplasare la Dinamo Bucureşti, Concordia s-a impus cu scorul de 3-2. Jocul a
    contat pentru etapa a 11-a a campionatului şi ar fi trebuit să se desfăşoare pe
    20 septembrie, dar a fost amânat din cauza condiţiilor meteo. Interesant este
    că echipa din Chiajna a câştigat exact în faţa fostului ei antrenor, Vasile
    Miriuţă, care a trecut, recent, la Dinamo după plecarea lui Cosmin Contra,
    fostul antrenor al bucureştenilor, la Naţională.

    În jocul de miercuri, Dinamo a deschis scorul în minutul 12
    prin Rivaldinho. Gazdele controlau partida, însă Concordia a egalat la prima sa
    ocazie de gol, în minutul 30, după ce Paul Batin a profitat de o greşeală a
    fundaşului spaniol José Romera. Dinamo a trecut din nou în avantaj în debutul
    reprizei secunde, în minutul 47, prin Paul Anton, care a înscris cu capul după
    un corner executat de Sergiu Hanca. Concordia a egalat în minutul 64, printr-o
    execuţie splendidă a ex-dinamovistului Claudiu Bumba. Scorul final a fost
    stabilit în minutul 83, de Batin, după o lovitură de colţ. În clasament, Dinamo
    se află pe locul 7, iar Concordia, pe 11.

    Miercuri au avut loc jocuri în Liga Campionilor. Arbitrul
    român Ovidiu Haţegan a condus la centru întâlnirea dintre Sporting Lisabona şi
    Barcelona, din cadrul grupei D, câştigată de catalani cu 1 la 0. Dintre
    celelalte rezultate ale zilei de miercuri, să notăm victoria clară a echipei
    franceze Paris Saint-Germain în faţa grupării germane Bayern München – scor 3
    la 0, şi succesul cu 5 la 0 înregistrat de elveţienii de la FC Basel împotriva
    echipei portugheze Benfica.

  • Săptămâna sportivă – 15.07.2013

    Săptămâna sportivă – 15.07.2013

    Incepem rubrica noastra de la aceasta oră cu fotbal. Sâmbătă, la Bucureşti, Rapid a trecut cu 2 la 1, după prelungiri, de Concordia Chiajna, într-un joc de baraj pentru Liga Întâi. Chiajna a condus până în minutul 83, când rapidiştii au egalat. S-au disputat apoi două reprize de prelungiri. In primele minute ale timpului suplimentar, Rapid a înscris din nou, iar scorul nu s-a mai schimbat până în final. Vă amintim că jocul de baraj s-a disputat dupa o hotărâre a Federaţiei Române de Fotbal. Iniţial, ambele echipe ar fi trebuit retrogradate. Rapidul nu îndeplinea condiţiile necesare licenţei pentru Liga Intâi, din cauza datoriilor, iar Chiajna a ocupat, în sezonul trecut, locul 15 în primul eşalon, poziţie retrogradabilă. Cum însă Federaţia a decis, la presiunea cluburilor şi a posturilor de televiziune care transmit jocurile primei divizii, ca Liga Întâi să aibă 18 echipe, a fost nevoie de completarea unui loc liber… Anterior disputării barajului, Concordia Chiajna a anunţat însă că a decis să conteste hotărârea Federaţiei la Tribunalul de Arbitraj pentru Sport de la Lausanne.

    Jucătoarea română de tenis Simona Halep a câştigat cel de-al treilea turneu WTA din acest sezon. Ea s-a impus la Budapesta, unde premiile au totalizat 235 de mii de dolari. In finală, românca a câştigat cu 6-3, 6-7, 6-1 în faţa austriecei Yvonne Meusburger. Anterior, Simona Halep câştigase la Nurnberg şi s’Hertogenbosch, fiind a doua jucătoare din lume la numărul de turnee adjudecate în 2013, după Serena Williams. In acest moment, Simona se află pe locul 23 în clasamentul WTA, cea mai bună poziţie din cariera sa şi cea mai bună clasare românească a momentului.

    La Tampere, în Finlanda, au avut loc Campionatele europene de atletism pentru sportivi sub 23 de ani. Delegaţia României a obţinut în total 4 medalii. Maria Lavric a cucerit, în probele individuale, o medalie de aur, la 800 m, şi una de argint, la 400 m. Tot cu argint a fost recompensat şi Nicolae Soare, la 10.000 m, la fel ca ca şi ştafeta feminină de 4×400 m.

    Tot din atletism, dar de la campionatele mondiale de juniori desfăşurate la Doneţk, în Ucraina, sportiva româncă Florentina Marincu se întoarce cu două medalii de aur. Ea s-a impus întâi la triplusalt, cu un rezultat de 13 metri şi 75 de centimetri, apoi la săritura în lungime, cu 6 metri şi 42 de centimetri.

    In încheiere, vă amintim că puteţi găsi rubrica noastră sportivă şi pe Internet, mai exact pe site-ul web www.rri.ro, precum şi în reţeaua Facebook, pe profilul postului Radio România Internaţional.